Hip Hop Drum Grooves

December 8, 2016 | Author: PietreSonore | Category: N/A
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Hip Hop Drum Grooves...


Recording Drum Track Trackss


Drum Beats Te ollowing is a diagram o where o locae specific sounds on he MIDI keyboard or each drum bea.

Assignment: Record he drum beas below ino he sofware, one rack a a ime. I possible, record all our measures o each rack wihou sopping. Do no copy and pase or loop. I you have o sop,  jus sar he recording recording where you lef off. Procedure: 1. Open a new file by choosing File > New. 2. Save he file as “Drum Beas _ _” (your wo iniials). Do the following procedure in the same file for each of the drum beats given below. 3. Add hree sofware insrumen racks and choose drum sounds appropriae or he syle  you will be re-creaing (echno, (echno, rock, hip-hop, ec.). 4. Se he meronome o wha is comorable comor able o record as close o he click as possible beween 80–95. 5. Record each par on a separae drum rack. 6. Record as close o he meronome click as possible. 7. Record our measures a a ime wihou sopping. 8. Do no copy and pase or loop measures. 9. Quanize each rack beore recording he nex rack. I you play quarer noes, quanize o he 1/4 noe. I you play eighh noes, quanize o he 1/8 noe. I you play sixeenh noes, quanize o he 1/16 noe. Basic Techno Beat: Tis is a very ver y basic drum bea uilizing quarers and eighhs. Te variaion in he hi-ha, using an open sound or “splash” (B ♭) on he upbeas, adds a nice color o he groove. Record each


Teaching Music Through Composition

par a 80–95 o be as close o he meronome click as possible, bu play back he drum se patern/syle a a echno empo o 126–144.


I your original drums sounded like echno (elecronic) drums, change he drum se o a rock ki and slow he playback empo o 116. Now you have a disco bea rom he 1970s! Basic Rock Beat: Choose hree accousic drum kis like a rock ki. Record a 80–90 bu play back he bea a 104–116.

Rock Beat Variation: I you leave ou he cymbal patern, his is he basic bea o he Queen song “We Will Rock  You.” You may wan o se he meronome o 70–80 o record he cymbals. Playback empo is 72–92.

Recording Drum Tracks

Basic Hip-Hop: Choose hip-hop, 808 or 809 drums, i you have hem. Record he c ymbal par firs. When you record he bass drum, aim or he eighhs in he cymbal. Playback empo is 88–98.


Slow Hip-Hop: Tis is he same as he Rock Bea variaion, excep he firs bea inroduces sixeenh noes in he bass drum. Record he cymbal par firs a a empo o 70–80. When you record he bass drum, lisen o he sixeenh noes in he hi-ha. Te firs wo measures o he bass drum par are writen wih sixeenh noes and ress, so you can see each o he our sixeenh noes o he  bea. Te second wo measures show he radiional way o noae his figure. Playback empo is 76–92.

Advanced Hip-Hop: Tis is prety sophisicaed suff. Se he meronome o 70–80 o record he cymbal par fi rs. Playback empo is 88–98.

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