-gastric pits- funnel-shaped invagination of epith. (a.k.a FOVEOLA GASTRICA). -shallow in cardia but very deep in pylorus -INTERFOVEOLAR -INTERFOVEO LAR SPACE OR AREA
3 layers IO-MC-OL (MC- middle circular- highly developed in pylorus)
COLON -Simple columnar epithelium w/ numerous goblet cells and thin striate border -Fibroreticular CT -Glands and solitary lymph nodules: PRESENT - Same w/ small intestine but crypts are larger, longer but cells of Paneth are absent -Crypts of Lieberkuhn -Simple tubular gland
-Absorptive columnar cells -goblet cells -enteroendocrine cells -paneth cells- has lysosomes that are bactericidal
-Absorptive columnar cells -goblet cells -enteroendocrine cells -paneth cells- has lysosomes that are bactericidal
-Simple columnar(plain) -all cells are mucus secreting - MUCOUS SECRETORY EPITHELIAL SHEET (type of gland) -mucous for protection -Fibroreticular CT - scanty seen in interfoveolar space only due to glands (fundic-most abundant)
-Submucosal glands of Brunner -Simple branched coiled tubular -Secretion is slightly alkaline TUNICA MUSCULARIS Smooth muscle ICOL
-Areolar CT
-Areolar CT
Absent Absent Absent
Absent Absent Absent
Smooth muscle
Smooth muscle
-Teniae coli- (causes the puckering); MUSCULARY BONDS -Haustrae coli- (packer) or (puckered) Has 3 teniae coli
thin CT covered by mes ot othelium
Made up of areolar CT esophageal folds
dorsal surface of duodenum the last layer is T. adventitia valves of Kerckring valvulae coniventes plicae circularis TUNICA ADVENTITIA
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