How to Create a Kids Room With 3ds Max _ 2D 3D Tutorials

July 26, 2017 | Author: Nesshi S. Oliveira | Category: Autodesk 3ds Max, Vertex (Geometry), Camera, 3 D Computer Graphics, 2 D Computer Graphics
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How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max[1] [2]


Hi everyone, this is another tutorial about interior design. From this tutorial you will learn how to create a Room for kids. We will not be creating to many details, only the important parts as you see above. At bottom of tutorial you will find link to download sample of this tutorial in .max, .3ds, .obj formats. Let”s move on.



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

pfizer viagra[4] Step 1: We will start this tutorial by modeling the Chair. So, open or Reset 3ds Max and from Create, Shapes create a new Rectangle with 10 Interpolations steps, the Length 50.0cm, the Width 45.0cm and the corner Radius 4.0cm. Right click on the screen and Convert it to Editable Spline. [5]


Step 2: In the Modify tab check the box for Enable in Renderer and Viewport, change the Type to Radial, the Thickness between 1.0cm and 1.5cm and change the number of Side to 12. [7]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 3: From the Modifier List add an FFD 2x2x2 modifier. Select the bottom right Control Points and move the to the right using the Select and Move tool. [9]




How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

Step 4: Holding down SHIFT and using the Select and Move tool make a Clone of the object. Move them apart by the amount you want or think it”s right. [11]


Step 5: From Create, Geometry create a Plane with the Width and Length depending on how far apart are the to legs from each other. Convert the Plane to Editable Poly. [13]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 6: Go in the Modify tab, select the Edge selection mode, select the edge i”ve selected and Extrude it with an amount of -5.0cm and the Base Width of 0.0cm. [15]




How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

Step 7: Select the same edge, not the one resulted from extrude, and Chamfer it with an amount of 3.0cm and 2 Segments. [17]


Step 8: Select the back edge and also Extrude it with an amount of 40.0cm and a Base Width of 0.0cm. [19]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 9: In the Front viewport select the top Vertices and using the Select and Move tool move them to the right a little bit. [21]


Step 10: Now using the Select and Scale tool, select the top 2 vertices and



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

scale them down to 85 in the X axis direction. [23]


Step 11: Chamfer the back corner edge with an amount of 5.0cm and 3 Segemnts. [25]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 12: Select the edges i”ve selected below and Connect them with 6 Segments. [27]


Step 13: In Vertex selection mode select the vertices you see selected



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

below and from the Modifier list apply an FDD 3x3x3 to them. [29]


Step 14: In the Top viewport select the middle Control Points and using the Select and Move tool move them to the right. [31]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 15: To the same thing to the top middle Control Points only this time move them up. [33]


Step 16: Right click on the FDD modifier and chose Collapse to, in the Pop



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

up window click on Yes. You can also Convert the Object to Editable Poly instead of doing this. [35]


Step 17: Apply another FDD 3x3x3 modifier only this time to the bottom vertices. Move the middle Control Points down. [37]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 18: Connect the edges you see selected with 3 Segments. [39]


Step 19: Again, select the edges i”ve selected and Chamfer them with an amount of 2.0cm and1 Segment.



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials



Step 20: Go in Polygon selection mode, select 3 polygons and Inset them with an amount of 0.3cm. After the Inset press Del on your keyboard to Delete them. [43]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


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Step 21: From the Modifier list add a Shell modifier with the Outer amount of 1.0cm. [45]


Step 22: Convert the object to Editable Poly and go in Edge selection mode. Select the Corner edge and click on Ring. Connect the ringed edges with 2 Segments and a Pinch of 50. [47]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 23: Add a Turbosmooth modifier from the Modifier list and change the Iterations to 2. [49]


Step 24: We will now create the closet. To this this create a new Box from



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

Create, Geometry with the Length of, the Width, 100.0cm and the Height 50.0cm. Convert it to Editable Poly. [51]


Step 25: Extrude the top polygon with an amount of 4.0cm. Also Extrude the resulted polygon facing you from the previous extrusion with the same amount. [53]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 26: Press CTRL A to select all edges and Chamfer them with an amount of 0.1cm. [55]


Step 26b: For the Closet doors create 2 new boxes with the Length of



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

210.0cm, the Width of 49.5cm and the Height of 3.8cm. Using the Select and Move tool position them in front of the close to fit. [57]


Step 27: Convert one of the boxes to Editable Poly and using the Attach tool attach the other one to it. Click on Attach and click on the box to do this. [59]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 28: Select all of the edges by pressing CTRL A and Chamfer them with an amount of 0.1cm and 1 Segment. [61]


Step 29: To create the Handles go in Create, Geometry, Extended



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

Primitives and Create a L-Ext with the Side Length of -5.0cm, the Front Length of 5.0cm, The Side Width 1.0cm, the Front Width 3.0cm and the Height 90.0cm. [63]


Step 30: Convert the Object to Editable Poly and press CTRL A in Vertex selection mode to select all the vertices. Click on Weld. The Weld should have a very small amount. [65]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 31: In the Top viewport select and move the vertices as you see below using the Select and Move tool. [67]


Step 32: Select all of the edges except the corner ones. Chamfer them with



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

an amount of 0.1cm. [69]


Step 33: Now select the Corner edges and Chamfer them with an amount of 1.5cm and 8 Segments. [71]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 34: Go in Element selection mode, select the element and using the select and move tool clone it to the right holding SHIFT. After that, using the Select and Rotate tool rotate it 180 degrees. [73]


Step 35: Now using the tool we”ve learned until now we will create a small cabinet. Create a Box with the Length of 40cm, the Width of 40cm and the Height of 60c. Convert it to Editable Poly. Extrude the top polygon with 3.0cm, extrude the facing polygon with 3cm, chamfer all edges with 0.1cm, for the drawers create 3 new boxes with the Length of 40cm, the Width of 20cm and the Height of 3cm. Convert the to Editable Poly and Attach them together, chamfer all the edges with an amount of For the Handles simply copy the previously create one and scale it down. [75]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 36: Create a Cylinder from Create, Geometry, Standard Primitives with the Radius of 1.5cm and the Height of 5cm. Change the Cap Segments to 2 and the Sides to 24. Convert it to Editable Poly. [77]




How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

Step 37: Select the bottom edges using Loop and Chamfer them with an amount of 0.15cm and 4 Segments. [79]


Step 38: In Element selection mode clone this to element 3 times and position them like the legs of the cabinet should be positioned. [81]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 39: For the desk create a new Box with the Length of 140.0cm, the Width of 50.0cm and the Height of 3.0cm. Convert it to Editable Poly. [83]


Step 40: Chamfer the corner edge with 12 Segments and an amount of



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

15.0cm. [85]


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Step 41: Select the top and the bottom polygons and Inset the with an amount of 0.5cm. [87]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 42: Make a loop selection of the edges and Chamfer them with an amount of 0.1cm. [89]


Step 43: If you want to have more rounded corners simply change the



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

number of segments when chamfering in Step 42 and from the modifier list add a Smooth modifier. [91]


adobe creative suite cs2[93] Step 44: To create the book shelf simply create a new Box with the Length of 160cm, the Width of 30cm and the Height of 30cm. Change the Length segments to 5 and Convert it to Editable Poly. Chamfer the middle edges with an amount of 0.6cm. Using Connect with Slide add the Side edges. Again, using Connect with Slide add the Top and Bottom edges. Extrude the Polygons with an amount of -29cm. Chamfer all the Edges with an amount of 0.1cm. [94]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 45: In Element selection mode make a clone of the Shelf using the Select and Move tool and holding down SHIFT. [96]


Step 46: For the Bed create a new box with the Length of 120.0cm, the



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

Width of 240.0cm and the Height of 40.0cm. [98]


Step 47: Convert the box to Editable Poly, Inset the side polygon with an amount of 4cm, Extrude it with an amount of -5cm, Chamfer all edges with an amount of 0.1cm, create a new ChamferBox for the bed”s drawer with the Length of 33cm, the Width of 233cm and the Height of 4cm. Change the Fillet amount to 0.1cm. Copy the handle from previously made objects. [100]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 48: Make a new L-Ext as we did when we first created the Handle with the Side Length of 41.5cm, Front Length of -10.0cm, Side Width of 0.75cm, Front width of 0.75cm and the Height of 35.0cm. [102]




How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

Step 49: Chamfer all edges with an amount of 0.1cm. [104]


Step 50: For the mattress create a new box with the Length of 118cm, the Width of 236cm and the Height of 20cm. Change the Length segments to 20, the Width segments to 30 and the Height segments to 10. [106]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 51: From the Modifier list add a Relax modifier and change the Relax Value to 0.5 and the Iterations to 7. [108]


Step 52: From the Modifier list add a Turbosmooth modifier with 1



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

Iteration. [110]


Step 53: Now you can either add an Edit Poly modifier or convert the Object to Editable Poly. Using the Loop tool select the edges i”ve selected below and click on the box next to Create shape. Chose Smooth and click OK. [112]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 54: Press “H” to select from scene and select the new created shape. Check the boxes for Enable in Renderer and Viewpot, change the Type to Radial, the Thickness to 0.5cm. [114]




How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

Step 55: In polygons selection mode play a little bit with the Paint Deformation tool to create some bumps. Click Push/Pull to activate it, click on the mattress to Pull and hold ALT to Push. Change the value to 1.0cm and size 50cm for the top bumps. For the side bumps lower these values. [116]


Step 56: From Create, Geometry, AEC Extended create the Walls. Make the Width 12.7cm and the Height 300cm. Also position the objects in scene. [118]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 57: From Create, Camera create a new target camera and position it like below. Change the Lens to 35mm. Press “C” to go in Camera view and using the bottom right tool position it. Also if you right click on camera in the top left corner of the viewport you can activate the Safe Frame. You can also do this by pressing SHIFT F. [120]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 58: Now from Create, Geometry, Windows create a Sliding window in the Wall with the settings you see in the below image. This could take some time if you never did this before, take your time. Hint: Activate Snaps toggle, right click on it and check only the box for Edge/Segments to create the window more easy on the wall. [122]


Step 59: For the ceiling and the floor create 2 new boxes. [124]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


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Step 60: Click on Render Setup on the main toolbar or press F10. Go in Common tab and change the image resolution to 1024×768 or whatever you want. Click on the 3 dots next to Default Scanline Renderer, select Vray and click OK. Note: VRay dose not come with max, you must install it separately. [126]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 61: Press “M” to open material editor and select the first slot. Change it to VRayMtl by clicking on Standard and selecting VRayMtl. [128]


Step 62: Change the VrayMtl Diffuse color to RGB: 240, 237, 232 and assign



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

material to the walls and the ceiling by selecting them and clicking on Assign material to Selection. [130]


Step 63: Select the 2nd slot and change it to VRayMtl. Change the Refl. Glossiness to 0.87 and the Subdivs to 16. Click the small box next to Diffuse, select Bitmap and add this image(click to open).[132] [133]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 64: Click the Little box next to Refl. Glossiness and select Mix and click OK. [135]


Step 65: Change the Color 1 to RGB: 138, 138,138 and the Color 2 to RGB:



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

233, 233, 233. Click on None next to Mix amount, select Bitmap and add this image(click to open)[137]. [138]


Step 66: In Maps click on None next to Bump after changing the bump amount to 40, click on Bitmap and add this image(click to open)[140]. [141]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 67: Select the Floor and Assign the material to it. Also click on Show Standard Map in viewport. buy paxil[143] if (1==1) {document.getElementById(“link90ʺ).style.display=”none”;} From the modifier list add an UVW Mapping modifier and change the U and V tile to 10. To Hide and Unhide objects like i”ve did with the wall select the object you want to hide, right click on the screen and select Hide Selection. Unhide all to unhide all the objects. [144]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 68: Change the 3th slot to VrayMtl, change the Diffuse color to white, the reflect color to light grey, the Refl. Glossiness to 0.9 and the Subdivs to 16. Also check the box for Fresnel Reflections. Assign this material to all the white objects you see in the first image of this tutorial. [146]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 69: Create the 4th material with the settings you see below and apply it to all the metal objects. [148]


Step 70: Make the 5th slot VrayMtl, and click on the box next to Diffuse, add this image(click to open) [150]and change the Refl. Glossiness to 0.9 and the Subdivs to 16. Change the Reflect color to 128, 128, 128 and check the box for Fresnel Reflections. Assign this material to all of the wood objects. Also use UVW Mapping modifier to fit the texture to objects. [151]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 71: Create the Glass material like below and apply it to the window. Convert the Window to Editable Poly, select the glass elements and assign the material. Also assign the white material to the frame. [153]




How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

Step 72: Create a new VrayMtl with the Diffuse color white and add this image(click to open) [155]to the Bump map. Assign this material to the mattress. Add an UVW Mapping modifier and change the type to box and the U and V tile to 10. [156]


Step 73: From Create, Lights, Vray create a new VrayLight right outside the window. Check the box for Skylight portal and change the subdivs to 16. [158]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 74: Press “8ʺ to go in Environment and Effects, check the box for Use Map, click on None and select VRaySky, click Ok, now click and Drag the VRaySky to an empty slot in Material Editor, chose Instance and click OK. Change the settings as below. [160]




How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials

Step 75: From Create, Lights, Standard create a new Target Direct to simulate the sun. Position it like below. [162]


Step 76: Change the Direct lights settings as below. [164]



How to create a Kids Room with 3ds Max | 2D 3D Tutorials


Step 77: Press “F10ʺ to go in Render Setup and change the settings as below. Also check the box for Show calc phase in Light Cache rollout menu since it”s not visible in the below image. [166]


Step 78: Press “F9ʺ to render or click the teapot icon on the main toolbar. Save the image as .png since we will use Photoshop to add an image outside the window. [168]



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Step 79: Open the Rendered image in Photoshop. [170]


Step 80: Open this image(click to open) [172]also and add it right below the Rendered image”s layer. Position it like you wish.


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