House Swann

March 12, 2017 | Author: seppun1 | Category: N/A
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House Swann Heraldry: White bird in flight over red and green per pale field Motto: Out of darkness, cometh light Situated in a lush valley fifty leagues east of Riverrun, House Swann rules from its stronghold of Castle Stonebrook. An old house founded in scandalous circumstances, House Swann has in more recent times managed to improve its standing amongst the other houses. However, tensions within the Swann household could yet blight its future.

Though many of Arrec's vassals likewise abandoned their liege and swore allegiance to the ironman king, the low-born status of Baldrow and the bloody events surrounding his ennoblement dogged House Swann for generations. By the time of Aegon's Conquest the house had lost much of the power and influence gained under the ironmen and was disdained by the Targaryens as a house that could not be trusted.

History House Swann was founded over three centuries ago at the time of Harwyn Hardhand's conquest of the Riverlands. Its founder, Baldrow Swann, was then serving in the garrison of House Pendle, a banner house of the then ruler of the Riverlands, Arrec Stormlord. When Harwyn's forces invaded, the young and ambitious Baldrow faced the toughest decision of his life – serve his liege loyally and most probably die, or turn traitor and join with the ironmen. He chose the latter. As the ironmen swept towards Castle Stonebrook, the seat of House Pendle, Baldrow snuck out of the barracks in the night to meet the advancing horde. On entering their camp he was almost put to death as a spy but eventually convinced them that he was no friend of Lord Pendle and would gladly open the gates of Castle Stonebrook to them if they gave him Lord Pendle's lands and title. Amazingly they agreed to his proposal and several days later, the entire Pendle household having been put to death, Baldrow was declared Lord Swann of Stonebrook, vassal of Harwyn Hardhand.

It was not until Robert Baratheon launched his rebellion against Aerys II Targaryen, the Mad King, that the fortunes of House Swann took a turn for the better. Sebastian Swann, the tenth Lord of Stonebrook and a distant descendent of Baldrow, was amongst the first lords of the Riverlands to strike his banner in the name of the rebellion. A consummate soldier and tactician, Lord Sebastian earned much glory on the battlefield fighting alongside Hoster Tully of Riverrun, who had also sworn allegiance to Robert. Seventeen years after the rebellion, the name of Swann no longer lies in the gutter. Lord Sebastian of Stonebrook is now a respected vassal of House Tully and House Swann's future seems assured. Lord Sebastian has raised his son and heir, Roderick Swann, to be a man after himself, a respected leader

House Swann of Stonebrook Liege Lord: Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun Defence: Influence: Lands: Law: Population: Power:

34 34 23 11 32 23



Castle Stonebrook (Small Castle, 30), Expendable 4 Roderick Swann (Heir, 20), Tyler Swann (Second Son, 10), Expendable 4 Plains with a Stream and Ruin (9), Wetlands with a Stream and Hamlet (14) House Fortunes -5 House Fortunes +3 Stonebrook Guard: Trained Garrison, 5 Power, Easy (3) Discipline at home, Challenging (9) Discipline away, Awareness 3, Endurance 3, Fighting 3 Household Sergeants: Trained Cavalry, 8 Power, Easy (3) Discipline, Animal Handling 3, Fighting 4 Chosen Men: Trained Archers, 6 Power, Challenging (9) Discipline, Awareness 3, Marksmanship 4 Ridgeford Reavers: Trained Criminals, 4 Power, Formidable (12) Discipline, Fighting 3, Stealth 4 Maester Kendrick (10, House Fortunes +3), Sept (15, House Fortunes +3) Total House Fortunes Modifier: +4 1 of 8

and military commander who possesses all his finer qualities of chivalry, bravery and duty. Lord Sebastian is confident that Roderick will lead House Swann to greater glories long after he has gone. Roderick's younger brother Tyler is the only fly in the ointment. Neglected by his father in favour of his brother and regarded by Lord Sebastian as little more than a craven drunkard, Tyler Swann dreams of one day supplanting Roderick as heir to Stonebrook.

Sept Across the courtyard from the main keep is the Sept, to which Septa Joan often retreats to take in the peaceful and tranquil surroundings and to pray to the Seven. It is not much used by the rest of the household except for occasional morning prayers during religious festivals, which Septa Joan insists that everyone attend. Guardhouse and Stables Another group of buildings bordering the main courtyard, the Guardhouse and Stables are home to the castle's soldiers and horses. The living quarters are adequate for only a few score men and are therefore occupied in shifts, with many soldiers also stationed outside of the castle.

Holdings Defence: 34, Invested: 30 Castle Stonebrook 30 Castle Stonebrook The ancestral seat of House Swann is Castle Stonebrook, a small castle with walls of grey stone, red tiled roofs and pleasant surroundings. The castle is very old and many repairs and additions have been made to it over the years, making it an amalgam of different styles and influences. It is modest in size for a castle but is nonetheless very defensible, due in no small part to the Stonebrook stream which rises from an aquifer within the castle grounds and exits via a culvert in one of the walls. The stream provides the castle with a secure supply of water in times of siege. Great Hall The heart of the castle is the Great Hall, a huge room with a high vaulted ceiling furnished with sumptuous tapestries and paintings. Lord Swann holds court here once a month to deal with the complaints of the smallfolk and also uses it for feasts and for entertaining guests. Kitchens A side door of the Great Hall leads to the Kitchens, a large and well-appointed room with several alcoves containing a brasier, several huge iron cooking pots, lots of storage cupboards willed with cured meats and other foodstuffs, as well as a number of large wine racks. Kitchen staff are often to be seen here preparing a meal, and on feast days the place is a hive of activity. Library Opposite the Great Hall is the Library, a long, narrow room furnished with bookshelves filled with many rare almanacs and histories. The Library is Maester Kendrick's favourite room and he is often to be found here, paging though some dusty old tome on the healing arts or a treatise on castle stewardship.

Influence: 34, Invested: 30 Roderick Swann 20, Tyler Swann 10 Lord's Status: 4 Lord and Lady Swann have three childen: Roderick, their first-born son and the heir to Stonebrook; Tyler, Roderick's younger brother; and their younger sister Rosylin. Lands: 23, Invested: 23 Plains (Stream, Ruin) 9, Wetlands (Stream, Hamlet) 14 House Swann has two domains: the fertile valley surrounding Castle Stonebrook itself, and an area of wetland to the east. The Stonebrook stream from which the castle derives its name meanders through both domains. Ridgeford A rundown hamlet called Ridgeford nestles within the eastern wetlands. The nature of the land makes it almost impossible for the inhabitants to make a descent living, and consequently many have turned to thievery and prostitution to make ends meet. The Witch Tower The ruins of a tower lie to the south of Castle Stonebrook. Maester Kendrick believes it was built before the time of Baldrow Swann, possibly even before the Andal Invasion. Despite the exotic name given to it by the local smallfolk it is probably a defensive structure which fell into disuse after the castle was built. Law: 11 House Fortunes -5 Much thievery and thuggery emanates from the dilapidated hamlet of Ridgeford, which is an ever growing problem for Lord Sebastian. He frequently has to dispatch soldiers to the

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town to search the place for wrongdoers, or just to assert his authority. On the plus side, such miscreants are used to fill the ranks of the Ridgeford Reavers, which provides House Swann with a supply of cheap soldiers. Population: 32 House Fortunes +3 Despite the problems of Ridgeford, the farmland surrounding the castle is home to a large population of hardworking and law abiding smallfolk who diligently till Lord Sebastian's fields to provide an abundance of bread, meat, fruit and vegetables for his table. Power: 23, Invested: 23 Trained Garrison 5, Trained Cavalry 8, Trained Archers 6, Trained Criminals 4 House Swann has four units of soldiery: the Stonebrook Guard, Household Sergeants, Chosen Men and Ridgeford Reavers. All have been extensively drilled by Jon Rivers. Stonebrook Guard Trained Garrison, 5 Power, Easy (3) Discipline at home, Challenging (9) Discipline away, Awareness 3, Endurance 3, Fighting 3 The Stonebrook Guard is Castle Stonebrook's garrison. Their primary role is the defence of the castle but when necessary they are also able to patrol outside of it, such as to sort out disturbances in Ridgeford.

elevate their social position. Ridgeford Reavers Trained Criminals, 4 Power, Formidable (12) Discipline, Fighting 3, Stealth 4 Due to the lawlessness of Ridgeford the jails are often filled to bursting point, so to ease the pressure Lord Sebastian has Jon Rivers periodically recruit some of the convicts into a unit called the Ridgeford Reavers. Jon has an intense dislike of the Reavers, regarding the men as riffraff of the worst sort, but he recognises that the unit does have its uses. Discipline is harsh but the men receive good training and a degree of freedom they would otherwise not have, and many smallfolk caught on the wrong side of the law see service in the Reavers as a merciful chance to improve their situation. Wealth: 25, Invested: 25 Maester Kendrick 10, Sept 15 House Fortunes +6 Maester Kendrick is employed by House Swann as a trusted adviser, healer and steward, and assists Lord Sebastian with the day to day running of the household. He was a tutor to Roderick and Tyler Swann when they were younger and Tyler still comes to him for advice now and again. The house also has a fair-sized Sept and enjoys the services of Septa Joan, who sees to the religious needs of the house whilst also acting as governess to Roslyn.


Household Sergeants Trained Cavalry, 8 Power, Easy (3) Discipline, Animal Handling 3, Fighting 4

Lord Sebastian Swann Sebastian Swann is a charismatic and popular leader who takes his role as Lord of Stonebrook very seriously. He is forty five years old, with blue eyes, fair hair, and a ruddy complexion. He is slightly overweight but not overly so for his age.

The Household Sergeants is a small unit of mounted men-atarms who are trained to inflict heavy casualties with their powerful charge and pursue routed enemy units. It is the most prestigious unit of House Swann and acts as an honour guard for Lord Sebastian on formal occasions. Chosen Men Trained Archers; 6 Power, Challenging (9) Discipline, Awareness 3, Marksmanship 4 Each year Lord Sebastian holds an archery competition which is open to all, including the smallfolk, and the best shots are offered a place in a unit of longbowmen called the Chosen Men. The smallfolk always enter the competition in droves, seeing it as a chance to escape the toil of their rural existence and

Lord Sebastian is very much the family man, believing that strong family ties are the best defence against external threats. He is a loving father to his eldest son and heir, Roderick, and to his daughter, Roslyn, and tries hard to be a good husband to his wife, Lady Meredith (even if he sometimes falls short). Only Tyler, his second-born son, gives him cause for concern. Lord Sebastian regards him as a craven, a drunkard and a wastrel, and the two have had frequent rows.

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He has recently been talking to Lady Meredith about finding a suitable husband for Roslyn, their daughter. Meredith is not keen, preferring instead that Roslyn be allowed to marry for love. The news has now reached Roslyn, who detests the idea of an arranged marriage and seeks to avoid this fate. Lord Sebastian Swann

Lady Meredith is licentious in nature and enjoys flirting with handsome young men behind her husband's back. So far she has avoided any resulting scandal but Maester Kendrick secretly suspects that Roslyn may not have been fathered by Lord Sebastian. The smallfolk generally do not like Lady Meredith, seeing her wantonness as unbecoming of a woman of her station.

middle-aged leader

Abilities Agility Animal Handling Athletics Awareness Endurance Fighting Marksmanship Persuasion Status Survival Warfare

3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4

was wed to Lord Sebastian in an arranged marriage when she was just sixteen. She was very naïve in those days but has since matured into a skilled negotiator and diplomat. She wishes for her daughter Roslyn to have more say in whom she marries than she did herself.

Strength 2B

Lady Meredith Swann

Long Blades 2B

middle-aged schemer


Command 2B, Strategy 2B, Tactics 2B


3 Attributes Combat Defence 9 Intrigue Defence 9 Health 9 Composure 9 Destiny Points 0 Benefits Head of House, Leader of Men, Authority Drawbacks Flaw (Agility) Arms & Armour (Warn) Robes: AR 1, AP 0, Bulk 1 (Owned) Full Plate: AR 10, AP -6, Bulk 3 Greatsword 4D 7 Damage Powerful, Two-handed, Slow, Unwieldy, Vicious Lady Meredith Swann Lady Meredith is thirty-eight years old, with blue eyes, auburn hair and a fair complexion. She is slim and beautiful in spite of her years and three children and has a warm and loving personality. Unlike her husband Lady Meredith has no favourites amongst her three children, loving them all equally. Even Tyler, who is often wayward and difficult to deal with, enjoys her unconditional affection. She merely wants the best for all of them. The daughter of a minor Riverlands House, Lady Meredith

Agility Animal Handling Awareness Cunning Deception Endurance Knowledge Persuasion Status Stealth

4 2 Ride 1B 4 5 2 Bluff 2B 2 Resilience 1B 2 Education 2B 4 Charm 2B 4 3 Sneak 2B Attributes Combat Defence 9 Intrigue Defence 13 Health 6 Composure 6 Destiny Points 1 Benefits Attractive, Charismatic (Charm), Magnetic Drawbacks Flaw (Athletics), Lascivious Arms & Armour Lady's Garb: AR 0, AP 0, Bulk 0 Dagger 2D 2 Damage Defensive +1, Off-hand +1 Roderick Swann Roderick Swann is twenty-two years old, with light brown hear and blue eyes. He is very close to Lord Sebastian and shares his love of all things military. Like his father he also enjoys lots of manly pursuits such hunting wild boar, falconry and jousting. He is a fine tactician and gallant warrior like his father, valuing honour and duty above all else. He often accompanies House Swann soldiery on patrols and is well respected by the men.

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Roderick dislikes his mother, who he suspects may have been unfaithful to his father. He also holds his younger brother Tyler in very low regard, seeing him as lacking the virtues he holds dear such as bravery, honour and family duty. Roderick Swann

adult heir

Abilities Agility 3 Quickness 1B Animal Handling 3 Ride 2B Athletics 4 Strength 1B Endurance 3 Fighting 4 Spears 1B Marksmanship 4 Status 3 Tournaments 1B Warfare 3 Command 2B Will 4 Attributes Combat Defence 9 Intrigue Defence Health 9 Composure Destiny Points 2 Benefits Heir, Tourney Knight Drawbacks Supreme Arrogance Arms & Armour (Worn) Noble's Garb: AR 0, AP 0, Bulk 0 (Owned) Brigandine: AR 8, AP -4, Bulk 3 Longsword 4D 4 Damage Shield 4D 2 Damage Defensive +2

ing nature will lead the house to ruin. Supposedly for his personal protection, Tyler has recently taken on the services of a roguish sell-sword from Ridgeford called Duncan Carter. Duncan accompanies Tyler everywhere, and they are now good friends, much to the dismay of the rest of the family. Tyler Swann

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Tyler Swann Tyler Swann is nineteen years of age with dark brown, shoulder length hair, blue eyes, a fair complexion and a moustache. He has a malevolent and saturnine look to him, and although he remains relatively peaceful and sometimes charming (though perhaps somewhat sinister) in public, when alone he can be brutal and cruel in nature. In personality he takes after his mother Meredith in that he prefers scheming and plotting from the shadows as opposed to open battle, leading to a somewhat strained relationship with his father and his brother Roderick. As his father and brother scorn his dishonourable behaviour he seeks refuge and comfort from his mother and his sister Roslyn, whom he has a close relationship with. He is envious of his brother as he is the first-born son of Lord Sebastian and therefore first in line to inherit his lands and title. Tyler fears that his arrogant and condescend-

adult schemer

Abilities Agility 4 Dodge 2B Cunning 4 Deception 3 Bluff 1B Fighting 3 Knowledge 3 Persuasion 5 Incite 1B Status 3 Breeding 2B Stealth 3 Blend In 1B Will 3 Courage 1B Attributes Combat Defence 8 Intrigue Defence 9 Health 6 Composure 9 Destiny Points 2 Benefits Cohort (Duncan Carter), Sinister, Treacherous Drawbacks Bound to the Bottle, Haughty Arms & Armour (Worn) Noble's Garb: AR 0, AP 0, Bulk 0 (Owned) Soft Leather: AR 2, AP -1, Bulk 0 Small Sword 3D 3 Damage Fast Dagger 3D 2 Damage Defensive +1, Off-hand +1 Medium Crossbow 2D 5 Damage Long Range, Piercing 1, Reload (Lesser), Slow, Two-handed Maester Kendrick Maester Kendrick is fifty-one years old and has brown hair, a rosy complexion and hazel eyes. He is a trusted servant of House Swann and has been for many years. He is a wise and a good steward, steering the house through the dangerous waters ahead with great skill. He was also tutor to Roderick and Tyler when they were boys.

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The Library is where Maester Kendrick is most often to be found. He has studied the healing arts extensively and is an expert physician. He also has a great understanding of how to manage a household and he is frequently left in charge of House affairs so Lord Sebastian can spend more time with Roderick. Maester Kendrick keeps an aviary, which is home to several personally trained messenger ravens. Maester Kendrick

old expert

Abilities Animal Handling 4 Train 2B Cunning 5 Healing 5 Diagnosis 2B, Treat Ailment 2B, Treat Injury 3B Knowledge 5 Education 2B, Research 3B Persuasion 3 Status 3 Stewardship 2B Attributes Combat Defence 6 Intrigue Defence 10 Health 4 Composure 6 Destiny Points 0 Benefits Maester, Master of Ravens, Knowledge Focus (History, Geography) Drawbacks Flaw (Endurance), Childhood Disease Arms & Armour Robes AR 1, AP 0, Bulk 1 Jon Rivers Jon Rivers is the loyal commander of Stonebrook's garrison and men-at-arms. He has fair hair, blue eyes and a rough beard, and is a close friend of Lord Sebastian's favoured son Roderick, whom he often accompanies outside of the castle walls. He has a longstanding connection to the house, having served it well for eleven of his twenty-nine years. Jon is a talented archer, skilled tactician and respected leader. He cares about the safety of his men but he also recognises the harsh reality that victory comes at a price, and that price is blood. This does not make it any easier for him to order men to their deaths. He has lost many of his soldiers over the years, their faces contorted in agony as they lay dying in pools of their own

blood. Jon tries to shut out these memories but the accusing faces of the fallen often return to haunt his dreams. The one unit of his command which he truly detests however is the Ridgeford Reavers. Drawn from the jails of Ridgeford, a place itself nothing but a den of iniquity, he sees the Reavers as scum not fit to clean his boots. He has argued several times with Lord Sebastian over the need for this unit. On each occasion he was unable to persuade him, as Sebastian sees the Reavers as cost-effective soldiers who possess unique skills not found in the rest of his army. Jon Rivers

adult fighter

Abilities Agility Animal Handling Athletics Awareness Endurance Fighting Marksmanship Warfare Will

3 3 Ride 1B 3 3 3 3 5 Bows 2B 5 Command 2B, Tactics 2B 3 Coordinate 1B Attributes Combat Defence 9 Intrigue Defence 7 Health 9 Composure 9 Destiny Points 2 Benefits Accurate, Deadly Shot, Leader of Men Drawbacks Bastard Born, Haunted Arms & Armour Breastplate: AR 5, AP -2, Bulk 3 Longbow 5D 5 Damage Training (-1B), Long Range, Piercing 1, Two-handed, Unwieldy Longsword 3D 4 Damage Dagger 3D 1 Damage Defensive +1, Off-hand +1 Duncan Carter Duncan Carter joined the Swann household three years ago as Tyler's bodyguard, after rescued him from a drunken brawl in a Ridgeford tavern. He is twenty-eight years old, with long dark hair, a rough beard and moustache, and hazel eyes. His clothing is decidedly unkempt and some have likened his appearance to that of a “shabby dog” (though not to his face if they valued their lives).

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Carter has a long and dark past, which he does not speaks of, and little is known of him by the rest of the household except that he is loyal to Tyler and to all he holds dear. Duncan is well paid for his services and can be relied upon to carry out any and all tasks given to him by Tyler, no matter how dark they might be.

choose a husband for her, and dislikes the idea of an arranged marriage intensely. This has damaged the bond she shares with her father. As soon as she is old enough she dreams of courting a gallant young man to fall in love with, run away with, and marry.

While Duncan lacks empathy for others and has little regard for ethics he nonetheless has a close relationship with Tyler, and the pair seem to enjoy each other's company.


Duncan Carter

adult rogue

Abilities Agility Athletics Awareness Deception Endurance Fighting Persuasion Stealth Thievery

5 3 4 2 Bluff 2B 3 4 Long Blades 2B 2 Seduce 2B 4 2 Pick Lock 2B Attributes Combat Defence 12 Intrigue Defence 8 Health 9 Composure 6 Destiny Points 4 Benefits Long Blade Figher I, Favoured of Smallfolk Drawbacks Reviled Arms & Armour Ring: AR 4, AP -2, Bulk 1 Longsword 4D 4 Damage Dagger 4D 3 Damage Defensive +1, Off-hand +1

Roslyn Swann

adolescent schemer

Agility Animal Handling Awareness Persuasion Status Will

4 3 Train 1B 4 3 Charm 2B 3 Breeding 1B 4 Attributes Combat Defence 10 Intrigue Defence 9 Health 6 Composure 12 Destiny Points 3 Benefits Attractive, Charismatic (Charm), Animal Cohort (Shadow) Arms & Armour Lady's Garb: AR 0, AP 0, Bulk 0 Septa Joan Septa Joan is sixty years old and has a pale complexion, short brown hair and green eyes, although in public much of her face is covered by a wimple. The Septa is the governess of Roslyn Swann and a loyal and trusted member of the household. Deeply religious, she is seen as being stern by most members of the household due to her seriousness and her insistence on the proper observance of holy days.

Roslyn Swann Roslyn Swann is thirteen years of age, with long, velvet red hair, a pale complexion, blue eyes and freckles on her cheeks. Though perceived as naive and childish in nature she has been known to use this to her advantage to assist her brother Tyler in his plots and machinations. She shares a close bond with most members of the house and serves as a conduit between Tyler and his father. Roslyn has an especially close relationship with Tyler, her mother Meredith and Septa Joan, who helped raise her.

Septa Joan helped to raise Roslyn as a child and taught her elocution and scripture. While the household as a whole see her as austere and lacking in fun, Roslyn appreciates Joan and has been known to bring out her more fun side from time to time. Septa Joan

old expert

Abilities Awareness Cunning Endurance Healing

Roslyn has recently been made aware of her father's plans to 7 of 8

3 5 2 2

Memory 2B Resilience 2B Treat Ailment 2B, Treat Injury 2B

Knowledge Language Persuasion Will Ability Ability

5 Education 3B 4 3 5 Dedication 3B 1 2 Attributes Combat Defence 7 Intrigue Defence 10 Health 6 Composure 15 Destiny Points 0 Benefits Pious, Knowledge Focus (Faith of the Seven) Drawbacks Flaw (Fighting), Poor Health Arms & Armour Septa's Vestments: AR 0, AP 0, Bulk 0


Neighbouring Houses The following minor noble houses are neighbours of House Swann but it should be borne in mind that the Riverlands is a vast region and so-called neighbours are often hundreds of leagues apart. Lord Tomas Barnell of Grenward Liege Lord: Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell House Barnell rules from the supposedly cursed fortress of Castle Grenward. A young house founded during Robert’s Rebellion and loyal to House Stark, House Barnell struggles to find its fortune with little more than a strong arm to its name. Lord Davain Bartheld of Hart House Liege Lord: Lord Wyfred Carrow of Port Maril

Shadow Shadow is Roslyn Swann's pet dog, who was raised by her as a puppy and is intensely loyal. He is now inseparable from Roslyn and they share much time together, both in the castle grounds and outside in the surrounding countryside where Roslyn takes him for long walks. He is a friendly and obedient pet but when confronted by strangers who he thinks might harm Roslyn he can also be extremely fierce. Shadow is loved by most of the Swann household except for Lord Sebastian, who does not approve of him being allowed to roam free inside the castle and thinks he should be kept tied up in the main courtyard. Shadow Agility Athletics Awareness Cunning Endurance Fighting Stealth Survival Combat Defence Health


Natural Arms & Armour 3 Damage AR 0

adult dog

Abilities 3 Dodge 1B, Quickness 1B 3 Jump 2B, Run 1B, Swim 1B 3 Notice 2B 1 3 Resilience 1B, Stamina 1B 3 3 3 Hunt 1B, Track 2B Attributes 9 Movement 8 yards 9

The new master of the house, Davain Bartheld, is much more conservative than his forbears, which is not sitting particularly well with most other members of his family. Lord Harald Dulver of Deepen Hall Liege Lord: Lord Tywin Lannister of Casterly Rock The Dulvers hover on the edge of richer lands with hungry eyes on their neighbours, ready to make a meal of anyone who falters. Though nominally sworn to House Lannister, Lord Dulver’s first loyalty is ever to his own ambitions. Lord Ambrose Kytley of Hammerstone Liege Lord: Lord Walder Frey of The Twins Staggered by many blows to their reputation, House Kytley still keep the faith that the Smith has great plans for them. Like the molten metal fresh from the anvil, they await only the moment of quenching to be created anew. Lady Isobel Marsten of Hartshorn Liege Lord: Lord Jon Arryn of the Eyrie A house that has faltered under cruel circumstances in recent years, alliances and intrigue seem to be all that remains of House Marsten’s once-vaunted strength. Lord Dunstan Tullison of Mountain’s Reach Liege Lord: Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun As a loyal ally of House Tully, House Tullison looks to the heart of the Riverlands for guidance and fuels the defences of its namesake House with iron from its mines.

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