Hora Hours

February 2, 2020 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Planets, Planets In Astrology, Astronomy, Science, Solar System
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Amazing Secrets (Facts) What is Hora? Origin of Horas Mystical Magical Number 7 Hora System Precise and More Reliable Why Use Horas? Time Management and Prospecting System One Good Application Universal Applications

By Ranga Chary, MBA, CFP, CEP

HORA TIME MANAGEMENT.COM’s PLANETARY HOURS (HORAS) TIME MANAGEMENT AND PROSPECTING SYSTEM. UNIQUE, NOVEL, EFFICIENT, AND PROFITABLE Invest a few minutes of your time with an open mind to read this guide. This could be a life changing event. The best things in life are simple, like the air we breathe and the water we use, until humans interfere with nature and complicate things. This very old hora time management & prospecting system is another nature’s gift and a powerful resource, simple and straight forward to understand, use and benefit from. This is not rocket science.

AMAZING FACTS (SECRETS) , NATURE’S GIFT? Have you ever noticed two hours in a day are not the same and two days in a week are not the same for you? Up, Down, Up, Down, Up……. Have you also noticed some hours are better than others? Some hours in some days are different, better or worse than other hours? Did you know this has been the pattern all your life? (for that matter anyone’s life) Have you ever wondered if there was a way you could have found out what hours and what days were and are more productive and work better for you consistently, you could have organized your time and benefited from that knowledge? If you found out that there is such a system readily available, which will precisely do that for you, would you grab it and start using it from yesterday? Do you think our illustrious ancestors who came and went before us several hundreds of years ago, with their brilliant minds would have

known about this and did that some thing positive with that discovery and used it to their advantage? You bet they did. How about some proof that ancestral brilliance laid the foundation and paved the way for our modern science and advanced the technological world in which we live and enjoy? Records show, Observations were made and recorded around 3000bc on HELIOCENTRIC THEORY OF GRAVITATION long before modern scientists Copernicus and Galileo took advantage of it. Long before the advent of modern telescope and other sophisticated terrestrial instruments, an Astronomer from the east with his sharp naked eye, sparkling intellect and brilliant mind observed, measured, and recorded around 470AD that our SUN has a tiny pendulum motion in seconds, which is confirmed today to be accurate. When we realize that our SUN is so far away and a fellow human could find that out and tell the world 1500 years ago, do we say WOW? Did you know another Astronomer, from the east, in the 7th century estimated and recorded the circumference of earth to be 36,000 kilometers, which is found by sophisticated instruments today to be close to the actual? In the history of mankind we know that fellow humans(visionaries?) existed and exist with super natural abilities known as, Expanded Consciousness, ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), Sixth Sense, Telepathy (Para-normal communications of thoughts), high IQ etc. In simple terms, these are very special gifted people. These individuals made and make a difference in their lives and in the lives of others and the world.

Volumes have been written by authentic masters throughout the world on the power and capabilities of human mind. There are evidences to show that some of those para normal powers were demonstrated openly. It is therefore not difficult to believe, extraordinary discoveries were and are made and recorded from time to time. Planetary Horas (hours) Cycles is one such remarkable discovery. It is a rhythmic, beautiful, and a cosmic phenomenon. One can appreciate and enjoy this gift when he or she learns about it and uses it properly. One can also wonder the grandeur of the hora system knowing that it is a branch of Astrological Science. It is believed that Astrology is the oldest of all sciences. How old? Who knows? The belief in Astrology spread from India, China, Babylonia and Chaldea. Whence it spread to Egypt , Greece, Rome and throughout the whole world. When we come to consider that Astrology was the beginning of nearly all that we hold valuable in art, literature, religion and science; that the asterisms and the constellations were our first pictures; and that Astronomy and Astrology sprang from oldest cultures and countries, we may judge of its value to humanity, nor shall we wonder at its survival amidst the fall of nations and the decline of mighty races. There are two broad and rational principles on which Astrology is based. The first principle upon which the science of Astrology rests is that the whole Universe is actually what the term implies - a unity; and that a law which is found in manifestation in a portion of the Universe must also be equally operative throughout the whole. While the Universe is the macrocosm, man/woman is a mini Universe and the microcosm. Each man or woman is a little world exactly representing the Universe. While all seem quiet without, there is an active world

within. Such a world is visible to the inner sight of a few (some call them seers, sages, yogis etc). Those laws which are operative among the planetary bodies are also in force amongst us. The second principle is that by a study of the motions and relative positions of the planets, the operations of these laws may be observed, measured and determined. From these two principles, aided by observation and a metaphysical mind, the whole science of Astrology and the planetary hora system evolved. Though there are subtle and major differences between eastern and western systems of Astrology, there is no difference in the hora system. It has been universally accepted and used. Therefore it is less controversial and more reliable. Do you think, we started using from yesterday, the names for the 7 week days, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday? When did we start using these names for the week days? It does not matter as we did not and do not have a choice in this matter, do we? Do we recognize that the names of these seven days derive from the 7 primary planets of our solar system, Monday for Moon, Tuesday for Mars, Wednesday for Mercury, Thursday for Jupiter, Friday for Venus, Saturday for Saturn and Sunday for Sun? We have been using these names for a very, very long time. Does it give a clue that our day to day lives on earth have some connection to our solar system and the 7 primary planets?

It is believed that these planets have closer connections to us and influence our day to day lives. Centuries ago some brilliant minds, with sharp intellect and telescopic eyes who could observe and measure data of planets and stars which are millions and billions of miles away, discovered and recorded that there exists a closer relationship between our day to day lives and the 7 primary planets and it is a cyclical phenomenon. We all know Sunrise, Sunset, New Moon and Full Moon are repetitive cycles but do not know for how long they have been doing it. Would it have been much harder for a common man or woman to have known about this then and could not have had access to this treasure? Did we have the kind of mass communications, internet, phone and satellite facilities then? Do you think that we have the tools to share and test the secret, knowledge and the treasure today? You bet we do. Knowledgeable people around the world have been using and benefitting from this wonderful DAILY PLANETARY HORAS (HOURS) TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEM to enhance the results of whatever they did. It has remained helplessly beyond the reach of the public. For the first time in the world, Hora Time Management & Prospecting System is making this time management system with planetary hours available today to people living in major cities of the whole world, in a readily, daily and easily usable format. This is the only service offering this, unique and novel time management system with PlANETARY HORAS (HOURS) through a daily diary. The secret is out. Visit

www.horatimemanagement.com, learn about it, use it, enjoy and prosper. What is HORA

1.A simple explanation is, a hora is approximately one hour, but not exactly 60 minutes in duration, ruled and influenced by one of the 7 primary planets, during days and nights of the week. This cycle is repetitive week after week for ever. 2. The seven primary planets are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn and are visible to naked eye. Orange for Sun, Blue for Moon, Red for Mars, Green for Mercury, Violet for Jupiter, Yellow for Venus, Indigo for Saturn are the colors assigned to the 7 planets and have been in use for centuries. In the seventies I called this VIBGYOR (Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red) Time Management System. 3. Hora system was observed, researched and developed centuries before sophisticated tools such as telescopes were invented. 4. These seven primary planets as per Chaldean order follow a predetermined sequence from slowest to fastest in motion and rule their respective hours of the days and nights. That sequence is Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon. These sequential movements are cyclical and repetitive over and over again and for ever. Thousands (millions?) around the world have been reporting that planetary hours (hours) are magical and mystical and have profound influence over our day to day lives. Very few were and are fortunate to know how to tap into this free perennial resource. 5.All Mondays start with Moon hora (hour) at sunrise followed by Saturn hora (hour), Jupiter hora (hour), Mars hora (hour), Sun hora (hour), Venus hora (hour and Mercury hora (hour) in that sequence. All Tuesdays start with Mars hora (hour) at sunrise, followed by Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Sun horas (hours). All Wednesdays start with Mercury hora (hour) followed by other 6 planetary hours in that sequence. All Thursdays start with Jupiter hora, All Fridays start with Venus hora, All Saturdays start with

Saturn hora and All Sundays start with Sun hora. 6. 7 hours is considered one cycle. 8th, 15th and 22nd hours of each day will be ruled by the same planet which started the day at sunrise. For example Mondays start at sunrise with Moon hora (hour). 8th, 15th and 22nd hours will be ruled by Moon in an approximate 24 hours period. Tuesdays start at sunrise with Mars hora (hour). 8th, 15th and 22nd hours will be ruled again by Mars. It is extremely important to understand this repetitive working of the planetary hours as this is the foundation and basis to successfully use the system. The beauty of this system is that it is very simple to understand. While using the system you will know in a few days certain planetary hours and in certain days of the week work better for you than the others. Once you identify them you can take advantage of those hours over and over. For example if Venus hours works best for you, from the daily diary you will know at a glance the Venus hours on any day of this week, next week or 6 months later. This helps in planning important activities currently and in advance. The planets are color codified which helps to easily look for those colors. In use this will become pretty routine and a second nature. Faith, patience and perseverance are essential like every other endeavor in life where success and results are contemplated. Once you identity one or two or three planetary hours which works significantly better for you keep them in your arsenal and use them as much as you can. It should pay off substantially well in the long run. Hora system will be your life long friend and companion and will work for you once you know how to use the system and with discipline. 7. Planetary days are not the same as calendar days. Because of the variations in sunrise and sunset timings following seasonal changes and for different locations on mother earth, the length of days and nights are not equal. They change round the year. Therefore the planetary hours are less or more than 60 minutes. Only at vernal equinox, days and nights are nearly equal and the planetary hours are close to 60 minutes in duration.

ORIGIN OF HORAS There is no clear evidence as to when the cyclical Hora system came in to existence. From time immemorial we globally have been using the names Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday as our week days. These names are derived from the 7 primary planets, Moon (Monday), Mars (Tuesday), Mercury (Wednesday), Jupiter (Thursday), Venus (Friday), Saturn (Saturday) and Sun (Sunday). This clearly suggests that these 7 primary planets have a lot to do with the 7 week days. Countless scientific observations and discoveries of relevance and importance to us have been made over all these years since the evolution of mankind. Amongst them, centuries ago observations were made that we humans are closely connected to the 7 primary planets belonging to our solar system and the7 planets influence the 7 week days and 24 hours of the day of our lives in a predetermined order. This order repeats itself weak after weak for ever. Since then this planetary horas (hours) idea has been in effective use. Predetermined order of movements is the law and command of the universe. Legislations cannot be passed to change that! It is not a take it or leave it deal either. It is simply take it and live with it deal. Complying with that command, heavenly bodies including our mother earth move (orbit) in a predetermined order. This is not a new truth. This huge universe of ours is well balanced and beautifully synchronized and we are all well connected. The universe, planets and our mortal bodies are manufactured with the same raw materials. It is therefore in our better interest to work with nature and the resources readily available. Credit goes to the ancient Chaldeans, who seem to have arranged the planetary order, known as the descending Chaldean order, slowest to fastest moving - Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Moon, and made this brilliant and magical system available for our benefit.

MYSTICAL, MAGICAL NUMBER 7 1. The number 7 is mystical, magical, significant and influences our lives and all terrestrial activities. 2. From time immemorial, there have been seven days in a week, no more and no less. 3. Seven Chakras are identified in a human body in the eastern Yoga system and practiced all over the world, again no less and no more. The seventh chakra in the human system is known as Sahasrara (Sanskrit word for one thousand) which is also known as thousand lotus petals on top of the head. 4. It is believed in yoga (meaning union) and is written in the scriptures that the 7th chakra has to open through self-realization and meditative practices for the salvation of the human soul. This is being mentioned here for what it is worth, as an important reference to the number 7. 5. There are seven primary musical notes. 6. There are seven primary planets of our solar system - Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn that are considered to be important for us who are living on this Earth. 7. There are a number of other references to 7 that pertain to humans, but this is not the platform to delve into that area. It is better to simply acknowledge the truth in that and work with nature since after all, it has its own special rewards.

HORA SYSTEM, MORE PRECISE AND RELIABLE AMONGST ASTROLOGICAL TOOLS. NO IFS AND BUTS WITH HORAS. 1. Nature has blessed us in abundance with a lot of resources for our use, benefit and well being. It is up to us to take advantage of or abuse them. Daily Planetary Horas (hours) is a powerful resource awaiting our full use. 2. Amongst several astrological branches Hora System turns out to be one of the best and more reliable. When predictions go wrong it is natural for Astrologers to take shelter under, inaccurate time of birth and other data errors. There are no such shelters in Hora system and no place to hide. 3. Hora system uses daily sunrise and sunset times for each city as the foundation. These are fairly accurate data readily available and commonly and universally acceptable. It is pretty simple and straight forward. 4. The unique design of HoraTime Management & Prospecting System helps the user to identify the planetary hours that work well. The user follows those most favorable hours daily, weekly, monthly and as long as he or she likes. 5. If some one asked the question whether Hora system is everything one is looking for to succeed in life the answer is No. If asked whether the system will enhance results if properly applied, the answer is YES. 6. Hora Time management system based on daily planetary hours is an additional tool and a valuable one to improve the results. 7. Like every thing else, results may vary depending on user’s understanding, belief, and discipline in using the system. DAILY PLANETARY HORAS (HOURS) SYSTEM is a very simple stand alone Astrological idea, but very powerful, reliable and useful.

WHY USE HORAS 1. The simple and direct answer to this question, known for centuries is, proper use of Horas (Planetary Hours) is likely to enhance the results of whatever one does every day, week, month, year and in all of one's life. The results could vary from good to excellent depending on several variables including how efficiently it is used. 2. Most feel that the best resources originate in abundance from Mother Nature. Daily time management using cyclical planetary hours is nature’s truly extraordinary gift. 3. For centuries, knowledgeable believers in planetary horas (hours) around the world have been using daily planetary hours (Horas) to prioritize and efficiently manage their day-to-day activities and have benefited immensely from doing so. In using the horas for a few days the user notices that different (planetary) hours in different days of the week work well and better than other hours. Same hours repeat week after week. Once identified the user uses these hours day after day and week after week for the rest of his or her life. 4. History has shown that our ancestors had uncanny abilities, which are often the envy of modern scientists with all their instruments, machinery and technology. The amazing discoveries and observations made and recorded by astronomers, astrologers and mathematicians of the past with their naked eye and crude instruments are beyond the comprehension of the modern humans. In that line of amazing discoveries, Planetary Hours (Horas) time management system comes to us as our priceless inheritance. 5. Cyclical Planetary Hours and their astonishing effects on human beings and their day to day lives have been studied and recorded for a very long time. We have everything to gain and nothing to lose by using the hora system. Any authentic resource, which offers hope, to improve what we do, it is only fair, should be tried with an open mind and its merits evaluated, from personal experience. 6. The challenge used to be, finding the correct sunrise and sunset times for each day for each city and manually do all the calculations. But that era is over. With the help of Modern technology, Hora Time Management.com delivers to the desk, what one needs to

immediately start using Daily Planetary Hours and benefit from that. 7. For the meager cost of a decent lunch or dinner for two, one could have access to this treasure. Experience the Magic and Power of Hora Time Management.com’s unique and novel time management system, built with Planetary Horas (Hours).

Time Management and Prospecting System Time management and Prospecting System using planetary hours offered by Hora Time Management.com is unique and creative. To the best of our knowledge no other service either web based or otherwise offers planetary horas the way we do. Almost all other services offer only a universal version. Hora Time Management.com offers in addition to a universal version, customization for those users who demand more out of planetary horas, more than just universal, generic applications. Nature has blessed us in abundance with a lot of resources for our use, benefit and well being. It is up to us take advantage of. Planetary horas (hours) is one such better resource awaiting our full use. Amongst several astrological systems Hora system turns out to be one of the best and more reliable. When predictions go wrong Astrologers take shelter under inaccurate time of birth and other data errors. There are no such shelters in Hora system and no place to hide. It is pretty simple and straight forward. If we use it right the results could be better. The unique design of HoraVision helps the user to use the hora system right. If some one asked the question whether Hora system is everything one is looking for to succeed in life the answer is no. HoraVision’s time management system based on planetary hours is an additional tool and a valuable one to improve the results. HORA is a brilliant invention of our ancestors and has been in daily use for centuries. It is a very simple stand alone idea but very powerful and useful. Knowledgeable people around the world use HORAS intelligently in their day to day lives and benefited by this nature’s gift to mankind.

WHY USE HORA TIME MANAGEMENT.COM USING HORAS? HOW IS IT UNIQUE AND NOVEL AND HOW IS IT FIFFERENT FROM OTHER SERVICES? Evolution of HoraVision- Planetary Hours Time Mnagement System/ Planetary hours based time management system was introduced by Mr. Chary as early as 1960. It was hand calculated for a small number of cities in India for a small number of friends. Feed back was very encouraging. The idea of time management system using planetary horas remained at a small level until 1977. Making efficient time management system based on planetary horas available for the benefit of every user in every city in the world has been our dream since 1960. Getting sun rise/set times for every city in the world and automate the system without the users having to resort to strenuous manual calculations remained a challenge and unsolved mystery until now.

ONE GOOD APPLICATION OF PLANETARY HORAS FOR SALES PEOPLE Around 1977 Mr. Chary was urged to hand calculate the horas for NY City and test the validity of the system. A number of sales people used the system. The results were very encouraging and amazing proving Horas should work well if properly used. The team of sales people who tested the Hora system derived substantial benefits and won several sales campaigns. The need to make such a wonderful system available globally was felt more than ever before. In 1977 the predecessor to HoraVison, VIBGYOR time management system was born and attempt was made to commercially make it available to all major cities in the world. A sample brochure is provided for reference. It was our belief then and as of today that this was the first time in the world the idea of using correct sunrise/sunset times to calculate daily planetary horas for all the major cities in the world was made public. Due to complexities involved this global project had to be abandoned. In the meanwhile testing was going on in selective cities using hand calculations. A second attempt was made in 1980 and again given up. The challenge has been to provide sunrise/set times to every major city in the world and automate the system so that the user does not have to manually do it. 1980 version sample brochure is also provided.

Evolution of Hora Vision HORAVISION’S PLANETARY HOURS (HORAS) TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. UNIQUE, NOVEL, EFFICIENT, AND PROFITABLE 5. Evolution of Hora Vision- Planetary Hours Time Mnagement Planetary hours based time management system was introduced by us as early as 1960. It was hand calculated for a small number of cities in India, using sunrise/sunset data for each day, for a small number of users. Feed back was very encouraging. Challenge of getting Sunrise/Sunset times for major cities of the world The thought of making efficient time management system based on planetary horas available for the benefit of every user in every major city in the world has been in the works since 1960. Resolving, getting accurate sun rise/set times for the major cities in the world and automating the system without the users having to resort to strenuous manual calculations remained a challenge until recently. In 1960 no one dreamt of internet technology, PCs and sophisticated software. VIBGYOR, predecessor to Horavision With due modesty we must say that we have been pioneering this work. Around 1977 we hand calculated the daily horas for NY City and a few other US Cities and gave them to a few life insurance sales professionals and stock brokers who make telephone cold and warm calls to locate their prospects, sell and make a living. The validity of the hora system was tested. As expected, results were amazing and very encouraging. Test results suggested that daily Planetary Horas (hours) should work well if properly and consistently used. We attempted to make the system globally available.

VIBGYOR time management system was born in 1977. It is our belief that we were the first in the world to attempt to make the planetary hora system commercially and globally available. A sample brochure is provided for reference. The challenge of getting sunrise/sunset times and automating the system could not be still resolved. The project was confined to a few cities and the data had to be hand calculated. Elaborate manual exercise indeed. The global project was abandoned again. In the meanwhile testing has been going on in selective cities using manual calculations. Third attempt was made in 1984 and given up. 1984 version sample brochure is also provided. Horavision Finally HORA VISION was born. Thanks to the computer age, software and the miracle of internet power and technology, the efforts to provide time management system using planetary horas (hours) to every user in every major city in the world is finally becoming a reality. Sunrise/Sunset times and the automation is no more a challenge and it is behind. A few clicks on the key board in Horavision’s website will bring the world to the user’s desk. Getting feed backs and fine tuning the Horavision’s time management system with planetary horas (hours) and make it highly efficient is a reality now. To the best of our knowledge there were not services offering planetary horas in the seventies and eighties, at least not on the web. What has been and still is unique about Horavision’s time management system with planetary hours is that we were and still are the first and only service to offer the system in daily diary. To us and to a lot of people this made perfect sense. Tremendous value was found in using a daily diary format. It is appropriate to mention here that Mr. Chary’s research work in this area was well appreciated even way back in the sixties by illustrious scholars such as Dr. Alex Wayman, then professor and head of the department of Sanskrit, Columbia University, NY, USA and Dr. Joseph Elder from Wisconsin University, Madison, USA who spent time with him. Since then forty plus years of additional

research have gone in what we do. That should reflect in what we offer.

D. MECHANICS OF THE DAILY PLANETARY HORAS (HOURS) SYSTEM. I am providing below certain tables from the user manual in the program to give you an idea of the components used and the mechanics of the system. When you subscribe you will have toal access. In the actual program all the tables you see below are incorporated in the daily diary pages and there is nothing you need to do except to just use them for your benefit as guided in the manual. Once you choose your city and the country from the window and the data provided the system will take over. Each diary page has 24 hours starting with the sunrise for your city. Your planetary hora (hour) could be 55 or 60 or60+ minutes based on a number of factors. Sunrise to next morning sunrise is divided to two segments. Sunrise to sunset will be the 1st segment with 12 horas (hours). Sunset to next morning sunsrise will be the second segment with 12 horas (hours). Planets are color codified for your easy identification. All Mondays start with Moon Hora (hour) at sunrise. Moon’s color is blue. As mentioned before the sequence will be Saturn Hora (hour), indigo color, Jupiter Hora (hour), violet, Mars Hora (hour), red, Sun Hora (hour), orange, Venus Hora (hour), yellow, Mercury Hora (hour),green. 8th hour will be Moon again followed

by the same sequence, All Tuesdays start with Mars Hora (Hour). Now you know the sequence what follows Mars. You guessed it right. It will be Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter. That completes the 1st cycle of 7 hours. Mars starts the 8th hour. Wednesdays start with Mercury Hora (Hour), Thursdays start with Jupiter Hora (Hour), Fridays start with Venus Hora (Hour), Saturdays start with Saturn Hora (Hour and Sundays start with Sun Hora (Hour). From the information provided below you can see the planetary horas (hours) for the whole week. The system provides a daily and cumulative score cards. At any time you can see the scores of each planet. In a few days of use you will see from the score card your favorable planets in their order of their scores. Generally you will find 2 to 3 planets working well for you. Stay with those planets and use their daily hours. That should be plenty. Once you maintain consistency in using these planetary hours over a long period you should see significant benefits. For example if you measure your success in terms of revenues generated, you could compare the income results. If your income in the prior year was $100,000 and it is $110,000 or $150,000 or $500,000+ after using the hora system, then you know you are doing well. Different users will have different results from a possible improvement of 0% to 1000% or more. Most favorable planetary horas (hours) could be put to use to conclude multi million dollar transactions. There are several other applications where the results are measured differently in a tangible as well as intangible ways. At the end of the year after using the system, in the bottom line analysis, you alone will be the judge whether the 25 to 30 cents investment made per day was worth it. 24 PLANETARY HOURS REFERENCE TABLE

ALL SUNDAYS FROM SUNRISE TO NEXT MORNING SUNRISE – 1st hour Sun 8th hour Sun 15th hour Sun 22nd hour Sun 2nd hour Venus 9th hour Venus 16th hour Venus 23rd hour Venus 3rd hour Mercury10th hour Mercury17th hour Mercury24th hour Mercury 4th hour Moon 11th hour Moon 18th hour Moon 5th hour Saturn 12th hour Saturn 19th hour Saturn 6th hour Jupiter 13th hour Jupiter 20th hour Jupiter 7th hour Mars 14th hour Mars 21st hour Mars ALL MONDAYS FROM SUNRISE TO NEXT MORNING SUNRISE 1st hour Moon 8th hour Moon 15th hour Moon 22nd hour Moon 2nd hour Saturn 9th hour Saturn 16th hour Saturn 23rd hour Saturn 3rd hour Jupiter 10th hour Jupiter 17th hour Jupiter 24th hour Jupiter 4th hour Mars 11th hour Mars 18th hour Mars 5th hour Sun 12th hour Sun 19th hour Sun 6th hour Venus 13th hour Venus 20th hour Venus 7th hour Mercury14th hour Mercury21st hour Mercury ALL TUESDAYS FROM SUNRISE TO NEXT MORNING SUNRISE 1st hour Mars 8th hour Mars 15th hour Mars 22nd hour Mars 2nd hour Sun 9th hour Sun 16th hour Sun 23rd hour Sun 3rd hour Venus 10th hour Venus 17th hour Venus 24th hour Venus 4th hour Mercury11th hour Mercury18th hour Mercury 5th hour Moon 12th hour Moon 19th hour Moon 6th hour Saturn 13th hour Saturn 20th hour Saturn 7th hour Jupiter 14th hour Jupiter 21sr hour Jupiter ALL WENESDAYS FROM SUNRISE TO NEXT MORNING SUNRISE 1st hour Mercury 8th hour Mercury 15th hour Mercury 22nd hour Mercury 2nd hour Moon 9th hour Moon 16th hour Moon 23rd hour Moon 3rd hour Saturn 10th hour Saturn 17th hour Saturn 24th hour Saturn 4th hour Jupiter 11th hour Jupiter 18th hour Jupiter 5th hour Mars 12th hour Mars 19th hour Mars 6th hour Sun 13th hour Sun 20th hour Sun 7th hour Venus 14th hour Venus 21st hour Venus

ALL THURSDAYS FROM SUNRISE TO NEXT MORNING SUNRISE 1st hour Jupiter 8th hour Jupiter 15th hour Jupiter 22nd hour Jupiter 2nd hour Mars 9th hour Mars 16th hour Mars 23rd hour Mars 3rd hour Sun 10th hour Sun 17th hour Sun 24th hour Sun 4th hour Venus 11th hour Venus 18th hour Venus 5th hour Mercury 12th hour Mercury 19th hour Mercury 6th hour Moon 13th hour Moon 20th hour Moon 7th hour Saturn 14th hour Saturn 21st hour Saturn ALL FRIDAYS FROM SUNRISE TO NEXT MORNING SUNRISE 1st hour Venus 8th hour Venus 15th hour Venus 22nd hour Venus 2nd hour Mercury 9th hour Mercury 16thhour Mercury 23rd hour Mercury 3rd hour Moon 10th hour Moon 17th hour Moon 24th hour Moon 4th hour Saturn 11th hour Saturn 18th hour Saturn 5th hour Jupiter 12th hour Jupiter 19th hour Jupiter 6th hour Mars 13th hour Mars 20th hour Mars 7th hour Sun 14th hour Sun 21st hour Sun

ALL SATURDAYS FROM SUNRISE TO NEXT MORNING SUNRISE 1st hour Saturn 8th hour Saturn 15th hour Saturn 22nd hour Saturn 2nd hour Jupiter 9th hour Jupiter 16th hour Jupiter 23rd hour Jupiter 3rd hour Mars 10th hour Mars 17th hour Mars 24th hour Mars 4th hour Sun 11th hour Sun 18th hour Sun 5th hour Venus 12th hour Venus 19th hour Venus 6th hour Mercury13th hour Mercury20th hour Mercury 7th hour Moon 14th hour Moon 21st hour Moon FRIENDS, NEUTRALS AND ENEMIES FOR EACH PLANET – EXTREMELY IMPORTANT REFERENCE TABLE FOR DAILY USE PLANET











































On Sundays use1. Sun, Mars, Moon and Jupiter horas 2. Next order of preference Mercury horas 3. Avoid Venus and Saturn horas On Mondays use1.Sun, Mercury 2. Next order of preference Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Saturn horas Moon is strong from new moon to full moon, weak from full moon to new moon. On Tuesdays use 1.Sun, Moon and Jupiter horas 2. Next order of preference Venus and Saturn 3. Avoid Mercury hora On Wednesdays use 1. Sun and Venus 2. Next order: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars horas 3. Avoid Moon horas On Thursdays use 1. Sun, Mars, Jupiter horas 2. Next preference Saturn horas 3. Avoid Venus and Mercury horas On Fridays use 1.Saturn and Mercury horas 2. Next order of preference Jupiter and Mars

3. Avoid Sun and Moon horas On Saturdays use 1.Venus and Mercury horas 2. Next order of preference Jupiter hora 3. Avoid Sun, Moon and Mars horas You have plenty of information to evaluate the system in a general way. Further you have a 30 days money back guarantee to try the system. You have nothing to loose but everything to gain. As mentioned at the beginning of this guide it is good to keep it simple. As a general rule you could use all favorable planetary hours, literally for any and all important purposes and avoid unfavorable ones for any and all important work. I have mentioned in a number of places that to the best of my knowledge every other site or most of the sites which offer hora service rely and use universal guidance. I am opposed to that approach as it is incorrect and inefficient in my opinion. Mine is the only site which introduced customization which you may agree makes perfect sense. Think for a minute. We all know that no two people, two hours and two days are the same. How could a planet be good or bad for the whole of humanity? It makes no sense. Permutation and combination of 7 planets, 7 days and 24 hours could create billions of combinations. Each of us is born with a set of planets as strong benefics and some strong malefics. From birth to end these planets will influence our lives accordingly. We therefore have different combination of planets and their hours working differently producing different results. Therefore personalization is critical in deriving the best out of the system. As the expression goes what is food for some one could be poison for the other. That is true. It must be mentioned that customization is more efficient and likely to produce better results. This narrows down the odds in our favor. You can skip the following over dose of information. The

following is for those of you who micro manage your affairs. You may find additional useful information which could be used. You could mobilize your creativity to apply the information.

E. PRIMARY SIGNIFICANCE OF SEVEN PRIMARY PLANETS SUN – SOUL, KING MOON – MIND, KING MARS - STRENGTH, VIGOUR, COMMANDER - IN-CHIEF MERCURY - SPEECH, 1ST PRINCE JUPITER – KNOWLEDGE, MINISTER, HAPPINESS VENUS – POTENCY, MINISTER, LOVE, DESIRES SATURN – SADNESS, SORROW, SERVANT F. PLANETS, THEIR NATURE AND THEIR HORA APPLICATIONS SUN Nature Sun is the soul of the solar system. Life giver and the most energetic planet. Royal and divine in nature. Intense severity and strong. Orange red color. Sun is very strong in his horas (hours) especially mid-day. Presides over bones in the body. Presides over temples and sacred places Presides over Copper Sun or its decanate rising on the east indicates very hot season Hora Applications Any and all career related work. High level meetings - Building public image - Influencing others - Public life related matters - Focus on health – relationship with father

MOON Nature Moon represents mind, the single most important instrument in one’s life. Thoughts, emotions, senses come into play influenced by the mind and the Moon. Moon defines the subjective perception of life. Moon influences relationship with mother. Moon is strong in the night. Presides over blood. Presides over wells and water Presides over gems Moon or its decanate rising on the east indicates rainy season Hora Applications Moon is a fast moving planet. Moon horas, not ideal for long term and permanent plans. To do things that will frequently change. There are a lot of things in life which have no permanency. For example people could be consultants and keep changing jobs, careers and places. Stock market could be the domain of moon. People who are good at short term trading of stocks and futures which change quickly and who also have strong mind could look into this area and use moon horas and the horas of friends of moon. Moon horas help quickly finish something and move on to something else. It will be good to find mind challenging work (mental skills). Strong mind controls and commands the senses and brings a lot of joy in ones life. Strong mind also helps high level of accomplishments. A sound mind has a lot to offer to an individual to succeed. Very sensible people. MARS Nature Strong and cruel, generous, youthful appearance, bilious and versatile. Presides over marrow of the bones Presides over fiery places, cooking houses Presides over gold Mars or its decanate rising on the east indicates summer Hora Applications When Mars is a favorable planet, Mars hours can be used for activities involving courage, muscle power, risks, strength, weapons,

surgical instruments, boldness in decisions and other activities in that direction MERCURY Intense feelings, Humorous, speech abilities, windy and phlegmatic Presides over skin Presides over amusement court Presides over white copper Mercury or its decanate rising on the east indicates autumn Hora Applications Educational activities, speech, writing, books, humor, expert testing, quick wits, short term trading. When Mercury is a favorable planet, morning hours are strong for Mercury. JUPITER Superior intellect, big body, phlegmatic Presides over flesh Presides over store room and treasury Presides over Silver Jupiter or its decanate rising on the east indicates dewy season Hora Applications Any and all activities can be undertaken in Jupiter hours, when Jupiter is a favorable planet. Jupiter is naturally beneficial and becomes more beneficial if it happens to be also the favorable planet for the user. VENUS Ease loving, happy, beautiful, windy Presides over semen Presides over bed rooms Presides over pearl Venus or its decanate rising on the east indicates spring Hora Applications Venus is a refined and artistic planet. Venus hours can be used for music, art, cosmetics, instruments, dance, drama, entertainment, love, courtship, making up after a break, social activities and all other activities in that direction. SATURN Lazy, Tawny eyes, coarse body, windy temperament

Presides over muscles of the body Presides over barren places, garbage area Presides over iron Saturn or its decanate rising on the east indicates the winter season Hora Applications Saturn is a slow moving planet and serious. Long term planning and organizing could be undertaken in Saturn’s hours if Saturn is a favorable planet. Saturn is good for dealing with oil, iron, disposal activities. When Saturn is unfavorable it can cause a lot of hardships. People with weak Saturn should stay away from Saturn hours for any important activities.\ PLANETS, DAYS AND HOURS RULED BY THEM AND THE SEQUENCE Sunday is ruled by Sun. Sunday starts at sunrise with the first hour ruled by Sun. 2nd to 7th hours are ruled by Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, in that sequence for ever. Again the 8th hour is ruled by Sun followed by the other 6 planets in that sequence. Again the 15th hour is ruled by Sun on Sundays. Sunday will end at sunrise on Monday when Monday starts and Moon takes over and rules the 1st hour at and after sunrise. Monday is ruled by Moon. 1st hour at sunrise is ruled by Moon. 2nd to 6th hours after sunrise are ruled by Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, and Mercury. 8th hour again is ruled by Moon and the same sequence continues and Monday ends at sunrise on Tuesday when Mars takes over. Tuesday is ruled by Mars. 1st hour at sunrise is ruled by Mars. followed by Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter. That will be the sequential order of horas (planetary hours) on all Tuesdays ending at sunrise on Wednesdays. Wednesdays are ruled by Mercury. 1st hour at sunrise is ruled by Mercury. Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun and Venus will be the sequential order of planetary hours (horas) on all Wednesdays

ending at sunrise on Thursdays when Jupiter takes over. Thursdays are ruled by Jupiter. 1st hour at sunrise is ruled by Jupiter. Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn will be the sequential order of planetary hours on all Thursdays ending at sunrise on Fridays when Venus takes over. Fridays are ruled by Venus. 1st hour at sunrise is ruled by Venus. Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, will be the sequential order of planetary hours on all Fridays ending at sunrise on Saturdays when Saturn starts its rule. Saturdays are ruled by Saturn. 1st hour at sunrise is ruled by Saturn. Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, will be the sequential order of planetary hours on all Saturdays ending at sunrise on Sundays when Sun starts his rule. You will notice that the sequence has been and will always be Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. If you start with Sun you end with Mars. If started with Venus we end with Sun. So on and so forth. G. TABLES USED IN THE SYSTEM TABLE 1 TABLE 2 DAY OF THE WEEK RULER OF THE FIRST HORA (HOUR) DAY AFTER SUN RISE DAY RISE

























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