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U.S. Army binoculars: WWI. Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Recent developments.

M3. Ingalls, 1944. History through WWII.

9 x 50. M19. M22.

By Peter Abrahams, with contributions from David Gaddy, Steve Harris, Brian Haren, and others. ========================= Visual Signaling, Manual No. 6, 1910. The Signal Corps Manual No. 3 (1916). Field glasses issued by the Signal Corps are not for personal use. Officers are to have a personal field glass, which can be purchased from the Signal Corps, who have purchased for testing many samples, which can be inspected. 5 binocular types were in use by the U.S. Army in 1916: Type A. Magnification 5.6 (day, 5.4 degree field), 3.8 (night, 8.3 degree field, plus lenses drop in front of eye lenses); Galilean, 1.5 inch objective, aluminum & brass. Two issued to each company of infantry, cavalry, coast artillery, Scouts, and Signal Corps. Price, $12.15. Later Model 1910 has interpupillary adjustment, price $14.75. Type B. Magnification 4.5 and 6.5, Galilean, 1.75 inch objective, interpupillary adjustment. Field of view at 4.5x, 90 yards at 1,000 yards; at 6.5x, 60 yards. Price, $17.50. For field artillery. Type C. Magnification 10, 1.75 inch objective, field of view 80 yards at 1000 yards, Porro prism. 1910 issue was the Terlux 10 power. Price $39.90. Issued to artillery reconnaissance officers, Signal Corps, and all machine gun platoons. Type D. Planned in 1910. Magnification 8, field of view 5 degrees 40 minutes, estimated cost $27. 1916 issue, Busch 8-power Stellux, 1.75 inch objective. Type EE. Issued by 1916, Porro prism, magnification 6, 1.1875 inch objective, mil scale reticle on one side. Telescopes issued in 1910 were the Type A, 2 inch, 18x and 24x, prism erector, alt-az on folding tripod; and Type B, 2 draw spyglass, 19-27 power. The Signal Corps Storage Catalogue (1920): Type E - "binocular, 6 by 30; same as Field glass, type EE, except for omission of the mil and range scale" Type E-1 - "binocular; Galilean: 4.5 inches diameter magnification; object lens 1.75 inches...formally designated type B" Type E-9 - "Galilean; magnification approx. 3.5 and 5.5 diameters; object lens 1.5 inches...formally designated type A '1910' " Type E-10 - "prismatic; 'Terlux' 10-power; object lens, 1.75 inches...formally designated type C" Type E-11 - "prismatic; Busch 8-power 'Stellux'; object lens, .75inch...formally designated type D" Type EE - "binocular, 6 by 30; object lens, 1.1875-inch...one barrel equipped with mil and range scale" (Steve Harris) ========================= At the onset of WWI, the Signal Corps was responsible for distributing binoculars to the Army. They were issued to noncommissioned officers and sold at cost to commissioned officers who were engaged in combat. It

became clear that many thousands would be needed, but U.S. manufacturing capacity was far smaller and used German and other European glass. In 1914, the U.S. imported $641,000 worth of optical glass, and in 1915, almost none was imported. Thus, in late 1914, production of optical glass was developed at Bausch & Lomb, Spencer Lens, and Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., assisted by the U.S. Bureau of Standards and the Carnegie Institute's geophysical laboratory. Binocular production was established in Rochester at Bausch & Lomb, Gundlach - Manhattan, and Crown Optical. B & L's connection with Zeiss was dissolved in 1915, when B & L began manufacture of binoculars for the British, French, and Russian governments. As of 1914, B & L had made up to 1,800 binoculars in a year. By November, 1918, 3,500 binoculars were made each week at B & L, and at the armistice, the factory had 6,000 employees and measured 32 acres. Gundlach - Manhattan produced up to 600 binoculars per week during the war. Crown had difficulties in increasing production, and the factory was commandeered by the Navy in late 1917, with production reaching 1,200 Army Signal Corps binoculars a week, in addition to production for the Navy. To staff these three factories, the Signal Corps often used draftees who had some related experience. The Weiss Electrical Instruments Co. in Denver had made surveyor's levels and engineering equipment, and made binoculars for the Army at this time. The Talbot Reel & Manufacturing Co. in Kansas City made fishing reels in a factory that was 30 square feet in area. It was purchased in 1917, a new factory was built, and production of Army field glasses was accomplished before armistice. The standard Army binocular was 6 power, prismatic, individual focus, with a field of 150 yards at 1000 yards; issued with a leather case with attached compass. Total shipments of these were about 106,000 units. Artillery units were supplied with an 8 power binocular, all of which were made in France. (Source: Benedict Crowell. America's Munitions 1917-1918. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1919. p577-9) ========================= The M3 was a standard U.S. Army binocular of WWII. It was made by Nash-Kelvinator and Westinghouse; and B & L, Universal Camera and Wollensak are also mentioned as manufacturers. B&L and other optical giants made most of the optics for the various manufacturers. There were minor differences in weatherproofing, reticles, and possibly some were coated. The M3 incorporated an improvement, a set screw to hold the eccentric ring objective cell, to keep it from rotating during heavy use. The M3 has a 8 degree, 30 min. FOV, an f 4.4 objective, and the reticle is graduated in mils (horizontal) and hundreds of yards (vertical). 311,263 were made, with a price of $71. Wollensak is well known in the US as a maker of photographic equipment, and made many products for the military during WWII. They split off from B & L in 1899 to make shutters. They had 1200 employees in 1958, but were bought by Revere and then 3M and were closed in 1972. ========================= All about Binoculars, by Albert G. Ingalls. Scientific American, August, 1944 OFTEN THIS department is asked for instructions for making a binocular. No such thing exists; nor would the job be very simple on a single instrument. Quite the contrary. The optics would be those of two refracting telescopes of short focal

ratio; plus two Porro prism systems which erect the image, shorten the tube and, by increasing objective separation, enhance the stereoscopic effect (the dear public largely thinks they are put there to magnify); plus a mounting. In time and money, too, the job would far out cost a purchased instrument, and thus it is practically impracticable. That is just why some enterprising, nose-thumbing amateur will ultimately make a binocular. While the following résumé of recent improvements in U. S. Army binoculars, which was obtained from Frankford Arsenal, Army Ordnance Department, gives no how-to-make-it instructions, its background data should interest all readers. THE EMERGENCY precipitated by the impending World War II presented the United States Army Ordnance Department with the problem of immediate procurement of a large quantity o binoculars. Because of the urgency for setting up production it was necessary to select the most adaptable mode for which tooling existed and to produce approximately 350,000 instruments as quickly as possible. The model selected was the 6 X 30 commercial binocular being manufactured by the Bausch and Lomb Optical Company with whom an initial order for 20,000 binoculars was placed. This binocular was given the official nomenclature "Binocular, M3," indicating Standard Army Issue model No. 3 in the "M" series of binoculars. The 6 X 30 denotes six power magnification and 30mm objective diameter. The only change necessary in the commercial model was the incorporation of a military reticle. The reticle shown below is a glass disk, both surfaces of which are polished parallel to within two minutes of arc. On one surface lines and figures, presenting a graduated scale, are etched and filled with an opaque material to make them visible. The crossline pattern and the dimensions of the reticle are determined by the type of binocular in which the element is to be used. The element is usually made of baryta light flint or spectacle crown glass. The function of the reticle is to place the crossline pattern in the same focal plane as the real image formed by the objective so that the distance between two points or objects in the field of observation may be calculated. Since it was apparent, even prior to placing the initial order, that the resources of the experienced Bausch and Lomb Optical Company would be necessary for the production of more critical precision optical instruments than binoculars, arrangements to set up separate facilities to produce binoculars, solely and on a large scale, were inaugurated. NashKelvinator, Ranco Division, and Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company were selected on the basis of Industrial Service surveys indicating their ability to utilize their existing equipment. As neither Nash-Kelvinator nor Westinghouse had previous experience in making military optical instruments or the facilities for the manufacture of the optical elements, the Ordnance Department instituted an elaborate program for procurement of the essential optics to be furnished to the two companies for assembly with the mechanical elements into complete binoculars. Optical elements included in the binocular are Porro prisms spherical lenses, cemented doublets- that is, a crown and a flint lens cemented together-and a reticle. The complete assembly is shown below.

Fortunately, binocular optics do not require the extreme accuracy of optics such as Amici prisms and other special elements used in higher powered instruments. Despite the fact that optics were being manufactured by approximately 50 different companies, surprisingly little difficulty through rejections and disputes between the optics processors and the instrument assemblers was experienced. This may be attributed largely to an efficient inspecting system. Inspectors especially trained at Frankford Arsenal for inspection of fire control instruments were sent out to each one of the 13 ordnance districts in the United States. Since inspection of an optical surface cannot be measured with a graduated instrument, but must be based on the judgement of an inspector, occasional controversy arose regarding acceptability. In such case, a standardization meeting was held, whereupon master inspectors from Frankford Arsenal rendered final decision. Today's Army operates in the humid moisture-laden climate of the South Seas, in the icy climates of Greenland and Alaska, and in the African desert where night temperatures are below zero in sharp contrast to the extreme heat of the day. Binoculars used in World War II are subjected to terrific vibration and shock in transport and in action and often are completely immersed during military surf landings. From the viewpoint of World War II, Binocular M3 is a superlative instrument However, after a quantity of the M3 binoculars were issued and in use many difficulties due to the nature of military operations of World War II were reported. As a result of these reports, a concentrated study of the most minute details of Binocular M3 was conducted, which eventually resulted in the development of Binocular M13. The first problem to be considered in the development of the M13 from the basic M3 was that of waterproofing the instrument to withstand submersion. This was accomplished by redesigning the cover plates to provide for the use of a synthetic rubber gasket and a greater number of fastening screws. In addition, a new military wax, capable of withstanding extreme high and low temperatures, for sealing the objective lens and objective assembly was developed by the Ordnance Laboratory. This compound, Specification FXS, replaces Navy Black Sealing Compound No. 3A. It resists cracking at -50 degrees F. and has a melting point of 210 degrees F., as against 150 degrees F. for No. 3A compound. The formula includes a fungicide to repel molds and insects. Shock and vibration tests revealed that severe shock caused shifting of the original prism mounting, affecting the optical alinement of the instrument. Experimentation with methods of mounting prisms resulted in the use of a dental cement. This cement is a blend of cupric oxide powder, phosphoric acid, and zinc chloride in solution. The ingredients are mixed in the ratio of three parts of powder to one part of liquid. Additional tests proved that prisms mounted with this agent were locked firmly against all shock remained free of strain, and could be removed readily for cleaning. Another very serious problem, applicable to all telescopes, was the formation of moisture on the optical elements within the finished instrument. In any binocular, moisture may eventually

enter and condense on the optics, because no instrument with an adjustable threaded eyepiece movement can be sealed perfectly. Such formation is most objectionable on tee graduated reticle, upon which the most trifling speck is visible and distracts the user. A plane high in the sky first appears as a tiny pinpoint which looms very like a fleck of dust under magnification of the binocular eyepiece. Experience gained in packaging complicated items for export, using dehydrating agents, was utilized in solving this problem. A special cartridge, shown in the small illustration, containing a small amount of silica gel, was placed within the body of each binocular. The instruments so treated were tested by subjection to most adverse conditions of humidity and rapid changes in temperature, which proved that the desiccant eliminated formation of moisture on the optics over an extended period of time. A means of making the binocular more usable under conditions of fading light was undertaken. American binoculars effective an hour later in the evening than those of the enemy would be of great advantage to American soldiers. Therefore, a development of the optical industry-coating optical surfaces with a magnesium fluoride film to reduce loss of light by reflectionhad been under study by the Army and Navy for some time. By exerting the full power of research of the Army, Navy, and associated commercial facilities toward perfection of magnesium fluoride and other coating techniques, coatings were produced to withstand cleaning and all field conditions. The magnesium fluoride coating is applied to the optical surfaces at high temperature under a high vacuum, the fluoride becoming a part of the glass surface. This coating reduces light reflection and permits a greater amount of light to pass through the optical system, enabling the use of the binocular at dusk, when light is fading. After the time and money spent in producing a fine binocular, an improvement in the export method was incorporated as further insurance that the binocular will reach the ultimate user in factory-new condition. The binocular is placed in its special leather carrying case and sealed, together with five ounces of silica gel, in a moisture-vaporproof bag and cushioned in a corrugated carton. Twenty-four such cartons are then packed in a steel-strapped wooden box having a submersion-proof bag lining. This new M13 binocular is now mass production. Thousands of them are being shipped every month to American fighting men overseas to aid them in seeing the enemy before the enemy sees them. Of course, the Ordnance Department is never satisfied with the degree of perfection of the fighting equipment of our Army. Even now additional improvements to assure that the American binocular is the best the world are in progress. ========================= WWII 9 x 50 Late in WWII, the U.S. Army considered supplementing their 6 x 30 with a larger binocular, smaller than the Navy 7 x 50. A 9 x 50 was produced by adding a conical extension to the front of the prism housing of a 6 x 30, to hold a 50 mm objective identical to that used in the 7 x 50. Apertures were bored out in the removable prism shelf. The original ocular was retained, with the longer focal length resulting in higher

power. Perhaps under 100 of these were made by an unknown firm, possibly Edmund. Some of these are marked Bausch & Lomb, Binocular M13 A1. The body might be a Universal 6 x 30, with characteristic seals & waterproofing. At war's end, Edmund bought the surplus parts, and Douglas MacDougal bought them from Edmund for his 'London Bridge Trading Corp' of Virginia Beach, VA (now an electronics business). His employee, Kent Ferguson, built some number of these binoculars, and sold one as late as 1989. (Source: conversation with Larry Tieger). One example of a 9 x 50 has a prism housing cover marked only "9 x 50 COATED OPTICS", and is possibly a prototype military model. It was partially sealed with cosmolene. Straps, hardware, etc. are identical or similar to B & L binoculars. The hinge pin is tapered & pinned, and marked A-185454. The serial number on the rear of the axis is A 11830; and if it is a B & L, the A would mean 1941 production of the body (the lens coatings would not be that old). The objectives measure +4 diopter front surface and +2 1/4 diopter rear surface, identical to a Navy 7 x 50 objective. The objective mounting is the same as the B & L, with lock ring & seal, but the objective cell is threaded on the outside, front and rear, and can be 'screwed in or out' within the barrel, to match the left & right sides for focal length. There is a lock ring for this adjustment. Prisms & prism shelves are identical to a 6 x 30. Prisms are beveled on the top corners (later prisms had sharp 90 degree corners). It is reported that these 9 x 50s were made by Anchor and by Edmunds, and that a 1948 American Rifleman, carried an advertisement that they were 'now available'. ========================= Optical testing at Aberdeen Proving Ground is shown in the booklet: Ordnance School. Foreign Materiel, volume 3. (fire control instruments & sighting equipment, German & Japanese, B.C. scopes, range & height finders) Published by The Ordnance School: Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, July 1943. (OS 9-61, vol. 3) 100p. This has photos, breakdown photos, and brief descriptions of use for these instruments: German: aiming circle Rkr 31; B.C. type stereoscopic telescope; range finder EM 34; illumination lamp for fire control instruments; Z.F. antitank telescope; 81mm mortar sight. Japanese: coincidence range finder 75cm base; stereoscopic height finder 2m base. This is vol. 3 of a series, the first two concerned foreign small arms & artillery. They were written for use in courses taught at The Ordnance School. Subsequent volumes were planned. (Most of the optical related work done at Aberdeen was in the realm of verifying work done and carrying any overload for Frankford Arsenal, which has been the principal site for the design, development and repair of Army optics since approximately 1921. --Earl Osborn) ---------Since 1917, Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) has been a military center for research, development and testing of Army material including vehicles, ordnance and weaponry. US Army Ordance Museum, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Building 2601, Interstate 95, Exit 85, East on Route 22, Aberdeen, Maryland 21005-5201, Phone: (410) 278-3602 (No Web Site found) The museum contains an impressive collection of over 200 tanks, artillery pieces, armored vehicles, etc. The museum is open seven days a week (except Federal holidays) from 10:00 am to 4:45 pm.

The museum has a historian on staff, who said that most optical firing aids were 'ordnance', but that binoculars would not be in that category. In 1962, Aberdeen's older records were shipped off to an archive or to 'Materiel Command'. He was not aware of any optical testing, but the lab at Aberdeen was extensive & capable of such tests. ----------An experimental binocular from Aberdeen is a modified B & L Mod 21 7x50. They are 15 power, and the 70 mm coated objectives are on tube extensions. Both objectives and eye pieces can be focused, using a screw running in a rotary groove. The hinge is extended through the front crosspiece to another about 4 inches in front (three total crosspieces). Eyepieces are slotted in a circular pattern and have a raised screwhead that rides in the slot for focusing. The only markings are '3554-L' on both eyepieces, the previous owner stated they came from Aberdeen. This is a well made glass with a fitted wood case, and definitely not a garage project. (Dick Martin, Bob Bibb) ----------Optics & Photonics News, June 2000, p17. US Army Research Laboratory, ARL, sites at Aberdeen Proving Ground APG, and Adelphi MD. Including basic research, technology generation, and spectroscopy group developing tests for detection of chemicals. ========================= The development of optical equipment by the Army is described in the booklet: Frankford Arsenal. Encyclopedia of Army Ordnance Binoculars. Philadelphia, no date, after 1944. 84p. No date, the last model discussed is the T8, some details indicate wartime publication. Page 1, "future procurement officials should not permit Industrial Service business reasons to add to the number of models in the field. An example of this was prevented from being perpetuated by the cancellation of plans to procure Binocular M10, a Navy design 7 x 50 Binocular, from Anchor Optical for purely financial or business reasons in order to save financial investments of the Ordnance Department in the facility. The procurement of Binoculars M9 from Universal Camera Co. as a commercial design after Ordnance designs were available, may also be considered a mistake....(instead of) giving maintenance requirements greater consideration, before deciding to add to the multiplicity of models". "The standard binocular for issue to all Army Forces prior to World War II was the Field Glass, Type EE. The E and EE Field Glasses are based on a commercial design of the Bausch and Lomb Company....manufactured by the Bausch and Lomb Company, the Naval Gun Factory, Talbot and Reel Company, and Crown Optical Company.....The Type E Field Glass is a larger and heavier predecessor of Type EE. Both the metal parts and the optics are larger and heavier than the Type EE Field Glass, although the optical characteristics, magnification, etc., were the same....Procurement and issue of these glasses was the responsibility of the U.S. Army Signal Corps until the early part of 1921 when this responsibility was transferred to the Ordnance Department....when....the following makes and types constituted the majority:" B & L Type EE; USNGF EE; Talbot Reel E; Crown E; Busch 6x; Krauss 16x; Huet 12x & 16x; Lemaire 6x & 8x; Alpine 7.5x & 8x; Busch Millux 6x; Colmont 8x; Afsa 8x. "an extended series of tests of the various types of Field Glasses was made by the Field Artillery at Fort Sill and that another test was carried out by the Coast Artillery at Fort Monroe." "By 1937, practically all the non-standard binoculars had been

disposed of by public sale and there remained on hand approximately 100,000 Type EE....many were reconditioned....Frankford Arsenal in 1941" "in 1940 the Ordnance Department was faced with the necessity of adopting a commercial model binocular for which tooling existed....the model selected was the 6 x 30 commercial Binocular" by B & L, and 18,617 M3 binoculars were bought from B & L, none engraved M3 since B & L changed the name to M8. Only the addition of a reticle was made to the commercial model; however, parts were not interchangeable between the B & L model & those made elsewhere, so the B & L model was designated M8. Nash-Kelvinator - Ranco Division and Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company were chosen as additional manufacturers; neither had made optics & these were furnished other companies. The production of these two makers was made of interchangeable parts, according to Ordnance Drawings, and they were designated M3. In the "Optical Elements Code Chart, 9 March 1944, Ordnance Fire Control Sub-Office, Frankford Arsenal", the glass parts were required to be identified by maker on the rough ground edge of the optics, using a two letter code in black ink or a color code in 2 or 3 dots, as described below: manufacturer; color code; letter code. B & L; blue; B & L. Bell & Howell; red-blue; BEH. Bonschur & Holmes Opt. Co; yellow-black-purple; BHS. Carter & Bray Optical Co.; purple; CBR (Max Bray). Delaware Association; purple-blue; DLA. Dioptric Instrument Corp; green-red-green; DI. Eastman Kodak; red; EK. J.W. Fecker Optical Co.; white; FX. Frankford Arsenal; purple-red; FA. C.P. Goerz American Opt. Co.; white-red-green; GCP. Gundlach Manufacturing Co.; white-red; GMC. Ilex Optical Co.; white-black; IP. International Industries, Inc.; green; IN. F.W. Judge Optical Works; white-yellow; JG. Kollsman Instrument Co.; red-blue-red; KO. Liberty Optical Co.; white-red-blue; LOC. Mack Optical Co.; purplegreen; MOC. May Oil Burner Co.; yellow-purple; MAY. Wm Mogey & Sons Co.; red-blue-yellow; MWS. Mount Wilson Observatory; red-blue-green; MWL. Murch Electrical Co.; yellow-blue; MHE. National Research, Inc.; white-blue; NRC. Optical Instrument Corp.; white-red-white; OPC. Optical Research, Inc.; red-green; OPR. Panocular Corporation; redwhite-purple; PAN. Perkin-Elmer Corporation; yellow-white-purple; PEC. Pinkham & Smith; black-purple; PSC. Ritholz & Sons; yellow-whitegreen; RZS. Robinson-Houchin Optical Co.; blue-green; RHC. Scientific Specialty Co.; black-blue; SSY. Shuron Optical Co.; redyellow; SOC. Simpson Optical Manufacturing Co.; yellow-white-red; SIC. St. Louis Optical Co.; black-green; SAL. Tinsley Laboratories; whitegreen; TLA. Ultima Optical Co.; blue-white-green; ULA. John Unertl Co.; yellow; UJ. Univis Lens Co.; red-black; UV. U.S. Instrument Corporation; yellow-blue-yellow; USI. U.S. Optical Supply Co.; yellowwhite-blue; UD. Vard, Inc.; white-purple; VA. W.R. Weaver Co.; yellow-black; WWR. Winters-Jones Co.; yellow-white-black; WJC. Zenith Optical Co.; black; ZC. Norman Ford Co.; blue-white-blue; NFD. U.S. Management & Eng. Co.; green-white-green; UME. Delaware Association built a plant in Miami, made machinery from scrap & automobile parts, and "within three months after breaking ground, were shipping acceptable optics". "7 x 50 and 6 x 30 Binocular optics do not require edge blackening." Letter coding is recommended on edge-blackened optics, color coding on thin edged optics; and the color code needs to be applied after lens coating. The British Government bought 6 x 30s directly from Universal Camera, designated M6. The M9 was made at Universal, identical to the M6 except with a left side reticle, instead of the British right side reticle.

Threads were not standard and the prism mounting was developed at Universal. Optical parts were made at Universal. Research Enterprises, Ltd., in Canada, made the M12, based on the B & L M3, for British use only. In 1943, a review of the M3 was done, in response to many problems encountered under severe military conditions. The Navy had engaged B & L to review their 7 x 50 for the same reason; and Universal to review the 6 x 30. Universal suggested to the Army that all services should adopt a more rugged & waterproof model, since conversion would otherwise be impossible. This might have meant yet another model with unique maintenance requirements. The M13 was made the standard 6 x 30, with parts that were interchangeable between all manufacturers (for the first time). The EE binoculars mounted the prisms in a machined, full width slot, with screws through the body that pushed the prisms into alignment. This permitted collimation without disassembly, but the screw tips placed much stress on the glass prisms. The B & L system of mounting the prisms with triangular wire wrapped around the prism and adjusted via the slanted shoulders of flat head screws, was deemed inadequate, as these models became out of collimation in transport. Universal developed a method of staking the prisms by 'chiseling' a peel of metal from the prism shelf; very secure but imposing stress on the glass that resulted in chipped & cracked prisms. The M13 and later models adopted a cementing procedure, with an undercut shelf that was packed with cement. Prisms do not reflect a light beam at an exact right angle, and so they were marked to indicate the deviation of a beam of light; a prism marked '2-6' meant that in a text fixture, the prism showed a deviation of 6 minutes of arc in the direction of 2 o'clock on a clock dial. The prisms were grouped according to their numbers & when the binocular was assembled, pairs were matched to compensate for the imprecision. In 1943, the Army ordered 50,000 binoculars for the Army Air Force, and for this order the new M14, a waterproofed M3, was adapted to include rubber eyeguards and Polaroid filters, and designated the M15. Westinghouse began production and in addition a small quantity of M7s with sand cast bodies were made. In March, 1944, the 6 x 30 was terminated, manufacture of the M15 (Westinghouse) and M16 (NashKelvinator) began, and 15,000 Navy Mark 21 models (Kollsman) were obtained. 16 different optics manufacturers supplied the glass parts for the M15 and M16. Anti-reflection coatings were used on most binoculars made during 1944. Aluminum was in short supply and a few cast parts were made of zinc alloy, which did not hold paint as well. EE field glasses cost an average of $39. per unit. The M1 was an 8 x 56, with oculars set at about 80 degrees to the body, made by Keuffel & Esser for use with Height Finder T9E1, which was cancelled and 'no more than a pilot Binocular M1 was ever made'. The M2 was an 8 x 56 by B & L, for searchlight control, issued to the Engineer Corps, and 2,476 were procured at $70. 311,263 Binocular M3s were procured at an average of $71. each. Binocular M4 was cancelled. The T4 was an M3 made with pressed steel instead of die cast aluminum parts, and six were made. Binocular T6 was a 6 x 20, 8 degree F.O.V., of magnesium alloy, weighing 8 ounces, mounted in rubber-lined goggle frames, used handsfree, for field artillery air observers. The T7 was a T6 with 3.5 power magnification. They were both made by Universal Camera, and are noted in Cynthia Repinski's 'The Univex Story', where the two patents are listed

(2,436,574 Feb. 14, 1945; and 2,436,576 Feb. 14, 1945) and the two developers, George Kende and Sten Johanson, are noted. -------Another source for prisms during WWII for Frankford Arsenal was Albert Ingalls' 'Roof Prism Gang'. About 28,000 roof or Amici prisms were produced for the US military during the war by this group of professional and amateur opticians. ========================= The Optical Instrument Committee was formed in 1942 to resolve problems in procurement of optics for the Army. The Binocular SubCommittee consisted of representatives from B & L, Ranco (NashKelvinator) of Columbus Ohio, Universal Camera in N.Y., Westinghouse of Mansfield Ohio, and Wollensak of Rochester. The Optical Element SubCommittee included representatives from American Lens, B & L, Bell & Howell, Bray Optical, Kodak, Fecker (J. Fecker), Gundlach, Wm. Mogey & Sons (W. Mogey & F. Kimsey), Perkin-Elmer (R. Perkin), Tinsley, Unertl, and others. These two sub-committees met on 15 December 1942 at Ranco, and the agenda was: "The deterioration in the quality of binocular optics being supplied OFE to the binocular manfacturers and the refusal by five of the processors to accept the return of rejected optics were the reasons for calling this general meeting to discuss optical quality.....it was agreed that new test fixtures were essential, that the standardization of inspection procedure was vital" (Source: Optical Instrument Committee, A Brief History.) n.d., ca. 1943. (33p) ========================= Thomson, Harry and Lida Mayo. The Ordnance Department: Procurement and Supply. Washington: Office of the Chief of Military History, Dept. of the Army, 1960. (p96-7). (page 95): The Army's Ordnance purchases of optical fire control instruments from 1940 to 1945 totaled over $1,000,000,000. Industry was not enthusiastic about producing the more complex instruments, which were small-run and high-risk; and they had to be persuaded to manufacture them. (page 96): The major products were binoculars & telescopes, range finders & height finders, and directors. "the quality of American fire control materiel came in for a good deal of criticism from British forces in North Africa....that was soon echoed by U.S. troops who landed in North Africa in November 1942." "Early in 1941, to meet an urgent requirement for 350,000 binoculars, Ordnance took the unusual step of standardizing for military use a commercial design of the Bausch and Lomb Optical Company. This design closely approximated the old World War I binocular, known as type EE, that was still standard. Other commercial models were also standardized and produced in quantity for shipment to Allies. But this policy soon proved to be a costly mistake. Designed for normal civilian use, the commercial binoculars failed to stand up under combat service where they were subjected to rough handling, submersion in water, and exposure to extremes of temperature. Using them was, in the words of one field commander, "like looking through two dirty milk bottles." ....a new military model was adopted early in 1943.......When the Bausch and Lomb binocular was adopted in 1941, it was understood that the Bausch and Lomb company could not be counted on for large-scale

production of binoculars because its resources were needed for more critical precision optical instruments. Ordnance therefore turned to the Nash-Kelvinator Company, and the Mansfield Ohio works of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. Neither firm had any experience in making optical instruments, nor any facilities for manufacture of optical elements, but plant surveys had convinced Ordnance that the two concerns could readily adapt their equipment and buildings to binocular production. Optical elements -- lenses, prisms, windows, reticles, and other parts made of optical glass -- were to be procured from optical glass manufacturers and turned over to Nash-Kelvinator and Westinghouse as government free issue materials. Production was slow to start. "We were told by old line binocular manufacturers," Westinghouse later reported, "that they questioned if we would ever be able to produce satisfactory binoculars, let alone produce them in the quantities called for under our contract." But by the first anniversary of Pearl Harbor the two contractors were producing at the rate of 8,000 binoculars each, per month. During 1943, the peak year for production, 245,672 were turned out, including both old and new models." (page 98): "The competition for optics (lenses & prisms) almost resolved itself into a 'free for all' between the Army, Navy, and Air Corps, with the British Purchasing Commission interfering with all three. Because of the shortage of optical elements, and the instrument makers' lack of experience in procuring them, Ordnance decided to procure optical elements from qualified producers and turn them over to instrument manufacturers as government free issue material. One of the most successful procurements under this policy flowed from a contract with the Optical Research Company of Long Island City. This concern produced most of the optical elements for the binoculars made by the Nash-Kelvinator Company and the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. As requirements for optical elements mounted after Pearl Harbor and it became necessary to bring many small manufacturers into production, Frankford Arsenal and the New York Ordnance District arranged with the Mergenthaler-Linotype Company to attempt an unusual experiment. Mergenthaler set up the U.S. Optical Supply Corporation, with an office in New York City, to provide central control of numerous contracts with small producers. Its officers were also officers of Mergenthaler, the parent company, and received no compensation for their services. Operating on a cost-plus-fixed-fee contract with the government, the company placed subcontracts with many small producers, helped them get into production, provided storage space for optical pressings, and eventually delivered some $4 million of material......The Fire Control Sub-Office encouraged the optical glass industry by arranging government financing of plant expansion and administering an optical machinery pool which procured some 1,000 machines for use by optical glass producers. It arranged for Corning Glass Works to build a government-owned, contractoroperated plant at Parkersburg, W. Va., and to operate a glass depot there. In October 1943, when the coating of optics to improve the performance of instruments under poor lighting conditions was made mandatory, the Fire Control Sub-Office supervised the procurement of equipment and provided technical instruction to contractors on this difficult project. =========================

The M19 The T14E1 binocular was developed at Frankford Arsenal beginning in 1956, through the 1960s. The T14 had a 7 degree field, using an eyepiece with 3 cemented doublets. The prisms were of heavy flint, with an index of refraction of 1.649, which allowed increased correction for spherochromatism & eliminated the need for silvering (in a fast, f3 system, using small prisms, silvering might ordinarily be used). The optics weighed 13.3 oz., one ounce less than standard 7 x 50 glass, and further weight loss was achieved in the metal parts. The T14 was adopted in 1970s as a replacement for the M17 and with some changes, was mass produced as the M19, beginning in 1975. The M19 has 5 interchangeable, nonmaintainable modules: eyepiece, objective, left & right housings, hinge pin assembly. Vinyl covering. It uses helical focus at each ocular, sealed by rubber bellows. The objectives are air spaced f3 triplets. Sources: Yoder, P.R. Two New Lightweight Military Binoculars. Journal of the Optical Society of America, vol. 50, no. 5, May 1960, pp491-493. Yoder, Paul. Opto-Mechanical Systems Design. N.Y.: Marcel Dekker, 1986; pages 26-7, 409-11. (Yoder was one of the designers of the M19.) ----Publicity from Farrand Optical Co. describes their work with Frankford to develop & manufacture the T13 binocular, which was a 6 x 20 weighing 10 oz. (compared to the standard M13 6 x 30 at 24 oz.) and the T14 7 x 50 at 25 oz. (the standard M17 7 x 50 weighed 53oz.) ----Mil Specifications for the M19 include: Shock, no physical failure after 12 shocks of 75 G. Collimation, +-15 arcmin dipvergence, 40 arcmin divergence ("20 +-20 arcmin"), at any IPD. Image tilt, 30 arcmin between images. Resolution, 6 arcsec. Focus, plus or minus 4 diopters. ---The biggest maintenance problems with standard 7 x 50s are sealing & hinge wear. Repair shops must stock 250 spare parts and 125 special tools. Small quantities of the T14 were built by Farrand in 1959 & 1960. Frankford Arsenal re-designed the T14 in 1960 as the T14E1, which, with a few changes, became the M19. In 1980, production of M19 binoculars was at 2,000 per month. The M19 has an aluminum body The objective lenses are mounted into their housings, and after assembly & sealing, the metal base is machined to provide bearing & flange surfaces. The objective cells & eyepiece cells are sealed with 'elastomeric seals', and the focusing eyepieces are sealed with O rings. One prism is bonded to the prism shelf, the second prism is then bonded to first, and the shelf mechanically fastened to the binocular body. Final machining of the objective bearing surface on the body is done after the prisms are installed. Machining uses numerically controlled machines. The binocular is coated with a fused vinyl. The tolerances for construction of the M19 are very tight because of the modular design. Standard binoculars are assembled using parts selected to match each other, and are then collimated to proper alignment. If 'worst case' misalingment of all parts was taken as guideline for establishing limits, tolerances of 0.0002 inch would have been required, which was not economically feasible. Lower tolerances were established and a quantity of rejected binoculars was accepted as a consequence. "The Army has recognized one possible problem with modularity....it

was feared that, piece by piece, an entire unit could be pilfered and reassembled with common hand tools. If this becomes a problem, the Army will not purchase both body housings as spare parts." --Trsar, W.J., R.J. Benjamin, and J.F. Casper. Production Engineering and Implementation of a Modular Military Binocular. SPIE vol. 250, 1980, pp27-36. (Trsar & Benjamin at Bell & Howell, Casper at US Army, Picatinny Arsenal, N.J.) -------Bell & Howell in Chicago was the contractor for production of the M19, using Japanese optical elements. Policy required U.S. assembly of the binoculars. The first M-19 Contract Stocks were delivered by B & H to the Army at Chambersburg Carlisle Army Depo in late 82. The M-19 was probably in service by mid 1984, and full issue was accomplished to the Army and Marines by 1986. The Navy received models with black coating, without a reticle, by 1987, and are probably the highest quality examples. Most M-19s that went to Ft. Ord had problems in the left prism cluster because B & H had assembled the prism clusters using too much or too little cement. The right side prism clusters will not interchange with the left clusters. Other problems were found in the sealing of the eyepiece O ring from inadequate tightening during assembly, causing fogging of the prism clusters at the time of issue. The vinyl coating is too thin and chips. Hildago,Inc. of Texas sold new M19s for $900. in 1984. Based on contract, the U.S. goverment paid $525 to 600. per unit. (Various sources, unverified) ========================= The M22 The current (year 2000) CD that references use and repair procedures for all Army binoculars lists only the M19 & the 7 x 50 M22 by Steiner. The Army user's manual for the M22's states that they are warranted for 5 years by Pioneer & Co. (Brian Haren) -------Pioneer Marketing & Research is the U.S. marketing arm for Steiner Optics. Steiner wanted to disassociate themselves with the military model. They weren't getting what they felt was a comfortable enough profit margin and didn't like the idea of surplus units showing up in the commercial market, since the used military surplus units generally look very poor cosmetically, which degrades their image. The same situation surrounded the M-22. ------Pioneer stated that the Army and Marines had the M-22, basically the Commander II civilian model without compass and using different coatings. The optics were from Japan, brought to Germany and coated and assembled in Bavaria. Our Vietnam and subsequent Police actions were ill equipped with optical assistance. In my unit, we individual soldiers bought civilian binoculars because there were none, I mean none , in the Army. Mine were always being borrowed. No officers had them, strange. (Edward Kennedy) --------Regarding the comments from active duty personnel about not having binoculars available when they need them. As an active duty soldier I can vouch for the shortage of binoculars in units. The one item I can never get authorized is binoculars. In the Army binoculars hold the same accountability status as trucks, tanks and machine guns; they are considered "non-expendable major end items" and must be inventoried, safeguarded and accounted for in the same manner. Some units even

consider them "sensitive items" and insist they be locked up in safes or arms rooms. The number of binoculars a unit may have is determined by the unit's modified table of organization and equipment (MTOE). Keeping track of them is felt to outweigh the benefits of having them available to soldiers. We take our own binoculars to the field to get the job done. I've had lieutenant colonels ask if they could borrow my Steiners, even though I knew full well their unit had bino's sitting back in garrison, locked in a safe! Huge numbers of binoculars showed up on the market after the Gulf War because the Army is about half the size it was in 1990. Normal property disposal rules were bent in the name of expediency. The Army's "Digital Battlefield" concept included a system with the Leitz Vector binoculars (with digital compass & laser rangefinder), a laptop computer, and a GPS receiver, linked with GIS software, to collect accuate positioning data in the battlefield. The GPS receiver feeds the operator's position to the computer. The Vectors have a serial port connected to the computer, and the azimuth and range to an object in the field of view allows the computer to calculate the position of the object within a few meters. (Brian Haren. 2000) ------------Steiner M-22G’s appeared for sale after Operation Desert Storm, later as official surplus, and later still were offered as new units with accessories intact. Quantities went to the Border Patrol, DEA, BATF, state police and larger metropolitan police departments. Steiner made the M-22 with green, black and white colored rubber coatings. The military/marine unit were green rubber, a few highly modified black rubber units were made exclusively for the German GSG-9, and some white units for artic troops. The M-22 body is made of Macrolon, polycarbonate reinforced fiberglass, which has had problems with quality control and durability, and is very brittle to puncture. The M-22G is a tough and reliable binocular. To disassemble one for internal cleaning is very difficult, but almost all are very clean internally; although collimation & lubrication will be difficult. Parts for the M-22G and other Pioneer binoculars are available through Optic Options (800-872-0273). Deutsche Optik had unissued, Steiner M-22G polarizing filters that replace the original laser filters for $60 a set. These polarizing filters were sold as part of the original Steiner/DoD contract and went unissued. There is a glint problem from the M-22G’s laser filters, with a pink reflection that can be seen for up to a mile, referred to as “shoot-me filters” by many who used the binocular in combat. The glint problem was finally corrected in mid-1997 by the Tenebraex Corp. (Boston, MA) http://www.camouflage.com/front.html This Web site has many photos and diagrams of US Army binoculars and a interesting bit of history on glint. Tenebraex sold the killFlash AntiReflective Device (ARD), but the ARD lowers the resolution of the image. The first models of laser filters were very limited in the bandwidth of the protection that they offer, causing the user to be vulnerable to multi-bandwidth lasers of the 1990s. In the mid-1990s, Kama-Tech Corp. of Chula Vista, CA http://genyosha.com/JCTN/Advertisers/HL/Kamakura/Kamakura.html started producing a replacement for the M-22G, using the Fujinon Nautilus 7 x 50 AR body with a multi-bandwidth laser filter located in each objective tube, directly behind the objective lens. The binocular has black body armor (thus the M-22B designation) and the Fujinon name is

embossed on the left top plate. The objective coating is very bright green, creating another glint problem. The laser filter can be seen behind the objective lens and it also has a high glint factor. The KamaTech binocular is still being assembled in the US using Japanese body and parts, with laser filters manufactured in the U.S. by Corion Optical Filters of Franklin, MA (mid-1990’s), OFC Corp. division of Corning in Natick, MA (1998), and Litton of Dallas, TX. The Leica Vector 1500 Laser Rangefinder binocular http://www.leica-geosystems.com/optronics/product/vector1500.htm is the military version of the civilian Leica Geovid 7X42 BDA, and has been used by Special Forces forward observation units and tactical teams. An even more advanced Vector 1500 (code named “Viper”) was described in the article “Talking Binoculars” in the March 1997 issue of Armed Forces Journal International (http://home.europa.com/~telscope/talkin~1.jpg) which described a Vector 1500 modified by the ThermoTrex Corp. (San Diego, CA) http://www.thermo.com/subsid/tkn.html which communicates with other Vectors via bursts of low power laser signals. These binoculars have been issued to Special Forces units and have been seen in use at the Ft. Polk (Alexandria, LA) Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC), location of the Army’s Advanced Digital Battlefield. Leica’s military binocular applications: http://www.globaldefence.com/pages/leica.html (Steve Harris) ========================= ("Pioneer developed the M24 Apache with the guidance of the U.S. military."--advertisement) The Army has field tested the XM24, Miniature Binoculars. They are 7 x 30, roof prism, individual focus, laser protected, and weigh less than 20 ounces. They are designed to fit in the cargo pocket of BDU's and to identify a standing man at 1,000 meters. The Army is currently finalizing the standardization, and is awaiting production funding. The Army is also proceding with the purchase of the XM25, (now the M25) 14 power Stabilized Binocular by Fraser-Volpe, which is upgradeable to night vision use, and also made for the NAVAIR branch of the Navy. They are also proceding with the purchase of the objective lens antireflection covers. This is just a black, honeycomb cover for the objective lens to keep the bad guys from seeing a reflection off of your binocular. It's just a rubber ringed slip-on affair. (April 1998, from Earl Osborn) -------Fraser-Volpe bouncing back from cutbacks in military orders. Philadelphia Business Journal, 4/12/96, Vol. 15 Issue 7, p1, 2p, 1c Author: Wilen, John Abstract: Reports on the financial performance of Fraser-Volpe Corp. after defense cutbacks in the early 1990s. Contract to supply specialized binoculars to the Army; Cuts in the staff of the company. ------Army Times, 3/18/96, Vol. 56 Issue 34, p12, 2p. Author: McHugh, Jane Reports on the role of the United States Army Material Command (AMC) Bosnia Technology Integration Cell which evaluates and screens the ideas and technologies of inventors developing military weapons. ....Includes ‘Super binoculars’.

--------PS, Jan98, Issue 542, p58, 2p, 5 cartoons Talks about the maintenance of the US Army's M24 binoculars. Avoiding the exposure of the binoculars to sudden and extreme temperature changes; Using lens covers; Keeping the binoculars' exterior clean with lint-free cloth. AN: 159269 ISSN: 0475-2953 -----------ELCAN Canada is building the binoculars for the U.S. Army's ITAS integrated optical system (Improved Tactical Weapons System), still classified. (Steve Harris) ========================= home page: http://home.europa.com/~telscope/binotele.htm 03 November 2002

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