Homeopathy for Bad Habits

February 2, 2017 | Author: karavi schinias | Category: N/A
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Including: Alcoholism, Stopping Smoking, Drugs (Prescription and Recreational), and Food Cravings by David R. Card...


Homeopathy for Bad Habits

Homeopathy for Bad Habits Including: Alcoholism, Stopping Smoking, Drugs (Prescription and Recreational), and Food Cravings

People Helping People Live Healthier Lives through Natural Healing


© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


Homeopathy for Bad Habits


Homeopathy for Addictive Behaviors Addictions are a way people compensate for pain they feel. It is important to find and identify the pain. Most people medicate their pain because they feel it is too hard to deal with and don’t see a solution. Most people don’t know where to look for the help. There may be shame involved where a person doesn’t feel they are worthy of help. Alcohol, drugs, or other addictive behaviors are only a temporary fix. One has to continue the substances or behaviors to feel some relief from their pain. We are conditioned to “put a bandaid” on problems in our society. The best way out, again, is to find and identify your emotional pain, preferably with a competent counselor. This can help with anything from drug and alcohol addictions to overeating and pain med addictions. We will explore some natural substances that can help to calm both emotions and pain while you explore your individual cause and work on removing your pain. Some of the natural tools to use while you are exploring are homeopathics, flower essences, herbs, and nutrition. Here we are going to present solutions in homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies can bring balance to the mind as well as the body. George Vithoulkas, a major contemporary contributor to the growth of homeopathy states: “Health is freedom from pain in the physical body, having attained a state of well being; freedom from passion on the emotional level, having as a result a dynamic state of serenity and calm; and freedom from selfishness in the mental sphere, having as a result total unification with Truth.” Remember the principles of homeopathy: 1. Like cures like (Law of Similars); 2. The more a remedy is diluted, the greater its potency (Law of the Infinitesimal Dose); An illness is specific to the individual (a holistic medical model) In these notes you will also learn about Tautopathic Remedies. Learn more about homeopathy at http://daveshealingnotes.com/learning-center.html.

Homeopathy for Addictive Personalities There are certain personalities that lend themselves to addictive behaviors. These people have had traumas in their lives. The addictive behaviors are a result of an attempt to compensate for the pain and emotional injury. After a period of months or years, a person can feel that these behaviors are normal. The following constitutional remedies represent major personality types. Use various reference works to further your knowledge and recognition of these types. Typically, one would use the homeopathic remedy in 30c potency, taken once a day, for 6 to 12 months or longer. During this time the necessity of acute remedies may be needed. It is always useful to have an understanding counselor. In addition to the following remedies, herbal Avena Sativa (Fresh oat extract) is often employed to calm people while they are detoxifying from illegal or prescription drugs. It is used as a © Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.

Homeopathy for Bad Habits


tincture, 20 to 30 drops at a time in a little water or juice, several times a day and may be essential in addictive personalities. Addictive Personality Homeopathics Arsenicum Album – for perfectionists (Carc) and organizing fanatics (even their clothes are neatly ordered-they are usually good dressers). Their delusion is a need to over work to feel loved. They like stimulants because they fuel the need to overwork; smoking, prescription drugs. They feel worst at midnight and have fears of dying. Carcinosinum – the victim of high expectations, usually from their family or themselves; they are intense, passionate, and push themselves to perfection, which force causes them to be intensely clean and orderly. Family ties can be inherited from a history of cancer to rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, etc. This may cause rebelliousness and a willingness to do drugs (stimulants) to keep up their own high-paced life. Lachesis – the talkative personality; can be jealous and verbally vicious when drunk; cannot bear anything around their neck; mostly left sided problems. Their addictions can include tobacco, alcohol, sex or any other drug. Medorrhinum – the “sex, drugs, and rock and roll” remedy, smoking, alcohol, and pot addictions; a personality of extremes with willingness to experiment and stay up all night. They are the party people. This personality may result from inherited weakness of ancestors that had gonorrhea. As children they can be violent. Nux vomica – ranges from passive aggressive behavior to drunken rages. These are driven people; they work hard and play hard. They have serious liver complications which fuel their anger and rage and will dominate anyone that stands in their way. They can often be identified by their digestive problems. They can be addicted to alcohol and stimulants. Opium – caused by post traumatic syndrome symptoms, usually a victim of some sort of violent behavior. This person is identified by an intense work ethic, and when pushed to exhaustion, exhibit a euphoric or “blessed out” state where one retreats to escape life’s pressures. Opiates may be their drug of choice. Thuja – sexual addictions, and may have had some sexually transmitted disease; can exhibit genital warts, greenish vaginal discharges; may have left-sided greenish sinus discharges. They lack self esteem and can live a secret double life. It is often helpful in homosexuals if they are not “out of the closet.” They can also abuse stimulants.

Homeopathy for Drug Dependence (Prescription or Recreational) Lots of people want to get off their drugs. If it is one drug then it may not take very long, but many people are on several prescription drugs. It is very unreasonable and can be dangerous to jump off a drug, and worse to jump off more than one at a time. Getting off medications can be done, but it is best done one drug at a time with the advice of your doctor. Finding a doctor of complementary medicine or a naturopathic doctor may be helpful. You must also be patient as going off medications can be more traumatic than getting onto them!!! © Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.

Homeopathy for Bad Habits


If there is a medical test for a condition, use them to monitor your progress, success, or failure. Always go slow. You can also use herbs, cell salts and flower essences. Remember life is a journey; it takes time so enjoy the trip. The following homeopathics can be an aid for support and detoxification. You may also make a tautopathic remedy to give along with the drug you are withdrawing from. Tautopathic means using the “same” substance potentised as a remedy rather than a “similar” substance. To make a tautopathic remedy:  Crush a pill and put it into a 1-ounce dropper bottle; shake until dissolved. Then save 10 drops of it in the pipette and throw the rest away.  Put distilled water in the same empty bottle up to the shoulder of it and put the 10 drops back into the bottle and swirl to mix.  Tap (succuss) against the heel of your hand (or a book) 100 times. You have made a 1c potency.  Repeat the procedure five more times, but on the last time, however, use “Everclear” alcohol in the bottle instead of water. The mixture will then be potentised to a 6c and be preserved. You can use the tautopathic remedy in the 6c potency three times a day, as well as slowly cutting back on your medication or drug. Also, when working to reduce medications, using sarcodes (organ remedies) in the morning can help to strengthen an organ. Important Things to Remember: Please remember the following when reducing or going off any medications; you can always go back on the drug if the withdrawal is too fast. Have a crisis remedy on hand, and a couple of acute homeopathic remedies (see below). Know the cause of symptoms (especially from your drugs) – coming off a remedy suddenly can cause a crisis, disease itself causes problems, remedies in too high a potency can cause problems – get an idea of stages of pathology of the homeopathic remedy you are using. If it is an addictive drug, and there are withdrawal symptoms, use a tautopathic remedy similar to drug. Symptoms may come out strong and there may be drug withdrawal symptoms. Let one thing happen at a time. Wean off a medication as soon as improvement happens. Use 6c; if reaction is too strong then stay at the previous stage and give acute (quick acting) remedies. Secondly, go back up a step on meds shifting potency, frequency, and homeopathic. As improvement comes, use other remedies that seem appropriate for the situation and for any reactions. It may take 3 months to get off each medication. Also herbal Avena sativa (Fresh Oat extract) can help for withdrawal. Use 10 drops in water at night. © Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.

Homeopathy for Bad Habits


Drug Dependency Homeopathics Addictive drugs – use Avena Sativa tincture for heroin, morphine, cocaine addictions Alcohol cravings – Sulphuricum Acid 6x or 30c, palliative, buys you time for the psychological reasons – then use deep or constitutional remedy for Cancer – Thymus 6c and acute cancer pain in a 30c remedy; Hydrastis 6c Diabetes – use Pancreas 6c to support the organ Caution: NEVER GO OFF INSULIN if you are an insulin-dependant diabetic. Levels will fluctuate. Using Phosphorus or Phosphoric acid homeopathic remedies blood sugars may go up and down, and then they may stabilize, and only when stabilized can a person wean down on insulin. Energy low or cortisol issues – Adrenal 3x or Cortisone 30c Estrogen low – can use either Estrogen 30c or Progesterinum 30c; look for a stabilization of the menstrual cycle Heroin withdrawal – Ipecac for nausea and sweating. High Blood Pressure – Crataegus, use with hawthorn tincture High Blood Pressure – Equisetum 6c, Nat mur 6x, or horsetail tincture Hot flashes – Ovary 7c Hyperthyroid – use Thyroid 9c to 30c Pituitary 3x for Down’s syndrome morning and then remedy (Bar-c)

Tautopathic Remedies for Drug Addictions by Robin Murphy, N.D. These tautopathic remedies are homeopathically prepared prescription drugs. In potency, they are safe and useful in helping with addictions; they are also used to help a person overcome the side effects of prescription or illegal drugs. Tautopathic remedies are not the answer by themselves, but supplement the constitutional homeopathic remedy. They don’t have to be the exact drug; something close to the original will suffice. Amphetamine mix – stimulant abuse Anhalonium – peyote Caffeine – for soda pop or coffee addiction Cannabis Indica – marijuana use or symptoms Coca – cocaine abuse © Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.

Homeopathy for Bad Habits


Tautopathic Remedies for Drug Addictions continued… Cocainum – cocaine abuse Codeine – opiates Coffea Cruda – caffeine addiction and over-stimulation of the mind Morphinum – opiates Nicotine – tobacco cravings Opium – opiates Tabacum – for smoking or chewing tobacco Homeopathics for Drug Overdose (Toxicity) by Robin Murphy, N.D. Arsenicum Album – diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, restlessness from antihistamines. Avena Sativa (Fresh oat at extract) 10 to 20 drops in 2-4 ounces of water, recommended for drug addiction (morphine, heroin, valium, anti-anxiety drugs, tranquilizers, tobacco). Caladium 30c for tobacco craving and herbal Avena Sativa for 1 to 2 weeks. Cannabis Indicus – freaked out LSD or marijuana or mushrooms – still flashing back. NWS-low blood sugar. Cocaine 30c – #1 for altitude sickness. No shortness of breath – grows at high altitude. (Carbo Veg, Silicea) Gelsemium – semiconscious or comatose from over dose; lift up head and head falls back; double vision, severe dizziness; “Huh?” slurred speech. Barbiturates, sedatives heroin, morphine. Use cold water coffee enema. Ipecac – heroin, morphine, with nausea or vomiting with abdominal cramps – water even gags them, morning sickness, hemorrhage remedy. Lachesis – violence from alcohol; jealous, paranoid, wraps around you and squeezes, revenge. #1 for high blood pressure; #2 for schizophrenia, manic depressive. Nux Vomica - #1 hangover acute alcohol poisoning, young person hangover (let them suffer); acute liver poisoning, drug overdoses; heroin – withdrawal symptoms, sweats, chills, dry heaves, convulsing, etc; antidepressant over dose – newborn baby addicted from mother. Alcoholism with violence or falls asleep. Especially headaches from drug withdrawal. Coffee headaches (Best Cham or Nux-v). #1 for schizophrenia, manic depressive. Opium – flash backs, hallucinations; post traumatic syndrome. Stramonium – freaks out, violent; makes barking, howling noises; nightmares. © Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.

Homeopathy for Bad Habits


Homeopathic Remedies for Stopping Smoking People who smoke are numbing their lungs, dulling their senses and nerves. The Chinese concept of the lungs being damaged relates to a person who is full of grief. Smoking may be a person’s drug of choice to cover up some sadness in their life. It can be helpful to reduce smoking by reducing the number of cigarettes by 20% per day or reduce them once a week by 20% again. All the while use one or more homeopathic remedies to reduce cravings. A helpful remedy is a tautopathic remedy of Chantrix® The drug has many side effects, while a tautopathic remedy should have none. To make the remedy for yourself, follow instructions above on page 5. Use the remedy 3 times a day. Some people have reported to me that it works as good as the drug without the side effects they were having. Use this with other homeopathics until you have quit smoking.

Herbal Remedies for Tobacco Cravings It is always helpful to combine herbs and homeopathic remedies. Vitex, 2 capsules 3 times a day to promote dopamine and tobacco addictions. Add Plantain 1 capsule 3 times a day to moisturize the lungs. Add Marshmallow root 1 capsule 3 times a day to moisturize and protect the lungs. You can use Avena sativa fresh oat extract for nervousness; 20 drops 3 times a day in a little juice or add Plantain tincture for chewing tobacco (causes disgust).

Homeopathic Remedies for Tobacco Cravings A nervousness issue – these remedies can help self consciousness or anxiety; use one or more in combination (30c potency, 2 pellets 3 times a day) and add cell salts for additional mineral support: Arsenicum album – the need for perfection and order; perfectionist personality. Caladium – tobacco craving and lung cancer caused from tobacco smoking. Medorrhinum – people with addictive personalities and behavior extremes. Nicotine - for the addiction Staphysagria – from being in a frustrating relationship or situation; abusive relationships. Thuja – for oral fixation, secretive smoking; feels unclean; tendency to warts. Stop-it Smoking, homeopathic combination by Natra Bio, for cravings and nervousness.

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.

Homeopathy for Bad Habits


Cell salts for the bad effects of smoking are Nat sulph 6X, 4 pellets 3 times a day, for liver toxicity and can be used for irritability along with Nux vomica 30c. Cell salts to help one quit smoking may be used in combination or singly as needed: #5 Kali mur 6X – lung damage #8 Mag phos 6X – to relax #9 Nat mur 6X – perfectionism, salt cravings Smoker’s Cough Homeopathics Use the following homeopathic remedies and cell salts for those with smoker’s cough, using singly in combination with cell salts: Coccus cacti – spasmodic coughing that can end up vomiting tough mucus; shortness of breath; enlarged uvula. Sulphur iodum – irregular, rattling, suffocative cough; morning coughs; skin problems. Cell salts for Smoker’s Cough #5 Kali mur 6X – to strengthen lungs #7 Kali sulph 6X – for cough and liver toxicity #11 Nat sulph 6X – for help with liver toxicity

Homeopathy for Alcoholism Alcoholism is a dependence on alcohol to function in life. It can be overt binge drinking or by themselves. The causes can be genetic but is not proven. It can also be as a result of an emotional problem and the person uses alcohol not to deal with the problem. Alcohol damages the liver and sooner or later the person will feel irritable or grumpy and act out as such. Later stages may include cirrhosis of the liver. It can be seen as reddish purple bulbous nose, but doesn’t happen all the time. Medical treatment may include a abuse to prevent usage or psychoactive drugs to treat emotional fallout. 12-STEP PROGRAMS may help. Natural treatment includes looking at the individual and treating the emotions behind the addiction, based on several factors of their personality.

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.

Homeopathy for Bad Habits


Alcohol Homeopathics Agaricus – alcoholism; confused mind; shakes and trembles, twitching; mind clears at night; DTs (withdrawal shakes); poor circulation, tingling, burning, stinging, peripheral neuropathy; obsessed with ghosts and spirits; gothic; #1 in facial twitches. Anacardium – hears voices or preaches on the streets; violent drunks; rage, cursing; weakness, sweating, fearful. Apocynum– edema, heart problems or severe physical shaking. Aurum metallicum – alcoholism and depression, especially in business people and those feeling suicidal; alcoholic despair of value taken away; alcohol is the drug of choice. Better night. Person relives old events; high blood pressure; depression; strokes; suicide. Feels like a lost or wasted life. Avena sativa (Fresh oat extract) for addictive states, calms nerves. Calc carb – drinks after mental effort; stubborn; obesity. Causticum – crying, incontinent drunk; lies, steals, spends money. Cinchona – irritable, bitter (closest to Nux-v); bloated with edema; liver failure, cirrhosis, or for liver damage; sweating, thirsty, exhausted; worse cold and damp, better from heat. Crotalus horr– jaundice; cirrhosis of patients dying of alcoholism, last stages; used for epidemics of Ebola virus; hemorrhaging everywhere (flesh-eating bacteria). Hepar sulph – mean irritable drunk; commits criminal acts. Hyoscyamus – party animal, sexual. Silly, erotic behavior; dancing; can be flashers (exhibit their genitals). Kali bichromicum – beer drinkers. Lachesis – alcoholism with violence, jealousy; high blood pressure; can’t stop talking: violent drunk (put in drink will cause sleepiness and less violence); high sex drive, vengeful. Medorrhinum – personality of erratic behaviors; immune system problems; acute for liver poisoning. Nux Vomica – businessmen, intense hard liquor; martini lunches; morning coffee; wine in the evenings; stimulants; alcoholics; violent; type A personality; poor digestion; drinks to escape sorrows; likes tobacco and gambling; palliative until cause is found. Phosphorus – empathetic social drinkers. Pulsatilla – timid, cowardly, fears of abandonment; jealous. Quercus to take away cravings until a remedy is found. © Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.

Homeopathy for Bad Habits


Alcohol Homeopathics continued… Ranunculus bulb – whisky craving; may have skin problems. Selenium – with sexual impotence; greasy skin. Staphysagria – for victims of alcoholics and abuse or sexual abuse; feels like there is no way out of their situation. Sulphur – down and out on the street philosophers who wear beards; have ideas for get-rich schemes; scruffy, derelicts; skin problems; may cheat, lie, gamble; may be obese. Veratrum album – divine mission, religious delusions, cancer, or pregnancy; burning stools, cold body, sweats of forehead. Zincum metallicum – violent headache-one sip to headache; worse from a sip of wine or alcohol.

Homeopathic Remedies for Food Cravings Homeopathy can be helpful for losing weight when a person craves food. Food cravings may be a sign of a food allergy, hence the craving. It can also be a deep emotional issue tied with food. Foods and smells can also trigger old memories, both good and bad. The following is a list of homeopathic remedies that may be helpful for cravings and allergies. Use one or more remedies at 30c potency, one or more times a day. Alcohol Nux vomica – food sits like a rock; liver problems; irritable and angry, bad temper; passive aggressive behavior. Beer Kali bichromicum – may have yellow green mucus problems such as sinusitis; a stickler for details; liver problems. Butter and fat Pulsatilla – changeable symptoms and mood; fear of abandonment; hormonal problems; weepy or whiny, clingy; gallbladder weakness. Carbo veg – digestive problems with gas and bloating; person doesn’t like to hear bad news. Mercurius vivus – temperature sensitive, narrow range of temperature for comfort; changeable moods. Cakes and pastries Carbo veg - digestive problems with gas and bloating; person doesn’t like to hear bad news.

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.

Homeopathy for Bad Habits


Homeopathic Remedies for Food Cravings continued… Carbonated drinks Kali carb – picky person with a sense of duty. Phosphoric acid – when there has been a sadness that affects them; includes mental exhaustion; sometimes grief. Coffee Coffea cruda – when there is an overactive mind. Eggs Sulphur – person is warm, puts feet out of covers at night; extrovert, philosopher; untidy habits. Fish and seafood Urtica urens – also good for allergies in general like hay fever or rashes. Fruit Cinchona – digestive upsets, gas, and bloating; irritable and sensitive. Meat (usual sign of low stomach acid) Allium sativa – also with respiratory problems and digestive upsets. Milk Mag carb – irritable with colon and digestive problems. Onions and garlic Thuja – also with warts of other growths and greenish mucus. Oranges Medorrhinum – addictive personality Salt Natrum muriaticum – also wants to be left alone; grief and sadness; fever blisters. Sugar Argentum nitricum – with fears of height, anxiety, and talking in front of groups of people; especially craves chocolate. Vegetables (craving too many) Lycopodium – digestive problems and symptoms are worse 4 – 8 pm; liver issues; poor self esteem. Berberis – with kidney problems or lower back pain; also liver problems. Bryonia – often with joint problems or pain upon any movement; liver problems. Wine Zincum metallicum – with cramps or stress condition; nervous exhaustion.

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.

Homeopathy for Bad Habits

Homeopathics for those constantly weighting themselves Ignatia – for nervous exhaustion; sighs frequently from stress; checks weight from stress. Pulsatilla – can’t make up their minds; cries easily; wants to be held; can’t eat fatty foods; changeable moods and symptoms. Natrum muriaticum – from grief; this person weighs themselves from a sense of oversensitivity to social expectations or others’ comments; wants to isolate themselves when stressed; can’t cry in public.

Homeopathics for those with weight fluctuations Calc carb – fearful, over responsible people with fear of bad news, earthy people, can’t read scary books, hard and over workers; weak ankles; want to sleep in cold air.

© Copyright 2012, David R. Card. All Rights Reserved. This information is for educational purposes and not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional.


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