Hite Aper: Rapid Results For Retek Batch Application Integration and Scheduling

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P Rapid Results for Retek Batch Application Integration and Scheduling  October 2003

Retek offers software solutions that support virtually all of the operational activities activities of a typical retailer. The software solutions create value by applying innovative technology to help retailers efficiently create, manage, and fulfill consumer demand. The ROI on Retek is unquestionable, unquestiona ble, but the customer must make a significant investment, often several months or more, in personnel and time to get Retek up and running. AppWorx cuts this implementation implementation time in half. In this white paper, we first describe the general benefits of AppWorx and the features that make it the leading distributed scheduler. We then describe how AppWorx significantly shortens the Retek implementation time and the additional functionality functionality it brings to Retek applications. applications.

SOLUTIONS OVERVIEW  To streamline business processes and improve competitive advantage, IT departments often bring in multiple applications applications and multiple operating platforms. This environment a perpetual challenge for the computer services departmentcreates and end-users: how to drive these applicationss in a cohesive and controlled manner to deliver further application efficiency gains and increased effectiveness. The applications should operate according to the current business conditions and with as little manual input as possible. Why? Because manual input is the most common point of failure and the biggest culprit for wasting time in any IT process. Applications only do what humans tell them to do. The way forward is to: •

automate the driving of these applications applications in a real time environment reduce the amount of manual input

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  • • • •

eliminate avoidable delays reduce the need for customize customized d coding ensure the job gets done when the business needs it to de done empower the current investment in IT infrastructure

 AppWorx offers offers expertise and software to: • •

• • • • •

automate business processes at the application level enable disparate applications applications to be chained together in a cohesive and managed way feed data into the process react to business and data events prevent or control errors resolve workload issues deliver output to its desired destination

 AppWorx software software is unique unique in its methodology, incorporating: incorporating: • •

• •

a ‘script-less’ approach to defining the process steps application applicat ion drivers (program types) for some 200 programs providing the necessary cross application communication event driven conditional logic dynamic parameter definition

These features contribute to the ability of AppWorx to automate the decision making process.  AppWorx Consulting Consulting Services Services personnel personnel have unique unique expertise and and experience in automating business processes. They can take applications, such as Retek, and automate tasks that were once assumed to require manual input. This removes the end user from tedious, repetitive tasks and creates an automated background background process.  AppWorx Solutions Solutions focus on: on: •

• •

scheduling and controlling controlling vertical solutions such as Retek for the retail market automating ERP applications applications such as Oracle, PeopleSoft, and SAP integrating the application environment, including ERP, utilities, reporting, and housekeeping tools

The result is a single application automation policy and, ultimately, accelerated business processes.

APPWORX – A SCRIPT-LESS DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT   AppWorx greatly greatly reduces, reduces, and many many times eliminates, eliminates, the need need for developers to write shell or PERL scripts to implement implement automation and scheduling, enabling you to deliver new projects more quickly.

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   AppWorx module module and chain chain building building provides provides an online online point and click interface to run your programs. We have taken existing schedules and reduced the original scripts by more than 90%. In fact, this functionality can be extended to the whole development environment to reduce scripting in all projects. AppWorx manages dependencies, thread logic, parameter passing and validation, abort and restart logic, leaving the development team to concentrate concentrate on the real functional code.  AppWorx captures captures all standard output output and keeps keeps track of all all log files files generated. A simple mouse click is all that is required to view the results of your applications. applications. The AppWorx export and import mechanism further reduces coding changes for environmental variables such as database logins, printers and libraries. These, and many other objects, can be remapped when moving AppWorx modules and chains into a new environment, eliminating eliminati ng potentially erroneous code changes and reducing the time to deliver new applications. applications. Future maintenance or changes to processes are easy to manage with  AppWorx. New New modules can be inserted inserted and old old ones switched switched off or deleted. The environment enables a self-documenting approach – providing the insights required to fix problems more quickly and to change processes in the future more efficiently. By using AppWorx interfaces, extensions, and program types, you can build very complex processes without having to repeat the coding effort normally associated with scripting. The AppWorx object methodology, write once and use many times, provides a key tool for rapid development development of schedules and integrated applications applications resulting in accelerated and controlled business processes.

APPLICATION PROCESS INTEGRATION: MORE DETAIL The AppWorx product simplifies the most complex IT projects, including including multiple application integrations, enterprise application upgrades, legacy application optimization. With the AppWorx unique modularor approach, complex scripts can seamlessly migrate from application application to application, eliminating tedious coding and maintenance, and helping to deliver projects on time and on budget.

What is “Application Process Integration”? In order to provide a cohesive business model, organizations should ensure that applications work together to fulfill the business need. As new applications come along, more work is required to knit them into the business process. Often, this issue is resolved by manually driving the individuall applications or by spending time and money writing code to individua link two or more applications applications together.

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  The issue is not just about sharing data. It’s about each applicatio application n working together in a single, event driven, business process.

Extensions, Interfaces and Program Types  AppWorx provides provides a number number of extensions extensions and interfaces interfaces to its core core product suite to enable effective application process integratio integration. n. Some of them are complex extensions for applications applications such as Retek, Oracle EBusiness Suite, PeopleSoft, or SAP, while others are more generic, such as the supplied FTP and SQL*Loader modules. It is also very simple to create new interfaces, called program types, to drive new applications. Think of them as applica application tion drivers. Program types, therefore, are object-oriented interfaces between  AppWorx and and other applications. applications. They They enable: • • • • •

Integration with other applicati applications ons Tracking of cross application application processing Passing of parameters across applications applications and across platforms Registering of output files for subsequent routing or viewing Determination Determinati on of application errors

Creating New Application Interfaces To create new application application interfaces, the application must support one or more of the following: • • • •

 API Calls Calls Command line calls Macro Language Direct database access

In AppWorx, a program type script is written to provide the application interface. The program type script communicates communicates with the application, passes parameters, traps errors, and retrieves output. The script can often be just a few lines of code.  A simple AppWorx AppWorx module, module, using the the program type, can then then drive the application and can be chained with any number of business processes with no further coding required.

BATCH INTEGRATION AND SCHEDULING FOR RETEK APPLICATIONS  Retek Inc. is the leading provider of software solutions and services to the retail industry. Retek’s collaborative solutions help to create, manage, and fulfill consumer demand and are employed extensively around the world. Retek appreciates the complexities of their customer’s IT environments environments and have worked extensively with partners to ensure that batch

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  application integration, data integration, and application scheduling have been addressed.  AppWorx and and Retek have have worked together to develop develop a unique, unique, fully supported solution for scheduling scheduling and automation that brings significant benefits to the Retek implementation project and to the operation of the production Retek environment. For example, a plug and play template for the scheduling of RMS, RDW, and DWI can be implemented and running in a matter of days – compared with the traditional week weekss or months of development that is normally associated with this task.

What does AppWorx bring to a new Retek customer? If you are new to Retek, you are embarking on a major project to improve your competitive position in the retail market. You are investing in a market-leading market-lea ding product in order to bring gains in efficiency and effectiveness to the IT component of your business infrastructure. The  AppWorx solution solution for Retek Retek is a must must for you. •

 AppWorx enables enables you to improve the time-to-market time-to-market of your Retek Retek implementation.  AppWorx reduces reduces the risk risk of in-house in-house developed solutions. solutions.

 AppWorx improves the visibility visibility and and control of Retek business business processes.improves  AppWorx manages manages the workload and exploits exploits the Retek database database for efficient application application processing.  AppWorx enables enables the batch batch application application integration integration you need with your wider infrastructure.  AppWorx will will pay for itself during implementation implementation alone. alone.

What does AppWorx bring to an existing Retek customer? The AppWorx solution for Retek is based on a repeatable, best practice template. However, this template is often modified and enhanced by customers to fit with their unique business requirements. If you have already implemented a traditional, script-based schedule using a legacy scheduling product, you already know: how long it took you to build the original schedule. how difficult it is to maintain or change the schedule. the challenges of balancing computing resources. the cost of downtime when trying to recover corrupt data through poor management of reject data. how many people need to be involved to fix a production problem. •

• •

With AppWorx, many of these on-going issues are significantly reduce reduced d or completely avoided.

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  APPWORX RETEK SOLUTION OVERVIEW  In a single product, p roduct, AppWorx provides many features that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your Retek batch schedule.

The Retek Schedule Template The AppWorx Retek Schedule template provides rapid implementation of the RMS, RDW and DWI batch schedules. This is completely script-free and is supplied by AppWorx or Retek. The template will automatically run programs scheduled daily, weekly, monthly or on specific dates. Of course, the template can be easily modified to your environment but it is initially provided as a ‘best-practice’ solution from Retek. Solutions for RDF, RDM, and POS Uploads are standard st andard additions additions to the AppWorx implementation. The template includes: •

• • • • •

The pre-written code and pre-built schedule required to run all Retek RMS, RDW & DWI programs. The logic to detect what modules are in place and therefore whether to run those programs or not. The logic to automatically take advantage of Retek Multithreading. The application driver (program-type) (program-type) used to develop any custom Retek solutions within AppWorx.  Approximately  Approxim ately 450 AppWorx modules modules (jobs). Nearly 120 AppWorx chains (sequences of jobs). Over 1000 built in interdependencies interdependencies and conditions. Fully automatic and safe restart/recovery processes.  Automatic information extraction from Retek error logs for fast problem diagnosis.

The template also includes the following enhancements for Retek: • • •

Schedules for RDF and RDM.  A solution for for multi-threaded multi-threaded or more more frequent POS POS uploads.  Automatic scheduling [in held status] of jobs to process reject data.  Automatic detection and and management management of multiple multiple input files. files.

The AppWorx template alone can save 16 man weeks of development in addition to the benefits gained in the production environment.

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The above diagram is exactly the same as the chain flow view within the product JAVA interface. The entire chain flow diagram for the complete schedule is produced very quickly and easily using the Microsoft Visio integration and becomes a very useful working document for operational and functional users throughout the development and delivery of the Retek solution. Each discreet chain of modules can be easily moved to cater for differing. Operation of the schedule, trouble-shooting trouble-shooting problems and maintenance maintenance are all made easier by this granular and highly visible solution.

TECHNICAL DETAILS  Retek Specific Architecture In a Retek environment, environment, the AppWorx Master will usually reside on the main RMS server. The AppWorx data repository will use the main Oracle Rapid Results for Retek Batch Application Integration and Scheduling  Scheduling  Copyright 2003 AppWorx Corporation (draft 10/15/03)

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  instance that is also used for storing your Retek data. This allows  AppWorx to benefit from the high availabil availability ity architecture architecture used for your your Retek applications as well as enabling business process acceleration links for your Oracle applications. Remote agents can also be installed to control other Retek applications, applications, such as RDF, RDM, or RDW that might run on other servers.

 Retek Merchandising Merchandising Transaction Transaction System 9.0 9.0

Template Import/Export The template is a pre-defined schedule, created created in Retek’s own environment in Minneapolis. The powerful “import/export” feature in  AppWorx was was used to extract extract the schedule schedule objects and and make them them available to any Retek/AppWorx customer. The same “import/export” mechanism is used throughout your development lifecycle to ensure a risk-free migration of the t he schedule. This feature enables new environment variables such as database logins, printer names, and machine names, to be automatically mapped to the existing schedule – saving time, and avoiding coding changes and the introduction of new errors.

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  Running Retek Processes Before running any Retek process, which is an individual module in  AppWorx, a number of checks checks are made made within within the AppWorx AppWorx Retek program-type code (template). For example: • • • •

Check for Retek threading requirements Check for Retek Bookmark information Check for Lock or Reject File existence Check for existence of multiple input files

Retek Multi-threading Given a Retek multi-threaded program, the template checks the restart tables to determine how many threads of the program should run, then runs the program once for each thread. In the situation where the user specifies the number of threads, AppWorx updates the RESTART_CONTROL table and inserts one record for each thread into the RESTART_PROGRAM_STATUS table. The restart tables are automatically automatically refreshed before programs that use restart/recovery are run.

Retek Restart/Recovery The AppWorx solution automatically checks the Retek restart/recovery restart/recovery tables. If a previous run had failed, then the AppWorx job will abort unless a parameter is set to force the cleanup of the restart recovery tables. Any dependants wait until the job is restarted – this logic applies to multi-threaded programs and is intended to force you to check whether you really want to run the current process and to avoid potentially corrupting data.

Automatic Scheduling for Lock or Reject Files If lock or reject files are created, then AppWorx will automatically automatically schedule a new job, in HELD status, to process those files once the original problems aretoresolved. Therefore, no need to write additional processes check if all data hasthere beenisloaded correctly. This methodology has the benefit of reducing the amount of work required to recover a situation and also to provide a high level of visibility about the problem and the resolution of that problem.

Multiple Input File Detection Usually, if more than one input file is detected then the oldest one is processed – optionally you can be informed about the existence of multiple files and choose the next action. The very fact that AppWorx is checking for multiple files eases the burden on operations and applications support teams in detecting problems and recovering potentially critical situations.

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  Output Files and Log Files Output files that result from batch processes are stored in defined directories. AppWorx provides provides for both output file and log file viewing online as well as offering output management and delivery capabilities. For problem determination, AppWorx AppWorx extracts the relevant data from the Retek log files to provide only the necessary information associated with a process, rather than unnecessarily providing providing the whole log file.  AppWorx can can distribute distribute error notification notification and associated associated log information automatically automatical ly if you so desire; alternatively, AppWorx can feed problems automatically into problem management products such as Remedy.

A Fully Documented Solution The AppWorx solution is self-documenting. There are two levels of documentation: •

The online Graphical Analysis Package, which provides real time views of the modules executing within a chain of events.  An AppWorx AppWorx template that drives Microsoft Microsoft VISIO VISIO as shown in the earlier diagram.

This template enables very fast, automatic, production of project documentation and operational work flow diagrams (“Run-Book”) which are used as a communication communication aid to improve the productivity between functional and operational users throughout the development lifecycle.

Other AppWorx Solutions for Retek  AppWorx provides provides a template template to drive any any Pro*C, shell, or Perl Perl script in the Retek environment. AppWorx templates reduce the coding effort and enable the construction of reusable modules into business process chains. These chains can extend out of the Retek environment and into other applicationss such as SAP, Oracle e-Business Suite or any other application ERP/business ERP/busin ess critical application. The standard AppWorx delivered solution is often extended in the following areas. POS Upload. The Point Of Sale data upload process is critical to the retail business; it facilitates the uploading uploading of data from every store in the retail chain to the Retek system. Frequent uploads are desirable to ensure that the data upon which decisions are based is as current and accurate as possible – enabling the retailer to effectively manage replenishment, replenishme nt, inventory turn, reactivity to sales, mark downs, and promotions. The complexity of managing data transfer and uploads increases dramatically dramatica lly as the frequency of uploads increases; imposing serious strain on any system.  AppWorx manages manages this complexity and and workload workload balancing balancing to permit permit a significant increase in the frequency of uploads through parallel

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  execution of data transfer and controlled and managed uploads uploads to Retek. Furthermore, the AppWorx solution ensures granularity and visibility, providing a more controlled and assured delivery of business critical data. Retek Demand Forecasting. AppWorx offers a standard solution for

implementing the batch requirements implementing requirements for RDF and can be delivered very quickly as part of the Rapid Results Service Package. The schedule is configured dynamically to respond to changes in the business by checking the domains as defined in the Retek application environment. Adding a new domain requires absolutely no changes to  AppWorx or the schedule. schedule. The solution uses the AppWorx advanced advanced queuing mechanism to ensure that system load is managed. ReSA template and scripts. AppWorx provides a template schedule

enabling easy customisation of dependencies and conditions of the Retek supplied scripts for Retek Sales Audit. This area is often customized customized and this should be viewed as a starting point for your ReSA implementation. implementation.

APPWORX AND THE RETEK INTEGRATION BUS   AppWorx is used for application application scheduling scheduling and and processing processing large amounts amounts of data through batch application integration. Data is loaded directly into the database through standard SQL load processes, ETL tools, or via the RIB. When data arrives, AppWorx can use this as a business condition to automate the background processing as in the POS upload process documented above. It is recommended that AppWorx drives processes when the conditions are right to do so, as opposed to the traditional traditional method of just time t ime fencing everything into a batch window. This enables 24x7 processing of data where applicable. Regardless Regardless of whether you are using the RIB or FTP/ETL solutions, AppWorx requires little, if any, configuration changes and, in fact, greater integration can be achieved by implementing the SeeBeyond E-Way for AppWorx.  AppWorx controls, controls, tracks, tracks, and load load balances balances job processes processes within the SeeBeyond e*Gate and Retek applications. Jobs are initiated by AppWorx through its API to e*Gate and, similarly, e*Gate initiates job processes using AppWorx as its “batch “ batch process adapter” in Retek and other applications. 

APPWORX RAPID RESULTS SERVICES   AppWorx has has a packaged packaged service offering to deliver deliver rapid implementation implementation of the batch schedules for Retek. The service, Rapid Results Retek, delivers the necessary training, implementation, implementation, and configuration configuration required to ensure that both AppWorx and Retek best practice methods are used in delivering your Retek batch processing solution.

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   As an example, example, the AppWorx AppWorx product product can be installed installed and and the RMS schedule loaded and tested in just a few days! The basic 13-day package includes: • •

• • •

• •

1 day AppWorx installation in development / test environment 3 days formal classroom training for your development/integration/ developmen t/integration/operations operations teams Implementation of the Retek Template Implementation Full system test and test runs of RMS schedule Implementation Implementa tion and test of Visio program type for documenting the solution Implementation of additional solutions (i.e. POS upload, RDM, RDF) Integration to your systems management tools and additional alerting mechanisms Knowledge transfer throughout the engagement Delivery of project documentation and test run data

CUSTOMER STORIES  Finlay Fine Jewelry Finlay Fine Jewelry is one of the leading retailers of fine jewelry in the United States and the largest operator of leased fine jewelry departments in major department stores for retailers such as The May Department Stores Company, Federated Department Stores, the Carsons and  Younkers divisions divisions of Saks Saks Inc., Marshall Marshall Field’s, and Belk’s. Finlay generates approximately $1 billion in sales through its 10,000 employees in over 1,000 locations. These locations are divided among 24 host-store groups located in 46 states across the U.S.A. After Finlay’s multi-million multi-million dollar investment in retail e-business solutions from Retek, Inc., they discovered they needed help automating their processes. “We realised early on in the Retek implementation process that we needed to acquire a premium job scheduling package package that could handle our volume of data and save us time - which would in turn save us money,” said Jim Giantomenico, Giantomenico, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer for Finlay. “Given our Retek solutions, our warehouse warehouse management and distribution packages and several custom applications, proven experience in application application integration across platforms and operating systems was a must.”  A Retek strategic strategic partner partner and enterprise enterprise job scheduling scheduling leader, leader, AppWorx AppWorx stepped in to help the jewelry giant. The AppWorx Enterprise automation solution manages the automation automation policy for Finlay’s entire IT system, controlling the scheduling, distribution and execution of processes for enterprise-wide applications.

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  Due to the volume of data that needed to be processed by Finlay, they needed a powerful scheduler that could handle high volumes of data and application processing,” said Krishna Vallapareddy, Vallapareddy, Implementation Implementation Engineer for AppWorx. “With AppWorx, we can confidently handle thousands of files in a finite amount of time,” said Giantomenico. Giantomenico. “Not only have we removed the complexity surrounding our Retek application scheduling, but we’ve saved time and resources by eliminating previously manually controlled processes.”  AppWorx also also provides an an enhancement enhancement to Retek’s Retek’s restart and recover functionality by defining variables variables that apply to Finlay’s specific needs for recovering errant processes. These variables can include dynamic values drawn from a database or job status codes returned from completed processes. Once defined, the variables can be passed automatically automatically to any Retek module through AppWorx. If a failure code from a previous job is encountered, the Retek process can be restarted or an operator can be notified so the corrupt data does not enter the database. “Without a powerful scheduler like AppWorx, I would need three times my current staff and I’d still have to keep my fingers crossed that information was getting from point A to point B,” said Giantomenico.

AB Lindex  AB Lindex in Sweden estimated estimated that the the cost of the implementation implementation of the batch scheduler for their first phase of the Retek implementation implementation with minimal functionally would take a minimum of 200 man-hours. In addition an operating manual had to be created. Experience Experience showed that a homegrown solution often is expensive to operate in the long run. Pernilla Rönn, Technical Technical Architect at Lindex, had this to say about the  AppWorx Retek Retek solution: We wanted to move to more powerful scheduling tools, as the Retek batch schedule is quite complex and both maintenance, and  execution of the Retek Retek batch is much simpler simpler in a batch scheduling scheduling  system. The Twithin heithin AppWorx ssolution olution pro vided a seat much up for the the Retek  schedule w three three days and andprovided resulted inset muc h more efficient efficient  solution to handle the the Retek application processing.  After the implementation, implementation, we we felt that we could strongly strongly recommend AppWorx to other Retek customers. AppWorx demonstrated a strong knowledge of the Retek application and has a close relationship with the Retek development team in  Minneapolis. The use of AppWorx guaranteed a best practice approach and a  faster implementation implementation of the Retek Retek schedule: schedule: less than than three days  for our vanilla vanilla implementation. implementation.

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   Despite DB DB Lindex being being based in Sweden, Sweden, AppWorx has has been very very reactive and have been able to efficiently assist us during the implementation, user acceptance testing and support phase.  During the implementation implementation of Retek, Retek, you can can always make best use of consultancy time available and AppWorx helped us to free up valuable resources that have been affected on other essential work of our Retek implementation.

APPWORX RETURN ON INVESTMENT EXAMPLE  The following ROI example is from real AppWorx / Retek implementations implementat ions and has been verified by leading external consultants. The savings demonstrated in this ROI are indicative of any AppWorx solution and show some significant savings, not only during implementation implementat ion but also right through to the operation and management management of the resulting automated environment. environment. Further explanation and the criteria of the variables variables in this documented are available from AppWorx Corporation, Corporation, as is the entire ROI document.

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  Phase 1 (30 Retek jobs – 30 interfaces) Without AW With AW Difference Development - Implementation of scheduler Installation of the scheduler (development – integration - test –production) Script development/integration/test of batch schedule with scheduler Scripting, Integration of interfaces in the schedule

95 5 60

36 5 10

Phase 2 (150 jobs + 150 interfaces) Without AW With AW Difference

59 0 50

452 2 300

157 2 50

295 0 2 50













15 15

2 1

13 14

15 7. 5

1 0. 5

14 7

10.5 8.75

2 4.38

8.5 4.38

10. 5 29.17

1 10.94

9. 5 18.23







Total Développement (man days) Development cost in $ (850 per day)

153.75 $130,688

47.18 $40,099

106.58 $90,589

559.37 $475,462

178.29 $151,544

381.08 $323,917

Operation of the batch schedule Batch W indows Optimization Management of rejects et restart of data processing Job rerun DBA Support Application Support Total Operation in Man days Operation cost in $ (850 per day)   In Ind dir irec ectt Cost sts s in $ (g (ge ene nerric co cost st to be ad adap apte ted d per cu cust sto omer er)) Service outages Server Upgrade  

60 24 24 12 36 48 144 $122,400

24 12 6 6 24 36 84 $71,400

36 12 18 6 12 12 60 $51,000

120 48 48 24 72 96 288 $244,800

48 24 12 12 48 72 168 $142,800

72 24 36 12 24 24 120 $102,000

$1 $150 50,,00 000 0 $ 100,000 $ 50,000

$50 $50,,00 000 0 $ 50,000 $0

$1 $100 00,,00 000 0 $ 50,000 $ 50,000

$7 $700 00,,00 000 0 $ 250,000 $ 450,000

$2 $283 83,,33 333 3 $ 83,333 $ 200,000

$4 $416 16,,667 667 $ 166,667 $ 250,000

$ 241,589 $ 1,420,262

$ 577,678

$ 842,584

Additional Scripting Multi-threading implementation (Retek & other applications) – integrated with AW restart/recovery management - integrated with AW logs & errors management (+ alerts) – integrated with AW Documentation of the schedule – Run book Configuration management and Environement Migration

Total Development - Operation and Indirect Costs

Rapid Results for Retek Batch Application Integration and Scheduling  Scheduling  Copyright 2003 AppWorx Corporation (draft 10/15/03)

$ 403,088 $ 161,499

15 WP051-1003




For more information, contact us at 1.877.APPWORX in the US and +44 (0)1293 874400 874400 in the UK, or visit our website at www.appworx.com.

 AppWorx Corporation Corporation 2475 140th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98005, USA Toll Free 1.877.APPWORX Tel +1 425 644 2121 Fax +1 425 644 2266 [email protected] [email protected]    AppWorx Europe Europe

Suite 5 Gatwick House, Peeks Brook Lane Horley, Surrey, RH6 9ST, UK. Tel +44(0)1293 874400 Fax +44(0)1293 822937 [email protected]

 AppWorx is a registered trademark of AppWorx AppWorx Corporation. Corporation. Other products mentioned are trademarks of their respective companies. 

Rapid Results for Retek Batch Application Integration and Scheduling  Scheduling  Copyright 2003 AppWorx Corporation (draft 10/15/03)

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