How Diplomats Without Honor Make War

April 24, 2019 | Author: Saint Benedict Center | Category: Ngo Dinh Diem, John F. Kennedy, Vietnam War, Laos, Dwight D. Eisenhower
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Dr. Robert Hickson

25 January 2016 The Conversion of St. Pau

Ho! Di"o#ats $ithout Honor %ake $ar& The Perfi'ious Path to the (iin) of Presi'ent Die# an' His *rother  + Revie! of ,. D. T. Sha!-s S ha!-s The Lost Mandate of Heaven 2015/ Heaven 2015/ P,R+PH The +#erican forei)n "oicy of the anti34ai e"och 178831795:; !hich has carrie' over to the eary anti3co##unist a)e 179931758:; has another  characteristic that bears on the "ossibiity of effective "oitica !arfare P:. The policy has been conducted without  honor . There are so#e !ho say that honor in "oitics !ent out !ith feu'ais#; an' breathe' its ast !hen faithess =ouis ? beat the chivaric Chares of *ur)un'y. Surey there has been a "ost3Renaissance honor that aste'; if !ith 'eviations; !e  into the 17th century; an' has not yet as of 175231758: !hoy 'isa""eare' fro# the !or'. The recent directors of American foreign policy do not seem to recognize the claims of  honor . Ja#es *urnha#; the author; then first )ives@  on his "a)es 2113218@severa trenchant eAa#"es in su""ort of his contention about the con'uct of 'ishonorB an' then a''s so#e !or's of su##ary. or  eAa#"e&:....+n' there is then the case of: Chian) (ai3shek; !ho; on)er than any other of the !or'-s ea'ers; has he' out a)ainst communist imperialism ; an' !ho resiste' as +#erica-s ay every bo! an' every ban'ish#ent of  Japanese imperialism ; s#eare' no! in 1758: !ith ies an' fith in the .S.: State De"art#ent-s officia $hite Pa"er.... %achiavei insiste' that states are not run by "rayer3books;> an'  'o not !ish to "reten' that a #o'ern )overn#ent in the co#"eA #o'ern !or' can act ike Don EuiAote on the  bri)ht fie' of honor. ho nor. *ut honor sti has a "ace in the reations a#on) hu#an  bein)s. Fou can buy a)ents; but not frien's or aies or co#ra'esB an' !hen you buy you a!ays risk bein) outbi'. f the nite' States is to succee' in  "oitica !arfare a)ainst Soviet or +sian: co##unis#; it must have friends that are firm under all circumstances, even the blackest, who are ready to go through to the end. Surely a man of honor is most likely to find such friends. If we do not ourselves honor our own words, who will honor them> Ja#es *urnha#; Containment or Liberation?—An Inquiry into the  Aims of United States Foreign o!i"y  o!i"y  4e! Fork& The John Jay Co#"any; 1752 an' 1758; Pa)es 2113218@itaics in the ori)inaB #y bo' e#"hasis a''e'.// The #o#entous the#e of honor in forei)n "oicy> "resente' by Ja#es *urnha# in his incisive  book;  boo k; Containment or Liberation? 1758/; Liberation? 1758/; !i aso be foun' "erva'in) ,eoffrey D.T. Sha!-s recent  book of eAceence; The Lost Mandate of Heaven# The Ameri"an $etraya! of %go &inh &iem' 1

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 resident of (ietnam 2015/. (ietnam 2015/. Sha!-s book cou'; an' shou'; no! aso evoke the #e#ory an' content of another searchin) an' !e3'ocu#ente' book; !hich !as "ubishe' eAacty a hun're' years earier  an' 'urin) $or' $ar  itsef; na#ey rancis 4eison-s Ho) 4eison-s Ho) &i*!omats Ma+e ,ar  1715/.  1715/.1 Dr. Sha!-s recent book further euci'ates@an' shou' aso fittin)y reca@%ar)uerite Hi))inso!n cear an' can'i' an' farsi)hte' book; -ur (ietnam %ightmare 1765/; %ightmare 1765/; !hich !as "ubishe' not on) before she 'ie' at the a)e of forty3five in January of 1766. +n' she !as to 'ie of a 'isease she ha' contracte' in the Deta of South Gietna#.2 n Se"te#ber of 1765 she ha' 'e"arte' for her tenth visit to Gietna#; an' she !as by then a too a!are of #any of the i conseuences of the "erfi'ious con'uct that !as earier an' cu#uativey "ractice' a)ainst Presi'ent Die# an' his brother 4hu; ea'in) to their  crue sayin)s to)ether on + Sous- Day; 2 4ove#ber 1768. =ike ,eoffrey Sha!; %ar)uerite Hi))ins !as not hersef a Ro#an Cathoic; but both of the# a'#ire' the character of Presi'ent Die# an' 'ee"y un'erstoo' his "ur"oses; as !e as the nature of his )atherin) ene#ies. Hi))ins even entite' her book-s Cha"ter 7 4)o Dinh Die#& The Case of the %isun'erstoo' Cathoic: %an'arin.> $hereas she cae' Die#-s i#"acabe an' subversive *u''hist a've rsary; Thich Tri Euan); a %achiavei !ith ncense> Cha"ter 2/; !ho !as ater so treacherousy to be )iven "rotection an' asyu# in the +#erican #bassy by +#bassa'or Henry Cabot =o')e. +s the successor to +#bassa'or 4otin); =o')e; no sy#"athier for Die# the tra'itiona Cathoic; !as hi#sef John . (enne'y-s carefuy chosen !epublican  re"resentative in Gietna#; even thou)h an' "erha"s because/ =o')e !as ikey to beco#e his "oitica riva in the u"co#in) 1769 Presi'entia eection. Ho!ever; by bein) in Sai)on a#i'st the on)oin) !ar; =o')e !ou' no! have to  be #ore res"onsibe an' finay accountabe; accoun tabe; as !e. Therefore; the foo!in) to" secret an' "ersona cabe fro# De#ocratic Presi'ent (enne'y to +#bassa'or =o')e t!o #onths before the cou" an' kiin)s of Die# an' 4hu !i be #ore iu#inatin) in vie! of ,eoffrey Sha!-s o!n intro'uctory !or's an' uotation& Re)ar'ess of 4otin)-s efforts on Die#-s behaf:; an' re)ar'ess of (enne'y-s !iin)ness to isten to his for#er a#bassa'or !ho ha' #a'e his ast fare!e to Presi'ent Die# on 19 +u)ust 1768:; there is no evi'ence that the $hite House #a'e any atte#"t to sto" the cou". n fact; fro# !hat can be 'iscerne'

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in a to" secret tee)ra# (enne'y sent to =o')e on +u)ust 27; 1768; (enne'y a""rove' of the )o3ahea' for an overthro! of Die#-s civiian )overn#ent by his Die#-s o!n; but sti uns"ecifie';: uns"ec ifie';: )eneras& To" Secret; yes 9

T!o 'ays after Henry Cabot =o')e ha' taken over the "ost of .S. +#bassa'or to South

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Gietna# an' ha' first set foot in Sai)on on the ni)ht of +u)ust 22; 1768;> there ha' been an earier  shock& Ro)er: His#an hi#sef an o""ositionist> to Die# an' 4hu: sent a fatefu tee)ra# fro# the De"art#ent of State: to invove the (enne'y a'#inistration in the 'irect "annin) of a cou". His#an-s trans#ission; in so#e !ays a reaction to earier anti3Die#K: ueries =o')e ha' sent fro# Sai)on; !as 'es"atche' to the .S. #bassy on the !eeken' of +u)ust 29; 1768; !hen Presi'ent (enne'y !as out of to!n....t: !as Drafte' by His#an an' Ceare'  by %ichae: orresta; an' ,eor)e: *a. +""rove' by +vere: Harri#an for  trans#ission an' cassification. Si)ne' -*a-.>.... re'erick: 4otin) sa! this tee)ra# in $ashin)ton D.C.: Must a short ti#e after it !as sent as he stoo' in His#an-s office at the State De"art#ent; an' he  "erceive' that the i#"act of the cabe !ou' be far3reachin); certainy c ertainy beyon' be yon' the co#bine' i#a)inations of the )rou" of #en !ho !ere behin' its content. n 4otin)-s o!n ater !or's;: the tee)ra# of +u)ust 29 turne' out to be a 'ecisive factor in ea'in) our country into the on)est an' #ost unnecessary !ar in +#erican history.> 2513252/5 *y !ay of carifyin) contrast to +. Harri#an; R. His#an; %. orresta; an' J.(. ,abraith an' their ikes; ,eoffrey Sha!-s book "resents a Di"o#at !ith Honor& the 'ee"y earne' an' oya +#erican +#bassa'or fro# Juy 1761315 +u)ust 1768/; re'erick rnest 4otin). +on) !ith a fe! others ,enera '!ar' =ans'ae; $iia# Coby; an' Sir Robert Tho#"son/; re'erick 4otin) is aso one of the #ain an' eAce"tiona/ fi)ures in the bookB an' he is un#istakaby "resente' as a )reat hero !ho; ike ' =ans'ae; aso a'#ire' an' honore' an' 'ee"y un'erstoo' Presi'ent Die# an' his  "ur"oses an' his sef3sacrificia efforts for his "eo"e an' his nation; for eAa#"e; as !as to be seen in an' throu)h the conce"t an' reaity of the Strate)ic Ha#et> "ro)ra#. *ecause of nei)hborin) =aos- strate)ica3)eo)ra"hica i#"ortance in n'ochina an' Southeast +sia as a strate)ic !hoe> IL/@an' es"eciay in the sustaine' Strate)ic =o)istics of the co#bine' ene#ies of Die#-s South Gietna#@,eoffrey Sha! !isey consi'ers the country of =aos an' the 'ubious if not 'eceitfu/ 1762 +vere Harri#an +ccor's concernin) the purported neutrality of  %aos an'; 'erivativey; of Ca#bo'ia/. This #atter is a eAa#ine' in Sha!-s Cha"ter 9; entite'  The &ontinuing %aotian 'uestion .> *ecause as ,enera isenho!er ha' earier sai'/ =aos !as; in'ee';

the strate)ic inch"in to the theatre> of o"erations; these historica an' strate)ic consi'erations are; in

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'ocu#ente' "resentation of the 'i"o#atic #aneuvers of certain "ro)ressive #e#bers of the .S. De"art#ent of State an' key "ersons in the =ibera John . (enne'y +'#inistration; so#e of !ho# !e have area'y #entione'. $e #ay even co#e to un'erstan'@thou)h bittery@!hy !e !ho !ere in Gietna# an' nearby/ cae' the Ho Chi %inh Trai The +vere Harri#an %e#oria Hi)h!ay.> This for#i'abe con'uit of infitration certainy enhance' the ene#y-s Strate)ic =o)istics an' )ave the# #uch #ore free'o# of #aneuver; to the )reat 'isa'vanta)e of South Gietna#; !hich !as no! effectivey ke"t on the strate)ic 'efensive. ven before the ne! Presi'ent (enne'y inau)urate' on 20 January 1761/ ha' to 'ea !ith the aborte' Cuban *ay of Pi)s nvasion in +"ri of 1761 an' the ater bui'in) of the *erin $a after his !eaky vaciatin) June Su##it %eetin) !ith 4ikita (hrushchev in Gienna in 1761; he ha' to face the stark #atter of =aos an' its then3current "oitica status an' 'esirabe future neutraity in n'ochina. or; =aos !as un#istakaby "art of the e)acy !hich Presi'ent isenho!er ha' of necessity "asse' on to (enne'y. The an'ocke' country of =aos@ike +f)hanistan ater@!as an i#"ortant "iece of  strate)ic to"o)ra"hy for the Revoution on the %ekon)> as Ho Chi %inh cae' it/; but its ocation  "rovi'e' #any o)istica 'ifficuties for the nite' States #iitariy; even if !e ha' strate)ic access throu)h Thaian' or 'ubiousy an' 'an)erousy resorte'; once a)ain; to nucear !ea"ons. 4onetheess; a =aos that !ou' co#e to be un'er the effective contro of eA"ansionist Co##unis# fro# 4orth Gietna# or ese!here !ou' be a strate)ic ni)ht#are for the Re"ubic of South Gietna#. +n' Presi'ent Die# kne! this very !e. *ut cou' a true 4eutraity in =aos be attaine' an' retaine' an' sustaine'K Cou' it beco#e; !ith Ca#bo'ia; a sort of S!iteran' in +sia>K Cou' an ener)etic an' eA"ansionist Co##unis# be containe'> by a "rofesse' neutraity>K Cou' there reaisticay be a co3 o"eration !ith the Soviet nion so as to "reserve the neutraity; as "art of a )er#inatin) 'NtenteK +""arenty Presi'ent (enne'y-s +#bassa'or at =ar)e; $. +vere Harri#an 1I71317I6/ thou)ht so. :. To aban'on Phou#i for a neutraist )overn#ent !ou' "ace the (enne'y a'#inistration in an eAcruciatin)y a!k!ar' "osition. +fter neutraity !as te#"orariy i#"ose' u"on =aos in 1762 as of 28 Juy 1762:; +#erican fickeness to!ar' to!ar' Phou#i !as never  fuy co#"ensate' for by $ashin)ton-s atte#"ts to assua)e the fears of other  Southeast +sian )overn#ents such as Prince Sihanouk-s Ca#bo'ia; for sureO:; including (iem . L63LL@#y bo' e#"hasis a''e'/ $hen ,eoffrey Sha! ater cites an' uotes the trust!orthy schoarshi" of another kno!e')eabe !o#an@recain) %ar)uerite Hi))ins hersef@he says& n her research on South Gietna#; +nne *air aske' a fun'a#enta uestion&

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i'entifie' the %e'ia: "o!er of the Habersta#3Sheehan )rou" of re"orters to 'ra! attention to an' to a#"ify the *u''hist crisis at (enne'y-s "oitica eA"ense. She hi)hi)hte' the fact that Habersta#; Sheehan; an' other re"orters ha' #a'e cear their su""ort for an anti3Die#: cou". n *air-s assess#ent; *ennedy was so driven by domestic concerns related to bad publicity over (iem and South 1ietnam +and 2the conduct of the war30 that he made himself prey to a flawed and ine4pert group headed by the powerful Averell )arriman.  n turn; these 'o#estic concerns to incu'e the u"co#in) 1769 Presi'entia ection an' the #atter of favorin) Cathoics; such as Die#: prevented him from seeing or hearing  !hat the #ost eA"erience' Southeast +sian eA"erts !ere sayin)& Stay the course !ith Die#....+ccor'in) to *air; (uring the Summer of -/, *ennedy seems to have conceptualized 1ietnam as a political and public relations issue rather than war. )e consulted only with a select few from State, especially )arriman and )ilsman.  Re"resentatives of the Defense De"art#ent; the Joint Chiefs of Staff; an' the C+ !ere not incu'e' in these 'iscussions.> 2573260@#y e#"hasis a''e'/ +#i'st a these i'eoo)ica sef3absor"tions an' evasions an' see#in)y eAcusionary ne)i)ence; +#bassa'or 4otin) hi#sef !as increasin)y isoate' as !as Die#/. Sha! thus a''s& 5wing to his continued defense of (iem, "olting became a persona non grata within the *ennedy administration and was invited to fewer and fewer meetings . He !as cons"icuousy absent at an i#"ortant 10 Se"te#ber  1768: #eetin) at D....Ironically the military coup was being demanded

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true; at the en' there; =o')e 'i' not try to sto" it. Fou !ou' have to try to sto" it. There was nothing we did that I know of that encouraged the coup .> 7aking %odge, a !epublican, the fall guy for the coup was perhaps planned at the time of his appointment as ambassador to 1ietnam . +ccor'in) to +nne *air; (enne'y !eco#e' Dean: Rusk-s no#ination of  =o')e. =o')e; he thou)ht; !ou' serve a'#iraby as !epublican asbestos a)ainst the heat of "ossibe future criticis# of his forei)n "oicy....+s history !as to sho!; the =o')e a""oint#ent 'i' achieve the )oa of 'efectin) criticis# fro# (enne'y-s invove#ent in Gietna#; athou)h uti#atey sic: !ith )reat cost to +#erica-s re"utation for honorK: in the forei)n reations fie'.> 2663 26L@#y e#"hasis a''e'/

  $hat a cautious un'erstate#ent. *ut; it further reveas ho! 'i"o#ats #ake !ar@an' eAacerbate it; too. +n' it iustrates the on)3ter# strate)ic costs> 2L0/@an' the on)3ter# #ora costs; as !e.  4o! !e #ust face the en'; as !e consi'er Sha!-s so#e!hat i#ite' account& The cou" took "ace on 4ove#ber 1; 1768 + Saints- Day an' a Cathoic east:....The cou" ea'ers 'iscovere' that Die# an' 4hu ha' esca"e' fro# the  "resi'entia "aace: 'urin) the ni)ht. The brothers ha' fe' to the house of a frien' in Choon the Chinese section of Sai)on:. ary on 4ove#ber 2 + Sous- Day: they atten'e' %ass at the oca Church of Saint rancis ?avier an' s"ent so#e ti#e after!ar's in "rayer; accor'in) to ather Ce#ent 4)uyen Gan Thach; an eye!itness. The brothers !ere outsi'e the church; in the ,rotto of  the Gir)in %ary; !hen ,enera *i)> Duon) Gan %inh-s so'iers arrive' !ith a cou"e of +#erican Mee"s an' an ar#oure' "ersonne carrier. So#eti#e 'urin) the #ornin); ,enera %inh; the ea'er of the cou"; ha' been infor#e' that the 4)o Dinh brothers !ere at the church. He #a'e the "an to ca"ture  both brothers there an' )ave a 'irect or'er to his bo'y )uar' to #ur'er the#. 2L0/ an' ater "ubicy sai'& ven !orse than the "ractica conseuences of the cou" !ere the #ora effects.> 2L0/ He "oi)nanty ha' earne' ho! 'i"o#ats !ithout honor #ake !ar. C t )ave the# licence to indulge their vices and work off their grudges   as !ith ,enera %inh a)ainst Die#L: un'er the coak of "atriotis#; thus )ivin) fresh "oint to Dr. Johnson-s historic re#ark that "atriotis# is the last refuge of a scoundrel .> $orse still was the wider effect on the younger generation as a whole. t tau)ht the# to defy authority and break the rules of civic morality in the fi)ht a)ainst the occu"yin) forces or the cunnin) #asters of a cou"; !ith its "erfi'ious usur"ationK: This left a disrespect for 2law and order3   that

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$ar : an' in our 'iscussion on the subMect.I

+ rea'er of ,eoffrey Sha!-s o!n recent book; The Lost Mandate of Heaven; Heaven; !i be )ratefu for  his "atient an' can'i' "resentations; an' thereby co#e to earn #any i#"ortant an' esser kno!n truths fro# this "erio' of history an' the #uti"e conseuences of "erfi'y an' an intimately broken trust  . $e es"eciay cherish Sha!-s "resente' )i#"ses of ho nor@in the oya character of +#bassa'or   4otin); as !e as a s in the 'ee"y roote' nobe no be character an' Cathoic aith of Presi'ent Die#@an' !e are sti un'erstan'aby stunne' by the 'is"ays of 'ishonor an' 'u"icity hy"ocritica cunnin)/ that !e #ust aso unfinchin)y beho' as ,enera =ans'ae; R. Tho#"son; an' $. Coby; as !e as +#bassa'or 4otin) face' the ikes of Harri#an; orresta; His#an et a! . %ay !e at east co#e to see the 'ifficuties Presi'ent Die# an' his brother 4hu/ ha' to face in concurrenty fi)htin) a revoutionary !ar on so #any fronts@to incu'e on the inner front of South Gietna#@!hie aso; un'er "ressure; tryin) to bui' a #ore re"resentative 'e#ocratic or'er in a ar)ey Confucian an' *u''hist CutureB an' !hie bein) ke"t@es"eciay after Harri#an-s Juy 1762 =aos 4eutraity +)ree#ent@ar)ey on the strate)ic 'efensive; unabe even to seie; retain; an' eA"oit the initiative>@at east so as to sever "er#anenty the continuous strate)ic o)istics fo!in) 'o!n the Ho Chi %inh Trai a the !ay 'o!n to; an' throu)h Ca#bo'ia; to the "ort of Sihanoukvie.  f  #ay no! concu'e !ith a brief "ersona note;  !ou' ike to try to convey one insi)ht that  have es"eciay co#e to consi'er ony after rea'in); an' 'ee"y savorin); Dr. Sha!-s eAceent an' searchin) book. This refection has aso )er#inate' in i)ht of #y o!n eA"erience !hie #ovin) throu)hout Southeast +sia an' ast +sia 'urin) the years 176931767; !hen  !as a youn) #iitary

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to seie; retain; an' eA"oit the initiative>@!as not easy to i#"e#ent; #uch ess sustain. Therefore; the nite' States !as eft !ith a t!o3fo' co#"ensatory strate)ic aternative& to 'e"en' on its technoo)ica resources es"eciay of air "o!er/ an' resort #ore an' #ore to its covert assets of  s"ecia o"erations forces> an' the ike; in or'er to harass an'; if "ossibe; to inter'ict the +vere Harri#an %e#oria Hi)h!ayB an' aso to atte#"t Strate)ic Dece"tion an' Diversion
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