Technical Development: Low Range Development Blazhevitch: 70 Studies for Tuba Bordogni: 24 Vocalises (for Trombone) euling: !o" #orn Studies (B$s% & ' 2) des res: 20 tudes for !o" #orn *ochut: !egato Studies for Trombone #ac$leman +,Articulation/Accuracy: .alla/: 0 Studies +ling: 40 Studies 1ueller: tudes (B$ &: 22 Studies B$% 2: &2 Studies) Flexibility and Musicality: .alla/: &2 Studies (for 2nd #orn) 40 reludes de .rave: tudes for 1odern Valve #orn 1a3ime5l6honse: 1a3ime5l6ho nse: Boo$s 4 tamina/!ower: Belloli: rogressive tudes and &2 studies .alla/: &2 Brilliant tudes 1a3ime5l6honse: Boo$ 1a3ime5l6honse: "ontemporary/angular "ontemporary/ angular pitch patterns: Barbeteau: 20 tudes (8houdens) Bitsch: &2 Studies *e/nolds: 49 tudes Schuller: Studies for -naccom6anied #orn #atural/$istorical #atural/$ist orical $orn !er%ormance Brahms: Ten Studies Studie s ,au6rat: 8om6lete 1ethod +ling: 2 reludes and 8a6rices Strauss: &7 8oncert Studies
olo Literature Review: &aro'ue: 8orelli;1agnani: Sonata in e) Suite for T"o #orns and Strings (6iano red% b/ ?nternational)e) de +rut: Sonata for #orn and iano in (Birdalone (Birdalone ) a version in < is available from Billaudot !achner: Variations on a S"iss
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