HN26092020 - Do Thanh Hang
March 13, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Do Thanh Hang
Course date:
21-26 September 2020
What is IELTS and TOEFL exam preparation?
Why answer all questions?
Understanding instructions
Previewing and predicting effectively
Scanning and predicting text
Developing skills for listening
Developing skills for reading
Developing skills for speaking
Developing skills for writing
Developing skills for grammar
Speaking and pronunciation
Elicitation skills
Paragraph planning
Understanding Idioms and slang
Checklist of spelling
Techniques for unfamiliar vocabulary
Pre testing
Memory retention
Strategies for higher testing
TOEFL and IELTS are not a pass or fail exam, but standardized tests to measure your ability to use and understand the English language as it's read, written, heard and spoken in the university classroom and the real world. IELTS and TOEFL test preparation is a way to learn and improve English proficiency based on the levels set in the test, to help testers develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to suit the study environment that both these exams aim at. Moreover, the more you get preparation, you can:
High success rate
Receive targeted lessons for each respective test format
Gain Gai n gre greate aterr sel self-co f-confi nfiden dence ce in the exam exam with with int intens ensive ive pra practi ctice ce
Regular exam dates
2. Why answer all questions?
As noted above, TOEFL and IELTS are standard tests that measure your ability to use and understand the English language as it's read, written, heard and spoken in the university classroom and in the real world. So the test is like a measure of a candidate's performance. Answering all the questions is also assessing the level of understanding the test, listening and reading comprehension of the content given by the presenter within within the specified time.
Furthe Furt hermor rmore, e, in the lis listen tening ing and rea readin ding g sec sectio tion n the there re are mul multip tiple le choice choice questions, candidates should choose one answer so that they do not lose any point. In the speaking and writing section, questions are given as clues as well as key points candidates need to answer fully in the test to get the best results. Even with excellent study skills, students almost always run into questions to which they don’t know the answer. Sometimes it’s worse than that. But almost every time there is a connection to something in the question. Find those connections, use them, and answer.
3. Understandin Understanding g instructions instructions
Understanding instructions means following closely what it gives, sticking to the key words. Relating from those key words to find the correct answers because they are the clues for students to achieve higher score. In addition, the test is to test the level of English understanding, so it also shows a part of the student's level. If students misunderstand, it will be difficult for them to pass the test. Some stu studen dents ts hit the the que questi stions ons direc directly tly and sta start rt sol solvin ving g wit withou houtt rea readin ding g instructions or miss some parts of it. While it's good to save time by not spending too much time reading the instructions, skipping it entirely will put the students down the band. Hence, firstly students should quickly scan the instructions and it would be better if they underline the important parts of the tutorial e.g. NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS, ONLY ONE Word, etc.
4. Previewing and predicting effectively
Before doing the test, students should preview the title, key words, images, and other features and make a prediction about what they will do and get the answers more easily. Previewing and predicting process guides students through a series of
questions that help them make correct predictions. Access to prior knowledge help he lpss st stud uden ents ts deve develo lop p a ke key y sc sche hema ma that that th they ey ca can n us usee to in incr crea ease se th thei eir r understanding. Previewing and predicting can make a big difference. By that way they will begin to process the information more quickly. Though it takes a few minutes to preview and predict, those few minutes are well invested. It will save reading time and help students gain comprehension. Here are some tips to preview and predict effectively: Read the questions carefully and predict the type of response required.
For example, would it be a date, a name or maybe a number? Check Che ck out the dif differ ferenc ences es bet betwee ween n pic pictur tures es or dia diagra grams ms tha thatt loo look k
Look for small details like different numbers or omissions.
5. Scanning and predicting text
an d
include inclu de dates, names, numbe numbers, rs, new terms or other key words words.. Scann Scanning ing means searching for specific phrases in text, involving finding numbers, symbols and long words within a text. Therefore, this is a useful way to locate answers in these. Students can scan text to find words or numbers from the question. They should:
Underline important information while reading text (dates, numbers,
names, etc.)
When students read the question, identify the keyword firstly and then
scan the text for that keyword. Predicting: To get used to a text, students should make a prediction by looking at the image and title before they start reading. Students predict topic by looking at those and work out thesis statements. Then, when they reread the passage, they
will identify the topic after 3 -5 minutes skimming the passage and confirm their assumptions. Let’s think about the following questions before reading the text:
What do the pictures show?
Whatt do hea Wha headin dings gs and subhe subheadi adings ngs tel telll you? you? Wha Whatt top topic ic can the
article talk about?
What do you already know about this topic?
6. Developing skills for listening
Identify your weaknesses: There is no point in spending hours listening and speaking English and completing practice tests unless you have identified your weaknesses and focused specifically on improving them. Practice paraphasing: One particular skill that you can practice while listening to English online is paraphrasing. The recordings on the Listening test will contain a lot of synonyms and paraphrasing of the main words and phrases in the question. Practice from predicting skill and answer as much as possible: Start with short videoss and simple listenin video listening g lesso lessons ns first. Before you start the video, read the title and anticipate some related ideas that may be in the recording. Then, as you listen, pause the sound from time to time and predict predict how you think the topic topic will develop over the next few sentences. And, of course, try to determine the answers to the questions.
7. Developing skills for reading
4 key skills for reading r eading are: Skimming, Scanning, Previewing and Predicting.
Previewing: is an important skill to have as it helps students foresee
the content and understand the text. For reading comprehension exercises, this skill can be applied to long texts of non-fiction genre because it will save time and an d he help lp re read aders ers un unde ders rsta tand nd text textss be bett tter er by mo mobi bili lizi zing ng al alre read ady y ex exis isti ting ng knowledge on the same topic.
Skimming: means students quickly read the text to get an overall idea
of the main topic. Skimming is an important skill because in the test, students only have a sense of time, so skimming the text firstly f irstly to get the main idea, then finding the specific information to answer the questions.
Scanning: students scan the text pretty quickly to find what they need.
Use this skill when searching for the truth. Therefore,students also use this skill every day when looking at times, dates or places.
Predicting content and stucture: This is when you use your knowledge
and guess the content of a text. Predicting is an important reading skill because you can understand text once you know the topic.
8. Developing skills for speaking
Practice difficult sounds that your language doesn't have Not everyone knows this, but the language is inconsistent in the sounds they have. Some may have sounds that are not available in other languages. The key here is to find the missing sounds in your language and practice their pronunciation. Repeat for perfect pronunciation: The more you speak, the more powerful and coordinated your spoken English will become. Maybe this repetitive and boring but adding some repetition exercises can really help students improve their pronunciation. Find a pronunciation app to to practice sounds in a fu fun n way and a quiet room so learners can repeat, repeat, repeat loudly.
Immerse in English. In order to fulfill students’ potential in the speaking test, they need to be familiar with English language production and acquisition before taking the test. A great way to improve skills and speech recognition is to try to speak in English when they're normally not speaking. Learners will also feel much more confident as the exam approaches.
9. Developing skills for writing
Reading: To improve writing skills, students need to read first - every day! By reading a lot, they will be introduced to many words and phrases that are used in many ma ny diff differ eren entt co cont ntex exts ts an and d they they wi will ll also also co come me ac acro ross ss a lo lott of di diff ffer eren entt gramma gra mmatic tical al struct structure uress wit withou houtt rea really lly hav having ing to foc focus us on gra gramma mmar. r. By bei being ng exposed to words and grammar that are used correctly and in context, learners can pick out new words words and start using new grammar structures. structures. Write or journal everyday: Journaling is a great way to express thoughts and ideas while improving students’ writing skills. Keep a folder on desktop for daily writing or physical journaling if they prefer to write by hand. Learners may not feel the developing of writing skills from day to day, as progress can be very gradual, but actually they will improve with each day, each week and month of practice! One of the most rewarding experiences as a writing student is to look back at sample writing a few months or years earlier and realize how much progress they've made over time.
10. Developing skills for grammar
Many students do not attach importance to grammar in IELTS and TOEFL exams exa ms and pra practi ctice ce onl only y 4 ski skills lls of lis listen tening ing,, spe speaki aking, ng, rea readin ding g and wri writin ting. g.
However, to fully foster 4 skills, grammar is indispensable. Your grammar reflects your English proficiency and image.
The speaking and writing tasks are tested against the following four
cr crit iter eria ia - Ta Task sk Ac Achi hiev evem emen entt / Ta Task sk Re Resp spon onse se,, Co Cohe here renc ncee & Link Linkin ing, g, Vocabulary Resources, Grammar Scope & Accuracy. Here, grammar makes up nearly 25% of students’ total score. So no matter how good their vocabulary is, it will not be able to create meaningful and interesting content if grammar gramm ar is not good.
Although grammar does not play an essential role in listening and
reading lessons, adequate grammar knowledge is still required to choose the correctt answ correc answer. er. The choi choice ce of answe answers rs depen depends ds somehow on the grammar and context in the answers, which in turn affects students’ score.
Like it or not, learners still have to supplement their own grammar
through reading materials and doing basic types of exercises to be able to grasp the grammar along with how to use it effectively.
11. Speaking and pronunciation
Speaking is the ability to put together exact words and phrases in the right order and speak complete thoughts fluently and easily. Speaking also includes a more social context such as politeness, use of context language, and conversational ability. So speaking is more focused on when, where, and how words are spoken together so they can express your thoughts. Pronunciation focuses more on how words are said. Pronunciation is not just abou ab outt 'l 'lis iste ten n an and d repe repeat at'. '. Pro Pronu nunc ncia iati tion on in incl clud udes es la lang ngua uage ge ch char arac acte teri rist stic icss (vocabulary and grammar) and skills (speaking and listening). Since pronunciation is part of speaking, it is also a physical part. To pronounce a new language, we need to retrain the muscles we use to speak. And pronunciation involves listening
to the pronunciation of language. We can practice by focusing on the connected speech while playing passages from the voice recording.
12. Elicitation skills
In order to have the best listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills for the IELT IE LTS S an and d TO TOEF EFL L test test,, stud tuden entts sh sho oul uld d pract ractiice ot oth her basic asic skil skillls in pronunciation, vocabulary, vocabulary, grammar, ideas and arrangement so that it is reasonable and logical. Below are a few skills for students to practice.
Paraphasing: Give students a sentence or written paragraph and ask them to reinterpret the original sentences. As students speak, they should say the same thing with differen differentt words and that's where teacher will come up with the specific vocabulary for students’ extention.
Pictures: Ask students to describe a picture using the grammar structure that the teacher is looking for. For example, ask students to describe what is happening in a certain picture when they have to use the present complete tense. Show students a picture of a person who cannot decide what to do when the teacher wants to elicit additional verbs.
Mind Map and Free Writing: Give students a topic and ask them to write about it freely for five minutes. Brainstorm as a class or create a cluster map or idea map. Free writing is like a stream of consciousness on paper, and often students students come up with great ide ideas as in the process.
13. Paragraph planning
Paragraphs are one of the fundamental foundations of material, so if students master the passage, they are one step closer to writing more effectively.
Each paragraph has a topic sentence. The topic sentence frames the paragraph and tells the reader what information it will contain. It also
guides the writer, specifying what information should be included or removed, avoiding distracting ideas from the subject.
Limit each paragraph to one idea only. Building the topic sentence first keep ke epss stud studen ents ts’’ pa para ragr grap aph h in focu focus. s. Th Then en use use tr tran ansi siti tion on wo word rds. s. Transitions enhance the flow of the passage and prompt the reader about how they understand the information.
Practice writing topic sentences, then reread the passages with a clear eye. Students will soon be able to see whether support statements are on the right track or on a different path. Then high score in the writing part will be appreciated thanks to effort.
14. Understanding Idioms and slang
An idiom is a group of words or phrases that means ambiguously from the very words. In the IELTS speaking test, they can really help improve your score when used correctly. You should only use idioms if you have heard how they are used in context and you are 100% sure that you are using them the correct way. Do not try to remember as many idioms as possible. Slang is a natural part of language and often important for coherence and emphasis. In the IELTS speaking section, focus on using commonly understood slang, especially in the area where you are taking the test. However, if students’ essay contains a lot of slang, the text has some ideas that don't match what others mean or essay with drafting problems, spelling mistakes, and vocabulary often make ma kess a ba bad d im impr pres essi sion on and the here refo fore re need eed to be care areful ful. Slan Slang g is no nott recommended and should be avoided at all times.
15. Checklist of spelling
Spelling Spell ing is cruci crucial al in liste listening. ning. Listeni Listening ng score is based on correct answers. This means that for every quest question ion student studentss answe answerr correc correctly, tly, they will get one point and not lose points for incorrect answers. For a correct answer, it must be spelled correctly. Any answers that are incorrectly spelled will be marked as false. Correct spelling involves involves using hyphens aass needed and know knowing ing when compound nouns are written into one word. Many students have problems with spelling. A tip is keeping a spelled list means a list of words that they get stuck with. Forget about spelling rules and just need to learn the words by heart. Not only listening but writing is also an important part that students need to check spelling, if the words are wrong, the writing will lose points and not fully expresses. It's hard to spot spelling mistakes on its own, so finding specific words that students often misspelled can be helpful. If you make a mistake, just cross out and write the correct word above.
16. Techniques for unfamiliar vocabulary
When reading a passage in the IELTS or TOEFl test, students will most likely come across words not familiar with. Be prepared for this. They may not need to understand the exact meaning of an unknown word unless there is a question directly related to it. Spelling: The spelling of a word can sometimes provide a helpful clue to
the meaning of a word. Students can identify common and partial word families while exploring the spelling of a word. The root of the spelling is in Lat Latin, in, conne connecte cted d wit with h wor word d fami familie lies. s. Man Many y com comple plex x wor words ds in school have many meanings, so students need to explore its proper meaning.
Connect with context: Instead of relying only on contextual clues from just one sentence, students are more likely to recognize certain words
that are more common in different subject areas or types of text. By connecting words, into different subject areas and types of documents, building a schematic of insights that increases understanding of the meaning of words and how to use them.
17. Pre testing
Pre-testing Pre-te sting is an importan importantt facto factorr in test devel developmen opment. t. It is an opportun opportunity ity to take the practice test in the test conditions at English testing centers. Students will receiv rec eivee uno unoffi fficia ciall sco score re wit within hin 1 wee week k and hav havee the oppor opportun tunity ity to tes testt the their ir readiness for the real exam, familiarize themselves with the exam questions and test date procedure.Testing the study materials with students before using them in the exams helps both students and centers know:
Tests for accuracy and fairness, with each individual item given at the right level or not
The test content is consistent, and everyone from all platforms can do equally well
Practice timekeeping and reasonable time allocation skills
How close is the level of a practice test to that of the real r eal test
Where their English level is, the weak as well as strong points in their skills to continue to better themselves
18. Memory retention
The human mind is a compl complex ex element of cognitive cognitive abilit abilities, ies, and memory can be verbal or non-verbal. There are many techniques for storing information. Here are some preparing for the tests:
Write down notes : Science says the brain benefits more from taking notes by hand. Studies show that people who hand-write their notes remember at least 80% more information than those who rely on digital devices.
Go for a walk: According to studies, walking activates certain parts of the brain to go dormant when sitting still for long periods of time and focusing on learning. Students should end extensive learning sessions with short walks to maintain their awareness.
Use a memo device: Mnemonic is a tool students can use to recall difficult information, involving using a phrase, a string of letters, a rhyme and the like to activate memory. For example, to remember the parts of the speech, leaners could use acronyms like Papa N Vic, which stands for Proverbs, Adverbs, Prepositions, Adjectives, Nouns, Verbs, Adverbs, and Contact from.
Repe Re peti titi tion on:: Re Repe peti titi tion on is on onee of th thee be best st wa ways ys to ma mast ster er an and d stor storee something in long-term memory. Answer lots of language exercises and IELTS and TOEFL mock tests. Students should pay attention to the items that they were wrong and practice tests on them.
19. Strategies for higher testing
IELTS and TOEFL, the International English Language testing systems are the English proficiency tests designed to evaluate students’ linguistic skills. In order to come up with a good strategy and play safely, here are consolidated 9 strategies that can help you at every step to score high.
Give mock tests frequently to get familiar with the actual tests
Make sure to learn from mistakes Be prepared, stay calm and focused during the testing time
Always arrive early and take some time to relax
Listen attentively to the instructor's last-minute instructions
Read the instructions carefully and don’t be afraid to ask questions
Plan how you will use your allotted time
Look for signals Answer every question
Topic: Vegetables + A large amount of/
Leve Le vel: l: Pre Int Inter erme medi diat atee
Ag Age: e: 15 15-17 -17
A great deal of 1. Teach Teaching ing metho methodolog dology: y: Total Phys Physical ical Resp Response onse (TPR) (TPR),, Audio-v Audio-visual isual (us (usee of flashcards), Eclectic. 2. Mat Materi erials als:: Flas Flash h cards cards,, work workshe sheets ets 3. Le Less sson on o obj bjec ecti tive ve::
Be ab able le to un unde ders rsta tand nd the the me mean anin ing g of ne new w wo word rds, s, reme rememb mber er th them em,, pronounce them properly (celery, turnip, ladyfinge ladyfinger, r, zucchini, cauliflower)
Understand the usage of A large amount of/ A great deal of
Content Warm up (8
Description Password
Divide the students into two groups. The groups will take turns sending one group member to the front of the class.
Write a word on the board so that teammates can see and read it, but the one guessing cannot. The team must give the member a hint (do not use the word in question) until they guess the word
or time is up (30 seconds). The team with the most points wins.
Extend a team's turn until the time is up (2-3 minutes), then swap. swa p. Thi Thiss giv gives es the adv advant antage age of acc accura urate te gue guessi ssing ng fas faster ter.. Teacher asks a student in another group to use their phone and
calculate the scheduled time. Thee aim Th aim of this this acti activi vity ty is to crea create te a co comf mfort ortab able le le lear arni ning ng atmosp atm ospher heree and at the sam samee tim time, e, hel help p stu studen dents ts rev revise ise som somee vocabularies that they were taught before.
Teac Te ache herr teac teache hess 5 wo word rds: s: ce cele lery ry,, tu turn rnip ip,, la lady dyfi fing nger er,, zu zucc cchi hini ni,, cauliflower by using flashcards.
Teacher shows 1 flashcard, ask student to keep quiet, teacher speaks out 3 times the word slowly and clearly. At the same time, teacher raises and turns the cards around, walking around so that everyone can see.
Teaching 1
asks different groups to speak 3 times.
(15 minutes)
Teacher asks student to chorally repeat the words 3 times, then
Teacher sticks the flashcard on the board, asks students to repeat and writes down the word under the flashcard.
Do the same with the others corrects the pronunciation. Ask students to say the words (check their memories). Drill students to repeat all the words once more. Task 1 (6 minutes)
Word Search
Teacher gives word search papers (as below) and ask students to highlight the words under in maximum 5 minutes, then teacher
sticks that on the board.
Then students highlight one by one on and teacher checks.
Teacher asks students to repeat all the new words twice more.
Teaching 2 Teacher teaches A Few/ A Little and how to use (10
Teacher gives examples I only have a few friends I only have a little money expresses a small quantity and implies that something is not many, not enough or almost none. It expresses a negative idea.
A few + plural countable nouns A little + uncountable nouns
Teacher asks students to give examples with other nouns and check whether they are right or wrong
Teacher writes those sentences on the board
Then Th en wh whol olee clas classs rep repea eatt th thee sent senten ence cess an and d te teac ache herr co corre rrect ctss pronunciation
Hide and seek
Divide Divi de the stud students ents into two group groups. s. The group groupss will take turns sending one group member.
Task 2
Teacher writes a word on board, students from each team will
have to say that word uses a few or a little. (cups, flowers,
apples, eggs, sausages, songs, boys, minutes, coffee, rice, bread, sugar, time, work, water, flour, pasta, butter, slices of chocolate)
One correct answer get one point.
Winner team get one star.
Answer the following questions and record then submit by small files to the teacher’s drive.
Homewor k
LESSON PLAN 2 (60 minutes)
Topic: Body parts + A Few/ A Little
Upper Age: 10-12
Beginner 1. Teach Teaching ing metho methodolog dology: y: Total Phys Physical ical Resp Response onse (TPR) (TPR),, Audio-v Audio-visual isual (us (usee of flashcards), Eclectic, Communicative 2. Mate Materials: rials: Flash cards cards,, work worksheet sheets, s, bli blindfol ndfolds ds 3. Le Less sson on o obj bjec ecti tive ve::
Be able to understand the meaning of new words, remember them and be able to adapt them in contexts. (horn, teeth, tail, arms, legs, neck)
Understand the usage of A Few/ A Little L ittle
Content Warm up
Description Jingle Bell
Students make a circle with chairs in the middle
Chairs are stacked back-to-back. There is one less chair than the number of people.
When the teacher says "Start", the students have to walk around the chairs, and when the bell rings, they have to sit down on a chair.
One student will be out each round, as the teacher removes a chair before they start.
The winner can get 1 star.
Thee aim Th aim of this this acti activi vity ty is to crea create te a co comf mfor orta tabl blee le lear arni ning ng atmosphere before the lesson starts.
Teaching Teach ing 1 Teach Teacher er tea teaches ches 6 words words:: horn horn,, teet teeth, h, ta tail, il, ar arms, ms, le legs, gs, ne neck ck
Teacher shows 1 flashcard, ask student to keep quiet, teacher
speaks out 3 times the word slowly and clearly. At the same
time, teacher raises and turns the cards around, walking around so that everyone can see.
Teacher asks student to chorally repeat the words 3 times, then
asks different groups to speak 3 times. Teacher asks individual to say the
Teacher sticks the flashcard on the board, asks students to repeat and writes down the word under the flashcard.
Teac Te ache herr as ask k stud studen entt to ma make ke sent senten ence ce an and d wr writ itee do down wn.. Fo For r example: He is playing the guitar.
Do the same with the others and corrects the pronunciation. Ask students to say the words (check their memories). Drill students to repeat all the words once more. Task 1
Where am I?
Students work in pairs or small cross-ability groups.
Teacher gives word puzzle papers (as below) and ask students to highlight the words that they learned in maximum 6 minutes, then teacher sticks that word puzzle on the board.
Then students highlight one by one on and teacher check.
Teacher ask students to repeat all the new words twice more.
Teaching 2 Teacher teaches A Few/ A Little and how to use (12
Teacher gives examples I only have a few friends I only have a little money These two words are used in a sentence with a formal and
polite meaning. After A Large Amount Of and A Great Deal Of is an uncountable noun and it is followed by V singular. A large amount of + N (uncountable) + V (singular) A great deal of + N (uncountable) + V (singular)Teacher asks students to give examples with other nouns and check whether they are right or wrong
Teacher writes those sentences on the board
Then who The hole le pronunciation
clas classs
rep repeat eat
the hese sent nten encces
an and d
teac eache herr
co corr rrec ects ts
Task 2 (8
Hide and seek
Divide Divi de the stud students ents into two group groups. s. The group groupss will take turns sending one group member.
Teacher writes a word on board, students from each team will have to say that word uses a few or a little. (cups, flowers, apples, eggs, sausages, songs, boys, minutes, coffee, rice, bread, sugar, time, work, water, flour, pasta, butter, slices of chocolate)
Task 3
One correct answer get one point.
Winner team get one star.
Teacher gives handouts (as below) for all students.
Students have 6 minutes to finish from exercise 1.
Afte Af terr 6 mi minu nute tes, s, stud studen ents ts stop stop an and d th thee te teac ache herr ch chec ecks ks th thee answers.
Then teacher asks whole class repeat those words 3 times.
Then continue to exercise 2 if time is not over
Homewor Students should complete the handout on their own if they have not k
finished in class.
III. RELEVANT ACTIVITIES 1. Fi Fire re ball ball 2. Who a am m II? ? 3. Jin Jingle Bell ell 4. Where a am mI 5. My Peer
Activity 1-5 have been thoroughly described in the lesson plans above.
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