How to Attract More Women

April 24, 2017 | Author: Marcin Belvet | Category: N/A
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How to attract more women almost instantly. The Science of Attraction teaches you how to attract more women with scienti...


The Science of Attraction: 8 Scientifically Proven Ways to Attract More Women By: Marcin Belvet

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The contents of this publication are the intellectual property of Marcin Belvet and All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical. Any unauthorized use, sharing, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited unless expressly given the rights by Marcin Belvet or (or other agent who has obtained the right to do so from Marcin Belvet and Legal Disclaimer By reading this book you are agreeing to the following: You, and you alone, are responsible for your own actions. This book contains information, and information can be interpreted in many ways. You are responsible for any and all actions that you take and relinquish the author of all liability. Use at your own risk. Affiliate Disclosure may or may not have an affiliate relationship with some of the products and services discussed in this report and may be compensated from purchases. This website has reviewed the products it links to, recommends or endorses. However you should always perform your own due diligence before buying goods or services from any 3rd party via the internet or offline.

Now that the nasty legal stuff is out of the way, let’s get started 

Intro: A Scientific Approach to Attraction? The pickup and seduction community often focuses primarily on "game" and attraction as being dependent on predetermined lines and routines that are supposed to build attraction, comfort and so on.

I am certainly not saying that these lines don't have their use. And they do take root in the science and evolution of human attraction. And they are, often times, effective - I know this from personal experience.

However, attraction usually begins before you even have a chance to finish saying your opening sentence. The cliché that women decide whether or not they want to sleep with you in the first couple of seconds is actually based in scientific truths.

You see, humans are a lazy species. And over the course of time, we have evolved to instantly read cues about potential mating partners. Women, of course, are much pickier when it comes to mates. A man, naturally, focuses on spreading his seed with as many mates as possible. This is true for any species - this is what drives their survival. A woman, on the other hand, seeks a mate that will help support her and their offspring.

You will see here going forward that there are cues that have been biologically engrained in humans over time. And there are a few cues that are a bit on the "newer" side. To clarify, women are still looking for a man that will be the provider and protector - but the cues have been adjusted for modern times and survival necessities.

By mastering the attraction cues in this report, you will see a dramatic change in the amount of women you will attract - because you will instantly be sending them a different biological message: a message of attraction!

Ready to start attracting more women? Let's get started...

1. Body Language The very first message that you send to others about yourself is through your body language.

Did you know that a scientific observation discovered that most flirting interactions begin when the woman makes the first move? This may come as a surprise, because the woman's move isn't much of a move at all. Rather, it is usually something extremely subtle - like a glance which welcomes the man to approach.

This "come hither" welcoming is a reaction the cues you send to the woman. And obviously since you haven't even gotten a chance to say a single word yet - you have to communicate through your body language.

Studies by York psychologist Dr. Arthur Arun have shown that woman make their decision about you in the first one to four minutes after seeing you. This doesn't completely live up to the conventional wisdom of "woman decide if they want to sleep with you in 10 seconds," but it's pretty darn close. The moral of the story here don't have a lot of time to make a great first impression.

Also remember that you have to keep sending the attraction cues through your body language long after the first impression as well. Albert Mehrabian, who was a pioneer in the study of communication and human interaction, observed that only 7% of messages between people are communicated verbally. That means that 93% of communication is nonverbal!

You see, women don't look at your body language and consciously judge the way you look or act. The judgment happens almost instantly and subconsciously.

That means this is pretty damn important! Here are a few examples of things to take note of...

Open Up. Having "open" body language exudes confidence. If you take notice of most men at the bar, they have "closed" body language. For example, they hold their drinks in front of their chests. This is a protective stance. Having the front of your body open and uncovered communicates that you are open to the world and aren't afraid of your surroundings.

Slow Down. Walk slowly but with a purpose. Hurrying means you are trying to get away from where you are currently and trying to be somewhere else. Slower movement with intention means you have a destination, but you are exactly where you need to be.

Don't Fidget. Don't touch your face or fidget. This communicates that you are uncomfortable in your surroundings and aren't sure what to with yourself - so you touch your face by default.

Posture. Posture is extremely important. Especially when you walk - your walk communicates a lot about you.

How? Check it out...

2. Your Walk The way you walk gets special attention in this report, because it get special attention from women.

As I mentioned before, humans are a lazy species and have evolved to have the ability to read sexual cues quickly. This is expressed through body language (as mentioned previously). Your walk, however, says a lot about your physical attractiveness and sexuality. A study of over 700 individuals performed by Texas A&M and NYU Professors proved this.

A study was performed to see how people react when they know that the other sex is judging them for sexual attractiveness.

Subjects were told to walk on a treadmill. The control group was not told about being judged for attractiveness, rather they were just told to walk normally.

The test group was then told that they need to walk on the treadmill, but they were going to be judged on how attractive they are while they walk.

Across the board, the female test subject walked and "swung their hips" more than the control group did. This wider hip movement communicates sexuality to the male observer.

The male test subject, on the other hand, walked straight up and down (improved posture over the control group). They also straightened their shoulders and their shoulder movements had more of a "swagger." This is what communicates sexual attractiveness to women while you walk.

Your posture, and your shoulder movements are extremely important. The test subject men also tended to hold their arms out from their bodies a little further. This helped them take up more space with their bodies and communicate dominance. You've probably seen the guys that work out too much and can't put their arms to their sides. Well this is actually emulating that.

These subjects were not told what to do...just that they were going to be judged on how attractive they are. This innate response in the test subjects (both male and female) was to change the way they walked on a regular basis.

The study conclusively showed that men who walked with a swagger in their shoulders were generally accepted as more attractive by women. In other words, if you want to draw attention and attract more woman practice your walk! Mastering your own body language can have an instant effect on attracting women. If you would like an in-depth course on mastering attractive body language, Lance Mason and Pickup 101 offer a course which you can pick up here:

3. Physical Attractiveness I hate to be the bearer of bad news here, but all of the pickup artists and dating experts that claim that looks don't matter are full of...pardon my French...shit.

It is true that humans have evolved to a point where physical attractiveness is only a portion of the total package (I will discuss in a section coming up), but it is still very important. Here are a few examples...

The Pick-A-Mate Game

Dr. Doug Kenrick, of Arizona State University, performed an experiment which showed how people choose their mates in the real world. Ten men and ten women were each assigned a number from 1 to 10 and were told to pair up. The number was placed on the participants' foreheads, so they did not know which number they were themselves. The object of the game was to pair up with the highest number possible.

The result showed that the higher numbers paired up with other high numbers. The match may not have been exact (10 and 10) but it was close (10 paired up with 9s for example).

In round two the rules of the game changed. Instead of being assigned a number, the participants were told to pair up with the person they found most attractive.

Prior to the experiment, the female subjects were show pictures of the male subjects (and vice versa). They then had to rank who they found most attractive.

The results after round two showed the exact same thing as the "numbers game" from round one. The most attractive people paired up with the most attractive people from the opposite sex.

This is what happens in real life. Men and women try to go for the most attractive mate possible. When that fails, they work their way down until they can finally settle on someone - because mating with someone less than perfect is better than not mating at all. If this wasn't the case, as Dr. Kenrick put it, any man not dating a super model and any woman not dating Brad Pitt would be extremely unhappy.

This is why you pre-selection is extremely important. The higher-rated individuals have more choices. And you want to convey that you have choices, because this shows that you are a high-status person.

Even if you don't have many choices now, you need to "fake it til you make it." Don't come off needy or desperate. Show that you have choice.

Your Face!

Your face is a pretty darn important part of your overall attractiveness. Several scientific studies have shown symmetrical faces are generally seen as more attractive.

There are also differences between male and female faces that are also important to attract the opposite sex - things like the width of your jaw or the height of your check bones for example.

I don't want to delve into this however because there isn't much you can do about the face you were born with (short of plastic surgery - which I wouldn't recommend).

There are things that you can do to increase your physical attractiveness, however...

Grooming. You may not be able to do much about the symmetry of your face, but you can certainly do something about your complexion. If you have an acne problem, for example, you definitely want to get that taken care of. Note: Your skin and complexion are one of the things that people notice first (as people tend to look at your face). If you have a serious skin problem there are things you can do. Here’s one solution:

You can also go tanning. A tan is usually a sign of good health. But make sure you don't end up looking orange.

Make sure to take care of your shiny whites - brush your teeth! And maybe get them whitened.

The way your groom yourself communicates a lot about how well you can take care of yourself...and in turn the woman/women you are trying to approach. If you can't take care of yourself, you probably can't take care of them.

Working Out. I already discussed stature. This is very important. If you are overweight you need to try to shed the pounds. Building a bit of muscle also helps your cause. You don't need to be Arnold on steroids but women do go crazy for a six-pack (that's how that douche on Jersey Shore can actually find someone to have sex with).

On a personal note, I have a friend who began working out a few years ago and the amount of women he has been able to attract since has gone through the roof.

Admittedly, his conversation skills with women have gotten much, much better after a few chats with me, but his physical stature has had a profound effect as well.

If nothing else, it has definitely helped him feel more confident about himself. Plus he's healthier now. It's a win-win!

Dressing Well. Dressing well is part of your grooming as well. It sends signals about your personality and can also send signals about what else you may have to offer (I'll talk about this in a bit a well). Personal Story: I have a friend who thinks dressing well means he has to wear $400

Smell this in a bit. shirts.good! He usedI'lltodiscuss walk around in basketball shorts and a white T-shirt, so I guess he’s saved up a good chunk of change over the years to be able to afford them. But most of us can’t .

That being said, he has also gotten more attention from women than he ever has before in his life. He has combined his new style with a work-out regiment and has lost a lot of weight. He now not only looks better, but feels better too – which leads to more confidence!

You do not have to be as extreme as my friend, however. You do not have to revamp your entire wardrobe with insanely expensive threads. Just stay up to date with current fashion and add a piece or two that you can proudly wear out and show that you know what’s in style.

There are many men’s magazines you can reference such as And, of course, staying in shape has also made a difference for him. I’d recommend a good work out to anyone. You can do that cheaply – or even free.

Did you know the color you wear can make a difference. Seriously...

4. The Color Red Back in the 80s Chris de Burgh shot up the music charts with his song about a Lady in Red.

Why Red? Because clearly it does something to our senses. Red is widely regarded as the color of passion and sexuality. If you've ever seen a woman wearing red you've probably taken notice of her. Don't lie...I know you did. It's been scientifically shown that women wearing red, or shades of red, get more attention from women.

But did you know that the same is true for men?!

I just said that red does something to our senses...

It turns out that men who wear red stand a better chance of attracting the opposite sex just as well. Prolonged viewing of the color red increases adrenaline secretion in the observer's body and raises their blood pressure. So just seeing the color red mimics the same bodily reaction that you get when you are sexually attracted to someone - crazy!

Red also happens to be the "dominant' color in the wild - indicating power and masculinity. And remember, as much as we'd like to think otherwise, people are animals after all...

"Human females who see red on a male will view him as more dominant, and that will lead her to be more attracted to him" according to Andrew Elliott - a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester.

So just wearing red can greatly increase your chances of attracting women! Just make sure that it is appropriate for your skin complexion.

5. Talk Slow (To Talk Low). Have you ever answered the phone in a much lower tone of voice than you normally use? Or ever notice someone else do it?

I have (done it and observed it) - especially in a work setting. That's because when you're not sure of who's calling you, you take a moment to gather yourself before you answers - and a more dominant, lower tone of voice comes out.

The funny thing is, I've also observed women do the same thing - but they answer in a higher pitched tone of voice.

Turns out there is scientific reason for this...

There are several studies that have shown that lower pitched voices in men, and higher pitched voices in women, are found to be more attractive.

Dr. Gordon Gallup, a professor at SUNY at Albany, asked men to rate the attractiveness of 10 female voices. The men rated the higher pitched voices as more attractive. The catch? Some of the voices came from the same woman!

Turns out that during a woman's menstrual cycle, the pitch of her voice can change slightly - it becomes higher, and more attractive to men, while she is ovulating.

A similar study of male voices showed that women found deeper, lowertoned, voices more masculine and attractive. Our voices don't change, however (we don't really have cycles :)).

Another study in 2007 by American and Canadian scientists linked voice tone to reproduction in Tanzanian tribesmen. It turned out that tribesman with lower voices spawned more kids than their higher-pitched tribes mates.

There was a statistical link between deep voice and large family.

So how do you use this information to your advantage? Let's go back to our answering the phone example...

When you talk calmly and slowly, you tend to talk in a lower pitched voice. Ever get nervous and have your voice squeak? That's what you want to avoid! In other words...Talk Slow to Talk Low! Talking slow and low is certainly easier when you know what you are going to say in advance. That way you don’t have to worry about it and can focus on the way you say it. A great product that has a lot of routines for you to practice with is Magic Bullets ( This will definitely get you in the swing of things and help you build up your conversational confidence.

6. Get Stinky! You've probably heard about the importance of pheromones in sexual attraction. We all have them - and you can't do much about what your body secrets in terms of hormones. It is what it is. But we do a damn good job of covering it up!

We live in a society where showering non-stop and covering ourselves head-to-toe in deodorant attracts the other sex...or so Axe would have us believe! Lay off the body spray!!

In a sneaky marketing campaign, Axe body spray has convinced a whole slew of men that drenching themselves in deodorant will actually attract more women. The science doesn't really support that though...

While reeking of body odor isn't very attractive, turns out that armpit sweat does attract the ladies.

Pit sweat is full of a chemical compound called Androstadienone. This compound boosts hormone levels, increases blood pressure and raises the rate of breathing in women. And we want to cover this up?!?

Scientists at UC Berkley have shown that male armpit sweat improves women's moods and stimulates the secretion of the luteinizing hormone which is the hormone that stimulates ovulation.

This isn't to say that you should walk around un-showered after the gym. Women do have a stronger sense of smell when it comes to this hormonal and biological information. But lay off the gallons of Axe that you are spraying yourself with! One alternative to the “common” deodorants (in other words, the ones that are marketed to us) is salt crystal deodorants ( These use salt crystals to neutralize the smell that we emit, but it doesn’t clog our pores, stop us from sweating (a necessary bodily function), or use aluminum. In other words, they are more natural, less dangerous to health, and better for attracting women . Oh yeah, it’s also cost-effective because a stick lasts you for years!

Cologne or Vegetables?

Turns out that men may be wasting their money on those expensive colognes. That's not to say that some colognes don't trigger a woman's "happy feelings" ...just that you might be able to get away with much cheaper, and simpler, alternatives...

The scent of a cucumber is strongly tied to sexual arousal. And it is has been scientifically proven to trigger increased blood flow to a woman's clitoris!

This isn't the only scent to have this effect however. Baby powder has also been shown to have a link to female arousal.

So maybe trade in the Axe body spray for some cucumber body wash? :)

7. Financial Stability

This is the "newer" cue of sexual attraction than the physical elements I've been describing so far.

Turns out that money is the name of the game in today's society. I’m sorry to say it, but it’s true. Money affects attractiveness!!!!

This is the perfect scenario of nature vs nurture. While in the Tanzanian tribes, masculinity rained supreme, the tribesman live in a much different environment than we do. They don't have complex financial systems. We do!

And, while the manliest tribesman give their offspring the best chance of survival in their world, the guy with the deepest pockets does so in our world.

So if you've been dealt the shit end of the stick in the genetic lottery in terms of physical attributes, you still have a chance by being financially stable - or at least sending messages that you are.

Remember the pick-a-mate experiment from the earlier section? The scientists running the experiment created profiles for each participating male and took to the streets. In general, the rating of their physical attractiveness was in line with the previous survey.

Then the profiles were tweaked. The men were given fake jobs with fake salaries which were listed on the profiles. The more attractive men were given less-than-stellar job descriptions and incomes, while the less attractive men were given more prestigious positions (like software company owner making $375,000/year).

Turns out that financial stability played a huge role in what women now found attractive. And the financially stable men found a huge boost in their ratings, while the others found their ratings had dropped.

You can cry "gold digger" all you want...but that is the reality of the environment we live in. A financially stable mate is more likely to provide and ensure the survival of the offspring.

This is important for women when they are seeking out long-term mates, but they also can't help but to be attracted to it when they are looking for a fun fling. Let's face it, money can buy more fun.

"But I'm Not Bill Gates..."

The good news is you don't really have to be a billionaire to attract women.

As stated before, grooming and the way you present yourself goes a long way in sending attraction cues before you even get a chance to tell them woman what you do. So focus on these first.

You can buy a decent pair of jeans for $50, and a nice short for $30 (or even less) don't have to spend hundreds on each.

When you finally get to the stages of an actual conversation, avoid getting into specifics about how much money you actually make. That's in bad taste anyway. And if a woman asks you the question straight up - run for the hills!

In this instance, women will be impressed with your goals and motivations, not necessarily with the size of your bank account.

Be passionate about what you do. People talk about passion, but very little people actually experience it. By being excited about your job and talking passionately about it, you will get them excited. And we like excited women, don't we?

Speaking of talking and getting women excited...

8. Master Her Brain! Hate to say it, but the cliché about the brain being the most important sexual organ in the body is dead on.

Every sexual interaction begins in the brain - and it ends their too.

Scientists studying the female orgasm have mapped out exactly how it happens. Messaging begins in the brain and is sent down to the genitalia through the spinal chord. Then another message is sent back up the spinal chord back to the brain.

This messaging continues back and forth, and arousal increases and increases until it peaks with an orgasm.

There are actually women who can bring themselves to orgasm just by thinking about it. There are few of them, and the process is lengthy and takes concentration - but it's possible.

It all starts in the brain!

First things should learn to read women's "welcoming cues." As stated before, most flirting interactions begin when a woman sends a signal. Learn to read these signals (i.e. prolonged eye contact).

Next, learn to trigger certain feelings through conversation. This is where pre-canned lines are useful (you have to get to the conversation stage first).

Finally, remember not to neglect the brain during sexual encounters. Continue to stimulate her thoughts. Become a master of seduction really lies in the ability to become a master of a woman’s emotions and thoughts (mastering her brain). There is a lot of information out there about the subject. But none are better than the following: 

Magic Bullets:

Double Your Dating:

The Tao of Badass:

And one final thing...

Bonus: Just Have Fun Always remember to have fun.

If you go out with the intention of just having fun, that is the message you will communicate to the women surrounding you. You will feel more confident and comfortable. And in turn this will improve your other sexual attraction cues.

People are always looking to have fun, and they are drawn to others that can provide that fun for them.

You will be amazed at the improvement in both attitude and results you will see if you just relax and go out to have fun!

So are you ready to really start attracting more women and improve your lifestyle? Read on...

More Resources Improving in the areas that I just covered should result in a dramatic increase in the number of women you attract.

Some of these factors can take some time to improve, but you can instantly show some improvement. For example, it’s hard to instantly increase your pay check, but it’s easy to start talking about what you do more passionately. And you can certainly improve your wardrobe with one trip to the mall.

Having said that, "just have fun" can be a pretty difficult thing to do when you are going out with the intention of meeting women. It can be a scary thing. You can get pretty anxious.

You see, the other thing that we as humans are biologically engrained with is fear of rejection - because it hurts. This causes approach anxiety.

And this is where the pre-canned lines that pick up artists devise can really come in handy. When you feel anxiety it is very difficult to come up with something to having an arsenal of formulated conversation starters and stories can be a godsend.

It may be harder to become truly more confident, but you can “fake it ‘til you make it” with the help of some courses like Magic Bullets, Double Your Dating or The Tao of Badass.

Magic Bullets

This is a guide written by Nick Savoy – the head of LoveSystems. The guide goes into a lot of theory, which is valuable, but also provide a lot of routines you can use right off the bat to feel more comfortable talking to women. This can be a godsend to those men struggling to start conversations.

Get Savoy's Magic Bullets

Double Your Dating

David DeAngelo revolutionized the dating industry with this guide. It teaches men the mindset you need to have to attract high quality women and covers a lot of mistakes that men make that prevent them from getting the love life they want and deserve. This has been a go-to guide for men looking to improve their love lives for years – and it’s still as good, and as applicable, as ever.

Get David DeAngelo’s Double Your Dating

The Tao of Badass

Compared to the other two resources I just mentioned, Joshua Pellicer’s “The Tao of Badass” is a relative new-comer to the scene of dating guides.

But that doesn’t mean it isn’t a valuable one. It takes more holistic approach than most guides and provides a great resource for learning the overall skill set of attraction

The name speaks for itself, and there is a lot to learn about attraction. Joshua learned these skills the hard way and is now sharing the information with you to save you the trouble.

Get The Tao of Badass

And remember, seduction and attraction are skills. So stop wasting time, and start developing the skills you need to have the lifestyle you want!

Talk to you soon, Marcin Belvet P.S. If you picked up this report from some place other than the website, click here to sign up for the newsletter to receive a lot more valuable information!

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