Hotel sample P&L and Bal Sheet

December 30, 2016 | Author: Re Formity | Category: N/A
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Profit & Loss Account for the period 01/01/0000 to 31/12/0000

Revenue from accomodation Room Revenue Telecommunication Safe rental Pay TV -

Other income Foreign Exchange Parking Conference Hall -

Payroll Expense Wages & Salaries - Housekeeping Wages & Salaries - Administration Wages & Salaries - Front Office Wages & Salaries - Security Wages & Salaries - Maintenance -

Direct Expenses Share of tour operator's commission Telecommunication Charges Pay TV Charges Laundry Cost Cleaning supplies and disposables Guest Supplies Utilities -

General & Administrative Expenses Accountancy Fees Assets disposals Audit Fees Bad Debts Bank charges Engineering Fees Insurance IT expenses Licences, permits & subscriptions

Marketing expenses Printing, postage & stationery Professional fees Recruitment expenses Repairs and maintenance Staff Uniforms Staff Welfare Telecommunications Transport Expenses General Expenses -

Accomodation Operating Profit


Restaurant Revenue Food allocation - B'fast Food allocation - Lunch Food allocation - Dinner Chance Business - Food Beverage -

Restaurant Cost of Sales Food Beverages -

Restaurant Payroll Expense Kitchen Staff Restaurant Service Staff -

Restaurant General Expenses Advertising & Promotion Cleaning expenses Complimentaries Decorations Laundry Cost Repairs & Maintenance Share of tour operator's commission Stock Spoilage Uniforms

Utilities General Expenses -

Restaurant Operating Profit


Gross operating profit


Interest Payable Interest on overdraft Interest on loans Other Borrowing costs -




Balance Sheet as at 31st December 0000

Fixed Assets Tangible Assets Property Plant & Equipment at cost or revalued amount Accumulated Depreciation -

Current Assets Stocks Containers Food Beverage Cleaning Material Consumables Fuel Debtors Trade Debtors Provision for Bad Debts Other Debtors, prepayments and accrued income Cash at bank & in hand Current account Credit Card account -

Total Current Assets


Creditors : Amounts falling due within one year Bank Overdraft Bank Loans Trade Creditors Other Creditors Accruals -

Net Current Assets / (Liabilities)


Total Assets less Current Liabilities


Creditors : Amounts falling due after more than one year Bank Loans Other Loans -



Share Capital & Reserves Called-up issued Share Capital Revaluation Reserve Accumulated Profit and Loss Account -

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