Historical Antecedents in Which Social Considerations Changed The Course of Science and Technology

August 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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INTRODUCTION   An antecedent is described as a precursor to the unfolding of life. Historical backgrounds in science and technology are therefore inuences which paved for advanced and sophiscated advancements in science and technology that are present today. The development of sci science ence during ancient , middle a ages ges and modern ages will provide more informaon on changes that led to the development of science and technology. COURSE OUTCOMES Aer the compleon of the lesson on Historical Antecedent on the development of Science and Technology , the students should be able to: 

discuss the events that took place during the ancient, middle and modern ages that led changed to the course of science and technology recognize the works of several sciensts in the development of science and technology.




ANCIENT TIME – ancient history covers the period 3000BC -AD 500. MIDDLE AGES – began around 476 A.D may span roughly 1,000 years ending between 1400 and 1450. MODERN AGES – It is also referred to as Modernity, is the post Medieval area, beginning 1500 to present, wide span of me marked in part by technological innovaons, urbanizaon, scienc discoveries and globalizaon.


The frst Inklings o Science (From Ancient Times to 606 B.C) EGYPTIANS *Egypans medicine medicine was trial and error 

Egypans doctors learned that if you covered an open wound with moldy bread, the wound heal quickly and clearly  Modern science tells us that certain bread molds produce penicillin, a chemical that kills germs that infect germs. Egypan doctors gave a seeds of poppy to relieve the paent’s pain

The study showed that Poppy seeds contain both morphine and codeine which are excellent pain-relieving drugs and are used today/

Egypans medicine became the most respected form of medicine

Papyrus – an ancient form of paper p aper , made from a plant of the same name 

As early as 3.000BC , Egypan formed of paper named as Papyrus. Papyrus is a thick type of paper made from the pith of the papyrus palnt , the Cyperus papyrus . Papyrus can also refer refer to a document wrien wrien on sheets of papyrus joined together side by side and rolled into a scroll an early form of book.  The invenon of the ancient form of paper revoluonized the way informaon was transmied from person to generaon easily done compared to clay tablets or smooth rocks been used by Egypans, Sumerians and other races/.


Other cultures


Meso Mesopota potamians mians were maki making ng po poery ery using the  rst rst known poe poer’s r’s w wheel heel Horse drawn chariots were being used.

 _ 1000 BC , the Chinese w were ere using compass compasses es to aids themsel themselves ves in their





The Science begins to Emerge ( 600 BC to 500 A.D) THE GREEKS

As far as historians can tell . the rst true sciensts were the Ancient Greeks 

Thales studied the heavens and tried to develop a unifying terms that explain the movement of the heavenly bodies (the planets and the stars) He predicted certain planetary event , he predicted the short term disappearance of the sun  The predicon he made is actually what we called today is a solar eclipse, an event in which the moon moves between the earth and the sun, mostly blocking the sun from view.


Anaximander was interested interested in the study of life. He was the rst scienst scienst who concluded that all life began in the sea and some sort of a sh. His idea was later resurrected by other sciensts , most notably Charles Darwin and is today called evoluon,

Anaximenes however, however, believed that all thing thingss were constructed of a air ir since what he knew that air was the most basic substance in nature. >>His ideas led to the introducon of the Greeks concept on that things in nature is made by single substance ATOMS/


Leucippus a Greek scienst who lived up to 150 years further developed the concepts of Atoms that all maer is composed of lile unit known as atoms, he was named as the Fathe Fatherr of Atomic Theory Democritus believed believed that all maer was ssimilar imilar to sand. Even though a piece of wood appears to be solid, it is in fact made up of lile individual parcles which he called called it atoms. Democritus was not well as accepte accepted d in his me, but later sciensts ulized his ideas and modied them.

  Two Novel Greek Sciensts were recogni recognized zed 

Aristotle The father of the life sciences who wrote volumes of works on many things. Including Philosophy , mathemacs, logics and physics. He was the rst to make a large scale aempt with the classicaon of animal and plants. Although Aristotle iiss noted to contribute larg large e studies n science not all the ideas were without aw . One was his idea on spontaneous generaon, he believed that living things spontaneously formed from nonliving things.


Archimedes He was one of the sciensts who de demonstrated monstrated how closely closely science and mathemacs. He was best know known n for his works on uid. He was the rst rst to show how uid may oat or not in liquid,



The Roman Empire had a great deal of inuence throughout the world. Rome disliked science much, did not mind invenons especially those that made work producve, but a lile use for the explaining the world around us. As a result the real sci science ence was ac acvely vely discourag discouraged ed at most part of the world.

Alchemy is one of the best examples in which science been recognized in this era. The Alchemists were the most wanted to nd a means by which lead could be transformed transformed into gold. The alchemists began mixing and recording , many interested things were observed , they mixed mixtures and did the process in trial and error error . They never tried to use thei theirr observaons to conclude about natural works, instead they were content to just write their observaons and move to the next experiment searching for the next substance they could make.




Science thrives on the free exchange of ideas from one scienst to another , this put another road block for the science progress. Many historians refer to this period as the Dark Ages. The progress in science depends on sciensts, government government and culture. Sll the progress in science not quite observed, due to Romans remained a acve cve in discouraging science . The Roman empire preferred to concentrate on invenons, the crumbling government caused trade and communicaons to become more dicult . scienc progress slowed even more.



Both Arabs and Chinese during this me period were involved in making careful studies of the heavens. They made observaons that were much more detailed and precise precise than those of the Gre Greek ek Sciensts. For example > Chinese records from 1054 A. D include detailed observaons of a phenomenon that Chinese scienst called a guest star in the heavens, h eavens, They recorded in 1054 that a star that had not been seen before suddenly appeared in a certain constellaon.




>> Modern sciensts have been able to use those observaons to determine that the Chinese had seen a supernova, which is actually the explosion of a star. star. The observaons were so so detailed that modern modern sciensts were able to look at the same part of the night sky and when they did , they found a cloud of dust and gas, called a nebula. Based on these facts , modern sciensts now believe that nebula is formed by the explosion of the star.


ROBERT GROSSETTESTE He was a bishop in the Roman Catholic in the early 1200s A.D He proposed the idea that the secrets of the natural world could be leared by discovering the laws that God had set in moon. He wanted to explain why things happened the way they did. HE WAS THE FATHER OF SCIENTIFIC METHOD , because b ecause he was the rst to thoroughly use and explain THE RENAISSANCE The GOLDEN AGE OF SCIENCE (1500 AD to 1600 A.D)

NICOLAUS COPERNICUS  Copernicus believed Ptolemy’s view of the universe was wrong    Copernicus placed the s sun un at the center of everything everything and assumed that the planets (including the Earth) traveled around the sun. This views was called the heliocentric system or Copernican System in honor of Copernicus. The Heliocentric model is posted below.



 ANDREAS VESALIUS 1543, the book contains the detailed part of tthe he  He published a Book on 1543, Human Body, The organs were clea clearly rly illustrated espe especially cially the muscles and bones. This book led tto o knowing how the medicine s ttaught. aught.



He spent an enormous me in studying the air and liquids  He demonstrated that the air we breathe exerts pressure on everything “ now we called it as ATMOS ATMOSPHERIC PHERIC PRESS PRESSURE URE  He demonstrated the PASCAL LAW


The science behind the law allowed us to develop hydraulic lis, like the li a mechanic uses to raise a car so he can get underneath i


ERA OF NEWTON ( 1660 A.D to 1735 A.)

Newton wrote most of his revoluonary work in three volume – The T he Principia 

The First Volume , laid down his three laws of moon, The Law of Inera, Law of Acceleraon and Law of Interacon   (refer to to the posted image below tthe he Three Laws of M Moon oon  The Second Volume of the Principia Newton built on the work of Pascual and added many details to the understanding of the moon of uids


The Third volume Laid down his universal law of gravitaon


Newton used detailed experiments and observaons to show that gravity was the cause of both eects. The same gravity that aract objects to the earth (making them fall)also keeps the planets in their orbits around the sun, Newton also developed detailed mathemacal equaons and sll considered accurate to this day.


The rst law also called as Law of Inera states that a object connues in its state of rest or of uniform moon unless compelled to cahnge the state by an external force.


The second law of moon states that if a net force acts on an object , it will cause acceleraon of the object, the law addresses the cause and eect relaonship relaonship between fo force rce and moon. F=ma

The Third Law of moon States that when two bodies aract , they apply forces to one another that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direcon  

also known as The Law o acon and reacon


ROBERT BOYLE  The founder of modern chemistry contemporary of Newton  He did many experiments with gas , like Boyle’s Law


Anton van Leeuwenhoek   The Father of microscopy, invented the First microscope where he was able to examine the dierent microorganisms



THE age of Enlightenment Period , was a intellectual movement developed mainly in France, Britain and Germany which wh ich advocated freedom, democracy and reason as the primary values of society.

Utmost importance of increasing eciency of transportaon, communicaon, and producon

Industrializaon took place with greater risk in human heath food safety and environment.

The scienc community should crically analyze the works of the previous sciensts since their studies were based on the data and results from the

former sciensts. Increased scienc knowledge , led to the invenon of many devices that turned hours of manual labor into just a few minutes of work, The Th e changed led to making of so many invenons and this mark the period in history .


CAROLUS LINNAEUS  His works on classicaon marked the beginning of the Enlightenment .because it revoluonized the study of living things.   The basic classicaon scheme proposed by Linnaeus is sll used today the scienc name consists of genus and species


Carolus Linnaeus = Father of Modern Classicaon “The Binomial System -The Scienc Name: genus and species Man scienc name : Homo sapiens Homo is the genus, sapiens wise

ANTOINE LAVOISER  The father of modern chemistry , he was the instrument of renaming oxygen , the gas which which combine with fuel to form com combuson buson  He was the rst to analyze chemical reacons in a systemac way, and he was the rst to realize that maer cannot be destroyed or created, can be transformed transformed to another form. This is known as the Law of Mas Masss Conservaon .   He was also the rst to properly explain combuson which is the process burning,.


  Antoine Lavoisier Lavoisier Father o M Modern odern Chemi Chemistry stry He disproved the Phlogiston Theory , he renamed the dephlogiscated air oxygen, when he realized that oxygen was the part o air that the oxygen was the part o air that combines with substances as they burn the process is combuson , Lavoisier work on this made him Father o Modern Chemistry



LOUIS PASTEUR  He destroyed the idea of spontaneous generaon  He made great advances in the study of bacteria and the likr b everages resulted  He demonstrated experimentally that fermented beverages from the acon of living yeast ( transforming glucose into ethanol He concluded that fermentaon is vital process, he dened it as respiraon without air (Anaerobic respiraon,)  In his discovery of microbes were responsible for souring alcohol ,came up the process of pasteurizaon where bacteria are destroyed by heang beverages and then allowing them to cool. His work in germ theory also led him and his h is team created vaccinaon on anthrax His experiment on Pasteurizaon contributed to the improvement of science. 


He developed process of Pasteurizaon , the process of fermentaon in

making wine, vinegar etc


Louis Pasteur - Father of Bacteriology

GREGOR MENDEL  He was a Augusnian monk. Father of Genecs  He devotedly develop much of his life in the study of reproducon. h ow leads are passed  The enre eld of modern genecs which studies how on from parents to ospring is based on his work.


Gregor Mendel -Father of Heredity 

MICHAEL FARADAY It in this period in History in which science developed a much beer understanding of electricity and magnesm  Faraday’s experiments and ideas about electricity earned him the tle of  The electrical giant


JAMES CLERK MAXWELL  He is known as the founder of modern Physics , he contributed on the development of the mathemacal equaons that showed Faraday was right that electricity and magnesm are both dierent aspects of the same phenomenon now called electromagnesm electromagnesm..

JAMES JOULE  He determined that like maer, energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change forms,.  This now known as Law of Thermodynamics , the guiding principle in the study of energy,




MAX PLANCK  He proposed an idea that maer exists in ny packets called atoms, energy exists in ny packets which he called as quanta. You can give one packet of energy to an object, or you can give two packets of energy to an obje object ct . However you cannot g give ive an o object bject any amount of energy in between one and two packets.  With his lot of evidence for his ideas, this led to the acceptance of the scienc community the QUANTUM MECHANICS


ALBERT EINSTEIN  Einstein used Plank’s idea of energy quanta to explain a problem called the photoelectric eect could not be explained by Newton’s laws of moon but could be easily explained by Planck ideas about the energy quanta.


NEIL BOHR  Bohr developed the Bohr Model Model . This model of the ato atom m is based on solid mathemacs and it required the assumpon that energy comes on small packets  Using the Bohr model many of the mysteries of the atom were revealed


OTHER SIGNIFICANT DISCOVERIES 1907 : Radiometric da dang ng discoveries discoveries that the earth is 2.2 billion years 1915 : Einstein announced the general theory of relavity 1915 ; Pellagra was discovered to be a dietary disease 1924 : Hubble idened new galaxy 1927

: Big Bang theory

1928-1948 1928-194 8 - Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin 1932 : Chadwick discovered neutron 1938 : Electroshock therapy was introduced 1947

: Transistor was invented


1972-1985 : CT Scan and MRI were introduced 1979 : cellular phones, radio, telephone system were introduced 1982 : human gro growth wth hormo hormone ne was genecally engineered 1885 : Microso windows were introduced 1988 : Digital cellular phones were introduced 1992


smart pill



Penum processor

1995 :

Java computer language

1998 :

Viagra was invented

Acvity:  From your analycal point of view, what do you consider the three best b est invenons/research/study, invenons/resea rch/study, during the ages of ancient , middle and modern, that changed science a and nd technology ? cite situa situaons, ons, rank them accordingly a. Ancient



b. Mi Midd ddle le ag ages es c. Mode dern rn ages

Source : Module 1 : A Brief His History tory of Sci Science ence hps//www.rainbowresource.com/pdfs/products/ hps//www.rainbowreso urce.com/pdfs/products/prod017414.s prod017414.smp10pdf  mp10pdf  Science Technology by She Sherwin rwin S Alar pages 13 -18 Science Technology and Societ Society y by 37Tita Cruz, Michelle R Reyes eyes pages 37 37-39 -39 Read/Watch www.studocu.com.ph www.slide  shun net,mejiecruz.hist www.slide net,mejiecruz.histwindantecedents.of  windantecedents.of 

Erythromycin – one of the most important medicine invention. Abelardo Aguilar invented


this antibiotic out of strain of  bacterium called called Streptomyces erythreus from which the drug derived its name. Medical Incubator-World –  renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del Mundo, is credited for the invention of the incubator and  jaundice relieving relieving device. Her incubator was particularly outstanding as it addressed the state of Philippine rural communities that had no electricity to aid the regulation


of body temperatures of newborn  babies. Mole Remover- Rolando Dela Cruz is credited for the invention of a local mole remover that made use of extract of cashew nuts. The indigenous formula easily caught on for its accessibility, affordability, and  painless and scar less  procedure.


Banana Ketchup- Filipino food technologist Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of  banana ketchup, ketchup, a variety ketchup different from the commonly known tomato ketchup. Reference: Quinto, E. J. M., Ph D, LPT and Nieva, A. D. MEng, ChE, RChE (2019) Science Erythromycin – one of the most important medicine invention. Abelardo Aguilar invented


this antibiotic out of strain of  bacterium called called Streptomyces erythreus from which the drug derived its name. Medical Incubator-World –  renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del Mundo, is credited for the invention of the incubator and  jaundice relieving relieving device. Her incubator was particularly outstanding as it addressed the state of Philippine rural communities that had no electricity to aid the regulation


of body temperatures of newborn  babies. Mole Remover- Rolando Dela Cruz is credited for the invention of a local mole remover that made use of extract of cashew nuts. The indigenous formula easily caught on for its accessibility, affordability, and  painless and scar less  procedure.


Banana Ketchup- Filipino food technologist Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of  banana ketchup, ketchup, a variety ketchup different from the commonly known tomato ketchup. Reference: Quinto, E. J. M., Ph D, LPT and Nieva, A. D. MEng, ChE, RChE (2019) Science



Most of the inventions appealed to the unique social and cultural context of the archipelagic nation. Throughout the Philippine history, Filipinos are responsible for developing many scientific and technological technological innovations focused on navigation, traditional shipbuilding, textiles, food processing, indigenous arts and techniques and even cultural inventions.


Some of the following are the most important inventions by the Filipino scientist

INVENTIONS BY FILIPINO SCIENTIST Most of the inventions appealed to the unique social and cultural context of the archipelagic nation. Throughout the Philippine history, Filipinos are responsible for developing many scientific and technological technological innovations focused on


navigation, traditional shipbuilding, textiles, food processing, indigenous arts and techniques and even cultural inventions. Some of the following are the most important inventions by the Filipino scientist

INVENTIONS BY FILIPINO SCIENTIST Most of the inventions appealed to the unique social and cultural context of the archipelagic nation. Throughout the Philippine history, Filipinos are


responsible for developing many scientific and technological technological innovations focused on navigation, traditional shipbuilding, textiles, food processing, indigenous arts and techniques and even cultural inventions. Some of the following are the most important inventions by the Filipino scientist



Most of the inventions appealed to the unique social and cultural context of the archipelagic nation. Throughout the Philippine history, Filipinos are responsible for developing many scientific and technological technological innovations focused on navigation, traditional shipbuilding, textiles, food processing, indigenous arts and techniques and even cultural inventions.


Some of the following are the most important inventions by the Filipino scientist Erythromycin – one of the most important medicine invention. Abelardo Aguilar invented this antibiotic out of strain of  bacterium called called Streptomyces erythreus from which the drug derived its name. Medical Incubator-World –  renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del


Mundo, is credited for the invention of the incubator and  jaundice relieving relieving device. Her incubator was particularly outstanding as it addressed the state of Philippine rural communities that had no electricity to aid the regulation of body temperatures of newborn  babies. Mole Remover- Rolando Dela Cruz is credited for the invention of a local mole remover that


made use of extract of cashew nuts. The indigenous formula easily caught on for its accessibility, affordability, and  painless and scar less  procedure. Banana Ketchup- Filipino food technologist Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of  banana ketchup, ketchup, a variety ketchup different from the commonly known tomato ketchup. Reference: Quinto, E. J. M., Ph D, LPT and Nieva, A. D.


MEng, ChE, RChE (2019) Science Erythromycin – one of the most important medicine invention. Abelardo Aguilar invented this antibiotic out of strain of  bacterium called called Streptomyces erythreus from which the drug derived its name. Medical Incubator-World –  renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del Mundo, is credited for the invention of the incubator and  jaundice relieving relieving device. Her


incubator was particularly outstanding as it addressed the state of Philippine rural communities that had no electricity to aid the regulation of body temperatures of newborn  babies. Mole Remover- Rolando Dela Cruz is credited for the invention of a local mole remover that made use of extract of cashew nuts. The indigenous formula easily caught on for its


accessibility, affordability, and  painless and scar less  procedure. Banana Ketchup- Filipino food technologist Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of  banana ketchup, ketchup, a variety ketchup different from the commonly known tomato ketchup. Reference: Quinto, E. J. M., Ph D, LPT and Nieva, A. D. MEng, ChE, RChE (2019) Science


Erythromycin – one of the most important medicine invention. Abelardo Aguilar invented this antibiotic out of strain of  bacterium called called Streptomyces erythreus from which the drug derived its name. Medical Incubator-World –  renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del Mundo, is credited for the invention of the incubator and  jaundice relieving relieving device. Her


incubator was particularly outstanding as it addressed the state of Philippine rural communities that had no electricity to aid the regulation of body temperatures of newborn  babies. Mole Remover- Rolando Dela Cruz is credited for the invention of a local mole remover that made use of extract of cashew nuts. The indigenous formula easily caught on for its


accessibility, affordability, and  painless and scar less  procedure. Banana Ketchup- Filipino food technologist Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of  banana ketchup, ketchup, a variety ketchup different from the commonly known tomato ketchup. Reference: Quinto, E. J. M., Ph D, LPT and Nieva, A. D. MEng, ChE, RChE (2019) Science


Erythromycin – one of the most important medicine invention. Abelardo Aguilar invented this antibiotic out of strain of  bacterium called called Streptomyces erythreus from which the drug derived its name. Medical Incubator-World –  renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del Mundo, is credited for the invention of the incubator and  jaundice relieving relieving device. Her


incubator was particularly outstanding as it addressed the state of Philippine rural communities that had no electricity to aid the regulation of body temperatures of newborn  babies. Mole Remover- Rolando Dela Cruz is credited for the invention of a local mole remover that made use of extract of cashew nuts. The indigenous formula easily caught on for its


accessibility, affordability, and  painless and scar less  procedure. Banana Ketchup- Filipino food technologist Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of  banana ketchup, ketchup, a variety ketchup different from the commonly known tomato ketchup. Reference: Quinto, E. J. M., Ph D, LPT and Nieva, A. D. MEng, ChE, RChE (2019) Science


Erythromycin – one of the most important medicine invention. Abelardo Aguilar invented this antibiotic out of strain of  bacterium called called Streptomyces erythreus from which the drug derived its name. Medical Incubator-World –  renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del Mundo, is credited for the invention of the incubator and  jaundice relieving relieving device. Her


incubator was particularly outstanding as it addressed the state of Philippine rural communities that had no electricity to aid the regulation of body temperatures of newborn  babies. Mole Remover- Rolando Dela Cruz is credited for the invention of a local mole remover that made use of extract of cashew nuts. The indigenous formula easily caught on for its


accessibility, affordability, and  painless and scar less  procedure. Banana Ketchup- Filipino food technologist Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of  banana ketchup, ketchup, a variety ketchup different from the commonly known tomato ketchup. Reference: Quinto, E. J. M., Ph D, LPT and Nieva, A. D. MEng, ChE, RChE (2019) Science


Erythromycin – one of the most important medicine invention. Abelardo Aguilar invented this antibiotic out of strain of  bacterium called called Streptomyces erythreus from which the drug derived its name. Medical Incubator-World –  renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del Mundo, is credited for the invention of the incubator and  jaundice relieving relieving device. Her


incubator was particularly outstanding as it addressed the state of Philippine rural communities that had no electricity to aid the regulation of body temperatures of newborn  babies. Mole Remover- Rolando Dela Cruz is credited for the invention of a local mole remover that made use of extract of cashew nuts. The indigenous formula easily caught on for its


accessibility, affordability, and  painless and scar less  procedure. Banana Ketchup- Filipino food technologist Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of  banana ketchup, ketchup, a variety ketchup different from the commonly known tomato ketchup. Reference: Quinto, E. J. M., Ph D, LPT and Nieva, A. D. MEng, ChE, RChE (2019) Science


Erythromycin – one of the most important medicine invention. Abelardo Aguilar invented this antibiotic out of strain of  bacterium called called Streptomyces erythreus from which the drug derived its name. Medical Incubator-World –  renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del Mundo, is credited for the invention of the incubator and  jaundice relieving relieving device. Her


incubator was particularly outstanding as it addressed the state of Philippine rural communities that had no electricity to aid the regulation of body temperatures of newborn  babies. Mole Remover- Rolando Dela Cruz is credited for the invention of a local mole remover that made use of extract of cashew nuts. The indigenous formula easily caught on for its


accessibility, affordability, and  painless and scar less  procedure. Banana Ketchup- Filipino food technologist Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of  banana ketchup, ketchup, a variety ketchup different from the commonly known tomato ketchup. Reference: Quinto, E. J. M., Ph D, LPT and Nieva, A. D. MEng, ChE, RChE (2019) Science


Erythromycin – one of the most important medicine invention. Abelardo Aguilar invented this antibiotic out of strain of  bacterium called called Streptomyces erythreus from which the drug derived its name. Medical Incubator-World –  renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del Mundo, is credited for the invention of the incubator and  jaundice relieving relieving device. Her


incubator was particularly outstanding as it addressed the state of Philippine rural communities that had no electricity to aid the regulation of body temperatures of newborn  babies. Mole Remover- Rolando Dela Cruz is credited for the invention of a local mole remover that made use of extract of cashew nuts. The indigenous formula easily caught on for its


accessibility, affordability, and  painless and scar less  procedure. Banana Ketchup- Filipino food technologist Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of  banana ketchup, ketchup, a variety ketchup different from the commonly known tomato ketchup. Reference: Quinto, E. J. M., Ph D, LPT and Nieva, A. D. MEng, ChE, RChE (2019) Science


Erythromycin – one of the most important medicine invention. Abelardo Aguilar invented this antibiotic out of strain of  bacterium called called Streptomyces erythreus from which the drug derived its name. Medical Incubator-World –  renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del Mundo, is credited for the invention of the incubator and  jaundice relieving relieving device. Her


incubator was particularly outstanding as it addressed the state of Philippine rural communities that had no electricity to aid the regulation of body temperatures of newborn  babies. Mole Remover- Rolando Dela Cruz is credited for the invention of a local mole remover that made use of extract of cashew nuts. The indigenous formula easily caught on for its


accessibility, affordability, and  painless and scar less  procedure. Banana Ketchup- Filipino food technologist Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of  banana ketchup, ketchup, a variety ketchup different from the commonly known tomato ketchup. Reference: Quinto, E. J. M., Ph D, LPT and Nieva, A. D. MEng, ChE, RChE (2019) Science


Erythromycin – one of the most important medicine invention. Abelardo Aguilar invented this antibiotic out of strain of  bacterium called called Streptomyces erythreus from which the drug derived its name. Medical Incubator-World –  renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del Mundo, is credited for the invention of the incubator and  jaundice relieving relieving device. Her


incubator was particularly outstanding as it addressed the state of Philippine rural communities that had no electricity to aid the regulation of body temperatures of newborn  babies. Mole Remover- Rolando Dela Cruz is credited for the invention of a local mole remover that made use of extract of cashew nuts. The indigenous formula easily caught on for its


accessibility, affordability, and  painless and scar less  procedure. Banana Ketchup- Filipino food technologist Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of  banana ketchup, ketchup, a variety ketchup different from the commonly known tomato ketchup. Reference: Quinto, E. J. M., Ph D, LPT and Nieva, A. D. MEng, ChE, RChE (2019)

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