How to Calculate Square of Nine Angles

June 29, 2018 | Author: dockamag | Category: N/A
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Calculate square of nine angles in excel...



Book Reviews In Search of the Miraculous

How to Calculate Square of 9 Chart Angles Ever wonder how to calculate an angle on  WD Ga nn' s square of 9 chart? Here are some handy formulas                                                                                                                          

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The formulas shown above do not give us the exact number on an actual square of 9. It is an

approximation (or perhaps more accurately vice versa). I have always used the above formuala with great success. That said, however, there are those who insist on finding the actual number that would be in a particular cell on an actual square of nine. With (more effort) this can be done as Daniel Ferrara explains in the post below:

How to Find the Actual Number on the Square of 9 In my experience with working with this (square of 9) method, price & time must balance on a hard aspect. The hard aspects are 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315 and 360 or 0 degrees. The most important being the squares or 90-deg harmonics (0, 90, 180, 270). In terms of selecting a past date and price to start from, I have found that the lowest low over the past 365-days and the highest high over the past 365-days have the greatest influence on these balance points. This technique can be used to generate the horizontal support & resistance levels for intraday trading. This is extremely useful when you anticipate that a particular day will be a trend change as the result of cycles or time counts, etc. On another note, I do not agree with the formula you have below: MOD 360[180*abs(price distance or Time distance)-225]. For what you are assuming, it should read =MOD 360 ((price distance or Time change)^0.5*180-225). This is based on Carl Futia's formula. However, this formula assumes that the Squares of Even numbers fall on the 135-deg angle and that the Squares of Odd numbers fall on the 315-deg angle, which is not true on Gann's actual Square of  Nine chart. If you start with a "1" in the center, the Squares of Odd numbers will fall on the 315-deg angle, but the Even Squares (16, 36, 64, 100, 144....) will gradually float towards 135-degrees. For example, on the actual Square of Nine, 16 is on the 112.50-deg angle, 36 is on the 120-deg angle, 64 is on the 123.75deg angle, 100 is on the 126-deg angle and 144 is on the 127.50-deg angle and so on. Starting with "0" in the center, the Squares of Even numbers will line up on the 135-deg angle and the Squares of Odd numbers will Float. Could this amount of  inaccuracy or "Lost Motion" be important? After all, it is impossible to draw or actually build a Square of Nine Chart based on the MOD 360 formula above. If   you wa nt to work with calcul at ion s tha t are bas ed on W. D. Ga nn's printed Square of Nine chart, the following formulas will be of great use to your research: Ring# = Round(((SQRT(Price)-0.22 / 2),0) {This rounds to the nearest whole number, i.e. it eliminates the decimals} Example the number 390 is in Ring #10 if you crunch the above formula. 315-deg Angle. This is the most accurate angle of the entire chart and is used to calculate all other values. The Squares of Odd numbers are all on this angle. 315-deg Angle = (Ring# * 2 +1) 2. Example, 390 was in ring# 10 so the 315-deg number is (10 * 2+1) ^2 or simply (21)^2 = 441 The Zero Angle on this Ring = ((Ring# * 2 + 1) 2) - (7* ring#). So you would get 441 - 70 = 371 This number is needed to calculate the angle that the 1st value of  390 is on.  Angl e = Sum ((Price- Zero Angl e) / (Ring /45)). So we ha ve ((390 - 371 ) / (1 0/4 5) = 85.50-deg  You ma y ha ve to occas ion al ly ad ju st th e Angl e calcul at ion beca us e somet im es  you will get a neg at iv e val ue wh en you ha ve a nu mber th at is ap proachi ng th e 0-deg angle of the next ring. For example we know that 371 is a zero-deg number. If you try to find the angle of the number 370.5, which is a number in

the previous ring approaching the next ring, you get Sum ((370.5 - 371) / (10/45)) = -2.25-deg. If you get a negative number, just add 360 to correct it. So this would actually be 357.75-deg.  A si mp le form ul a to correc t this is If Angl e
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