House Rules For Condo Units

October 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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HOUSE RULES SAFETY RULES 1. Absolutely Absolutely NO NO SMOKING SMOKING in any room room or or area area of the unit. unit. 2. Absolutely Absolutely no incens incense e or candles. candles. They are are re haar haards. ds. !. Absolutely no dru" use or #ossession of dru"s on on the #remises #remises by the tenants or incumbent "uest. Such use and$or #ossession is a %iolation of the la& and &ill be re#orted to the #olice. '. Absolutely Absolutely no rear rearms ms on the the #remis #remises. es. (. Absolutely Absolutely no no undera"e undera"e drin)in" drin)in" and and no drun)e drun)enness nness.. *. Absolutely Absolutely no no #arties #arties other other than than dinner #artie #arties s of ( or less. less. BATHROOM RULES 1. +lean sin) and tub after after each use ,es#ecially clean strainer strainer of hair-. hair-. 2. ach tenant tenant is res#onsible res#onsible for their "uests/ "uests/ usa"e usa"e of bathrooms. bathrooms. !. Tenants &ill be char"ed char"ed for #lumbin" costs that that are related related to tenant/s tenant/s hair accumulation0 etc. '. o not clutter clutter sham#oos sham#oos etc in the bathroom. bathroom. A s#ace$rac) s#ace$rac) is allocated allocated for these these #ara#hernalia. KITCHEN RULES 1. se #antry #antry for canned "oods. "oods. ach tenant is assi"ned &ith &ith their res#ecti%e res#ecti%e cabinets. 2. +lean all dishes dishes and #ots and #ans e%ery e%ery after after use. o not lea%e them them in the sin) or on the counter cou nter.. !. 3i#e 3i#e count counters ers aft after er usa" usa"e. e. '. m#ty trash daily. Trash Trash is de#osited$left de#osited$left at 4 4e%el e%el 51 and easily easily accessible %ia the ele%ator. (. Turn o6 li"ht li"ht &hen &hen not not in use. use. *. se cuttin" cuttin" board board to cut and and cho# on. on. o not cut or or cho# on counter counters. s. CONSERVATION RULES 1. Turn out all interior interior li"hts &hen not in use. 7emember 7emember to turn turn bedroom bedroom li"hts and fans o6 &hen lea%in" for the day. 2. n#lu" all de%ices de%ices before before lea%in" for for the day to a%oid ris) ris) of short short circuit or or re. SECURITY RULES 1. Kee# the the main main door door loc)e loc)ed d at all all times. times. 2. o not not let let stran" stran"ers ers in the the house. house. !. +all security security immediately immediately &hen &hen anythin" anythin" of sus#icious nature occurs. '. +lose all all &indo&s before before lea%in" for the day. day. GENERAL RULES 1. No #ets #ets allo allo&e &ed. d. 2. No holes holes in the &alls &alls to to han" #ictures #ictures etc. !. Sho& consideration consideration to other other tenants in re"ards re"ards to music music or other noise. No loud music or noises after 89:: ;M. Tenants &ho %iolate the #eace and
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