Homeopathy Cures Asthma by Wadia

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Encyclopaedia Homeopathica


WADIA S. R., Homeopathic Cures Asthma (wda3) WADIA S. R.

Foreword I have suffered so much from Asthma in the past and so fully an I cured of it by Homoeopathy that I am tempted to write this booklet for the benefit of the Homoeopaths as well as the public. I had my first attack of Asthma when I was still a student at the Grant Medical College. The attacks were at times so severe that I was about to be admitted to the hospital. My teachers were sympathetic towards me and they did everything that was possible to relieve me of the unfortunate disease but they could not. Somehow, by the Grace of God, after my graduation, I read somewhere about the efficacy of Homoeopathy and I sought the help of Dr. K.D. Burjo Behram, M.B. , B.S. , the well-known Philanthropic Homoeopath of Dadar. He treated me and I became completely well. He not only cured me, but also inspired me to learn more and more about Homoeopathic Science. I shall be ever grateful to him and I respectfully dedicate this booklet to him as my token of gratitude. I hope this booklet will prove to be of benefit to those who read it. I than my assistant Dr. (Miss) Farida F. Sholapurwalla for her valuable help in revising the booklet. Alipur Building, S.R. WADIA Colaba, Bombay-400005 Jan. 1977

Preface to the third edition Due to persistent demand from my publisher, as well as from the profession and patients, the third edition of this book, with some additions, has seen the light of the day. The innumerable number of letters I have received from all parts of India from patients as well as doctors, show that this dreadful disease is not under control inspite of the inventions of new modern drugs. Homoeopathy helps to eradicate this disease smoothly or helps to mitigate the human sufferings considerably. th Bombay, 14 Jan. 1977 S.R. WADIA

Homoepathy cures asthma

Asthma Though so much advance has been made in Modern Medicine, Asthma is one of the diseases which baffles the medical profession. Various causations have been given for the same. Modern medicine is leaning more towards Psychological factors and very often call it a Psychosomatic condition. Allergy is considered very often responsible for the same but no one actually can pinpoint the offending factor. In large cities with uptodate laboratories many a patient undergoes the scratch test, patch test, etc. to discover the factor to which he is allergic. "But some patients may at times give negative skin reaction to proved causative allergens, while others may give positive reaction with no clinical signs of allergic disease whatsoever." (Wig). Heredity is also considered responsible and authorities state that 40% of the offspring of Asthmatic patients suffer from the same. I need not go into different Aetiological factors because that can be seen from any text book of medicine. From my long experience of treating such patients as well as being one who had suffered from it in the past I can assure you that Homoeopathic treatment is the most reliable treatment for this disease as it has given me and many of my patients a new lease of life. © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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In Asthma, Fr. Hahnemann's theory of Miasms is so very clearly confirmed. A competent Homoeopath finds out from the patients past, present and family history, that at the root of every case there is very often a history of suppression of skin eruptions such as Eczema, Ringworm, Scabies, Boils or some peculiar skin diseases which were suppressed or as we say driven inwards by some external applications. In this category also falls suppression of chronic cough, allergic rhinites, chronic sinusites, measles, dysentery, malaria, a urethral discharge or any number of diseases treated by powerful modern drugs. The story related by parents of the patients is very similar. A skin eruption appeared on some part of the body for which a skin specialist was consulted who gave an ointment and the disease disappeared like magic. The patient is very thankful to the doctor and is pleased with the cure, but after months or years he or she finds that there is difficulty in breathing with cough or cold for which another specialist is consulted who further suppresses the disease or at the most is able to palliate it. In some infants, children or sensitive adults, the story is slightly different. The child after primary vaccination or an adult after secondary vaccination or some fancy inoculation develop a severe reaction with fever and it is treated with strong modern drugs. After sometime these patients develop difficulty in breathing. At times, there is no reaction after primary vaccination. This is more harmful. Here our great antisycotic remedy Thuja or silicia will be found very helpful. So we must educate our patients that the real cure will take linger than expected as we have to remove many a barriers, layer after layer to reach the original disease.

Homoeopathic approach One who has seen many asthmatic patients during the attacks will find the symptoms very similar unless he discriminates and observes the finer points. For instance, when he visits, he will find the patient having a great difficulty in breathing and panting for breath. He is not able to lie down and is sitting up in bed, at times leaning forward, very restless, wants something warm to drink and due to fear of suffocation he thinks he is breathing his last. The remedy that comes to mind first is Arsenic alb. But this remedy will only palliate and will not hold the case very long. It is very essential to observe the patient carefully and try to find some peculiar symptoms for instance if the patient is lying flat in bed inspite of severe difficulty in breathing Psorinum could be thought of. If he feels better in knee chest position Medorrhinum can be thought of. When the attack is worse with the onset of monsoon, Natrum Sulph helps. But if the patient is better in monsoon Causticum is the remedy. After vaccination as mentioned before Thuja and Silicia can be thought of. Very often, we hear the parents telling us that the child is worse at new moon or full moon and you may observe this yourself that he or she gets the attack on this day when Silicia, Phos, Alumina or Sulphur can be thought of. When there is a family history of Bronchitis or Pneumonia or Pleurisy, Bacillinum 200 or I M, one dose every 10/15 days is found very helpful but this remedy gives very severe reaction so it should be given very carefully. Dr. Clarke and De. Bernoville are of the same opinion that Psora is nothing but hereditary tuberculonism which follows successive generations. When I get a history of ringworm, I give Bacillinum as per advice by Dr. Burnett and not Sulphur and very often the results are excellent. When there is a history of patients getting worse in summer or at high altitude, Leuticum helps the patients very often. This term "Psora" leads us to the phenomenon of periodicity, morbid phenomenon appearing not only every month, or every season but also every year, every five years etc., this periodicity may extend up to the successive generations. Bronchial Asthma is a clear manifestation of Psora which may alternate or coexist with cutaneous eruptions which is generally aggravated the cutaneous affections are better and inversely. As regards the remedies useful in Asthma, I quote the opinions of some expert Homoeopaths. Dr. Jahr says "I always commence the treatment of Asthma with Ipec." Dr. Roger Schmidt "I would say that 8 to 9 times out of ten Ipecac has been the one remedy that has given me good result in Asthma of children." Dr. Hughes "If no exciting causes of acute Asthma can be traced Ipec should be administered when Bronchial symptoms co-exist." Dr. Laurie "For Bronchial Asthma during the paroxysms, IPEC is one of the most frequently used remedies." Dr. Nichol "Ipec is one of the first remedies of which we think in an attack of Asthma and it is worthy of the place it holds." Dr. Frank Bodman states "I will begin the treatment with Ipecac which I use most frequently in my practice." Dr. Hering states that his Ipecac subjects were fat children with pale skin and other ailments were worse from anger, © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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vexation and indignation. - "The trigger factors which start the Asthma." Dr. Nash in his Leaders states that Ipecac is the best remedy in the first stage of Asthma before much mucus is present. He points out hat typical nausea is present even after the patient has vomited and the tongue is clean. Dr. Clarke in his Dictionary states at length about the clinical details in Ipecac cases. He also agrees about the patient's irritability and moroseness. Kent in his lectures uses Ipecac as a palliative to deal with acute episodes in incurable old cases of Asthma, attacks often start by catching cold. Dr. Russel states that Nux vom should not be forgotten for Asthma brought on by indigestion and indiscretion in food and drings, particularly in patients of sedentary habits. According to my humble experience, I have found Thuja one of the most important remedies to be taken into consideration, as most of my patients who came to me for the first time have taken a lot of vaccinations and inoculations. Not only that, but they have dreams of falling form great heights missing of a step and falling down, dreams of dead people, dreams of anxiety and misfortune. The children are also worse after primary or secondary vaccination. This is a great remedy for hydrogenoid constitution i.e. patients feel worse during the monsoon. This is very helpful also to patients who drink a lot of tea. Dr. Borland states that "if I have no other lead, I should probably start my cases on Thuja." The next remedy that I have found very useful and which follows Thuja is Sulphur. Here there is always a history of skin eruptions treated by various external applications. And even when we see the patient some eruptions are there, which might keep on appearing and disappearing. The remedy should be used very carefully and not in a very high potency. Dr. Fortier Bernoville says "Sulphur may be given to oxygenoids, to hydrogenoids and to carbo-nitrogenoids. In oxygenoid patients we must not prescribe it in very high dilutions because they may cause rapid emaciation. Let us not forget that the Asthmatic patient is to us, always a tuberculinic patient, but if this tuberculinic patient is emaciated, if his power of defence is bad, if he has easy and frequent febrile attacks, Sulphur may augment that tendency because the centrifugal action of this remedy is always extremely violent. Therefore, in oxygenoid patients, it is necessary to prescribe a dilution not beyond 30. In these cases it is preferably to check the centrifugal action of Sulphur by giving its compound Sulphur Iodatum. In hydrogenoid patients, Sulphur yields its place to its complementary Natrum Sulphuricum, the action of which is much more interesting and deeper in Asthma. Sulphur may at last be given in Carbo-nitrogenoids having chronic eruptions with an extremely slackened combustion. Whatever it may be and whatever may be the Biochemic constitution, Sulphur must be given if there is chronic or suppressed eruption if the periodicity is marked which may be irregular and last of all if the habitual hereditary antecedents of Psora are seen in the parents of the patients. We must not forget the keynote symptoms of this remedy: general aggravation by heat, by the heat of the bed, the periodic appearance of eruptions, which may be polymorphous and are aggravated by washing. We will find the characteristic redness of the mucosa specially of the lips that are intensely red."

Natrum sulph is related to Thuja and is very vastly used in Europe and India. It is used for Asthma which is as a result of humidity specially in cold humid season, and for people staying in humid houses. The patient is worse by the side of a lake, river or sea, or in places where there is heavy rainfall. It suits children very well. The chest is very sensitive and the patient is obliged to hold the chest when coughing. Causticum: This remedy works exactly in the opposite direction from Thuja and Natrum sulph. The patient is very much better in monsoon and worse when the climate is clear and dry. There may be hoarseness of the voice and a peculiar symptom is that the cough is better by cold drinks. There are certain Functional and Drainage remedies given by Dr. Fortier Bernoville, M.D. Among them, Drosera is of great interest. According to Dr. Margret Tyler, Drosera is one of the anti-tubercular remedies. It is well known as a Laryngeal remedy, and as the greatest remedy in whooping cough. After reading this drug picture I have used Drosera in many cases where there was history of Tuberculosis, pleurisy or chronic cough and cold, with excellent results. I recommend all homoeopaths to read this drug picture very carefully. Passiflora and Valerina are to be reserved for nervous patients whose spasms and fits cause insomnia. Nervous hypersensibility of Valeriana is to be noted. Both these remedies are to be given in Mother Tincture. Cuprum Metalicum: It should be given when the Asthmatic fit is very intense with violent spasms accompanied by cyanosis during and after the attack. © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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The cough and suffocation are ameliorated sometimes by drinking some water. The time of attack is 3 a.m. Asthma with predominant Catarrhal element: The most important remedies are Antim tart, Antim ars, Ipec, Pulsatilla, Senega, Kali Bich, Ars iod, Blatta orientalis. I have mentioned indication of some of these remedies above. Blatta orientalis like Passiflora should be used as a Tincture preferably in hot water during the attack. Very often it is indicated when Ars alb does not help. These remedies seem to act on patients who have a tendency to obesity. Sulphorous Acid: this remedy is called for in air pollution and specially affects the patient with Bronchitis, Emphysema and Bronchial Asthma. The main factor is the Sulphurdioxide content of the air. This is converted by humidity of the air to th Sulphurous Acid, and when inhaled, causes a great irritation of the respiratory tract. Trials of this remedy in 30 and 200 potency have shown some very good results. Dr. Guttman. Asthma with high blood pressure. The remedies recommended are Baryta Carb, Baryta Mur and Viscum alb. Asthma with Hay Fever: Remedies recommended: Allium cepa Ambrosia, Euphraisa, Sabadilla, Sambucus, Aralia recemosa. Luffa, Operculata, has been introduced by Dr. Wilmar Schwabe of Germany. Provings were made by Dr. Raeside of UK. Dr. R.P. PATEL of Kottayam has tried this remedy in 100 cases of Bronchial Asthma, allergic rhinites, and sinusitis of chronic type. To him, 6 X potency of this drug has been found more effective. In case there is any aggravation of symptoms, he states that 0/3 and 0/6 potencies are found very helpful, and this medicine can be continued even for months as long as there is no reaction.

Tylophora Indica (Hindi-Jungli Pikvan) is a leaf of a creeper. Dr. Shivpuri of Patel Chest Institute has used this leaf with a great deal of success in Bronchial Asthma, allergic rhinites and chronic sinusites. It is also potentized the central Research Institute at Calcutta has done some research recently. It is worth giving a trial in low potency. Dr. P.S. Krishnamurthy has shown in a paper published as "New Dimensions in the therapeutic approach to Asthma", the successful use of Influenzinum and Influenzinum and Co. He has prescribed on symptom totality and also as a nosode or as an inter-current remedy. The results are quite satisfactory. Copious expectoration was used as a criterion in these cases. It is generally held that H. Influenzinum is the most important pathogen in Bacterial infection, and complicated chronic bronchitis. Dr. Johanna E.G. Brieger in the article "Winter Nosodes" of BHJ April 71 Page 117 offers as a remedy named by Nelson and th Co. as Dr. Brieger's Vaccine. This contains H. Influenza A and B, Bacillinum, Streptococcin and Staphylococcin in the 30 potency. One dose weekly is given. Further, it is stated in this article "an autogenic vaccine would, in my opinion, be even better way of combating the pernicious pattern of recurrent respiratory infection with or without spasm." Dr. Krishnamurthy has used this with good results.

Psychosomatic approach Dr. Mowbray and Ferguson Rodger, in their book 'Psychology in Relation to Medicine' state.

Psychogenic asthma Some forms of Asthma are determined by emotional factors. Two Dutch workers, Dekker and Groen (1956), have managed to produce, study and record emotionally determined Asthmatic attacks under laboratory conditions.

The placebo effect The psychosomatic approach has a special significance in the field of therapeutics. For a long time doctors have known that some patients can gain relief from their symptoms quite independently of the properties of the medicine, prescribed. A patient may claim that a folk remedy, a patent medicine, or some regime in which he has faith is of benefit although it may contain nothing which could alter the cause of the symptoms. An inert substance may also be deliberately prescribed by the doctor. A patient whose Asthma responds to adrenaline, but for whom repeated injections of adrenaline would be harmful, may continue to improve on a course of injections of sterile distilled water, without knowing that this change of treatment has occurred. On the face of it, this change may appear to be tricking the patient and the ethics of using a placebo have to be considered carefully although an experienced clinician can exploit the placebo effect in the patient's © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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best interests. One patient in their series reported that she had an Asthmatic attack brought on by looking at a goldfish. In the laboratory, her vital capacity was first measured to establish a base line and a goldfish in a bowl was then brought into the room. A severe Asthmatic attack developed involving a twenty-even per cent fall in vital capacity after about fifteen minutes. When the goldfish had been taken away from the room the Asthma gradually decreased. At the next experiment, the patient was confronted with a plastic goldfish. Although she recognised it to be a plastic toy she once again had a fierce attack of asthma which recovered after the stimulus had been removed. For the third experiment the empty bowl was used and a 33 per cent decrease in vital capacity ensued which did not improve even when the bowl was removed. This last attack was so severe that it had to be terminated by an injection of thiocinamine. The interesting point of this experiment is that, as well as being a neat demonstration of the kind of stimulus which provokes psychogenic Asthma, it shows that whether the stimulus is 'real' or not does not matter. The most plausible explanation of these findings is that conditioning operates in the development of psychogenic attack of Asthma. James C. Coleman states that Asthma is about three times more common among males. In children it appears to involve an appeal for maternal help and protection. In later life it may be activated by over dependency and guilt-arousing hostility towards loved ones or by environmental and/or inner conflicts which make the individual feel oppressed and restrict him freedom of living constitutional predisposition, a key factor, is resulting from heredity, allergies, or respiratory infections. Dr. George W. Kisher, Prof. Of Physiology at the University of Cincinnati States in his book 'Disorganised personality under Bronchial Asthma' as follows: A number of studies have been made of the personality characteristics of children suffering from asthma. Such children appear to be of above average intelligence, are inclined to be irritable and aggressive, and show signs of insecurity, anxiety, and a lack of self confidence. Adult patients are likely to have a deep seated fear of separation and may show a history of maternal dependence. Such patients seem to have a need to be protected and sheltered. If they marry, it is usually later in life. Whenever these patients are faced with a separation from the mother or a mother substitute, an Asthmatic attack may be precipitated. It is likely that there has been considerable illness in the immediate family history that the patient has marked heterosexual conflict, and that he is frequently faced with the necessity for the simultaneous expression of love and hate towards the same person. At the psychodynamic level, Asthma may be an aggression against someone else or against oneself. Simply being ill, unpleasant and difficult to care for is sometimes an expression of aggression against other people. Asthma is commonly associated with possessiveness of retentiveness, and attacks may be associated with financial stringency. Misers usually are described in literature as "wheezing" when they count their gold. According to one psychodynamic theory, the attack represents a repressed cry of anger and anxiety. The asthma attack has also been regarded as a cry for help and an infantile appeal not to be left alone. An in the case of much theorising in psychodynamics, experimental validation is lacking.

Naturopathic approach in diet Natural measures for indigestion and constipation should be implemented if these co-exist with Asthma. In a constipated Asthmatic, relief is often easily obtained by a simple hot water enema given even during an attack. Instead of strong purgatives a simple glycerine suppository will also be found helpful. Hot chest packs, exposure of chest and back to mild sunlight, massage of the intercostal muscles of the chest, and osteopathic manipulation of the spine are some of the auxiliary treatments that help an asthmatic in his recovery from disease. The diet of an Asthmatic should be bland and easily digestible. Include vegetables which can be eaten as salads such as lettuce, carrots, spring onions, and radish. "Roots as well as leaves." Fresh fruits such as apples, figs, pineapples, oranges, sweet limes, papaya and grapes are also good. But in case the patient is sensitive to sour and juicy fruits, they should be excluded. Papaya, apples and good quality mangoes during the season can be taken liberally. No sugar should be mixed with the fruits. In fact, all refined carbohydrates are better omitted from the diet. That means, biscuits, cakes, and pastries. Craving for sweets may be satisfied with moderate use of natural sweets such as dry dates, raisins or figs. Night food should be as early as possible, say about sunset, and should be very light, for example a cup of hot soup with a poached or a quarter boiled egg and in vegetarians a cup of hot milk will suffice. © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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Diet plays an important part and the ayurvedic physicians lay great stress on the same, particularly on the contray diet. One may take the best medicine possible, but if the diet is not observed in children and adult, everything is lost. I have found very many patients sensitive to sweets, sour lime, water melon juice, sugar cane juice, curd, butter milk, shrikand, cold drink and ices. Plentiful fluids should be taken by mouth. Ginger is recommended for frequent colds, coughs, etc. in the form of powder, either a pinch with hot milk or mixed with honey, which will be found very helpful. If one cannot do any exercises, and gets breathless, gentle walking every evening or morning is strongly recommended.

Yogic exercises for the asthmatic I am convinced that yogic exercises play a very important part in helping the asthmatic to get well. These exercises should be carried out under an expert along with homoeopathic medicines. In big cities like Bombay, we do not or cannot breathe freely as there is no scope for doing so due to extremely busy life. Walking is not possible for office workers as he is in a hurry to reach his office. A lot of carbon monoxide is inhaled by city dwellers as a lot of gas is thrown out from the innumerable vehicles plying in the cities. James Hewitt states that modern man has lost the art of breathing properly. th His sallow breathing utilises about 1/10 of his lung capacity. Dr. Fisher of the Life Extension Institute of America observes that deep breathing exercises everyday should be encouraged. "A hundred deep systematic breaths a day, is one physician's recipe for avoiding tuberculosis." Bihar School of Yoga Monghyr has brought out a book written by Dr. Sankar (John Merer) of Australia under the guidance of wami Satyananda Saraswati, a book on 'asthma and Yoga' I strongly recommend this book and particularly the exercises to be studied by an asthmatic patient who can afford to do so. Dr. John Merer, was himself an asthmatic and after having training and performing these yogic exercises he is completely free from Asthma, without any medicine. I am mentioning some of the exercises below: Pranayama: The patient sits down with legs crossed on the floor which is covered with a blanket or a sheet. The spine should be erect, he should be relaxed. The first stage is a slow and deep breath which expands the lungs, and brings in the maximum supply of oxygen laden air from the air space. The second stage consists of holding the breath for a very short time to start with. This pause or holding the breath initially should be for a very short time as I have found that the patient whose lungs have become weak, feel suffocated and cannot hold it for long. The pause should be gradually increased till it is twice as much as the time taken during inspiration. The third stage is the exhalation i.e. he has to breathe out the air which he has taken in, which he should do gently to bring on the maximum contraction of the air spaces in the lungs. This throws out the maximum amount of carbon dioxide from the lungs. The fourth and the last stage is the maintenance of the state of maximum void in the air spaces, achieved by the long deep exhalation. When one has mastered these four phases, he or she has to go ahead with NADI SHODHAN PRANAYAMA. Here too, the patient sits comfortably with legs crossed, straight spine, hands on the knees. Raise the right hand to the front of the face. The right hand fingers should be used to control the flow of air through the nostrils in the following way. Place the index and middle finger on the centre of the eyebrows. They should remain in this position without moving for the whole practice. Close the right nostril with the right thumb. Inhale through the left nostril and slowly exhale through the same about 5 times. After finishing the same, the second stage sets in. Again, close the right nostril with the thumb as before, inhale through the left nostril and at the end of inhalation, close the left nostril with the ring finger. Now pressure is applied on both the nostrils and they are closed. After a very short time, for beginners; release the pressure of the thumb on the right nostril and breathe out through the same. Now inhale again through the right nostril, close the right nostril after inhalation and exhale through the left nostril. Keep on doing this 4 to 5 times to start with. It can be increased later on.. The time for inhalation and exhalation should be equal, and no strain should be applied. This is one of the finest exercises for asthma, chronic bronchitis, frequent colds, nose blocking etc. Yogic breathing tones up and reconditions not only the lungs but the heart, liver, stomach, and intestines too. Its effect on the nerves, the brain, and the mind as a tonic, sedative and tranquilliser is remarkable. For an acute of attack Asthma, the Bihar School of Yoga recommends KUNJAL KRIYA. Take a big jug and pour enough tepid water about 6 glasses. Add a tablespoon full of salt and shake it thoroughly. As far as possible, drink all six glasses one after another as quickly as possible. Immediately after drinking, there will be a sense of nausea or vomiting. If not, put your index and middle finger of the right hand into the throat as far as possible. This will induce vomiting. This can bring © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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immediate relief during an attack. There is a reflex form the stomach to the lungs via the vagus nerve, removing tension from the lungs. It should be done early in the morning when the stomach is empty and one should wait at least for 20 minutes before eating. Dr. R.K. Garde states in his article Yoga Chikitsa Asthma that "Pranayama through respiratory manipulations and modifications purifies and fortifies the respiratory apparatus gaining control over the bio energy and indirectly over the mind also. He lays special emphasis on Kapalabhati. In case of obese, overweighed patients, Dhouti or vaman vidhi (auto lavage) is a must, just as Basti (enema) in case of thin and tall patients. Kapalabhati, regularly and properly practised, leads to decrease in carbondioxide percentage in the blood, and carbon-dioxide is a regular stimulant of the respiratory centre in the medulla oblongata. Owing to decrease of carbon-dioxide in the body, by kapalabhati practice, the respiratory centre is not abnormally stimulated hence the relief in asthma. Before Pranayam is done, there are few exercises which will warm the body and will start breathing in the normal way. Some of them are as follows: 1. Raised Arms Pose: Raise both arms above the head, bend the upper trunk and head slightly backward. Inhale while raising the arm, exhale when you bend forward. 2. Serpent Pose: (Bhujangasana). Lie on the stomach with the legs straight and the feet extended. Place the palms flat on the floor underneath the shoulders. Rest the forehead on the ground. Relax the whole body. Slowly raise the head and the shoulders off the ground, bending the head as far back as it will go. Try to raise the shoulders without using the arms, only utilising the back muscles. Now bring the arms into action and slowly bend the whole back as much as possible without strain until the arms are straight. Try to keep the naval as near to the ground as possible. 3. The Bow Pose: (Dhanurasana). Lie flat on the stomach and inhale fully. Bend the legs at the knees and hold the ankles with the hands. Tense the leg muscles and arch the back. At the same time raise the head, chest and thighs as high as possible off the ground. Keep the arms straight. In the final pose the body resembles a taut bow. 4. The Psychic Union Pose: (Yoga Mudra)-Sit in padmasana. Close the the eyes. Hold one wrist behind the back with the other hand. Relax the whole body for some time. Slowly bend the trunk forward until the forehead touches or nearly touches the ground. In the final position try to relax the whole body. Slowly return to the starting position. Breathe normally in the starting position whilst relaxing the body. Inhale slowly and deeply whilst bending forward. Breathe deeply and slowly in the final position. Inhale whilst returning to the starting pose. There are many breathing exercises recommended by different authors for the the cure of Bronchial Asthma. It is not possible to enumerate all of them in this small booklet but I have given some idea about the same. Please do not undertake to do any exercise without consulting any expert for the same. The last exercise after the usual procedure, is SHAVASANA (Corpse Pose). Here too, different authors give different versions. This is according to the Bihar School of Yoga. Lie flat on the the back, either on the ground with a thick blanket or a carpet or on your bed if the bed is hard.. Arms by your side and in line with the body, palms facing upwards. Let yourself go as you do when you are tired. Close the eyes, relax the whole body as much as possible. Let there be natural breathing. Let the mind become aware of the inhalation and exhalation. Count the number of respirations-I in; I out; 2 in; 2 out; and so on. Continue to count for a few minutes and the body and mind both will relax. Most people are unable to relax as such it will take some time to learn this relaxation. The other method suggested is to give to your mind Auto suggestions, like, "the muscles of my body from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet are relaxed. I enjoy the relaxation. There is no tension in my muscles. I am perfectly relaxed." Now, you must mentally go over to each part of your body from head to foot. For example, think that the muscles of my scalp, face, and jaws are relaxed. Then take eyes and nose, go down to neck and back, shoulders, arms, forearm, wrist, hands and fingers, even the tips of the fingers. Then take chest, abdomen, genitalia, muscles of the thighs, legs, feet, and toes. Initially, the mind might wander. Try to relax and bring back the mind on the suggestions given. If this is not practicable, you may engage a speaker or a narrator who can give you the suggestions. Another idea is to have a tape recorder which has recorded all these instructions and you can gently play the tape keeping it by yourself. Trying this again and again a stage will come when you can relax yourself without the aid of anybody. Many authorities recommend SHAVASANA at least once everyday. One could do it more often if one has time. This is the best exercise for relaxing mind and body. With small children, games such as "Blow Balloon" often help to encourage the exhalation of air, or a ping pong ball may be placed on a cloth, and the patient is then encouraged to see how far it can be blown with one breath. The distance should © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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be progressively increased with practice. Another useful exercise is beating out, making a whistling noise, while counting slowly. The "target" should not be set too high to begin with, but it may be increased gradually as the child learns to blow out more effectively. For the older person the ribs may be exercised by sitting on an armless chair, placing the hands (one over the other) on the lower ribs and then, after taking a full breath, leaning to the right while breathing out and compressing the ribs on the right side to exhaust as much air from the chest as possible. Return slowly to upright position, breathe in as fully as possible, and then bend to the left, this time compressing the ribs on that side. Finally, straighten up, again filling the chest as fully as possible and then bend forward compressing both sides of the chest so as to squeeze out as much air as possible. Return to the upright position, breathing in frequently as possible during the day, remembering that the emphasis is always upon the process of breathing out, since the air will readily flow back into the lungs if they are first emptied. Recently a paper was presented at the yoga conference by Dr. Prathap C. Reddy, M.B. , F.C. C.P. , F.I. C.A. Consultant Physician on the "Role of Yoga in Asthma". A study of 170 cases were presented with a comparative study of other therapies. 106 were males and 64 were females, with the age group varying from 7 years to 72 years. Among the 170 patients, 23 had allergic rhinites, and 133 were known asthmatics, most of them were allergic to house dust, cotton, wool, pollen or smell of paint petrol etc. All gave family history usually of Asthma or other allergic history. Psychological factors also played some roll in about one third of the patients. The results of the study only on yogic exercises was excellent improvement with complete relief of symptoms and complete reduction in the drug intake. This further goes to prove that yoga exercises under a trained teacher will definitely help to overcome this disease. Those interested, may please contact Dr. Reddy at 50 St. Mary's road, Alwarpet, Madras-600 OI8. I am giving below the statics of 200 Asthma cases treated by me. The figures are as follows:-

Total No. of Cases

Patients with Past History of Skin Eruptions

Patients with Past History on Respiratory Disease

Patients with Family History of Skin Eruptions

Patients with Family History of Respiratory Disease


129 (64%)

58 (29%)

47 (24%)

151 (75%)

Asthma alternating with eczema Case no. 1 Child aged four Baby F.O. was seen by me in December 1966 having Asthma for the last 3 years. It is worse in winter, monsoon by ice cold drinks, fruits, and during full moon. She vomits during the attack and is better after that . The first small pox vaccination was done when the child was 2 months old, and then triple vaccine was given every month for the th succeeding 3 months. This child was not keeping too well after this, and was having frequent colds and coughs. At the 7 month, the child developed eczema on the head, which was suppressed with external applications, and the parents felt happy that the skin disease was at the end. After 4 months, in the monsoon, the child had the first attack of Asthma, which keeps on alternating with skin eruptions. After about 2 years, the child was revaccinated and the skin eruptions appeared all over the body. Again a skin specialist was consulted, who prescribed external applications, and the eczema disappeared. In the winter of the same year, asthmatic attacks became worse. Now a chest specialist was consulted, who, screened the child and found 'Emphysema' with mottled Opacities in the right lung. 'He suggested '(1) Routine blood examination; (2) tuberculin test (3) X-Ray of the chest (4) Bronchogram (5) Sweat Electrolysis. For treatment, the usual antibiotics plus cortisone and cough syrups were prescribed. This treatment only palliated. The homoeopathic treatment was started with Thuja 200, 3 doses to be given 4 hours apart. From second day onwards, Ipecac 30 in repeated doses was given. Within a week's time, the child was very much better , the vomiting stopped entirely but slightly wheezing was there. In the next monsoon, the child was much better than usual, but occasional © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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th attacks were helped with NAT SULPH in low potency. Silica in 30 and 200 potency was given with excellent results so that at new moon and full moon, there were no attacks. In the next summer, the child developed diarrhoea and few skin eruptions, particularly on the head. Sulphur 200, 3 doses followed by 1000 after a month completely cleared all the eruptions. The child is grown up now, has put on weight, has good appetite, regularly goes to school and there is neither Asthma nor Eczema. This shows that with the minimum amount of medicine, the maximum benefit is obtained.

Case no. 2 Name: dr. p.n. j.

age:70 years.

The patient is suffering from Bronchial Asthma since 1956. The attacks are worse every monsoon along with cough and cold, worse at night between 1 to 3 a.m. The expectoration is profuse during this period. Constipation, Urine frequent Day 5 Night 3. Previous history-Malaria 1938, Flu often, Abdominal colic and low fever, Vaccination and Inoculation ++. Family history of no importance. By temperament he is very irritable because of constant suffering and he feels better when left alone though he would like company of certain selected people. As a Physician he had undergone detailed investigations and had taken all sorts of treatment for 15 years to no avail. He applied to me by post and I treated him by correspondence only. I have not seen him so far. Now he is perfectly well. This is the first monsoon he has not got an attack. Remedies given were as follows: NATRUM SULPH in increasing potencies was given up to 50 N with excellent results. It also helped him in the cough. The treatment was started on 5-5-71 just before the monsoon. In between BACILLINUM 200 and 1 M were given with a great deal of improvement in cough and particularly in the expectoration. I gave him a dose of Thuja 10 M when he was much better because as a doctor he had taken a lot of vaccinations and inoculations.

Case no. 3 Name: mr. m.g.

age: 37 years

He is suffering from Bronchial Asthma for last 30 years. The attack is usually worse at night between 3/4 a.m. and is worse by ice cold drinks, ice cream and heavy food better in open air, or standing on the balcony during the attack. Constipated, hot patient, very fond of food and drinks. Previous history-Malaria, ringworm, Urticaria, Athletes foot, vaccinated every 2/3 years. Family history-Asthma in the mother. The following remedies are given: SULPHUR was given because of his suppressed itch in increasing potencies from 200 onwards up to 50 M with temporary relief. Carbo veg 30 and Ant Tart 30 gave some relief during acute attacks. As he was not improving his case was retaken and on close questioning I found that he was better in monsoon and no sooner the wet weather stopped and had become warm and stuffy, he developed the attacks. On these symptoms CAUSTICUM in increasing potencies from 200 onwards was given with immediate relief and his difficulty has ceased. This probably is his constitutional remedy and whenever there is slightest difficulty in breathing the remedy helps him very much. He is under my treatment from 1966 onwards and is practically free now from this unfortunate disease.

Case no. 4 Name: master d.d.

age: 12 years

He is suffering from Bronchial Asthma since 1965. Worse lying flat, better being propped up or leaning forward on a pillow. He is having constant cough and cold also. The peculiar symptom is this that the attacks come prior to examination or keeping an appointment. The parents say and I got it from the patient also that he has no examination fright. He is a first class student but is anxious that he may not miss his class. More like anticipation. During the attack he vomits food and drink. Better in air-conditioned room and high altitudes. Banana and cold drinks aggravate. © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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Previous History-Pyloric Spasm at birth for one year. Appendix removed 68. Fall while playing. Vaccinated every 2 years, so far 6 times. Also triple and polio. Family History-Great grandmother and maternal uncle had asthma-Mother was emotionally upset during pregnancy. Likes cold weather, very sensitive and intelligent. I saw him first on 3-12-71 in a severe attack. IPECAC 30 in repeated doses was given because there was persistent nausea with vomiting. Later I gave SULPHUR 200 a single dose and this gave a severe aggravation. Now the prelim examination was due and he was again getting upset. On referring to Kent's repertory on Page 764 under the heading "Asthma worse emotions" the following remedies were found-ACON, COFF, GELS and IGNATIA in italics. th GELS was selected and given in the 30 potency. The result was good. He did not get the attack at this examination. On 6-3-72 there was a boxing tournament and he was once more very anxious and he got an attack couple of days before. This time on the basis of anticipations ARG NIT 200 was given with excellent results. His attacks had become much less on the last remedy. He was also given the same in 1 M potency but his cold is persistent. On further questioning, I found that he is fond of salt, prefers to be alone and at times nervous. NATRUM MUR in increasing potencies has cleared his cold completely and he has no asthma too.

Case no. 5 Name of the patient: major b.

age: 38

I had not seen this army officer who was serving in a remote corner of our country. His brother insisted that I should treat him as he was suffering for a long time from Bronchial Asthma and even after being hospitalised, he was not improving. My questionnaire was despatched to him which he filled up in details and posted it back to me. The symptoms as mentioned were as follows: (1) Sudden and extreme difficulty in breathing every night between 12 and 1 a.m. , or the wheezing starts by evening and becomes worst after dinner. The attacks have only started after having been posted to this very humid climate. Better by sitting up. There is running of the nose and sneezing very often. He complains of headache with excessive flatulence. Better by passing flatus or stool. He is worst by alcohol and by heavy food. Eosinophillia is 18%. When admitted to the hospital, he was discharged with advice to take Asmapax tablets twice a day. (2) Ineffectual desire for stool. Urine normal. (3) Past history of Acute Bronchites-3 times. Pnemonites once. Loose stools 3 times and bleeding piles. (4) Vaccinations and inoculations in plenty as he is an army officer. (5) Family history of Uncle T. B: (6) Violent temper if injustice is done to him. Better by company. 20.4.74 -Thuja 200 (3) followed by Natrum Sulph 6. 20.7.74 -Feels better. Worse when humidity is more, with lot of flatulence. Natrum Sulph 200 (3). Carbo Veg 30. 20.8.74 -Stool better but occasional attacks. Natrum Sulph IM (3). Carbo Veg 30. 18.10.74 -Chest is better, cough is less, no wheezing. Natrum Sulph 10 M (3). Carbo Veg. 30 01.12.74 -Very much better. No attacks, ineffectual urge for stool and lot of flatulence. N. V 200 (3), Carbo Veg 30. 03.01.75 -Patient is at Bombay, very happy and healthy. No attacks. Only flatulence. China 30. 14.01 75 -Bleeding piles, no pain. Still urge for stool. Sulphur 200 (3). Hamamelis V. 30. 18.02.76 -After this the patient was feeling much better, in all respects but he was having occasional attacks of cold and wheezing for which Bacillinum 200 (3) as an intercurrent remedy looking at his past and family history was given. 01.03.76 -Better no complaints, S.L. He was transferred and I lost contact with him, but his family stated that he was feeling much better. 24.02.77 -Patient is again back to Bombay in absolute good health. No Asthma, no complaints.

Case no. 6 Name: baby b.j.

age: 3 years

I. Bronchial Asthma since 9 months, agg. (1.00 to 2.00 a.m. , sweets, cold drinks, and lying down), amel. In the knee chest position, sneezing very often. © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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II. W.B. C. count 14000. Eosino 9.3%. Most of the Mycines and Penicillins and other drugs are given to no relief. III. Past history of Roundworms, measles, vaccination once, triple, polio, B.C. G. and booster doses given. IV. Family History of Mother-Koch's infiltration both upper lobes and suspicious, cavitation left upper lobe. Grand-mother-Bronchites. V. Constipated; urine-normal; sleep normal but startles in sleep and the sleep is disturbed with coughing and asthma attacks. VI. Perspiration during attack. VII. Appetite, thirst normal. 23.12.74 Thuja 200 (3) and S.L. 30.12.74 -Better with no attacks. S.L. 04.01.75 -Worse. Attack last night probably due to outing on Cor R 30. the new year day. Miniutegun cough. 07.01.75 -Cough better but wheezing persists. She wakes up crying, Medo 200 (3) takes knee-chest position which relieves her. 14.01.75 -Better, no attacks, sleeps well. S.L. 07.02.75 -No attacks, but cough and cold often. Bacillinum 30 (3). 04.03.75 -Definitely better but still occasional coughs and given on Bacillinum 200 (1) the basis of cold appetite less, no increase in weight. Family history of Koch's. 10.03.75 -Severe aggravation, nausea and vomiting. Ipecac 30. 11.04.75 -Now feels better after immediate reaction in all respects. C.P. 200 (3) 09.05.75 -Wheezing very rare. Increase in weight, appetite better, Bacillinum 200 (1) feels tired. 18.09.75 -Free from attacks for about 4 months but again cough and Bacillinum 200(1) wheezing started. 25.09.75 -Again aggravation of the remedy, breathlessness with nausea Ipecac 30 and vomiting but not so severe as in the past. 07.10.75 -Very much better but cough and cold still persisting. Bacillinum 200 (1) 15.10.75 -For the first time there was no aggravation and the child S.L. started feeling better. 15.01.76 -Child was better for 2 months but again slightly breathless Ant. T 30. With cough. Mother requested not to give the powders which gave reaction. 28.02.76 -Child very much better in all respects. Is able to eat and digest many things to which she was allergic like cold drinks, fruits, etc. - Bacillinum 200 (2) 13.03.76 -Very slight reaction followed by Amelioration. S.L. 03.04.76 -Better, no complaints, no medicine. 25.02.77 -Child was seen today in absolutely good health.

Bibliography l. Dr. Rustom Vakhil and Dr. K.L. Vig-Text Book of Medicine. 2. Dr. Clarke-Dictionary of Materia Medica. 3. Dr. F. Bernoville-Homoeopathic Treatment of Asthma. 4. Dr. Margret Tyler-Homoeopathic Drug Picture. 5. Dr. William Guttman-British Homoeopathic Journal January 69. 6. Dr. Mowbray and Rodger-Psychology in Relation to Medicine. 7. Dr. James c. Coleman-Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life. 8. Dr. M.N. Bhamgara-Naturopathic Approach. 9. Dr. Garde-Yoga today (Macmillan India). 10. Dr. John H. Clarke-Constitutional Medicine. 11. Dr. R.P. Patel-My Experiments, Experiences and Observations with Luffa Operculata. 12. Dr. P.S. Krishnamurthy-New Dimensions in Therapeutic Asthma. © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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13. Dr. Johanna e. Brieger-Winter nosodes-British Homoeopathic Journal April 71. 14. Dr. John Merer (Dr. Shankar)-Asthma and Yoga. 15. Dr. Pratap c. Reddy-Role of Yoga in Asthma. 16. Prelimary Clinical Trial of certain Lesser Known DrugsDr. M.S. Pramanik and Dr. P.C. Mal, Journal of HM AI-Jan.-Feb. '77

WADIA S. R., Homoeopathy in Children Diseases (wda6) WADIA S. R.

Preface This was originally a Paper presented at the Scientific Session of the International Homoeopathic Medical Congress at Delhi in 1977. Copies of the same were distributed to the Members and the Paper was published in the Souvenir too. The demand for the article was so great from Homoeopathic Practitioners that I finally decided with the help of M/s. Jain Publishing Co. to bring before the Profession in the form of a booklet. One may find that this does not cover all the diseases but as mentioned before, this is the Paper presented at the Scientific Session and it should not be longer. All the cases mentioned in the article are my personal cases. They were treated in the best manner I thought fit and not in the traditional manner as some Experts think. Alipur Building, Colaba, Bombay S.R. Wadia

Homoeopathy in children's diseases "The Lord is long suffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity (sins) and transgression and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation". (Old Testament Numbers, Chapter 14, Verse 18). Homoeopathic remedies contribute to a large extent in the treatment and cure of many diseases of infants and children in a gentle and permanent manner. The child is saved from the shock of the crude treatment and parents from the torture of observing their dear children subjected to the same. Children under Homoeopathic treatment are relaxed friendly and do not have fear and terror of visiting the doctor. This subject is a vast one so I shall limit myself to a few selected diseases which are seen in my practice.

Birth injuries The commonest condition is where the labour is prolonged and due to that the child's cranium is pressed hard and as a result thereof some symptoms are observed like persistent crying. I have always used Arnica Mont in potency with good th th results. Where forceps are used which leave marks on the head the same remedy in 30 or 200 potency is found very useful in removing its ill-effects.

A case of birth injury An infant a few days old, son of a Pathologist was brought to me with a swelling of the right sterno-cleido mastoid muscle. He was seen at the hospital and was finally advised surgery. The swelling according to the team of doctors was a haematoma as a result of the forceps delivery. I started the treatment with Arnica 30 and 200 followed by Hypericum 200. After a week's treatment the child was sleeping better, crying less and would gradually turn the head on the right © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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if a powerful beam of light was shown. The lump reduced in size but as persisting Bellis P. 30 was given in repeated doses for a week with amazing results. The lump completely disappeared. The child is 12 years old now and in perfect health.

A case of hydrocephalous due to injury Master T.M. 13 months old was brought with a history of fall from a sofa in December, 1975 and again from a bed 3 feet high in March, 1976. A lump had appeared in the head and he developed continuous vomiting with a squint in the right eye. As usual the child was admitted to a hospital where the skiagram showed parting of the skull bones due to intra-cranial tension. Lots of medicines were given to no improvement as such the sub-dural tap was done. Diagnosis-Acute th Hydrocephalus with bilateral 6 Nerve palsy and bilateral papilloedema. There was past history of forceps delivery, treatment was started with Arnica 200, 3 doses followed by Nat. Sulph. 30 which was gradually stepped up to 10 M. The child was better, intra-cranial tension was reduced with improvement in the diameter of head. As the squint persisted Causticum 30 was given which was gradually stepped up to 10 M with excellent results. The child was examined by an eminent ophtalmic surgeon who found the child absolutely normal. There was no papilloedema and no squint.

Congenital deformities Meningocoele One could mention many but I will mention a case of hydrocephalus as a result of congenital meningocoele which was operated and where the wounds did not heal and a lot of pus was coming out inspite of the latest external and internal medicines and injections. The size of the head was increasing gradually and the eyes were popping out. Another operation was advised. There was past history of suspected hydrocephalus, measles fever and diarrhoea. There was a family history of a sister having cleft palate, father suppressed Eczema paternal aunt T.B. , maternal grandfather Bronchitis and maternal grandmother T.B. The wound was dressed with Calendula lotion. The wound started healing and the internal sutures started coming out. As the child was not vaccinated so far as a result of constant illness, the child was vaccinated now, as he was improving. There was a good reaction, the arm was swollen as such Thuja 200, 3 doses were given followed by Sil. 3 and 200 later, which reduced the suppuration considerably. Inspite of the treatment, the wound did not heal perfectly so Bacillinum was thought of due to family history of Koch's. This was given in 200-1M and 10M potency. The wound healed up completely. The diameter of the head started steadily reducing. The child was seen after 2 years on 10-1-1977 in perfectly good health.

Undescended testicle A child, Master R. about 5 months old was brought by an anxious mother when she was suggested an operation for th th undescended testicle on the right side. This child was given Aurum Mur Nat in 30 and 200 potency and the mother was overjoyed to find that the testicle had descended.

Congenital hydrocele Master N.C. aged 3 was brought to me by his doctor father for repeated attacks of fever, colds, cough and tonsillitis. This child was treated with Thuja 200, 1 M and 10 M as there was history of repeated vaccination and inoculation. Family history of father and uncle bronchitis, allergic rhinitis and psoriasis. On these bases Bacill 200, 1 M and 10 M was given at intervals, tonsilitis, cough, cold improved but to the father's pleasant surprise, he found that the congenital hydrocele was gradually diminishing and finally disappeared completely. As this was very intriguing to him, he referred his nephew aged 4 for a right sided congenital hydrocele. The child in addition had adenitis in the neck and groins and had more or less the same family history.

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So Bacillinum was given from 200 onwards up to CM which completely cleared the case.

Achalasia of the cardia Very often parents bring their infants who are vomiting since birth and are finally advised surgery. I clearly remember a baby girl in my early years of practice who is now 25 years old, and a mother of 2 children. She was vomiting emaciating and with difficulty cold milk was retained which too was vomited later. Phosphorus helped her to recover completely. The other remedy for this condition is the bowel nosode Dysenteric Co. It has got a selective action on the pylorus, causing a spasm and retention of the digested contents which is finally vomited. An infant Master G.-2 months old son of a lady doctor was brought to me for constant vomiting of milk. The doctor's cousins are also modern medicine practitioners who had tried everything possible. The child was given Dysenteric Co 30, th 3 doses with partial improvement. This was repeated in 200 potency with complete relief. The child is now more than a year old.

Skin diseases Just as some are born great and in some people greatness is thrust upon them, in the same way, some are born with psora and some psora is thrust upon at the least excuse. For example, an infant few days old is often brought with infantile Eczema on the cheeks with flushed face and pink appearance of the skin. Here the child is born with Psora. In these cases, one will always obtain a history of suppressed skin diseases in one of the parents or both. As such, a careful family history should always be obtained in these cases. In the second category, the infant is born normal and the eruptions appear after vaccination or after some injections are given for a minor ailment, like diarrhoea or fever. Here the latent Psora has flared up. When the eruptions are as a result th of vaccinations or inoculations Thuja in 30 potency repeated or a dose or two of 200 followed by Silica will antidote the vaccine and the skin will start improving. If external applications in the form of corticosteroids are applied, it may take a longer time. Now the child's constitution should be studed and objective symptoms obtained. Graphites and Calc. are found very effective in fat children. A Graphites child is constipated, eruptions are moist in the bends and behind the ears. Discharge is sticky and the skin is rough dry and at times cracked. The Calc. Carb. baby is also stout but the skin is soft, cold and clamy with flabby muscles. There is aggravation from milk and eggs and has desire for chalk, pencil and indigestable things. When Graphites fails and the child is hot patient, lips, anus and vulva are red, washing aggravates, child prefers to remain dirty, a dose of Sulphur 30 or 200 has helped me considerably. Many remedies can be mentioned including a bowel nosode "Morgan Bach". It is very helpful when Graphites, Sulphur and Psorinum have not succeeded. I will mention one case of Eczeme since birth. Baby F.O. 4 years old, a fair child was seen by me covered with Eczema from head to foot. This child was born cyanosed and developed skin eruptions in the the maternity hospital which was treated rd with external and internal remedies. The infant improved but again developed skin rash at the 3 month after primary rd vaccination which was again suppressed by external applications. The child was better till the 3 year when she was again vaccinated which did not take well and she developed Eczema all over which continued till I saw her. In between she had a few spells of Bronchial Asthma. She is hot and irritable patient. There is family history of weeping Eczema in father, grand-father and grand-mother. My favourite remedy Thuja was given from 1 M to CM in about 6 weeks time. Eruptions dried up, the the patient improved in health but a few patches remained here and there. As there was no further improvement a single dose of Sulphur 200 was given with placebo in plenty. Child was better for sometime but again after 2 months, some more eruptions appeared. Sulphur was stepped up gradually to CM over a period of 6 months. The child improved completely for the first time in her life with no Eczema or Asthma. She is now about 19 yeras old and in very good health. Another skin disease which I see in my practice is Molluscum Contagiosum. Most of the the cases come with a ready diagnosis from the dermatologist who had advised application of different ointments, or some eruptions are cut or cauterised but they have recurred again. The leisons are pearly, hard, shiny, globules papules. The size varies from a sago grain to a pea. Here too, we often get a history of eruptions since last vaccination or inoculation. In eldery children, we © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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obtain history of nightmares, dreams of falling and someone chasing and startling in sleep. Here too Thuja works very well. the remedy works from within outwards. the eruptions become big and they burst open and then subside.

Warts Warts are very common children. The parents first consult the family physician and then the dermatologist who either cuts them or uses electro-cautery. Experience has shown that they recur very often with a vengence. Many homoeopaths use Thuja externally and internally here too but the results are not uniform. Thuja type of warts are soft, cauliflower type, pedunculated which bleen on washing or rubbing. The patient has hair on unwanted parts. The sweat is on uncovered parts and there is always a history of repeated vaccinations. There are dreams and nightmares. Nitric Acid Warts also bleed on washing. There may be condylomatas in addition but if the children are very irritable, chilly and fond of travelling. Caust, Antim Crud., and Sulphur can be found very useful depending upon the symptoms of the patient. Boils in the tropics are extremely common and have found Gun Powder 3x very useful as per the direction of Dr. Clarke unless some other remedy is strongly indicated.

Bronchial asthma This disease is found throughout the world and inspite of the modern advances is medicine, it remains unconquered. it is easier to treat this condition in children than in adults as there is not much of a pathology and the suppressions are less. Modern medicine has now recognised some cases as Psychosomatic conditions and that is the reason why our remedies work well, because they work on the body as well as the mind. Bronchial Asthma is a clear manifestation of Psora which may alternate or co-exist with cutaneous eruptions and is worst when the cutaneous eruptions are suppressed. Psora as shown by Dr. Nebel, Dr. Clarke and Dr. Bernovelle is nothing but hereditary, Tuberculinism that follows successive generations. Occasionally, we find a Sycotic Miasm superimposed on Psora. I have repeatedly seen the same type of history in hundreds of patients of suppression of skin eruptions, may it be infantile eczema severe rash of measles or after vaccination which had no reaction. It is also as result of suppressed frequent colds, coughs or attacks of Bronchitis or Asthma. I am giving below the statics of 200 cases out of hundreds cases treated by me. The figures are as follows: Total No. of Cases

Patients with Past History of Skin Eruptions

Patients with Past History of Respiratory Disease

Patients with Family History of Skin Eruptions

Patients with Family History of Respiratory Disease


129 (64%)

58 (29%)

47 (24%)

151 (75%)

The disease is to be treated on symptoms and on constitutional lines. When there is suppression of skin disease and Sulphur is indicated which if given very high, the eruptions will flare up considerably and the parents will be very worried about the same. As such, the potency must be at par wit the disease or it is advisable to give a drainage remedy or a short acting remedy for sometime and Sulphur later on when the vital force is adjusted. When there is history of respiratory disease in the patient or in the parents Bacillinum as suggested by Dr. Burnett or th Tuberculinum should be given. I generally start with a single dose of 30 or at times 2 doses and gradually go up which reduces the risk of severe reaction and the patient feels better and better. During acute attack short acting remedies with auxiliary treatment works better. When the patient improves a deep acting constitutional remedy is required. Breathing exercises is a must and prefer in the form of Yoga Exercise which helps the patients to get well at the earliest. Thuja has often helped me when there is history of repeated vaccinations or the patient is worse every time the vaccine is given. Nat. Sulph is invaluable in asthmatic children and one always gets a history of asthma every monosoon or when there is history of moisture in the atmosphere. Moon phases (full and new moon) play an important part in many asthmatics. I have kept a carerful record of the phases and I give these remedies in anticipations to the patient.

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Dr. C.M. Borger in his very valuable book "Times of the Remedies and Moon Phases" has mentioned many remedies, having maximum number of marks but I find Phosphorus and Silica tops the list. Sulphur is running neck to neck. Other remedies found useful are Ars. Alb, Calc., Carb., Lyco. and Puls. Asthma patients though physically weak are very intelligent and bright in their studies.

Tonsillitis adenoids nasal polypi frequent colds and cervicle adenitis These children do not come to us early in life, but are extensively treated with modern medicines, injections auto-vaccines and finally when the parents are told surgery is the only way out, they then consult a Homoeopath. Here too the treatment should be on constitutional lines. A detailed history of the patient and their parents will give an indication for prescribing. Short-acting remedies should be given for acute condition viz. Bell., Hepar. Sulph., Ars., Alb., Merc. IF or Merc. IR etc. Later on Baryta Carb. is found to be the remedy of choice. According to Dr. Burnett and Dr. Borlant these children having tonsillitis and adenoids are physically, mentally and socially backward. They have frequent colds, enlarged tonsils, breathe through the mouth with marked salivation and have enlarged cervical glands. Aurum Met. is another remedy worth using. Here too the child is physically and mentally backward and does not grow in height and weight according to age. Along with frequent tonsillitis there are frequent attacks of colds and offensive discharge from nose, tonsillar crypts and ears. They have hypertrophied adenoids and may be having undescended testicles as a concomittent symptom. The remedy that will finally cure the repeated attacks of tonsillitis and cervical adenitis is Bacillinum or Tub. Bov., as per the suggestions of Dr. Burnett which is varified again and again. This remedy will also cure adenoids, nasal and polypii, frequent colds and chronic sinusitis. This remedy still works better when there is a family history of parents or grand-parents having respiratory diseases.

Psychogenic problems in children There are various conditions which one comes across in practice and parents especially ask for Homoeopathic treatment. Generally one comes across: 1. Habit Problems : Like thumb sucking, nail biting, enuresis, fecal incontinence, and sex problems like masturbation. 2. Personality Problems : Like irritability, timidity, obstinacy, fears, phobias, jealousy, temper tantrums and commiting small thefts. 3. Psychosomatic Problems : Like vomiting, headaches, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, examination funk, asthma and disturbances in sleep. Many parents bring their children who are old enough but they persist in sucking the thumb in school as well as at night. The thumb bears a scar impression, the palate is arched and the teeth protruding very often. On careful inquiry we find that there is some frustration or maladjustment in daily life. The child should not be rebuked but should be given more attention or his mind should be diverted from it by interesting him in toys and also should be encouraged to play with other children. The home atmosphere should be of happiness, ease and friendliness. The common remedies are Nat. Mur., Calc. Phos., Sil., Ipec., and Calc. Carb. Nail biting is a sign of tenseness. Hence the child should not be punished or scolded for the same. It will make matters worse. Here the cause for tenseness should be treated first. I have found Nat. Mur. very useful in this condition. Other remedies found useful are Aco., Ars., Arum. T., Calc., Cina., Stram. Dr. Boger adds 2 more remedies Sanicula and hyoscyamus also Amo. Br. is found useful. Enuresis is another very common condition. At times parents bring their children in a rather late stage when the child is about 10-12 years old. The causes of enuresis are many like dominating parents who scold and punish the child or jealousy of younger brother or sister, who may start wetting the bed after a dry period as a result of attention being shared on the arrival of the new baby. Timid children who have neither the courage nor the words to express their resentment against parents also develop this condition. The disturbed bladder control is the expression for the internal tension. Dr. Foubister recommends Bacillinum Testium for enuresis in children. Master J. aged 11 years was brought to me for bedwetting every night by his mother. After a careful history taking, he was given Caust in increasing potencies with an intercurrent remedy Sycotic Co. which I have found very useful in many of these cases. But to my surprise, the boy showed very little improvement. The mother in the subsequent consultation said that he was very disobedient and in disciplined in all respects. She had to scold him for everything he did. On the basis © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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of suppressed anger, I gave him Staphysgaria 200 and raised it to CM. After Staphy. having been started enuresis decreased. The dry interval has increased and the boy has got over it completely. Fecal incontinence may be found in some cases instead of enuresis. In our case histories, we often find and parents frequently complain that children are very irritable, obstinate and go into temper tantrums when not given the liberty to do what they like. These children are to be tackled very carefully. They must be treated with love and affection along with firmness. Most of the Homoeopathic drugs show different types of temperaments Cina, Staphy., Chamomilla etc. often cool down a very irritable child. Some children develop different type of fears, phobias such as fear of dark, fear of being alone, of thunder, fear of ghosts etc. They have nightmares, dreams of falling and also startle in sleep. I usually find these are after repeated vaccinations and hence Thuja is the drug of choice. Other remedies for fears are Nat. Mur., Phos., Caust., Arg. Nit. Master K. aged 10 was brought by his parents for the habit of picking small amount of money at home. He had aversion to bathing, even will not wash himself after a stool. He was lazy, indolent to go to school, irritable, obstinate, beats other children and sleeps late at night. Sulph. 1 M, 2 doses were given and he was kept under observation. The habit of stealing improved but he developed boils (a past suppression and styes). Irritability and destructive habits were on the increase. Staphysagria 200 1 M, 10 M, and 50 M were given at intervals after which he improved generally on the whole. He is more or less normal and attends his school regularly and has clean habit. Staphysagria was selected on the basis that his school teacher was rather harsh and was punishing him which he could not retaliate as he was doing in the house (suppressed anger). Another interesting case is as follow: Master G.D. A. aged 1 1/2 years was brought to me for frequent cough and colds since birth. The appearance of child was dirty. On further questioning the mother said that the child was very irritable, hits and bites other children, breaks toys and throws things around. His appetite was good but in addition was eating all dirty things including his own stool. His perspiration was foul and his head was perspiring profusely. FH/O father eczema. The treatment was started with Sulphur 30, 3 doses followed by Sulphur 200 and 1 M one week apart. After one month the irritability was much less but still the child continued having his dirty habits. Calc. Carb. 200 and 1 M was given at in intervals of 15 days. The child was better now, the cough and cold was less, irritability decreased considerably but had still not left the habit of eating his own faeces. On referring to Kent's Repertory on page 48, only on remedy appears th under the rubric swallows his own faeces and that was Verat. Alb. It was given in the 30 potency and when the child was brought again after a month, the child was behaving perfectly and had left all the dirty habits. Vomiting, headaches, abdominal pains, incontinence of stool and urine etc. are the common psychosomatic conditions in children. These are produced as a result of mental stress and strain which the child is not able to balance. The cause may be periodical or daily. This is an expression of the repressed hostility, towards the family members or the teacher. In these cases of maladjustment, Ignatia, Nat. Mur., Sycotic Co. are very helpful along with Staphy. When there is a history of repressed hostility. Miss. R.G. aged 5 was brought to me for passing a small amount of feces in her underware just before going to school or in the school. She was free from the same on Sundays and holidays. She had a habit of eating Talcum powder, chalk, soap, toothpaste and pencils. She would chew her handkerchief and frock. She had chronic tonsillitis with cervicle adenitis, frequent colds and perspiration on the head. She is backward in school, very slow in reading and writing. She has fear of dark, crackers and dogs. She is very obstinate, likes to play and travel. The school teacher was strict which she resented. Being the only daughter the parents did not enforce discipline. As she did not like to go to school or study, this was a trick to dirty her underwear either before going to school or at school. She was given Calc. Carb. 200, 3 doses which was stepped up to 10 M over which there was a good deal of improvement but still she was very backward in the school. Baryta Carb. 200 and 1 M was interposed which partially helped her in her school work. She was more confident and had stopped soiling her underwear. Still the fear and anxiety persisted also her obstinancy. Single doses of Tub. 200 1 M and 10 M have helped her considerably. She is a normal child now. I want to mention three acute infections diseases which cause a lot of trouble and over which a good deal of Antibiotic is wasted. These three diseases can be easily treated by simple Homoeopathic remedies.

Chicken pox © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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No sooner the vesicles appear Variolinum 200, 2 doses are given in every case followed by Rhus Tox. 30 in repeated doses which is found very useful when there is a successive crops of eruptions. Very rarely, Sulphur is required to finish the cases.

Measles Here the child looks flushed with temperature and Coryza. Belladonna is the first remedy to be given in 30 or 200 potenties in repeated doses followed by Bryonia. In spite of this, if eruptions are retarded, I find that a single dose of Sulphur 30 or 200 bring out the eruptions and he temperature will come done. In complications like cough and cold and the patient's parents tell us the child is worts since Measles, Puls. will be found very useful.

Mumps Mumps either start on right or left side of the face with fever, uneasiness, salivations, etc. Hereto if the symptoms are very acute and the fever is high Belladonna is given. If not, I start the treatment with Parotidinum 200, 2 doses followed by Merc. I.R. , or Merc. I.F. depending whether it is left sided or right sided and the results have been very satisfactory. For the complication of Mumps particularly Orchites Pulsatilla is found very helpful. For conjunctivities after measles or without it Bell., Merc. and Rhus. Tox. in 30 potencies are found very helpful. Euphrasia Q 5 drops to an ounce of distilled water as eye drops are quite helpful. When there is lot of pus formation, Puls. or Arg. N. according to symptoms will clear the case. For dentition, Cp 6 x or Chamomilla depending whether child is mild or irritable will help the children. When there is early decay of teeth, Kreosote in 30 potencies will be very helpful. Child is the father of man. So if children are brought on Homoeopathic remedies from birth and miasmatic remedies are given, the diseases will not be transmitted as the Biblical statement mentioned above. The future generation will be healthy as the sins of the parents will be washed away by the homoeopathic treatment.

Bibliography 1. Pediatrics in Developing Tropical Countries-Psychogenic Problems-Dr. S.T. Achar. 2. Children's Types-Dr. Douglas Borland. 3. Difficult and Backward Children-Dr. Leon Vannier. 4. Homoeopathic Treatment of Asthma-D. Fortier Bernoville, M.D. 5. Enlarged Tonsils Curred by Medicines-Dr. C.M. Boger, M.D. 6. Times of the Remedies and Moon Phases-Dr. C.M. Boger, M.D. 7. Gun Powder as a War Remedy-Dr. John H. Clarke.

WADIA S. R., Leucoderma its homeopathic treatment (wda1) WADIA S. R.

Foreword I had presented a paper at the Belgium Homoeopathic Conference on Leucoderma about ten years ago. At that time, the material at my disposal was less. It has been increased with the passage of years and I have been able to collect more interesting cases and more data for our profession. Before I publish my findings I thought it fit to contact my homoeopathic professional brothers of some standing individually and collectively through the press so that we can exchange our ideas and findings and enrich our knowledge about this disease. Some of my colleagues whom I knew personally and to whom I sent personal letters did suggest their © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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ways of treating the disease. They supplied me with the names of the remedies and in some cases, their indications. No provings were available of some of those remedies, but they were clinical observations. Even reference to standard books on materia medica did not indicate anything about some of the remedies having cured white spots. Doctors who advised me and suggested remedies are Dr R.S. Pareek of Pareek Hom. Foundation, Agra, Dr S.P. Koppikar, Editor of Heritage, Madras, Dr R.P. Patel, my old and learned colleague who prepared potencies for me. Dr P.S. Krishnamurti of Hyderabad, Dr Gandhi of Surat, Dr Rehmany of Malegaon, Dr Ajit Kumar Basu, Assistant Director, Central Research Institute, Calcutta and many more. Actually I wanted case history with symptoms and indication of the remedies but that was not possible. Some of my learned friends in their letters were doubtful about Ars. Sulpha Flava and its indications. I searched many books where only a mention is made by some that it cures white spots. To my good luck, I found a detailed description of this remedy in Kent's Lesser Writings on page 18, also in Allen's Encyclopaedia. This remedy is much misused, not only in India, but in the United Kingdom and the USA too. Dr Kent's book gives mental symptoms along with general symptoms, and if you are fortunate to get these symptoms along with the white spots on the patient, this remedy will definitely help to cure. The cure takes a long time, even 5 to 7 years in chronic cases of 10 to 20 years' standing. Best results are obtained in recent cases of 1 to 2 years' duration and where suppression is not done - much by external or internal medication. I have not been able to cure spots 10 to 14 inches long in upper or lower extremities, or extensive white patches covering the whole chest or abdomen. I have treated so far more than 200 cases and have kept detailed case reports of the same. Out of them, some discontinued their treatment in a month or two, even some did not come again as I frankly told them that we cannot help them much. In my capacity as a homoeopathic practitioner, I have been able to persuade the patients to have their stool examination done and about 50% have Cyst of Ent Amoeba Histolytica or ova of round worms or thread worms or other intestinal parasites. Prescribing from these symptoms and advising them to drink boiled water and improve the habits of eating and drinking, the results have been very satisfactory. In case, where there is a history of Diabetes in the patients or parents, urine and blood examination help to confirm the cause and a suitable remedy was found. The patients were given a diet for this disease which also helps. Routine blood examination or blood grouping was not possible in private practice. But some patients carried out the routine blood examination where it was found that Haemoglobin was low. Biopsy reports were not possible but in one doubtful case, it was done because two skin specialists differed in their diagnosis. I am publishing a few cases which are cured or practically cured after a long treatment. In two cases of children, of recent origin, the spots disappeared in a very short time. I do not claim, as many do, that one dose or one remedy was given and there was a miraculous cure. Depending upon the totality of symptoms, the remedy was prescribed and also on the Miasmatic basis. The remedy was changed when symptoms changed. The past history of the patient and the family history helped much. We have to question the patient very carefully and repeatedly to get the cause. I have repeated high potency when the patients have told me that they were better with the previous medicines and not placebo and there was no further improvement or regression of white spots. I am publishing very few pictures of patients before and after they are cured. Many patients were ladies and they do not like to be photographed and those that are cured do not like their photos to be printed in the book, so there is a paucity of photographs. I am thankful to my assistant, Dr Parinaz Humranwala, for helping me in this book. Readers are requested to give their comments for alteration and addition if any. Dr S.R. Wadia

Leucoderma: the homoeopathic view point

Leucoderma This disease, which causes white patches on the skin, has been known for centuries and different medical sciences are trying to cure it differently. First and foremost, it is not a contagious disease, but causes a lot of disfigurement, particularly in females. There is a lot of mental confusion in one who develops this disease. It additionally involves a social stigma in this country. As such, its treatment is important even from the cosmetic point of view. Human skin in different parts of the world has different hues. The colour of the skin is due to a pigment called Melanin. It © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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is more in coloured people than among whites. When this pigment decreases, the skin turns white. It is suggested that the pigment increases when the parts are exposed to sun or ultra violet rays. Hence, many physicians ask their patients to expose the white spots to the sun after application or ingestion of their favourite medicine. But, in my humble opinion, external applications temporarily turn the skin rose red or dark. At times, even blisters are formed. After some time, the skin again turns white. One of my patients, who applied probably Bavchi powder, mixed with water, within a day, had huge blisters on his feet which were opened by me and dressed. After the reaction subsided, the skin turned the same colour. Ayurvedic physicians have been using Bavchi or Babchi (Psoralea Corylifolia Linn) for centuries, externally as well as internally. In the Atharva Veda mention is made of Shavata Kushta, and a description of this plant to cure the same is also there. The Unani hakims use a plant called Ami Majus, the powder made from both the preparations has a sweetish, peculiar odour, is brick red in colour, looks like make-up and when applied, covers the white spots and turns the skin pink. A brief description of both these plants is given below: 1. Babchi (Psoralea Corylifolia Linn) Is an erect branch tree, 4 feet in height, with stems and branches grooved and with a few hairs. The leaves 1-2 inches broad, covered with numerous black dots on both the surface, 10 to 30 flowered racemes, coralia yellow or bluish purple, pods very small without hair, pitted black beaked. The seeds are used for medicinal purposes. The seeds are powdered, made into a paste and applied to white spots which are then exposed to the sun. 2. Ami Majus th Is an Egyptian plant and has been used for the treatment of this disease from the 11 century onwards. Ibn El Bilar stated that the plant resembles Apium, but its flowers are white, those of Apium are yellow in colour. Its fruit resembles that of Celery, but differs in being longer, narrower and has a pungent and slightly bitter taste. He mentions that the fruit of this plant is used for the treatment of Leucoderma. Some mention that their seeds and roots were also used. Here, the seeds are also powdered and applied externally or mixed with honey and given internally as a Linctus. The patient is exposed to the sun for one or two hours till sweating occurs. The picture of the plant is shown with beautiful flowers which resemble the flowers of Lady's lace. A few years back, Psoralea compounds were discovered by scientists from the above two plants and modern medicine is using it a great deal. This was hailed as a great research and even the description and mode of application and ingestion of the drug was found in the press. Some people find it difficult to take as it upsets the digestion, some develop blisters or itching over the skin and some benefit after a prolonged course. Along with this, Corticosteriods are still used by the medical profession, but this drug cannot be given for a long time, as it has side-effects. The parts most affected by this unfortunate disease are near muco-cutaneous junctions, like the lips, nose, ears, eyes, genital organs and most of the pressure points. In females, who wear tight dresses and bras, this disease appears around the small of the back, the breast and nipple. Friction, as a result of tight shoes, is also responsible.

Causes from homoeopathic view point 1. The most important cause according to my findings and statistics is chronic Amoebic Dysentery and intestinal parasites. The drinking water is so much infected and polluted with the habits of our people and lack of toilet facilities. There are about 50% of patients with a history of dysentery and worms who developed white spots. This is verified by me by having the stools examined. The stools show vegetative or cystic forms of worms, or Giradia Lamblia. Many patients gave a history of typhoid fever treated with Chloromycetine which destroys bowel flora. Jaundice and liver affections are also found responsible for these conditions. 2. Suppressed skin diseases with a lot of external applications as well as powerful internal modern drugs. After a certain amount of time, the patient develops white spots. 3. Though vaccination is not done nowadays, those patients whom I saw had a history of repeated vaccinations plus inoculations particularly in the Army and Navy persons. One such case of an Army Officer's son has been given on page 29. As mentioned before, in this category falls not only Chloromycetine, but other powerful antibiotics which are also responsible for these conditions. 4. Tubercular infection in the patients and more in the parents have been found very much responsible for this disease. This includes pleurisy, tubercular cervical, adenitis and tabes mesenterica. © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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5. Diabetes in the parents or in the patients is also found responsible in these cases. 6. In some cases, shock, anxiety, tension causes changes in the skin. Patients look older and the skin turns white including the hair. Cases have been mentioned in literature where continuous air raids in the last war or shock of firing has turned the skin white overnight or in a few days. 7. A young Christian lady visited me for white spots. There was no history of causation mentioned above. On carefully questioning her, she told me that her husband was at sea and she working here in spite of having two children, and the small amount that she receives giving tuition was not allowed to be retained by here mother-in-law. There was constant friction between them. She burst into tears when she was telling the story. Her deep grief was responsible for this condition. 8. Family history of leucoderma in both or either parents the children inherit the disease. Though many in the medical profession give a green signal for marriage, I have found this should be avoided. 9. Dr Mofti gives cases where a female aged 35 developed vitiligo, when she was pregnant. Her child also developed vitiligo at the age of 6 years. The mother of the patient, that is the child's grandmother also had vitiligo. Case n° 6 - a child 8 years old, the fourth child of a vitiliginous mother, was also affected with the disease. 10. One of my cases, a girl aged 20, had bilateral white patches on both the knees and other parts of the body. Here there was a history of Leucoderma in mother as well as grandmother. 11. Cautery of the skin, particularly the growths on the skin like warts, or moles, are very often responsible for some peculiar skin diseases and this is one of them. A daughter of a friend of mine developed extensive white patches all over the body after her warts were injected and removed by a physician. After suppression of skin diseases or removal of the warts by cutting or cautery.

Thuja will be found very helpful. I have used this remedy in persons who have been repeatedly vaccinated, who have nightmares and the skin over the vaccination marks has turned white. 12. Miasmatic Conditions From among the three miasms like the Tridosh Theory of Ayurveda, psora is very much responsible for this condition, particularly in cases where chronic eczema, scabies, ringworm have been merely driven inside or cleared as a result of the application of ointments. In such cases, our great antipsoric remedy Sulphur can be thought of. For psychotic conditions, I have already mentioned Thuja. For the third miasmatic condition, which is Syphilis, where there are bilateral patches on the skin, particularly when the patient is worst at night and has stomatitis, Mercury preparations and preferably Leuticum will be found helpful. In my small series of cases, I found tuberculosis and diabetes in the family, responsible for these conditions. In those cases, where I obtained the history of tuberculosis in the family and the patient was constantly suffering from colds, cough etc. Bacillinum and Tuberculinum were found very helpful. 13. Late Prof. Subodh Mehta, homoeopathic physician, experimented with some 250 patients who were under his treatment for Leucoderma. Besides the usual medicines being given, routine blood examinations as well as blood group and serum sodium, potassium and inorganic phosphorus levels were estimated. It was observed that there were certain points where the ratio between sodium and potassium is low, high and very high. He classified them into 4 groups: (i) Hormonal (ii) Hereditary (iii) Acquired and (iv) Idiopathic (i) Hormonal: In this category the large number of cases had low sodium potassium range (15-20) and sodium phosphorus range (80-125) ratios. The homoeopathic drug of choice as per the symptoms for this case was found by him to be Sepia followed by Thuja and Silicea depending on the history of repeated vaccines and diseases. (ii) Hereditary: Some 50% of cases gave history of this disease in their families. The majority had low sodium potassium ration range 15-30 with higher sodium and phosphorus ratio (125-150). When in the history the cases indicated night aggravation of bone pains or salivation of mouth during sleep, Syphilinum CM was generally administered before Thuja or Silicea. The result was satisfactory. However, depending on the symptoms, individual cases were given Tuberculinum 1M or Calcarea Carb. as an inter-current remedy. (iii) Acquired: Here there was no family history of Leucoderma, but the patient had suffered from diseases of gastro-intestinal tract such as amoebic or bacillary dysentery, gastro-enteritis, enteric fever and were treated with chemotherapeutic drugs and antibiotics. Probably as a result of these powerful drugs, the intestinal mucosa is affected which causes tyrosin deficiency leading to disturbed melanin formation. The remedies of choice for these cases were Nux Vomica, Bacillinum, Chelidonium or Phosphorus. Thereafter constitutional remedies such as Kali Sulph, Cal. Carb or Cal. Phos or Nat. Sulph were given. (iv) Idiopathic: These cases would not come in all the above categories. In the course of above studies an interesting © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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observation was made that the majority of cases suffering from Leucoderma belong to blood group O (4) RH + compared to a few of A (2) RH + while A group was an exception. Unfortunately, Dr Subodh Mehta Centre or Research minded homoeopaths have not done any further research from this view point. 14. A paper on vitiligo and albinism published in the Indian Journal of Medical Science 27-86, 1973 by Dr J.C. Shroff, retired Professor of Dermatology, Sir J.J. Hospital, and others, gave some interesting information. It is stated that a relationship had been found to exist between vitiligo and several presumably auto immune disorders, i.e. pernicious anaemia thyroid diseases and diabetes mellitus. It is reported that vitiligo is associated with certain organ specific auto immune conditions. 15. (i) Dr P.S. Kumta of Pune is of the opinion that fundamental factors influencing formation and subsequent behaviour or melanin pigment are a total body mechanism. Many factors, i.e. humoral, inflammatory, nutritional, enzymatic, genetic, infectious, tropho-neurotic, immunological etc. have been incriminated as etiological agents. Genetic predisposition is recognised. Certain number of vitiligo patients do give a family history of the disease. (ii) A neurogenic factor is involved. There is some evidence to suggest that the loss of pigment could be attributed to the failure of neural or neurochemical control of melanocytes, resulting from damage to nerve fibres. (iii) Vitamin B Complex: It is established the nutritional factors affect the process of pigmentation. In this respect dietary proteins, vitamins and certain metals should not be lost sight of. 16. According to Vidya, Journal of Gujarat University B-Science of August 1975, the reasons for this de-pigmentation are unknown. Many factors e.g. genetic, dietary, auto-immune bodies, vitamin deficiency, neuro-endocrine mechanisms, neuro-dermatosis and inhibition of some intra-cellular enzymatic process have been suggested. Ingram and Brain, 1957, Lerner 1959, Sulzberger et al., 1965. Bor et al, 1969, Ochi et al 1969. According to Siddick (1962) heredity seems to play a positive role and Fitzpatrick (1965) believes it to be inherited as an irregular dominant trait. Biochemistry and Endocrinology Melanin formation depends on the status of the enzyme tyrosinase. Since optimum body levels of vitamins is a prerequisite for tyrosinase activity (Breathnach 1971), Leucoderma is often associated with the deficiency of the vitamins (Sieve, as cited by Sulzbe ger et al. 1965). Gonadal, adrenal, thyroidal as well as pituitary disfunctions have been associated with skin de-pigmentation (Rober 1951, Lerner 1959), specific antigens in the saliva of vitiligo patients. Among the minerals, copper has the highest catalytic activity on tyrosianase (Fleshch and Rothman 1948). It is 70 times more active than manganous and 100 times more active than ferrous ions (Scanlon 1969). The tyrosinase enzyme molecule itself contains 0.2% copper and is synthesised in the ribosomal fraction of the melanocyles. Ghoshal (1959) has reported significantly high levels of serum ceruloplasmin (the form in which 90% of copper occurs in blood) in Leucoderma patients. Our studies on the blood metabolites of normal and Leucoderma patients have shown that both copper and ceruloplasmin levels are low in vitiligo patients. (V.C. Shah, N.J. Chinoy, M.V. Mojamdar and K.S. Sharma, Zoology Department, School of Sciences, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad- 380009). Diet This plays an important part and certain foods are considered responsible for this disease. Modern people eat too much and it is a fashion to eat out, they don't know what they eat under various fancy names. Flesh of unhealthy animals, particularly the flesh of pigs such as ham, bacon, pork should be avoided by these patients. This animal harbours a lot of parasites and eggs which are in the form of cysts. After eating the cyst wall is digested and the tiny worms are released in the intestines, to do havoc in human beings. Ayurvedic physicians strongly recommend avoiding contrary diet. For example, milk with oily food or curds with sour dishes and radish. Milk and curds with flesh and fish is also to be avoided. Fruit, milk and meat together, is contrary food. Green and red radish, beet roots, carrots, plumes, spinach, black currents and black dates are very good as diet. Bran should not be removed from the wheat flour. According to Dr Mufti, psoralens may be the components of normal diet as they are present in such plants as celery, figs, parsley, carrots, caraway, anise, citrus fruits etc. They may also play a role in the physiology and biochemistry of normal human skin. As such, the food will play an important part in the cure of this disease. Avoid drinking outside water, boil your water and filter it, milk and milk products are to be avoided. Instead of sugar jaggery preferably black can be taken. Please take wheat chapati and avoid white bread, add bran to the wheat flour as much as possible. Pan and tobacco are to be avoided. Various Opinions of Homoeopathic Physicians 1. Dr S.P. Koppikar, the famous homoeopath from Madras, states that best results are obtained by him with Acid Nit. 200 © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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and 1M. Sepia up to 10M is also helpful when indicated. Nylon 30 and 200 has also helped him. He has suggested that oil of Bavchi or the Mother Tincture should be added to plane Vaseline in very small proportion and to apply externally on the skin might bring some colour. He has also suggested besides Nylon, Rastinon, but I have not used both the remedies so far. 2. Dr R.P. Patel, past Principal of Kottayam Homoeopathic College and an ingenious research worker, has suggested the following line of treatment: (i) Syphilinum 200, 1M single dose every 15 days if syphilitic miasm is there and mucus membrane - lips, genitalia is affected or patches are on bones. (ii) Medorrhinum 200, 1M on history of Psychotic Miasm and too much vaccination and if patches are on muscular parts. (iii) Sepia 3, mostly in children and women. Patches on face, lips and scalp. (iv) Lyco 3, 6, 30 in patients who have liver complaints due to chronic dysentery, alcohol, hepatitis or jaundice. (v) Ars. Iodide 3, for those children and women who have TB history or hereditary TB. (vi) Hydrocotyle 1, 3, 10M in cases of suppressed skin troubles and history of Lupus, Filaria. (vii) Bacillinum 1M, helps in many cases who had asthma, tuberculosis, skin trouble - ringworm in the past. Extensive patches take years. Bilateral type takes longer. Those which are itching type require Nat. Mur 3. Sulphur brings back white spots which were healed. So beware of it. (viii) Rastinon: Cases depend on liver problems. (ix) Radium Bromide: In case of radiation exposures followed by white spots. Dr Curie proved it by placing on abdomen radium dust. 3. Dr R.S. Pareek of Agra suggests as follows: (i) Cuprum Aceticum 6: Copper being the chief source to produce melanin and have produced different kinds of skin lesions in poisoning, specially various forms of discoloration. (ii) Cobaltum Nitricum: In industrial workers handling cobalt, they have faced with the problem of discoloration of the skin usually having hypopigmentary patches. This remedy in lower dilution has helped to devlop re-pigmentation in the victimes. (iii) Cantharis-V: This is a supreme remedy giving maximum benefit. My uncle, a great Hahnemannian homoeopath, Dr Ganpati Roy, who accomplished dramatic cures in the disease, disclosed me as a specific for vitilago. He supported his reason by saying that in burns, the skin loses its pigments and Cantharis being a great burn remedy, restores it back. Guided by his explanation and 50 years experience with the patients we have been using this drug very often with very good results. With every case of course, we try to push a dose of constitutional remedy which certainly helps the treatment. Our results in the treatment of Vitilago are to the tune of 25% total recovery. 4. Dr P.S. Krishnamurthy of Hyderabad has written an article on amoebiasis which was published in the British Homoeopathic Journal, 1966. He is of the opinion that amoebiasis does a lot of harm and causes white patches on the skin. He has mentioned miasmatic theory in support of the same. He states that along with this miasm, tuberculosis, filariasis and amoebiasis in tropical countries come under that group. He states when these patients become debilitated by stress and strain or by some acute infection, the dormant dysenteric miasm will take the upper hand like psora and invade the organism. He mentions Mercury as a principal remedy. Along with this, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Bryonia, Rhus Tox, Colchicum and Dulcamara are included. Recently a Cuban cure for Leucoderma was advised in the press. This is a placenta extract. It is in the form of a lotion to be applied on white patches thrice daily with a 15 minutes exposure to ultra violet-rays once a day. It is also available in the form of injections. I tried to get a homoeopathic potency to try on patients but could not. This requires further research. The trade name is Melagenina. 5. Professor Ranjit K. Panja of Medical College, Calcutta, has published a paper on 'Etiology of Vitiligo'. The precise cause of vitiligo remains an enigma. Studies on the etiopathogenesis of the disease through clinical genetic, physiological, biochemical, histological, immunological and experimental methods, especially during the last three decades, document isolated but significant facts on the various patho-physiological aberrations. Genetic concept of vitiligo evolves from positive family histories in 7.5-21% in India and 33-38% in Western countries and occurrence in mono-zygotic twins. The disease is thought to be transmitted through an autosomal dominant gene. Various sorts of gastro-intestinal ailments with or without parasitic infestations are by far the commonest associations of vitiligo in Indian patients. Trauma induces vitiligo, as has been reported after severe sunburn, onset at sites of rubbing and vaccination, sari and dhoti © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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injuries at the waist and gingivitis, herpes simplex, drug rash and heavy smoking predisposing vitiligo of the lips. All mysterious diseases have been linked with auto-immunity and it has indeed been so in vitiligo due to circumstantial association of other auto-immune diseases with demonstrable organ specific antibodies, viz. Addison's disease, hypo and hyper-thyroidism pernicious anaemia, as also diabetes mellitus. The tyrosinase system remaining normal, it may be quite probable that melanin production from tyrosine in vitiligo patients is blocked at the quinone system due to a hypoxic state and the semiquinone system may be the modus operandi. 6. Dr Govind Agrawal, M.B. B.S.

Assistant Surgeon Medical Officer, Police Hospital Vidisha (M.P. ) He is also doing research on Leucoderma with homoeopathic remedies. His patients are all from village side and he is able to take pictures at various stages of cure. He has given me 4 cases which are published in this book. In all, he has treated 154 cases in 10 years. Diagnosis is on clinical grounds only. He states all patients were given: Ferrum Phos 30, Lyco 200 and Arsenic sulf-flavum 30 in common with hydrocotyle Q or Psoralia Q or Piper methysticum Q in common. In addition to this, Nat Mur, Nux Vomica, Cina, Acid Nit., Argentum Nit., Cal-phos, Pulsatilla, Silica (its chronic Silicea) as well as Merc. Sol. and Tuberculinum have been used as inter-current medicines. Potencies: 30, 200, 1M were used. According to him, about 50 per cent cure is obtained in those who take treatment for one to three years. He states that this disease belongs to tubercular group of miasm because Tuberculinum as inter-current remedy gives a good result.

Natrum mur pons asinorum of homoeopathy Dr p.m. rahmany, m.b. b. s

Natrium muriaticum Leucoderma is the effect of excess of crude salt being taken. The physiological action, the dynamic action and the chain of chemical actions between the two must be known to understand Leucoderma. The types of Nat. Mur. we have come in contact, are the various forms of same chemical having variant action on the tissues of the body, i.e. life of cells of the body. 1. Nat mur: Crude not refined containing other salts of magnesium etc. 2. Nat mur: Crude refined (table salt). 3. Nat mur: Biochemic. 4. Nat mur: Homoeopathic. 5. Nat mur: Zodiac sign, with governing salt effect. 6. Nat mur: Cosmic. 7. The sister salt: Nat. Carb. Physiologists opine that Nat. Mur. is no medicine. One takes salt as food ingredient or as it is natural content of food. But civilised men ingest crude salt in large amounts with any and everything. Nat. Mur in presence of water hydrolyses into Caustic (NaoH). To neutralise this, lactic acid by normal cell anaerobic respiration is released but this is in very less quantity, thus caustic burns the melanin producing cells of epidermis, and the skin is devoid of normal colour.


Leucoderma Vaidyaratna Dr Chandrasekhar G. Thakkur: Vitiligo or 'Shweta Kustha' is most misunderstood as far as Ayurvedic © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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scientific treaties are concerned. Popularly called 'Safed Dagh' or Leucoderma is never mentioned in Ayurveda as 'Kusutha' or Leprosy. Far from it, in Ayurveda 18 types of Maha Kushta (Leprosy) are mentioned. The panicky fear is th due to the word 'Kodha'. In fact for white patches, which is a pigmentary disfigurement. Ayurveda is upveda or 5 veda. Branch of Atharva Veda which dates back to 1500 BC or more. In Atharva veda Swetha Kushta is referred. Later on, Charak in general and Sushruta in special referred to this in detail and use of BVACHI-Ens Purple Flenbane - or (Psoralea Corylifolia) is mentioned. The Bavchi is used externally as well as internally both. Col. Chopra and Dr Basu used and have the opinion as follows: "So far as is known P. Corylifolia is the only drug which has a duel action on both Roagets cell and the melanoblastic cell of the skin. In Leucoderma ....M. Cell.... and their stimulation by Bavchi oil leads them to form and exceed the pigment which gradually diffuses into the discoloured areas" - says Chopra. Where Dr Basu says, "The oil of Bavchi changes white skin, grey hair, discoloured skin to normal colour within 3 months and this is well tried and prescribed. I have since 40 years of my medical practice tried combination of Bavachi. Chaulmogra and Tuwaraka oil, for application and orally I prescribe Ayurvedic blood purifies, and especially 'Arogyavardhini' which contains Tamra Bhasma (purified copper oxide) in very small trace of one quarter to one half grain and also contained Triphala and other herbs. My late Guru has explained to me that Arogyavardhini, which is mainly known as a liver tonic and used in jaundice, constipation, obesity, general anasarca, is also useful in Swetha Kustha, Leucoderma or vitiligo and credit goes to ingredients Tamra bhasma, mica, loha triphala and kadu. Since then I started collection on Tamra (copper) in ayurvedic literature. In authentic work like Rasa Tarangini I found. "Tamram Drepananam Liffamans Krimimarns Kustha Gomaya Dhawan Sanam," ie Tamra is very good for digestive rejuvenation and excellent vermifuge (worms) and in Rakta vikruti (vition of blood), and kustha ... and then pool of praises we find for use of Tamra. I have tried this Arogyavardini or alone Tamra bhasma in patient with Leucoderma and I strongly advocate research in this direction. All krimshar (Krumi=worms+Hara=destroyer) work well in Leucoderma. A nation must be removed. Many a physician asks the patient to avoid salt in total. This is not necessary, only too spicy, deep fried, too sweets should be cut down or used rarely. No strong dietary regimen is necessary. Many vaidyas use Gandhak rasayan (purified sulphur product) which is used for blood disorders. There dietary restrictions become necessary and alone purified sulphur is to be used with great care. Whereas Arogyavardhini - containing Tamra is completely safe, non-toxic and free from side-effects.

My findings Thuja occidentalis The readers will find this remedy being given very often by me at the beginning of the case. My reason was symptoms of Thuja are present, specially in children and modern patients who have taken a number of vaccinations and inoculations. (Army and Navy personnel). Children are given Polio Triple BCG and MMR inoculations, and a number of modern drugs. I am of the opinion that Thuja works as an antidote to all these things, and clears the sycotic background. Not only children, but adults have dreams of falling, startling in sleep, have warts on the face or on the body, with loss of appetite, are dull since those inoculations were given and I find after three doses of Thuja 200, the patient's general condition improves. Now is the time to give the indicated remedy which starts working well. My second reason for giving this remedy in cases of history of tuberculosis or respiratory diseases in the patients is according to Dr Burnett in his book on "Tumours" on page 315 he states Bacillinum will not act very well unless Thuja is given first. Vaccinosis evidently comes in the way, very much the same as Hahnemann mentions regarding psora and the use of Sulphur as an inter-current remedy.

Sulphur The second important remedy, or shall we say the first in cases where there are no symptoms of Thuja, this remedy is the most important and greatest anti psoric. It will also cure along with psora where there are suppressed sycotic and syphilitic miasmatic symptoms. If there is a history of suppression of skin diseases or any other suppression in this modern world, like suppressed diarrhoea, dysentery, jaundice. Typhoid fever and in tropics many other fevers, this © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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remedy will help, but the most important thing is this, that Sulphur symptoms should be present like heat in the palms, soles, eyes, anus, vulva, vagina and on the top of the head. Generally, he or she is a hot patient but could be chilly. Irritability and obstinacy is also noted. Books describe Sulphur as a ragged philosopher, but that is not found in all cases. Due to poverty and lack of toilet facilities, he many not take a bath and look dirty, but even in clean patients the remedy can be given if other symptoms are present. You may start from 30 to 200 and can go up to CM gradually and repeat the remedy as long as the patient feels better or spots are decreasing and if general symptoms are improving. The remedy can be stopped if there is an aggravation. Rarely, it requires an antidote. I have found Pulsatilla very useful for the same. Potentised Sulphur is a gift to us from Hahnemann, but it should be used very carefully.

Bacillinum burnett The third most important remedy is Bacillinum or Tuberculinum in my cases. Many a time you get symptoms of this remedy. The patients suffer from chronic cold, cough and occasional history of haemoptysis is available. He has loss of weight, loss of appetite, flat-chested young boys or girls, prominent ribs and prominent clavicles. We get history of asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis and even TB in patients. More often there is a family history of TB or pleurisy. As we question the patients repeatedly for past skin diseases when we want to prescribe Sulphur, in the same way, question the patients carefully and repeatedly for past chest disease. There are many patients who are not clear or educated enough to tell us about their parents, particularly about pleurisy. I have often found that they state when we ask them if the fluid in the chest was removed, the reply is in the affirmative, but for TB not. So try to get the symptoms in a tactful manner. If parents are available, ask them whether they had any chest trouble and if a lot of injections are given to them or to the child, we can draw our conclusions about the disease. Here too, Bacillinum will work well if it is TB of the lung, but Tuberculinum Bovinum or Drosera will work better if there is a history of glandular or bony tuberculosis. My first case Baby V.G. had bone TB and recovered one hundred per cent after Tub Bov. and Drosera were prescrbed.

Sepia officinalis The symptoms of this remedy are found in a good deal of patients particularly in females. Besides the usual white discoloration, these patients have irregular menses either early or late, scanty and painful menses in young girls. Leucorrhoea, prurites, dysparunia and frigidity is noted. Most of the patients complain of hypermesis (morning sickness) along with motion sickness, nausea, vomiting or headache travelling in a car or bus. Swing, merry-go-round and giant wheel also upsets the patients. These patients are not social, they prefer to be alone. This remedy definitely helps to remove the above symptoms and white spots become pink or darker, but are not able to cure completely with this remedy alone, as it requires complementary remedy Nat Mur.

Nux vomica This remedy is required initially when the patients come after having a number of strong modern drugs. It probably acts as an antidote to clean the background. This remedy helps the patient to get over the ineffectual urge for stools and his digestion improves. He is able to eat well, sleep well. He is better on the whole but it has no effect on white spots.

Mercurius solubilis This remedy is indicated in many cases with a history of dysentery with mucus and blood, jaundice with liver enlargement. These patients are worse at night with salivation and have a syphilitic miasm. They perspire in bed and do not tolerate too hot or too cold a climate.

Nitricum acidum I have used this remedy in cases where white spots are found at the muco-cutaneous junction. More at the angle of the mouth, eyes, nose, nipples, glans penis, vulva etc. Along with it, there may be fissure at the same spot. In some of the © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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patients along wit this there is a desire for eating chalk, pencils, etc., particularly in children. This remedy, like Sepia, removes the symptoms but spots do not disappear completely.

Graphites Besides the above remedy, occasionally, Graphites and Calc. Carb. come in the picture. Both are obese patients but their characteristic and symptoms are different. When there is a history of suppressed itch, Graphites will be found useful. Calc. Carb. will be very often found suitable for females with irregular menses.

Arsenicum sulphuratum flavum Many of our friends have told me that they are disappointed by prescribing this remedy. The real cause is this; that they are merely prescribing on the name of the disease. This is the most abused remedy because I find that the prescription from foreign countries also for this disease is the same. Very few books have given the characteristic symptoms of this remedy. As such, I was on the look-out for some positive literature, and I found to my pleasant surprise the detailed description of this remedy in Kent's Lesser Writing. Briefly, they are as under: If you find either mental, general or sexual symptoms along with the white spots, as mentioned below, the patient will definitely get well.

Mind Patient is very irritable, quarrelsome, very sensitive and touchy. Fear at night of dark, of evil and ghosts. Fear of cloud also. Suspicious of his friends and family. Weeping at night and occasionally weeps during sleep.

Digestive symptoms Ravenous appetite with easy satiety, aversion to fat food, meat and stimulant. Very thirsty. Milk upsets the stomach. Desires warm things, constipation alternating with diarrhoea.

Urine Dribbling, painful, difficult and at times involuntary at night. Must hurry up or urine escapes.

Sex Stitches in glans penis and scrotum. Perspiration genitalia. Ulcers prepuce. Itching of vulva. Leucorrhoea excoriating, menses copious and too frequent.

Extremities Cold hands and feet, cramps, calf muscles and soles, pain in the limbs after midnight.

Sleep Deep, dreams amorous, anxious of death and of the dead. Wide awake 3 am and start to sleep after.

Skin Marked coldness of the skin of the body. Discoloration of skin. Blotches blue, liver spots and white spots. Eruptions itching moist modular urticaria. Purpura haemorrhagia.

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Modalities Worst before midnight or after midnight. Scratching worst, drafts of cold air. Better warmth of bed. He is a chilly patient. I have totally treated about 200 cases from 1974 to 1988 Male 40% Female 60% Out of this, 50% of cases dropped out after first or second consultation. Now out of remaining 100 cases, further 25 discontinued the treatment as they had extensive lesions. Now the remaining 75 were treated for a longer period and a good deal of improvement was seen in 25 cases with a complete cure in 10 to 12 patients (case histories are given). The remaining 50 patients have shown improvement to a good deal. They are still continuing the treatment. The following table shows the past and family history of cases (in number): 1

PAST HISTORY Intestinal diseases including dysentery (amoebic), jaundice, typhoid and different types of worms


Vaccination and inoculation



Suppressed skin diseases









Family History 1










Suppressed skin diseases


Remedies that helped the patients to get well: Tuberculinum or Tuberculinum Bovinum Bacillinum








Merc Sol.


Acid Nitric


References 1. Vitiligo and Psoralens by A.M. Elel Mofty 2. Medicinal Plants of India and Pakistan by J.F. Dastur 3. Everybody's Guide to Ayurvedic Medicine by J.F. Dastur 4. Drugs of Hindusthan by Sarat Chandra Ghosh, III Edition 5. Transections of International Homoeopathic Congress 1967/Leucoderma by Professor S.M. Mehta 6. Diseases of the Skin by Frederiek M. Dearborn 7. Disc/Electropheretic Studies of Serum Proteins in Vitiligo and Albinism by Dr J.C. Shroff and others 8. Vidya, Journal of Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, August 1975 - Bio-Chemistry and Endocrinology of Melanin Formation 9. Etiology of Vitiligo by Professor Ranjit K. Panja © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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Clinical cases

Leucoderma Case n° 1 Name: Baby Vandana. Age 9 years 1. Patient had white patches on feet, legs, back and left eye. Ayurvedic treatment at Wardha and Delhi tried, Psoralin and Cortison also taken. One skin specialist Dr M. injected on the spots. 2. Past History: Dysentery, bone tuberculosis, measles, chicken pox, vaccination once. BCG polio and triple taken. 3. Family History: Paternal aunt tuberculosis. Paternal grandmother also TB. 4. Appetite, thirst, stool, urine normal. 5. The stool examination shows giradia, lamblia and cysts of ent. histoyltica. X-ray of the heels shows ostteomyelitis of calcaneous bone, Isonex given. Patient has passed thread worms and round worms. This child is studying in a boarding school where repeated inoculations are given. 06.05.83 Thuja 10M (3) 13.06.83 Frequent cold Bacillinum (3) 30.08.83 Spots same bacillinum 200 (3) 01.10.83 Patient feels better bacillinum 1M (3) 25.11.83 Better, spots fading SL 05.12.83 Still better Most of the spots have gone Only one on left ankle Weight improved Drosera 1M (3) This remedy was given up to CM with excellent results. 24.08.85 I saw her again a little worse, spot on the foot same, but one more spot on the left eye appeared as she applied some ointment and she was given TABC in the school Thuja 10M (3) 21.09.85 Now better, spot fading Tub. Bov. 1M (3) 08.11.85 Spot on eye disappeared only faint spot on ankle Tub. Bov. 1M (3) This remedy was continued till 10M with excellent results. Her weight has improved, appetite better, no cold or cough and she is enjoying excellent health. The cause behind was bone TB and TB in the family also.

Case n° 2 Master C.A. Age 6 years. C/o Lt. Col. 1. The patient as brought by his father with small white patches on the face, near the knees, elbows, left upper eyelid and groin. Psoralin was given one year back for four months. His father is a medical man and a Lt. Col. in the army. 2. Past History: Measles, pneumonia, antibiotics given which gave severe diarrhoea and dehydration. Polio Tripple, Booster BCG and vaccination given. © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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3. Grinds his teeth and talks in sleep. 4. Appetite poor, thirst normal, stool-urine normal. 5. Dreams of falling from bed. 6. Family History: Mother developed Leucoderma during pregnancy, also boils. 7. The child is average in study. 08.11.86 As there was history of vaccination, repeated inoculation and drugs Thuja 1M (6) 24.12.86 Slight reduction of white patches on face and no new patches. Grinds teeth Thuja 10M (6) 19.02.87 Letter dated 31.01.87 Doctor stated that his son is much better, spots on the knee and face have disappeared, except one in the groin. N.P. 6x 07.03.87 Father has come here from Pune. Only one spot left, all have disappeared. Medicine continued N.P. 6x 13.06.87 Letter states better. Only one spot perspiration ++ Silicea 200 (6) 06.10.87 Letter dated 29.9.87. Patient better, no teeth grinding, no dreams of falling, only one tiny spot left. Thuja 50M (3) Here the cause was vaccinosis plus drugs. As such, the remedy worked well.

Case n° 3 Miss Suraliwalla. Age 35 years 1. Patient has white spots on the wrist since 5 months. It is exactly like a strap of a wrist watch. It was diagnosed as Henson by one skin specialist and 150 tablets were taken for the same disease. She has also spots on lip and left nipple and left ankle. 2. Past History: Frequent colds. 3. Family History: Grandmother - pleurisy, Mother - bronchitis. 4. Patient has eczema on both feet. Ointment applied. 5. Burning over the whole body. 6. Menses early, every 15 days, flow+ 7. Stool, urine, appetite, thirst normal. 8. Patient is emaciated, weight 32 kg and has feverish feeling. 9. Very chilly with frequent colds and coughs. As diagnosis was doubtful for me, I referred the patient to one Dr Antia, who is doing research work for the same. A skin biopsy was done and he wrote to me that the patient was not suffering from leprosy and those drugs should be stopped. This was a case of Leucoderma. 22.08.84 As the patient had cold and cough with low fever, I prescribed Bacillinum 30 (3) 19.09.84 Slightly better Bacillinum 200 (3) 03.11.84 Better but cough and cold continued Bacillinum 200 (3) © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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07.11.84 Slight change in skin colour. Cough better still feverish feeling Bacillinum 200 (3) 30.01.85 Cough, cold, fever, everything better. Patient feels hot and itch on both feet Sulphur 200 (3) 13.02.85 Still feet hot, itching continued Sulphur 1M (3) 13.03.85 Feels slightly better. Menses again heavy and early Sulphur 10M (3) 05.03.86 Now the patient has started improving. She feels better. No feverish feeling, black spots appeared on the the wrist. Occasional cold and cough Bacillinum 10M (3) 02.04.86 Again feverish feeling, cough and cold Bacillinum 10M 03.06.87 Now patient comes occasionally. Weight 37.5 kg. Looks much better but she has chronic cough Bacillinum 50M 14.10.87 Skin better, particularly on the the wrist. Tiny spot on the axilla, complains of itch on the the face Sulphur 1 cm (3) (Patients photos given before and after, N° 2).

Case n° 4 Miss V.M. . Age 14 years. C/o Research Officer, NRC Ltd, Mohana, Kalyan 1. Patient has white spots since 5 years under both lower eyelids Also under both eyebrows, also on the left cheek bone and one spot on the left leg. Allopathic and Ayurvedic treatment taken. 2. Menses delayed. L.M. P. 27.11.81. Weight 45 kg. 3. Past History: Primary complex Isonex + Streptomycin injections taken. Dysentery vaccination 3 times. Tripple Polio, BCG given. 4. Family History: Maternal grandfather - hypertension and eczema, maternal grand-aunt - Leucoderma. 5. Appetite, thirst, urine normal. 6. Hot patient. 7. Cool temper, but occasionally irritable. 13.11.81 On the basis of repeated inoculations and drugs Thuja 1M (3) 12.12.81 Very slightly better S.L. 09.01.82 White spots slightly better below eyelids. Menses overdue. Patient feels weak. Silicea 200 (3) © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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27.03.82 Spots better now, menses normal S.L. 24.04.82 Better, weight 47 kg. Spot fading but one on chest bone more prominent. Bacillinum 200 (3) 26.06.82 Still better. Spots on eyes disappearing. Bacillinum 1M (3) This remedy was continued at interval till CM was given. All spots have disappeared when I saw her on 12.05.84. Weight 52 kg (increased by 7 kg). Bacillinum was prescribed on the history of primary complex in the patient.

Case n° 5 Miss A.B. C. Age 14 years 1. Patient had Leucoderma patches on eyelids, both legs, knees, ankles, back, one near anus also below the navel, lips, since four years. 2. Past History: Dysentery, worms, ringworm. 3. Family History: Mother - arthritis, maternal uncle - Leucoderma 4. Patient feels sick while travelling in a bus, swing etc. 5. Frequent headaches, menses normal 6. Very irritable, nervous, sod, fastidious. 7. Sleep disturbed, funny dreams. 8. Skin dry in winter, summer pimples. 9. Appetite normal, thirst more. 10. Stool and urine normal. 11.05.82 Sepia 200 (3) 03.06.82 Same Sepia 1M (3) 27.07.82 Same Ars Sulfa Flava 3x 31.10.82 Spots are darker. Ringworms appeared again. Patient feels very hot Sulphur 200 (3) 30.11.82 Patient feels better. This remedy was continued up to CM 3 doses once a month. Over which patient feels better Sulphur 1M 17.03.83 Spots on left eyelid disappeared. White spots on legs better. She Is very irritable and tense. Ars Sulph Flava (30) 24.04.83 Still better, one round worm passed. Remedy continued. 16.06.83 Spots fainter but white spots at cutaneous junction of lips same. Sulphur CM (3) 31.07.83 Very much better, all spots from the face disappeared. Only few white spots here and there and a few grey hairs. S.L. 23.12.83 Patient had her period for the first time. Slight pain discomfort. MP 6x 10.05.84 Patient goes to Nepal for a © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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change, fear of car sickness. Cocculus 30 18.10.84 Better, but patches on knees, ankles, back still persist Sulphur CM (3) 14.03.85 Patches are fainter, face better but thin white line on the upper lip. Sulphur CM (3) 11.07.85 Patient's mother had accompanied her for the first time. On careful inquiry about her past illness, I found that this girl had primary complex as a child which was not told so far. This was obstruction to recovery. Hence bacillinum 200 (3) 10.10.85 No change so far. Tub. Bov. 1M (3) 19.12.85 Very much better. All white spots on back and face completely disappeared. Tub. Bov. 1M (3) 16.01.86 Same S.L. 16.02.86 Better S.L. 30.03.86 Spots better but mentally very irritable and tense. Tub. Bov. 1M (3) 17.04.86 Better, still irritable Ars. Sulfa Flava 200 1 week 16.11.86 Spots are better, still occasionally irritable, tense, depressed and angry. Tub. Bov. 10M (3) IN the year 1987, the patient on the whole was very much better, small spots on ankle and knees still persist. The same remedy is repeated every three months, with very good results. 22.08.88 She is practically a normal girl studying in the college, less irritable than before, periods regular. Tiny spots are still present on the knee and ankles. Tub. Bov. 10M (3) Initially, Sulphur was given as a constitutional remedy, for suppression of dysentery and ringworm. After having known that she has primary complex, Tuberculinum completely cleared the case. Her photograph is given before and after. (Photo No. 2).

Case n° 6 Miss Alvaris Shirley. Age 8.1/2 years. Sitaladevi Temple Road, House No. 35 Mahim, Bombay 400016. 1. This child was brought by her mother with white spots on upper and lower extremities, chest and back, for the last nine months. 2. Frequent cold and coughs with sneezing. 3. Past history of tonsillitis, boils on the legs (heat boils). Vaccination four times plus Triple and Polio. 4. Family History: Mother colds, grandfather - bronchitis. 5. Hot patient perspiration ++ 6. Sleep very restless. Shrieking in sleep. (See page 80 Kent's Repertory: Frightful dreams of falling. Talks in sleep. (See page 86 Kent's). Grinding of teeth during sleep (page 432). 7. Patient is worse since last vaccination. 23.06.73 Thuja 10M (3) © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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07.07.73 Same. Still very restless at night and dreams Thuja 50M (3) 08.07.73 Slightly better. Sleeps better S.L. 18.08.73 Sleeps better but frequent cold and cough Bacillinum 10M (3) 01.09.73 All better, spot fading S.L. 06.03.76 Patient suddenly came after 3 years. All spots had disappeared, but some new spots appeared again after re-vaccination. Thuja CM (3) 27.03.76 Spots fading but the patient had a fall and injured her coccyx Hypericum 200 (6) 21.06.76 Spots fading, loose stools, few skin eruptions, feels very hot. Sulphur 200 (3) 25.02.78 Seen again after 2 years. was very much better but had tonsillitis, treated by her family doctor, again restless at night, dreams etc Sulphur 1M (3) 15.04.78 Period on 04.04.78, faint spots still there, sleeps well, feels very hot. Sulphur 10M (3) 16.05.81 Again seen after 3 years. Looks very much better, Grown up. Very few faint Spots on the back. All Old symptoms gone. Same medicine repeated. 27.05.83 Better, only occasional pain in abdomen during menses and loose stools. Sulphur 10M (3) 22.09.87 Suddenly she appeared with a baby. Patient perfectly well. Recently married. S.L. In this case, causation was vaccinosis and suppressed skin disease. As such Thuja initially and Sulphur later on worked very well. Patient is enjoying good health and now I am treating the child for common complaints.

Case n° 7 Baby Riri. Age 2.1/2 years 1. Patient had white spots on the upper lip, forehead and at the angles of the mouth on both sides, since six months. 2. Past History: Cough, cold, skin eruptions and dysentery. 3. Family History: Paternal grandmother - white patches on both the legs, diabetes, blood pressure high. Paternal grandfather - eczema. 4. Hot patient, cannot sleep without A.C. or fan. 5. Patient likes sweets but great desire for eating wall plaster, chalk, mud, rubber, sponge and pencils. 6. Appetite, thirst, stool, urine normal. Stool examination shows Ent. Histolytica, macrophages, RBCs and pus cells. 7. Patient has taken vaccination (small-pox), triple polio and MMR. Sleep is disturbed. 14.07.87 Thuja 200 (6) © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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05.08.87 Same, sleeps better, desire for rubbish same. Same Acid Nitric 200 (3) 02.09.87 Very slightly better, took tobacco powder. It was removed from mouth. Acid Nitric 1M (3) 13.09.87 Better but still eats rubbish. Aci Nitric 10M 14.10.87 Better, spots fading but still eats rubbish. Strong constipation, pain in abdomen Alumina 200 (3) 11.11.87 Better, most spots have faded. Still constipation. No desire for rubbish. Alumina 1M Thuja was initially given for repeated vaccination and inoculation. Later Acid Nitric and finally Alumina completely cured the patient. (Patient's photos before and after given, photo No. 3).

Case n° 8 Mr Malkan H. Age 34 years. 1. Patient has white spots at the centre of the lip, fingers, big toe, glans penis, scrotum, since 1974. Treated with usual medicines till 1978. 2. He has sinusitis. D.N. S. advised surgery. Worst in the summer, nose block headache. Patient chews tobacco. 3. Past History: Dysentery, amoebiasis, worms, mumps and ringworm groins - vaccinations plus inoculations three to four times. 4. Family History: Father - Leucoderma and hypertension. Brother - T.B. 5 Stool not satisfactory, loose, urine normal. 6. Appetite, thirst normal. 7. Hot patient, fearful dreams of falling. 15.12.83 Thuja 1M (3) 16.01.84 Patient feels better, but all same Thuja 10M 10.05.84 Spots same, but patient has developed sever cold and sinusitis Bacillinum 200 (3) This remedy was continued as 1M and 10M with great relief in cold. Sleep is better, no dream. 24.04.86 Patient had developed eczema in past Sulphur 10M (3) 13.08.86 Stool is better, no pain in abdomen, spots on lips fading also glans penis slightly better but scrotum same Tuberculinum 10M (3) 02.12.86 Better, spots less. Cold better, round worm passed Tuberculinum 10M 14.04.87 Better but again cold Tuberculinum 10M repeated till 50M was given. 14.09.87 Patient seen again. White spots very much © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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better even with a little moustache. Glans penis has taken a lot of pink colour, scrotum also better, but still white Tuberculinum CM (3) 28.03.88 Better all round. No cold, no eczema. Spots hardly seen Tuberculinum CM (3) Sulphur was given because of suppressed eczema and Tuberculinum finally helped as there was history of T.B. in the family. Patient has given up eating tobacco.

Case n° 9 by Dr Farida Talati (Nee Solapurwalla) Master Vasim. Age 11 years 1. Patient had small white spots on head, face, lips and the hair was also white. 2. Very slow in everything, does not study. 3. Fear of teacher, urine dribbles out of fear, better after leaving the tuition. 4. Drug allergy after calcium injections. Aversion to milk. 5. Past History: Chicken pox, measles, worms, dysentery. Stools contain cyst of Giradia Lamb. 6. Family History: Mother - arthritis. Grandmother - T.B. 7. Appetite, thirst, stools, urine normal. 8. The following points were considered: (i) Very slow in everything (p. 81 Kent's) (ii) Fear of teachers (p. 47 Kent's) (iii) Aversion to milk (p. 48 Kent's) (iv) Aversion to mental work (p. 95 Kent's) (v) Timidity and shyness (p. 88 Kent's) Sepia was selected as the remedy. It was given from 200 to 10M with a good deal of relief in white spots. Bacillinum was given as an inter-current remedy. (Photographs are given before and after, No. 4)

Case n° 10 Miss Duriya M. Age 11 years. 1. Patient had white spots in front and behind the left ear, as well as near the hole for the nose ring and ear ring. Thick discharge from both. 2. Dry eczema near the right eye and behind the right ear, also cracks. 3. Purulent discharge from right eye and eyes are itching. 4. Frequent cold and cough. Constipation with mucus threads. 5. Startles in sleep, occasional dreams. 6. Past History: Measles vaccination, triple polio B.C. G. 7. Family History: Paternal grandfather -diabetes and also maternal grand-parents, maternal aunt - T.B. , paternal aunt asthma. 8 Thin, lean, intelligent girl, irritable. Graphites was given from 200 up to 50M. The eczema and the skin was better. But the colds persisted. Inter-current Bacillinum was given up to CM with excellent results. The spots have disappeared. (Photos before and after are given, No. 5)

Case n° 11 © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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Mr Bharat N. Age 45 years 1. Leucoderma around lips and face since 2 years. Started with the angle of the mouth with stomatites. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Patient was treated with Psorilin and ultra-violet rays. He had also one white patch on testicle and left leg. Frequent cold and cough with bronchitis, dust allergy. Constipation, urine normal. Past History: Ringworm, eczema suppressed, urticaria vaccination 8 to 10 times. Family History: Paternal grandfather- cancer, prostate, paternal grandmother - skin disease, cousin - T.B. , maternal grandfather - bronchitis. To start with Thuja 1M and 10M were given followed by Sulphur 200 to 50M. Inter-current - Bacillinum 200, 1M and 10M removed all the white spots. (Photos given before and after, No. 6) Name: Baby Thomas. Age 7 years 1. White discoloration, both the lips more in the centre worse upper lip since 1 year. 2. PH/O: Measles, mumps, dysentery vaccinated once+. Inoculations usual including booster doses. 3. FH/O: Maternal grandmother - eczema both feet, grandfather - secondaries liver, great maternal grandmother carcinoma cervix. 4. Prefers moderate climate of south, better warm. 5. Appetite, thirst, stool, urin-N. Dislikes milk, likes sour food, stool exam-N. 6. Nausea riding in a bus or car, worse over mountains. 7. Sleep disturbed by dreams, starting in sleep. 8. Prefers to be alone. 9. Child was seen by me once only. She is in her native place. 09.01.88 This was as an antidote to vaccination and inoculation Thuja 1M (3) 09.02.88 Same - Sepia 30 for two weeks, followed by Sepia 200 10.03.88 Lips colour slightly better Sepia 1M (3) 24.03.88 No further change Sulphur 200 (3) 28.04.88 Spots decreased, auntie goes to Coonoor. This was for the family history of carcinoma Carcinocin S.L. 200 (3) 09.06.88 White spots better, one upper incisor has appeared which was missing for a long time. She has brought a photo which looks better, but car and bus sickness persist Sepia 10M (3) 18.08.88 Later white spots are practically gone, but car sickness there Sepia 50M (3) Cocculus 30 (Photo given before and after, No. 7)

Cases n° 13, 14, 15, 16 (by dr govind agarwal) He has not given me the detailed histories but one or two symptoms and remedies which are as follows: Case N° 13 - 83-86 treatment continued. Desire sweets + remedy Arg. Nit. © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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Case N° 14 - 82-84 cured chilly colds - Calc. Carb. Case N° 15 - 83-85 tenesmus before stool better after Nux Vom. Case N° 16 - 85-87 cured boring nose. Potency not given. He states all were given Ars. Sul. Flava and hydrocotyle Q.

WADIA S. R., Tonsillites Cured by Homeopathy (wda4) WADIA S. R.

Foreword A busy Homeopath is approached everyday by anxious parents, who have been advised by their doctors to have the tonsils of their children operated at the earliest. Even doctor parents are not exception to this rule. This means an average human being still prefers their children to get well without restoring to surgery. Homeopaths treat on constitutional lines and this is the answer to this vexed question whether to have or not to have an operation. This will not only cure the tonsils but will help the small patients to get well on the whole i.e. they will get rid of their frequent colds, coughs, sneezing, difficult breathing and innumerable other complaints which are attributed to Tonsils and Adenoids. S.R. W. Bombay, April, 1979.

Tonsillites cured by homeopathy Tonsils are lymphatic tissues provided at the entrance of the throat like a gatekeeper to ward off any infection that enters through the mouth. When it does so, The same is checked at the level of the tonsils, and not allowed to go further to vital organs like lungs, as a result thereof, tonsils are infected, inflamed and enlarged with enlarged glands in the neck. Very often, along with the tonsils, adenoids also get inflamed and block the nostrils, causing difficulty in breathing. Many doctors see a danger in them, and advise removal of tonsils and adenoids immediately. Now, what is the result of the same ? Very often, after removal, the breathing becomes much easier, throat less painful and the child or an adult who was having frequent colds and coughs fells much better. But to the utter disappointment of the parents in case of the child or in adults, colds come back, sore throat and cough is common and at the times later on the child develops Asthma.

Approaching a homeopathic doctor At this stage, the parents consult a Homeopathic doctor. I counter question them that if the tonsils were the cause of the trouble, now what is to be removed next, as the complaints persist. Actually speaking, itis not the tonsils at fault but the cause is somewhere in the constitution of the patient and Homeopathy treats the constitutional difficulty with the simplest possible medicine and helps patients to get well.

Tonsils removal trend So many authorities have cautioned against removal of tonsils and at times I find that modern surgeons are against removal. This change of attitude is appreciated. When innocent children are taken to hospital, it looks as if lambs are taken to a slaughterhouse. After the operation, these children develop a mortal fear and start crying immediately they see a doctor. The fear of going to the doctor is so great © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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even for minor ailment, that they start wetting the bed or get up frightened at night very often ; while the patients of a homeopathic doctor are very friendly, and a cheerful lot too.

Deafness from enlarged tonsils the deafness from enlarged tonsils is often due not only to the obstruction of enlarged tonsils, but to the quality of the lining membrane of the Eustachain tubes, and adenoids in the naso-pharynx, so that the mechanical removal of the tonsils bodily, together with the adenoids, is often of no avail in these cases of deafness, nor does it suffice when the mucosa of the pharynx is hypertrophied. (Burnett). I am quoting a few authorities below :Dr. John Davis, M.B. , F.R. C.P. writes in the famous medical magazines "The practitioner of April, 69". "I would also warn against the removal of tonsils and adenoids in asthmatics, which seldom produces benefits and often causes deterioration, and against the free use of the drugs, such Aspirin and Paracetamol, which in some cases may precipate serious episodes of allergic bronchitis. It is also likely that more expensive antibiotics are wasted in the treatment of this condition than in any other circumstances." Dr. P.L. Ogra, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the State University of New York says that the removal of tonsils will make the child prone to polio- that dreadful disease which often leaves a children crippled. Dr. Ogra said in his study of about 50 children whose tonsils had been removed, he found that all of them lacked partially or completely the antibodies which resisted infection from viruses like polio. According to him, the removal of the tonsils reduces the antibodies in the human body considerably and makes it susceptible to infection. Dr. Ogra whose finding were presented at the meeting of the American Pediatric Society this year, now conducting research in children's diseases at Buffalo, New York State where he is the Associate Professor of Microbiology in the State University. The U.S. Health service is giving him grant to conduct the research. Dr. Ogra said polio cases were most common among children between the age group of six month and six years. When a child is born it inherits percentage of antibodies from its mother. But these soon get exhausted and the body becomes susceptible to virus infection. An American doctor said that tonsils and adenoids operations on children have become a cruel surgical ritual in the Western world similar to the castration, ear chopping and skin disfiguration of primitive tribes. Dr. Robert Bolande said in the current New England Journal of Medicine that there is no evidence that it improves on children's health. Furthermore, he wrote, one study showed that circumcised boys are seven times more likely to have undergone tonsillectomy in early childhood than circumcised boys. This suggests that those partaking in one ritual may be apt to another. Out of every 1000 children having this operation the death rate from anesthesia or post operation complications is 15.6 cases per 1000. In the United States, 100 to 300 children die from this operation every year. Dr. Dean (of American Medical Association) :-"Tonsils appear to be part of the mechanism by which the body defends itself against disease during infancy and childhood." Stress is now being put on the tonsils as the gland of internal secretion like the ovary (Female sex gland) and thyroid, naturally removal of a gland that forms necessary hormones (stimulating messengers to other parts of the body) will prevent normal functioning of the body. Professor James used to teach that ovaries and the tonsils have vital connections, and we know of the behavior of the parotid glands and the testicles in cases of mumps. In curing tonsillary enlargements. Thus in rheumatic tonsillitis the rheumatic state of a person should be mended, and therewith the tonsillitis. The statement that rheumatic fever has been known to follow tonsillitis is true enough. The inference usually drawn is that had there been no tonsils, there would have been no rheumatic fever. Had the tonsils had been stronger and more adequate, they would have borne the whole burden of the rheumatism, and there would have been no fever. It is highly probable that minor degrees of rheumatism is arrested by the tonsils and these are dealt with, and that their function is very largely vicarious protective of the organism and its parts. If we want to be quite successful in the treatment of enlarged tonsils by Hom. medicines we must look away from the mere tonsils, and remember that although the tonsils are the things complained of, the constitutional cause of their enlargement, the real cause of their disease, is one that cannot be removed by operation. Those who see the mere enlargements and give remedies for such enlargements merely those prescribers or practitioners will mostly fail to cure enlarged tonsils by medicine and will have much to say of the advantages of their mechanical removal. The tonsils are © Copyright 2000, Archibel S.A.

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important organs of the body, that have one of their functions the protection of the life and integrity of the individual. Before proceeding to give you the line of treatment, it will be more appropriate to know the opinion of various renown medical authorities of the globe. The 'Associated Press' carried the article quoting Dr. Kaiser of Eastern Clinic, Rochester, N.Y. in a speech he made before the gathering of Chicago. In this he warned against the indiscriminate removal of children's tonsils. He stated that the last few years have brought a set back in tonsils operations, because previously, too much was promised by surgeons. He also said that having a child's tonsils out, it will make little difference in the susceptibility to colds and bronchitis occurs more frequently where tonsils have been removed, and the same is true of pneumonia. A well known British surgeon- Professor D.F. N. Harrison of the Institute of Laryngology and Otology, London, feels that far too many children have their tonsils out unnecessarily. In Britain every year 200,00 children have their tonsils out at a cost of the National Health Service of an estimated three million pounds. According to Professor Harrison, during the last 20 years there has been an addition in knowledge on why tonsils should be removed. The Professor feels that inspite of some clinical investigation over the past few years, virtually nothing is known about the value of tonsils, of if they are diseased or how to determine when they should be removed. He adds :"The frightening thing is the lack of interest in what is, on both moral and financial grounds, a responsibility to parents, to the public and to the Health Service." If he succeeds in his effort to have a survey into the incidence and indications of tonsillectomy, it will be the first of its kind in the world. No one doubts the value of an operation when it is performed for the right reasons. An operation is justifiable when the enlargement is so great as to endanger life, and medication does not succeed in reducing the enlargement of tonsils. Britain has found that in some areas twenty times more children have their tonsils removed than in other areas and since tonsillites is not infectious, the inevitable conclusion must be reached that it all depends on the whims of the local doctor. All this is of particular interest to India where medical facilities are poorer and hence the risk run are much higher. Moreover, if the operation is needless, it means that the children have been subjected to unnecessary suffering. According to Professor Harrison the operation itself was accompanied by a definite mortality, small as it might be, and unknown morbidity which might be of generous proportions. The remedies found very useful in Tonsillites, are as under :-

Belladonna In the majority of cases at the beginning, With high fever and all the symptoms of congestion, this remedy will check the disease, if given early. The right side is more often affected, with dilated pupils and heat all over.

Hepar sulphur Chilly patient, septic tonsils, splinter like sensation in the throat, pain when swallowing radiating to the ears.

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