How Internet Works i Think

June 11, 2016 | Author: Luis Vargas | Category: N/A
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como trabaja el internet de un punto de vista diferente...


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz




Important introduction

When I gave this text to read to y !riends and editor they "ae ba"k to e asking what is abo#t and who a I targeting$ %s !ar &#b'ishers didn(t )#ite 'ike the "on"e&t I(ve de"ided to &#b'ish it as !ree text as rare as it was$ %s *ng'ish is not y !irst 'ang#age &'ease !orgive e a'' the istakes and errors$ +his text is dedi"ated to everyone, we'' soe high'y ski''ed I+ or Internet &ro!essiona's wo#'d !ind that there are no new !a"ts in i n there, b#t they are &resented !ro di!!erent ang'e$ -on(t be "on!#sed when yo# start reading !irst "ha&ter and yo# wi'' !ind that it .se''s 'ike soe ordinary nove' rather ra ther then s"ien"e book$ We'' that wasn(t y intentions i ntentions to write s"ien"e book, rather soething a""essib'e to everyone$ ev eryone$ 'ease re!er to "hara"ters &resented in that text eta&hori"a''y$ et e ex&'ain$ y idea was to &resent si&'e story !ro everyday 'i!e$ 3oething everyone "an easi'y #nderstand and re!er to$ 3o there there it is 4 a &ostan and story o! de'ivering a &a"kage$ +his story in !irst "ha&ter is sybo'i", and as text goes it wi'' #n"over ore and ore inside &ro"esses how Internet works$ 3o by eorizing si&'e one story o! &a"kage being de'ivered by a &ostan, yo# "an easi'y re!er to every sing'e &art or Internet te"hno'ogy and reeber how it works$ 3o it is in y o&inion best not exa"t'y te"hni"a' way to have soe know'edge abo#t a bo#t soething everyone is #sing today$ 5o# ight !ind soe "ha&ters where I &robab'y was too te"hni"a', or where .wind bro#ght e to !ar 'ike in 'ast "ha&ter$ %s one o! y entors says6 .'eave yo#r so&histi"ation behind yo#, we'' there is word o! tr#e in that, b#t I wo#'dn(t say I a that #"h .so&histi"ated, and this text is rather soething .'ike I see it$ y s#""ess wo#'d be i! the "on"e&t wo#'d work and yo# wi'' re!er in yo#r ind to that !irst "ha&ter when word Internet wi'' "oe to s#r!a"e$ s#r !a"e$ +hanks !or reading$

Important introduction

When I gave this text to read to y !riends and editor they "ae ba"k to e asking what is abo#t and who a I targeting$ %s !ar &#b'ishers didn(t )#ite 'ike the "on"e&t I(ve de"ided to &#b'ish it as !ree text as rare as it was$ %s *ng'ish is not y !irst 'ang#age &'ease !orgive e a'' the istakes and errors$ +his text is dedi"ated to everyone, we'' soe high'y ski''ed I+ or Internet &ro!essiona's wo#'d !ind that there are no new !a"ts in i n there, b#t they are &resented !ro di!!erent ang'e$ -on(t be "on!#sed when yo# start reading !irst "ha&ter and yo# wi'' !ind that it .se''s 'ike soe ordinary nove' rather ra ther then s"ien"e book$ We'' that wasn(t y intentions i ntentions to write s"ien"e book, rather soething a""essib'e to everyone$ ev eryone$ 'ease re!er to "hara"ters &resented in that text eta&hori"a''y$ et e ex&'ain$ y idea was to &resent si&'e story !ro everyday 'i!e$ 3oething everyone "an easi'y #nderstand and re!er to$ 3o there there it is 4 a &ostan and story o! de'ivering a &a"kage$ +his story in !irst "ha&ter is sybo'i", and as text goes it wi'' #n"over ore and ore inside &ro"esses how Internet works$ 3o by eorizing si&'e one story o! &a"kage being de'ivered by a &ostan, yo# "an easi'y re!er to every sing'e &art or Internet te"hno'ogy and reeber how it works$ 3o it is in y o&inion best not exa"t'y te"hni"a' way to have soe know'edge abo#t a bo#t soething everyone is #sing today$ 5o# ight !ind soe "ha&ters where I &robab'y was too te"hni"a', or where .wind bro#ght e to !ar 'ike in 'ast "ha&ter$ %s one o! y entors says6 .'eave yo#r so&histi"ation behind yo#, we'' there is word o! tr#e in that, b#t I wo#'dn(t say I a that #"h .so&histi"ated, and this text is rather soething .'ike I see it$ y s#""ess wo#'d be i! the "on"e&t wo#'d work and yo# wi'' re!er in yo#r ind to that !irst "ha&ter when word Internet wi'' "oe to s#r!a"e$ s#r !a"e$ +hanks !or reading$

Table of contents

78* 9 3tory o! a extraordinary &ostan


+W7 9 Internet "ab'e #nder i"ros"o&e


  +H:** 9 ;nderstanding "o&#ter 'ang#age


7;: 9 Hidden 'ayers o! Internet


I=* 9 :o#ting 4 !inding the the road


3I 9 Internet &osta' address


3*=*8 9 How "o&#ter is !inding the right address and road


*IGH+3 9 ?no"king on the doors 4 server and "'ient


8I8* 9 -83 "o&#ter4h#an @+ower o! Aabe'( 'ang#age


+*8 9 History o! Internet deve'o&ent


**=*8 9 Internet ske'eton tier(s and governan"e iss#e


+*8 9 How any &eo&'e are #sing InternetB


**=*8 9 3ear"h *ngines, &ro"esses behind r G o!!i"e


+W*=* 9 ate'y on Internet 4 3o"ia' 8etworks


78* 9 3tory o! a extraordinary &ostan It was aro#nd idnight when dea! eta''i" eta''i " so#nd e"hoed thro#gh the rather dark roo$ r oo$ It bro#ght o#t the attention o! the we''4&ost#red gent'ean in the idd'e o! the roo$ 8ews&a&er he was reading was sti'' shadowing his !a"e, #n"overing on'y his ysterio#s'y dee& eyes 'ooking into the "orner o! the roo$ +hat(s where the noise was "oing !ro$ +hen a'ar went o!!$ %'ready dressed in )#ite !ora' i'itary4'ooking #ni!or with naetag .Jaes on his "hest, an K#&s #& !ro the "hair$ 8ow we "an see his #nshaved !eat#re o! his !a"e, !a"e that was s"reaing with tho#sands o! #nto'd stories$ He )#i"k'y r#ns into the "orner where in"oing 'etterbox was based$ He a"ts 'ike a &rograed a"hine, K#dging by "ertainty and soothness o! his oveents it is not the !irst tie he is !inding hise'! in that sit#ation$ He instant'y &#shes the red b#tton o#nted on the wa'' t#rning o!! the a'ar be''$ 8ow "oe'y he &i"ks #& the &a"kage !ro the eta' de"k$ He 'ooks on the 'abe' atta"hed to the box, whi"h says6 ro6 s a" +o6 r G 8ot on'y in his &ro!ession .ro eans as we'' .:et#rn ath and .+o is e)#a' to .-estination$ +he nae on the box .s a" bright #& # & his dark !a"e !or a se"ond at this very oent, 'ike she is very i&ortant &erson to hi$ He sees to know that nae very we''$ +his is nae o! this attra"tive b'ond !ea'e 'aw st#dent on !irst !'oor$ 3he sto&s every day by his re"e&tion desk on her way ba"k !ro #niversity$ 3he sees to be very bright yo#ng woen$ %nd Jaes "an(t sto& wondering, that 'ook she is a'ways giving givi ng hi when she is 'eaving his re"e&tion window$$$a'ost 'ike she is issing his "o&any straight away, what does it eanB A#t there is no tie !or s#"h tho#ghts, d#ties !irst, that is how he was trained$ He knows !ro the to& o! his head that her address is 1F2$1E$1$$ A#t he has to a"t with i'itary i'i tary &re"ision &roto"o's, so he )#i"k'y "he"ks that in his database to "on!ir that !a"t$ 7! "o#rse, he was right$ 3he is one o! 10 tenants, whi"h are #sing his re"e&tion &ost o!!i"e servi"es in the b#i'ding$ A#t who is r GB He know he have to a"t !ast and &ro!essiona''y$ He rings we''4known g'oba' en)#iries "o&any "a''ed -83 and !inds o#t that this gent'ean is 'iving on $102$F$10 address$ ?nowing the destination address on'y task 'e!t !or Jaes Ja es is to !ind the best and !astest way to de'iver the &a"kage$ He en)#ires with his head )#arter !riend s enny i! she knew where that $102$F$10 address ight be$ s enny "on!irs in no tie that she knows where to send that &a"kage and asking Jaes to !orward that &a"kage to her and she wi'' dea' with it$ Jaes ski'!#''y takes the 'abe' atta"hed to the box, s"ans the bar "ode and ty&es soething on the "o&#ter$ ro this we "an see he is not on'y &hysi"a''y !ir, b#t a'so )#ite ex&erien"ed with the "o&#ters$ Whi'e he is ty&ing, we "an easi'y s&ot "ir"'e sybo' on his right s'eeve$ +he text aro#nd the sybo' says6 %nti4Lyberterroris 8ava' 3ervi"es. +he text he entered s&eared on the s"reen, it was saying6 Lase n#ber6 a"kage 1 4 entry 101 ro6 Jaes Ms a"(s re"e&tionN re"e&tionN +o6 s enny, HO1 M!or r G, $102$F$10N

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



8ow he &#ts the &a"kage in sort o! &rote"tive &'asti" "ontainer$ He o&ens wired4'ooking "ir"'e she've doorsP inside we "an its end'ess$ He &#ts the &'asti" "ontainer there, "'oses the door, green 'ight a&&ears on .G7 b#tton on the !ront o! the door$ He &resses it and goes ba"k to his news&a&er$ %bove wired "ir"'e doors we "an read 'abe' saying6 .I3 Aroadband +#nne' to HO1$ 7n another end o! I3 Aroadband +#nne' s enny o&ens sii'ar "ir"'e doors, K#st to !ind very sae "ontainer there$ 3he s"ans the bar "ode and text6 .a"kage 1 4 entry 101 shows #& on her "o&#ter s"reen$ In "ase detai's she "an read that she a'ready "he"ked with severa' "o#riers i! they knew r G and i! they "an de'iver that &arti"#'ar &a"kage$ It was at the tie when Jaes asked her is she knew how to de'iver &a"kage to r G$ 3he !o#nd one "o#rier "a''ed ;3 on .:o#te 101 ab'e to de'iver$ ;3 was #sing !ast and se"#re air &ost te"hno'ogy$ A#t when s enny "he"ked with ;3 she !inds o#t that they "#rrent'y ex&erien"ing soe de'ays d#e weather "onditions$ 3he rang ed*x 4 another tr#sted "o#rier$ ed*x "on!irs that they are ab'e to o!!er de'ivery within very good tie #sing #'tra4!ast #ndergro#nd train$ 3he de"ides to #se their servi"es, arks the &a"kage and #&dates the syste entry6 Lase n#ber6 a"kage 1 4 entry 102 ro s enny Ms a"(s HO1N +o6 ed*x Mr G(s HO2N +hen she is 'oading the &a"kage into the next tr#"k going to ed*x HO$ +r#"k 'eaves s enny o!!i"e iediate'y$ %!ter abo#t one ho#r tr#"k de'ivers &a"kage to the destination$ +hey s"an the bar "ode, they !inding 'o"a' de&ot a""#rate !or r G address M$102$F$10N !ro whi"h "o#rier "an de'iver the &a"kage !astest$ It is their o!!i"e no $102$ +hen they #&date syste !or .a"kage 1 4 entry 102 "ase in their syste$ Lase n#ber6 a"kage 1 4 entry 10 ro ed*x HO2 +o6 $102 Mr G(s 'o"a' "o#rierN ;sing s&e"ia' .broadband t#nne' ed*x HO2 e&'oyee sends &a"kage to $102 o!!i"e$ ina''y &a"kage arrives at r G 'o"a' "o#rier o!!i"e$ o"a' ed4*x de'ivery an "a''ed :oger &i"ks #& the box !ro de'ivery de"k in his o!!i"e and brings it #& to r G(s o!!i"e$ ?no"k on the doors, r$ G o&ens the door, signs the de'ivery !or !or r :oger, o&ens the box and !inds the 'etter$ s a" is asking r G in that 'etter to sear"h his !i'es ar"hives !or do"#ents abo#t ."onstit#tion$ r G )#i"k'y r#ns into the !i'e ar"hive storage roo, o&ens drawer, and &i"ks severa' &ages !ro vario#s !o'ders known to hi$ +hen he writes down tit'es o! those &ages with brie! "ontent des"ri&tion and &#ts it in a re&'y 'etter$ *x&'aining that he doesn(t have !#'' text o! these arti"'es with hi, b#t when he was trave''ing overseas he seen that arti"'e at .wiki&edia instit#te$ %nd he ty&es the address !or that b#i'ding where he seen it$ +hen r G &rints o#t this 'etter, &#ts it into the box, addresses it as :et#rn ath to s a", and giving it ba"k to his 'o"a' &ostan 4 r :oger$


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



8ow this &a"kage ret#rns the sae way to s a"$ o"a' "o#rier r :oger #sing the .broadband t#nne' send it to ed*x HO2, tr#"ks takes it to s enny at HO1 she sends it by .I3 Aroadband +#nne' to a 'o"a' &ostan Jaes$ %s yo# "o#'d ex&e"t, he ha&&i'y r#shes with the box over to s a" a&artent on 1F2$1E$1$ address$ 3he o&ens the doors with we'"oing si'e, what re'axes Jaes(s !ir !a"e$ %nd he does soething no one seen hi doing be!ore 4 he sii'es ba"k to her so honest'y yo# "an te'' it "oes !ro the botto o! his heart$ 3he signs #& the de'ivery !or, o&ens the box$ ro the 'etter she !inds o#t that r G "ae a"ross !i'e, whi"h she was 'ooking !or$ r$ G in"'#ded the nae o! that !i'e and address where its 'o"ated at .wiki&edia instit#te$ %'so he entioned that !ro what he reebers se"tion, whi"h in"'#des that &a&er, was bookarked ."onstit#tion$ In #n"ontro''ab'e ex&'osion o! eotions s a" K#&s onto Jaes$ +hen she rea'ized what K#st she have done, and she ste&s ba"k ashaed and "on!#sed$ 5o# "an te'' that by g'owing b'#sh on her "hi"ks$ A#t she )#i"k'y &#t herse'! together and she asks Jaes to wait !ew se"onds$ 3he "oes ba"k to her a&artent, writes another 'etter, &#ts it into the box and addressed to .wiki&edia$ %!ter handing box over to Jaes, she ask hi to de'iver hat &a"kage !or her$ %!ter that she throws soe 'oose words, 'ike it is not i&ortant to her at a''$ 3he said that she is b#sy today with s"hoo' &roKe"ts, b#t aybe toorrow i! he doesn(t have di!!erent &'ans, they "o#'d go !or a ea' or a drink aybe$ He doesn(t answer$ J#st 'ooking into her b'#e eyes shakes his head$ Jaes didn(t even reebered how he got ba"k to his o!!i"e, thinking a'' the way abo#t s a" and what K#st ha&&ened$ It seeed so #nrea', that he sti'' "an(t be'ieve it  K#st ha&&ened$ Ay the tie he rea"hes his o!!i"e the tho#gh hits hi$ He have to do his best to i&ress s a" with this &a"kage$ 3o he rang -83 "o&any straight away to !ind o#t that are .wiki&edia b#i'dings are 'o"ated #nder F1$1FE$1DC$22 address overseas, exa"t'y as r G said in the 'etter$ Jaes "on!irs with his s enny at HO1 that best way to send this &a"kage is via --(s #ndersea t#nne'$ Jaes 'abe's and sends &a"kage to s enny$ 3he #&dates the ti"ket, 'abe's the box and send it to -- HO 6

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



via dedi"ated #ndersea &i&e$ -- HO re"eives &a"kage !ro s enny HO1 overseas, #&dates their systes, and des&at"h box to 'o"a' .wiki&edia "o#rier Q Aob$ He brings the &a"kage to re"e&tion o! .wiki&edia instit#te where de'ivery !or is being sign o!! and &a"kage o&ened$ .wiki&edia instit#te e&'oyee naed Webster o&ens s a" 'etter and seeks re)#ested !i'e in se"tion ."onstit#tion a""ording to r G dire"tions$ 7n"e r Webster !inds the !i'e, he is aking a "o&y o! it, &a"king it into a box and sends ba"k to s a" with regards via .:et#rn ath$ +he doorbe'' rings at s a" a&artent$ 3he o&ens the door where Jaes dressed in white shirt is si'ing at her with the box in his hand$ 3he sings de'ivery !or and o&ens the box where she !inds the "o&y o! ."onstit#tion !i'e !ro .wiki&edia$ +he !i'e said6 .% "onstit#tion is a set o! 'aws that a set o! &eo&'e have ade and agreed #&on…$ 3igns o! overwe'ing !ee'ing o! satis!a"tion and ha&&ines "an be eas'y s&otted on her !a"e$ .I "o#'n(t do it witho#t yo# 4 she whis&ers into Jaes(s ear with her so!t voi"e K#st a!ter she !a''s down into his ars$ He &#ts his strong ars aro#nd her, she noti"es that he se''s K#st 'ike !resh'y "#tted grass$ +hat reinds her o! s#er ho'iday she #sed to s&end with her dad in his !ar$ 3#den'y she !e't so sa!e 'ike there was nothing what "o#'d har her$ It was the sae !ee'ing she reebered when she was in the ars o! her dad when she was 'itt'e$

It sees 'ike s"enery !ro roanti" Aond ovie, or extraordinary day o! an ordinary &ostan$ 8i"e 'ight story, b#t what does it have to do with Internet$ We'' idea is to eorize key !a"tors by easy exa&'e$ *a"h &art o! this story o! Jaes and s a" re&resents di!!erent !a"tor o! how Internet works$ It is sybo'i" exa&'e rather then s"ienti!i" ex&'anation, b#t s#&&osed'y it is best way to eorise a'' the "e''s o! this "hain$ ets start with s"a'ing o#r story to tr#e te"hno'ogi"a' ba"kgro#nd o! Internet$ or the start we wi'' go with s"a'ing the tie$ I think we "an agree that it takes at 'east  days M2F 200 000 i''ise"ondsN ini# to de'iver &a"kage overseas$ ets s#&&ose that o#r story was &resented in otions s'owed C000 ties$ In digita' tie4s"a'ed wor'd "o&#ter rea"hes r$ G o!!i"e in a&&roxiate'y 0 i''ise"onds$ Where who'e &ro"ess o! &#''ing down the right do"#ent !ro .wiki&edia ar"hives takes a&&roxiate'y 040 se"onds$ Going !#rther with o#r exa&'e o! Jaes and s a", we "an agree that s a" or r G "o#'d &#t anything in the box6 a 'etter, video take, #si" L-,  &'ayer, re"orded voi"e et"$ yo# "an on'y iagine how any #ses this .&ost4de'ivering servi"es ight have$ 3ae Internet, it "an bring yo# 5o#+#be video, Word do"#ent, iages, arti"'es et"$ %nd this is exa"t'y why Internet is so #niversa'6 be"a#se it &rovides enoro#s variety o! #se$ +hat(s K#st two o! as&e"ts, going dee&er with ana'ysis o! o#r story we have to go to roots$ How this Aroadband +#nne' trans&orts the &a"kage, how this in!rastr#"t#re is b#i'd, how does it syn"hronise$

+W7 9 Internet "ab'e #nder i"ros"o&e +here are no ini 'itt'e boxes or &'asti" "ontainers inside rea' broadband Internet "ab'e$ A#t there is soething trans&orting in!oration(s both ways$ It is e'e"troni" i&#'se 4 signa' o! 0 and 1 Q binary syste$ *'e"troni" i&#'se "an on'y signa'ize 0 Mo!! or !a'seN and 1 Mon or tr#eN, sii'ar way as orse "ode sends by !'ash'ight$ +o b#i'd 'etters and words 7

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



this signa' is s&'it in &arts "a''ed bits$ We are going to ta'k abo#t E bit exa&'es, !or two ain reasons$ Internet addressing is based on the, and it is easier to #nderstand how it works on E &ie"es exa&'es then !or exa&'e on 12E &ie"es$ 3o E bit binary systes we "an &resent as .&a#se4!'ash4&a#se4&a#se4!'ash4!'ash4&a#se4&a#se and we "an write it down as 01001100$ +hat eans there wi'' be E &ositions avai'ab'e to !i'' by 0 or 1$ 3o to get one 'etter we need "obination o! E va'#es$ *a"h !'ash or &a#se is then trans'ated sae as orse a'&habet to a 'etter or n#ber$ or instan"e 1 M!'ashN 0 M&a#seN is an .% on orse "ode, in binary "ode % is re&resented by 01000001, where sa'' 'etter .a by 01100001 and n#ber 1 is 00110001$ Lo&#ters trans'ate this !or #s a#toati"a''y$ It a"ts as a#to4trans'ator, !or exa&'e when yo# &ress H on yo# keyboard "o&#ter knows it is D2 whi"h is trans'ated to .0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0$ Lo&#ter iediate'y is signa'izing it as .not4 !'ash4not4not4!'ash4not4not4not or other words .!a'se4tr#e4!a'se4!a'se4tr#e4!a'se4!a'se4 !a'se$ +hat is in very s'ow otion$ In rea' 'i!e it is #"h !aster, in !a"t so !ast so we "an(t see it$ Iagine C i''ion !'ashes transitted in one se"ond$ +hat is K#st yo#r basi" hoe Internet "onne"tion, where bigger "or&orate !iber4o&ti" "onne"tions wi'' be o&erating tho#sands or i''ions ties !aster$ +hat is howP K#st by knowing va'#es 0,1 Mtr#e, !a'seN "o&#ters "an transit enoro#s ao#nt o! "ontent$ %ny in!oration, text, video, iage, voi"e "an be trans'ated to 0 1 'ang#age$ Ae"a#se Internet te"hno'ogy a''ows to transit that 0 1 'ang#age )#i"k'y !ro one &art o! the wor'd to other via air Mwire'ess or obi'e &honeN it so s#""ess!#' te"hno'ogy and &rovides #s with &'at!or whi"h we "an #se in any di!!erent ways$

+H:** 9 ;nderstanding "o&#ter 'ang#age 8

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



We read binary "ode !ro right4to4'e!t$ +he !irst s'ot !ro the right re&resents a va'#e o! one, the se"ond !ro the right a va'#e o! two, the third !ro the right a va'#e o! !o#r, the !o#rth !ro the right a va'#e o! eight, the !i!th !ro the right a va'#e o! sixteen, and the "y"'e "ontin#es by #'ti&'es o! 2$ +his wi'' never "hange$ Ay &#tting a 1 or a 0 in those s'ots yo# are either saying yo# want to "orres&onding va'#e that(s atta"hed to that s'ot or yo# don(t$ % .1 eans .yes, and a .0 eans .no$ or exa&'e, &#tting a zero in the !irst s'ot !ro the right, b#t a 1 in the se"ond s'ot !ro the right eans yo# want a two, b#t not a one6 R R R 1 0$ et(s say yo# want to re&resent eight in binary !or$ We'', thinking abo#t the s'ots, yo# want the !irst s'ot to be 0 be"a#se yo# don(t want a one, yo# want the se"ond s'ot to a'so be 0 be"a#se yo# don(t want a two, yo# want the third s'ot to a'so to be 0 be"a#se yo# don(t want a !o#r, b#t yo# want the !i!th s'ot to be 1 be"a#se yo# want a va'#e o! eight$ %s s#"h, eight in binary !or is6 1 0 0 0 Mor si&'y 1000 witho#t those #nder'inesN$ 8ow it is i&ortant to note that the ao#nt o! zeroes that &re"ede the !irst va'#e o! one !ro the 'e!t is #ni&ortant$ 3o !or exa&'e6 1 0 0 0 is the sae as 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 M1000 S 000100N$ +o get it "'eared #&, here(s another exa&'e6 0 1 is the sae as 1$ et(s now #nderstand how to get the "orres&onding de"ia' va'#es to the n#bers, whi"h are not #'ti&'es o! 2$ +o get the tota' va'#e o! a binary n#ber, add the va'#es "orres&onding to ea"h s'ot$ 3o, !or exa&'e, three in binary wo#'d be6 11 be"a#se 2T1S$ +he above "orres&onds to three be"a#se i! yo# add the tota' va'#es o! a'' the s'ots, that is to say a one !ro the s'ot to the right, and a two !ro the se"ond s'ot to the right, then it e)#a's three$ %s another exa&'e, 'et(s say yo# want to re&resent  in binary ters$ +hen yo# wo#'d need a va'#e o! one to be added to a va'#e o! !o#r, and yo# wo#'d not want a va'#e o! two6 101 U:eading !ro the right6 1MoneN T 0MtwoN T 1M!o#rN S !iveV$

It is easier to #nderstand when &resented ore vis#a''y$ irst 'ets draw binary "ode tab'e o! 128/2S64/2S32/2S16/2S8/2S4/2S2/2=1 Mtogether E n#bers/&ositionsSE bitN$ 7r other way aro#nd6 2DS128, 2 S64, 2S32, 2CS16, 2S8, 22S4, 21S2, 20S1$ %s yo# see &owers o! 2 are the keys to binary syste, E o! the to be exa"t$ 1 12E

2 64

 2

C 1

 E

 C

D 2

E 1

7#r 'etter % is 01000001 &'a"ing it into the right s'ots &osition in the tab'e we getting6 12E 0

64 1

2 0

1 0

E 0

C 0

2 0

1 1

We have on'y !'ash'ight 78 Mtr#eN on &osition 1 and &osition D, rest are K#st &a#ses$ 3o taking on the a""o#nt on'y the !'ashes va'#es !ro the tab'e we have 1xCT1x1S 8o we need soething "a''ed the %3LII tab'e$ It is tab'e o! "onstant va'#es, sae as 1 "orres&onds to % in o#r 'ogi", sae as orse a'&habet$ %3LI tab'e "orres&onds the binary n#ber to the 'etter e)#iva'ent Mor Msybo'/n#ber e)#iva'entN$ 9

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



or instan"e starting with 65, and now writing capital letters  next to those n#bers we have %S, AS et"$ 3tarting with 97 and write lowercase we getting aSFD, bSFE et"$ %nd !or numbers we starting !ro 48S0, CFS1 et"$

%S AS LSD $$$


0SCE 1SCF 2S0 S1 …

7;: 9 Hidden 'ayers o! Internet Ainary 0 1 'ang#age is K#st e'e"tri" i&#'se, sae as !'ash 'ight signa'$ +o send s#"h signa' between two "o&#ters, or any "o&#ters 'ike it is on Internet we need soe sort o! "arrier$ 3ae as "ar needs a road or soething to drive on, "o&#ters needs wires to transit those i&#'ses$ +oday we have Wire'ess te"hno'ogy, whi"h does it witho#t wires, b#t yo# sti'' need .broad"ast devi"e and a .re"eiver$ 7ther words it is sti'' &oint4to4 &oint transission o! signa'$ ets !o"#s on wired "onne"tion, as it is easier to vis#a'ize$ %nd a'so sae r#'es a&&'y to Wire'ess te"hno'ogy anyway$ +o &ro&er'y transit "o&#ter4to4"o&#ter essage it re)#ires "o&'ex te"hno'ogy$ +o re!'e"t that in day4to4day 'ang#age, 'ike road has 'ayers, so it doesn(t "o''a&se, has site water drains, has tra!!i" 'ights and one road is "onne"ted to other in h#ge network$ 3ae Internet, it is 'ayered "onne"tion, o#tside is visib'e as one t#nne', inside whi"h we have a'' o! those !#n"tions 'ike tra!!i" 'ights, "ars, tr#"ks "arrying over &a"kages et" et"$ +he best way to !ind o#t what(s exa"t'y inside this t#nne' is to ta'k abo#t those 'ayers in detai's$ In "o&#ter terino'ogy those 'ayers are des"ribed by 73I ode' M7&en 3yste Inter"onne"tion :e!eren"e ode'N$ It is hierar"hi"a' ode', eaning in order to a"hieve ayer 2, ayer 1 has to be o&erationa' and in order$ %nd sae !or a'' above 'ayers$


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



%na'ogi"a''y ayer  re)#ires ayer 2 and a'' ayers be'ow it to be in order$

a!er 1 "p#!sical $ media% si&nal and binar! transmission' +his 'ayer is res&onsib'e !or bit4'eve' transission M0 1 !'ashesN between network nodes$ +he hysi"a' ayer de!ines ites s#"h as6 "onne"tor ty&es, "ab'e ty&es, vo'tages, and &in4 o#ts$ 3tarting !ro the botto o! the t#nne', we have &hysi"a' &art o! it$ It is the "ab'ing and the a"hines invo'ved in transitting the signa'$ 8ow ea"h a"hine knows the nae o! its neighbo#r(s a"hines$ +his address is "a''ed %L address Mthat(s why it was s a" in o#r storyN$ 3o we have !or instan"e one a"hine, in o#r exa&'e it was r Jaes, and his neighbo#r a"hine !e''ow Q s enny$ +hey know ea"h other and they are "onne"ted by &hysi"a' "ab'ing Mwe naed it .broadband t#nne' in o#r story des"ribing &hysi"a' &i&e between theN$ A#t going !#rther in o#r exa&'e it wi'' be the road or the stairs on whi"h "o#rier "arrier over the &a"kage$ *a"h a"hine MJaes, enny, :oger et"N is "a''ed devi"e$ +he !ai'y o! devi"es "an be arranged by "ategories 'ike 8etwork %da&ters, :o#ters, H#bs and any others$ +hose "an be des"ribed as !'ash'ights with eyes$ +hey "an absorb and send e'e"tri" i&#'ses M0 1 signa'sN$ a!er 2 "data $ p#!sical addressin&' +his 'ayer is res&onsib'e !or "o#ni"ations between adKa"ent network nodes$ +his is basi" "o#ni"ation between those two a"hines r Jaes and s enny$ It 11

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



deterines i! they "an ta'k to ea"h other$ or exa&'e i! the .broadband t#nne' is not broken, or i! they were ab'e to ake "onversation in the !irst &'a"e$ +his 'ayer is a'so "a''ed soeties by se'!4ex&'anatory nae 4 .!rae 4 where devi"e !ai'ies o! h#bs and swit"hes are o&erating$ a!er 3 "networ( $ pat# determination and lo&ical addressin&' +his 'ayer is res&onsib'e !or estab'ishing &aths !or data trans!er thro#gh the network$ +his &art is re!erred to a'so as .&a"ket$ %s 'ine above is saying, the Kob o! this 'ayer is to !ind address and &ath to get to that address$ In o#r exa&'e it was !irst Jaes who "a''ed s enny, and s enny who !o#nd the way to de'iver the &a"kage$ 3#"h trans!er o! the &a"kage !ro hands to hands is "a''ed ro#ting and a"hine &roviding the servi"e is "a''ed a ro#ter$ %na'ogi"a''y we "an "on"'#de that s enny is a :o#ter devi"e$ +his a'so a 'ayer where very i&ortant syste residents Q I 4 Internet roto"o' whi"h is res&onsib'e !or ro#ting &a"kets a"ross network bo#ndaries$ a!er 4) "transport la!er $ end$to$end connections and reliabilit!% flow control' +his 'ayer is res&onsib'e !or de'ivering essages between networked devi"es$ Aest way to i''#strate this se"tion is e&isode o! s enny "a''ing ;3 and !inding that they have de'ays, and "a''ing ed*x to "on!ir i! they "an de'iver the &a"kage$ %'so !a"t o! signing #& de'ivery !ors on both ends is &art o! this &ro"ess$ Loå to o#r exa&'e, it is Jaes(s HO1 where s enny is 'o"ated, as we'' ed*x HO1 whi"h dea's with the dis&at"h and "'assi!i"ation o! ai' and &ar"e's sent$ -o reeber, however, that a HO1 and 2 anages the o#ter 'abe' o! the &a"kage$ Higher 'ayers ay have the e)#iva'ent o! do#b'e &a"kaging, s#"h as "ry&togra&hi" &resentation servi"es that "an be read by the addressee on'y$ +his a'so a 'ayer where very i&ortant syste residents Q +L 4 +ransission Lontro' roto"o'$ It is a servi"e o! ex"hanging data dire"t'y between two network devi"es, whereas I hand'es addressing and ro#ting essage a"ross one or ore networks$ In &arti"#'ar, +L &rovides re'iab'e, ordered de'ivery o! a strea o! 0 1 signa's !ro a &rogra on one "o&#ter to another &rogra on another "o&#ter$ +ogether I and +L "reates +L/I whi"h "an be re!erred as 'ogi"a' syste o! addressing and !inding "o&#ters on Internet$ 3ae as ea"h ho#se has &osta' address, ea"h "o&#ter has and I address, and +L/I knows how to o&erate this addressing syste$ a!er 5 "session la!er * inter$mac#ine communication' +his 'ayer is res&onsib'e !or estab'ishing &ro"ess4to4&ro"ess "o#ni"ations between networked devi"es$ +he 3ession ayer "ontro's the dia'og#es M"onne"tionsN between "o&#ters$ It estab'ishes, anages and terinates the "onne"tions between the 'o"a' and reote a&&'i"ation$ It &rovides si&'ex o&eration, and estab'ishes "he"k &ointing, adKo#rnent, terination, and restart &ro"ed#res$ a!er 6 "presentation la!er $ data representation% encr!ption and decr!ption% con+ersion' +his 'ayer is res&onsib'e !or de!ining the syntax that two network hosts #se to "o#ni"ate$ *n"ry&tion and "o&ression sho#'d be resentation ayer !#n"tions$ a"t that 'etter that s a" and r G wrote was in *ng'ish, is sa&'e o! data syntax$ +hat is &a"ked into an enve'o&e is si&'est re!'e"tion o! "o&ression or en"ry&tion$ 12

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



a!er 7 "application la!er * w#at we see on our computer screen' I wo#'d des"ribe this 'ayer as !'ower growing on the &'ant$ *ven i! yo# don(t see its roots, yo# wo#'d not be ab'e to see the !'ower, i! they didn(t exist$ %'' the &ro"ess o! gaining n#trition(s, water and &hotosynthesis are ne"essary in order !or the &'ant to dis&'ay the !'ower$ It is the sae with Internet, a'' be &ro"esses be'ow has to in order and !#n"tiona', so yo# "an see website, read eai' or wat"h video on 5o#+#be$ %'' o! the trans'ations o! $"o to an I address, ro#ting, !inding &ath, de'ivering, two way "o#ni"ation, sending &a"kages both ways, )#a'ity "ontro', &a"kage re"ognition and &resenting it on yo#r s"reen$

+his 'ayer is res&onsib'e !or &roviding end4#ser servi"es, s#"h as websites, !i'e trans!ers, "hat, e4ai', reote a""ess, and network anageent$ +his is the 'ayer with whi"h the #ser intera"ts$ It is a so!tware inter!a"e we are intera"ting with, and this so!tware is te''ing "o&#ter how to trans'ate o#r a"tions into 0 1 'ang#age$ %s there are any di!!erent syntaxes by whi"h 0 1 'ang#age "an be trans'ated, so!tware s#"h as s Word, or Internet *x&'orer, ire!ox, 7#t'ook *x&ress et" are those !i'ters whi"h knows how to s&'it and Koin together 0 1 &ie"es so we see website, eai' or do"#ent on o#r s"reen$


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



%'' together, in"'#ding a'' the 'ayers, who'e &ro"ess o! de'ivering one sing'e website to yo#r "o&#ter s"reen invo'ves over 100 basi"s sa''er te"hno'ogies$ +hey a'' "an be "'assi!ied in above 73I 'ayers$ *a"h o! the has "r#"ia' task, whi"h has to "o&'eted in 100X in order to dis&'ay &arti"#'ar website$ A#t Internet wasn(t 'ike this at the beginning$ When it was "reated, "o&#ters where si&'er, so as Internet$

I=* 9 :o#ting 4 !inding the road ets start with basi"s and go ba"k to ear'y Internet and one o! the ost i&ortant 'ayers 4 +L/I$ +his te"hno'ogy a''ows !inding any "o&#ter in g'oba' network by its #ni)#e address$ It is 'ayer K#st above the 'ayer o! &hysi"a' wiring 'ike &hone "ab'e, ode/transitter et"$ :e!erring to o#r Jaes(s story, think abo#t it as +L/I is that &ostan(s tr#"k "arrying over the &a"kage$ *a"h &ost4o!!i"e station Mwhatever HO1 or HO2 or 'o"a' sa''er oneN where &ostan is going to &i"k #& the &a"kage wo#'d be "a''ed ro#ter 1$ 3o s enny(s o!!i"e, as we'' ed*x or -- b#i'dings wi'' be :o#ters$ We "on"'#ded the sae in &revio#s "ha&ter when we were ta'king abo#t ayer  o! 73I ode'$


 :o#ter is e'e"troni" devi"e #sed to "onne"t two or ore "o&#ters or other e'e"troni" devi"es to ea"h other, and #s#a''y to the Internet, by wire or radio signa's$


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



:o#ter is basi"a''y trans!erring data Mro#ting2N !ro one station Mro#terN to other #sing shortest and !astest &ath ti'' it wi'' rea"h destination$ +hat is why s enny was en)#iring severa' "o#riers to !ind o#t whi"h one is the best and !astest$ +his ro#ting syste doesn(t re)#ire any "entra'ized database, as ea"h station/ro#ter is !inding ste& by ste& where to go and has severa' a'ternative &aths to de'iver &a"kage$ I yo# wo#'d iagine that Jaes "o#'d "onta"t any o! his  head)#arters, de&ending whi"h one wo#'d be ost re'iab'e$ or instan"e i! enny wo#'dn(t know how to de'iver the &a"kage, he wo#'d "onta"t another o!!i"e whi"h wo#'d know that$ %'so reeber when enny !inds o#t that ;3 has de'aysB It is s"enario when one &ath is broken in ro#ting s"enarioP &a"kage was de'ivered anyway by a'ternate ro#te going aro#nd the broken 'ink M;3N$ %s on @i"t#re 1 Q ro#ting( be'ow$ A#t that is not a'', it(s not on'y "he"king i! ea"h &at"h is !#n"tiona', b#t a'so is &'anning the ro#te and a""o#nting de'ivery tie and &i"king the !astest &ossib'e &ath$ ike on the gra&h be'ow :7;+*: 1 wi'' en)#iry a''  neighbo#r ro#ters i! they are ab'e to send the &a"kage to another :7;+*: whi"h wi'' be ab'e to de'iver the &a"kage to re"i&ient$ Ae"a#se :7;+*: 2 res&onded !astest saying @yes, I know how to de'iver this &a"kage, I know y neighbo#r 4 :7;+*: D 4 whi"h knows re"i&ient($ Ae!ore :7;+*: 2 has res&onded to :7;+*: 1 it en)#ired a'' his neighbo#rs M:7;+*:3 ,,D and EN and again :7;+*: D has res&onded !astest so :7;+*: 2 knew now whi"h &ath to take$ Ae"a#se :7;+*: C res&onded s'ower then :7;+*: 2, :7;+*: 2 &ath was &rioritised$ %nd sae sit#ation ha&&ened between :7;+*: 2 and :7;+*: D Mand :7;+*: ,,EN$

Lorres&onding re"ords in o#r story are6 :7;+*: 1 s enny HO1 :7;+*: 2 ed*x HO2 :7;+*:  ;3 o!!i"e :7;+*: D 'o"a' r G o!!i"e Med*x $102N :7;+*:  'o"a' ed*x o!!i"e whi"h doesn(t know who r G is


 :o#ting Mor ro#teingN is the &ro"ess o! se'e"ting &aths in a network a'ong whi"h to send network tra!!i"$


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



resented way o! !inding destination in "o&#ter word is "a''ed 7&en 3hortest ath irst M73N$ It si&'y does what it says$ +o rea"h r G o!!i"e Mo&en www$goog'e$"o websiteN !or standard Internet #ser at hoe wi'' take a&&roxiate'y at 'east 10 di!!erent ro#ters$ *a"h ste& on the way !or de'ivering the &a"kage is "a''ed hoo&$ 3o it takes 10 hoo&s to rea"h Goog'e$ +his n#ber ay vary de&ending o! yo#r Internet "onne"tion ty&e and yo#r &rovider$ resented exa&'e has on'y  hoo&s Mste&sN so it is very basi" &ath$ J#st to ention so yo# "an iagine how it works in bigger s"a'e where one ro#ter has 'ets say 0 or 100 a'ternative &aths to "hoose !ro, on o#r exa&'e highest is on'y C$ It is h#ge task !or s enny to "he"k with 100 di!!erent "o#riers and "o''e"t a'' data abo#t their de'ivery tie et"$ A#t aazing'y she does it in K#st !ra"tion o! a se"ond$ +hat(s the de"ision aking &ro"ess$ Aeside 7&en 3hortest ath irst M73N there are other ways to !ind destination, !or exa&'e yo# "an "ontro' whi"h &ath yo#r &a"kage wi'' be de'ivered witho#t "a''ing everyone aro#nd$ 5o# "an say I want y &a"kage to go to :7;+*: 1, :7;+*: C and :7;+*: E be"a#se I know the very we''$ +his wi'' be des"ribed as stati" ro#te$ It is #sed ain'y in b#siness environent by ski''ed I+ te"hni"ians to i&rove trans!er )#a'ity$ It is shi!ting &art o! the res&onsibi'ity to an#a' "ontro' over the &a"kage trans!er$ 3oe o! big de&ot o!!i"es, what we "a''ed head)#arters MHO1 and HO2N wi'' be ta'king to ea"h other by Aorder Gateway roto"o' AG C$ It is ty&e o! data trans!er reserved on'y !or h#ge ro#ters$ We &#t tr#"k in this &'a"e, b#t in rea' sit#ation it wi'' be h#ge #ndersea "ab'e, or sate''ite 'ink$ *ither way it is &i&e with h#ge "a&a"ity, and it is #sed by h#ge "ore networks and "or&orate organizations$ or o#r &#r&oses we wi'' ex"'#de &rivate "or&orate &oint4to4&oint networks$ 3o +hose AG &roto"o' wi'' be #sed by Internet 3ervi"e roviders to ta'k to ea"h other(s head )#arters$ +o vis#a'ize this better, we wo#'d have to re&'a"e o#r tr#"k with train trave''ing both ways, or Ket "arrying over the &a"kage via airs&a"e so )#i"k'y that we "an(t see it$ I&ortant to reeber is, this HO to HO &ath wi'' be b#ried #nder a higher 'ayer$ 3o !or ordinary Internet #ser it is not &ossib'e to see it$ 8ow K#st !or a training yo# "an try to !ind o#t how any ste&s it takes !or yo#r "o&#ter to rea"h Irish +ie website$ ;sing htt&6//www$yo#getsigna'$"o/too's/vis#a'4tra"ert/ website we "an do it witho#t any te"hni"a' know'edge$ 3o i! I wo#'d be in ;3% and I was o&ening Irish +ie website, that is the &ath that Jaes wo#'d de'iver y &a"kage$ Where no  wi'' be enny, no D and E -- air4trans servi"es, no 11 'o"a' o!!i"e de&ot !or Irish +ie et"$


 7&en 3hortest ath irst M73N is a dynai" ro#ting &roto"o' !or #se in Internet roto"o' MIN networks$ 3&e"i!i"a''y, it is a 'ink4state ro#ting &roto"o' and !a''s into the gro#& o! interior gateway &roto"o's, o&erating within a sing'e a#tonoo#s syste M%3N 4  +he Aorder Gateway roto"o' MAGN is the "ore ro#ting &roto"o' o! the Internet$ It aintains a tab'e o! I networks or Y&re!ixesY whi"h designate network rea"habi'ity aong a#tonoo#s systes M%3N$ It akes ro#ting de"isions based on &ath, network &o'i"ies and/or r#'eset$ 5  % "ore network is the "entra' &art o! a te'e"o network that &rovides vario#s servi"es to "#stoers$ +y&i"a''y it re!ers to the high "a&a"ity "o#ni"ation !a"i'ities that "onne"t &riary nodes$ Lore/ba"kbone network &rovides &ath !or the ex"hange o! in!oration between di!!erent s#b4networks$


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



I! yo# have Internet at hoe yo# have &robab'y seen and to#"hed ro#ter$ It is this 'itt'e box, whi"h yo#r Internet &rovider MI3 6N has given yo#$ +hat wo#'d be the entry &oint where the Ko#rney starts$ We'' the &a"kage generated by "o&#ter is a'ready in 0 1 'ang#age, so this hoe devi"e, 'et ass#e it is Jaes is taking o#r &a"kage and &#ts it in right t#nne'$ +hey are "oing in any di!!erent sha&es and "o'o#rs$ 3o Jaes in rea' wor'd Myo#r hoe ro#terN wo#'d 'ook 'ike this6

%nd s enny 4 ro#ter working in HO Mthe one o&erating on AG &roto"o'N wo#'d rather 'ook 'ike this6

%nd s enny as we'' ea"h o! ed*x HO2 e&'oyee wo#'d be the size o! wardrobe$ or instan"e standard Internet 3ervi"e rovider 'o"a' ex"hange is size o! b#i'ding, and ro#ters


 %n Internet servi"e &rovider MI3N, a'so soeties re!erred to as an Internet a""ess &rovider MI%N, is a "o&any that o!!ers its "#stoers a""ess to the Internet$


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



and a'' asso"iated devi"es are taking s&a"e e)#a' to &ro&er size roo$ 3o 'ets say that s)#are "abinet on the right is s enny and the roo is HO1 b#i'ding$

Jaes ro#ter at yo# hoe &robab'y is a'so %-3 ode7  "o&ressing and transitting signa' between yo#r "o&#ter and I3 ro#ter Menny at HON$ A#t !irst &#b'i" Internet a""ess was via so "a''ed dia' #& "onne"tion$ Where ea"h "o&#ter had dia'4#& "ard/ode MtransitterN "onne"ted to 3+8 E &hone 'ine$ +his transitter was dia''ing the &hone n#ber o! 'o"a' I3 ro#ter M"a''ed 7 serverN$ 7n"e this !irst &hysi"a' 'ayer o! "onne"tion was estab'ished, +L/I 'ayer was a"tivated$ +hen everything start to work as in the @i"t#re 1 Q ro#ting($ It is )#ite sii'ar today with %-3 te"hno'ogy, on'y di!!eren"es are the transitters are di!!erent$ +here is any di!!erent ty&es o! digita' network te"hno'ogies, ea"h one "an &rovide internet a""ess$ 3o there is any di!!erent ways to get a""ess to Internet today, in"'#ding obi'e &hones$ A#t a'' this te"hno'ogy is working on the sae &rin"i&a's$ 7n'y "arriers are di!!erent$ eaning the &art o! story between s a" and Jaes and how she de'ivers &a"kage to hi ight #se di!!erent s"enario$ A#t &resented basi" +L/I and ro#ting !#n"tiona'ities a&&'y to a'' o! Internet digita' networks$

3I 9 Internet &osta' address 8ow the interesting &art here is how they a'' know, where the &arti"#'ar address is$ It is a  Kob o! entioned be!ore +L/I te"hno'ogy$ It is o&erating as everything e'se in "o&#ter wor'd in atheati" binary syste M0 1 'ang#ageN$ *a"h "o&#ter or obi'e 7

 %n %-3 M-3N ode is a devi"e #sed to "onne"t a sing'e "o&#ter or ro#ter to a -3 &hone 'ine$ ike other odes it is a ty&e o! network trans"eiver between end4#ser ro#ter thro#gh &hone to I3 ro#ter$ 8  +he &#b'i" swit"hed te'e&hone network M3+8N is the network o! the wor'dYs &#b'i" "ir"#it4swit"hed te'e&hone networks Manother words ordinary &hone systesN


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



&hone "onne"ted to Internet is #sing +L/I and has #ni)#e address "a''ed I address$ ike ea"h ho#se has &osta' address giving ho#se n#ber, nae o! the street, town, "o#nty, "o#ntry et"$ *a"h "o&#ter on Internet is "onne"ted to an Internet network by a ro#ter MJaes(s o!!i"eN$ +hat o!!i"e has #ni)#e Internet &#b'i" I address$ *ven i! yo#r "o&#ter doesn(t have &#b'i" I, yo#r 'o"a' ro#ter has$ It is be"a#se +L/I addresses are s&'it in C di!!erent "ategories M%,A,L and -N$ or o#r &#r&ose we "an agree that there on'y two "ategories o! I addresses6 &rivate M'o"a'N and &#b'i"/g'oba'$ +hey are o&erating sae as &osta' "ategories, where &#b'i" wi'' "orres&ond to the nae o! street, and &rivate the n#ber o! the ho#se$ rivate address wi'' be the one assigned to ea"h "o&#ter in the b#i'ding by Jaes(s o!!i"e Q ro#ter$ We reeber s a" was 'iving on 1F2$1E$1$ address$ +hat is exa&'e o! &rivate I address$ 8ow ea"h tie when she sends or re"eives &a"kage Q when she goes on'ine, she wi'' be sending it via Jaes 4 her ro#ter$ a"t that Jaes was ab'e to send &a"kage via this weird "ir"'e door t#nne' to enny eans that his o!!i"e was an Internet gateway$ #n"tion o! Internet gateway is to a''ow 'o"a' "o&#ters a""ess internet Mg'oba' &ost systeN$ 8ow this gateway4ro#ter MJaes(s o!!i"eN wi'' have Internet &#b'i" I address$ Where his "'ient s a" wi'' have K#st &rivate 'o"a' I addresses known on'y to Jaes$ %gain this ro#ter knows a'' 'o"a' "o&#ters and it o&erating 'ike re"e&tion in the o!!i"e distrib#ting &a"kages to and !ro ea"h "o&#ter to Internet$ +his &ro"ess is known as network address trans'ation 8%+ $ %nd o! "o#rse there is ore$ 3e"#rity !eat#re o! 8%+ syste is that no one !ro g'oba' network "an a""ess 'o"a' "o&#ter witho#t &erission !ro that gateway4ro#ter$ 3o Jaes is not on'y &ostan, he is a &rote"tor and g#ardian$ or exa&'e when &a"kage send is being daaged it has it(s own de'ivery )#a'ity "ontro'$ +L/I is s&'itting &a"kage in &ie"es and b#i'ding it #& to one &ie"e on re"i&ient "o&#ter$ Iagine i! yo# have to de'iver kit"hen !#rnit#re$ I! yo# have to send it in 1 "ar, yo# need 'arge "ar, and it "an take 'onger$ A#t i! yo# send it in 1000 &ie"es whi"h "an be hand'ed by 1000 bi"y"'e drivers it wi'' go !ast, &assing tra!!i" "ongestions, and taking i! ne"essary a'ternate ro#tes$ +hen when arrives to destination a'' 1000 &ie"es being Koined ba"k together with 100X &re"ision and &resented to end #ser$ I! one o! the bi"y"'es is 'ate, or &ie"e was daaged, they sending on'y this &art that was daaged straight away$ Ae!ore a'' &ie"es arrived syste &redi"ts and knows i! soe &art needs to be re4 send shortening a'' &ro"ess$ ro"ess o! 'oosing &ie"e o! &a"kage is known as &a"ket 'oss $ I! too any &ie"es are 'ost, it wi'' extent the tie o! 'oading website or re"eiving eai'$

3*=*8 9 How "o&#ter is !inding the right address and road *noro#s n#ber o! "o&#ters in internet ea"h ro#ter M&ost o!!i"eN is b#i'ding #ni)#e own "'o#d o! I addresses Mdatabase o! 'o"a' &osta' addressesN &resenting on'y its own 1 I in internet and anaging tra!!i" in and o#t !ro internet$ 3ii'ar to traditiona' &ost box in &ost o!!i"e$ or exa&'e there is no need !or ea"h "o&#ter in ;3% to know I address o! ea"h "o&#ter in Lhina$ A#t be"a#se o! ea"h ro#ter know a'' I addresses o! his neighbo#r(s ro#ters &a"kage !ro ;3% "an be de'ivered to Lhina no &rob'e$ Internet is a'ways two4way "o#ni"ation, even when yo# o&ening website, yo#r "o&#ter is 19

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



seeking I address o! another "o&#ter in Internet whi"h is ho'ding that &arti"#'ar website Ms#"h "o&#ter is "a''ed web serverN$ Who'e internet is b#i'd on s#b4systes M'o"a' sa'' &ost o!!i"es, 'inked to bigger o!!i"esN$ G'oba' aKor I3 networks M'ike the one on the &i"t#re o! s enny(s HO rooN are "a''ed a'ternative systes M%3N$ 3o either ed*x or Jaes(s head )#arter we "an ark as %3$ +o vis#a'ise the s"a'ing 'ets say this @a'ternative systes( are big internationa' "argo &orts, where a'' &a"kages !or ea"h geogra&hi"a' region are arriving and then being distrib#ted to sa''er &ost o!!i"e, and sa''er event#a''y to 'o"a' &ost o!!i"e #sing te"hni)#e &resented be!ore @i"t#re 1 Q ro#ting(N$ +a'king o#r exa&'e 'ets take s a" 4 so#r"e "o&#ter that is sending &a"kage$ +his &a"kage "o#'d be o&ening website, wat"hing video, "a''ing on 3ky&e or re"eive eai' et"N$ -e'ivered by Jaes M'o"a' ro#terN to 'o"a' %'ternative 3yste M"argo &ort, bigger ro#ter or HO1N$ enny at HO is !inding o#t what is the best ro#te !or de'ivering the &a"kage$ +hen &a"kage trave's to destination Q r G$ r G is an "o&#ter ho'ding re)#ested website Mor eai'N$ In this "ase Goog'e websites$ %'ternative 3yste 4 "argo &ort on re"i&ient side  Q is re&resented by ed*x HO2$ ro where it is being distrib#ted to sa''er syste M'o"a' ed*x o!!i"eN, and another s#b4syste M:ogerN and to destination Mr G "o&#ter I addressN$ We wi'' ta'k ore abo#t a'ternative systes str#"t#re o! Internet in "ha&ter .**=*8 9 Internet Governan"e where we going to stri& internet in  tier(s6 'arge internationa' tier, 'o"a' tier, and ea"h b#i'ding Mhoe, o!!i"eN tier$

*IGH+3 9 ?no"king on the doors 4 server and "'ient It is di!!erent when yo# trans!or yo#r "o&#ter to a server, 'ike r G did$ He is not ordinary Internet "'ient, b#t he has &#b'i" address and he is sharing soe o! in!oration with everybody on Internet via that &#b'i" address$ I! one o! the 'o"a' "o&#ters in yo#r o!!i"e is ho'ding "o&any website we wo#'d "a'' that "o&#ter web server$ I! it is ho'ding and distrib#ting eai's it wo#'d be "a''ed ai' server$ In order !or that s&e"ia' "o&#ter ho'd "o&any website yo# have to &#t s&e"ia' so!tware on it$ +hen yo# have to te'' yo#r &osta' syste that yo# need &#b'i" address !or that "o&#ter, so everyone "an see "o&any website$ 7n"e yo# obtained &#b'i" address !ro s enny HO1 Myo#r Internet 3ervi"e roviderN, it wi'' be assigned to yo#r 'o"a' &ost o!!i"e Q Jaes$ 8ow yo# have to wa'k downstairs to Jaes and te'' hi that yo# want a'' &a"kages !ro and to that new'y obtain &#b'i" address go dire"t'y to she'! n#ber E0E0 in yo#r !'at$ 5o#r 'o"a' gateway ro#ter MJaes(s o!!i"eN has to a''ow this$ 3#"h &eranent a''owan"e is "a''ed stati" 8%+ or &ort !orwarding$ +hat eans not every sing'e &a"kage on that &#b'i" address wi'' go to that she'!$ 7n'y those &a"kages arked as .website$ 3o !or exa&'e i! Jaes wi'' re"eive &a"kage whi"h in"'#des eai', not a re)#est to o&en website, he wi'' de'iver that &a"kage to yo#r ain doors rather then dire"t'y to she've E0E0$ 8ow this s&e"ia' so!tware yo# have set4#& on yo#r "o&#ter "a''ed web server, is yo#r dedi"ated e&'oyee$ His on'y task is to take re)#ests !ro she'!, and to res&ond to the$ 3ae as r G did$ 3tandard res&onse generated by this e&'oyee wi'' be showing "o&any website 'o"ated on his "o&#ter$ 20

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



7n the to& 'ayer o! Internet ea"h a&&'i"ation Mwebsite, eai' et"N has it(s own t#nne'4 door "a''ed &ort$ In o#r sa&'e o! &ost syste we wo#'d des"ribe it as s&e"ia' doors or this E0E0 she'!$ -i!!erent &a"kage ty&e has its own she'! and t#nne'$ or exa&'e i! yo# re"eiving eai' it is #sing &ort n#ber 2, when sending &ort 110, website is #sing E0E0$ %'' o! those di!!erent ty&es o! &a"kages are trave''ing via di!!erent &roto"o's$ We "o#'d "a'' it &'asti" "ontainer to whi"h Jaes &#t s a"(s &a"kage$ or exa&'e to view website "o&#ter wi'' #se H++ &roto"o', to #&'oad website to web server 4 +, re"eive eai' 4 7 or to send eai' Q 3+$ What that eans is o#r 'o"a' gateway4ro#ter doesn(t have to &ass a'' the Internet tra!!i" to one 'o"a' "o&#ter$ It "an #se sae g'oba' I address !or any Internet a&&'i"ation by distrib#ting &a"kages to 'o"a' "o&#ters de&ending o! the !#n"tion o! that "o&#ter by s&e"i!i" &ort Q s&e"i!i" doors$

8I8* 9 -83 "o&#ter4h#an @+ower o! Aabe'( 'ang#age +o he'& to address "ategory o! &a"kages Internet #ses syste "a''ed -83$ It is not on'y trans'ating nae$"o to I address$ A#t a'so dire"ts s&e"i!i" &a"kage a""ording to its "ategory to right address$ 3o yo# don(t have to &rovide she'! !or eai' and website 21

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



)#eries #nder the sae address$ 5o# "an hire soebody in di!!erent b#i'ding a'' together, and te'' g'oba' &ost o!!i"e syste, to send a'' eai' )#eries to that address, and a'' website )#eries to yo#r address$ or exa&'e $102$F$1CD is I address o! "o&#ter ho'ding Goog'e www$goog'e$"o website$ With ty&i"a' +L/I address 'ooking 'ike $102$F$FF Min binary "o&#ter 'ang#age it wi'' 'ook 'ike 01000010$ 01100110$ 00001001$01100011N$ +hanks to -83 syste yo# don(t have to reeber $102$F$FF n#ber to o&en Goog'e website$ -83 stands !or  -oain 8ae 3yste and he'&s trans'ate Mreso'veN naes s#"h as www$goog'e$"o to +L/I n#bers$ +his syste is o&erating "o&#ter Internet addresses MI addressesN and on doain naesF$ -oain nae is si&'e "hosen by yo# nae with $"o or $org et" extension on the end$ +his extension $"o or $org on the end is "a''ed +o& eve' -oain Q+-10 $ 3o $"o is +- and goog'e$"o is doain nae$ Going dee&er www$goog'e$"o or'e$is sub doain Mthird 'eve' doainN$ +o& eve' -oains are "ontro''ed by Internet Governan"e organization I%8%11 that is o&erated by IL%8812$ Internet Governan"e str#"t#re obvio#s'y is ore "o&'ex and in"'#des organizations s#"h as I*+1 &#b'ishing internet standards eos "a''ed :L1C $


 % doain nae is an identi!i"ation 'abe' that de!ines a rea' o! adinistrative a#tonoy, a#thority, or "ontro' in the Internet, based on the -oain 8ae 3yste M-83N$ -oain naes are #sed in vario#s networking "ontexts and a&&'i"ation4s&e"i!i" naing and addressing &#r&oses$ +hey are organized in s#bordinate 'eve's Ms#bdoainsN o! the -83 root doain, whi"h is nae'ess$ +he !irst4'eve' set o! doain naes are the to&4'eve' doains M+-sN, in"'#ding the generi" to&4'eve' doains Mg+-sN, s#"h as the &roinent doains "o, net and org, and the "o#ntry "ode to&4'eve' doains M""+-sN$ Ae'ow these to&4 'eve' doains in the -83 hierar"hy are the se"ond4'eve' and third4'eve' doain naes that are ty&i"a''y o&en !or reservation by end4#sers that wish to "onne"t 'o"a' area networks to the Internet, r#n web sites, or "reate other &#b'i"'y a""essib'e Internet reso#r"es$ +he registration o! these doain naes is #s#a''y adinistered by doain nae registrars who se'' their servi"es to the &#b'i"$ 10  % to&4'eve' doain M+-N is one o! the doains at the highest 'eve' in the hierar"hi"a' -oain 8ae 3yste o! the Internet$ +he to&4'eve' doain naes are insta''ed in the root zone o! the nae s&a"e$ or a'' doains in 'ower 'eve's, it is the 'ast &art o! the doain nae, that is, the 'abe' that !o''ows the 'ast dot o! a !#''y )#a'i!ied doain nae$ or exa&'e, in the doain nae www$exa&'e$"o, the to&4'eve' doain is "o, or L7, as doain naes are not "ase4sensitive$ anageent o! ost to&4'eve' doains is de'egated to res&onsib'e organizations by the Internet Lor&oration !or %ssigned 8aes and 8#bers MIL%88N, whi"h o&erates the Internet %ssigned 8#bers %#thority MI%8%N and is in "harge o! aintaining the -83 root zone$ 11  +he Internet %ssigned 8#bers %#thority MI%8%N is the entity that oversees g'oba' I address a''o"ation, root zone anageent !or the -oain 8ae 3yste M-83N, edia ty&es, and other Internet roto"o' re'ated assignents$ 12  IL%88 is the Internet Lor&oration !or %ssigned 8aes and 8#bers$ Head)#artered in arina -e' :ey, La'i!ornia, ;nited 3tates, IL%88 is a non4&ro!it "or&oration that was "reated on 3e&teber 1E, 1FFE and in"or&orated 3e&teber 0, 1FFE in order to oversee a n#ber o! Internet4re'ated tasks &revio#s'y &er!ored dire"t'y on beha'! o! the ;$3$ governent by other organizations, notab'y the Internet %ssigned 8#bers %#thority MI%8%N$ IL%88Ys tasks in"'#de res&onsibi'ity !or Internet roto"o' MIN address s&a"e a''o"ation, &roto"o' identi!ier assignent, generi" Mg+-N and "o#ntry "ode M""+-N to&4'eve' doain nae syste anageent, and root server syste anageent !#n"tions$ ore generi"a''y, IL%88 is res&onsib'e !or anaging the assignent o! doain naes and I addresses$ 13  +he Internet *ngineering +ask or"e MI*+N deve'o&s and &rootes Internet standards, "oo&erating "'ose'y with the WL and I37/I*L standards bodies and dea'ing in &arti"#'ar with standards o! the +L/I and Internet &roto"o' s#ite$ It is an o&en standards organization, with no !ora' ebershi& or ebershi& re)#ireents$ %'' &arti"i&ants and anagers are vo'#nteers, tho#gh their work is #s#a''y !#nded by their e&'oyers or s&onsorsP !or instan"e, the "#rrent "hair&erson is !#nded by =eri3ign and the ;$3$ governentYs 8ationa' 3e"#rity %gen"y$


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



+hose Internet Governan"e bodies are "ontro''ing -83 root servers$ I%8% or IL%88 is de'egating the rights to anage or se'' doains to res&onsib'e organizations$ % -83 root zone is the to&4'eve' -83 zone in a -oain 8ae 3yste M-83N hierar"hy$ ost "oon'y it re!ers to the root zone o! the 'argest g'oba' -83, de&'oyed !or the Internet$ +he zone is anaged by the Internet %ssigned 8#bers %#thority MI%8%N, anaged by IL%88$ %t the end o! 200 there were a tota' o! 1 root nae servers s&e"i!ied, with naes in the !or 'etter$root4servers$net, where 'etter ranges !ro % to $ +his does not ean there are 1 &hysi"a' serversP ea"h o&erator #ses red#ndant "o&#ter e)#i&ent to &rovide re'iab'e servi"e even i! !ai'#re o! hardware or so!tware o""#r$ In !a"t "#rrent'y it is abo#t 2C2 servers$ Ay &hysi"a' server I ean h#ge roo !i''ed with e)#i&ent$ I! yo# seen any data "entre "os4roo, that how it 'ooks 'ike$ *xa"t'y 'ike s enny in HO1 shown &revio#s'y$

%dditiona''y, nine o! the servers o&erate in #'ti&'e geogra&hi"a' 'o"ations #sing a ro#ting te"hni)#e "a''ed any"ast1, &roviding in"reased &er!oran"e and even ore !a#'t to'eran"e$ ist o! the "an be !o#nd on Wiki&edia &ages htt&6//en$wiki&edia$org/wiki/:ootRnaeserver $ %'so in!oration regarding servers geo 'o"ation and their adinistrators/o&erators "an be !o#nd on root4servers$org o!!i"ia' website$


 :e)#est !or Loents M:LN is a eorand# &#b'ished by the Internet *ngineering +ask or"e MI*+N des"ribing ethods, behaviors, resear"h, or innovations a&&'i"ab'e to the working o! the Internet and Internet4"onne"ted systes$ +he in"e&tion o! the :L !orat o""#rred in 1FF as &art o! the seina' %:%8*+ &roKe"t$ +oday, it is the o!!i"ia' &#b'i"ation "hanne' !or the Internet *ngineering +ask or"e MI*+N, the Internet %r"hite"t#re Aoard MI%AN, and he g'oba' "o#nity o! "o&#ter network resear"hers in genera'$ 15  %ny"ast is a network addressing and ro#ting M"on!ig#rationN ethodo'ogy in whi"h datagras !ro a sing'e sender are ro#ted to the to&o'ogi"a''y nearest node in a gro#& o! &otentia' re"eivers a'' identi!ied by the sae destination address$ ore on htt&6//en$wiki&edia$org/wiki/%ny"ast


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



+he -83 :oot 3erver 3yste %dvisory Loittee is an IL%88 "oittee$ IL%88Ys by'aws assign a#thority over the o&eration o! the root naeservers o! the -oain 8ae 3yste to the -83 :oot 3erver 3yste %dvisory Loittee$ +he origina' design o! the -oain 8ae 3yste M-83N did not in"'#de se"#rityP instead it was designed to be a s"a'ab'e distrib#ted syste$ :e"ent'y in 200F +he -oain 8ae 3yste 3e"#rity *xtensions M-833*LN was introd#"ed$ -833*L atte&ts to add se"#rity, whi'e aintaining ba"kwards "o&atibi'ity$ In J#'y 2010 IL%88 &#b'ishes the root zone tr#st an"hor and root o&erators begin to serve the signed root zone with a"t#a' keys1$ Internet Governan"e instit#tions together with those res&onsib'e organizations are "ontro''ing :oot -83 servers to do not a''ow any errors or ins#rre"tions s#"h as d#&'i"ated naes, naes got sto'en et"$ +he root -83 servers are 'o"ated in #'ti&'e se"#re sites with high4bandwidth a""ess to a""oodate the tra!!i" 'oad$ Initia''y a'' o! these insta''ations were 'o"ated in the ;nited 3tates$ However, the distrib#tion has shi!ted and this is no 'onger the "ase$ ;s#a''y ea"h -83 server insta''ation at a given site is &hysi"a''y a "'#ster Msevera' "o&#tersN o! a"hines with 'oad4ba'an"ing ro#ters M'oad4ba'an"ing is a te"hni)#e to distrib#te work'oad even'y a"ross two or ore network devi"esN$ % "o&rehensive 'ist o! servers, their 'o"ations, and &ro&erties is avai'ab'e at htt&6//root4 servers$org$ Aasi"a''y their Kob is to &'a"e and "ontro' n#ber o! r#'es into &ra"ti"e, whi"h are ne"essary in "rowded Internet$ +hink o! -83 as another 'ayer o! Internet network$ It has it(s own in!rastr#"t#re whi"h se&arate !ro +L/I in!rastr#"t#re, b#t it "an not exist witho#t +L/I$ 3o we have two str#"t#res, one n#eri" M+L/IN and a'&habeti", and syste "onne"ting those two is -83$ +here are any di!!erent -83 servers in Internet, in 16



How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



!a"t any "o&#ter in internet "an be -83 server, b#t be"a#se o! g'oba' "ontro' -83 servi"es !ro that "o&#ter wi'' not be broad"asted into internet$ 7n'y a#thorized doain nae registrars "an broad"ast -83 doain naes to internet$ A#t o! "o#rse be"a#se Internet is &ower!#' and "rowded there is di!!erent -83 root str#"t#re b#i'd witho#t any governan"e "ontro'$ 3ti'' the o!!i"ia' -83 root is adinistered by the IL%88 b#t In addition, severa' organizations o&erate a'ternative -83 roots Mo!ten re!erred to as a't rootsN$ +hese a'ternative doain nae systes o&erate their own root -83 servers and adinister their own s&e"i!i" nae s&a"es "onsisting o! "#sto to&4'eve' doains$ +he Internet %r"hite"t#re Aoard1D has s&oken o#t strong'y against a'ternate -83 roots as it is &otentia' so#r"e o! g'oba' Internet "haos$ A#t "oing ba"k to o!!i"ia' ways, !or exa&'e when yo# registering yo#r $"o doain yo# s#bs"ribing to one o! the rese''ers whi"h are a#thorized to register s#"h naes to g'oba' root -83 servers$ It is #& to rese''er and +o& eve' -oain o&erator how #"h to "harge !or s#"h nae$ 8ow on"e yo# have registered yo# doain nae, !or exa&'e @soething2010$"o( yo# K#st reserving that &arti"#'ar nae in g'oba' Internet -83 str#"t#re$ 8ow it is "o&'ete'y se&arate s#bKe"t to get website or eai' !or that nae$ In order to dis&'ay website or send eai' it has to read the detai's o! so "a''ed -83 re"ord$ -83 re"ords are nothing e'se b#t the dire"tions, or 'ike words in di"tionary showing what ea"h word a"t#a''y eans$ +wo ost &o&#'ar ty&es o! -83 re"ords are % and  re"ords$ % re"ord is basi"a''y trans'ation o! word to I n#ber$ In o#r exa&'e www$goog'e$"o wi'' have % re"ord to $102$F$FF$ A#t to "o''e"t eai's it wi'' have  and it ight be "obined with di!!erent % re"ord$ A#t existen"e o!  re"ord is ne"essary to "o''e"t eai's$ % re"ord doesn(t have this !#n"tiona'ity$ Purple colour will reflect James calling DNS company.


 +he Internet %r"hite"t#re Aoard MI%AN is the "oittee "harged with oversight o! the te"hni"a' and engineering deve'o&ent o! the Internet by the Internet 3o"iety MI37LN$ +he body whi"h event#a''y be"ae the I%A was "reated origina''y by the ;nited 3tates -e&artent o! -e!enseYs$ -%:% with the nae Internet Lon!ig#ration Lontro' Aoard d#ring 1FDFP it event#a''y be"ae the Internet %dvisory Aoard d#ring 3e&teber, 1FEC, and then the Internet %"tivities Aoard d#ring ay, 1FE Mthe nae was "hanged, whi'e kee&ing the sae a"ronyN$ I t !ina''y be"ae the Internet %r"hite"t#re Aoard, #nder I37L, d#ring Jan#ary, 1FF2, as &art o! the InternetYs transition !ro a ;$3$4governent entity to an internationa', &#b'i" entity$


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



et e ta'k yo# thro#gh what we know so !ar abo#t Internet and how it works$ We know abo#t +L/I and -83$ 3o 'et(s say !or exa&'e to dire"t @www$goog'e$"o( to dis&'ay website yo# need -83 % re"ord &ointing to an I address o! the "o&#ter in the Internet whi"h is anaging yo#r website M$102$F$10N$ 3#"h "o&#ter is "a''ed web server$ A#t how abo#t "ontent o! the website$ It is not there, soeone have to &#t this "ontent in this "o&#ter$ In order to do so we have to design !i'e "o&atib'e with web browser !irst$ It is the sae as i! yo# want to write text yo# wi'' o&en text editor 'ike 8ote&ad or sWord rather then #si" &'ayer et"$ Web browser is so!tware on yo#r "o&#ter knowing how to read de!ined web site standard !i'e$ I wi'' show yo# exa&'e how to b#i'd s#"h website witho#t no ore te"hni"a' know'edge then this book "ontains in 'ast "ha&ter$ 7n"e yo# wi'' design this !i'e with a'' the "ontent, yo# need to &#t it in soe "o&#ter visib'e on the internet Mthe one with &#b'i" Internet I and web server so!twareN$ 3#"h "o&#ters are known as web servers$ 5o# "an anage s#"h so!tware on yo#r own "o&#ter b#t it re)#ire )#ite te"hni"a' ski''s, so better idea is to sign #& !or s#"h servi"e !ro one o! the &ro!essiona' &roviders$ +his servi"e is "a''ed web hosting$ 7n"e yo# wi'' get this "o&#ter and yo# wi'' trans!er that designed web site !i'e there Mto trans!er s#"h !i'e yo# wi'' #se so!tware "a''ed + "'ient and it &robab'y wi'' be given to yo# by this web hosting &roviderN$ +hen it is tie to tea"h -83 syste how to dire"t tra!!i" !or @www$goog'e$"o( website to that "o&#ter where yo# have &'a"ed yo#r web site !i'e$ %s yo# know yo# "an !ind any "o&#ter in Internet by it(s I address$ 3o what yo# need it to te'' syste that www$goog'e$"oSI address o! this web server "o&#ter where yo# have yo# !i'e 26

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



in M$102$F$10N$ +his is known as -83 @%( or @L8%*( re"ord and it(s i&'eented by yo# doain nae registrar/&rovider M"o&any yo# have bo#ght yo#r $"o nae !roN$ +hen there yo# go, when yo# ty&e www$goog'e$"o it wi'' show the !i'e yo# have designed, sae as when yo# ty&e www$goog'e$"o it is showing !i'es !ro $102$F$FF "o&#ter as on the i"t#re 2 be'ow MK#st to #se di!!erent sa&'e n#bersN$

%nd we reeber now #nderneath that i"t#re 2 there is +L/I hidden trans&orting a'' those in!oration !ro &oint 1 to &oint  and ba"kwards$ 3o as yo# see it is )#ite "o&'i"ated, b#t '#"ki'y ost o! doain registrars are o!!ering b#nd'e &a"kages a''owing yo# to register web hosting in 1 &ie"e with doain nae by 1 "'i"k$ 3o within  in#tes yo# "an organise a'' o! this with K#st !i''ing 1 !or Msee 'ast "ha&ter !or 'ive sa&'e o! how to do itN$ Ae"a#se Internet be"oing so "rowded IL%88 MInternet Governan"e 7rganizationsN agreed to register !ew new +-(s MextensionsN 'ike $obi $in!o$ %s yo# "an g#ess not on'y doain naes are 'iited, b#t a'so I addresses$ ;& ti'' now Internet g'oba''y was based tota''y on I version C Ma''owing C$ bi''ion #ni)#e internet I addressesN$ +e"hno'ogy is "#rrent'y being #&dated to Iv Ma''owing C0 tri''ion tri''ion tri''ion #ni)#e addresses Q $C10EN$ L#rrent'y this is ain !o"#s o! ost o! the Internet 3ervi"e roviders Mho'ders o! ost o! nationa' "ore/bone in!rastr#"t#re and sa''er s#b4systesN aro#nd the wor'd$ A#t this is what is ha&&ening now as in "'ose !#t#re wi'' be g'oba' standard$ 27

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



+*8 9 History o! Internet deve'o&ent 3tory o! Internet begins in 1FC where di!!erent idea was born$ Idea o! eex syste by =annevar A#sh$ In A#shYs 1FC &a&er, he des"ribes a eex as an e'e"troe"hani"a' devi"e that an individ#a' "o#'d #se to read a 'arge se'!4"ontained resear"h 'ibrary, and add or !o''ow asso"iative trai's o! 'inks and notes "reated by that individ#a', or re"orded by other resear"hers$ +his is exa"t'y what Internet is today$ A#t his idea is "o&'ete'y di!!erent story, i&ortan"e o! it however is !a"t that &eo&'e rea'ized that there is a need !or s#"h te"hno'ogy and how he'&!#' it ight be$ 8ext i&ortant ste& was !or#'ating idea o! a g'oba' "o&#ter network 1F2 by J$ L$ :$ i"k'ider$ He "a'' it [Interga'a"ti" Lo&#ter 8etwork[ "on"e&t$ %nd that is o!!i"ia''y a""e&ted as !irst "on"e&tion o! what wo#'d event#a''y be"oe the Internet$ +he sae year, another bright h- resear"her at assa"h#setts Instit#te o! +e"hno'ogy &#b'ished his text on atheati"a' theory o! &a"ket networks$ His nae was eonard ?'einro"k$ %s &a"ket swit"hing is the basi" te"hno'ogy behind the Internet, ?'einro"k(s ode' o! hierar"hi"a' ro#ting M&#b'ished in 'ate 1FD0sN is now "riti"a' to the o&eration o! todayYs wor'dwide Internet$ We "an "a'' hi a key "ontrib#tor in atheati"s and Internet, we "an "a'' hi the initiator o! Internet$ It was aro#nd the sae year when sa'' resear"h tea !ro ?'einro"k(s #niversity "assa"h#setts Instit#te o! +e"hno'ogyN together with -e!ense %dvan"ed :esear"h roKe"ts %gen"y M;nited 3tates -e&artent o! -e!enseN "reated wor'dYs !irst o&erationa' &a"ket swit"hing network 18 4 %dvan"ed :esear"h roKe"ts %gen"y 8etwork M%:%8*+N$ Lhie! s"ientist o! %:%8*+ was awren"e :oberts, his tea Koined =int Ler! Ma &rogra anager !or the ;nited 3tates -e&artent o! -e!ense %dvan"ed :esear"h roKe"ts %gen"y M-%:%NN and :obert ?ahn$ We "an not !orget here "o4o&erating s"ientists 'ike a#' Aaran or -ona'd -avies "ontrib#ting their ideas and work to %:%8*+ &rograe$ It was one o! the networks that "ae to "o&ose the g'oba' Internet as i'itary/a"adei" &roKe"t$ Idea behind %:%8*+ was deve'o&ing "o#ni"ation syste witho#t "entra'ized station$ 8ot !orgetting it was a tie o! Lo'd War, and any sort o! i&a"t Mn#"'ear atta"kN on in!oration !'ow "o#'d be "riti"a'$ %:%8*+ was very basi" network and nothing 'ike Internet we know today$ In short tie &roKe"t eva'#ated to te"hno'ogy "a''ed +L/I19 $ -#ring the years te"hno'ogy eva'#ated, where &rob'es were so'ved, new o&tions where introd#"ed et"$ +here over 10 key !a"tors in Internet history worth entioning$ I have b#i'd the in a tie'ine !i'e atta"hed on the end o! this text as appendix 1$ I never 'iked history 'essons so I wi'' not go thro#gh a'' the here$ A#t K#st to re!'e"t the &ro"ess o! evo'#tion o! this te"hno'ogy 'et e K#st bring to yo#r attention one or two o! the6 1FD1 eai' te"hno'ogy introd#"ed, 1FD2 !irst "o&#ter "hat, 1FD Internet sate''ite 'ink a"ross two o"eans, 1FEC -83 and !irst doain nae "reated, 1FEF WWW te"hno'ogy &resented$ 8ow we getting to i&ortant date in Internet history here$ It was de"ision whi"h began ra&id growth and evo'#tionis o! Internet te"hno'ogy$ aking Internet avai'ab'e to &#b'i" and a''owing "oer"ia'is$ %nd a'' o! that started in 1FF via si&'e and s'ow -ia'#& te"hno'ogy$ It is sti'' in #se in areas where a'ways4on ty&e o! "onne"tion is not


 a"ket swit"hing is a digita' network "o#ni"ations ethod that gro#&s a'' transitted data Q irres&e"tive o! "ontent, ty&e, or str#"t#re Q into s#itab'y4sized b'o"ks, "a''ed &a"kets$ 19  +ransission Lontro' roto"o' M+LN Internet roto"o' MIN


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



avai'ab'e$ +hat o&ened the .andora(s box$ eo&'e start !inding Internet #se!#' in any areas$ inding in!oration, sharing ideas, essaging and any ore$ %nd that in 1FF we have !irst Internet radio, in 1FFC we "an !ind &'enty o! websites there and !irst s&a essage$ %'so we "an order &izza on'ine, !ind banks$ J#st 1 year a!ter "oer"ia'ising Internet we have %azon, year 'ater 5ahoo and eAay$ J#st !ew years 'ater in 1FFD Goog'e was born, !o''owed by Wiki&edia in 2000 as 8#&edia$ +hen aya' &o&&ed o#t in 2002, next was a"ebook and y3&a"e in 200$ Goog'e by this tie grown to )#ite a s#""ess and "reated Gai' in 200C$ 5ear 'ater 5o#+#be was &resented to the wor'd, K#st to be !o''owed by +witter in 200 and ove to obi'e &'at!or o! ihone in 200D$ ooking on those dates, ea"h invention is an answer to &eo&'es needs$ We want to ty&e .nae$"o to see website, not 20F$E$1C$10C6 n#ber right$ 3o there it is, -83 syste trans'ating n#bers to naes and ba"kwards$ +hen we have so!tware on the "o&#ter to wat"h websites Q Internet browser$ We want to !ind o#t abo#t sho&s, banks or resta#rant witho#t &#tting o#r !oot o#t o! o#r ho#se$ +here it is in Internet$ It was s#"h &henoena and so h#ge that to !ind any sort re'evant in!oration was taking ages$ +hen &eo&'e asked, "o#'d this be done !aster and betterB Goog'e says o! "o#rse, and o!!ers their sear"h !a"i'ity$ We have on'ine sho&&ing, banking, dating sites et"$ A#t it sees not eno#ghP we don(t want to be on dating site to be ab'e to "o#ni"ate with others$ We want to so"ia'ize, no to !'irt$ 3o there are answers6 a"ebook, y3&a"e or 3e"ondi!e a'' introd#"ed in 200$ We a'so want to be entertained, we want to 'a#gh on other &eo&'es !ai'#res, we want videos on'ine, b#t not 'ike +=, b#t where anyone "an show their video, o! "o#rse that &rob'e is so'ved two years a!ter so"ia' networking sites with another bri''iant internet @baby( Q 5o#+#be$ It be"ae so .'oaded with in!oration(s that it overwhe' #s $We "an not !o''ow s#"h h#ge ao#nt o! in!oration, however we !inding it engaging and addi"ting to be &art o! g'oba' rather then 'o"a' "o#nity$ +hat brings #s to invention o! +witter in 200$ 3i&'e website a''owing &#t short essage "a''ed +weet$ ike text/ss essage on yo#r obi'e &hone$ -i!!eren"e is its !ree and yo# "an &#b'ish essage to a'' yo#r !riends$ It grows to in"redib'e 'eve' o! &o&#'arity K#st within  years$ eo&'e start to "o#ni"ate via +witter, "onstant in!oration what yo#r !riends are doing and thinking brings #s to age o! Generation o! -igita' 8atives Q year o! 2010$ +oday Internet is doinated by Goog'e, a"ebook, Wiki&edia, 5o#+#be and )#estionab'e s#bKe"t o! "o&yrights, &orn, vio'en"e et"$ It is word raising any iss#es, whi"h we sees "annot address$ WhyB

**=*8 9 Internet ske'eton tier(s and governan"e iss#e 3hi!ting &rin"i&'es !ro bio'ogy that is ex&'aining how h#an body works, we "an &resent how Internet works$ 3tri&&ing Internet into sa''er e'eents, we "an see how ea"h &art is behind ho'd together by its s(eleton $ How heart is &#&ing tra!!i" into it$ It was it(s "r#"ia' e'eents, it has it(s anatoy$ %nd it ight be sho"king to yo#, b#t Internet "annot exist witho#t it$ 3oe o! its &ie"es "an, b#t overa'' Internet as body we 29

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



know it, g'oba' and o!!ering n#ber o! servi"es, "an not exist witho#t it(s ske'eton, heart et"$ +here!ore it is destr#"tib'e, we'' soe &art wi'' s#rvive be"a#se so any s&are &arts M!ai' over &athsN, b#t it "an s#!!er serio#s disease indeed$ However it is ore and ore inde&endent network$ 3e'!4o&erationa' and not "entra'ized aking it i&ossib'e to sh#t down K#st 'ikes that$ A#t .i&ossib'e is nothing as soe arketing head de"'ared on known brand &oster, rightB +he Internet bac(bone  re!ers to the &rin"i&a' data ro#tes between 'arge, strategi"a''y inter"onne"ted networks and "ore ro#ters in the Internet$ +hese data ro#tes are hosted by "oer"ia', governent, a"adei" and other high4"a&a"ity network "enters, the Internet ex"hange &oints and network a""ess &oints, that inter"hange Internet tra!!i" between the "o#ntries, "ontinents and a"ross the o"eans o! the wor'd$ +ra!!i" inter"hange between the Internet servi"e &roviders Mo!ten +ier 1 networksN &arti"i&ating in the Internet ba"kbone ex"hange tra!!i" by &rivate'y negotiated inter"onne"tion agreeents, &riari'y governed by the &rin"i&'e o! sett'eent4!ree &eering$ +he origina' Internet ba"kbone was the %:%8*+ when it &rovided the ro#ting between ost &arti"i&ating networks$ It was re&'a"ed in 1FEF with the 838et ba"kbone M8ationa' 3"ien"e o#ndation 8etworkN$ +he Internet "o#'d be de!ined as the "o''e"tion o! a'' networks "onne"ted and ab'e to inter"hange Internet roto"o' datagras with this ba"kbone$ When the Internet was o&ened to the "oer"ia' arkets, and !or4&ro!it Internet ba"kbone and a""ess &roviders eerged, the network ro#ting ar"hite"t#re was de"entra'ized with new exterior ro#ting &roto"o's, in &arti"#'ar the Aorder Gateway roto"o'$ 8ew tier 1 I3s and their &eering agreeents s#&&'anted the governent4 s&onsored 838et, a &rogra that was o!!i"ia''y terinated on %&ri' 0, 1FF$ +he 838*+ Aa"kbone 3ervi"e was s#""ess!#''y transitioned to a new ar"hite"t#re, where tra!!i" is ex"hanged at inter"onne"tion &oints "a''ed 8etwork a""ess &oints$ +he !o#r 8etwork %""ess oints M8%sN were de!ined #nder the ;$3$ 8ationa' In!oration In!rastr#"t#re M8IIN do"#ent as transitiona' data "o#ni"ations !a"i'ities at whi"h 8etwork 3ervi"e roviders M83sN wo#'d ex"hange tra!!i", in re&'a"eent o! the &#b'i"'y4 !inan"ed 838et Internet ba"kbone$ +he 8ationa' 3"ien"e o#ndation 'et "ontra"ts s#&&orting the !o#r 8%s, one to 3 -atanet !or the &reexisting %* in Washington, -$L$, and three others to 3&rint, %erite"h, and a"i!i" Ae'', !or new !a"i'ities o! vario#s designs and te"hno'ogies, in ennsa#ken, Lhi"ago, and La'i!ornia, res&e"tive'y %s a transitiona' strategy, they were e!!e"tive, giving "oer"ia' network o&erators a bridge !ro the Internet(s beginnings as a governent4!#nded a"adei" ex&erient, to the odern Internet o! any &rivate4se"tor "o&etitors "o''aborating to !or a network4o!4networks, an"hored aro#nd the Internet *x"hange oints we know today$ +oday, the &hrase .8etwork %""ess oint is o! histori"a' interest on'y, sin"e the !o#r transitiona' 8%s disa&&eared 'ong ago, re&'a"ed by odern Is, tho#gh in 3&anish4 s&eaking atin %eri"a, the &hrase 'ives on to a sa'' degree, aong those who "on!'ate the 8%s with Is$ 30

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



%n Internet ex"hange &oint MI or IN is a &hysi"a' in!rastr#"t#re thro#gh whi"h Internet servi"e &roviders MI3sN ex"hange Internet tra!!i" between their networks Ma#tonoo#s systesN witho#t any "entra'ized "ontro' M'ike 838*+ Aa"kboneN$ +he &riary &#r&ose o! an I is to a''ow networks to inter"onne"t dire"t'y, via the ex"hange, rather than thro#gh one or ore rd &arty networks$ +he advantages o! the dire"t inter"onne"tion are n#ero#s, b#t the &riary reasons are "ost, 'aten"y, and bandwidth$ +ra!!i" &assing thro#gh an ex"hange is ty&i"a''y not bi''ed by any &arty, whereas tra!!i" to an I3(s #&strea &rovider is$ Internet tra!!i" ex"hange between two &arti"i&ants on an I is !a"i'itated by AG ro#ting "on!ig#rations between the$ +hey "hoose to anno#n"e ro#tes via the &eering re'ationshi& Q either ro#tes to their own addresses, or ro#tes to addresses o! other I3s that they "onne"t to, &ossib'y via other e"haniss$ +he other &arty to the &eering "an then a&&'y ro#te !i'tering, where it "hooses to a""e&t those ro#tes, and ro#te tra!!i" a""ording'y, or to ignore those ro#tes, and #se other ro#tes to rea"h those addresses$ %#tonoo#s syste M%3N is a "o''e"tion o! "onne"ted Internet roto"o' MIN ro#ting &re!ixes #nder the "ontro' o! one or ore network o&erators that &resents a "oon, "'ear'y de!ined ro#ting &o'i"y to the Internet$ In te"hni"a' ters, an %3 n#ber is a 14bit integer assigned by Inter,I-  MInter8IL is a registered servi"e ark o! the ./. 0epartment of -ommerce "0-'. +he #se o! the ter is 'i"ensed to the I-,,2N and #sed by AG to i&'eent &o'i"y ro#ting and avoid to&4'eve' ro#ting 'oo&s$ 7rigina''y, the de!inition re)#ired "ontro' by a sing'e entity, ty&i"a''y an Internet servi"e &rovider or a very 'arge organization with inde&endent "onne"tions to #'ti&'e networks, that adhere to a sing'e and "'ear'y de!ined ro#ting &o'i"y$ +he newer de!inition in :L 1F0 "ae into #se be"a#se #'ti&'e organizations "an r#n AG #sing &rivate %3 n#bers to an I3 that "onne"ts a'' those organizations to the Internet$ *ven tho#gh there are #'ti&'e %#tonoo#s 3ystes s#&&orted by the I3, the Internet on'y sees the ro#ting &o'i"y o! the I3$ +hat the I3 #st have an o!!i"ia''y registered %#tonoo#s 3yste 8#ber M%38N$ % #ni)#e %38 is a''o"ated to ea"h %3 !or #se in AG ro#ting$ %3 n#bers are i&ortant be"a#se the %38 #ni)#e'y identi!ies ea"h network on the Internet$ ;nti' 200D, %3 n#bers were de!ined as 14bit integers, whi"h a''owed !or a axi# o!  assignents$ +he Internet %ssigned 8#bers %#thority MI%8%N has designated %38 n#bers C12 thro#gh C to be #sed !or &rivate &#r&oses$ +he n#ber o! #ni)#e a#tonoo#s networks in the ro#ting syste o! the Internet ex"eeded 000 in 1FFF, 0000 in 'ate 200E, and 000 in the s#er o! 2010$ 20

 +he Internet Lor&oration !or %ssigned 8aes and 8#bers is a non4&ro!it "or&oration head)#artered in ;nited 3tates, "reated in 1FFE to oversee a n#ber o! Internet4re'ated tasks &revio#s'y &er!ored dire"t'y on beha'! o! the ;$3$ governent by other organizations, notab'y the Internet %ssigned 8#bers %#thority MI%8%N$


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



%3 n#bers are assigned in b'o"ks by the Internet %ssigned 8#bers %#thority MI%8%N to :egiona' Internet :egistries M:I:sN$ +he a&&ro&riate :I: then assigns %3 n#bers to entities within its designated area !ro the b'o"k assigned by the I, M+he Internet %ssigned 8#bers %#thority MI%8%N is the entity that oversees g'oba' I address a''o"ation, a#tonoo#s syste n#ber a''o"ation, root zone anageent in the -oain 8ae 3yste M-83N, edia ty&es, and other Internet roto"o'4re'ated sybo's and n#bersN$ *ntities wishing to re"eive an %38 #st "o&'ete the a&&'i"ation &ro"ess o! their 'o"a' :I: and be a&&roved be!ore being assigned an %38$ +oday, there are !ive :I:s 6 1$ ,I- %sia4a"i!i" 8etwork In!oration Lentre !or %sia, %#stra'ia, and neighboring "o#ntries$ 2$ I, %eri"an :egistry !or Internet 8#bers !or the ;nited 3tates, Lanada, and severa' &arts o! the Laribbean region$ $ I ,-- !or *#ro&e, the idd'e *ast, and Lentra' %sia C$ -,I- atin %eri"a and Laribbean 8etwork In!oration Lentre !or atin %eri"a and &arts o! the Laribbean region $ fri,I-  %!ri"an 8etwork In!oration Lentre !or %!ri"a L#rrent I%8% %38 assignents "an be !o#nd on the I%8% website$ I%8%, :I:(s together with IL%88 MInternet Lor&oration !or %ssigned 8aes and 8#bers, I%8% is &art o! IL%88N are "onsidered to be a"tors/bodies o! Internet Governan"e str#"t#re$ 7n 3e&teber 2F, 200, +he ;$3$ -e&artent o! Loer"e M-7LN has an agreeent with the IL%88 !or the &#r&ose o! the Koint deve'o&ent o! the e"haniss, ethods, and &ro"ed#res ne"essary to e!!e"t the transition o! Internet doain nae and addressing syste M-83N to the &rivate se"tor$ %t the !irst Wor'd 3#it on the In!oration 3o"iety MW3I3N in Geneva 200 the to&i" o! Internet governan"e was dis"#ssed$ IL%88(s stat#s as a &rivate "or&oration #nder "ontra"t to the ;$3$ governent "reated "ontroversy aong other governents, es&e"ia''y Arazi', Lhina, 3o#th %!ri"a and soe %rab states$ 3in"e no genera' agreeent existed even on the de!inition o! what "o&rised Internet governan"e, ;nited 8ations 3e"retary Genera' ?o!i %nnan initiated a Working Gro#& on Internet Governan"e MWGIGN to "'ari!y the iss#es and re&ort be!ore the se"ond &art o! the Wor'd 3#it on the In!oration 3o"iety in +#nis 200$ % !ew weeks be!ore the re'ease o! the WGIG :e&ort the ;$3$ reiterated its "'ai o! IL%88 and stated that it wished to .aintain its histori" ro'e in a#thorizing "hanges or odi!i"ations to the a#thoritative root zone !i'e 32

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



+he re&ort o! the WGIG divided Internet Governan"e into !o#r se"tions6 \ In!rastr#"t#re Main'y the -oain 8ae 3yste and I addressesN \ Internet iss#es s#"h as se"#rity, sa!ety and &riva"y Min"'#ding s&a and "yber"rieN \ Inte''e"t#a' &ro&erty and internationa' trade Min"'#ding "o&yrightsN \ -eve'o&ent Iss#es M&arti"#'ar'y deve'o&ing "o#ntriesN$21 %!ter #"h "ontroversia' debate, d#ring whi"h the ;3 de'egation re!#sed to "onsider s#rrendering the ;3 "ontro' o! the :oot Zone !i'e, &arti"i&ants agreed on a "o&roise to a''ow !or wider internationa' debate on the &o'i"y &rin"i&'es$ +hey agreed to estab'ish an Internet Governan"e or#, to be "onvened by ;nited 8ations 3e"retary Genera' be!ore the end o! the se"ond )#arter o! the year 200$ +he Greek governent vo'#nteered to host the !irst s#"h eeting$ +oday o!!i"ia'y we "an &#t on the to& o! Internet organization "a''ed IG$ +he Internet Governan"e or# MIGN is a #'ti4stakeho'der !or# !or &o'i"y dia'og#e on iss#es o! Internet governan"e$ +he estab'ishent o! the IG was !ora''y anno#n"ed by the ;nited 8ations 3e"retary4Genera' in J#'y 200 and it was !irst "onvened in 7"tober / 8oveber 200$ In 2010, IL%88 a&&roved a aKor review o! its &o'i"ies with res&e"t to a""o#ntabi'ity, trans&aren"y, and &#b'i" &arti"i&ation by the Aerkan Lenter !or Internet and 3o"iety at Harvard ;niversity$ +his externa' review was in s#&&ort o! the work o! IL%88(s %""o#ntabi'ity and +rans&aren"y :eview tea$ %#tonoo#s 3ystes "an be gro#&ed into three "ategories, de&ending on their "onne"tivity and o&erating &o'i"y$ % #'tihoed %#tonoo#s 3yste is an %3 that aintains "onne"tions to ore than one other %3$ +his a''ows the %3 to reain "onne"ted to the Internet in the event o! a "o&'ete !ai'#re o! one o! their "onne"tions$ However, this ty&e o! %3 wo#'d not a''ow tra!!i" !ro one %3 to &ass thro#gh on its way to another %3$ % st#b %#tonoo#s 3yste re!ers to an %3 that is "onne"ted to on'y one other %3$ +his ay be an a&&arent waste o! an %3 n#ber i! the network(s ro#ting &o'i"y is the sae as its #&strea %3(s$ However, the st#b %3 ay in !a"t have &eering with other %#tonoo#s 3ystes that is not re!'e"ted in &#b'i" ro#te4view servers$ 3&e"i!i" exa&'es in"'#de &rivate inter"onne"tions in the !inan"ia' and trans&ortation se"tors$ % transit %#tonoo#s 3yste is an %3 that &rovides "onne"tions thro#gh itse'! to other networks$ +hat is, network % "an #se network A, the transit %3, to "onne"t to network L$ I3s are a'ways transit %3s, be"a#se they &rovide "onne"tions !ro one network to another$ +he I3 is "onsidered to be @se''ing transit servi"e( to the "#stoer network, th#s the ter transit %322$ tier 1 networ(s Q de!inition o! a tier 1 network is one that "an rea"h every other network on the Internet witho#t &#r"hasing I transit or &aying sett'eents$ 21

  htt&6//en$wiki&edia$org/wiki/WorkingRGro#&RonRInternetRGovernan"e   htt&6//en$wiki&edia$org/wiki/%#tonoo#sRsysteRMInternetN



How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



+here are severa' "o&anies whi"h r#n di!!erent &arts o! Internet ba"kbone MaKor data &athways on the Internet N, b#t the 'argest is ;;net$ 7ther aKor ba"kbone &roviders in"'#de 3&rint, LI and Interedia M!orer'y known as -igita' *x&ress or -igexN2$ tier 2 networ(  Q is an Internet servi"e &rovider who engages in the &ra"ti"e o! &eering with other networks, b#t who sti'' &#r"hases I transit to rea"h soe &ortion o! the Internet$

+ier 2 &roviders are the ost "oon &roviders on the Internet as it is #"h easier to &#r"hase transit !ro a +ier 1 network than it is to &eer with the and then atte&t to &#sh into be"oing a +ier 1 "arrier$ % network that &eers with soe networks, b#t sti'' &#r"hases I transit or &ays sett'eents to rea"h at 'east soe &ortion o! the Internet$ tier 3 networ(  Q a network that so'e'y &#r"hases transit !ro other networks to rea"h the Internet$ +he aKorities o! +ier  networks are #s#a''y sing'e rather than #'ti4hoed and there!ore are v#'nerab'e to de&eering dis&#tes$

+*8 9 How any &eo&'e are #sing InternetB We "an not de!ine when exa"t'y internet as we know was "reated$ Internet is the &ro"ess o! deve'o&ing te"hno'ogies and bringing ideas to 'ive$ @It is 'ive inside( as G#inness advertiseent wo#'d say$ It is the @arket o! ideas( in any as&e"t o! 'ive$ %dditiona''y ost o! those ideas are "hea&er to test or i&'eent then in traditiona' environent$ +his is the !eat#re o! Internet to whi"h we "an thank !or s#"h ra&id deve'o&ent and growth$ +hat is why there are soe any theories when and how Internet has its de!ined so#r"e$ 5o# "an say it was when "o&#ter was "reated, or !irst "o&#ter network$ aybe when Internet ter was !irst s&oken$ i"k one !ro above tie'ine and sti"k with it$ Giving at 'east 4 key dates and !a"ts !ro Internet history wo#'d be tr#e answer to )#estion when Internet was born$ Aased on sae data and so#r"es I have tried to a""o#nt how Internet wi'' grow over the years #& ti'' 200$ Ho&e!#''y I wi'' be there at the tie to see i! I was right or not$ 444444444444444 200042010 444444444444444 wor'd &o&#'ation 2010 4 ,E bi''ion wor'd &o&#'ation 2000 4 ,0 bi''ion Internet ;sers 2010 4 1, bi''ion Internet ;sers 2000 4 0 i''ions enetration 2010 4 2X enetration 2000 4 1CX Internet #sers Growth 200042010 4 2$ X Growth 20004200 4 1E$C X 23



How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



Internet #sers growth sees to be in"reasing d#ring years$ ore and ore &eo&'e are getting "onne"ted$ In ;3, *#ro&e, %sia M"#rrent'y over C0X o! internet #sers are !ro %siaN even %!ri"a$ obi'e and wire'ess te"hno'ogy a''owing Internet a""ess is assive'y extending$ Internet 3ervi"e roviders are extending their "ab'ing "ore str#"t#re$ ro those !a"ts yo# "an say this wi'' go #& and wi'' s&eed #& even ore$ ets try to &redi"t year 200$ %""ording to soe &#b'ishers "oå n#ber o! &eo&'e being born, deaths and trends d#ring 'ast de"ade(s wor'd &o&#'ation in 200 "an rea"h D bi''ion &eo&'e$ enetration is growing with s&eed o! 10X &er 10 years$ 3o by 200 &enetration sho#'d rea"h existing 2X T C0X S X o! wor'd &o&#'ation M'ets say 0X in this exa&'e$ A#t i! we take the "orre"tion that this X is ra&id'y in"reasing with &o&#'arity o! Internet, we "an say &enetration by 200 wi'' be at 'east DX o! &o&#'ationN$ Ae"a#se o! extending te"hno'ogies, areas "overed by I3(s internet &enetration by 200 wi'' be at 'east 0X o! the wor'd &o&#'ation eaning n#ber o! #sers "onne"ted to internet wi'' rea"h C$2 bi''ions$ A#t I wo#'d go a bit higher with those n#bers throwing n#ber  bi''ion &eo&'e on internet by 200 where "#rrent wor'd &o&#'ation is ,E bi''ion &eo&'e$ 3o wo#'d ake sense i! yo# wo#'d take who'e wor'd &o&#'ation and "onne"t the to Internet, that wo#'d be &redi"tab'e n#ber o! internet #sers in 200$ 444444444444444 20104200 444444444444444 wor'd &o&#'ation 2010 4 ,E bi''ion wor'd &o&#'ation 200 4 E,F bi''ion Internet ;sers 2010 4 1, bi''ion Internet ;sers 200 4 ,D bi''ion enetration 200 4 X Internet #sers Growth 20104200 4 C10$F X I going to 'eave those n#bers to ana'yse and think abo#t to yo#r own iagination$

**=*8 9 3ear"h *ngines, &ro"esses behind r G o!!i"e History o! sear"h engines is so o'd as Internet itse'!$ We'' aybe there was no need !or it when there were on'y !o#r "o&#ters "onne"ted to it$ A#t short'y a!ter it ex&anded in 1FF0 there was 'itt'e syste "a''ed %r"hie introd#"ed$ It was K#st sa'' sear"h !a"i'ity$ I! we wo#'d #se it today it wo#'d "rash into the &ie"es #nder weight o! today(s Internet$ ew years a!ter %r"hie, in J#ne 1FF, atthew Gray &rod#"ed I+$ +hat was &robab'y the !irst web robot 2C$ 3ae year !irst sear"h engine 4 %'iweb was &#b'ished$ 7! "o#rse it was !o''owed by other one next year$ A#t this one was the !irst [!#'' text[ "raw'er4based sear"h 24

 :obot is a &rogra .reading websites in ethodi"a', a#toated anner and order'y "o''e"ting data abo#t those websites in its database$ +his is one o! the te"hno'ogy #sed today by Goog'e$ 3o "a''ed s&iders$ I! yo# seen ovie atrix, s&iders wo#'d be 'ike those a"hine tenta"'es$ +hey are 'itt'e inde&endent a"hines trave'ing !ree'y aro#nd the Internet$ %""essing web servers and reading websites$


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



engines$ %nd it was naed @WebLraw'er($ Web "raw'er is a'ternative nae today !or web robot$ +his ter was in"'#ded on a'' di"tionaries and it is in #se today$ %s none o! those te"hno'ogies rise to the task, and a'so as Internet was "onstant'y evo'ving y"os &ro&osed its servi"es in 1FFC as and answer$ It be"ae a aKor "oer"ia' endeavo#r b#t soon a!ter any other sear"h engines Mage''an, *x"ite, In!oseek, %'ta=ista and 5ahooN a&&eared and vied !or &o&#'arity$ It was 5ahoo whi"h stand o#t !ro this "rowd$ 3ti'' its sear"h !#n"tion o&erated on its web dire"tory, rather than !#''4text "o&ies o! web &ages$ :es#'ting with tie "ons#ing and not a""#rate sear"h res#'ts$

A#t they s#rvived #& ti'' 1FFE when Goog'e &resented "o&'ete'y new syste$ %t !irst Goog'e str#gg'ed with its "ontestants 'ike 5ahoo !or abo#t two years$ A#t !ina''y their #ni)#e sear"h te"hno'ogy has won &eo&'es attention$ 3#""ess behind Goog'e was its si&'e, b#t e!!e"tive te"hno'ogy$ Innovation "a''ed @age:ank($ +his iterative a'gorith that assigns a n#eri"a' weighting to ea"h website with the &#r&ose o! [eas#ring[ its re'ative i&ortan"e$ 3yste was naed [age:ank[ a!ter arry age$ +oday it is a tradeark o! Goog'e, and the age:ank &ro"ess has been &atented$ Goog'e des"ribes age:ank6 . age:ank re!'e"ts o#r view o! the i&ortan"e o! web &ages by "onsidering ore than 00 i''ion variab'es and 2 bi''ion ters$ ages that we be'ieve are i&ortant &ages re"eive a higher age:ank and are ore 'ike'y to a&&ear at the to& o! the sear"h res#'ts$ age:ank a'so "onsiders the i&ortan"e o! ea"h &age that "asts a vote, as votes !ro soe &ages are "onsidered to have greater va'#e, th#s giving the 'inked &age greater va'#e$ We have a'ways taken a &ragati" a&&roa"h to he'& i&rove sear"h )#a'ity and "reate #se!#' &rod#"ts, and o#r te"hno'ogy #ses the "o''e"tive inte''igen"e o! the web to deterine a &ageYs i&ortan"e$ %""#ra"y and re'evan"y o! sear"h res#'ts &resented to &eo&'e were aazing$ +hat was the sear"h "ore whi"h wi'' be naed as one o! biggest inventions o! Internet$ +oday it is not on'y how we 'ook !or in!oration, it is how we va'#e &rod#"ts, how we ake de"isions, it is where we &'a"ing o#t know'edge re!eren"es$ +e"hno'ogy together with a inia'ist inter!a"e Goog'e sear"h engine was a aKor boo$ Goog'e ke&t &o'ishing it servi"es$ In 200 they introd#"ed soething "a''ed .&ersona'ized sear"h res#'ts$ Where were &resenting sear"h res#'ts a""#rate !or yo#r &ersona' &re!eren"es, 'ike sex, age, 'o"ation, orientation, interests et"$ +hat eans that Goog'e &robab'y "an te'' ore abo#t yo# then yo# "an te'' yo#rse'!$ Goog'e wasn(t a'one, they had !ew "o&etitors, b#t none o! the anaged to take Goog'e to& &'a"e$ +here is i"roso!t sear"h engine re4branded re"ent'y to Aing in 200F$ It was sae year when5ahoo and i"roso!t !ina'ized a dea' in whi"h 5ahoo 3ear"h wo#'d be &owered by i"roso!t Aing te"hno'ogy$ 3o in !a"t in *ng'ish s&eaking &art o! the wor'ds there is on'y Goog'e, a!ter h#ge ga& !o''owed by i"roso!t in ters o! sear"h engine arked$ History o! 38 sear"h engine goes ba"k to 1FF when ooksart was !o#nded$ In 36

How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



eantie i"roso!t introd#"ed 38 sear"h engine that event#a''y "a#sed d#&ing o! ooksart &roKe"t in 200$ +heir sear"h engine is &owered by "raw'er "a''ed snbot$ +hey did it K#st  years a!ter Goog'e$ *erging !ro the east are other sear"h engines$ Wo#'dn(t "a'' the a "o&etition !or Goog'e, b#t they are e)#a''y s#""ess!#', K#st in di!!erent &art o! wor'd$ We ta'king abo#t Lhina here and their sear"h engine "a''ed Aaid#25 $ Goog'e is ho'ding a $2X arket a""ording to 8ie'sen 8et:atings$ In the eo&'eYs :e&#b'i" o! Lhina, Aaid# is ho'ding 1$X arket$ +he Aaid#$"o is o!ten "a''ed the [Goog'e o! Lhina[ d#e to its reseb'an"e and sii'arity to Goog'e$ Goog'e res&onded to this arket in 200E where Goog'e Lhina 'a#n"hed a 'ega' #si" down'oad servi"e, Goog'e #si"$ L#rrent'y &ro&er Goog'e Lhina has a arket share in Lhina o! 2FX a""ording to %na'ysys Internationa'26$ 3o sees 'ike Goog'e 'ost their batt'e in Lhina$

:ise o! sear"h engine was !o''ow by eerging any new s#bKe"ts$ +oday we "an ta'k abo#t &ersona' or "o&any 7n'ine :e&#tation, abo#t Internet arketing and sear"h engine ani&#'ation$ *ven i"roso!t have "a''ed their sear"h engine Aing @the Y-e"ision *ngineY$ Goog'e itse'! doesn(t K#st go o#t into the Internet and reading the websites$ *a"h website a&earing in Goog'e has to be added there by soeone$ It "an be done is Goog'e Webaster Lentera' 4 www$goog'e$"o/webasters/too's/ $It "an be done by any &erson whi"h knows a 'itt'e abo#t Internet$ ;s#a''y it is done by &ro!essiona's "a''ed 3ear"h *ngine arketers, or Web -esigners these'ves$ et e ta'k yo# thro#gh the Ko#rney o! &arti"#'ar website to a&&ear in Goog'e sear"h res#'ts$ 1$ We registering doain nae, whi"h sho#'d be re'ated to &#r&ose o! site, 'ike b#ywooden!'o&s$"o 2$ We designing website, where "ontent is obvio#s'y abo#t wooden !'o&s $ We entering so "a''ed *+% +%G on that website$ eta tags are dire"tions !or Goog'e s&ider to a''ow hi a""ess the site and 'et hi know what is the site abo#t$ It in"'#des the tit'e, 'ang#age, keywords et"$ +he 'ast one is very i&ortant$ C$ ;&'oad the site to web server so it is visib'e on Internet #nder www$b#ywooden!'o&s$"o $ Generate site 'inks and s#bit the$ $ Go to Goog'e Webaster Lentra', www$goog'e$"o/webasters/ and add the website$ D$ =eri!y that yo# are the owner o! the website$ E$ +arget the "o#ntry F$ Lhe"k !or .Lraw' errors and overa'' &er!oran"e 3%* 7 W*A3I+* WI+H *+% +%G36 25

 Aaid# 4 in"or&orated on Jan#ary 1E, 2000, is a Lhinese sear"h engine !or websites, a#dio !i'es, and iages$ Aaid# o!!ers sear"h and "o#nity servi"es in"'#ding Aaid# Aaike, an on'ine "o''aborative'y4b#i't en"y"'o&edia, and a sear"hab'e keyword4based dis"#ssion !or#$ In 7"tober 200E, Aaid# ranked Fth overa'' in internet rankings$ M!ro 6 htt&6//en$wiki&edia$org/wiki/Aaid#N 26 htt&6//en$wiki&edia$org/wiki/Goog'eRLhina


How Internet works … by Zbigniew Gargasz



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