How to Create Personal Eft Tapping Statements1

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How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements Simple EFT Instructions & What to Say By Eleanore Duyndam Host & Producer

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements Simple EFT Instructions & What to Say By Eleanore Duyndam

Table of Contents Greetings and Welcome!




Suggestions for Getting the Most from This Guide


Companion Audios


What is EFT?


Download Tapping Chart


How to Apply EFT


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements


How to Create and Use Positive Tapping Statements


What’s Stopping You From Tapping Now?


More EFT Resources


Disclaimer: Important note: All information in this PDF How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements is for educational purposes only. In no way is anything here intended to suggest that it is a substitute for proper medical care or good common sense. While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it. Further, Eleanore Duyndam is not a licensed health professional and offers EFT as a personal performance coach. Eleanore Duyndam does not claim to diagnose or treat any illness. These EFT oriented documents, websites, radio show and products are provided as a public courtesy to help expand the use of EFT in the world. While Gary Craig and EFT encourage such efforts, they cannot evaluate or endorse the multitudes of them that exist. Thus these documents, websites, radio show and products represent the good faith ideas of their creators, but not necessarily those of Gary Craig or EFT. The original version of EFT and complete training can be found at the World Center for EFT

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

Greetings and Welcome!

My name is Eleanore Duyndam and I want to share with you some of my personal experiences using EFT for my own healing. My results are not unusual, as many people have had similar experiences with EFT. I hope that what I have to say will inspire you to gain some skill using this amazing self-healing technique so that you can help yourself and others. I have been using EFT since the mid 1990’s, mostly to improve my self-esteem, enhance my creativity, and resolve emotional pain from childhood memories. But what I'm really excited about is that I have used EFT in a very focused way to improve my eyesight, so that I no longer need glasses for reading or distance. I also want you to know that I had chronic migraine headaches for 20 years and fibromyalgia for 15 years, and now I am pain free! I no longer have fibromyalgia symptoms and I no longer have migraines. I believe that you can be pain free too! Tens of thousands of people have had similar results getting relief from physical and mental issues by using EFT. My healing began with the decision that I was going to do whatever it took to feel better, and I wasn’t going to stop trying until I succeeded in being free from those problems. Fortunately, I was introduced to EFT! I think that focus and persistence are two very important keys to getting good results with EFT. Our bodies and our minds are very fluid and we can easily transform both by using EFT. Even though using EFT looks strange and the process seems almost like a magical incantation - do not dismiss it as too simple to work. You have an extraordinary tool in your hands now. Take the time learn it and it will set you free! Aloha, Eleanore Duyndam

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements


“I would use EFT more often, but I get confused and

don’t know what to say while tapping!”

Not knowing what to say (how to identify issues and formulate tapping statements) is the number one reason people don’t persist with EFT. I wrote this eGuide to answer the question that I often get asked:

“How do I know what to say while tapping?”

If you follow the instructions and do the work outlined in this eGuide, you will come up with very powerful personal tapping statements that reveal and address your core issues. You will be creating your own tapping scripts about what’s most important to you! By following the instructions in this eGuide you’ll never be at a loss for words when tapping. Even if you are already working with a skilled EFT Practitioner, please use these instructions to create “homework” for yourself between sessions. This will make the time spent with your EFT Practitioner more effective, and you’ll save money by taking responsibility for your own progress. I’m sure your EFT Practitioner would appreciate all the “homework” you’re doing between sessions. The personal EFT tapping statements that you have created for yourself can also be used in your sessions to tap together with your coach, as well as to measure your progress. I’ve included some simple EFT instructions to get you started, but this eGuide is not meant to be a complete EFT manual. It will not tell you about: the history of EFT, the theory of EFT, why EFT works, nor will it teach you advanced techniques. If you'd like to know all those things, and have the complete instructions on Emotional Freedom Techniques, then I highly recommend that you download and read the free EFT Manual by EFT Founder, Gary Craig. It is his gift to you! And if you’re a visual learner and really want to advance your EFT skills, you may want to check out Gary Craig's EFT Instructional DVDs.

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

Suggestions for Getting the Most from This Guide To get results with EFT you will need to do more than just read about it. You actually have to do the tapping, and I don't mean just a few rounds! EFT is known for the creating “One Minute Wonders”; that is where amazing results happen very quickly. But that doesn’t always happen, and if it’s a particularly complex or deep issue, you may need to tap every day for several weeks. That seems like a small amount of effort to pay to get complete relief from a serious chronic issue. This is where persistence pays off. It's worth it! You'll get results quicker if you do some journaling, as described in this guide. That is how I how used EFT to become free of migraines, free of fibromyalgia, improve my eyesight and become financially successful. No kidding! It's very powerful stuff!

This eGuide has a companion audio recording from the EFT Class radio show :

What to Say While Tapping to Get Great Results with EFT

Are you an EFT Newbie? I will say it again, you will really benefit from downloading and reading the free EFT Manual by Gary Craig. You may also find this audio Intro to EFT – EFT 101 from the online radio show EFT Class, to be helpful. So if you're feeling confused, please take the time to listen to it and tap along using the tapping chart:

Intro to EFT – EFT-101

Are you experienced with using EFT? If you're already an experienced user of EFT, feel free to go ahead and skip to page 11 to read about How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements.

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

What is EFT? EFT is a self-healing and peak performance tool that brings relief from emotional and physical problems by using key phrases while tapping on the body’s acupuncture meridians. EFT is based on the ancient knowledge of the body's energy system and has been proven successful in thousands of clinical cases. This system of tapping can be used for just about every emotional, health and performance issue you can name.

Tens of thousands of people worldwide are now using EFT for:            

Addictive Cravings: food, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc. Children's Issues: bed wetting, nightmares, nail biting, etc. Pain Management & Physical Healing Painful Memories - Trauma Grief, Guilt, Loss and Love Pain Allergies & Breathing Difficulties Performance Enhancing: Sports, Sales, etc. Learning Disorders; including Dyslexia, ADHD, etc. Fears and Phobias; including fear of flying, heights, dogs, etc. Insomnia, Anxiety, Anger Procrastination & indecisiveness Chronic Health Issues & Serious Diseases And much more...

EFT is very effective at enhancing:    

Concentration & Relaxation Confidence & Self-Esteem Peak Performance: sales, academic, sports, artistic, public speaking Relationship

The beauty of EFT is that anyone can learn how to apply it on themselves.     

EFT often works where nothing else will. It is usually rapid, long lasting and gentle. EFT doesn’t use drugs. It is easily learned by young and old alike. EFT is self empowering – you can do it for yourself.

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

80% of people achieve either noticeable improvement or complete alleviation of the issue after applying EFT. Are you ready to try something different? You don’t need months or years of therapy to resolve issues. With EFT, it’s possible for specific issues to be dissolved in minutes – forever!

Download Printable EFT Tapping Chart by Clicking Here

How to Apply EFT Please note: these are only very basic EFT instructions – like a “cheat sheet'. For complete instructions please read the free EFT Manual by Gary Craig.

1. DEFINE THE ISSUE Identify a specific emotional, mental or physical issue. Focus on and name the emotion, thoughts, or physical sensation you are experiencing. It is best to be very specific, but If you really cannot name the specific feeling, just call it "this emotion," or "this pain”. For example: “I feel enraged, and like my head is going to explode, when I think of _____(insert upsetting memory)______. “I feel a throbbing pain in my lower back on the left side” “I feel anxiety in my stomach when I think of my upcoming presentation at work”

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

EFT is highly effective at resolving negative issues (“problems”) and this is what we will be focusing on in these first instructions. EFT is also used for personal growth, peak performance, and creating a life you love, by affirming positive statements. See page for how to create and work with Positive Tapping Statements

2. RATE THE PROBLEM Rate the INTENSITY of the issue on a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being the most intense and zero being no intensity at all. You will use this rating to judge how you are progressing. 0 – I have no tension, feelings or discomfort when I think of this issue. It is a nonissue and I feel neutral about it. It is resolved. 5 – I feel quite annoyed that I have this problem and it disrupts my life. 10 – When I think of this problem I am at the breaking point, it is the worst thing, it is very painful and I can hardly stand it.

3. CREATE YOUR TAPPING PHRASE – The Set-up Statement “Even though I ____(state the problem)____, I still deeply and completely accept myself” The Set-Up Statement consists of identifying what is bothering you (stating the problem) and then affirming self-acceptance. Many people find it difficult to say “I completely accept myself”. It's alright to say it even if you don’t believe it. It is also helpful to say the acceptance statement with emphasis; it's not necessary to, but some people even shout it or jump up and down while saying it, and that can be fun! Example of “stating the issue”: “Even though I have this anger at ______when I think of ______,…” “Even though my knee aches when I go for walks…”

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

Examples of acceptance statements: (you can be creative and make up your own) …I still deeply and completely accept myself” …I still honor and respect myself” …I choose to forgive myself.”

4. APPLY COMPLETE ROUND OF EFT O.K., here’s how you do it. Download the EFT Tapping Chart if haven’t already. It's helpful to look at the EFT Tapping Chart to better understand these instructions.

While continually tapping on the “karate chop” KC point on the side of the hand, say the Set-Up Statement 3x: “Even though ________(state the problem)________, I still deeply and completely accept myself”

Then while tapping each point starting at the top of the head and going down the body (TH, EB, SE, UE, UN, CH, CB, UA), say a reminder phrase which consists of “the problem”. (see tapping chart for points) For example, a phrase reminding you of the issue could be: “this guilt about ______” “this anger at ______ “this allergic reaction” or simply “this sadness”

5. RE-EVALUATE Once a full round of EFT is complete, take a deep breath and focus on the emotion or physical issue you were addressing. Rate the intensity of the ORIGINAL issue on the 0 to 10 scale. Then compare this number with the original rating you gave it before you began EFT. You will either feel COMPLETE relief, PARTIAL relief, or NO relief.

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

When there is PARTIAL RELIEF in the level of intensity continue with another round or two of EFT. Once your SUDS intensity rating on this issues is below 4 then the REMAINDER of the problem needs to be addressed with another round or two of EFT. In the subsequent rounds, it is important to adjust the Setup Statement and the Reminder Phrase to address the rest of the emotion or feeling. This time, during the Set-Up Statement use wording similar to, "Even though I still have some _____(state the issue)___, I deeply and completely accept myself". For the reminder phrase say: "This remaining ____(issue)___" while tapping the points going from the top of the head down.

Do as many rounds of EFT as necessary until the intensity of your issue is a zero. If you experience NO RELIEF after a few rounds of tapping then follow some of the tips below.

Tips for Effectiveness The Basic Recipe of EFT is a powerful tool, about 80% effective. An even higher success rate is possible when you have some advanced skills and experience using EFT. 

Be Persistent - Don’t give up! – Make tapping a habit

Be More Specific - Choose specific incidents, memories, or specific body sensations to tap on.

Say the set-up with emphasis, stand, shout, get involved.

A core issue may need to be addressed – do some more journaling about the issue or have a skilled and experienced EFT Practitioner help you.

Download and study the free EFT Manual by Gary Craig and then apply the more advanced EFT techniques such as: 9G, Collarbone Breathing Technique, Movie Technique etc., as explained in the manual.

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

Here’s how to find personal & powerful tapping statements:

1. Get a big notebook to write in. Now, spend some time exploring your thoughts and feelings about ____(your issue)____ . Write down all your thoughts freely. Give yourself permission to exaggerate and be overly dramatic with your statements. They do not need to be “true” statements, they are just your thoughts & feelings freely expressed. “Tell your story”. Use the “Questions for Journaling” to help prompt your writing (see below). 2. Now, read your journal writings over. Do any of the statements stand out as significant? Do any of the sentences have more feeling attached to them? Highlight those meaningful sentences and use them as tapping statements when you apply the EFT recipe.

“Even though __(insert statement from journal)__, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself”.

Questions and Prompts to Help You Journal You can use the questions below to help you discover key thoughts & feelings that might be contributing to the issue. Some of the questions may be applicable to your issue and some may not. You will find powerful statements to use for tapping by journaling and exploring these questions. Be as specific as possible and add details such as accompanying sights, sounds, tastes, smells, words spoken or heard. Questions for Journaling: 

What is bothering you? What is the problem?

Where do you feel it in your body? Describe how it feels.

Do you remember the first time you felt it?

Do you remember a specific event around this ________?

When did this issue begin? How old were you?

What was happening in your life (or the lives of people close to you) just prior to this issue beginning?

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

Does this issue remind you of another time, situation, or person from your past?

If there were an emotional reason for this issue, what do you think it might be?

What is your theory on why you have this issue?

What have others (doctors, books, parents, TV, etc.) told you about this issue?

Does anyone else in your family have this issue?

Are there certain times or situations when this issue is worse?

Is there a place in your body that you are storing this issue? A place in your body where you feel discomfort? What does it feel like?

Are there any physical health issues that are manifesting along with this issue?

Would it be alright or acceptable to be over this issue?

What kind of person would you be if you let go of this issue?

What does this issue excuse you from having to be or do?

How would you know if this issue was resolved? Describe what it would be like if you no longer had this problem. What would you do? How would you feel?

What kind of person does it make you that you have this issue?

If you could wave a magic wand and have your life be any way you want it to be….What do you want? How do you want to feel? What do you want to do? What do you want to have happen?

List the things that are HOLDING YOU BACK from living a happy life.

If my issue could talk it would tell me that ______________.

This issue represents the conflict I have about ___________.

What are the advantages of keeping this problem?

I am afraid that if I _________ then ____________will happen.

If only I ____________ then ________________.

I could be/do _______________ if only ______________.

I can’t let go of this ________because___________.

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

Circle the major emotion(s) you think might be connected to this issue.


















vengefulness hatred






self pity



loss grief


anxiety yearning



worry distress














Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

How to Create and Use Positive Tapping Statements Using positive tapping statements can be quite invigorating and powerful. If you don’t feel comfortable using “negative” tapping statements, then you may want to start with positive statements. Both are effective, so do what feels best to you. Here is what you do….

STEP 1. Take the time to write some positive statements in your journal. These are statements about the life you DO want and the direction you are choosing to go in. Make sure that you state what you DO WANT, not what you don’t want. Examples: Not this way:

“I am no longer fat”

Yes, this way:

“I love having an attractive, strong and slender body”

How to Discover Personal Positive Tapping Statements There are two ways to do this: Write the opposite - You can take the negative statements about your life that you wrote in your journal and you can translate them into their opposites. Ask yourself, “If I don’t want this negative thing…then what do I want instead?” Or Use these questions below to stimulate your positive journal writing: 

If I could wave a magic wand and have my life be exactly how I want it, what would my life look like?

What would my ideal life feel like? What would I be doing?

How do I really want to feel? How do I want to be?

How do I want other’s to respond to me?

What do I want to have in my life?

What do I really want to do in my life? What do I want to accomplish?

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

What do I want to be known for?

Who do I want to be friends with?

How do I want to spend my time?

How do I want others to speak and feel about me?

What would I like to be good at?

What do I want to give? What are my gifts?

If money was not an issue what would I want to do, be, and have?

If I could design my ideal career, what would it be?

What is my personal definition of success?

What makes me happy and what do I want more of in my life?

What would I no longer be doing if my life were perfect in every respect?

Now, When you write out the answers, write the statements starting with: I am… I feel… I know… I can… I will… I have… I’ve decided… etc.

Examples of Positive Statements: • “I am feeling the love that is all around me and I am having fun with my new friends” • “I am excited to be fulfilling my life purpose by teaching ________ to ________” • “I know exactly what I want” • “I have something important to say and I’m going to say it.” • “I'm enjoying having a beautiful and healthy body”

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

Step 2. First thing in the morning and throughout the day (not recommended at night – too energizing!) repeat your positive statements out loud (the louder the better) while tapping on the EFT Tapping points. Start at the top of your head and repeat the positive statements as you are tapping the points down the body. You do not need to believe the affirmations… just say them as if you do!

Your positive tapping statements should be pleasant to you and feel good when you say them. Find the words that have meaning to you.

What’s Stopping You from Tapping Now? Occasionally, I get an email from someone who downloaded this eGuide and says that they still don’t know what to say while tapping. Usually what this really means is: “I don’t really enjoy doing this type of thing on my own. I would rather follow the lead of a practitioner during a live session” “I don’t trust the process. I don’t feel confident enough to do it on my own” “I didn’t know it would take so much focus and effort on my part” Not everyone is comfortable doing it on their own, and there’s nothing wrong with getting help. If you can afford to see an EFT Practitioner, it is the preferred way! There are EFT Practitioners all over the world. And if you can’t find a practitioner in your area, pick one from anywhere in the world (most do phone sessions). Creating your own tapping statements and then doing EFT on your own does take some work! You have to spend time with yourself and be willing to write down your thoughts, no matter how silly…how crappy…how unpleasant…how shameful … how embarrassing…how worthless…how whiney…how frustrating …whatever they may be! You decide if you are more comfortable being a do-it-yourselfer or if you would rather work with a practitioner.

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


How to Create Personal EFT Tapping Statements

More EFT Resources – EFT Class - Online weekly radio show featuring different EFT topics and EFT Experts. Call in to get your EFT questions answered

The World Center for EFT – The Founder of EFT, Gary Craig’s site. Thousands of articles on EFT, Questions & Answers section, a search engine. You can get the free EFT Get Started Package and EFT Trainings on DVDs

Pain Relief with EFT - EFT Pain Relief experts, Rick Wilkes and EFT Master, Carol Look, have a really great website with comprehensive help for pain sufferers.

EFT for Grief & Loss – Eliminate the overwhelming feelings of pain and hopelessness that accompany grief.

Tapping Scripts and EFT Audios on a large variety of EFT subjects – Check out the Free anxiety tapping script and audio.

School Made Much Easier with EFT - The FREE School Made Much Easier Manual and tools to help parents, teachers, and children use EFT.

Personal Peace Procedure Workbook – Using the EFT Personal Peace Procedure Workbook is the key to freeing yourself from the pain of the unresolved negative life experiences..

Energy Profiling System – Website of the Best Selling Author and Master Energy Therapist Carol Tuttle.

Tools for Creating a Successful EFT Practice - Some of the top EFT Masters, practitioners and very successful business owners giving you all the details you need to get your business up and successful as soon as possible.

TAPPY BEAR – cuddly toy bear with EFT Tapping points, used to teach EFT to children and adults.

EFT Documentary Film – Try It On Everything

Eleanore Duyndam © 2006, 2009


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