History SL - World War Two

July 17, 2017 | Author: sallyshariff | Category: Nazi Germany, World War Ii, Empire Of Japan, Allies Of World War Ii, Axis Powers
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ib history notes for ww2...


Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... i ORIGINS OF WWII .................................................................................................................................... 1 Versailles Treaty as a Cause ....................................................................................................................... 1 Weakness of League of Nations ................................................................................................................. 2 Appeasement .............................................................................................................................................. 2 The Great Depression (GD) ....................................................................................................................... 2 Ideologies ................................................................................................................................................... 2 Diplomacy .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Different Views .......................................................................................................................................... 3 PRACTICES OF WWI ................................................................................................................................ 4 Nature of WWII.......................................................................................................................................... 4 Counter-Attacks by The Allies ................................................................................................................... 5 Other War Tactics ...................................................................................................................................... 5 The End of WWII ....................................................................................................................................... 5 EFFECTS OF WWI ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Social Changes ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Political, Economic Changes & International Relations ............................................................................ 6

Sy Hai Dinh – Kungsholmens Gymnasium IB History SL Notes (May 2014 Exam Session)

Sy Hai Dinh – Kungsholmens Gymnasium (2014)

INTRODUCTION This is part of my series of detailed IB History SL notes that I took during my history course at Kungsholmens Gymnasium. The study guide covers WWII, thus can be used to study the topic „Causes, Practices, & Effects of Wars‟ in the IB History Syllabus. In order to make the guide unbiased as much as possible, I‟ve decided to include mainly facts, and historical interpretations that are taken from many different perspectives. However, be aware that the sources that I used can never be 100 percent unbiased! Words or phrases, which are emphasized throughout the guide, can be divided into 3 types: -

Bold: means that „the phrase is either a headline or a key terminology‟


Bold & Italic: means „important phrases‟


Bold, Italic, & Underlined: means „vitally important key words‟

This guide is not for commercial use; hence, the information presented here (in which most are taken from the internet, from The Origins of the First and Second World Wars, written by Frank McDonough; from the History for The IB Diploma: Causes, Practices and Effects of Wars, written by Mike Wells; or from my teacher‟s lectures at school) will not be formally referenced. Please feel free to contact me through email (my email address is [email protected]) if you have any questions regarding this study guide. Thank you!


Sy Hai Dinh – Kungsholmens Gymnasium (2014)

TIMELINE of Main Events 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937-45 1938

1939 Sept 1939 Sept 1939 1940 Dec 1941 1945 Sept 1939 1940 Dec 1941 June 1941 1942 – 1943 1943 1944

Germany left LoN Italy brought troops to prevent Germany from taking over Austria Anglo-German Naval Treaty  a British move to control over German navy, but at the same time gives Germany an opportunity to revise Versailles Treaty Germany re-militarizes the Rhineland; Rome-Berlin Axis (a limited treaty) Chinese-Japanese War German annexation of Austria; Germany also wanted to invade Sudentenland of Czechoslovakia, which angered France & worried GB  finally France & GB allowed Germany to do that in Munich Conference  Hitler then became more aggressive & continued with rearmament Germany took Czechoslovakia, Bohemia & Moravia  worried GB  GB-Polish guarantee of independence; GB also started negotiations with Russia German-USSR deal to not attack each other in case of war War started with German invasion of Poland  France & GB declared war Italy joined on Germany‟s side Japan attacked Pearl Harbor  US joined on Allies‟s side Russia declared war on Japan Without helps from UK, Poland got blitzkrieg attacked by Germany & USSR Battle of Britain Pearl Harbor attack  Blitzkrieg + air forces Operation Barbarossa (invasion of USSR) Battle of Stalingrad, Midway & El Alamein  counter-attacks The fall of Italy D-Day invasion  seaborne warfare


Versailles Treaty as a Cause -

Germany was forced to sign Versailles treaty as a diktat, even though it got victory in Eastern Front  it was forced to reduce its military (a humiliation), demilitarization of Rhineland (an insult to German independence), & lost territories (Alsace-Lorrain, Polish Corridors)  hatred for Poles & French


Encirclement  France in the West, Communists in the East (that tried to spread communism)


War Guilt Clause & huge reparations  humiliation and economically threatened

 Two solutions were either to go to another war, or to negotiate with the victors  however, negotiations failed during Golden Age of Germany  the only solution left was to go to another war (which was indeed WWII)


Sy Hai Dinh – Kungsholmens Gymnasium (2014)

Weakness of League of Nations -

WWII was initially started (1933–39) by a series of attacks by Japan, Germany & Italy on other lands to gain territories; however resistance from League of Nations (LoNs) & the rest of the world was weak


LoNs failed to prevent big disputes  realizing the ineffectiveness of LoNs, powers such as US, GB, or France decided to go their own ways, while aggressors (e.g. Japan, Italy & Germany) left LoNs

Appeasement Reasons for appeasement policy by GB & France: -

Internal economic problems, Great Depression (GD)  Debate: appeasement to buy time for GB & France, or to hope Germany to recover after the war for better co-operation?


Underestimation of Hitler & Nazi  GB & France thought that they could negotiate with Hitler

 GB & France lost faith in LoNs  took little effort to restrain Hitler Against Appeasement: -

Churchill criticized appeasement as it made war more likely  GB & France should have stopped Hitler during events in 1936-7 for Hitler to lose supports due to humiliating defeats


After Abyssinian Crisis, GB & France lost Italian support  without Italy, Hitler could militarize Rhineland and invaded Austria and Czechoslovakia  a chain reaction


Stalin viewed appeasement as hostile towards USSR  reason for German-USSR Deal

The Great Depression (GD) -

GD created huge difficulties for German economies; it also prevented other nations from helping Germany  rise of Nazi aimed to end reparations and economic crises


German farmers had not shared 1920s-boom in economy  suffered greatly from GD

Ideologies Totalitarianism was new political phenomenon  confusions among democratic politicians Fascist Ideology as a cause: -

Manchuria invasion; Abyssinian Crisis  showed aggression, expansionist & nationalistic policies


Nazi ideology  Lebensraum, a racial state, destruction Versailles & Communism  documented in Mein Kamp & Hossbach Memorandum; Germany invaded USSR in 1941  an ideological war


WWII as a racial war  Einsatssgruppen


Sy Hai Dinh – Kungsholmens Gymnasium (2014) Democracy & Communism: -

As nobody wanted to have another war  democracy led to adoption of appeasement


Democracy was hostile towards USSR  “The West were happy as long as Germany moved East”


USSR was excluded in Munich Conference (to settle problem with German annexation of Czechoslovakia)  interpreted by Stalin as a movement to cut USSR off from European politics

 Stalin chose to be „friendlier‟ with Germany  Rapallo Treaty (1922), Non-Aggression Pact (1939)

Diplomacy USSR: -

Stuck in the middle of the Axis powers (Japan in the East, Germany in the West) while being treated badly by democratic countries  defensive foreign policies  Non-Aggression Pact (Marriage for Convenience)

US & GB: -

Due to common fear of German rise which might interrupt balance of power or influence the free market in Europe  no chance for isolationism  Roosevelt & Churchill showed good friendship


US declared its neutrality in 1939, but really still had “aid” agreements with GB


After Pearl Harbor attack, Germany declared war on US even though it had no obligation to do so

Italy & Japan: -

Italy supported Franco during Spanish Civil War  ideological?


Japan was led by the emperor and legacy of samurai  militarism, nationalism, fascism & expansionism  due to the „unfair‟ Paris peace settlement, Japan decided to invade Manchuria 1931, and attacked Pearl Harbor to push Western influence out of Asia & for its dream of Asian domination

Different Views Orthodox view: -

Hitler (due to his fascist, nazi ideas), totalitarianism & appeasement were all to blame


Japan cold-bloodedly planned war; US was the injured party

Revisionist Views: -

Hitler was opportunistic rather than driven by his ideology; he simply wanted to revise Versailles Treaty and diverted attention of German populations towards foreign problems to gain supports  Inter-war peace settlement should ultimately be blamed


Appeasement, Axis foreign policies (defensive) were not to blamed


Stalin wanted a European War  Non-Aggression Pact clearly showed his intentions


Sy Hai Dinh – Kungsholmens Gymnasium (2014)


Nature of WWII -

Total War fought between major industrial nations, but bigger scale than WWI


Technology & weapons were vitally important for victories  depended heavily on industries & mobilization of resources  industrial cities, factories & workers were targeted  Modern Warfare


Unlike WWI, the civilian casualties were much greater in WWII, with the powers trying to exterminate the basis of society (the people)  a racial war (Einsatzgruppen as special death squads which tried to kill as many Jews, Communists & Gypsies as possible)


Huge causalities made a peaceful settlement even more difficult to achieve


3 Phases of War: o

Blitzkrieg & Phoney War (Sep 1939 – Dec 1940)


Counter-attacks by the Allies


The end of WWII

Blitzkrieg & Phoney War Unlike WWI (in which Schlieffen Plan failed due to strong Belgian & British resistance), the Allies quickly lost in the beginning of WWII due to the Blitzkrieg Tactics Blitzkrieg Tactics: -

Rapid attacks of the Axis (on e.g. Poland, Denmark, France & USSR)


Relied on technologies to avoid costly frontal attacks  fast moving tanks, air attacks, artilleries


Aim to create chaos  cities bombed, refugees attacked, rumors and false messages sent


German army was well trained  make decisions without orders from above  flexible

Weaknesses of the Allies: -

Phoney War  nobody wanted to start fighting  GB & France only conveyed a propaganda-war by dropping leaflets on German lands to persuade people to revolt against the Nazis


Poor cooperation with inadequate preparedness among the Allies due to sudden attacks from Axis power


Australia & GB reacted very slowly against the Blitzkrieg attacks by Japan due to untrained army


Sy Hai Dinh – Kungsholmens Gymnasium (2014) Reasons for German Invasion of USSR (Operation Barbarossa): -

Nazi Ideology against Communism  showing strength of Nazi over the „corrupted‟ communists


Great economic gain (oil, food & raw materials)


Exhaustion of USSR‟s troops after Russo-Finnish War  great opportunity

Counter-Attacks by The Allies USSR took huge victory in Battle of Stalingrad; GB pushed Germany out of North Africa (after German defeat in El Alamein); US took victory in the Battle of Midway against Japan; while Italy fell easily in 1943, Japan & Germany still held strong resistance (e.g. kamikaze suicide bombers) Battle of Stalingrad (1943) -

Huge casualties for both sides; however USSR got advantages because they were fighting in their home

 Biggest Battle; 1st time that Germany failed against the Soviet attacks

Other War Tactics Sea Invasion: -

The biggest invasion by the sea came on 6th June 1944 with the invasion of Normandy  D-Day  a symbol of hopes for a free France & for an invasion of Germany


Island hopping attacks of the Allies on islands conquered b Japan

Air-force: -

Radar proved to be vitally important to track air attacks


Bombing on Japan & Germany  atomic bomb in 1945

The End of WWII Axis War Failure: -

Axis plans showed short-term weaknesses & long-term miscalculations  all should be blamed on the lacks of economic resources compared to the Allies  underestimating costs of modern warfare


Germany failed to destroy GB forces at Dunkirk, lost control in the air and the navy (especially the Channel & North Sea which protected the GB)  long-term fighting against GB


Assuming US isolationism  Germany continued to attack US supplies to GB  a miscalculation


Battles against USSR were total failures due to bad weather; Stalin was as ruthless as Hitler

Allies’ Successes: Co-operation of US & GB (Roosevelt & Churchill) provided more resources; while the ruthless communist regime in USSR was determined to continue the war with the new economic plan


Sy Hai Dinh – Kungsholmens Gymnasium (2014)


Social Changes Total War required high level of commitment from both populations & government  distinction between homefront & battle fields were blurred  bigger scale than WWI Government Control & Propaganda: -

Censorship & Repressions were imposed, even in democratic countries


Propaganda was more sophisticated than WWI due to strong ideological elements  radio, films, TV

Challenge to Tradition: -

Women took a greater role in society due to women‟s participation in WWII & due to the loss of men  expansion of female education; availability of contraception; more jobs offered for women


Due to technological advances, highly-trained people from all backgrounds were needed

War-Crimes (Holocaust, Genocides) & Racism: -

People who had relations with the „enemies‟ were treated badly in the liberation, especially women in Norway


The war permitted mass murder (Holocaust, Genocide) & rapes to be proceeded unchecked


However, WWII could not end ethnic conflicts  Anti-Semitism was still strong among some Europeans

Political, Economic Changes & International Relations Peace Conferences & International Relations: -

Yalta & Potsdam  4 occupations zones in Germany for UK, France, US & USSR (for reparations & to deNazify German people) while USSR Sphere of Influence extended to all Eastern Europe


While USSR took reparations from its conquered enemies, the West didn‟t (due to humanitarian reasons)


Japan became occupied while Korea gained independence but was divided into North & South


Failure of Fascism, success of democracy & communism


The beginning of Cold War  Truman Doctrine (1947) introduced ‘Containment’ policy to prevent the spread of communism  US gave massive economic aid to Europe in Marshall Plan to show its generosity


Establishment of UN, NATO (1947), Warsaw Pact (1955)  greater sense of internationalism

Nuclear Age: In 1945, nuclear weapons‟ long-term effects on human health were unknown  nations used them extensively as a tool for their defenses  Cold War nuclear threat, Cuban Missile Crisis


Sy Hai Dinh – Kungsholmens Gymnasium (2014) Economic Changes: -

Destructive powers of WWII encouraged people to work together to rebuild (with the lesson of WWI in mind)  great prosperity & economic growth with the greatest thanks to US (unlike US isolationism after WWI)


Technological progress (cheap powers) helped encourage production & economic recovery


EEC (EU), International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (the World Bank) & IMF were formed  reducing tariffs between countries and providing loans for reconstruction  Marshall Aid

Anti-imperialism -

The lost of Axis Powers in their conquering areas created a great opportunity for independence movement


Economically, it was costly for European countries to keep their colonies after WWII


Anti-Imperialism  racist & greedy nationalists (fascist states) were criticized


Some European countries promised their colonies independence if they were to fight on the same side

 Indian (1947), Palestine (1948), Vietnam (1954) Independence!!!


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