Home Automation Systems Control

June 18, 2016 | Author: fmacabu | Category: N/A
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Home Automation Systems Control

AllSMART solutions inc.

The The AllSMART AllSMART total total home home control control solution solution provides provides an an integrated, automated, simplified control system integrated, automated, simplified control system designed designed around around the the homeowner’s homeowner’s lifestyle. lifestyle. What can be controlled with the total home control solution? Lighting (dimming, scenes, level), whole house audio (volume, sources-AM, FM, CD), security, video monitoring, HVAC, whole house video (DSS, DVD, VHS), home theater, telephone, intercom, gates, doors, blinds and more if so desired. These functions are all controllable in a number of ways-from direct menu keypads conveniently located in various rooms, using touch screens that are portable and also available in graphic color, using handheld remotes, by connecting to the home through a phone call or the Internet. Imagine with the click of a mouse at the office, you can change temperature, turn on lighting, view the interior with security webcams, all done just like being there.

-Systems Control While all this may sound simple and even easy, the heart of any integrated control solution is in the design and programming. There is a considerable amount of programming necessary to tie the individual home automation sub-systems together, assuring proper overall system control functioning and the ease of operation that you expect as a homeowner. The programming scheme is specifically designed by meeting with the family, understanding their lifestyle, then providing a solution that adds to their security, enhances comfort, improves communications and convenience.


AllSMART solutions inc. Country Court 394 Peterson Rd. / (Route 137) Libertyville IL 60048

Home Automation Systems Control (cont.)

AllSMART solutions inc.

The system is made as simple and as easy to understand as possible by integrating individual home automation systems into an overall single user interface point. Now you can manage your electronic environment, enjoy the benefits of arranging complex choices into natural, practical terms and take advantage of the power of the Internet.

-The Design The connecting linkage of the individual control units to the system control center is via wiring, IR (infrared), or RF (radio frequency). There are benefits and drawbacks associated with all of these linkage systems. Hardwiring is very reliable, but doesn’t allow for portability; infrared is easy to use, but generally only communicates in one direction, can’t go through walls and is limited on distance.

Lighti ng-

Radio frequency can cause or be susceptible to interference, but has greater range than IR, will penetrate walls and can be bidirectional. It’s very probable that a combination of all of these technologies will be used in the overall system, taking the best advantages of each.

For more information or to speak to an AllSMART consultant, call 847.247.4800 or visit our website at www.allsmartsolutions.com. HASC70802 AllSMART solutions inc. Country Court 394 Peterson Rd. / (Route 137) Libertyville IL 60048

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