There are are various law applicable to hospital planning, commissioning commissioning and running the hospital.
Law related related to governing governing the commissionin commissioning g of hospital : 1.
Society registration act
Companies act 1956
!rban land act 19"6
$ational building code 2%%5
&uilding permit 'rom municipality
(elhi )re prevention and )re sa'ety act 19*6
+ire sa'ety rules 19*"
lectricity rules 1956
9. (elhi electricity regulatory regulatory commission - rant o' consent 'or captive power plants / regulations regulations 2%%2 1%. (elhi li't act 19#2 11. &ombay li't act 199 12. (elhi nursing home registration registration act 195 1. 0adiation protection certi)cate 'or radiology dept 'rom &0C 1#. tomic energy regulatory regulatory body approval 'or radiology nuclear medicine services under the atomic energy act 1962 15. 3ndian telegraph act 1**5.
Laws governing the qualications / practice and conduct of professionals 16. 3ndian medical council act 1956
1". 3ndian medical council - pro'essional conduct , eti4uette and ethics/ regulations, 2%%2. 1*. 3ndian medical degrees act 19. 0egistration 0egistration o' medical practitioners with state medical councils 2%.
3ndian nursing council act 19#"
21. (elhi nursing council act 199" 22. The dentists act 19#* 2. 3CT rules o' physiotherapy rules
Law governing storage / sale of drugs and safe medication 2#.
(rugs and cosmetic act 19#%
25. (rug and cosmetic act amendment 19*2 26. The drug and cosmetics rules rules 19#5 2". The drugs control act 195% 195% 2*. harmacy act 19#* 29. $arcotics and psychotropic substances act %. Central ecise ecise act 19## - 'or permit to use and store spirit / 1. 0etail drug licence 2. 7T act . Central sales Ta act 1956 #. Sales o' good act 19% 5. Sales o' adulterated adulterated drugs - 3C sec sec 2"5 / 6. Sales o' drug as di8erent drug or preparation - 3C sec 2"6 / ". $egligent conduct with regard to poisonous substances -3C sec 2*%/
*. &lood ban regulations under (rugs and cosmetic - 2nd amendment / rules , 1999.
Law governing to management of patients 9. (rugs and magic remedies - ob:ectionable / advertisements act #%. $(T act 199# #1. re re conception and prenatal diagnostic techni4ues - prohibition o' se selection / rules, 1996. #2. ;T act 199" #. Transplantation Transplantation o' human organ act 199# 199# ##. 0ules 0ules 'or insurance cover 'or the sterili37 3(S , $C?, ovt ?' 3ndia. 5. ;anual 'or control o' hospital associated in'ections @ S?s, $C? , ovt o' 3ndia
Law governing medico legal aspects 5#. =aw o' privileged communications 55. 3ndian evidence act - disclosure o' privileged con)dential patient related in'ormation in'ormation be'ore a court o' law A under protest /
56. =aw o' torts 5". Consumer protection act 5*. rotection rotection o' human rights act 59. 3C section 52 6%. 3C section *% 61. 3C section *9 62. 3C section 92 6. 3C section 9 6#. 3C section 269
Law governing the safety of patients, public and sta within the hospital premises 65. $o ob:ection certi)cate under the pollution control act 66. &iomedical medical waste management handling rules 199* 6". Bater - prevention and control o' pollution / ct 19"# 6*. 0ules 0ules regarding the sa'e discharge o' euents in the public sewers drains 69. (;C sanitation and public health &ye laws, 1959 "%. ir - prevention and control o' pollution / act 19*1 "1. nvironment nvironment protection protection act 19*6 "2. nvironment nvironment protection protection act 1996 ". $oise pollution control rule 2%%% "#. 3C sec 2"* - maing atmosphere noious to health / "5. 3C sec 269 - negligent act liely to spread in'ection or disease dangerous to li'e , unlaw'ully or negligently /
Law governing the safety of patients, public and sta within the hospital premises "6. $o ob:ection certi)cate 'rom the chie' )re oDcer "". eriodic eriodic )tness certi)cation 'or operation o' li'ts "*. &oilers act , 192 "9. plosive act 1**# - 'or diesel storage/ *%. etroleum act E storage rules 2%%2 *1. as cylinder rules, 2%%# *2. 0ules 0ules 'or provision o' sa'e drining water *. 0ules 0ules 'or provision o' uninterrupted power supply *#. revention revention o' 'ood adulteration act 195# *5. The radiation surveillance surveillance procedures procedures 'or the medical application o' radiation 19*9 *6. 0adiation protection rules 19"1 *". 0& sa'ety code no . 0≻ed F2 - 07 F1/ 2%%1 **. 3nsecticide act 196* *9.
rms act, 195%
9%. 3C Sec 6 - act endangering li'e and personal sa'ety o' others/ 91. 3C Sec " -causing hurt by act endangering li'e and personal sa'ety o' others/ 92. 3C sec * - causing grievous hurt by act endangering the li'e and personal sa'ety o' others / 9. The 3ndian 'atal accidents act , 1955 1955
Laws governing the employment of manpower 9#. Child labour act
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