Home Study Course-homeopath

December 21, 2016 | Author: Azad Ansari | Category: N/A
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INTRODUCTION In this study course I am endeavoring to direct my line of thought to those persons who are looking for some way out of the antibiotic or mood altering drug cycle; who are wanting to know why they are ill and what they themselves can do about it, or maybe those persons who have some knowledge of Homeopathy already having used medicine prescribed by a Registered Homeopath. At the same time I want to avoid the trap, that so many text books on various subjects fall into, of presuming the reader to be a life time student of the subject. To illustrate, until I finally gave up trying to do the maintenance on my car I would get all dressed up for the operation equipped with such tools as I have and the most vital piece of equipment - the repair manual, only to find that the wretched book told me to do something like "Ensure that the reciprocating grommets are engaged into the axial spur before tightening the locking pins." Upon which I would give up! So we will try to take a middle road. In recent years public awareness of Homeopathy has been heightened due to Prince Charles' interest in alternative medicine in general and Homeopathy in particular, which he publicly praises, and urges the Medical Doctors to consider the whole person when treating patients, as have also many other well respected public figures. This, coming at a time when many people are disenchanted with orthodox medicinal drugs with their suppressive nature, side effects and their habit-forming if not addictive tendencies, has caused an upsurge of interest in the subject. By and large this upsurge is a very good thing, giving Homeopathy a respectability that it had previously not enjoyed, having been viewed by many as cranky and unscientific. We see changes in attitude filtering through at many levels, including the training of new Doctors and Nurses where a new attention is being given to the treatment of the whole person. The general public is also now becoming more aware of the methodology and efficacy of Homeopathy through the useful and informative television documentaries that have been screened. However, popularity has brought problems with it. Many people now want to experience the relief that they hear Homeopathy can bring so, they, with little or no knowledge or understanding of Homeopathic principals are obtaining Homeopathic medicines from the shelves of the local chemist purely on the basis of "Rhus Tox. cured Aunt Meg's cat when he had a bad leg so maybe it will cure mine"; then there are those who read about Homeopathy in a magazine that gives an over simplified list of what remedy to take for what condition. They self-prescribe with little or no benefit and are

left convinced that it doesn't work. Now, that is a pity, because a great power for good has been lost to them purely through lack of proper understanding. The lesson to be learned from this is: - Homeopathy Works. If a self-prescribed remedy fails to produce the expected results it is not Homeopathy's fault, the buck stops elsewhere. And it is for that very reason that this course has been produced. There is more to Homeopathy than the twenty or thirty common remedies found on the chemist's shelves and I hope that this course will be an introduction for you into an enthralling subject and will encourage you to use Homeopathic medicine for yourself and your family and that you will enjoy the benefits there from. Good health to you!

1 PRINCIPLES OF HOMEOPATHY 1.1 WHY CHOOSE HOMEOPATHY? When you visit your G.P. the reason that he may be writing on a prescription pad as you walk in his office is that he could have a good idea what he will prescribe to you before he even sees you. You have most likely told his receptionist that you, for example, have flu. Now by that label he knows that you probably have a shivery cold, aching limbs, headache, etc. symptoms common to the condition we like to call flu, therefore 90% of the doctor’s work is done - diagnosis. It may be of course that he will notice something extra that may lead him to put another 'label' onto whatever you are suffering from, but no matter how the diagnosis is reached once a 'label' is put on a condition that patient will be treated with the same medication as every other person suffering from the same labelled condition that the doctor has seen that week in fact sometimes you can just ring up and a prescription will be put 'on the board’ for you purely on your own diagnosis. Diagnosis is the major cornerstone in Western Medicine, the largest slice of money set aside for research is used in developing diagnostic aids like scanners, electron microscopes etc. Of course, all of these are wonderful inventions that reveal the workings of the human body in ever-greater detail, but the problems with such forms of diagnosis are many fold. Whilst focusing attention on some infinitesimally tiny part of you; you the patient, you the person tend to be forgotten. Also, once the result of the diagnostic tests come through and your condition is given a label then you join the list of those patients whose condition received the same label, to be given the same treatment. By contrast, upon visiting a homeopath you will find that he will sit and listen for a considerable period of time making notes, and then will ask further questions. He is interested in how you feel about things, how you react to your disease. He is not looking for a named condition but he is interested in how you, in your suffering, are different to all others, how in effect you are an individual, and it is upon these personal peculiarities that mean you alone, that he will decide upon which medicines to prescribe. “Allopathy, Orthodox medical practice, treatment of diseases by drugs etc., whose effect on the body is opposite of that of the disease, distinguished from homeopathy.” - Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary, looks at a patient to see a disease and give it a name and by this move limits the

individuality of the patient: reducing the possibility of discovering the strange, rare and peculiar symptoms. To illustrate this point, take the example of a lady who 14 years ago had been diagnosed as having Multiple Sclerosis. This diagnosis was made on the basis of the fact that from time to time, approximately twice a year she would have a paralysis spasm all down one side making walking impossible, the attacks lasted 3-4 days each time and were accompanied by headaches proceeded by irritability and on each occasion they came in the week prior to her Menstrual Period and ceased when the period started. This lady has been labeled 'Multiple Sclerosis' for 14 years. This affects her ability to get life insurance and her car insurance policy is loaded. Now, if the medical profession had asked her about these peculiarities as to the time when the attacks occurred and associated conditions I wonder if she would have been labeled ‘M.S.’? Correct homeopathic treatment took all these factors into consideration with the happy result that this lady has been symptom-free for a number of years now. Homeopathy looks at the patient to see the PATIENT and to find the symptoms that define the individuality of the person. It expands the 'flu' that the doctor sees to include the wholeness of the patient.

Disease, as we have been brought up to imagine it does not exist. Let me explain, you do not 'catch' cold but we are conditioned to think that way, to imagine a disease as something lurking waiting to posses us should we be foolish enough to sit in a draught. This conditioning, which is even built into our very language, makes it difficult to adjust our way of thinking. For example when we say a person ‘has’ flu, we are forgetting the individuality of the person. It would be more accurate to say that 'this person; due to stress; time and environment and circumstances that are peculiar to him alone is producing a set of symptoms. These symptoms indicate that there is an internal disorder. When we take these symptoms alone, without considering the rest of the person’s symptoms, this set of symptoms is similar to those being displayed by another group of individuals’.

Whilst that would be a more accurate and comprehensive description of the situation it is infinitely easier to say 'He's got flu’ so naturally we do what is easiest and continue to use expressions that colour our views of things. Now this system of saying that he has ‘got’ or ‘caught’ something has some very interesting side effects - it takes any responsibility for his condition away from the patient, and leads him to expect that this disease after being ‘caught’ can be exorcised by taking things into his body (chemicals, poisons, vitamins, special foods etc.) It also encourages the patient not to get to know the rhythm and working of his own body, to look within himself or to change his habits. Disease is not quantifiable, it is not a 'thing', it is the demonstration of a person’s inability to adjust to change physically, morally, emotionally, or mentally. He has not been living within his individual resource budget. This inner imbalance gradually causes waves that reach the surface as symptoms. WHAT ARE SYMPTOMS? - According to the New Standard Dictionary by Funk and Wagnell: - "A symptom. That which serves to point out the existence of something else, a token or indication." So what are we saying here? When a person becomes ill it is due to an imbalance and the physical effects or manifestations that we experience are merely the bodies right and normal reactions to that internal malfunction. So how are we to handle these symptoms? An illustration may help us to reason upon this problem. Back in 1982, Britain was at war with Argentina in the Falkland Islands. People in the British Isles were made aware of the events of the other side of the world by the news media, T.V, radio and newspaper reports as well as individuals returning from abroad with accounts of their own experiences. If we liken the war and the build up to it to the unseen internal disease and the reports of that war reaching the British Isles to the external manifestations of that disorder than we can see that the inner disorder or disease can no more be cured or eradicated by the suppression of the symptoms than a war on the other side of the world could be stopped by suppressing reports reaching home. Let us not 'cure' or suppress these signs or indications, but by Homeopathy let us create an environment in which our bodies can regain health and the symptoms of ill health will disappear.

1.2 WHAT IS HOMEOPATHY? So much for 'why Homeopathy’ but what is Homeopathy? As I have tried to demonstrate in the last section, Homeopathy is the reason that a medicine is prescribed, the thinking behind such a prescription, not the medicine itself. For example, as previously stated, someone may buy a bottle of Homeopathic tablets from the chemist with the label 'tablets for Lumbago and Sciatica'. Now, although the tablets have been Homoeopathically prepared that is not Homeopathy because the individual has not been taken into consideration. So if it is the reason for giving a certain medicine that is so vital, what are these reasons? The Homeopathic principle is perhaps best summed up in the Latin phrase: - 'SIMILIA, SIMILIBUS, CURRENTUR’ meaning, let like substances be used to treat like disease. What does that mean in practice? It means that we take note of all the unique characteristics of the nature of the patient’s sufferings and match them to the known effects of a substance that will produce a pattern of symptoms similar to those exhibited by our patient - that is the SIMILIMUM. Let us illustrate this point, a bee sting can produce a fiery red, smooth swelling that burns and stings and is very sensitive to the touch causing stiffness and pain feeling better for cold applications, worse for warmth. Now to take Similimum, if we had a patient with, say for example an arthritic knee joint that was oedematous (swollen with fluid) whitish, and waxy-smooth, very sensitive to touch, that burned and stung and the only thing that gave relief was cold applications, but if she got near the fire the heat aggravated the trouble - there we use Apis. Mellifica (honey bee sting) and that, because we have taken all the symptoms into consideration to get the similimum would be the appropriate medicine. What do we do then? Get a jar of bees and allow them to sting the poor dear? - It has been done and in those cases where the similimum was correct relief had been obtained, (Interestingly, an ancient treatment for arthritic type conditions was to break open a type of ant's nest and allow the ants to sting you, there seems to have been a similar principle demonstrated here.) But there is an easier way, you

will be glad to hear. Homeopathy has advanced since the days of Hahnemann who was the modern day discoverer of the principle, and experiments have been done to get accurate records of the effects of different substances upon human subjects. Homeopathic medicines are never tested on animals because apart from the HUMANE aspect it would make nonsense of the Homeopathic Principle, so the substances have to be tested on people. This process is called Proving. Hahnemann himself conducted a great number of these experiments; and this is how it was done: - first, suitable volunteers both male and female, were selected, they had to be in good health under no abnormal stress or circumstances that could colour the results and willing to be totally open and frank about their observations of themselves their sensations etc. These 'provers' as they were called were given doses of a remedy. If the remedy was a substance that normally has an action on the body, especially if it was a poison, then small amounts were given daily. Where the remedy was an inert substance like chalk, which has little effect on the human body the power of the substance was released, made more powerful ‘potentised’ by diluting. Yes! As trials went on it was established that more and more power could be released from a substance by a series of careful dilutions or potentisation each dilution being SUCCUSSED or violently shaken (we will come back to potencies later). Thus substances that had little or no effect in their natural state became remedies and gradually the records were built up of the effects of these remedies on the Emotional, Mental and Physical health states of the ‘provers’ who took them and through detailed questioning by Hahnemann and his colleagues a rounded out picture of the remedy's qualities was built up and the 'Materia Medica Pura’ was written. Incidentally, if you go to Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura’ it even gives you the names of the long suffering provers. To go back to our lady with the arthritic knee we can therefore give her Apis Mellifica in potency thus obeying both main principles of Homeopathy, SIMILIA, SIMILIBUS, CURRENTUR and the MINIMUM DOSE.

Graduated Interval Recall Point - 1 What do you think are some of the advantages of the Homeopathic Approach to Cure? Why do we get ill? Explain what are the two main principles of Homeopathy. What is a “Prover”?

2 CASE TAKING Here, in taking the case lies the most vital link in the chain that leads to a correct remedy being found, for if the wrong information is used on which to base your conclusion you will obviously come to an incorrect answer. You may have the most sophisticated and advanced computer in the world with which to make decisions but if you feed incorrect data into its memory bank although it will give answers to your questions, those answers will be flawed, the conclusion will be correct as far as the data goes, but will be useless. The saying is "rubbish in; rubbish out." We must therefore be accurate in order to arrive at a correct assessment. Our taking the case begins before a word is spoken, by OBSERVATION, in fact observation is a goodly part of case taking. How does the sufferer sit whilst waiting? How are they dressed, groomed? Notice complexion, hair colour, weight, and age and skin texture. Shake hands - what kind of handshake do they present you with? After seating ourselves in a relaxed manner the next step after ascertaining the patients name, address, age and medication currently being taken, is to allow the patient to unfold the reason for being before you, in their own words, at their own pace and in whatever order they wish. Some will bring a neat list of all their symptoms, (which is, in it's self indicative of their character) but it is always best to get them to tell you their story themselves, maybe using their list as a memory aid. The reason for this is to demonstrate which symptoms come immediately to their mind and it also allows you to observe the way they naturally describe their symptoms. At this stage, whilst making note of what you are being told, observe - continually observe - HOW does the patient tell the story, in a solid logical unhurried manner or does it all come tumbling out in no order, very fast jumping from one subject to another, or is the person disinclined to say much at all, all these aspects are relevant and are a useful guide to the patient’s mental state. When he has finished his narrative as it naturally comes, using the notes that you took, go back over

the ground covered with questions to 'open the patient up' a little more. Avoid questions that could have a yes and no answer. Also be aware of this factor – some people by nature generally wish to please, and if you allow the patient to sense the direction your questioning is going, he may be carried along with it to such a degree that he will give you answers that he thinks are ‘right’ to your questions, not necessarily what he genuinely experiences. Do not let your mind be drawn off at a tangent to one particular remedy too quickly because your questions will reflect this mental bias of yours and you will only get the answers that you want, that fit in with your preconceived ideas. So try to pursue a logical line of basic questioning before going off at a tangent or you will omit vital questions that could have been helpful, and you will have to return to those foundation questions on a second occasion, because the patient has not benefited from the treatment you have prescribed. Our objective now is to look for patterns in the symptoms, isolating the more important ones. To do this we break up the symptoms into three groups, MENTALS, GENERALS and PARTICULARS. As we listen, how are we to differentiate between Mentals, Generals, and Particulars? Mentals for the most part speak for themselves; they will be the attitude, or reaction of the person to his sufferings, to his surroundings, to other persons, and to life, his hopes, aspirations, dreams, philosophy, religious motivations, concept of life qualities etc. The emotion that these elements produce in him.

One way to separate General symptoms from Particulars is to pay close attention to how they describe their symptoms. For example if they use the words 'my' and 'me' when describing a symptom than they are subconsciously including the symptom in their whole self, while other expressions such as 'there is a pain just there' or 'the foot’ are the sort of expressions that isolate the symptom from the whole person. You have to listen carefully, a set of unconnected particular symptoms may combine to create a general symptom, for example:

Now, although these four symptoms may be described separately by the patient you would have to observe the general symptom of left sidedness in all complaints and that is of greater importance than the sum of the individual particular symptoms. Generals appertain to the whole person, for example all the person's symptoms may come on suddenly or be violent or they may have burning as a common feature. The common feature of all the symptoms is an important 'general' symptom. Or the whole person may feel better wrapped up warm in bed but the particular symptom of itching may be worse in a warm bed - the general is more important than the particular. It is also very important to determine TIME modalities. When the symptoms occur, is there a cycle? A time cycle could be every 10 minutes in an acute condition or it could be every autumn in a chronic case. The length of the cycle varies infinitely. Question the patient regarding his medical history and that of the family. Very often some deepseated condition inherited from the past may require treatment first. For example he may have never been really well since whooping cough as a baby. What are his opinions as to the original cause of the present problem? I find a most revealing question to ask is; ' What has been the greatest emotional pain in your life?' Also ask, ' What is your greatest joy?' All these questions get the person to think about the road down which he has passed on his way to disease and encourages him to realise that 'We reap what we sow'. Very often people deep down feel that some distant emotional upset is at the root of their physical problems, but due to popular materialistic thinking or a profoundly learned habit of suppressing emotions they push these feelings down and pursue a physical solution. Whereas if you encourage them to think about the possible emotional causative factors you can begin to create a position from which a true cure can emerge. Modalities as to temperature are important also, aggravation or amelioration from cold and heat can be indicative of individual remedies, as can reaction to the effects of rest, exertion, active or passive movement. Meteorological modalities can be of great value - for example their reaction to imminent thunderstorms, rain, direct sunlight, sea air, etc.

During all these conversations observe, particularly with the emotive subjects, observe their reaction (For example, Pulsatilla weeps on relating symptoms, Sepia weeps on being questioned) and whilst a man may bottle up his emotion before you, you could ask him ’What would it take to cause you to cry?' and remember, it’s not only his answer that is of relevance, but also how he reacts. Physical symptoms such as odour, discharges, skin type, appearance, nature of pain are useful in identifying a ‘type’ i.e. a pale, plump, sandy haired, blue eyed girl who is easily moved to tears especially when sick and gets on well with her animal friends may well need Pulsatilla or a tall, slim, delicate, red head with long eye lashes and graceful manner, nervously eager to give the correct answers to your questions may well need Phosphorus. However, these picture types as to physical appearance are only a pointer, and we should not forget that Mentals, Generals and Time modalities are more important.

Graduated Interval Recall Point - 2 Why is Case Taking so vital to a correct diagnosis? How does one go about ‘Taking the Case’? What are Mentals, Generals and Particulars? To which type of symptoms would you give greatest weight, and why?

3 MATERIA MEDICA By definition Materia Medica means the substances used in medicine: the science of their properties and use. A good Materia Medica is vital for Homeopathic prescribing. There are many available including re-prints of the original writings of Samuel Hahnemann's ‘Materia Medica Pura’. However since Hahnemann's time many further remedies have been ‘proved’ and these have been added to the more recent Materia Medicas. These are of value in our modern society, having as we do, added pressures and exposure to substances that are unique to the 20th Century. When you first start with a Materia Medica the sheer volume of information may be overwhelming and the tendency is to put it straight down again, but don't do that, it's just a question of starting with one item at a time. Although you can get books that give you ‘potted’ Materia Medica as pointers, you will find it more satisfying if you know WHY you are taking a particular remedy. So it is good to get to know a few common remedies really well and then build upon that. If you are going to buy a Materia Medica may I suggest a few classics that you may want to consider: Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica

J.T. Kent

Homeopathic Drug Pictures


Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics


A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica 3 volumes


There are also new, modern Materia Medicas coming onto the market which feature some of the rarer, less frequently used remedies but a standard range of remedies will suffice to start with. These books will give the totality of the prover’s symptoms (see chapter one for explanation of the role of provers.) but the abridged Materia Medica at the end of this course will help you to grasp the gist or main symptoms of some of the more commonly used remedies.

You will notice that I have tried to lay out every remedy in the same order, separating the keynote as a memory aid, then the aggravation and amelioration, the mental symptoms and in some cases the causation. The other symptoms are listed under part or function of the body. You will also see that there are notes to prescribers at the end of each remedy indicating the compatibility of remedies and any comments as to duration of effect.

3.1 ABBREVIATIONS Aconite - Acon. Allium cepa - All. c. Alumina - Alum. Antim tart - Ant. tart Apis mellifica - Apis Argent nit - Arg. nit Arnica - Arn. Arsenicum - Ars. Aurum metallicum - Aur. met. Belladonna - Bell. Calcarea carbonica - Calc. carb. Calcarea phosphorica - Calc. phos. Calendula - Calen. Cantharis - Canth. Carbo vegetabilis - Carbo veg. Causticum - Caust. Chamomilla - Cham. China officinalis - China Cina Cina Cuprum met - Cuprum. Drosera - Dros. Euphrasia - Euph. Gelsemium - Gels. Graphites - Graph. Hepar sulph - Hepar. Hypericum - Hyper. Ignatia - Ign. Ipecacuanha - Ipecac. Lachesis - Lach.

Lycopodium - Lyc. Merc cor - Merc. Natrum muriaticum - Nat. mur. Nux vomica - Nux vom. Opium - Op. Phosphorus - Phos. Pulsatilla - Puls. Rhus toxicodendron - Rhus tox. Sepia - Sepia Sulphur - Sulph. Thuja - Thuja

NOTE: ">" means ‘made better by’ or ‘ameliorated by’ "
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