This is a contract of hiring with an option to purchase. The Property in the goods does not pass with possession and the owner may recover the goods from the purchaser.
Section 4 of the Hire Purchase Act specifies that a hire purchase agreement(HP Agreement ):a) ust ust !e in "ng# "ng#is ish h !) $egistered within %& days of e'ecution and c) The payment payment of the prescri!ed prescri!ed fees fees that is stamp stamp duty and registra registration tion fees must must !e made The effect of non-registration is that the agreement is rendered unenforcea!#e against the hirer and the security is a#so unenforcea!#e.
Statutory reuirements re#ating to a HP Agreement Agreement (S. *) a) The owner owner must must inform inform the hirer hirer of the the cash cash price. price. !) Hirer must have inspected the goods to which the #a!e#s stating the cash price are attached or c) Hirer Hirer has se#ected se#ected the goods goods !y referr referring ing to a cata#o cata#ogue gue or advert advertise isemen mentt or price price #ist which which stated the cash price. d) Specificati Specification on of the amounts amounts and date date of payment payment of each insta# insta##ment #ment e) +otice +otice sett setting ing out out the the hirer, hirer,ss right rights. s. f) escription escription of the the goods that is is suffici sufficient ent to to identify identify them. them.
S. Protection of the Hirer The fo##owing statements or provisions are void in the ag reement:a) /#auses /#auses a##owing a##owing owner to enter the the premises premises of the hirer for the the purposes purposes of repossessi repossessing ng the goods. !) /#ause that re#ieves the owner of #ia!i#ity for such entry c) any c#ause c#ause that impose imposess #ia!i#it #ia!i#ity y on the hirer hirer in e'cess e'cess of that imposed imposed !y s. 01 !y reason reason of termination of the contract !y him d) any c#ause that that ma2es any person person acting acting on !eha#f !eha#f of the owner in connectio connection n of the agreement agreement an agent of the hirer e) any c#ause that that re#ieves re#ieves the owner of #ia!i#i #ia!i#ity ty for the acts or defau#t defau#t of any person person acting acting on his !eha#f in connection with the formation of the agreement.
S. 3 mp#ied /onditions and 5arranties in the HP Agreement. 0. $ight to se## 1. erchanta!i#ity %. 6itness for particu#ar purpose 4. 7ega# ownership 8. 9uiet possession enoyed !y hirer *. 6ree from charge and encum!rances These conditions and warranties cannot !e e'c#uded from the agreement.
uties of the Hirer a) Ta2e de#ivery !) Pay insta##ments c) Ta2e care of the goods d) /ontinue hiring for the agreed period. e) +otification of change of address.
uties of ;wner a) e#iver the goods to the hirer !) +otification of defects of tit#e or otherwise c) ndemnity< compensate the hirer of any #oss or #ia!i#ity arising !y reason of any defect in the goods.
S.01 Termination Hirer may terminate !efore fina# payment or when the insta##ment fa##s due !y:a) =iving owner written notice of termination. !) $eturning the goods to the owner.
Hirer is #ia!#e to pay a## insta##ments due !y that time Pay any sum that wi## !e his fina# payment not #ess than ha#f of the tota# hire-purchase price un#ess a #esser sum is specified in the agreement. Any provisions in the agreement providing for a #arger payment than one ha#f of the tota# hire-purchase price sha## !e void. 1
f the hirer has not ta2en reasona!#e care of the goods he sha## !e #ia!#e to pay damages for the fai#ure. Hirer returns the goods at his own e'pense to the premises from which they were supp#ied to him or to wherever he is directed. The ;wner is reuired to reim!urse additiona# une'pected e'penses.
/omp#etion of the Agreement 5ritten +otice !y the hirer either a) uring continuance of the agreement or !) 5ithin 13 days after the owner has repossessed and additiona# costs that may have !een incurred such as storage or repair.
S.08 $ecovery of Possession of =oods 5here 1>% of the hire-purchase price is paid the owner os prec#uded from enforcing the rights of recovery of possession from the hirer otherwise than !y fi#ing a suit un#ess the hirer has defau#ted in payment or terminated the agreement. n the event the ;wner vio#ates the a!ove provision:a) HP Agreement wou#d come to an end automatica##y !) Hirer wou#d !e re#eased from any #ia!i#ity under the HP Agreement and wou#d !e entit#ed to recover a## sums paid !y him or any security given !y him. c) The guarantor wou#d !e entit#ed to recover a## sums paid !y him or any security given !y him.
The owner can on#y c#aim or enforce any wrong !y way of a suit. The court may ma2e the fo##owing orders:a) 6or de#ivery of a## goods to owner. !) 6or de#ivery of part of the goods to the owner and transfer of tit#e to the goods to the hirer for the remainder of the goods c) 6or de#ivery of part of the goods to the owner and postpone operation of the order or condition that the hirer pays the app#ied !a#ance as the court directs.
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