History of Islamic Arts - Minbar of Saladin PDF
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HHJ 8290
Zdl eagbhr kc Yhfhjag ’ Yhfhjag ’ Blckrl Blckrl hgj hctlr tdl carl - Zdl ofkry - Zdl ofkke 9.
Idrkgkfkoaihf kvlrvalw kg tdl rlikgstruitakg> - Ylhridago ckr tdl skfutakg - \glxplitlj dkpl crke Fkgjkg - Zdl slhrid ikgtaguls - Ylirlts kc tdl eagbhr jlsaog ugfkimlj - Dastkrai rlbuafjago bloags bloags - Zdl ikepfltakg hgj agsthffhtakg :.
Ag ehmago tdl glw eagbhr - Zlidgaquls hgj smaffs - Bhsai ehtlrahfs ehtlrahfs ‖K Elsslgolr kc Hffhd, sdkufj wl gkt ehml ckr yku h Eagbhr (‖pufpat―);― Dl shaj, ‖Ac yku wasd.― Yk tdly ehjl h
Asfhe ikgtaguls tk sprlhj hgj eagbhr dhj bllg kgl kc tdl trhjatakghf saoghturls kc h eksqul, sthgjago glxt tk h eadrhb. Zdl eagbhr as shaj tk jlvlfkp ats ihgkgaihf ckre jurago tdl Chtaeaj 2 plrakj hs rlprlslgtlj ag tdl eagbhr kc Yhfhjag. At as sllg tdlrlag tk hpplhr watd tdl jkkr why hg ihgkpy.
Zdl eagbhr whs ehjl up kc tdrll slitakgs> tdl lgtrhgil, wdaid chilj euqhrghs talrs, h stharihsl hgj h pkjaue, wdaid whs ikvlrlj by h maksm. Zdl jkkr whs ikepkslj kc twk flhcs, aepkrthgt slitakgs kc wdaid rlehag. Zdl lgtrhgil kplglj kgtk tdl stharihsl watd h wkkjlg lgifksurl kg bktd sajls, irhctlj ag tdl ehsdrhbayyh tlidgaqul. Zdl stharihsl flhjs tk tdl pkjaue wdlrl tdl mdhtab wkufj jlfavlr tdl slrekg. Zdl eagbhr as raid ag vlolthf hgj olkeltrai jlikrhtakgs hs wlff hs hg hrrhgolelgt kc sthr-sdhplj eljhffakgs, eljhffakgs, lhid kc wdaid ckres h ikepfltl jlikrhtavl ugat wdaid, watd tdl surrkugjago ugats, ckres blhutacuf fhttailwkrm (ehsdrhbayyh). Zdl eagbhr as ikgsajlrlj tk bl kgl kc tdl ekst blhutacuf kc
‖Palils crke tdl Gur hf-Jag hf- Jag ^hgoa eagbhr― ht dttp>//www.eusluewgc.kro/asfheaihrt/ dttp>//www.eusluewgc.kro/asfheaihrt/ Eagbhr kc Yhfhdujjag hf-Hyyuba stkkj ag tdl hf-Hqsh Eksqul wdaid prlslrvlj ats stuggago wkrmehgsdap kc tdl eagbhr ckr hbkut laodt ilgturals, i lgturals, blckrl h dastkrai carl trholjy ihel agtk tdl paiturl.
Eagbhr ckr dae, hgj wdlg tdl glxt Crajhy ihel, dl whs sdkwg tk tdl Eagbhr. Zdl trll iralj faml h sehff idafj, tdlg tdl Prkpdlt (plhil hgj bflssagos bl upkg dae) ihel jkwg hgj duoolj tdl iryago trll ugtaf at ihfelj jkwg.― Nhbar shaj> ‖At whs iryago blihusl kc tdl Jdamr (rlelebrhgil kc Hffhd) tdht at uslj tk dlhr.― *Yhdad hf hf-Bumdhra, -Bumdhra, # 9981U 2 L.N. Braff's Carst Lgiyifkphljah kc Asfhe, idhptlr Eagbhr, phol ZDL EAGBHR KC YHFHJAG - BLCKRL HGJ HCZLR ZDL CARL
Caourl 8 Kraoaghf eagbhr kc Yhfhjag
Zdl eagbhr kc Yhfhjag as pkpufhr blihusl kc twk rlhskgs ’ rlhskgs ’ at at as h cagl lxhepfl kc Asfheai hrt hgj at dhs h rlehrmhbfl dastkry tk bl tkfj.
ZDL OFKRQ Zdas eagbhr dhj rlilavlj splithiufhr ikeelgts crke Abg Nubar kg ats stuggago hgj ehogacailgt jlsaog. Zdl wdkfl eagbhr whs stujjlj watd avkry hgj dlhvy bfhimasd kr vlry jhrm brkwg taeblr ihfflj lbkgy= ‖… at ihpturlj hff lyls tk bl hehzlj sllago at rasl faml h orlht irkwg tkuidago tdl
ilafago.―― Zdas hf-Hqsh eagbhr httrhitlj httlgtakgs kc lxplrts hgj hihjleaiahgs crke hff kvlr tdl ilafago. wkrfj. At whs h prailflss rlfaoakus syebkf ag tdl Eusfae wkrfj hs wlff hs h jlcagatakg kc spflgjaj ylt cugitakghf wkrm kc hrt hs at stkkj glxt tk h eadrhb (prhylr gaidl) ag tdl hf-Hqsh eksqul crke tdl td
82 tk tdl 20 ilgtury. Jurago tdksl 400 ylhrs, tdl aehes kc hf-Hqsh prlhidlj tdl wkrjs kc Hffhd crke tdl vlry shel spkt, tdl eagbhr kc Yhfhjag. Zdl twk ekst aepkrthgt caourls ag tdl lhrfy dastkry kc tdl :
eagbhr wlrl Gur hf-Jag hgj h ykugo glpdlw kc Ydarmumd , Yhfhd uj-Jag. Zdl ckrelr whs tdl kgl rlspkgsabfl ckr tdl ehmago kc tdl eagbhr hgj at as fhtlr agsthfflj watdag tdl Nlrushfle eksqul by tdl fhttlr. At whs ehjl by tdl caglst irhctselg tdht ikufj gkt bl ckugj <
nust hgywdlrl . _atd rlohrjs tk tdl Irushjl whr, tdl kptaeastai hgj pkwlrcuf flhjlr hs wlff hs olglrhf, Gur hf-Jag h f-Jag ikeeassakglj tdl eagbhr ehmago hs h prlphrhtakg p rlphrhtakg tk ilflbrhtl h trauepdhf rlihpturl kc Nlrushfle. Hftdkuod at whs cagasdlj ag 8834, tdl eagbhr whs tk rlehag ag tdl Orlht Eksqul kc Hflppk hs tdl Eusfaes whatlj ckr h vaitkry ag Nlrushfle. Kgl Caourl 2 Zdl jkkrs kc tdl Yhfhjag Eagbhr, lhrfy 8100s. Zdl eagbhr whs buaft kg Gur hfJag's krjlrs, but agsthfflj by Yhfhjag
kc tdl agsiraptakgs kg tdl eagbhr prkvlj tdl ilflbrhtkry purpksl kc at, at skugjlj hs h plrskghf prhylr rlqulstago Okj 3
tk orhgt Gur hf-Jag tdl ikgqulst kc k c Nlrushfle. At whs kgfy ugtaf 884?, hctlr das jlhtd, Gur hf-Jag‛s hf-Jag ‛s suiilsskr, suiilsskr, h orlht Murjasd whrrakr, Yhfhd ujJag abg Hyyub (ikeekgfy mgkwg hs Yhfhjag) caghffy trauepd kvlr tdl Idrastahg irushjlrs. Dl suiilljlj ag thmago bhim Nlrushfle ckr Asfhe. Kgl kc tdl carst hits dl jaj hctlr tdl vaitkry whs tk rljljaihtl tdl hf-Hqsh eksqul hgj agsthff watdag at tdl ilflbrhtkry eagbhr Gur hf-Jag dhj buaft.
ABG N\BHAR, ZRHSLFY KC ABG N\BHAR, 82 ILGZ\RQ Murjasd olglrhf < At tkkm jlihjls tk caghffy cagj h tlhe kc irhctselg tk wkrm kg tdl rlikgstruitakg, wdht ekrl wdlg at ikels tk :
tdl kraoaghf eagbhr buafjago. 3 Crke tdl bkkm —Zdl —Zdl Irushjls> Asfheai Plrsplitavls‑ phol 8 IDRKGKFKOAIHF KSLRSAL_ KG ZDL RLIKGYZR\IZAKG
YLHRIDAGO CKR ZDL YKF\ZAKG Zdl rlspkgsabafaty tk rlirlhtl tdas ehstlrpalil clff kg tdl Dhsdleatl rkyhf cheafy. Dkwlvlr, tdl carst prkbfle tdl rlikgstruitakg tlhe dhj whs, tdlrl whs vlry fattfl rlikrjs kc tdl td
kraoaghf jlsaog. Hff tdht rlehaglj hctlr tdl bfhzl wlrl h clw crhoelgts crke tdl eagbhr, 81 ilgtury lgorhvagos hgj skel pdktkorhpds. Zdly ikufj gkt cagj hgy ifksl-up sdkts, hgj tdl hvhafhbfl pdktkorhpds wlrl kc jlilgt quhfaty. Gk ifuls kc tdl hiiurhtl elhsurlelgts hgj rhtaks wlrl ckugj. Rlikgstruitago sllelj lhsy hgj kgl tdago tdl jlsaoglrs wlrl ag gllj whs tdl bfulpragt kc tdl lgtarl jlsaog. Zdas dkwlvlr, whs gkt pkssabfl. pk ssabfl. Zdl fhim kc rlclrlgil ehjl tdl rlikgstruitakg h dhssfl. Aehols kc tdl kraoaghf eagbhr wlrl ugiflhr ehmago at lxtrlelfy jaccaiuft tk saepfy irlhtl h rlpfaihtakg kc at. Zdly glljlj tk sthrt lvlrytdago crke sirhtid. Zdly tralj tk fkkm ht survavago eagbhrs kc tdl plrakj but gkgl whs ikephrhbfl tk tdl Yhfhjag eagbhr. Fhtlr, tdl tlhe ckugj hgktdlr eagbhr kc agtraihtl ihrvago ag tdl Dlbrkg Dkfy Pfhil ag Phflstagl. Dkwlvlr, tdas eagbhr as staff fhimago ikephrlj tk tdl Yhfhjag eagbhr ag tlres kc kvlrhff ikepflxaty. Zdl tkeb kc Aehe hf-Ydhca‛a hf- Ydhca‛a wdaid wdaid whs ikeeassakglj by Yhfhjag ag 88?3 8 8?3 bkrl hfekst saeafhr jlsaog hgj irhctsehgsdap tk tdl hf-Hqsh eagbhr, but at staff whs h faeatlj rlskuril tk ouajl tdl rlikgstruitakg tlhe. Mago Dusslag skuodt ckr jlsaoglrs tk jrhw up glw pfhgs bhslj kg tdl ikfflitlj agckrehtakg. Dkwlvlr, kgl hctlr hgktdlr jlsaoglr chaflj hs gk kgl ikufj ugjlrsthgj tdl olkeltry kc tdl jlsaogs hs wlff hs tdlar lxliutakg faml dkw tdl ehstlr irhctselg kc tdl eagbhr kc Yhfhjag iikufj. kufj.
Zdl Dhsdleatl rkyhf cheafy ag Nkrjhg whs jlvhsthtlj tk cagj tdl chit tdht rlprkjuiago tdl eagbhr kc Yhfhjag as hfekst aepkssabfl. Zdas as jul tk tdl jashpplhrago j ashpplhrago kc trhjatakghf smaffs hgj mgkwfljol kc tdl prlvakus ilgturals‛ irhctselg. Bhim tdlg tdlrl uslj tk bl ouafjs kr hsskiahtakg kc spliahf hrtashgs tdht wkufj okvlrg tdl irhctselg wdk ckiuslj kg tdl lxilfflgil kc Eusfae hrts hgj irhct. Hs tdl tael wlgt by, tdas hsskiahtakg jashpplhrlj hgj as gk fkgolr h prhitail ag tdl ekjlrg wkrfj. Caourl < Ykel kc tdl palils crke tdl kraoaghf eagbhr flct hctlr tdl carl
\GLTPLIZLJ DKPL CRKE FKGJKG Clw ylhrs bhim ag 814:, 8 14:, Mlatd Iratidfkw wdk dhj agtlrlst ag lfhbkrhtl Asfheai olkeltrai phttlrg blohg tlhidago pkstorhjuhtls Asfheai Hrt ikursl ht tdl Rkyhf Ikfflol kc Hrt ag Fkgjkg. Iratitdfkw wrktl h bkkm ihfflj ‗Asfheai Phttlrgs‛ wdlrl dl rlikrjlj dl rlikrjlj das ajlhs ikepfltlj watd aehols. Dl carefy blfalvlj tdht Asfheai phttlrgs wlrl gkt nust hgy hg y krghelgthf hrt ckre= agstlhj 1
tdl phttlrgs dlfj h strkgo pdafkskpdaihf, prhitaihf hgj iksekfkoaihf elhgago. Ag 8119, Iratidfkw trhgsclrrlj crke tdl Rkyhf Ikfflol kc Hrt tk Zdl Pragil kc _hfls Agstatutl kc Hridatliturl. Fhtlr ag 200:, tdl Pragil kc _hfls‛ Yidkkf kc Zrhjatakghf Hrts, h orhjuhtl orhjuh tl sidkkf bhslj ag Ydkrljatid, Lhst Fkgjkg, whs ckugjlj hgj tdl mgkwfljol hgj smaffs kc trhjatakghf Asfheai hs wlff hs Lhstlrg hrts wlrl ckstlrlj. Zdl ehag tdrlhj ht tdl sidkkf whs tdl flohiy kc Prkclsskr Learatus Iratidfkw, olkeltry. 1 ‖…Asfheai
olkeltrai hrt as gkt elrlfy jlikrhtavl kr krghelgthf hs tdl _lstlrg hrt dastkrahgs valwlj at, but tdht at whs chr, chr jllplr, pdafkskpdaihffy, prhitaihffy hgj ekst aepkrthgtfy, iksekfkoaihf iksekfkoaihffy.― fy.― ’ Mlatd ’ Mlatd Iratidfkw
Zdl Dhsdleatl rkyhf cheafy wdk whs hwhrl kc tdl jlifagl kc trhjatakghf smaff hs tdly staff ikufj gkt cagj h jlsaoglr tk rlirlhtl tdl eagbhr kc Yhfhjag wlrl aeprlsslj by tdl lcckrt tdl _lstlrglrs hrl sdkwago. Pragil Odhza bag Eudheehj agvatlj h tlhe crke Ydkrljatid tk Heehg hgj slt up hfhf-Bhfqh, Bhfqh, h sidkkf ekjlflj kg tdl kgl ag Fkgjkg. Yaeafhr tk tdl Pragil‛s sidkkf, hf-Bhfqh hf-Bhfqh ckius kg tdl prhitaihf hgj hppfalj h ppfalj hsplits kc tdl hrts but tdl fhttlr sdkwlj saogacaihgt hgj lxifusavl agtlrlst kg tdl Asfheai hrts. Ekrl tdhg h ikupfl kc jlihjls dhj phsslj sagil tdl carl brlhm-kut ag tdl hf-Hqsh eksqul hgj tdlrl slles tk bl gk prkorlssakg kg k g tdl rlbuafjago kc tdl eagbhr. Zdl ugpflhshgt orllg elthf stharihsl tdht dhj bllg sthgjago ag substatutl kc tdl ofkrakus eagbhr whs h ikgsthgt rleagjlr tdht skeltdago eust bl jkgl prkgtk. Ag 811:, hg agtlrghtakghf ikepltatakg whs fhugidlj by Mago Dusslag hs tdl caghf rlskrt ag slhrid kc jlsaogs ckr tdl glw eagbhr. Zdl wagglr waff olt tdl idhgil tk jlsaog hgj kvlrsll tdl eagbhr blago rlikgstruitlj. Bhim ag Nkrjhg, h jlvkut Eusfae struiturhf lgoagllr, Eagwlr hf-Eldlaj ihel hirkss Iratidfkw‛s bkkm, ‗Asfheai Phttlrg‛. Dl Phttlrg‛. Dl dhj fkgo bllg agtlrlstlj ag Asfheai hrts hgj hridatliturl but ihg‛t slle tk cagj shtascyago lxpfhghtakg kg tdl pragiapfls kc Asfheai hrts ugtaf dl ckugj tdl bkkm. Dl blohg stujyago hgj prhitaiago olkeltrai phttlrgs hgj blckrl fkgo, dl dhj blikel blik el hg lxplrt wdlrl dl ikufj jlvlfkp gkt kgfy tdl pdysaihf phttlrgs but tdl ugjlrsthgjago kc tdl ghturl kc Asfheai hrt hs wlff. Nust ht tdl raodt tael, Eagwlr shw tdl hjvlrtaslelgt kc tdl ikepltatakg i kepltatakg tk jlsaog tdl glw eagbhr kc Yhfhjag. Dhvago ehstlrlj tdl glw mgkwfljol dl ohaglj, Eagwlr lgtlrlj tdl ikepltatakg hgj surprasagofy, dl wkg. Zdl ikepltatakg whs dlfj kgil hohag hs tdlrl slles tk bl gkt lgkuod quhfacalj jlsaoglrs phrtaiaphtago ckr tdl ikepltatakg. Eagwlr lgtlrlj hgj hohag, h ohag, dl wkg. Zdl ikepltatakg whs dlfj ckr tdl tdarj tael, at whs iflhr tdht tdly wlrl rlfuithgt tk hwhrj h iavaf lgoagllr watd gk ckrehf bhimorkugj kg k g Asfheai olkeltraihf stujals tdl ikfkssahf prknlit. Zdas tael, tdl thsm whs tk rljrhw h phglf p hglf crke tdl kraoaghf eagbhr tk lgsurl tdht tdl hppfaihgts rlhffy ugjlrstkkj wdht tdly wlrl jkago. Eagwlr, hg lgoagllr-turglj-hridatlit ehgholj tk ikgvagil tdl nujols hgj whs caghffy hwhrjlj tdl prknlit.
ZDL YLHRID IKGZAG\LY Hiikrjago tk Eagwlr, dl ckugj tdht rlirlhtago tdl phttlrgs hgj ektac kc tdl kraoaghf eagbhr whs pkssabfl, but at whs tdl tlidgaihf ehttlr kc tdl jlsaog wdaid hffkws tdl kraoaghf eagbhr tk bl sthgjago thff ckr 400 ylhrs watdkut hgy sirlw, ghafs kr oful nkagago tdht rlquarlj tdkrkuod stujy. 80
Eagwlr wlgt tk Hflppk , tdl bartdpfhil kc tdl eagbhr. Dl carst vasatlj tdl eksqul wdlrl tdl eagbhr kgil kg il stkkj ag prlphrhtakg hs h il ilflbrhtkry flbrhtkry palil hs tdl Eusfaes whatlj ckr vaitkry kvlr tdl irushjlrs. Eagwlr whs vlry jashppkagtlj tk cagj tdht gk irhctselg hrl staff prhitaiago tdl trhjatakghf why ag ehmago tdl eagbhr. Zdl ajlgtaty kc tdl ehmlrs kc tdl irhctelg whs hgktdlr thsm. Zdl kgls tdht wlrl oavlg tdl rlspkgsabafaty by Gur hf-Jag tk ehml tdl eagbhr wlrl kgfy mgkwg hs hf-Hmdthrllga hs ckugj kg tdl rlehagago palils, but at whs gkt gk t hg agjavajuhf kr cheafy ghel. Agstlhj, at as nust tdl ghel kc Gur hf-Jag‛s hf-Jag‛s vaffhol. Hphrt crke tdht, watd rlclrlgil tk tdl eagbhr crhoelgts, at whs ckugj tdht hekgo tdl ihrplgtlrs tdht wlrl wl rl agvkfvlj ag tdl ehmago kc tdl td l eagbhr kc Yhfhjag whs tdl Eh‛hfa td
cheafy wdk wlrl chekus tdrkuodkut tdl 88 tk 82 ilgtury hs Eusfae olkeltraiahgs, ihrplgtlrs, ihrvlrs hgj agfhylrs. Faml hgy ktdlr dastkraihf agckrehtakg hiquarlj, tdas agckrehtakg whs kc gkt euid dlfp tk Eagwlr. Eagwlr fhtlr vasatlj Ehjrhsh Dhfhwayh, tdl buafjago wdlrl tdl kraoaghf eagbhr dhj bllg ehjl. Dl ikufj gkt cagj hgy eagbhr tdht hrl ikephrhbfl tk tdl eagbhr kc Yhfhjag, but tdlrl whs h eadrhb kc saeafhr cagl quhfaty hgj blhrs tdl jlsaog styfl kc k c tdl hf-Hqsh eagbhr. Zdl eadrhb whs ehjl by h ehstlr irhctehg, Hbu hf-Dhsshg Eudheelj hf-Dhrrhra, wdksl ghel tkk whs kg tdl eagbhr. At whs h brlhtd-thmago ekelgt ckr Eagwlr hs dl agjufolj ag tdl agtraihtl ihrvago kc tdl eagbhr, cllfago tdl phssakg kc tdl ehmlr. Eagwlr ikgtagulj das nkurgly crke Hflppk tk Ekrkiik, Zurmly hgj Loypt.
YLIRLZY KC ZDL EAGBHR JLYAOG \GFKIMLJ Fhtlr hfkgo das nkurgly dl ckugj h gueblr kc eagbhr hfkgo tdl why, but at whs ag Ihark, Eagwlr ckugj wdht dl dhj bllg slhridago ckr, dl ckugj eagbhr ag tdl Xanehs hf-Asdhqa Eksqul, Ihark ’ Ihark ’ 80
Gkw mgkwg hs Yyrah
h eagbhr kc cagl wkrmehgsdap ehjl ag tdl shel plrakj kc tdl Y Yhfhjag hfhjag eagbhr. Dl wlgt agsajl tdl eagbhr tk lxheagl ckr daeslfc tdl wkkjlg suppkrt hgj struiturhf systles, tdl slirlt tk tdl fkgofhstagoglss kc tdl eagbhr. Dl caghffy ckugj tdl mly tdht tdl prlvakus jlsaoglrs chaflj tk j jasikvlr. asikvlr. Zdl suppkrt kc tdl eagbhr atslfc as h phrt kc tdl olkeltry kc tdl wdkfl hrt palil tdht ehmls at pkssabfl tk sthgj thff ckr ilgturals hctlr ilgturals. Bktd ektacs hgj struiturl wlrl shaj tk bl dhrekgakusfy agtlorhtlj.
Dl tdlg flhrgt th‑ sdllq,, h spliahf nkaglry eltdkj (waff bl lxpfhaglj sdllq l xpfhaglj ag tdl glxt idhptlr) sagil tdl kraoaghf eagbhr jaj gkt usl usl hgy sirlws kr ghafs tk nkag. Ckr Eagwlr, dl shaj dl whgtlj tk ckffkw tdl ikgstruitakg kc tdl kraoaghf eagbhr hs euid hs pkssabfl agifujago tdl trhjatakghf eltdkjs uslj, gkt kgfy tk prkjuil h glw eagbhr kc tdl shel quhfaty kc vasuhf httrabutls but at ehy lgj up blago hgktdlr fkgo-fhstago wkrm kc hrt tdht ikufj sthgj staff up tk hgktdlr 400 ylhrs kr lvlg ekrl. Ckffkwago tdl prkilss, 300 jlthaflj jrhwagos wlrl prkjuilj, jlsirabago tdl 83 000 tdrlljaelgsakghf naoshw-faml palils watd prliasl hgofls hgj elhsurlelgts. Zdl phag-sthmago jlsaog sthol as caghffy kvlr ’ kvlr ’ tdl tdl shirlj olkeltraihf slirlt rlvlhflj, tdl jrhwagos prkjuilj, tdl elhsurlelgts kbthaglj. But tdht whs gkt tdl lgj kc tdl prkilss. Dkw tk ikgstruit kg tdl wkkj phglfs as hgktdlr qulstakg.
DAYZKRAIHF RLB\AFJAGO BLOAGY Ag krjlr tk ihrry kut tdas hebatakus prknlit, Eagwlr glljlj tdrll iruiahf tdagos ’ h h prkplr wkrmsdkp tk dkfj tdl rlikgstruitakg hitavaty tdht as bao lgkuod hgj ikufj bl uslj ckr dkwlvlr fkgo tdl prkilss as okago tk thml, h suppfy kc tdl caglst quhfaty kc wkkj tk bl ihrvlj, hgj h tlhe kc smaffcuf ylt jljaihtlj irhctselg. Zdl carst rlquarlelgt rlskfvlj rhtdlr sekktdfy. Zdl wdkfl rlbuafjago prknlit as ikeeassakglj by tdl Nkrjhgahg rkyhf cheafy, tdus Pragil Odhza bag Eudheehj hffkihtlj h wkrmsdkp ag tdl Agstatutl kc Zrhjatakghf Asfheai Hrt hgj Hridatliturl nust kutsajl Heehg. Zdl pfhil whs strhtloai, at whs Eagwlr‛s dkel hgj tdl stujlgts kc tdl agstatutl dhj tdl kppk rtugaty tk watglss
88 ‖Zdas
whs tdl mly, tdl suppkrt whs gkt h crhelwkrm upkg wdaid tdl phrts wlrl dugo, at whs hg agtlorhf phrt kc tdl olkeltry kc tdl wdkfl.― Phol 8//www.jhafytaels.ike.pm/ dttp>//www.jhafytaels.ike.pm/
Gkw tdht tdl eagbhr whs caghffy ikepfltlj, tdlrl whs kgfy kgl cagasdago tkuid tk ok ’ ok ’ agsthffago agsthffago tdl eagbhr ht ats raodtcuf pfhil, tdl hf-Hqsh eksqul. At skugjlj prltty saepfl but ag tdht vlry sueelr kc 2003, tdlrl whs h rasago ikgcfait bltwllg Asrhlf hgj ats glaodbkurago ikugtrals. Hctlr tdl tkafs hgj turg tdl tlhe rlhffy whgtlj tk sll tdl eagbhr kc Yhfhjag rlturgs tk ats pfhil ag hfHqsh but tdly dhj tk what ckr tdl raodt ekelgt. Ythyago kptaeastai, tdly jashsslebflj tdl eagbhr hgj sliurlfy phimlj tdl palils agtk bkxls wdlrl sax ekgtds fhtlr tdl satuhtakg ag tdl Eajjfl Lhst ihfelj jkwg. Zdl nkurgly agtk tdl eksqul whs gkt lgtarlfy sekktd but glvlrtdlflss, tdl agsthffhtakg tkkm pfhil suiilsscuffy, hfekst ckrty ylhrs hctlr tdl dastkraihf carl trholjy. Hjjago tk ats hfrlhjy dastkrai hgj prlstaoakus agsthffhtakg lvlgt, tdl skg kc tdl fhst Aehe lvlr tk splhm crke tdl kraoaghf eagbhr kc Yhfhjag as shaj tk bl tdl carst tk oavl splli spllid d kg tdas glwfy rlikgstruitlj eagbhr.
Caourl 3 Zdl glwfy rlikgstruitlj Eagbhr kc Yhfhjag
ZLIDGAX\LY HGJ YMAFFY Zdl ikgstruitakg kc tdl glw eagbhr kc Yhfhjag whs cuffy dhgj-irhctlj. Hs at pfhys hrkugj phglfs kc wkkj, ehag tlidgaqul wkufj bl hrkugj tdl aeprlssakg kc ektacs hs wlff hs tdl nkagago kc tdl wkkj phglfs tk ckre kgl ugat kc eagbhr. Ikgstruitago elhgagocuf hgj prhitaihf Asfheai olkeltrai phttlrgs.
Zdlrl hrl h clw spliahf tlidgaquls tlidg aquls kr smaffs rlquarlj tk lxliutl tdl rlbuafjago kc tdl eagbhr. Zdl gueblr kgl cugjhelgthf mgkwfljol tdl jlsaoglrs gllj tk carst dhvl as tdl tdkrkuod ugjlrsthgjago kg tdl Asfheai olkeltrai phttlrgs. At whs blihusl tdl fhim kc jlsaoglrs tdht dhvl dh vl tdas hbafaty ehjl tdl rlikgstruitakg slles 8: aepkssabfl. Gk kgl ikufj ugjlrsthgj dkw tdl jlsaog ektacs hgj phttlrg wkrm tdht hffkws at tk httrhit httlgtakg crke hff phrts kc tdl wkrfj.
Kgfy watd agtlgsavl stujyago hg hrtast ikufj oavl jlptd hgj elhgago agtk tdlar hrt. Ktdlrwasl, tdlar hrt ehy gkt lvlg wkrm ehtdlehtaihffy. Asfheai olkeltry dhs h strkgo ikgglitakg watd tdl ghturl hgj surrkugjago. Zdl rufls hrl hff jlravlj crke cfkwlrs, whtlr rappfls hgj lvlg crke tdl htkeai struiturls. H okkj Eusfae hrtast as kgl wdk wkufj splgj das tael pkgjlrago upkg tdl Irlhtkrs hgj Das irlhtakg hgj Caourl ? Lvlg h saepfl cfkwlr as stujalj tk tdl ikrl cagjago ats olkeltraihf lsslgil
aepflelgt at ag das wkrm kc hrt.
8: ‖Kgl
kc tdl rlhskgs tdht sk ehgy lhrfy httlepts chaflj whs tdht Asfheai hrt rlfals dlhvafy kg krohgazago lflelgts tdht jk gkt hpplhr ag tdl caghf wkrm.― Pdktk wkrm.― Pdktk ihptakg, phol ?2, Eagbhr kc Yhfhjag
Zdl ikgstruitakg kc tdl eagbhr rlquarls jlfaihtl ylt smaffcuf dhgj kc wkkjwkrmlrs. H sagofl sfap kc tdl idaslf as shaj tk hituhffy elhg sthrtago kgl wdkfl phglf hff kvlr hohag. Yagil tdl wdkfl eagbhr as ehjl kc wkkj, tdl wdkfl phrt kc at whs ag gllj kc tdl okfjlg tkuid kc tdl idkslg jlxtlrkus wkkjihrvlrs crke hff phrts kc tdl wkrfj. Gkt kgfy tdly glljlj tk
Caourl 4 Ytuggago wkkjwkrm kg tdl eagbhr
ihrvl tdl olkeltrai phttlrg prkjuilj, tdlrl hrl ihffaorhpdai wratago kc Xurhgai vlrsls tk bl ihrvlj hs wlff hs tdl ‗euqhrghs ‗euqhrghs‑ ‑ struiturl wdaid rlquarls tdl wkkjihrvlr tk dhvl lxhit hgj prliasl elhsurlelgt kg dkw jllp wkufj tdl blldavl-faml struiturl bl. Zdl eagbhr kc Yhfhjag's ehag jlikrhtavl ektavl as sthr. Zdl kraoaghf eagbhr hrl ckugj tk dhvl 4-pkagtlj sthr ektavls hgj sthr-sdhplj subsajahry phglfs 8<
ihrvlj ag rlfalc, agfhaj watd avkry hgj ektdlr-kc-plhrf. Blsajls tdl typaihf hftdkuod gkt krjaghry wkkj ihrvago, tdlrl as h idhfflgol kc prkjuiago tdl hrt 83
kc mdarhth wdaid rlquarls tdl smaff kc wkkj-turgago agtk ajlgtaihf slts kc spagjfls usago kgfy h fhtdl hgj h idaslf. Zh‑sdllq
Ht carst, tdl httlept tk rlikgstruit tdl eagbhr nust faml tdl kraoaghf kgl, tdht as, watdkut hgy ghafs kr oful slles tk bl ugglilsshry. ugg lilsshry. Dkwlvlr, Eagwlr ckugj kut tdht tdas nkagago tlid tlidgaqul gaqul as
‖Blihusl tdl palils hrl gkt raoajfy caxlj, tdly ihg ikgtrhit hgj lxphgj hs wlhtdlr, dueajaty hgj tdl prkilss kc holago hcclit tdle= jacclrlgils ag tdl rlspkgsl kc tdl jacclrlgt phrts bhfhgil lhid ktdlr kut ’ tdl struiturl ihg brlhtdl. \sago th‑ th‑sdllq eltdkj at blikels pkssabfl tk irlhtl fhrol phglfs kc ehgy jacclrlgtfy sazlj palils watdkut clhr kc
(po. 8 Zdhels & Dujskg, 2004 Dkutseh, E.Z., L. N. Braff's carst lgiyifkphljah kc Asfhe, 8189-8193. 8189-819 3. Glw Qkrm, L.N. Braff, 814?. Dafflgbrhgj, Ihrkfl., Zdl Irushjls> Asfheai Plrsplitavls. Glw Qkrm, Rkutfljol, 2000 Lrmkiu, Lriug, Iadhg Buijhia, Crats Bkfmlstlag, Zhraq Rhehjhg, Ydlrvag Glmull, Glbhdht Hviakifu, _affle Yidagmlf, _afcralj vhg _agjlg, Rklelr vhg Zkkrg, Lrai Rkksl, Hzrh Hmsheanh hgj Kfl Bkuehg. Zdl Eksqul. Rkttlrjhe> Llfik vhg _lfal, GHa Pubfasdlr, 2001. (2001, Huoust 90). Eagbhr kc Yhfhjag phrt p hrt 8-< (Asfhe hgj tdl _lst Ikffhbkrhtakg) vajlks pkstlj tk tk dttp>//www.ykutubl.ike/uslr/tkthf0skfhr0lifapsl/vajlks;valw50&cfkw5oraj dttp>//www.ykutubl.ike/uslr/tkthf0skfhr0lifapsl/vajlks;valw50&cfkw5oraj \ee Yufhye. ‖Hgktdlr Hfdhejkfaffhd Ekelgt ’ Yehff Yehff Okkj Jlljs, Zdl Iryago Zrll & Hjdhhg.― Hvhafhbfl ht> ht> dttp>//urwhtufwutdqh.wkrjprlss.ike/2088/04/24/hgktdlr-hfdhejkfafhdekelgt-sehff-okkj-jlljstdl-iryago-trll-hjdhhg/ 24 Huoust 2088 ekelgt-sehff-okkj-jlljstdl-iryago-trll-hjdhhg/ dttp>//asfhe.hbkut.ike/kj/eksquls/o/eagbhr.dte gbhr.dte 2082 20 82 Dujh, ‖Eagbhr.― Hvhafhbfl ht ht dttp>//asfhe.hbkut.ike/kj/eksquls/o/ea HCP, ‖Hf-Hqsh ‖Hf-Hqsh olts h glw Yhfhjag‛s Pufpat― hvhafhbfl ht dttp>//www.jhafytaels.ike.pm/jlchuft.hsp;phol5200?%
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