January 10, 2017 | Author: GODHEADANDGOD | Category: N/A
HINDU TRINITY EXPLAINED. HINDU TRINITY is roughly equavelent to Christian TRINITY , only Hindu Trinitarian sects used different kind of words and expressions. Some people try to prove that Hindu Trinity is not a Trinity but a Triad . That is Three Gods each with a Godhead in an other impersonal or Personal Godhead. This is an incorrect concept. This is partly due to religious backgrounds and partly due to the differences of terms and languages [GREEK AND LATIN ON ONE SIDE AND SANSKRIT ON THE OTHER SIDE]. But in Essence and Substance they are one and the same, if not one and the same then almost one and the same. In Hindu Trinity Brahm or BARHAMAN [NOT BARHAMA] is the Godhead i.e the The Divine Ousia.Nature of the Divine Ousia is Divine. There are three Hypostases in the Divine Ousia namely Barhama [NOT BARHAMAN, NOT BARMH],Sheu and Vishnu. Each Hypostasis is predicated by the word God or god. Thus Three HYypostases are in one Godhead such that each of them is God. Plurality of hypostases in Godhead such that each of the hypostases is God does not disturb the unity of Godhead i.e Barahman. Some Hindus may explain this by saying three gods in one God. This expression is highly objectionable on the standerd of Christian Trinitarians sects.They think that this is a triad,that is three Gods in the meaning of three Divine Essences,three DivineOusias,Three DivineNatures,Three DivineSubstances three Divine Forms Forms in the Forth Divine Essence,Ousia etc. But this is an incorrect meaning of the Hindu concept. Hindus Believe that Three Divine Hypostases in One Divine Ousia or Essence or Nature what so ever. They only use the word god for a Divine Hypostase, so when they say "" Three gods in one God "" they do not mean plurality of Natures ,Essences ,Ousias etc. But they only mean >. The word Deo is far more general then the word God
.It may mean a Divine Ousia or it may mean a Divine Hypostasis. What makes a hypostasis a person is the Quality of Rationality. Thus three Deos does not mean three Gods but three Divine Hypostases. A hypostasis may be divine or not divine in Hindunism. So a Deo may mean a A SUPREME HYPOSTASIS OR A SUPREME ESSENCE. OR A SUPREME NATURE OR A SUPREME OUSIA. Thus they only mean that there are three Hypostases in one Godhead such that each of them is Divine and Supreme. Tese hypostases are Perse Subsistent, Sui Iuris Rationalis, and incommunicable to each other. Ousia is the zzSupreme Sourse of each of the Hypostasis from which all the Divine Qualities and Divine Nature flows to these Hypostases. The First Hypostasis as the term of Immenent Ability /Quality Of Making,the second Hypostasis as a Quality/ability Of Preservation, and the last one as the Ability or Quality of Distruction. IT MAY ME NOTED THAT EACH HYPOSTASIS IS A QUALITY , A RELATION ,AN ACT AND A MODE AS WELL YET A PERSON AND A SUBSISTENT, SINCE EVEN A RELATION OR AN ACT OR A TERM IN GODHEAT IS PER SE SUBSISTENT. ,Each of the hypostse menifests by assuming Supermundalic Natures and forming Hypostatic Union whith these Non Eternal Natures. Barahma is the menifestation of the first hypostasis,Vishnu is the menifestation of the second hypostasis, and Shiva or Shio is the menifestion of the third Hypostasis. The relation between Hypostase Vishnu, and Menifestation Visnu is almost equal to the difference between Hypostase Logos and Knosised Jesus in trinitarian christianity with some accepted differences.1] Logos assumes the Human Nature to constitute Jesus of Trinitarian CHRISTIANITY. But Hypostasis Vishnu as according to Trinitarian Hindunism Assumes Supermundalic nature to constitute and to become the menifestation Vishnu.2] A hypostasis in Hindu trinity may Incarnate directly or indirectly. A number of incarnations and menifestations are immortals. 3] A hypostasis menifests or remenifests,incarnates or reincarnates with some natures only one of their kind and there is no
being in that kind of nature. 4]All there hypostases are equal in Godhead,Nature,Eternity ,Power,etc. yet there menifstations may be unequal in ranks or powers etc. That is why some Hindu sects think that the Menifestation of the Hypostasis Visnu is higher in rank then the menifstations of other two hypostases. Insecondary senses assumptrions of these three hypostases maybe ascribed to the very Godhead. Infact in Substance Hindu Trinity stands between GREEK ORTHODOX TRINITY and ROMAN CATHOLIC TRINITY. 5] According to Roman Catholism The Third Hypostasis is issued from both first two Hypostases, and according to Greek Orthodox it is only issued from the first either through the second or directly from the first but the second hypostasis is not the issuer.But in Hindu Trinity all of the three Hypostases are unissued and are directly issued from the Godhead Barhaman.6] A Hypostasis may assume more then one Non Divine Natures.Some may be female natures and thus a female godess is no thing but a the same hypostasis in female menifestation. Some Hindu scholars may use certain words of Sanskrit for each hypostasis which make an impression that each Hypostasis is a BEING. But none of them is a BEING in the sense of Christology. If there is a Hypostasis in the Divine OUSIA then IS-NESS is the property of the Hypostasis. It only means that there is a Hypostasis . Similarly if there are several Hypostases in Godhead then ARE-NESS is a Quality of All these Hypostases. This ISNESS OR ARENESS IS incorrectly translated as being or beings.How ever in another sense ISNESS IS THE Quality of ALL THE HYPOSTASES AND THE OUSIA, AND SOME TIME THE UNION OF ALL OF THEM AS WELL. HOW EVER THE ISNESS OF Godhead/DIVINE OUSIA is the Being in CRISTOLOGICAL SENSE AS WELL even in Hindunism. Arya Samajis are to Hindunis what Arian Catholism is to Christianity, who misinterprete Hindunism. Actually the founder of Arya Sect was inspired from The Ithna Ashri sect which is in turn inspired from Mutazilism, and reduced God in mere a Non living self programmed super Computor with no free will, and semi
impersonal some what like the God of Greek Philosophers. A number of Hindu Scholars are unable to explain Hindu Trinity and use terms,words,phrases,expressions objectionable to Trinitarian Christianities. Objection on the concept is one thing and objection on the words employed to convey the concept is another thing. It is upon the Hindu Scholars to convey their ideas so that it become least objectionable to Triniarian Christianities like RC, GO etc. The best way is to ues the terms familiar to Trinitarian Christians supported by Sanskrit Scriptures.
[email protected] IT IS HOPED THAT TRINITARIAN HINDU SCHOLARS WILL GIVE THERE RESPONCE ON THIS EXPLANATION OF HINDU TRINITY. SO THAT ONE MAY UNDERSTAND THIS TRINITY MORE CLEARLY. The First Hypostasis of the Hindu Trinity proceeds from the Godhead Barahaman as the term of the immanent act of the Consiousness.This act is termed as making since an Ignorent God Cannot Make a single Thing[ It is implicit from the Vedic Hymn of Begining that the Divine Ousia pre -existed and was SELF CONSIOUS AND CONSIOUS.Thus Godhead is a PERSE SUBSISTENT EGO Since an ego is Self CONSIOUS OUSIA /ESSENCE] The SECOND HYPOSTASE proceeds as the term of the act of the Divine Aspiration or Spiration .This at is also termed as Maintanance. Since it is the Divine Apsiration which is responsible forthe maintanence . If Godhead is non living then it cannot maintain any thing. [ACCORDING TO VEDIC HYMN OF CREATION THEDIVINE OUSIA /DIVINE ESSENCE WAS ASPIRING IN THE BEGENING. ] The third Hypostasis proceeds as the term of immenent act of Will [desire].This act is called destruction.If Godhead does not will to destroy , THE GODHEAD shall continue to maintain things. Finally the Act of Will is necessary to make the Cosmos.The Immenent Quality of will Or the Immenent Act of the immenent Quality Of Will is the Hypostasis.
SOME MORE DETAILS OF HINDU GODHEAD AND TRINITY. It is evident that the Divine Hypostases in Hindu Godhead are relations ,acts,qualities,abilities .Some one may add that each hypostasis is A mode as well. But a mode which is Subsistent. The First one is the Divine Makeness, the second one is Divine maintanance, the Third one is the Divine Distruction. SINCE Whatever is in Godhead must be subsistent. . Hence each Hypostasis in Godhead is a Relation ,Is an act,is a quality and also a mode as well. But inspite of all each one is Per se subsistens ,rational, and complete. Godhead itself is Perse subsistent and prior to each one of them. But the GODHEAD [DIVINE OUSIA/DIVINE NATURE] is also self consious and rational.How ever each Hypostasis is incommunic able to and other hypostasis but Godhead is communicable to each one of the hypostasis. So Godhead is not a hypostasis since it is not incommunicable. A DEO OR DEOTA is a Rational PERSE SUBSISTENT Whether it is an Essence/Ousia or Not. All the Hypostases are Cosubstantial in the Divine Substance [Ousia/Essence]. Nature and EXISTENCE OF DIVINE ESSENCE are IDENTICAL TO IT as according to Hindu Trinity. A Divine Hypostasis sometimes assume two differwent Intellegent Natures, one male Nature, and the other one female nature , constituting Hypostatic Unions with each one of them, and some thime these two natures have very special type of relations between them which makes them spouces of on another in some sense. The GODHEAD IS INTELLEGENT ,SELF CONSIOUS,CONSIOUS, ALL POWERFUL. IT CAN ASSUME NON DIVINE NATURES AS WELL [SOME TIME CALLED QUALITIES]