How to Determine Different Number Ranges for Billing Documents Based on the Sales Organization

September 16, 2017 | Author: Anupa Wijesinghe | Category: Linked In, Websites, Data, Information Science, Software
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Short Description

Document numbers for billing documents in SAP are triggered via the number range assigned to billing type in the IMG pat...


Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Requirement ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Solution ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Technical Data ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Introduction Document numbers for billing documents in SAP are triggered via the number range assigned to billing type in the IMG path: SPRO -> Sales and Distribution / Billing / Billing Documents / Define Billing Types.

This number range (Eg: "19") is defined under the IMG path: SPRO -> SPRO -> Sales and Distribution / Billing / Billing Documents / Define Number Ranges for Billing Documents

Requirement As the number range is assigned to the billing document type, you cannot determine different number ranges for the same billing document type in different sales organization. For example, if you have two sales organizations in the system and you want to have two different number ranges for billing document type "F2" for those two sales organizations, then SAP standard number range setting cannot be used directly. But this is possible via use exits in the billing document creation.

Solution 

First you need define number ranges per each sales organization under below IMG path:

Then you have to design a custom table (Let's say "ZINVNORANGE") which can be maintained via the transaction SM30 with below columns. o Billing Document Type (FKART) o Sales Organization (VKORG) o Number range (NRNR) Using transaction SM30, now you can define the number ranges for each Billing document type for each sales organization. Now you need ABAP help to code the billing creation user exit to trigger this table to determine the number range based on the sales organization / billing document type combination o Include - RV60AFZZ o User Exit - FORM USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE USING US_RANGE_INTERN

 

Here you need to include an ABAP code, which can select the correct number range from the mentioned Z table. If you have the correct code there, during billing document saving, system will trigger this user exist and find the relevant number range based on the entries in the Z table.

This will enable you to determine different number ranges based on the sales organization / Billing type combination.

Technical Data All number ranges are stored in the table “NRIV”

Author: Anupa Wijesinghe E-Mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Website: View my profile in LinkedIn Follow me on Twitter

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