How To Be Your Lovers First Choice Report

May 12, 2018 | Author: queenredgie | Category: Self Esteem
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There is no shortage of relationship advice on the internet. One quick search on Google will bring up thousands of resul...


A Report

How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


~ Table of Contents ~ Foreword – “Warning  – “Warning - This Isn’t Your Average Relationship Report!” ……3 For Guys Eyes Only 1. The Secret You Need to Know about Women Women …………………………… 4 Step One –  One – Find Find Out What She Wants Conversation, Affirmation, and Congratulation (C.A.C.) Why C.A.C. Works

Step Two –  Two – Become Become Her Perfect Man Step Three –  Three – Show Show Her Who is In Control  Acknowledge, Accept, Counter, Wait, and Reconnect   Examples of Acknowledge, Accept, Counter, Wait, and Reconnect in Action

Step Four –  Four – Tears Tears are as Necessary as Laughter What If You Lose Her

2. The Guy You Need to Be ………………………………………………16 The Five Characteristics You Must Possess

For Girls’ Eyes Only 1. You Don’t Know What You Think You You Know about Men Men …………… 21 Man Repellant 101 The Girl Nobody Else Wants The Chameleon  Negative Nellie  Ice Queen  Boring Betty

2. How to Be the Woman Woman of His Dreams …………………………………24 Confidence and Submission (C&S) The Perfect Date Confidence  Excellent social interaction Stay positive  Be interesting Work your sex appeal 2

How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


 Defer to him and submit 

Epilogue – “What  – “What Comes Next?” ……………………………………………29


How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


 Foreword  –   –  “Warning – This is Not Your Average Relationship Report!”  There is no shortage of relationship advice on the internet. One quick search on Google Google will bring up up thousands of of results. So, how do you you know which sites to listen to? How can you determine which “relationship expert” expert” to follow? follow? Why should you listen to what we have to say? You need to find someone who will tell you the truth without attempting to stay politically correct. There are highly qualified doctors and certified counselors that would love to spout a b unch of meaningless “psycho babble” at you. One thing is for sure –  you’ve  you’ve heard it all before from people who were far more more famous: famous: Oprah, Dr. Phil, and John Gray to name a few. They are afraid to tell you anything that would offend your sensitive sensibilities, for fear of  marring their pristine pristine reputations. reputations. Is that the type of advice you should should be taking?   No, what you are looking for is fresh material that is honestly given by   people who have have benefited from from that same same tried and and true advice. It may not be what everyone wants to hear, but it’s it’s real. The reason why no one else is telling  telling   you this information is because because the truth is hard to hear. No woman wants to read  that a man won’t won’t fall madly in love with you if you you don’t have sex with him. No man wants to hear that unless you man up and learn how to effectively communicate with with your partner, she won’t stick stick around for long. What you now now have to decide for yourself is whether or not you are ready to hear it!


How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


  Even bigger than that, though, men and women don’t want to hear the honest truth truth about themselves. themselves. We are so accustomed accustomed to whiney psychologists telling us that “women are complicated” and “men are just misunderstood”. Well, we’re here to tell tell you that is a crock of bull. We aren’t all t hat hat complicated  or misunderstood. It’s just that no one has had the guts to reveal the genuine facts facts about the two sexes. When is someone someone going to come forward forward and say what what needs to be said? How long do we have to wait wait before we finally finally hear the nitty-gritty about what it is that the opposite sex really wants from us? Guess what? what? The wait wait is over.

 It’s not going to to take us long to tell you what you need to know. We’ve taken out all the fluff fluff and filler and brought you you nothing but important content. content. In the next twelve pages, you will discover how to make the object of your affection fall  for you and never look at anyone else else again! What are you waiting for? for?


How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?




How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


1. The Secret You Need to Know about Women First things first. We’re about to shoot it straight. Every guy knows deep down that women women have a ton of power over us. They are the fairer sex, right? They have what we want, and they know it. That knowledge is what gives them control over us. It’s the reason why we we go to work every day to support them, them, buy nice clothes to attract them, and give them expensive gifts to keep them happy.

The first step in assuring that you gain the affection of  the woman that you seek and make sure that she doesn’t ever feel the need to look at another man again is to regain this control. The moment moment you lose your control over the relationship is the moment you invite some other guy to come along and and take it from from you. The secret is that you have to know how to do it skillfully enough that a woman will will submit submit to you you willingly. willingly. In fact, if  done correctly, a woman will be pleased as punch to be under your control. Are you curious yet? Good. That means that you are ready to learn! Step One: Find Out What She Wants There is one thing that women women have over us without without a doubt. They are much better at accepting someone they are interested in and all of their physical faults. They are capable of being wooed wooed by his personality above above all else. Men, on the other hand, are visually- stimulated creatures. creatures. Don’t get get us wrong, so are women, women, but on a lesser level. level. Initially, that may may be what they are looking for, but in the


How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


end, what a man offers offers upstairs is more important important to them. Now, you need to use this to your advantage. You still want want to present yourself yourself in the best light possible. Get a great haircut, wear your best dark-washed jeans and a nice shirt, and make sure your shoes are clean and stylish. stylish. Take a really good shower, shower, use deodorant, deodorant, and splash a very conservative amount of cologne on the sides of your neck and your chest. This will give you a leg up, and it will make a woman feel justified in giving you a moment of her precious precious time. You look like you give give a damn about yourself, yourself, and she won’t be embarrassed to be seen talking to you. The next thing to concentrate on is what we like to call Conversation, Affirmation, and and Congratulation, Congratulation, or C.A.C. It is essential to getting a woman woman to find you completely completely irresistible. She will want to spend more and more more time with you. Conversation, Affirmation, and Congratulation (C.A.C.) After introducing yourself and asking if you can speak s peak with her for a moment, ask  the woman her name. name. Ask her where she is is from, and what she she does for a living. 1. Throw in a compliment or two, telling her that you noticed her from across the room or that her hair is totally distracting because of how gorgeous it is. Don’t worry worry about being being too complimentary complimentary – women are suckers for a great compliment. compliment. It is the number one complaint that they usually have with the men in their lives, not being told how beautiful or wonderful they are anymore. anymore. The key to the first part of the C.A.C. strategy is allowing the woman to talk about about herself. You are doing research here. Take plenty of mental notes notes on what she likes, what what she dislikes, and what what she’s into. into. You’ll be using using it later.


How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


2. Every time the woman tells you something about herself, a choice that she’s made, or an accomplishment that she has recently completed, you should affirm affirm her choice. Tell her that that it’s a great idea, and give her  her  reasons why she’s right, whether you agree agree or not. Women love love to feel affirmed and appreciated, and you’re giving her everything she wants. During this phase, phase, your target target will be smiling smiling and nodding. nodding. She will be thinking, thinking , “Wow. This guy really gets me!” 3. Once you’ve told the woman how impressed you are with all of her life decisions, begin to congratulate her for all that she’s got going for her. Do not concentrate on trying to impress her with all of your own accolades. If you do, you’ll end up going going on a tangent, and you will will lose her attention. The more she talks, talks, the more she will will find herself herself liking you. Tell her how proud proud you are of her, and express express that you do n’t know many people who have the courage/dedication/knowledge/know-how to do what she’s she’s done. If she starts to ask you questions about about yourself, answer them, casting yourself in a positive light, but limit the talk about yourself to two or three minutes. Remember, it’s all about her. Why C.A.C. Works In order to understand why this process works, you have to know an essential fact about women women that the feminist movement movement will never admit. admit. Women have a fragile self-esteem. self-esteem. Their opinions of themselves are always swinging swinging back  and forth, and and their pride pride is constantly constantly hanging by a string. They rely on other -worth. This is why they never never  people’s praise and admiration to validate their self -worth. make a decision without first consulting a dozen of their friends to see what they think first. When you tap into this phenomenon, phenomenon, it is easy to get a woman woman to begin to adore you. Try it it and see!


How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


Step Two: Become Her Perfect Man This is where you use all of those mental notes you took while asking the woman about herself. herself. If she told you about her her love of sports, invite invite her out to a sports bar to watch the big game. Tell her about your your favorite favorite teams. teams. If she told you that she loves to cook, sign the two of you up for some cooking lessons at the local college. Engulf yourself in in her interests and support support her in all of her hobbies. hobbies. Become her dream man. Always remember remember to compliment compliment her often. Introduce her to a few of your own hobbies that are related to her interests. Show her a couple of things that you excel at to show off your own manly abilities. Women are attracted to a man who can prove himself, no matter what it might be. If she is into scholarly pursuits, and you know a lot about literature, show off this trait while the two two of you are at dinner dinner one night. The key is to showing showing off is allowing her to participate and still feel appreciated while you’re doing it. Step Three: Show Her Who is in Control

 Now that you have become her ideal man in every possible way, don’t think  still step in and steal her away from you. that you’ve got it made. Someone can still There will always be someone out there who is more handsome, funnier, a better dresser, or makes makes more money than you. How do you ensure ensure that her eye will will never wander, and she will only think about you? It’s all about psychology. The truth is that that a woman wants a man man who she is   just a tiny bit afraid of. Not physically. We don’t condone that at all. What we are saying is that a woman wants to know that if she was to step out of line, her man would be dominant dominant enough enough to put her back in her place. That’s right. You read that correctly, but what does that mean exactly?


How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


Most women will start to test the boundaries of their control after the first two or three weeks weeks of dating a man man exclusively. Suddenly, she will will stop calling and see if you call her first. You’ll ask her out, and she will say no, when she’s she’s never done that before. before. If you don’t know what what the deal is, you will be completely changed. In actuality, actuality, this is the lost. You’ll begin to wonder wonder if her feelings have changed. prime time to show her who is really in control of this this relationship. She may think  that she wants to win these little mind games, but deep down, she wants you to win them. She’s testing you. We’re about to to show show you how to pass her test with flying colors! To master this very important step, you will need to perfect the Acknowledge, Accept, Accept, Counter, Wait Wait and Reconnect Reconnect move. This five step process process will put you in your rightful place of control every time, and this will be the real glue that will hold your relationship together! Pay special attention to this section.  Acknowledge, Accept, Counter, Wait, and Reconnect 1. Contact your girlfriend and and address the issue at hand. Acknowledge her her current actions and make it clear that you are aware of what is going on. casually, but Don’t speak to her  in a mean or abusive way. Speak casually, seriously. Never threaten threaten or berate her. Make sure sure that she knows knows that that you still care about her. 2. Accept that what she has done, or what she plans on doing, is just fine. Explain that you can’t change her behavior, her thoughts, or her actions, and that you would would never even try to. Tell her that you you understand, and and you agree with her decisions. 3. Counter her action with with something that will shock her. Be aware that she will react negatively at first. She may may laugh sarcastically, sarcastically, or gasp in surprise. Never do anything that will permanently damage the 11

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relationship or her feelings towards you. Do not back down, no matter what how she reacts. 4. Wait it out. Follow through through with your your counter action, and stand stand your ground. Never be the first to call her back after one one of these encounters. encounters. This is essential to your your success! She may act like she is angry with you, and she may may not call for days. That’s fine. If you absolutely absolutely cannot keep yourself from calling her, be sure that you wait a minimum of seven days. When you you do call her, do not address the altercation. If she brings it up, laugh it off a nd say, “Are “Are you still talking about that? that? Girl, that’s old news. I’m not mad about that.” that.” Make sure sure that you say that.  Don’t  ask her if  she is mad;  you let her  know that  you aren’t angry about it. Proceed to act like it never happened. You have already made your your point. Now she knows knows that if she acts a certain way, way, you will respond respond in a certain way. way. This is what what you should do anytime she pulls another another power play. Sooner or later, later, she will get the point point that it is not worth playing these games with you. 5. Make a special effort effort to reconnect. Don’t go against against anything you said said or  did while you were in in the middle of this this mental tug-of-war. For example, if you were arguing about who would make the decision on where to go on your dates, and she was compl aining that you always choose, don’t reconnect by letting her choose the date. date. Stand your ground, but but find something romantic romantic and fun to to do with her. her. In order for for this tactic to work, you must reconnect reconnect in a big way. way. Do something exciting, exciting, and tell her how much you love love being with her. her. If you do this right, right, she can’t can’t think of you as a jerk jerk that won’t compromise. compromise. She will just realize that that she can’t walk all over you, and she will reluctantly accept your  advances. The more you you kiss up and cater cater to her during this vital time, the more points you collect towards the next time this happens. 12

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 Example of Acknowledge, Accept, Counter, Wait, and Reconnect in Action girlfriend  wants you to go to a movie with her on Power Play Move: Your girlfriend wants Friday night. She knows that you you want want to see the the football football game instead. instead. Her  argument is that you can always record your game and see it once you get home. You would much rather see see it live. She tells you that if you choose choose to see the game, she will be majorly pissed.

Acknowledge: You call her, and you tell her that you know she wants you to see the movie movie on Friday. You say, “Look, “Look, I know that seeing this movie is important to you. Watching the game is important important to me. me. I know you’re going to to be angry if I don’t go with you, and I’m cool with that.”

going to be angry. angry. I don’t want to make you upset, Accept: “I know you’re going but I understand if you you are. I can’t expect to be able to change your feelings about  about  this.” Counter: “Like I said, watching the game game is important to me. I don’t mind  if you go see the movie movie with a friend without without me. I’m going to watch the game.” Your girlfriend laughs sarcastically, as if she can’t believe that you would    just defy her like this. You stay silent. She asks, “Are you serious? So, you’re really not going to go with me?” You repeat, “I’m going going to watch the game. I hope you enjoy the movie. Let  me know how it is when you get back.” She angrily spits, “Fine!” “Fine!” You hang hang up the phone. Wait: Friday night passes. You watch the game. She doesn’t call you.  Five days pass, and she still hasn’t hasn’t called. Finally, on the sixth day, she leaves a message on your answering answering machine. It says, “I can’t can’t believe you’re acting like this. If it’s that serious, then fine. I just called to say say goodbye.” 13

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Reconnect: Since she took the initiative to call you back (despite her  negative comments, it means that she was thinking about you), you call her and   say, “Hey, baby! It was good to hear from you. I was thinking you you had gotten gotten too tickets to that play you’ve you’ve been wanting to see this this busy for me! Look, I have two tickets weekend. I was thinking thinking we could go on Saturday Saturday night and have have dinner at your   favorite restaurant. restaurant. What do you say?” “Oh, so now now you want to hang out?” out?” She responds, icily. “I always want to to hang out with with you. So, do you want to to go to the play?” play?” Stay lighthearted lighthearted and upbeat. Don’t mention mention last last Friday. Don’t ask her about the movie. Keep things current, and continue continue to ask ask about going out during the coming weekend. If she says says no, you will have to to go back to replaying the  Acknowledge, Accept, Accept, Counter, Wait, Wait, and Reconnect steps steps all over again. She is trying to play hardball. If you really want to establish establish yourself yourself as the one in control in this relationship, relationship, it will take dedication dedication and patience. Always attempt to reconnect in a big way, really putting putting her on a pedestal. pedestal. Notice that, during during this hypothetical reconnection phase, we didn’t ask her to go to the play on Friday night. We have already already established established that if a game is playing playing on Friday, Friday, you are not going to budge on what you will be doing that night. Step Four: Tears are as Necessary as Laughter One thing that most women know about men is that we are totally helpless against the tears of the woman we love. There is just something something about seeing our our lady break down down in tears that affects us down to the core. We aren’t used to responding to tears, and as soon as we are confronted with them, we back down and concede the battle. Can we just tell you that in life and relationships, tears are as necessary as laughter? You can’t allow a woman woman to use use this unfair tactic tactic against you. This isn’t isn’t to say that if you legitimately do something that sincerely hurt her deeply enough to draw tears that you you shouldn’t respond in a sensitive sensitive way. We’re talking about about 14

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those times when you know that she is blowing a situation out of proportion, and you find that she begins to cry just to tug on your heart strings. The proper response when a woman begins to cry for no justifiable reason is to say, “I can’t speak speak to you when you’re you’re like this. Call me later, when you you feel  better, okay?” Depending on whether whether you are on the the phone or if you you are speaking speaking in person, you need to hang up the phone or remove yourself from the area. Don’t act as though you are angry or upset upset with her. her. Speak calmly, and just state the the facts. You can’t speak with her when she is like this, and you would like her to call you later when she is feeling better. better. Soon, she will learn learn that crying crying only causes you to walk away, away, and it doesn’t doesn’t get the reaction reaction she is looking looking for. You will notice that she will stop using tears as as a weapon against you you in the future. future. This is called the “Walk Away Technique”.

You don’t do this same move if she is calmly expres sing her distress or hurt feelings to you. If she is mature enough enough to talk about things things without crying, crying, then you need to learn how to be a good listener and have a grown-up discussion about how she is feeling. feeling. The “Walk “Walk Away Technique” Technique” should only be used when tears are unfairly used against you. What If You Lose Her?

At this point, many many men will ask the following questions: “Okay, so what what if  I do everything you say, say, and I lose her? What if I don’t call back for seven days, and she ends up dating another guy? What if she gets so mad when when I walk away that she breaks up with me for good?” These are very very good questions. They are also questions based on fear and and desperation. In response, we’d like to to ask you a very important important question of our  own. Do you want to be in a relationship relationship where where your girlfriend, girlfriend, and later later on possibly your wife, wife, does not respect respect you enough to to allow you to to be in control? control? If  15

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the answer to that question is yes, then you definitely should not follow our advice. This report is not for you.

It’s true. There will be some some women who who do not respond well well to these strategies. strategies. There will be some very headstrong women who will object to you acting this way and asserting yourself. yourself. You have to ask yourself if you are okay with being being with a woman like that. If you are fine with giving her her control over your relationship, relationship, then carry on the way you were. were. For the rest of you follow follow our tips, and you you will be completely irresistible. Your woman will will be head over heels in love with you, you, and she won’t ever have to look elsewhere for another man who is strong enough to take control of the relationship. relationship. The choice is yours. yours.


How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


2. The Guy You Need to Be Now that you have gone over some of our tips on how to ascertain control over your relationship, you may be thinking that in order to make your girlfriend fall madly in love with you, you have to be sort of a   jerk. That can be true, true, in some respects. respects. However, you notice that after we advise you to stand your ground on important matters that you believe in, we also follow it up with the “Reconnect “Reconnect Phase”. This phase stresses stresses how important important it is to put your girlfriend on a pedestal and and treat her to wonderful things. It’s not about being a jerk. jerk. It’s about respecting yourself enough to make her give you that same respect. If you don’t don’t have respect respect in a relationship, what exactly do you have? have? It’s all about establishing a healthy balance, and showing your woman how to be a woman who is treasured and taken care of. When you are courting a woman, there are five essential characteristics that you have to have if you want to be the strong, confident lover that you see on romance novels novels and in the movies. movies. Every leading man that women women daydream about has all of these qualities, and now they are listed lis ted here for you, too. The Five Characteristics You Must Possess






How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?



 Kind  –   –  You must first show your woman that you are capable of being kind and loving. This is what you do when when you are complimenting complimenting her, congratulating her on her good life decisions, and taking her out to places that you know that she will enjoy. The general idea is to demonstrate demonstrate to her that you you are a good listener, and that you take your job of making her happy very seriously. Caring  –  In order to be able to stand your ground during your inevitable disagreements to come, you have to first establish the fact that you care about her. You have to show her that she is important to to you. Remember her birthday and send her flowers. Call her when she’s least expecting it, just to tell her that you were thinking of her. Tell her how happy she makes makes you. These words will be the ones that she will be reciting over and over in her head whenever you have to  perform the “Wait Phase”, while she is questioning your feelings for her. Make sure she has plenty of good memories to think about. wants a man that knows that he is a man. She wants Strong  –  A woman wants someone who makes her feel protected and and secure. You need to show her that you will stand up for yourself when the need arises, and in the same light, you will stand up for her.  Demanding – At first, a woman will rebel against the system and do a lot of  arguing and complaining when she sees that you are not willing to compromise on certain issues. She isn’t isn’t used to a man man being that that demanding demanding of her. You have to demand that she be mature enough enough to deal with not always always getting her way. way. When you are a stronger man, you are demanding for her to become an even stronger woman. If she doesn’t pass the test, she is the one losing out, not you! who is proud of himself takes good care care of himself. himself. He  Proud  –  A man who keeps himself clean clean and presentable. presentable. He carries himself in a different way than 18

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someone who doesn’t have a very high view of themselves. You show it in everything that you you do when you are confident confident and self-assured. A proud man will will not let anyone anyone walk all all over him. him. He knows that he has a lot to offer. offer. This is why women flock to celebrities and movie movie stars. You can lie to yourself yourself and think that it’s all about the money if you you want to. The real reason reason is because these these men convey their worth worth with every every breath they they take, every step they make. Women sense this and are extremely extremely attracted to it. That is how the “groupie” “groupie” came to be. In conclusion, men, forget everything you’ve ever heard or read before. Women aren’t always after the “bad guys”, and the nice guys don’t “always get the end of the stick”. Quit telling telling yourself that! That’s a fallacy that has been carried over for years and years. The real fact is that women women are after a man who knows knows how to take control, and they are naturally repelled by weak men who come off as needy and desperate. Once you realize this, this, you will be that much closer to having the relationship of your dreams.


How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?




How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


1. You Don’t Know What You Think You Know About Men Women tend to have this opinion that they know all there is to know about the opposite sex. Ask any woman, and she’ll most likely tell you that all men care about is sex, sports, money, alcohol, and sleeping. If we are so easy to dissect, then why is it that those same women are always complaining when something doesn’t go the way they thought it would?

“Why didn’t he call me back?” “What does it mean when he says we shouldn’t see each other? other? We were  fine last night!” “Why doesn’t he tell me he love me?” If women really knew the secret to what attracts men and what keeps them loyal in relationships, they would spend less time worrying and more time enjoying their male counterparts! counterparts! Do you want to be a woman woman who men flock to, compete for, and work hard to to keep? keep? You do? do? Well, read on. Man Repellant 101 Before we get into how you can become the smoking hot chick that every man wishes he could claim as his own, we’d like to give you information on what works in the exact opposite way. There are certain things that you can do to assure assure 21

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that the man you you just went on your first date with will will never call you you again. In fact, he will aggressively avoid you, and he’ll stop frequenting any public places that he knows you will likely be found. Many women unknowingly do precisely the wrong things when they meet a man that they find intriguing. intriguing. They send off the opposite signals than than what they are intending, and we don’t don’t want you to be one one of those women! women! You’ll want to be especially careful that you don’t do any of the following things if you desire a chance to really get to know that available bachelor you just met. 1. The Girl Nobody Else Wants  –  Everyone gets first first date jitters. We all all have felt so nervous that we begin to ramble on about subjects we know we should shy away from, desperately trying to fill the awkward silence. What you don’t want to do is begin to spill your guts about every guy who has wronged you you in the recent past. While you may think that you are gaining his sympathy, what you are actually doing is telling him that several men have realized you were someone they didn’t want to be with. Naturally, he will begin to wonder why he is sitting across from you, as well. Soon, he’ll he’ll join their ranks. ranks. 2. The Chameleon  –  This one is tricky. tricky. While guys guys want want you to seem interested in some of the same things that we enjoy, we don’t want to become painfully obvious obvious that this is your typical typical M.O. First, you start to to tell us how an ex-boyfriend loved football, and then recite all of your favorite teams. teams. Next you mention mention how a previous previous friend of yours was was really into mountain biking, and that you own a fantastic bike with killer maneuvering capabilities. capabilities. When you get get around to asking us what what it is we like, we can predict that when we tell you we love to play guitar you will be taking lessons lessons next week. It comes comes across as as desperate and disingenuous. 22

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3. Negative Nelly - One thing that men universally hate is a woman who is constantly complaining. complaining. If the traffic traffic was bad on your your way to your your date, it’s raining outside, you overslept, and your food is awful, keep it to yourself. Coming off like you are the classic classic pessimist, always always finding finding the bad in every situation, will make us disappear faster than David Copperfield. We can envision what what a life with you would be like, like, and it isn’t pretty.

4. Ice Queen  –  The reason why a man will do anything for a woman is strongly based on on the sexual attraction attraction that he is feeling feeling for her. Make no mistake; if a man is paying a lot of attention to you and is devoting his time to making you happy, he is thinking about what it would be like to sleep with you. you. Telling a man that you are practicing celibacy, you you haven’t slept with anyone in months, or that you are a born -again virgin may score you points at church, but unless you are dating someone particularly religious, you can probably bet that the man will be discouraged from pursuing you much further.

5. Boring Betty  –  Sex, or the possibility of having sex, can only go so far. If you are on a date with a man and you have nothing to contribute to the conversation all night, you may get lucky and get asked for another date (depending on your your hotness factor). factor). However, after two two or three dates dates of  dull dialogue, a man’s man’s attention will will begin to wander. wander. A woman who is is completely clueless as to how to hold a decent conversation and interact socially with her date is a drag, and sooner or later, the guy is going to free himself of his burden.


How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


2. How to Be the Woman of His Dreams In order to get a man to fall completely in love to a  point where he can’t imagine his life without you, you’ll have to become his ideal woman. Once you’ve gone through the following essential steps to woo your man, he will be putty in your hands. The secret to making a man succumb to his desire for you is to be an expert at balancing two things  –  confidence and submission.

Confidence and Submission (C&S) There is no single trait trait sexier in a woman than confidence. A winning smile smile and outgoing person ality ups a woman’s woman’s attraction attraction quotient by 100%. When a woman knows that she is attractive and well- put together, it doesn’t matter if she has several physical physical faults. faults. Everyone has one fault or another. This is why you do not have to be a drop-dead gorgeous model in order to find the man you want and snag him for your own. A man will overlook overlook the fact fact that a woman woman may have a large nose when she carries carries herself as though she is the belle of the ball. ball. If you know how to play up your best characteristics, we will gladly take notice of those and give you extra credit for them. Confidence should come from many different reasons, not just physical beauty. Knowing that you have have a successful job, your your own place to stay and form of transportation, and that you have been fully self-sufficient self -sufficient for years should bring you pride. Your sense of self-worth self-worth should should be high due to your ability ability to sing  better than anyone else you know, balance a checkbook like nobody’s business, or  24

How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


write poetry like Emily Dickinson. Dickinson. Many facets of your life and what makes you you who you are should instill a deep deep sense of confidence confidence within within you. All of this this shines through when you first meet someone. At the same time, very few men want to date a ball-busting tomboy feminist who constantly competes with her boyfriend to figure out who wears the pants in the relationship. Men want a confident confident and capable woman woman who knows her value, value, yet chooses to be strong enough to submit to her man. You read that correctly. correctly. A woman must know how to balance being being confident in all of her many accomplishments while at the same time acting demure and accommodating accommodating to her partner. partner. We want a woman who is professional professional and competent enough to go off to work with us in the morning, bring home the bacon in the evening, and fry fry it up and serve it to us on a platter platter at night. If you can master this technique, you will be miles above the rest of the women of the world who are constantly trying to prove something to themselves by asserting their authority authority over us, only to their own detriment. detriment. If you willingly willingly give over over control to a man, he will ultimately choose to give you everything you have every desired in the relationship. This may not be what most women want to hear, but the happiest married women of the world will tell you you that it is true. They have perfected the technique technique of letting the man think that he controls the relationship, when in actuality, she is pulling the strings from behind the scenes. The Perfect Date

It’s your first first date with a new guy. What should you you do in order to make make sure that this wonderful new beau calls you afterwards to schedule date number two? There are six elements elements that you must incorporate incorporate into your dating dating behavior if  you are to ensure success.


How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?



Confidence – Show up with a wide wide and bright smile. smile. Lean in and hug your date, and if it is your first time meeting him, introduce yourself  assertively. During the initial “getting “getting to know each each other” phase, phase, as you are telling him about yourself, always speak positively and upbeat. Bring up things that you do well, or any recent accomplishments that you have made in your professional, personal, or creative life. Excellent social interaction  –  Demonstrate that you are a people   person by asking asking plenty plenty of questions questions about your date. Don’t monopolize the conversation talking only about yourself and your own life. Laugh easily and often. There is no sweeter sound to a man trying to impress a woman than her easy-going laughter. Stay positive  –  Avoid any negative aspects of your life when you begin to reveal things things about yourself. yourself. Find something to compliment during your date  –  whether it be the décor of the restaurant he chose, the quality of the food, the fantastic plot line of the movie the two of  you watched, etc. Use lots of enthusiastic adjectives, like “wonderful”, “great”, “incredible”, “incredible”, and “awesome”. “awesome”. Thank your date for bringing you you to the location he chose. If you have something something that you’d like to vent or complain about (like having a bad day at work), save it for your your girlfriend’s girlfriend’s phone call call later. later. Keep everything everything positive. This is not the time, time, place, nor the person to to unload on. Be interesting  –  If you’re not great at improvising conversation topics, do some some homework and and prepare before your date. Go online and browse the the latest news news stories. Discover little known facts that you can bring up during awkward awkward moments. Always have have at least least three off-the-cuff subjects that you can talk at length about at anytime.

How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


Work your sex appeal  –  Men need very little encouragement to make them feel like like you might be interested interested in them sexually. sexually. A little flirtation can go a long way. Wear something something feminine feminine and sexy without being too revealing or sleazy. Take the time to wear make-up to accentuate your your eyes and lips. Purposefully touch your date while you are talking or during a hearty laugh  –  rest your hand on his forearm or playfully shove his shoulder if he makes a naughty joke. Tilt your head to the side and give him a shy smile while he is talking to show him that you you are enjoying his his conversation. If your goal goal is to score subsequent dates, you don’t wan t to worry about acting platonic. Give him subtle cues that you like him in that way. The most skillful women know how to flirt! Tell him how impressive he is, and and praise him for the accomplishments he tells you about. Defer to him and submit  –  You want to establish with your date that even though you have proven your confidence through calling attention to your many accomplishments, you are humble enough to let him be the leader leader in this relationship. relationship. If you are out out to dinner, ask  him to order for y ou. Tell him that you’d love for him to choose the  best meal that that he thinks you would enjoy. If you’re not not comfortable comfortable with handing over that much control, add that you love dishes with shrimp or chicken, or whatever type of food you enjoy, to give him a hint at what to choose for you. you. Do the same thing if he asks you what movie you would would like to see. Be sure that it it is clear that you you would love for him to choose, because he would do a good job, not because you are indecisive. You don’t don’t want to get into the back and forth volley of, “Well, “Well, what do you want to do?”, “I don’t know. know. What do you want to do?”

If you can bring yourself to work these characteristics into your personality whenever you date a man, you will find that the supply of eligible bachelors will seem endless! Other, less enlightened, enlightened, women women will wonder how you manage manage to 27

How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


always attract the men men to you that they find irresistible. You may decide to reveal your secrets to them, them, and you may not. Who needs the competition? competition?

Once you’ve gotten a man to begin dating you exclusively and commit himself to you, which won’t be difficult if you keep this behavior up, you can begin to assert some some of your control over the relationship. relationship. Instead of demanding demanding that your man do something you’d like him to do, simply suggest  it to him. Tell him how his doing those those things would make you you so happy. Let him think that he is not obligated to do the things things you want him to do. The trick is to make him think  think  that he is surprising you by doing what you asked him to do in the first place. Always commend him for a job well done, and act shocked that he actually followed through through on your request. request. You are on your way to a fantastic and fulfilling relationship!


How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


Epilogue –  “What Comes Next?” In this report, we have exposed the truth behind men and women, and what truly makes us all all do what it is that we do. You may be wondering what what comes next. Once you’ve caught caught your man or woman, woman, and you have have them eating out out of  the palm of your hand, what is the next step? If you choose to get married, there is a whole new set of rules to follow. You will be progressing into a fully matured relationship, and you need to know how to behave to keep your your mate loyal and interested interested in only you. How will you survive the infamous “Seven-Year-Itch”, the temptation to cheat that befalls many married people during during the seventh year year of marriage? Unfortunately, Unfortunately, thousands of  people succumb to temptation far before the seventh year! Now that you know how to attract a quality member of the opposite sex to begin a relationship with you, you will need the vital information regarding regarding how to keep them should the two of you decide to tie the knot. We have just the thing for you. You see, marriage is a serious serious commitment. commitment. As a person enters into the sanctity of marriage, marriage, they will have new responsibilities to undertake. You will want to read “Cheat -Proof Your Marriage Without Hiring a Detective”, which is available from our website: . This is a must-have comprehensive guide on avoiding and preventing infidelity in your marriage! The report contains contains all of the information you will ever need to know about the attitude, behavior, and action of cheating husbands and wives and the different ways it can be detected.

Don’t think you can wait until you get married to get this information  packed report. You’ll want to internalize all all of the top-notch strategies and tips far 29

How To Be Your Lover’s First Choice?


before you will need to implement implement them. You’d hate to purchase it when it’s it’s already a case of “too little, too late”!

We’d like to thank you for reading this report, “You Don’t Have to Be Gorgeous to Be Irresistible”, and we look forward to hearing your comments on “Cheat -Proof Your Marriage Marriage Without Hiring Hiring a Detective”. Act now, while it is still being offered at an incredible discounted price with an added FREE bonus report – “10  – “10 Reasons Reasons Why Why Cheating Happens”. Happens”. Visit http://www.cheatpr /index.html today!

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