Edinburgh Gate, Hartau, CM2a 2JE Engtand 'lser. and Attoclat?d Compallies throughoat the uorla. i
O Longman croup Limrted 1996 A rightr r5ened; na pan 0f thi pablration tury be reprolluced, nhed in a r.trtepal ,jstem, ar transmitted in an!
an\ ran4 ar ct?nonk. n?thankrt. pb\locoping. .muns. ^ atrcru'.t. maldihg.o.r utthour the pno, unien p"rm*wn ol the Pubhshn.
Firsl published 1996 Fourtheenih impression 2009
in I l/lJprJanson teit and
Sans Bold
Prinrcd in Malaysia. KHL lsBN 978-0 582-07943-4
Acknowledgementj We are grareful to the following for permission to reproduce coplTight material j Cambridge I nrrersity Press for an adapted extmct lrom Onre Upon o Time byJohn Morqan and Mario Rrnvolucri. Care tor the Wild for an -adapted ertracr fr^om.rheir.Tiger Adoption programme.: \-aflron tJooks Lrd tor.ldapted exEacls from l-antunl( Fartt by John Murrel: Hodder Headline plc lor an adapred extracr from t}re publicrry handout for Hergi and bi: Creation by Harry Thompson; Jessica Kingsley publishen for an extract from 'The Will
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