Hospital by Law & Medical by Law Rahmat Hidayah - 20150017

October 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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^ulc syufur syufur pehujcs pehujcs ukipfih ukipfih fepidi fepidi Ijjim [PT yih` tejim aeabercfih aeabercfih rimait rimait dih mcdiyim-Hyi, semch``i pehujcs dipit aehyejesicfih aifijim tehtih` Mospctij by jiws di dih h aedc aedcki kijj stig stig by jiw jiw pi pidi di aiti aiti fu fujc jcim im Etcf Etcfii di dih h mo mofu fua a fe fesem semit itih. ih. Tif Tif ju jupi pi smojiwit smoji wit serti sijia tetip terkurimfih terkurimfih fepidi luhluh`ih luhluh`ih fcti Hibc Aumiaaid [IP, yih` tejim aeh`irimfih fepidi fcti situ-situhyi i`iai yih` dcrcdmoc Ijjim [PT. Aifijim chc bercsc beberipi chgoraisc tehtih` mij-mij yih` berfictih deh`ih mospctij mospc tij by jiws dih aedckij stig by jiw , yih` pehujcs miripfih dipit aeabercfih aeabercfih chgoraisc fepidi piri peabiki. ^ehujcs aehyidirc bimwi aifijim chc aiscm lium dirc seapurhi. Ojem firehi ctu, frctcf dih sirih dirc seaui pcmif yih` berscgit aeabih`uh sejiju pehujcs miripfih deac feseapurhiih aifijim chc. Ifmcr fiti, pehujcs siapicfih tercai fiscm fepidi seaui pcmif yih` tejim  berperih serti dijia pehyusuhih aifijim chc dirc iwij siapic ifmcr. [eao`i Tumih Sih` Aimi Esi sehihtcisi aercdmoc se`iji usimi fcti. Iach.




MIJIAI MIJ IAIH H LUDUJ. LUDUJ.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ......


FITI ^EH@IHTI ^EH@IHTIR.... R......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ............ ................ ............ ... DIGTIR DIGT IR C[C....... C[C............ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............... ................... .................. ...........

cc ccc

BIB C ^EHDIMUJU ^EHDIMUJUIH... IH........ .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ....


9. Jitir Jitir Bejifi Bejifih` h` Aisijim Aisijim... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...


2. Ruausi Ruausih h Aisijim Aisijim... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ........ ....... ...


;. Tului Tuluih h Aisijim.... Aisijim........ ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........... .....


BIB CC ^EABIM ^EABIMI[I I[IH.. H..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ....... ...


MO[^CTIJ BS JIP..................................... JIP........................................................... ..................................... ........................... ............ 9. ^eh`er ^eh`ertci tcih h Mospcti Mospctijj By Jiw... Jiw...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ...


2. Guh`sc Guh`sc MosVCt MosVCtij. ij. By Jiw... Jiw...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ....... ... ;. Tulu Tuluih ih Dih Dih Aihgi Aihgiit it Mospc Mospctij tij By By Jiw.. Jiw..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ........ ...... ..

4 4

4. Kcrc Kcrc ‛ Kcrc Kcrc Mospctij Mospctij By Jiw.... Jiw....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ....... ...


5. Ferih`f Ferih`fii Mofu Mofua a Sih` Sih` Aeh`it Aeh`itur ur Ruai Ruaim m [ifc [ifct.. t..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ........ ........ ......


7. Tch`fi Tch`fitt Dih Dih Lehc Lehcss ^eritu ^eriturih rih Dijia Dijia Ruai Ruaim m [ifc [ifct... t...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ....


0. ^eritur ^eriturih ih Chte Chterhi rhijj R[ Mubuh Mubuh`ih `ih Deh`ih Deh`ih Fode Fode Etcf Etcf R[.. R[..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ......


AEDCKIJ [TIGG BS JIP....................................................................... JIP.......................................................................... ... 9. ^eh`e ^eh`ertci rtcih h Aedckij Aedckij [tigg [tigg By Jiw.. Jiw..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ...... ..


2. Guh`sc Guh`sc Aedck Aedckij ij [tigg [tigg By Jiw.... Jiw....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ........ ........ ......


;. Tului Tuluih h Aedckij Aedckij [tigg [tigg By Jiw... Jiw........ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... ........... ......... ... 4. Aiter Aitercc Dih [ubst [ubstihs ihscc ^eritur ^eriturih ih Chter Chterhij hij [tigg [tigg Aedcs Aedcs.... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ......

9> 9>

5. Gorait Gorait Dih [ubst [ubstihsc ihsc ^eritu ^eriturih rih Chterh Chterhij ij [tigg Aedcs.. Aedcs..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...


7. Jih`f Jih`fim im ‛ Jih`fi Jih`fim m ^ehyus ^ehyusuhi uhih h ^eritur ^eriturih ih Chterh Chterhij ij [tigg [tigg Aedcs.. Aedcs...... ........ ...... ..


BIB CCC ^EHUT ^EHUTU^... U^........ .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............... .................. ........


I. Fescapujih. Fescapujih..... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .............. .................. ................... ............


B. [irih..... [irih.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... ............... ............


DIGTIR DIGT IR ^U[TIF ^U[TIFI.... I......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............. .............. ......




BIB C ^EHDIMUJUIH BIB 9 < Jitir Bejifih` Aisijim


fese sem miti itih

efscst steehschyi


sih ih` `it


biru ru,,

dij ijiia

 perfeabih`ihhyi dc Chdohesci, seauji dcfeabih`fih ojem Gred Iaejh dih Ijairmua ^rog. Oetiai dijia behtuf cjau mufua fedofterih. ^erfeabih`ih femcdupih yih` pesit dc bcdih` fesemitih dijia behtuf scstea fesemitih hiscohij aeh`ifcbitfih dc perjufihhyi peh`iturih yih` jebcm juis, dirc mufua fedofterih fe mij-mij yih` berfictih deh`ih fesemitih (mufua fesemitih). [emubuh`ih deh`ih mij tersebut, aifi dijia rih`fi aeabercfih fepistcih dih  perjchduh`ih mufua, bicf bi`c peaberc lisi pejiyihih fesemitih aiupuh bi`c  pehercai lisi pejiyihih fesemitih, uhtuf aehch`fitfih, aeh`irimfih dih aeaber aea bercfi cfih h disir disir bi`c bi`c peabih peabih`uh `uhih ih dc bcdih` bcdih` fesemi fesemitih tih dcperju dcperjufih fih idihyi idihyi  perih`fit mufua fesemitih yih` dchiacs. Bihyif terlidc perubimih termidip ficdim-ficdim fesemitih, terutiai aeh`ehic mif dih fewilcbih piri pcmif yih` terfict dc dijia upiyi fesemitih serti perjchduh`ih mufua bi`c piri pcmif yih` terfict. Uhdih` ‛uhdih` hoaor 44 timuh 2>>3 tehtih` ruaim sifct pisij 23 iyit (9) aehyit aeh yitifi ifih h bimwi bimwi ruaim ruaim sifct sifct mirus mirus aehyus aehyusuh uh dih aejifs aejifsihi ihifih fih peritu periturih rih chterhij ruaim sifct ,mospctij by jiws (MBJ) .dijia aejifsihifih perczchih ruaim sifct mospctij by jiws mirus dcpehumc. Aehurut `uwihdc (2>>4) , yih` dcaifsud deh`ih mospctij by jiws dc He`iri fcti sekiri aitercj by jiws sebimi`cih sudim idi dc ruaim sifct, tetipc auh`fch  bejua dcsidirc feberidiihhyi. Dcfitifih sebi`cih firehi bihyif fetehtuihhyi  bejua tertujcs dih berdisirfih berdisir fih febcisiih-febcisiih sili yih` bejua dcfuapujfih dih dclidcfih suitu scsteaitcf. Deh`ih aujic tcabujhyi `u`itih- `u`itih termidip ipi yih` yih` dchiai dchiaifih fih ‚aijpr ‚aijprift iftef ef aedcf‑ aedcf‑ ,aifi ,aifi fchc fchc dcrisif dcrisifih ih pehtch pehtch` ` uhtuf  uhtuf  aeabuit mospctij by jiws sekiri tertujcs .



BIB 2 < Ruausih Aisijim 2.9 Ipi Sih` Dc Aifsud Deh`ih Mospctij By Jiws Dih Aedckij [tigg By

Jiw ? 2.2 Bi`icaihi Guh`sc Mospctij By Jiws Dih Aedckij [tigg By Jiw? 2.; Tuluih Dih Aihgiit Mospctij By Jiws Dih Aedckij [tigg By Jiw? 2.4 Bi`icaihitch`fit Dih Lehcs ^eriturih Dijia Ruaim [ifct ?

i. Bi`i Bi`ica caih ihii Jih` Jih`fi fim m ‛ Jih` Jih`fi fim m Diji Dijia a ^e ^ehy hyus usuh uhih ih ^e ^erit ritur urih ih Ch Chter terhi hijj [tig [tigg  g  Aedcs ?

9. Tul Tuluih uih Ais isij ijim im BIB ; < Uhtuf Aeh`etimuc Sih` Dc Aifsud Deh`ih Mospctij By Jiws Dih Aedckij

[tigg By Jiw ? BIB 4 < Uhtuf Aeh`etimuc Guh`sc Mospctij By Jiws Dih Aedckij [tigg By Jiw? BIB 5 < Uhtuf Aeh`etimuc Tuluih Dih Aihgiit Mospctij By Jiws Dih Aedckij [tigg

By Jiw? BIB 7 < Uhtuf Aeh`etimuc Tch`fit Dih Lehcs ^eriturih Dijia Ruaim [ifct ? BIB 0 < Uhtuf Aeh`etimuc Jih`fim ‛ Jih`fim Dijia ^ehyusuhih ^eriturih Chterhij

[tigg Aedcs ?




BIB = < ^eh`ertcih ^eh`ertcih Mospctij By Jiw

Cstcjim Mospctij Byjiw ctu terdcrc dirc dui fiti ”Mospctij– dih ”Byjiw–. Fiti ”Mospc ”Mo spctij tij–– auh`fc auh`fch h sudim sudim kufup kufup giacjc giacjcir ir bi`c bi`c fcti, fcti, yih` yih` berirt berirtcc ruaim ruaim sifct. sifct. [eaehtiri fiti ”Byjiw– terdipit beberipi degchcsc yih` dcfeaufifih piri imjc. Aehuru Aeh urutt Tme Tme Oxgord Oxgord Cjjust Cjjustrit rited ed Dcktco Dcktcohir hiry4). Deh`ih deacfcih, peh`ertcih Byjiw tersebut dipit dcscapujfih sebi`ic periturih dih fetehtuih yih` dcbuit suitu or`ihcsisc itiu perfuapujih uhtuf aeh`itur piri ih``oti-ih``otihyi. Feberidiih Mospctij Byjiw aeae`ih`  perihih pehtch` sebi`ic titi tertcb dih aehliach fepistcih mufua dc ruaim sifct. Ci idijim ”rujes og tme `iae– dirc dih dijia aihileaeh ruaim sifct. Berdis Ber disirif irifih ih feputu feputusih sih aehterc aehterc fesemi fesemitih tih ho hoaor aor 00 002 2 timuh timuh 2>>2 2>>2 tehtih tehtih` `  pedoaih periturih chterhij ruaim sifct (mospctij by jiws) aehyitifih bimwi mospctij by jiws berisij dirc dui buim fiti yictu mospctij (ruaim sifct) dih byjiws (peh`iturih seteapit itiu chterhij). ^idi mifefithyi mifefithyi mospctij mospctij byjiws byjiws aeapuhyic aeapuhyic bcdih` tersehdcrc tersehdcrc dih lu`i aeapuhyic guh`sc pehtch` dc dijia aeh`idifih titi tertcb dih fepistcih mofua di dih h liji lijihh hhyi yi ru ruai aim m si sifc fct. t. Ci id idij ijim im ‚itur ‚iturih ih aich aich‑‑ (ruje (rujess og tm tmee `i `iae ae)) di dirc rc aihileaeh ruaim sifct dijia aejifufih guh`sc dih tu`ishyi. Lcfi iturih dih dcscpjch aihileaeh sudim dcbuit deh`ih bicf dih lu`i dcpitumc, aifi mospctij  byjiws dipit aerupifih ijit uhtuf aehlijihfih pro`ria aihileaeh rcscfo dih ”`ood `overhihke– deh`ih bicf dih bermiscj. Mospctij by jiws itiu periturih chterhij ruaim sifct idijim suitu produf  mo mofu fua a yih ih` ` aeru aerupi pifi fih h ih` ih``iri `irih h ruai ruaim m ti tih h`` ``ii ru ruai aim m si sifc fctt it itiu iu yih yih` aewifcjc,perih,tu`is dih fewehih`ih peacjcf itiu yih` aewifcjc ,perih,tu`is dih



fe fewe wehi hih` h`ih ih dcref dcreftu turr ru ruai aim m si sifc fctt ,or` ,or`ih ihcs csisc isc stigg stigg ae aedc dcs, s, pe perih rih,t ,tu` u`is is di dih h fewehih`ih stig aedcs. BIB 3 < Guh`sc Mospctij By Jiws

Berdisirfih feputusih aehterc ho. 002 timuh 2>>2 tehtih` pedoaih periturih chterhij ruaim sifct (mospctij by jiws) aehyitifih bimwi guh`schyi < BIB 9> < [ebi`ic ikuih bi`c ruaim sifct dijia aejifufih peh`iwisih ruaim

sifcthyi. i. [ebi`ic [ebi`ic ikuih bi`c dcreftu dcrefturr ruaim sifct dijia dijia aeh`ejo aeh`ejoji ji ruaim ruaim sifct dih dih aehyusuh febclifih yih` berscgit tefhcs operiscohij.  b. [ebi`ic sirihi uhtuf aehliach egeftcgctis,egcscehsc dih autu. k. [irihi perjchd perjchduh`ih uh`ih mofua mofua bi`c bi`c seaui seaui pcmif yih` yih` berfictih berfictih deh`ih deh`ih ruaim sifct. d. [ebi`ic [ebi`ic ikuih bi`c bi`c pehyejesici pehyejesicih h fohgjcf fohgjcf dc ruaim ruaim sifct sifct ihtiri ihtiri peacjcf,dcre peacjcf,dcreftur ftur ruaim sifct, dih stigg aedcs. e. Uhtuf Uhtuf aeaehu aeaehumc mc persyir persyiritii itiih h ifredcti ifredctisc sc ruaim ruaim sifct. sifct. BIB 99 < Tuluih dih Aihgiit Mospctij By Jiw BIB 92 < Tuluih mospctij by jiws BIB 9; < Uaua < Dcacjcfchyi suitu titihih periturih disir yih` aeh`itur 

 peacjcf ruaim sifct itiu yih` aewifcjc,dcreftur ruaim sifct dih dih tehi`i aedcs semch``i pehyejeh`iriih ruaim sifct dipit egeftcg,egcsceh dih  berfuijctis. BIB 94 < Fmusus < Dcacjcfchyi pedoaih ojem ruaim sifct dijia

mubuh`ihhyi deh`ih peacjcf itiu yih` aewifcjc, dcreftur ruaim sifct si fct dih stigg aedcs. Dcacjcfchyi pedoaih dijia peabuitih febclifih tefhcs operiscohij ruaim sifct. Dcacjcfchyi pedoaih dijia periturih stigg aedcs. i. Aihg Aihgii iitt Moi Moipc pcti tijj by by jiws jiws 9. Uhtu Uhtuf f Ruai Ruaim m [if [ifct ct


Ruaim sifct aeacjcfc ikuih mofua dijia behtuf ih``irih ruaim tih``i.


Ruaim sifct aeacjcfc fepistcih mufua dijia peabi`cih fewehih`ih dih tih``uh` liwib bicf efsterhij aiupuh chterhij yih` dipit aehlidc ijit/ sirihi perjchduh`ih mofua bi`c ruaim sifct itis i tis tuhtutih/`u`itih.


Aehuhlih` persyiritih ifredctisc ruaim sifct




Aeacjcfchyi ijit / sirihi uhtuf aehch`fitfih autu pejiyihih ruaim sifct.


Ruaim sifct aeacjcfc felejisih irim dih tuluih dijia aejifsihifih fe`citihhyi.

2. Uhtuf Uhtuf peh`ej peh`ejoji oji Ruaim Ruaim [ifct [ifct


Aeacjcfc ikuih tehtih` bitis fewehih`ih,mif,fewilcbih dih tih``uh`  liwib yih` lejis semch``i aeaudimfih dijia aehyejesicfih aehyejesicfih aisijim yih` tcabuj serti dipit aehli`i mubuh`ih yih` serisc dih sejiris.


Aeapuhyic pedoaih resac uhtuf aehyusuh febclifih tefhcs operiscohij.

;. Uhtu Uhtuf f ^eae ^eaerc rcht htim im


Aeh`etimc irim dih tuluih ruaim sifct tersebut dcdcrcfih .


Ikuih dijia aehyejesicfih fohgjcf dc ruaim sifct.

4. Uhtu htuf pea peacjcf cjcf


Aeh`etimuc tu`is dih fewilcbihhyi. Ikuih dijia aehyejesicfih fohgjcf chterhij. Ikuih fcherli dcreftur ruaim sifct.

BIB 95 < Kcrc ‛ Kcrc Mospctij By Jiw

@uwihdc (2>>4) berpehdipit bimwi beberipi kcrc dih scgit yih` fmis dirc Mospctij By Jiw < i. Bimwi Bimwi mosp mospcti ctijj by jiws jiws idij idijim im ticjo ticjorr ‛aide ‛aide Bimwi csc,substihsc dih ruausih rchkc dirc mospctij by jiws tcdifjim siai dc seaui sea ui ruaim ruaim sifct sifct dih tcdif tcdif auh`fc auh`fch h siai. siai. Aisch`Aisch`- aisch` aisch` ruaim ruaim sifct sifct aeapuhyic






tuluih,fepeacjcfih,sctuisc dih fohdcsc yih` berjichih dijia setcip ruaim sifct).  b. Mospctij by jiws dipit berguh`sc sebi`ic ‚perpihlih`ih tih`ih dirc dirc mufua‑ Guh`sc mufua aeabuit periturih ‛ periturih yih` berscgit uaua dih berjifu uaua. [edih`fih fisus mofua R[ dih fedofterih berscgit fisucstcs. Deh`ih deacfcih deacf cih dcperjufih dcperjufih uhtuf aeh`ufur aeh`ufur idi tchdifhyi tchdifhyi fejijicih /fesijimih /fesijimih yih` dctuhdumfih. k. Mospctij Mospctij by jiws aeh`itu aeh`iturr bcdih` bcdih` yih` berfictih berfictih deh`ih deh`ih sejurum sejurum aihileaeh aihileaeh ruaim sifct. d. Ruausih Ruausih mospct mospctij ij by jiws mirus mirus te`is, te`is, lejis dih dih terperch terperchkc. kc.



e. Mospctij Mospctij by jiws berscgit berscgit scsteait scsteaitcs cs dih tch`fi tch`fit-tch` t-tch`fithy fithyii berlehlih`. berlehlih`. BIB 97 < Ferih`fi Mufua Sih` Aeh`itur Femcdupih Ruaim [ifct

^eriturih ‛periturih itis disir aihi pehyejeh``iriih ruaim sifct berpclif idijim < BIB 90 < Jihdisih Forporisc

- ID perseroih terbitis (^T) - ID Siyisih - ^^ ^erusimiih Liwitih (^erlih) - ^eriturih jich yih` terfict deh deh`ih `ih behtuf bidih mofua peacjcf ruaim sifct. i. ^eriturih ^eriturih perudih`ih perudih`ih tehtih` tehtih` fesemiti fesemitih h dih dih peruaim peruaimsifctih sifctih - Uhdih`- uhdih` tehtih` fesemitih dih uhdih`-uhdih` jich yih` terfict. - ^eriturih dih ^ ^eruhdih`-uhdih`ih eruhdih`-uhdih`ih yih` aeh`itur ruaim sifct.  b. Febclifih fesemitih peaerchtim seteapit - febclifih perclchih - febclifih pejiporih k. ^eri ^eritu turi rih h chter chterhi hijj ruaim ruaim sifc sifctt d. Febcli Febclifih fih tefh tefhcs cs operisc operiscohi ohijj ruaim ruaim sifct sifct - [O^ ([tihdir Operitch` ^rokedure) - Lob deskrcptcoh e. It Itur urih ih mufu mufua a uau uaua a - FUM^ - Uhdih` ‛uhdih` tehtih` Jch`fuh`ih - Uhdih` ‛ ‛uhdih` uhdih` tehtih` tehi`i ferli - Uhdih` ‛uh ‛uhdih` dih` tehtih` perjchduh`ih fohsuaeh. fohsuaeh.

9. Tch`fit Tch`fit Dih Dih Lehcs Lehcs ^erit ^eriturih urih Dijia Ruaim Ruaim [ifct [ifct i. ^eri ^eritu turi rih h chter chterhi hijj ruaim ruaim sifc sifctt 9. Aeapuhyic Aeapuhyic lehlih` lehlih` tertch`` tertch``cc firehi firehi aerupifih aerupifih ih``ir ih``irih ih disir/ disir/ ih`` ih``irih irih ruaim tih``i suitu ruaim sifct. 2. Dcsusush Dcsusush dih dctetipfih dctetipfih ojem ojem peacjcf peacjcf ruaim ruaim sifct sifct itiu itiu yih` yih` aewifcjc. aewifcjc. ;. ^idi uauahyi uauahyi aeh`itu aeh`iturr tehtih` tehtih` vcsc,acsc, vcsc,acsc, tuluih tuluih or or`ihcsi `ihcsisc sc ruaim ruaim sifct dih dih mubuh`ih peacjcf ,dcreftur ruaim sifct dih stig aedcs.



 b. Febclifih tefhcs operiscohij 9. Ikuih uhtuf aehyusuh aehyusuh idijim idijim periturih periturih chterhij chterhij ru ruaim aim sifct. sifct. 2. Dcsusuh Dcsusuh dih dih dctetip dctetipfih fih ojem ojem dcref dcreftur tur ruai ruaim m sifct. sifct. ;. ^idi uauahy uauahyii terdcrc terdcrc dirc dirc febclif febclifih ih dih dih prosedur prosedur dc bcdih` bcdih` idachcstirsc,aedcs,pehuhlih` aedcs, dih feperiwitih. 4. Febcli Febclifih fih tefhc tefhcss idi yih` yih` berupi berupi surit surit feputu feputusih sih..

BIB 9= < ^eriturih Chterhij Ruaim [ifct Mubuh`ih Deh`ih Fode Etcf Ruaim [ifct.

Ihtiri periturih chterhij ruaim sifct dih fode etcf ruaim sifct idi sebi`cih sijch` aehutupc (overjippch`) ,semch``i dijia mij-mij tertehtu fidih`fiji i`if  sufir uhtuf aeabedifihhyi. Hiauh Hiauh kcrc fmis dirc dirc ^eriturih chterhij ruaim sifct  bimwi sejich mirus tertujcs peruausih dipit jih`suh` dcpific (reidy gor use) sebi`ic fetehtuih serti berguh`sc sebi`ic tojif- ufur . [ebijcfhyi fode etcf ruaim sifct peruausihhyi aiscm berscgit uaua dih tcdif jih`suh` scip pific (hot reidy gor use). Deh`ih deacfcih aifi dijia peheripih fode etcf ruaim sifct aiscm aeaerjufih pehigscirih ji`c.

Kcrc [cgit Toji To jif f Ufur Ufur Dcbuit Dcb uit ojem ojem

[ihf [ihfsc sc di dirc rc

Etcf [emirushyi Mitc Mitc hu huri rihc hc (k (koh ohskc skceh ehke ke)) Fejoap Fejoapof of sehdcr sehdcrcc (sejg  (sejg 

^eriturih chterhij R[ Pilcb dctiitc Fete Feteht htui uih h te tertu rtujc jcss -^eacjcf itiu yih`

caposed re`ujitcoh)


Or`i Or`ihc hcsi sisc sc


^e ^eac acjc jcf f

it itiu iu

yi yih` h`

aewifcjc Berjifu Berjif u

- peaerchtim Chterh dih dipit dcpific dcpific


sebi`icc periturih sebi`i periturih buftc/ buftc/ Itisih yih` berwehih`

Itisih /chstihsc AFEF


mufua Itisih /peridcjih



BIB 93 < ^eh`ertcih Aedckij [tigg By Jiws

Terleaimih Terlea imih ‚by jiws‑ siapic sefirih` sefirih` aiscm bihyif pehdipit. pehdipit. Beberipi Beberipi terleaimih terleai mih byjiws byjiws idijim idijim < Guh`sc Aedckij [tigg By Jiw

 Aedckij stigg byjiws aeapuhyic guh`sc sebi`ic bercfut< i. Aeh``iabirfih peh`or`ihcsiscih peh`or`ihcsiscih stig aedcs aedcs dc ruaim sifct.  b.  b. Aeauit prosedur persyiritih dih pehercaiih tehi`i aedcs dc ruaim sifct k. Aeh`it Aeh`itur ur aefi aefihcs hcsae ae  peer revcew, reipochaeht , fewehih`ih yih` dcbercfih (kjchckij prcvcje`es) prcvcje`es) dih pehdcscpjchih. d. Aeauit prosedur peh`iluih peh`iluih peraomoh peraomohih ih sebi`ic stigg aedcs



e. [ebi`ic [ebi`ic ikuih peabercih pejiyihih pejiyihih berdisirfih berdisirfih stihdir progesc progesc dih fode etcf   progesc aedcs.

BIB 29 < Tuluih Aedckij [tigg By Jiw

 Aedckij stigg byjiws aeapuhyic tuluih sebi`ic bercfut < BIB 22 < Uaua < [ebi`ic [ebi` ic pedoaih pedoaih bi`c ruaim sifct dijia aehch`fitfih aehch`fitfih autu pejiyihih pejiyihih aedcs dc ruaim sifct. BIB 2; < Fmusus

9) Terk Terkip ipic ichy hyii fe ferl rlisi isiai ai yi yih` h` bi bicf cf ih ihtir tirii stig stig aedc aedcss de deh` h`ih ih pe peac acjc jcf  f  ruaim sifct itiu yih` aewifcjc dih ihtiri stigg aedcs deh`ih Dcreftur Dcreftur// ^capchih ruaim sifct. 2) Terk Terkip ipic ichy hyii sc sche her` r`csa csaee ih ihti tiri ri aihi aihile leae aeh h di dih h pr prog ogesc esc aedc aedcss uh uhtu tuf  f  fepehtc h`ih pisceh. ;) Terkcptihyi Terkcptihyi tih``uh` tih``uh` liwib stig aedcs termidip autu pejiyihih pejiyihih aedcs dc ruaim sifct. 4. Aiterc Aiterc Dih [ubst [ubstihsc ihsc ^eritu ^eriturih rih Chterh Chterhij ij [tig Aed Aedcs cs ( Aedckij  Aedckij [tig By Jiws Jiws))

‚ticj  Aedckij  Aedc kij stigg stigg byjiws byjiws idijim ‚ti cjor or aide aide‑ ‑ dih aed aedcki ckijj stigg stigg byjiws byjiws idijim aerupi aer upifih fih peritu periturih rih yih` yih` aeh`it aeh`itur ur stig stig aedcs. aedcs. Aeh Aeh`ik `iku u fedui fedui mij tersebu tersebutt aifi dipit dcscapujfih dcscapujfih bimwi wijiu wijiupuh puh aedckij stigg byj iws iws berscg berscgit it ‚ticjor  aide‑, hiauh tetip dcperjufih ikuih mij-mij ipi sili yih` perju dcitur dc dijia aedckij stigg byjiws deh`ih tuluih uhtuf aehli`i autu progesc aedcs. Aeh`ch`it stig aedcs idijim progesc aihdcrc aifi dijia aehyusuh aedckij   stigg byjiws  perju puji aeapermitcfih kcrc-kcrc progesc. [ejich ctu, sebi`icaihi dcuricfih dcitis bimwi aedckij stigg byjiws, idijim ticjo ticjorr aide aifi aiterc dih substihsc tcdif auh`fch dcsiaifih ihtiri situ ruaim sifct deh`ih ruaim sifct jichhyi. Hiauh pijch` tcdif mirus idi subtihsc achcaij yih` mirus dckihtuafih dijia periturih chterhij stig aedcs (aedckij (aedckij stigg byjiws ) tersebut. [ubstihsc achcaij tersebut aejcputc substihsc chtc (kore kohteht ) dih substihsc fmusus fmu sus jokij jokij (jokij spekcgcks). spekcgcks). Kor Koree kohteht kohteht idi idijim jim hcjic-hcjic hcjic-hcjic guhdiaehti guhdiaehtijj yih` dcihut sekiri uhcversij dijia aehlijihfih progesc aedcs, sepertc isis-isis etcfi



aedc ae dcs, s, isis-i isis-isis sis pr prog ogesc escoh ohij ijcs csae ae (f (foa oape pete tehs hsc, c, eg egcf cfis isc, c, iaih iaih bi bi`c `c pi pisce sceh) h),,  pejiyihih yih` berautu (quijcty, eggckcehky, equcty), equcty), ifuhtibcjc ifuhtibcjctis tis dih sebi`chyi.  Jokij spescgckt idijim mij-mij yih` fmusus berjifu dijia jch`fuh`ih ruaim sifct tertehtu. Berdisirfih mij tersebut dcitis substihsc aedckij stig jiws sebi`ic bercfut < i. Uaua < 9) Uricih Uricih tehtih` tehtih` stig aedcs, aedcs, fejoapof fejoapof stig stig aedcs aedcs dih foacte foacte aedcs yih` yih` idi dc ruaim sifct. 2) Uricih Uricih tehtih` tehtih` `ircs-`ircs `ircs-`ircs besir besir tu`is dih dih tih``uh` tih``uh` liwib liwib stig stig aedcs. ;) ^erhyitiih ^erhyitiih tehtih` tehtih` fewilcb fewilcbih ih bi`c seaui seaui stig aedcs aedcs uhtuf uhtuf aehtiitc aehtiitc dih aehlijihfih fetehtuih-fetehtuih etcfi progesc aedcs, etcfi ruaim sifct, mospctij stigg byjiws ruaim sifct dih periturih-periturih pejifsihi yih` dctetipfih berdisir aedckij stigg byjiws chc.  b. Ferih`fi Tu`is dih fewilcbih Tu`is dih fewilcbih Foacte Aedcs sekiri uaua idijim < 9) Aehyusuh, Aehyusuh, aeh`evi aeh`evijuisc juisc dih lcfi perju perju aeh`usujf aeh`usujfih ih perubimih perubimih pidi pidi aedckij stigg byjiws. 2) Aehetipfih Aehetipfih stihdir stihdir pejiyih pejiyihih ih aedcs yih` yih` dcbuit dcbuit ojem ojem fejoapof fejoapof stig stig aedcs. ;) Aehehtufih Aehehtufih Febclif Febclifih ih uaua dijia dijia aejifsihi aejifsihifih fih pejiyihih pejiyihih aedcs aedcs sekiri progescohij. 4) Aeh`usujfih Aeh`usujfih rehkihi rehkihi peh`eabi peh`eabih`ih h`ih suaber suaber diyi aihusci aihusci dih tefhoj tefhojo`c o`c uhtuf progesc aedcs.



BIB 24 < ^ersyiritih dih titi kiri < BIB 25 < [ej [ejefs efscc dih pehipc pehipcsih sih termidi termidip p dofter dofter/do /dofte fterr `c`c `c`c yih` yih` ifih ifih

 beferli dc ruaim sifct ^ehetipih pih fewehih`ih fewehih`ih fjchcs (kjchckij prcvcjed`es) bi`c prcvcjed`es) bi`c aisch`BIB 27 < ^eheti aisch` dofter/dofter `c`c yih` beferli dc ruaim sifct sesuic febutumih ruaim rua im sifct. sifct. Tehi`i Tehi`i dofter dofter/do /dofte fterr `c`c `c`c yih` yih` dcterca dctercaii beferli beferli dc ruaim ruaim sifct, sif ct, mirus mirus sesuic sesuic deh`ih deh`ih sertcgcf sertcgcfisc, isc, re`cst re`cstrisc risc,, perczc perczchih hih,, foapet foapetehs ehsc, c,  peh`ijiaih, feteriapcjih, fesemitih, dih percjifu etcfihyi. ^eaiht htiu iuih ih di dih h pe peh` h`ia iaiti itih, h, bi bimw mwii do doft fter er yi yih` h` dc dcbe berc rcfi fih h BIB 20 < ^eai fewehih`ih fjchcs (kjchck (kjchckij ij prcvcjed`es prcvcjed`es)) sepertc yih` dctetipfih aeaih`  behir-behir aejifuifh tchdifih aedcf dijia bitis-bitis czch yih` dcbercfih fepidihyi. BIB 2= < [ihfsc termidip dofter yih` dc putusfih aejih``ir dcscpjch. Itiu

 berpercjifu tcdif bicf, yih` aeabercfih pejiyihih aedcs dih itiu tchdifih aedcs yih` tcdif sesuic deh`ih czch yih` dcbercfih, yih` tcdif  sesuic deh`ih stihdir pejiyihih, yih` sekiri progescohij tcdif foapeteh itiu tcdif foapeteh ji`c, itiu yih` aejih``ir fetehtuih-fetehtuih dijia aedckij stigg byjiws.

BIB 23 < Iturih [tig Aedcs

Iturih stig aedcs aerupifih jiapcrih aedcki aedckijj stigg byjiwshyi. byjiwshyi. Sih` dcitur  dcitur  dcdijia iturih stigg aedcs idijim fewilcbih stig aedcs yih` terfict deh`ih  peabercih pejiyihih fesemitih dc ruaim sifct, ihtiri jich sebi`ic bercfut< 9) Fewi Fewilc lcbi bih h st stig ig aedc aedcss uh uhtu tuf f aeai aeaitu tumc mc fe fete teht htui uih h pe pejif jifsih sihiih iih pr prif iftc tcf  f  fedofterih. 2) Fewilcbih Fewilcbih [tig [tig Aedcs Aedcs uhtuf uhtuf aeaitumc aeaitumc [tihdir [tihdir ^rogesc. ^rogesc. ;) Fewilc Fewilcbih bih [tig Aedcs uhtuf uhtuf aea aeaitu itumc mc [tihdi [tihdirr ^ejiyi ^ejiyihih hih dih [tihdir  [tihdir  ^rosedur Operiscohij. 4) Fewi Fewilc lcbi bih h [tig [tig aedc aedcss uh uhtu tuf f aeai aeaitu tumc mc fe febc bcli lifi fih h ru ruai aim m sifct sifct te teht htih ih` ` refia aedcs.



5) Fewi Fewilc lcbi bih h [tig [tig aedc aedcss uh uhtu tuf f aeai aeaitu tumc mc fe febc bcli lifi fih h ru ruai aim m sifct sifct te teht htih ih` ` chgoraed kohseht. 7) Fetehtuih uh uhtuf aeaitumc


ruaim sifct


rimisci fedofterih. 0) Fewilcbih Fewilcbih stig aedcs aedcs uhtuf uhtuf aeaitumc aeaitumc febclif febclifih ih ruaim sifct sifct tehtih` tehtih` obit obit dih goraujircua ruaim sifct.  Aedckij [tigg By Jiw) Jiw) 5. Gorait Gorait Dih [ubst [ubstihsc ihsc ^erit ^eriturih urih Chterh Chterhij ij [tig Aed Aedcs cs ( Aedckij

Gorait dih subtihsc uhtuf aedckij stigg byjiws sebi`ic bercfut < i. RUAI RUAIM M [IFC [IFCT T ]S\ ]S\ ^EHD ^EHDIM IMUJ UJUI UIH H Aufidcaim aeaberc `iabirih aeh`ehic R[ ]S\ dih or`ihcsisc stig aedcs dc ruaim sifct tersebut sekiri `ircs besir. BIB ;> < BIB C FETEHTUIH UAUA

Bib C idijim idijim

peh`er peh`ertci tcih h yih` yih` aeauit aeauit pehlejisi pehlejisih h tehtih tehtih` ` cstcji cstcjim-cs m-cstcj tcjim im dih

fohsep-fohsep yih` dc`uhifih dijia aedckij aedckij stigg by jiws. BIB ;9 < BIB CC HIAI, TULUIH, TIH@@UH@ LIPIB

 Hiai < Aeauit litc dcrc or`ihcsisc stig aedcs R[ ]S\ yih` terdcrc ter dcrc dirc hiai, lehcs dih fejis ruaim sifct, jofisc/ijiait. Tuluih



dcaif ifsu sud d

 peh`or`ihcsiscih stig aedcs. aedcs.


dcsch schc

id idiijim



Uhtuf aeh`csc pisij chc dipit aejcmit

^edoaih ^eh`or`ihcsiscih [tig Aedcs dih Foacte Aedcs dc Ruaim sifct. Tih``u Tih ``uh` h` Liwib Liwib < Sih` Sih` dcaifs dcaifsud ud deh`ih deh`ih tih``u tih``uh` h` liwib liwib idijim idijim tih``uh` liwib or`ihcsisc stig aedcs fepidi Dcreftur ruaim sifct dih ^eacjcf/@over ^eacjcf/ @overhch` hch` Boird . Ikui Ikuih h tih` tih``u `uh` h` li liwi wib b bc bcsi si dc dcjc jcmi mitt dc  pedoaih peh`or`ihcsiscih stig aedcs dih foacte aedcs aedcs dc ruaim sifct.



BIB ;2 < Jih`fi Jih`fim-J m-Jih ih`fi `fim m ^ehyu ^ehyusuh suhih ih ^eritu ^eriturih rih Chter Chterhij hij [tig [tig Aedcs Aedcs ( Aedckij  Aedckij [tigg By Jiw Jiw).

Jih`fim-jih`fim pehyusuhih aedckij stigg byjiws chc, dcmiripfih dipit sebi`ic ikuih bi`c ruaim sifct dijia aehyusuh aedckij stigg byjiws -hyi -hyi aisch`-aisch`. Idi mij-mij yih` mirus dcpermitcfih dijia aehyusuh aedckij stigg byjiws yictu < BIB ;; >2 tehtih`  pedoaih periturih chterhij ruaim sifct (mospctij by jiws) aehyitifih bimwi mospctij by jiws berisij dirc dui buim fiti yictu mospctij (ruaim sifct) dih byjiws (peh`iturih seteapit itiu chterhij). ^idii mifefi ^id mifefithy thyii mospct mospctij ij byjiws byjiws aeapuh aeapuhyic yic bcdih` bcdih` terseh tersehdcr dcrcc dih lu`i lu`i aeapuhyic guh`sc pehtch` dc dijia aeh`idifih titi tertcb dih fepistcih mofua di dih h lijih lijihhy hyii ru ruai aim m si sifc fct. t. Ci id idij ijim im ‚i ‚itu turi rih h aich aich‑‑ (rujes (rujes og tm tmee `i `iae ae)) di dirc rc aihileaeh ruaim sifct dijia aejifufih guh`sc dih tu`ishyi. Lcfi iturih dih dcscpjch aihileaeh sudim dcbuit deh`ih bicf dih lu`i dcpitumc, aifi mospctij  byjiws dipit aerupifih ijit uhtuf aehlijihfih pro`ria aihileaeh rcscfo dih ”`ood `overhihke– deh`ih bicf dih bermiscj. Mospct Mos pctij ij by jiws jiws itiu itiu peritu periturih rih chterh chterhij ij ruaim ruaim sifct sifct idijim idijim suitu suitu produf  produf  mofu mofua a yih` yih` aeru aerupi pifi fih h ih`` ih``ir irih ih ru ruai aim m ti tih` h``i `i ru ruai aim m si sifc fctt it itiu iu yi yih` h` aewifcjc,perih,tu`is dih fewehih`ih peacjcf itiu yih` aewifcjc ,perih,tu`is dih fe fewe wehi hih` h`ih ih dcref dcreftu turr ru ruai aim m si sifc fctt ,or` ,or`ih ihcs csisc isc stigg stigg aedc aedcs, s, pe perih rih,t ,tu` u`is is di dih h fewehih`ih stig aedcs.



I. [irih

Deh`ih bihyifhyi peraisijimih mufua dc bcdih` fesemitih terutiai uhtuf  ruaim sifct , perju iturih yih` aeh`itur ih``irih ruaim tih``i ruaim sifct itiu yi yih` h` aewi aewifc fcjc jc,p ,per erih ih,t ,tu` u`is is di dih h fe fewe wehi hih` h`ih ih pe peac acjc jcf f itiu itiu yi yih` h` aewi aewifc fcjc jc ,per ,perih ih,t ,tu` u`is is di dih h fe fewe wehi hih` h`ih ih dcre dcreft ftur ur ru ruai aim m si sifc fctt ,o ,or` r`ih ihcs csisc isc stigg stigg aedc aedcs, s,  perih,tu`is dih fewehih`ih stig aedcs, uhtuf aehkcptifih feidiih yih` stibcj dih aeacjcfc iturih mofua yih` scsteaitcs . Uhtuf setcip ruaim sifct itiupuh  pejiyihih fesemitih sebicfhyi dc buit iturih mofua uhtuf aehliach sejurum  pejiyih itiu tehi`i


deh`ih pisceh. [emch``i ifih aeaperbicfc

fuijctis dirc pejiyihih fesemitih dc Chdohesci.




Trcwcbowo,Kekep. ^erczchih ^erczchih dih Ifredctisc Ifredctisc Ruaim sifct. So`yifirti< Humi Aedcfi, 2>92.  Hotoitaodlo, soefcdlo . Etcfi Etcfi dih Mufua fesemitih. Lifirti < rchefi kcpti ,2>9>. Mihigcyim ,lusug.A Dih Iarc iacr . Etcfi fedofterih dih mofua fesemitih . Lifirti < Bufu fedoterih EK@ ,9333. Mihigcyim ,lusug.A Dih Iarc Iarc iacr . Etcfi fedofterih fedofterih dih mofua fesemitih fesemitih edcsc 4 . Lifirti < Bufu fedoterih EK@ ,2>>= .


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