How to Create Own Toolbars and Menu With PML Addins1

December 17, 2016 | Author: Sanja Baraba | Category: N/A
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AVEVA PDMS/MARINE Step-By-Step Tutorial

HOW TO CREATE OWN TOOLBARS AND MENUS WITH PML ADDINS Prerequisites : 1.User-defined PMLLIB and PDMSUI in appropriate PML1/2 search paths SET PMLLIB=\\servername\COMPANY-MACRO\PMLLIB %PMLLIB% SET PDMSUI=\\servername\COMPANY-MACRO\PDMSUI %PDMSUI% Method 1. PML-Addin 1.In user folder %PDMSUI%\DES\ADDINS create a file (no extension needed) – myCompanyAddin with following contents:

name: myCompanyAddin object: MyCompanyToolbarMenuObject

Here: name – is the name PML-Addin object – is the name of PML-object which this addin linked to and which contains PML-description of

toolbars and panels NB. Path for Design/Outfitting addins must be exactly the same as mentioned because for PML1 files names of folders within %PDMSUI% have a meaning For Draft/Outfitting Draft addins it is %PDMSUI%\DRA\ADDINS For Paragon addins it is %PDMSUI%\CAT\ADDINS

2.In user folder %PMLLIB%\ADDONS create a PML-object, a file called MyCompanyToolbarMenuObject.pmlobj with UTF-8 coding with following contents: define object MyCompanyToolbarMenuObject endobject define method .MyCompanyToolbarMenuObject () endmethod define method .modifyMenus() !this.barMenu() !this.menus() endmethod define method .modifyForm() !this.toolbars() endmethod define method .barMenu() --define of new bar menu !newmenu = object APPBARMENU() !newmenu.add(|My Company Menu|, 'mnuCompany') --add menu to allow it in all applications of Design/Outfitting !!appMenuCntrl.addBarMenu(!newmenu, 'ALL') --end of menu definition endmethod

define method .menus()

AVEVA PDMS/MARINE Step-By-Step Tutorial --add items into newly created bar menu mnuCompany !menu = object APPMENU('mnuCompany') --new item with callback (example – dblisting form) !menu.add('CALLBACK', |Call Dblisting form|, 'show !!rptoutput free') --new submenu name mnuPipe !menu.add('MENU', |Piping|, 'mnuPipe') !!appMenuCntrl.addMenu(!menu, 'All') --end of definition --fill submenu mnuPipe with items !menu = object APPMENU('mnuPipe') !menu.add('CALLBACK', |Create Pipe|, 'CALLP IPIPE FPIPE') !!appMenuCntrl.addMenu(!menu, 'All') --end of submenu definition endmethod --toolbar define method .toolbars() --toolbar definition frame .barCompany TOOLBAR 'My company toolbar' button .b1 tooltip 'Open command window' pixmap /%PMLLIB%\Icons\redbutton32.png width 32 height 32 callback 'show _CADCBTH' exit !!appTbarCntrl.addToolbar('barCompany', 'ALL') --end of toolbar definition Endmethod NB. The picture-file and the path for the toolbar icon (marked in yellow) must exists otherwise no icon will be displayed and system gives a message of unable to find file. Size of the picture is 32x32

3.Run PDMS or Marine Outfitting If there is an error like shown below

then close message and type in white window PML REHASH ALL command then type DESIGN (for entering PDMS Design) or OUTFITTING (for entering Marine Outfitting)

AVEVA PDMS/MARINE Step-By-Step Tutorial


NB. You can simply add then new buttons to your panel by adding new lines with new buttons descriptions into frame container: Example: button .b2 tooltip 'Query attributes' pixmap /%PMLLIB%\Icons\greenbutton.png width 32 height 32 callback 'Q ATT' Just be sure all paths and files are exists You can also call for a simple macroses placing the callback like button .b3 tooltip 'Call my macro' pixmap /%PMLLIB%\Icons\bluebutton.png width 32 height 32 callback '$M/path/macro.pmlmac'

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