History of ANPR
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Automatic number number plate recognition recognition From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The system must be able to deal with different styles of license of license plates
License-plate recognition process
names below) is a mass Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR; see also other names below) sureillance method that uses optical character recognition on images to read ehicle registration sureillance method plates!! They can use e"isting closed-circuit teleision or road-rule enforcement cameras, plates cameras, or ones specifically designed for the task! They are used by b y arious police forces and as a method
of electronic electronic toll collection on collection on pay-per-use roads and roads and cataloging the moements of traffic or indiiduals! #$%& can be used to store store the images captured by the the cameras as well as the te"t te"t from the license plate, with some configurable to store a photograph of the drier! 'ystems commonly *+* +** * use infrared infraredllighting to allow the camera to take the picture at any time of the day! day!* #$%& technology tends to be region-specific, owing to plate pl ate ariation from place to place! oncerns about these systems hae centered on priacy fears of goernment tracking citi.ens/ moements, misidentification, high error rates, and increased goernment spending! Contents
hide hide** •
0tym 0tymolo ology gy
+ 1eelo 1eelopment pment history
omp ompone onents nts
2 Techn Technol olog ogyy o
2! #$%& in mobile systems
3 #lg #lgori orithms thms
4 1iff 1ifficu iculti lties es
5 6mag 6maging ing hard hardware ware
7 ircum ircumention ention techni8ues
9 %olice enforcement enforcemen t o
9! #us #ustral tralia ia
9!+ :el :elgiu gium m
9! 1e 1enm nmark ark
9!2 Fra France nce
9!3 e erma rmany ny
9!4 !citation needed * %rototype systems were working by 959, and contracts were let to produce industrial systems, first at 0E6 0lectronics, and then at omputer &ecognition 'ystems (&') in Wokingham, =>! 0arly trial systems were deployed on the # road and at the 1artford Tunnel! mh limit, and some 3? kmh, and photo eidence with date-time details are posted to registration address if speed iolation is
detected! #s of +?+, the fine for e"ceeding the speed limit for more than ? is appro"imately ='I53!
"raineedit* The proAect of system integration MBLL6 TechnologyN and the Einistry of 6nternal #ffairs of =kraine1epartment of 'tate Traffic 6nspection ('T6) e"periments on the introduction of a modern technical comple" which is capable to locate stolen cars, driers depried of driing licenses and other problem cars in real time! The =krainian comple" GDideo controlG?* working by a principle of ideo fi"ing of the car with recognition of license plates with check under data base!
nited (ingdom edit*
#n #$%& 08uipped Dectra of thereater Eanchester %olice force
Main article: Police-enforced ANPR in the UK
The => has an e"tensie (#$%&) automatic number plate recognition TD network! 0ffectiely, the police and security serices track all car moements around the country and are able to track any car in close to real time! Dehicle moements are stored for + years in the $ational #$%& 1ata enter to be analy.ed for intelligence and to be used as eidence! 6n 995 a system of one hundred #$%& cameras, codenamed L=TTB$, was installed to feed into the automated :ritish Eilitary 6ntelligence 'ystems in $orthern 6reland!citation needed * Further cameras were also installed on the :ritish mainland, including unspecified ports on the east and west coasts! citation needed *
nited )tates edit*
# ity of #le"andria police car e8uipped with mobile #L%&!
#$%& cameras in operation on the:rooklyn :ridge in $ew Kork!
6n the =nited 'tates, #$%& systems are more commonly referred to as #L%& (#utomatic License %late &eaderH&ecognition) technology, due to differences in language (i!e!, Gnumber platesG are referred to as Glicense platesG in #merican 0nglish) Eobile #$%& use is widespread among =' law enforcement agencies at the city, county, state and federal leel! #ccording to a +?+ report by the %olice 0"ecutie &esearch Forum, appro"imately 5 of all =' police departments use some form of #$%&! * Eobile #$%& is becoming a significant component of municipal predictie policing strategies and intelligence gathering,+* as well as for recoery of stolen ehicles, identification of wanted felons, and reenue collection from indiiduals who are delin8uent on city or state ta"es or fines, or monitoring for G#mber #lertsG! 'uccessfully recogni.ed plates may be matched against databases including Gwanted personG, Gprotection orderG, missing person, gang member, known and suspected terrorist, superised release, immigration iolator, and $ational 'e" Bffender lists!* 6n addition to the real-time processing of license plate numbers, #L%& systems in the =' collect (and can indefinitely store) data from each license plate capture! 6mages, dates, times and %' coordinates can be stockpiled and can help place a suspect at a scene, aid in witness identification, pattern recognition or the tracking of indiiduals! #n early, priate sector mobile #$%& application has been applications for ehicle repossession and recoery2*), although the application of #$%& by priate companies to collect information from priately owned ehicles or collected from priate property (for e"ample, drieways) has become an issue of sensitiity and public debate! 3* Bther #L%& uses include parking enforcement, and reenue collection from indiiduals who are delin8uent on city or state ta"es or fines! The technology is often featured in the reality TD show Parking Wars featured on #O0 $etwork! 6n the show, tow truck driers and booting teams use the #L%& to find delin8uent ehicles with high amounts of unpaid parking fines!
)audi Arabiaedit* Dehicle registration plates in 'audi #rabia use white background, but seeral ehicle types may hae a different background! =nited 'tates diplomatic plates hae the letters /='1/, which in #rabic reads /1'=/ when read from right to left in the direction of #rabic script! There are only 5 #rabic letters used on the registration plates! 4* # hallenge for plates recognition in 'audi #rabia is the si.e of the digits! 'ome plates use both 0astern #rabic numerals and the /Western #rabic/ e8uialents! # research with source code is aailable for #%$& #rabic digits! 5*
)*edenedit* The techni8ue is tested by the 'wedish police at nine different places in 'weden!7*
Average-speed camerasedit* Main article: Speed limit enforcement
#$%& is used for speed limit enforcement in #ustralia, #ustria, 9* :elgium,2?* 1ubai (=#0),citation needed * France, 6taly,2* The $etherlands,2+* 'pain,2* and the =>!22* This works by tracking ehicles/ trael time between two fi"ed points, and calculating the aerage speed! These cameras are claimed to hae an adantage oer traditional speed cameras in maintaining steady legal speeds oer e"tended distances, rather than encouraging heay braking on approach to specific camera locations and subse8uent acceleration back to illegal speeds! 23*
+talyedit* 6n 6talian C Traffic amera 1ata 1ropped in utterG! thenewspaper!com! &etrieed +?+-?-+2! 72! /ump up0 lements, Jon ( Earch +??7)! G# police memory stick containing secret data is found in gutterG ! (he Mirror 8UK9 ! &etrieed +?-?5-?+! 73! /ump up0 G&egulation of 6nestigatory %owers #ct +???G!legislation5gov5"k ! The $ational #rchies! +???! &etrieed +?+-?-+2! 74! /ump up0 G%olice number plate cameras may breach &6%# ommissionerG! The&egister!com! 5 July +??4! &etrieed +?+?-+2! 75! /ump up0 GEoney for nothingC the drug war and the war on EuslimsG! 77! /ump up0 reen, Jonah (+2 February +?+)! G$K%1 1efends Tactics Ber Eos8ue 'pying; &ecords &eeal $ew 1etails Bn Euslim 'ureillanceG!3"ffington Post !
79! /ump up0 G#L= raises priacy concerns about police technology tracking driers - $$!comG! 0NN ! 7 July +?! 9?! /ump up0 >lein, #llison (+4 'eptember +?+)! G#L= files suit oer info on license plate readersG! (he Washington Post ! 9! /ump up0 G#utomated License %late &ecognition 'ystemsC %olicy and Bperational uidance for Law 0nforcementG! U5S5 1epartment of 6"stice National )nstit"te of 6"stice! +?+! 9+! /ump up0 G$ew 1eelopments 6n #L%&G! Police (echnolog2 Maga;ine! 3 February +?! 9! /ump up0 +*
dead link *
92! /ump up0 the license plate recognition company (+??2-?+?)! GLicense %late &ecognition #lgorithms and TechnologyG! %laterecognition!info! &etrieed+?2-?2-+! 93! ^ Jump up toC GEeasuring #$%& 'ystem %erformanceG(%1F)! Parking (rend )nternational ! June +??7! &etrieed +?+-?-+2! a b
94! /ump up0 G'ection controlG! Derkeershandhaing 1ossiers! #rchied from the original on +??4-?3-+! &etrieed +?+-?-+2! 95! /ump up0 G
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