Hora Shatak 100 Astro Rules
April 10, 2017 | Author: AstrologerAnjaan | Category: N/A
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Horary astrology...
(*{r vrftF') 100GoldenRulesof PredictiveAstrology - ByJ.N.Bhasin
Re-editedand presentedin Englishby - Dr. G.S. Kapoor
RANJAN PUBLICATIONS 16,AnsariRoad,DaryaGanj,NewDelhi-110002 (lNDtA)
A Tribute The late Shri J.N. Bhasin was a great exponent of Hindu Astrology. His deep study, keen lntellect, unquenchablethirst for knowledge, original thinking and practical experienceturned him into an astrologer and writer of great eminence.He worte both in Hfidi and English.All his books are simple in'language,easy to follow, and extremelyrich and instructivein contents. They.are of a high standard and authoritative.They contain many rules and principles which have been brought to light for the first time. There will hardly be any studentof Hindu AstrologynothavingShri Bhaiin,s books in his Library. His monumental translation in English of ,,prasna Marga" a greatly referred Sanskrit work on Horarv As t rolo g y a n d o t h e r b o o ks w i l l a l w a ys r em ain a powerful sourceof inspiration and guidanceto all those interested in the study of Astrology. His last book published is 'Dispositors in Astroi ogy'.His daring principles propounded in this work HORA SHATAK have opened new vistas for study and researchin the field of predictive Astrology. It is my great privilege to present this meritorious Hindi book HORA SHATAK first time in English,
contairringrules for the judgementof horoscopes,many of which will not be foulrd in any otl'rer book on the subject.He put them in print only after he was fully convincedby practical applicationof their efficacyand' correctness.I am fully confident that this book, though small in size yet worthy in its contents,will definitely enhancethe knowledge and predictive capability of our readers. Though the great savant is no more, yet the rich treasureof knowledge left by him will continue to guide the aspiring students, like a luminated lighthouse in the vast oceanof AstrologY. -Gouri Shanker KaPoor
CONTENTS Sloka Content No. A Tiibute Introduction 1. Prayer
PageNo. 3 9 12
Part I Elementary knowledge of Astrology
Part II 100Basicconceptsof Predictive Astrology
3. ' 4 -7. 8. ' g -L5
Chapter dealing with special rules Importance of house, its lord and significator in judging a horoscope Y o g a s f o r a sce ti ci sm a n d separativeness The effectsof significatorin his own house Added strength of a planet in c o n j u n c t io n w i th R a h u o r Ketu SpecialRules on Retrograde planets
\ 28 28
30 31 33 34
Rule about a planet aspecting one of his own sign and its effecton his other sign 19-22 Effects of a planet in the 8th place from his own sign 23-28 Parshwagamini aspect 29-31, Conjunction of a planet with two enemy planets C h a p t e r a b o u t sp e ci a l conceptsabout planets 32 Strength of the Moon 33-34 Mercury giving quick results 35 Yoga for interest in religious matters 36 Specialeffectsof Venusin the 12th house 3740 Yoga for Abundant wealth through Venusin the 12thhouse 41. Resultsof Venusin 12th from any house 42 Yoga for Abundant wealth through Venusin 12thhouse. 43 Advancement of the significations of 5th by the position of Venus in the 4th house S a t u r n a s si g n i fi ca to r o f diseases Chapter dealing with special effects of houses 45 AboutLagna-the principle of symbology and its significance 46 Planets in Kendrasalways infuence Lagna
4'1. 45 47 47 48 50
58 58
.67 a
70 70 72
Importance of Surya and Chandra Lagna (the Sun and Moon signs) Yoga for the birth of twins 48 49 Diseases of the Dhatu of the afflicted Lord of Lagna Diseaseof the sign occupied 50 by lord of the Lagna Yoga for being an adopted 51 child Significations of Jupiter for 52 w e a l t h v i s -a -vi s K u mb h a Lagna 53 Result of Saturn's aspect on the 4th house 54-55 Diseasesasa result of affliction of any part of Kalapurusha 56 Diseasesdue to affliction of Karakasof houses 57 What causesdiseases 58-59 Example of mother's illness 60-62 Relevance of the Lagna in ascertainingthe causeof death 63-64 fupiter as RajyalQipa Karaka 65-66 Professionthrough Lagna and tenth house
67-69 70 71 72 73-74
Chapter onvarious Yogasfor diseases Yoga for insanity Yoga for Leprosy Yoga for Epilepsy DiJeasesoi the nerves Yogafor dumbness
79 82 85 86 89
93 98 1 104 707 108 108 113 115 121, 121, 126 732 134 135
Yogafor chronic illnessto wife or husband Chapter on Raja Yogas 77 Yogafor Rulership 78 VipareetaRajayoga 79 Other Yoga as concerning Administration 80-83 Yogasfor violent disposition 84 Yoga for imprisonment 85-86 Fondness for sensual pleasures C h a p t e r o n re su l ts o f directional influences (Dashasand Antardashas) 87 Results of the sub-period of Venus posited in the 12th house 88-93 The time when the significations of planets will fructify Determining the approximate age for marriageand dawn of fortune. 94 Dawn of fourtune 95-96 Resultsof the sub-periodof a malefic planet in his own period 97 Results of sub-period of M e r c u r y a sso ci a te d w i th malefics in his own major period. 98-99 Resultsof benefic and malefic associations 100-101Associationwith Mlecheas
Ig7 138 138 L48 153 157 1^1g 1,62 1.64
1,67 168 '169 '
169 IT2
INTRODUCTION In spite of the fact that numerous authoritative classicson Hindu Astrology areavailable,we have taken the liberty to present this small volume on the subject. We have felt it very necessarydue to our experienceof several years that we discovered that certain basic conceptsof Astrology that had lost sight of and had not found place in the books of Astrology at present available. As will be seenby the readersafter a perusal of this book, there is a good number of special aspects and principles brought to light in this book, which will prove to be of immense practical utility not only for personswith an elementary knowledge of Astrology but also for those engaged in research and are in dn advanced stage of their studies. The basic concepts of Astrology dealt with in this book are such which ascribe great significance and importance to the connectionsbetween a house,its lord and its significator (Karnka).We have found in our prolonged study and researchthat basicrules for proper analysis of Yogas in Astrology, which cause certain events in the lives of the natives have not been dealt with in the available astrologicalclassics.We have tried to fill this gap to the best of our ability by analysing and demonstrating such principles logically becauseit is our firm belief that logic is the soul of the science of Astrology. We have often observed that the students of Astrology while dealing with certain aspects in a nativity keep only a limited or partial vision on the
principles of assessmentof a horoscope.We have, therefore,made an attempt to deviserules to examinea certain human aspectfrom a number of housesand we ardently hope that the methodsdemonstratedherewill receiveuniversal acceptanceand recognition. A seriousconsiderationof factswill inevitably lead to the conclusionthat symbology plays a very important part in predictive Astrology. It will be very difficult for one to successfullystudy and correctly understand the subjectof AstroloW,if he is ignorant of significanceof symbology.How important is the useof symbology will be app a r e n t f r o m a p e ru sa l o f sl o k a 47 which demonstratesthat all matters related to the Ascendant (Lagna)can be easily analysedand determined through the principles of symbology. Similarly another example of the practical utility of symbology will be found in the case of Mercury who has been described as 'Kumara' (a boy of tender age).We have found that as Mercury representsvery young age therefore he gives his results in the early part of life (seesloka 30). With due respectsto the learnedand very proficients in Astrolo1y, we humbly submit that the generally accepted theory that a planet when retrograde gains more strength, is not wholly acceptable to us. We, however, agree that the theory is true partially. While dealing with this subject, we have fully discussed the principles laid down in Uttara Kalamrita fbr retrograde planets in exaltation and in debilitation alongwith other situations in which a planet is retrograde. We are confident that all those engagedin the serious study of Astrology, after practical applicaton of our views, will support us. We are perhaps the first in the field of Astrology to discover,me-+ion and put to practical use the special
effectsof the aspectsof planets,on either side of a house or the planet situated in it (qrlffi Eful. We are of the view that specialeffectsof such aspectsnot only prove the validity of Yogaslike Adhiyoga (for example, see Sloka28) also enable us to correctly interpret the effects of the concernedplanets. The method of determining the times of events like marriage, dawn of fortune (Bhagyodaya)by calculating the average period of planets like Mercury etc., describedby us here has been devised after prolonged researchand will not be found in any other work on Astrology. This method could also be usefully applied for determination of the length of academiccareer,etc. We have only indicated the results of our researchand their applicability on other mattersconcerninga nativity, will depend on further researchby our readers. The authors of various astrological works \ave generally laid stresson the examinati6n of the 8th hduse for determining the causeof death but we feel that it is also important to take into accountthe disposition and strength of the Ascendantand its lord for this purpose. (Seesloka 64 and the illustration given by us). Although we do claim that many of the conceptsof predictive Astrology discussedin this book, have been brought to light for the first time, but we are quite sure that none of them is againstthe establishedprinciples of Hindu Astrology. All the principles mentioned here can be authenticatedby referenceto classicaltexts but we have not found it possibleto do so for want of space. While we are confident that meticulous application of principles contained in this book will enable our readers to make amazingly accurate prediction. We would feel more than satisfied if even appreciable successis achievedin this direction.
astrology Basicconceptsof predictive
1 Prayer TftTrq-tUT
snfiefTfirkf rFrn6[fi'nfudr: Er{:fflr:, fiqr{rqsq W F-ds,,drTHrgRITTFK{| Vtrq{qfuEsqlqFgd q€Trk Req rfq tqlrttTfdtfuqtfrfua{ttt tl 6,rqif€T{6r6,,t:
May the SupremeLord, the Createrof Universe,who is a great poet and who in his divine compositions describesthe fruits of good and evil deeds of all the living creatures,writing them on the board made up of wide spreadheavenswith the stars and planetsas his writing instruments,protectus all !
Hora Shatak
Part I
Elementary Knowledg" of Astrology Before we take up the subject proper, we propose to impart in this sectionsomeelementaryknowledge of the basicsof Hindu Astrology. This will help those who have very little knowledge but are keen to study this subject.It is a matter of common knowledge that there are many persons who have no elementary grounding in this subject but are keen to study books on Astrology. The birth chart is the map of the heavensat the time of birth and containsplanetsin the positionsasthey are in the zodiac at that time. Zodiac The first thing we should know is"Zodiac". It is an imaginary broad belt in the heavensextendingabout 9 degreeson eachside of the ecliptic. Ecliptic is the path of the Sunwhich (path) passesexactlytfuough the centre of the Zodiac. The Zodiac is an imaginary circle of 360 degreesand our learned ancientsdivided this circle into twelve equal parts of 30 degreeseach.Eachequal part of 30 degreesis known as a sign (Rasi).
Basicconceptsof predictive astrology
Signs or Rasis and Planets There are twelve signsand nine planets.Out of the nine planetsthere are only sevenwho are lords of the twelve signs.The Sun and the Moon own only one sign each, the remaining five viz., Mars, Mercury, Jupiter Venusand Saturn own two signs each.The remaining two planets Rahu and Ketu do not own any signs as they are termed as shadowy planets representingthe lord of sign in which they areplaced.The following table shows the 12 signs and their lords. Name of. Sign
The number denoting the sign
Aries (Mesha) Taurus (Vrishabha) Gemini (Mithuna) Cancer(Karkata) Leo (Simha) Virgo (Kanya) Libra (Thula) Scorpio(Vrischika) Sagittarius(Dhanu)
1 2 3 4
Capricorn (Makara) Aquarius (Kumbha) Pisces(Meena)
10 11 .12
6 7 8 9
Lord of the sign Mars (Mangal or Kuja) Venus (Sukra) Mercury (Budha) Moon (Chandra) Sun (Surya) Mercury (Budha) Venus (Sukra) Mars (Mangal) Jupiter (Guru or Brihaspati) Saturn (Sani) Saturn Jupiter
Constellations(Nakshatras) While thereare twelve signsasexplainedabove,the Zodiac is further sub dividedin27 constellations.Each constellationmeasures13degreesand 20minutesof arc. Like the signs, the constellationsare also owned by variousplanets.Here evenRahuand Ketu havelordship ov er c e r t a i n c o n ste l l a ti o n s. T h e tw e nty seven
Hora Shatak
constellationsand their lords are given below :Constellation
L. Aswini Ketu 15. Swati Rahu 2. Bharani .Venus 1,6.Visakha Jupiter 3. Krittika Sun 1.7.Anuradha Saturn 4. Rohini Moon 18. Jyestha Mercury 5. Mrigasira Mars L9. Moola Ketu 6. Aridra Rahu 20. Poorva Venus 7. Punarvasu Ashada Jupiter 8. Pushya Saturn 21. Uttara-Ashada Sun 9. Aslesha Mercury 22. Sravana Moon 10. Magha Ketu 23. Dhanishta Mars 11. PoorvaVenus 24. Satabhisha Rahu Phalguni 25. PoorvaJupiter L2. Uttara-PhalguniSun Bhadra 1.3.Hasta Moon 26. Uttara-BhadraSaturn 1,4.Chitra Mars Revati Mercu Ascendant The sign rising in the eastat the time of birth is called the Ascendant(Lagna). The Birth Chart We give below the forms of birth charts followed in South India and Nortl{ India. I-Form of Birth Chart used in South India. Pisces
Sagittariur Scorpio
astrology Basicconceptsof predictive
II-Form of Birth Chart followed in North India.
The differencein the two forms is that while in form I signs (Rasis)will always be at the locations(houses)as slio*n in the form. If the rising sign or the Ascendantis Aries, the housecontaining the sign Aries will become the Ascendantand also the firsthouse' Thenin clockwise direction, we will have the subsequentelevenhouses'If the Ascendantfalls, say,in the sign of Sagittarius,the house containing this sign Sagittariuswill becomethe Ascendantand the first house and subsequenthouses will be counted in the clockwisemanner further. In form II that is the one followed in North India, the housemarked I (first)will always be the Ascendant whateverbe the rising sign.For example,the rising sign is Libra (No. 7) or in other words the Ascendantfalls in the sign Libra, we will put the Ascendant in the first house marking it as 7. Thereafter we move in anticlockwisedireclion and the secondhousewill be in the on' sign Scorpio(No. 8), the third in Sagittariusand._s-o 5) (No' Leo, in tf-the rising sign is Leo, the Ascendant will be the first house.The secondhousewill be in Virgo (No. 6) the third in Libra (No. 7) and so on.
Hora Shatak
Another differenceis that in the form used in South India, the number of the sign is not written in the chart, and one has to rememberthe placesreservedfor Aries and other signs which would always remain the same. In the form used in North India we show the Ascendant by putting the number of the rising sign in thefirst house and the eleven signs subsequentto the rising sign in other elevenhouses.This will be better understood by the following birth chart. Form I Jupiter
Ketu Ascdt Safurn
Rahu Venus
Sun Mercury
Form II 3 Ketu
Mars /4 t
8\ Sun Venus Rahu
The Ascendant is Cancer.In Form I we put the Ascendant in the house reserved for Cancer which
Basicconceptsof predictive astrology
becomesthe first house. In Form II we put the sign Cancer(No. a) in the first houseand put the other signs in anti-clockwiseorder. Exaltationand Debilitation signs of planets Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Exaltation Sign
Debilitation Sign
7 8 4
2 10 6 4 12 7
t2 10 6 1
Benefic and Malefic Planets The Sun,Mars, Saturn,Rahu and Ketu are natural malefics.Jupiter and Venusare natural benefics.The Moon is a benefic when strong and a malefic when weak. On'the Amavasya day the Moon losesall her lust re o n a c c o u n t o f n e a rn e ssto th e S un and is renderedabsolutelyweak.Thenbeginsthe bright half of the lunar month and Moon starts moving away from the Sun. When she is 72 degreesaway, she is supposedto be in some strength.When the Moon is L80 d e g r e e sa w a y fro m th e S u n sh e a ttains full strength.Thus the Moon is a beneficwhen more than 72 degreesaway frorn the Sun and a malefic when within 72 degreesof the Sun. Mercury is a benefic when aloneor is associatedwith benefics.He becomes a malefic, when conjoinedwith malefics. Aspectsof the Planets A planet exertshis influenceon the housein which he is posited.In addition he exertshis influence(benefic
Hora Shatak
or malefic) on the house or planet he aspects.The Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Venushave full aspectson the houseseventhfrom them. Mars,in addition to his aspect on the 7th house, also'aspectsthe 4th and 8th houses from himself. Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu in addition to the their 7th houseaspect,alsoaspectthe 5th and 9th houses from themselves.Saturn in addition to his 7th houseaspect, alsoaspectsthe 3rd and 10th housesfrom himself. In the examplehoroscopegivenby us itwill be seen that Mercury as lord of the 3rd houseposite*in the 5th house aspectsthe 11th house.The Sun who is lord of the 2nd houseis positedin the 5th aspectsthe 11thhouse. Mars who is in the 2nd aslord of the 5th and 10thhouses aspectsthe 5th, 8th and 9th houses.The Moon as lord of the Ascendantaspectsthe Ascendant.Jupiter in the 11th as lord of the 6th and 9th aspectsthe 3rd,5th and 7th. Venusin the 6th as lord of the 11th and 4th houses aspects12th house.Saturn in the 1st as lord of the 7th and 8th houses aspectsthe 1Oth,3rd and 7th houses. Rahuaspectsthe 10th,12thand 2nd houses.Ketu aspects the 4th, 6th and 8th houses.The Moon aspectsSaturn and Saturn aspectsthe Moon. Male and Female Plan-ets The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are male planets. The Moon, Venusand Rahu arefemalesand Mercury,Saturn and Ketu are consideredeunuchs. Vimshottari Dasa System TtiereareseveralDasasystemsfor timing the events but Vimshottari Dasasystemhasbeenacclaimedas one giving more accurateresultsthan other systems. The total of different major periods (Mahadasas)of the planetsunder the VimshottariDasasystemhasbeen
Basicconceptsof predictive astrology
put as L20years which our ancientsconsideredas the probablenatural life span of a human being. The major periods have been allocated in the following order1..Sun ,
6 Years
2. Moon
L0 Years
3. Mars
7 Years
4. Rahu
L8 Years
5. Jupiter
16 Years
6. Saturn
L9 Years
7. Mercury
L7 Years
8. Ketu 9. Venus
7 Years 20 Years
The position of the Moon at birth is taken into account in the calculation of major periods. Every constellationor Nakshatracovers L3 degreesand 20 minutes (13",20')of zodiacalspace.Eachconstellation (as already mentioned by us earlier) has a planet assignedas its lord and Dasaat birth is determined by lord of the constellationoccupied by tl-reMoon at that time. Every constellationhas four quarters (Padas)of 3"-20' each.Each sign contains2r/+constellations.The longitudinal span of a sign being 30 degreesand of a constellation L3 degreesand 20 minutes, thus 27 constellationsare accommodateduncler the L2 signs as shown in table on page No. 2L and 22.
Hora Shatak
L. Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini
4. Cancer
5. Leo
, 6. Virgo
Span in degree and minutes
10'-00'to 13"-20' to 26"-40', 113"-20' 30"-00' Krittika (1) 10"-00' Krittika (2,3,4) Rohini (1.,2, 3, 4) 110'-00'to 23"-20' 23"-20'to30"-00' Mrigsira (L,2) -00' to 6"-40'. Mrigsira(3,4) Aridra('1..,2,3,4)16"-4q'to 20"-00', (1,2, 3) 120"-00' to 30"-00' Punarvasu 0"-00' to 3"-20', Punarvasu(4) Pushyami(1.,2, 3, 4)13"-20'to 1.6"-40' A s l e sh a(1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ) 1 1 6 '-4 0to ' 30"-00' Magha(7,2,3,4) 10"-00'to 13"-20' P.Phalguni('l..,2,3,4) 113"-20'to 26"-40', (1) 26"-40',to30'-00' U. Phalguni
Aswini('1.,2,3, 4) Bharani (7,2,3,4)
Phalguni(2,3,4) 4) Hasta(1,,2,3, Chitra(1,2) 7. Libra
Chitra (3,4)
8. Scorpio
Swati(1,,2,3,4) Visakha(1,,2,3) Visakha(4)
10"-00'to to 1L0'-00' to 123"-20' -00' to 16"-40'to to 120"-00' to 10'-00'
10"-00' 23"-20' 30"-00' 06"-40' 20'-00' 30'-00' 3"-20'
Anuradha (1.,2, 3, 4)13"-20' to 1.6"-40' l
to 30"-00' Jyestha(1.,2, 3, 4) 11,6"-40' 9. Sagittaruis Moola(1.,2,3,4) 10"-00'to 13"-20' -20' to 26'-40' Poorvashad a (1.,2,3,4)113" U. ashada(1) 126'-40'to30"-00' '1,0.
Capricorn Uttaraashada(2,3, 4) vana (1,,2,3,4) Dhanista(1,2)
-00' to L0'-00' 10"-00'to 23"-20' 23"-20'to 30"-00'
Basicconceptsof predictiveastrology
11. Aquarius Dhanista(3,4) (1,2,3,4 Satabhisha P.bhadra(1,2,3\ 1,2.Pisces Poorvabhadra(4) Uttarabhadra(1,2,3,4) Revati(1,2,3,4)
0'-00' to 6"-40' 6"-40' to 20'-00' 20"-00'to30"-00' 0'-00' to 3"-20' 3"-20' to L6"-40' 1.6"-40'to30"-00'
The figures1.,2,3,4within bracketsadjacentto the namesof the constellationsare their quartersor padas. The following method is adopted for calculatingthe balanceof major period at birth. Supposethe longitude of tlre Moon at birth is 3-13'-12'(that is Cancer13"-12'). Canc e r i s c o m p o se d o f o n e q u a rte r o r 3"- 20' of Punarvasu,four quarters(13'-20')of Pushyamiand four quarters of Aslesha.As the longitude of the Moon is Cancer 1.3o-1,2', it has passed the 4th quarter of Punarvasuin this sign and is in Pushyami.To find out how much the Moon has moved in Pushyami,we will deduct 3"-20' of Punarvasufrom the Moon's 13". 12'. Thus the balance remains 9".32'. The extent of the '1 .3 " -2 0 '. whole o f P u s h y a mi i s T h e l or d of this constellationis Saturn, whose total major period is L9 years.Therefore 1.3'-20'being equal to 19 years, 9"-32'will be equalto L4 years,6months and 22days this indicatesthat 1.4years,6months and22 days of Saturn's major period are already over at birth and balancethat would remainin credit at birth will be L9 years minus 14 years,6 months and 22 days, that is, 4 years,5 months and 8 days. According to order given by us earlier about the major periods, the subsequentmajor periods followed will be of Mercury, Ketu, Venus,The Sun, The Moory Mars etc.
Hora Shatak
After finding out the major period at birth we have to find out the sub-periodsor Antardasasin the major period of eachplanet. The sub-periodsof all the nine planets are in proportion to the years of their major periods. The first sub-period always belongsto lord of t h e m a j o r p e r io d a n d th e su b -p e ri ods of the remaining eight planets will be in the order given in the table for major periods subsequently.
Significations of Planets Sun - F a t h e r , Go ve rn me n t, d i g n i ty, success, honours, eyes (particularly right eye), bones, soul, kingdom, high position, heart etc. Moon-Mother, blood, mind, ambitions, quick movement,lungsetc. Mars-Younger brothers and sisters,courage, valour, defencedepartment, theft, brutality, sins, cuts and wounds, aggression,accidents,etc. Mercury -Skin, breathingcanal,intelligence,brain capacity (analytical), intestines,education, writing, reading etc. fupiter-Knowledge, graceof God, graceof the Ki.g or Government, wealth, religion, childreru elder brother, husband etc. Venus - Marriage,sexualmatters,union, wife, face, sexualorgan,semen,comfortsand luxuries,beauty,love of music, poetry, conve)'ancesetc. Saturn-Nerves, diseases,(particularly chronic) longevity, service, disappointments,obstacles,death, hardwork, defeat etc. Rahus is like Saturn and Ketu is like Mars.
Basicconceptsof predictive astrology
Signification of Houses Firs t h o u s e - ( A sce n d a n t)- P h ysi cal statur e, complexion, constitution, heaith, vitality, natural dispositions and tendencies, personality,honour, dignity, prosperity, head, upper part of the face, longevity, start of life etc. Secondhouse-Money matters,assetsprofit or loss, worldly attainments,administration,jewellery, right eye, nails, tongue, nose,teeth, family members. This is also the house of death inflicting planet or a Marakasthana. Third house- Mental inclination, ability, courage, va lour, p r o v e s s , yo u n g e r b ro th e rs a nd sister s neighbours,hands, throat etc. Fourth house-Mother, one's home, residence, conveyances,domestic environment, vehicles, lands, fields,buildings,ancestralproperty,academiceducation etc. Fif t h h o u s e - P ro g e n y (ch i l d re n ), pleasur es, affections,recreation,sports, competitive activities, intelligence,high learning, stomachetc. Six t h h o u s e - S i ckn e ss, d i se a se ,fo o d, ser vice conditions,servants,cattle,tenants,enemiesetc. Seventh house-House of union or earthly ties, partner in life (wife or husband),partner in buiiness, conjugal life etc.This is also a Marakasthana. Eighth house-Longevity or span of life, death, inheritances,legacies,pension, accidents,misery, misfortunes, sorrows, worries, delay, dejectiory loss, defeatetc. Ninth house-Faith, wisdom, divine worship, f ortune (Bhagya),philosophf , charity,religious beliefs, father,preceptor,foreign travel, higher educatioryknees etc.
Hora Shatak
Tenth house -Honour, dignity, public esteem,name and fame, professionrprestige,respectand reputation, am b it io n , a u t h o r ity, w o rd l y a cti vi ti e s ( Kar ma) , promotion, advancement, honour from Government, thighs etc. Eleventh house-Friends, society,elder brother, ambitions, gains of wealth, successin undertaking, incoming wealth, prosperity,conveyances,ankles etc. Twe l f t h h o u se - E xp e n d i tu re , l o sses and impediments,extravagance,drudgery,separationfrom family, donations, charities, poverty, imprisonment, secret enemies, disgrace, occult aff.airs,sensual pleasures,comforts of bed, left eye,feet, debts,etc. In a horoscopehouses1, 4,7 and 10 are called quadrants(Kendras),5 and 9 trines (Trikonas),2,5,8 and 3,6,8,12as succedant and 11 cadet (Phanaparas) and 9th are trines they should As the Sth i(Apoklimas). not be treatedasPanapharaand Apoklima respectively. The houses3, 6,10 and l-1 are also calledUpachayas which rneanshousesof growth. The Lagna(Ascendant) or the 1st house is as a Kendra as well as a Tiikona. Houses 6, 8, 12 are termed as inauspicioushouses : (dusthanas).The 3rd house is also not consideredan auspicioushouse. F r i e n d s h i p a n d e n e m i t y a m o n g s t p l a n e t sAmongst the planets there is also friendship and enemity as shown in the table on page No. 26. We regretit is not possibleto give heremore detailed information about the characteristicsof planetsfor want of space.Those who are interestedin getting a firmer grounding on this subject of Astrology,may read the book'Learn Astrology the EasyWay' publishedby and available with AflS Ranjan Publications, 16 Ansari Road,Daryaganj,New Delhi-110002.
Basicconceptsof predictiveastrology k
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Part II
' Hora Shatak (L00BasicConceptsof PredictiveAstrology)
Basicconceptsof predictiveastrology
,2 Chapterdealingwith SpecialRules
tqrfrqtq'qqretrrq: qrqrar+rfoqorcoqrrrsq sm qt-dq, 6q qgfu{rsnreT ftqq:vEf{frmr$ft1 R+dH HqrsrdskfrFc: l[q s,,-@qi, ilsr{ qqfril+ts frqq:yrfu trSe,rr z tl Th e l e a r n e d a uth o r o f S a rva rth a C hintam ani mentions an original rule which lays that in judging a nativity it is very essentialto considerthreethings,viz., the house,its lord and the significator or Karaka of that house. The following are the significations (Karkatwas) of variousplanets. The Sun : Father,govt, religion, body The Moon : Mind, mother,body Mars Youngerbrother,violence Mercury Education Money matters, children, elder fupiter brother, husbands for women, religion. Venus : Pleasures,wives for the males Saturn : Longevity,diseases,lands.
Hora Shatak
There is no doubt about the importance and efficacy of the above rule laid down in SarvarthaChintamani for consideration of all astrologicalproblems; but we find it necessaryto add that when we give consideration to a particula4problem of subjec! it is not sufficient to confine our analysis only to the house concernedbut extend it to the examina\ionof other concernedhouses also. For example,if we have to considerany problem about speech,we should not restrict our examination to the secondhouseonly; but should pay due attention to the disposition of the fifth house also.Similarly all problems about gain and loss of money shouli be examined with reference to both the second and ele v e n t h h o u s e s . Fo r p ro b l e ms re g a rd i ng issues (ch ild re n ) t h e f i f t h a n d n i n th h o u se s should be simultaneously examined. The following birth chart No. 1,may be studied for this purposeLagna Saturn Rahu
Mars 4,t
Mars Horoscope No. I Sun
Moon Jupiter Ketu
Ven 6
12 1.L
,,/ rvtoon
)Q"o 8
7 \K"t)
This is the horoscopeof a former Maharani.The Zth house (representinghusband) is aspectedby malefics Saturn and Rahu. The lord of 7th Mars is alsoaspected by Saturn.The significator of husband,namely,jupiter who is posited in the 7th has aiso been mauled by the aspectof Saturn and Rahu and associationof Ketu. Thus
astrology Basicconceptsof predictive
the malefic influences on the house, its lord and its significator,made the Maharania widowwhenshe was just 18 yearsold. Yogas for Asceticism and Separativeness
sq-s-ffiq: uqfftr+d .
\ Ir6$refl-{ qtrE g$Tf+|
TfFryqmgcsr{, qeTrtr€Istr $qnrfrrgqg I I 3 | | If any two amongstRahu,Saturn and the Sun or all of the threeexert their influenceby aspector conjunction on any house,the native will definitely get separated from the things or person representedby that house. Thus if Saturn, Rahu and the Sun or Saturn and Rahu or the Sun and Saturn or the Sun and Rahu, cast their inlluence on the 10th house,its lord and signifiqatorby aspect or conjunction, the native is deprived of his kingdom (if he is a king), his position, title, profession, honour and the name and fame. How much time such eventstake to manifest,dependson the strengthof these malefic planets.The sameshould aPPlyto other houses. If the 7th house, its lord and its significator (Venus or Jupiter) becomethe victim of such malefic influences, the husband and wife get separated.If the 2nd house falls under such evil influences,the native is deprived of his wealth and assets.If the 3rd house is so affected, the native getsseparatedfrom his brothers and sisters' Suchinfluenceon the 4th houseforcesthe native to leave his native place. Similar influence on the Sth house causesseparationfrom children, such influenceon the 6th house causesseparationfrom the maternal uncle. Influenceon the 8th housedeprivesthe native'swife of
Hora Shatak
her wealttu jewellery etc.such inlluence on the 9th house makes the native break his traditional ties and give up his religious beliefs.If the ll th house falls undEr such evil in-fluence,the native is separatedfrom his elder brother and facesfailures in his undertakings.If the 12th houseis so afflicted, the native hasto give uf the worldiy comforts and pleasuresapd becomea., ur"etic (Sanyasi) Saturn, the Sun and Rahu are symbolicallv old planets.They, therefore,do not causeearly death; but they separatethe native from the things representedby the house which falls prey to their mitefiCipfluence. The effects of Significator in his own house
yfchfueqreT6run qErgAAffi, qr+se*qqorafuftrr e
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