Horoscope Chart - Where it begin - A specimen sketch:
by Mukkur - TRS Iyengar The following chart shows the divisions and allocations in degrees for each division; The first column that beginning with "0" Degree is known as Aries and the proceed with 30 degrees for each sign in Clockwise position. The Hindu Astrology name for each sign given in Blue and degree allocations marked in Red. Now you can check your birth chart known as Horoscope or Jathakam (Jadakam - Jadagam) and your Rasi known as Moon Sign is where the Moon or Chandran is placed. In each house or division of 30 degrees, the western name of the sign, Hindu Astrology based Sanskrit name, house number and the total degree it holds are given one by one in each line. The second chart shows the representing the Nakshatram for each sign. The third chart just simply the Navamsa sign of each house or rasi.
Meenam XII
330 - 360
^AQUARIUS Kumbam XI 301 - 330 ^CAPRICORN Makaram X 271 - 300
^SAGITTARIUS Dhanusu IX 241 - 270
--> ARIES Mesham I 0 TO 30
US Rishaba m II 31 to 60
I Mithunam
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