Hidden Lust

April 20, 2017 | Author: fazriyahputri | Category: N/A
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Hidden Lust

If you told me walking into that classroom would have changed my life forever, I wouldn't have believed you. Here I am... Tiffany Hwang, a senior- straight, popular and taken, not a care in the world. Well, that was until I met the new English teacher.

Introduction I strutted into English and wasn't suprised to see all eyes on me....as always. I let a small smile tug at my lips before dropping it and letting a sultry look take over my face...I loved how I made people dazed with my beauty. I sat down and sloppily took my books out of my bag, letting them fall with a thunk on my desk. Don't get me wrong, I like English, love it actually. I'm good at it being from America and all but classes last term in general were boring. We had just got back from our summer vacation and we were all zombies this morning it seemed. But yeah, I like English, I love being top of the class and no I'm not a nerd. I also liked how people continuously asked me to tutor them though I wasn't sure if they really wanted my help or just wanted me to be in their house, it was amusing but I always rejected.

"Hey babe" Nichkhun said as he sat next to me before pulling my head in for a kiss. I resisted, nobody pushes me around. "What?" he asked, confused. "Don't do that" I ordered, smirking as he obeyed and slumped back in his seat with a huff of displeasure.

To pass time I started to doodle on my notepad, bored shitless already. Where the hell was Mr. Park? Stupid asshole making me wait, he was never usually late. I then rested my head on the desk, tired from waking up at stupid o' clock and for what? To get stood up by that fat lump. I closed my eyes trying to doze off but a

collection of gasps filled my ears. I frowned and lifted my head up to look to the front.

A petite, pretty...okay scratch that, stunning woman comes in, her short skirt accentuating her legs and her golden blonde hair flowing as she walked. I looked around me and almost everyone had stopped and stared at her. I stifled a chuckle when I heard numerous gulping noises around the room. For God's sake... She came to a stop in front of Mr Park's desk and sat down on the edge of it, letting her legs dangle above the floor.

"Good morning class. My name is Miss Kim, and I will be teaching English from now on" she smiled, looking each and every student in the eyes before she got to me. She stopped and held my gaze.

Why? Well I had on a particularly vulgar smirk in contrast to the people who were drooling over her. She tilted her head in confusion but my smirk just grew. She was gonna get eaten up and spat out by the horny boys in this room, I hope she's prepared. I saw a slight frown directed at me before she continued to look at the other students.

"Okay, so since I'm a newbie here, I'm going to hand you out some paper and you can write yourself a name tag which you can then prop up at the front of your desks. To help me out you know?" she smiled.

Ha, how childish. She came around the room and smiled at each student, including me, I smirked once again but she didn't seem to notice. Maybe I'm a bitch...I don't know, but I was looking forward to seeing this small and seemingly sweet woman struggle with the boisterous people in our class. I folded the paper in half and wrote my name on one of the sides before like she said, propping it up. I then felt my phone vibrate and saw it was from the group chat - each class had a different group chat, I had thought to remove myself from it but right now I was glad I didn't.

'Fuck she's hot' 'I would' 'Man have you seen that ass?'

I smiled, she had no idea of what she's getting into.

"Okay guys, so would anyone like to tell me what you have been learning about with Mr Park?" She asked with a smile.

Here we go....

"Anatomy" one particularly confident guy said behind me. I didn't really know him, I didn't know anyone's name in this room except for Nichkhun's. "Oh really? Anatomy in an English class..." I could see she was trying to hold back from rolling her eyes or something, it seems like she got this sort of thing a lot. "Yep. We've been learning about how guys get hard when they see hot girls, including teachers" he grinned. "Well, that's thrilling" she retorted sarcastically

Ooo, I didn't expect that.

"I'm sure you would love to talk to Miss Lee about that right?" She said in somewhat of a subtle threatening tone. Miss Lee is our head of the school and she was a dragon, everyone either hated her or feared her. But that comment from teach here along with her tone shut what's his face right up. He slumped back in his chair and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Is something funny Tiffany?" She suddenly asked, looking up from my name tag. "Nope" I answered, swirling my tongue around my teeth arrogantly showing her I wasn't someone to be called out on. She simply scoffed lightly in response.

"Pay attention" she warned before going to the front to grab papers and then handing out worksheets to every student.

Everyone worked silently but the buzzing in my pocket was driving me crazy. Yes she's pretty, get over it...jeez. This work was shit though, what are we? Preschoolers? I huffed and she seemed to notice. She walked up to me and leaned over my desk, I could almost hear the jaws dropping around the room as she gave me a glance down her top. I let my eyes linger there for a moment and then lowered them again. Put em' away love.

"Are you having trouble?" She asked, I could feel her eyes piercing into me. I looked up and my cocky smile disappeared. Okay so remember when I said she was stunning? She was that and gorgeous. Her eyes were this, dark brown but I saw specks of hazel in them. A clearing of the throat brought me back to earth. "Um, no I just think this work is beneath me" I said. "Beneath you?" She seemed slightly taken aback by my self confidence. "Yeah, I remember doing this in preschool." I gave a smug smile. "Oh really? I'm sorry to hear that. I assume you're from America by looking at your name?"

I nodded

"Well not everyone has that upperhand Tiffany. Most of the students here speak only a little English so I guess either you can just get on with your work or you can ask to be removed from this class and not learn anything else because of course, this work is beneath you" she smirked. "I suggest the former"

She then left. What a bitch. I looked over to my boyfriend and he shrugged back at me. Whatever.

I was disappointed to see everyone was still working silently. What pussies. One mention of Miss Lee and Miss Kim had everyone, bar me of course quivering. I saw her look at me so glared right back at her.

"Are you finished?" She asked in English, holding up a worksheet. "Well duh" I replied in the same language. That made her smirk. "I'll let that one slide." She said "If you're so confident, come up front and explain your answers" she returned back to Korean, making sure everyone could hear "I'm fine right here thanks all the same" I answered coolly. "I insist." I saw something flicker in her eyes and I just scoffed. "Whatever"

I got up and began to explain what a verb was, what an adjective was blah blah blah. When I was done, I had her nodding her head, telling me I was right. Of course I'm right.

"Okay, good. Now, since you're already up there and since you believe that this work is easy....I'd like you to write on the board the definition of a pangram."

What the fuck is that?

"I'm sorry what?" "I assume you know what an anagram is? Write down what a pangram is" she relaxed back into her chair, raising her eyebrow and had a smirk on her face...

Shit what was an anagram? Okay this wasn't cool. She was gonna embarrass me like this in front of everyone?

"Having trouble?" She asked, mocking me. . "This has nothing to do with the work we are doing." I gritted my teeth "I thought you'd like a challenge" she smiled.

I just tutted and strolled back to my seat, not before throwing the pen onto her desk.

"I'll see you after class Miss Hwang."

Oooo I'm shaking with fear...


I waited in my seat whilst the remaining students left and I was alone with her. I started to pack up my bag ready to leave when I was dismissed and then leisurely rested my feet on the top of my desk waiting for her to notice my presence. Once she looked up from marking the worksheets, she approached me and pushed my feet down. Really?

"Feet off the desk thank you, this isn't your house"

I sniggered.

"Now, I don't appreciate your attitude throughout that class Tiffany. Yes, I may be new but please don't assume I'm a pushover" she said, pulling a seat out and sitting in front of me. I rolled my eyes. "Well I don't appreciate you trying to embarrass me" "When did I do that?" She leaned back into the chair, mimicking my slouched posture. "Don't play stupid. Just because I want to learn to my own standard doesn't mean I know what the hell a pantagram is"

She chuckled and it made my frustration and anger die almost immediately. It was soft and dare I say cute. Wait, what?

"I too have no idea what a pantagram is Miss Hwang, a pangram however is a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet." She answered still with a smile on her face. Is that a dimple? "Right okay, I'll remember that. I assume you're gonna try to humiliate me like that every lesson?" "No, just having some fun" she winked. Why was she winking at me? "You may go, see you around"

I packed up the rest of my stuff and left, taking a glance back at her but she wasn't paying attention.

Okay so I have to admit.....that teacher flickered across my mind that night, how she stood up to both whats his face and me. Not many teachers had the guts so I guess I respected her for that. I looked forward to what she had to offer tomorrow.

Tutor? "Good Morning" Miss Kim said as she walked in. Everybody but me replied, the class and of course she noticed. "Good Morning Tiffany" "Yeah" I responded and waved at her before slumping back in my seat. "Right, so we have another worksheet today. I'm sorry about that but I can promise you guys tomorrow we can watch a movie okay?" She grinned

Everyone began to whisper 'Yes!' 'Woo!' Yada yada yada.

"But it'll be in English and afterwards you'll have to write about the plot line" she smiled at all the 'awws' that followed.

Miss Kim then began handing out the worksheets but stopped at my desk.

"Are you sure you'll be able to handle that sort of preschool work Tiffany?" She smirked "I'm sure I'll manage" I rolled my eyes but gave her a smile, I don't know why though....

She giggled and returned to her desk after handing out the rest of the work. Again, easy easy easy. I sighed and finished in like five minutes. She saw and was

about to get up but I beat her to it, I walked over to her desk and crouched down beside her since there wasn't another chair and unlike her, I didn't like bending down to show my tits to everyone. Sometimes I did it to boost my confidence if I was feeling a little low as the looks on the boys faces and the drool that ensued perked me right up but I was feeling good today so it wasn't needed.

"I'm done." I said. "Let's have a look then. Sorry there isn't a seat up here, I'll make sure to get one" she mumbled as she left ticks after each of my answers, surprise surprise. "It's fine" I replied. "I was thinking...." She started. "If you really think that the work we are doing isn't going to be helpful to you...why don't you get a tutor on the side?" She looked up at me now, judging my reaction. "Hmm. I've never really thought about it." I shrugged. "Well do think about it and let me know after class okay?" She smiled "Sure" I felt the corners of my lips threatening to tug up to return her smile but I resisted. "Well done, perfect score" "Of course" I answered, she rolled her eyes and motioned back to my seat.

That's how the English lesson went until I stayed behind again. Nichkhun gave me a confused look but I just waved my hand to dismiss him. When all of the students had gone, Miss Kim came over again and sat in the exact same place we were in yesterday.

"Have you thought about it?" She asked "Mmm" "And?" "It depends" "On what? Come on Tiffany stop giving me such short answers" I smirked when I realised I was beginning to piss her off. "It depends who my tutor would be..." I smiled. "Well, I am an English tutor in my spare time" "Of course you are" I sighed and was met by a questioning look. "I'm fine, I'll just carry on with the work you set in class" "Is there something wrong with me?" She asked, folding her arms, half joking half defensive. "Hm. I don't know the answer to that question yet" I chuckled "I was kinda hoping for a hot guy"

"Well I'm sorry to burst your bubble" she smiled. "It's just an offer anyway, you can look for your own tutor if you really don't want me"

If I really don't want you....want you? Why did that sound....

"I think..." I said as I leaned forward, resting one of my elbows on the desk "I'd rather watch you teach for a few more lessons before deciding" "That's fair. You won't learn a lot tomorrow though..." "Oh yeah, movie huh? What movie?.... Wait let me guess" I smirked. Surely she wasn't gonna pick the one I was thinking of, it was too obvious. "Go ahead" she pushed her tongue into her cheek, I think she knew what I was thinking. "Oh god, Romeo & Juliet?"

She started to laugh, I would've never expected that laugh to come out of her small body, I found myself having to laugh along.

"I'm sorry" she smiled. "Cliche huh?" "Very. Anyway, I guess I'll get going.... I'll be watching" I had the urge to wink but that'd be weird. "Bye Miss Hwang." She said as I disappeared through the door.

Nichkhun was waiting outside for me, bless his little heart.

"Hey beautiful" he smiled and took my hand "Hi" "Are you busy tonight?"

No I'm not....

"Yeah sorry babe, my dad wants me to go to this thing, it sucks I know" I rolled my eyes. I saw him huff like he did every time I rejected him

Why do I reject him? He does not stop thinking about sex. Sex, sex, sex. Like for fucks sake, there's only so much pounding I can take! It'd be nice to go out for a date once in a while...

"It's okay, another time?" He asked as he started to walk towards his car. "Sure. Bye babe" I replied, slamming my own car door.


Romeo & Juliet "Good morning guys!" Miss Kim said almost too eagerly.

Again I didn't reply and she just tutted at me, whatever I'm not in the mood for greetings.

"Okay so everybody turn your chairs around and face the TV at the back. I'm sorry but I'm not allowed to let you eat in here, or drink anything other than water. I know without popcorn and soda that sounds like a pretty bogus movie but rules are rules" she said after turning the lights off, she was looking particularly at me when she had said that. Huh, I'm not the only one who disobeys in here lady.

The class did as she said and turned their chairs. I groaned and swivelled mine around with lots of effort as I didn't want to get up, the result was a loud screeching coming from my chair. I couldn't help but giggle. All of a sudden, my chair was turned around so fast that I almost fell off. Who the fuck did that? Oh of course, it was teach over here, I made sure to give her a glare as she sat down next to me.

"Just watch the movie" she whispered as it started

"I thought I'm meant to be watching you?" I smirked, she seemed much more interesting...wait huh? What am I even thinking? "If you watched me during the movie then you'd be a creeper" she winked making something stir inside me. Um... "Huh, well you're not convincing me about the tutor thing." "No? What a shame" she teased, I just huffed. "Just hold out for your hot guy then" "Maybe I will" I was getting a little....I don't even know. What's up with me? I turned my attention to the TV and watched the movie for like the thirtieth time. God.....kill me now.

After about forty minutes into the movie, I lost the will to live so I leaned my head back to rest on the back of my chair, closing my eyes. Wait, we have lessons after this and surely we can't watch the whole movie with the little time we have left in this class. I turned my head and saw Miss Kim focusing on the TV, her face sorta transfixed me.... Her jaw was slacked and her mouth was open, and to make things more cute...wait - funny, not cute, funny. To make things more cute...aish. She had her tongue sticking out her mouth a little, unconsciously.

She must have realised that I was staring because she turned her head and pulled her tongue back in before resting her gaze onto me.

"What?" "Don't we have classes after this?" I shifted slightly, nerves? "You did, but I insisted that this was important so your next teacher allowed me to take her period too" "This is important huh?" I had to smirk at that, what a joke. "To them it is" she motioned to the students in front of us "I doubt that very much" I retorted, turning my head back to the screen, I could sense her eyes still on me and I loved it. "Why do you say that?" It seemed she was curious, I turned back to her. "Well, you said yourself that they don't know much English and you're making them watch a movie with English language that doesn't exist anymore..." She frowned. "Romeo Romeo, where for art thou Romeo? How are they supposed to understand anything?"

She opened her mouth to speak and then closed it. Got ya, not such a good teacher now are you? Even one of your students could do better. I snorted and watched the movie again. She stayed quiet after that, okay did I hurt her feelings? I didn't mean to.... I glanced and saw her face had changed, it looked stern.

"Hey, I uh...I didn't mean that" I didn't want to get on her bad side weirdly, I have

no clue why. I loved pissing her off on the first day though....maybe it was because she didn't get upset those times, we just shared banter. "No, you're right" she said, eyes still locked onto the screen. "Maybe I'm still teaching at your level and I need to bring it down a notch or two." She sighed. "You were teaching at my level previously?" I asked.

She nodded and then turned to me

"The classes I taught had been learning English since they were in diapers, they weren't fluent, but they knew a lot. I guess I'm not used to going back to the basics, but thanks for pointing that out." She gave me a smile, so she's not mad?

I was still looking at her when Nichkhun rested his hand on my thigh, startling me. I looked to his hand and then back to Miss Kim to see her looking at me, her brows furrowed. 'Are you okay?' She mouthed, glancing at his hand

"Oh yeah, he's my boyfriend" I whispered and gave a reassuring smile. That seemed to put her at ease but the moment he started to move his hand upwards she leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Not in class"

I nodded, took his hand off and shifted away from him a little. Again, sex is the

only thing on his mind. I rolled my eyes and heard her chuckle beside me, it seems she knew exactly what I was thinking.


The end of the movie came and I was surprised to see a lot of the girls crying, why would they cry if they didn't understand what was going on? Oh of course, precious Leo killing himself and bawling his little eyes out, that hurt them deeply. I sniggered until I heard a sniffle beside me, I snapped my head to Miss Kim's direction and saw her trying to hide her face, not subtly at all. I opened my mouth and smiled, she quickly realised she was being watched and darted her eyes to me only to laugh at my expression.

"Shutup" she chuckled, wiping her eyes. "You've probably watched this, what... five million times? And you still cry? Wow"

She pouted. Yes, my teacher pouted and I found it fucking adorable. How I'm finding a woman adorable I don't know but at this moment I didn't particularly care.

"I'm simply showing the class that it's meant to be a sad scene" That made me burst

out laughing alerting all of my peers. I quickly got myself together and looked back at her to see her hold her hands over her face, embarassed I'm guessing. I grinned until I felt Nichkhun's hand rest around my shoulders, his fingers stroking against my tit now and again. Did he not realise that Miss Kim was right here?

I frowned and looked to her and she mimicked my expression. I then pushed his hand off and huffed, if he does that again then I'm going to.... Oh and bingo, he brings his hand right back up and does the same thing, except bringing his arm down more, his palm resting against my breast this time. I think Miss Kim could see I was getting uncomfortable so she stood up and went to stand in front of him and he immediately retracted his hand upon the sight of her. I watched her lean down and whisper in his ear, he nodded and looked almost scared before he picked up his chair and moved to the other side of the room. Miss Kim returned and daintily placed her self down beside me and smiled.

"Sorry" I said. "No I'm sorry" Huh? "For what?" I asked confused "For....ah forget it I'm not allowed to say it" she chuckled shyly. "Come on, I wont tell" I winked which made her smile grow. She leaned in and cupped her hand around her mouth so as nobody could hear or read her lips.

"I'm sorry you have such an insensitive ass for a boyfriend"

My head snapped to face her and my grin spread. Oh my god she's amazing. I laughed so hard, clapping my hands too, It was a habit I had picked up. Thankfully the movie was over now so I didn't interrupt anyone. She chuckled and gave me a teasing lift of her eyebrow before getting up and taking her chair back to her desk.

"Okay class, it seems we don't have enough time to write down the plot of the movie." A chorus of cheers came and she just smirked, she was a sneaky one. "So you'll have it as homework." I sniggered at the disappointment on everyone's faces. "Class dismissed"

I stood up and took my chair back to my desk before sitting down as it was easier to get to my bag. I packed it and wrote down the homework in my diary - Yes I do my homework, it's one of the reasons why I'm top of the class. I noticed Nichkhun couldn't get outside fast enough, I guess he didn't wanna get left in Miss Kim's class alone with her after his actions which was totally understandable. I saw the look she gave him. I yawned and began shuffling out of the classroom but I couldn't help but notice that Miss Kim was having trouble turning the TV off. Really? Since I was the only person left with her, I approached.

"Need a hand?" I smiled when she jumped a little at the sound of my voice.

"Umm, Yeah I can't seem to find the...."

I walked until I came to a stop beside her and just as I was about to push the power button, she did it too. Our hands collided and it was as if it burnt me. Does she have the power of fire in her fingers or something? What the fuck... I didn't see any indication on her face that she had felt it too and that kinda bothered me.

Teasing What was that? It was like...I don't even know. Like a burn or even an electric.....spark. My eyes grew wide. Why on earth would I get feelings like that from touching my teacher? From touching a woman! This is not good. I have never felt that with Nichkhun, ever. This is what scared me. I went to sleep that night and found myself waking up constantly. I kept dreaming of her. I kept dreaming of her keeping me behind after class, coming to my house to tutor me....thankfully I wake up before....God what would happen after that? I glanced at the clock and saw it was ten minutes from the time my alarm would go off. I sighed and decided to just get up now and take a cold shower. What on earth is happening to me?


It's funny how I was worrying about that all day but when I saw her.... all those worries vanished. Jesus I'm a freak.

"Good morning guys" she grinned

"Good morning" I said, louder than everyone. Yep. Didn't I say there was something wrong with me, even she noticed. She raised her eyebrows in surprise and I think I saw a tiny smile threatening to spill but I'm not sure. "I'll be collecting in your homework now so please get it out ready for me"

Shit. After what happened with her yesterday I completely forgot to do it. I never forgot to hand in my English homework, that's why I got straight A's. Fuck. I saw her picking up the papers on each students desk before I looked down, I soon sensed her next to me.

"Miss Hwang, where is your homework?" "I uh...forgot it."

I heard a few murmurs and a few gasps around me. Yes, it's a first, no need to act like I've just said something life changing.

"Well, you will have to stay behind after school and do it then." She said sternly. I was too annoyed at myself to even look at her, this is her fault anyway. I felt her leave my side and I quickly gave a glance. Shit. She was looking at me over her shoulder. I retreated my eyes and got out my school books.

One by one, she marked the papers. She skimmed through them quite quickly

which impressed me and then once she was done, she called up each student to go through her markings with them.

So of course, everyone but me was called up. I huffed and rested my head on the desk waiting for this stupid day to end, just someone please kill me now. The school bell soon rang though thankfully signalling the end of the day. I was surprised, I thought we had one more class...? Obviously not. So I'm gonna have to face her right now. Urghh!

The students disappeared and I was left alone, with her. I kept my head on the desk hoping by some miracle she didn't notice me and just left.

"Miss Hwang, up here please"

I uttered a groan of frustration as I got up and dragged my feet before flopping down into the chair next to her.

"Please sit up" I did what I was told and looked at her, she looked good today. Well she looked good everyday but....oh my god what am I even saying? I'm straight! "Now are you going to tell me the real reason you didn't do your homework?" She asked, a mischievous grin plastered on her face. "I really did forget, I swear. I'm usually so good with my English homework, ask anyone. I never forget"

"But you did yesterday...." "Yes, and I don't know why. It just completely slipped my mind, I'm really annoyed at myself." "It's okay" she smiled, I think she saw how I was beating myself up. "You can do it here"

I returned the smile and got my notepad out, I then wrote the title and started to write the plot to Romeo and Juliet. Simple really, but not when her eyes were on me. I'm rarely self conscious, but right now? I felt like a scrawny, acne-ridden, brace-faced little girl sitting next to Megan Fox. I glanced upwards to see her eyes meet mine. Fuck. I immediately looked back down and decided I couldn't do this anymore.

"Um, do you mind not doing that?" I asked, nicely. "Doing what?" "You're...you are..um. You're putting me off" I stuttered. For fucks sake, way to look like an idiot Tiff. "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realise that me watching my most confident student work would have such an effect" she smirked. Urgh that stupid smirk. "Yeah, well. I wanna go home as soon as possible so can't you just mark some papers or something?" I asked, annoyed now.

"Well I would but I've finished. The only work I'm waiting for is from you"

I huffed and got up, going back to my desk, I then took my chair and turned it so now my back was to her. I heard her chuckle and I clenched my fists, does she enjoy messing with me? Finally after what felt like an hour but was really ten minutes, I finished. I got up and went to her desk, slamming the paper down in front of her. She looked up with a curious face.

"Done" I gave a victorious grin and began to leave the room until she stopped me by calling my name. What now? "I need to go over it with you when I've marked it, so park your butt over here and be patient" "Urghhh" I made my annoyance clear as I slammed myself down to the chair again. I looked at my nails whilst she was marking my work but couldn't help but spare a few glances. I saw that she had a small beauty spot just a small distance away from her lips, it certainly was beautiful.

She finished rather quickly and then motioned for me to come closer. I'd rather not... But again she motioned so I scooted over until our chairs were touching, this is okay. See it's fine, you're not getting any OH MY GOD.

Her knee brushed mine under the table and I jumped, it was like I had just stuck a fork into an electrical outlet. She looked to me slightly concerned and I just smiled timidly, moving my chair away from her a little.

"Um, I like your use of vocabulary. You've explained the plot well and summarised it in great detail" I smirked as if to say 'I told you so', she rolled her eyes in response. "There's one thing though...." "What?" "You were right. You are levels above your classmates so I really do suggest you get a tutor as soon as possible" she smiled. "I've actually got a few numbers here for you..."

Wait, she got them for me? Wow that was nice.

"Thanks but....are they hot?" I joked "Well.....If you're into bald middle aged men or rather portly grey haired women, then I guess so" she chuckled. "Ew" I made a face and she smiled. "So I guess all you're left with is me" That smile... "Hmmm, then I'll take the bald guy"

Her shocked face was adorable. I could tell that she wanted to push me or something but maybe she thought it wasn't appropriate so she just pouted. Again, argh why is she so cute.

"Yah, why are you pouting? You're too old to be able to pull it off" I teased.

This time she did push me and it was fair to say, I liked it...well apart from the shiver that shot up my spine.

"I'm not old thank you very much!" "Okay, let me guess"

She raised her eyebrow expectantly but I just had to tease her more.

"Thirty..." I held my grin as I heard her gasp "wait no forty....four?" I said with a straight face. "Detention" she chuckled but I was sad to see I had maybe hit a nerve. "Okay I'm kidding, let me see."

I scooted closer to her and studied her face. God she was beautiful, she was breathtaking actually.

"If I'm being honest...." She took a deep breath readying herself for what she thought to be another insult. "You look the same age as me, maybe even a few years younger"

That made her smile.

"Liar" she pouted again "No really, I'm nineteen and I'd be very shocked if you said you were over twenty but I guess you'd have to be seeing as you're a teacher." "Aww" Yes! I made her feel good. "Well thank you, I'm actually twenty five" "No way? Crazy" I made a dorky face to make her laugh and it worked.

She chuckled and looked at me for a while with a small smile. She then got up and started to pack her things away, I took this as my cue to leave so slung my bag over my shoulder and started walking towards the exit.

"See you tomorrow Miss Kim."

Before I could walk out the door however....

"Taeyeon" "Huh?" I asked confused. "My name is Taeyeon, when we are alone, you can call me by my name" she smiled.

Oooo that felt good. I grinned and bowed my head before pointing to myself.


She rolled her eyes and shoo'd me out the door. I couldn't keep the smile off my face all the way home.

What's Wrong With Me? "Someones eager to get to class today" Nichkhun said, as he struggled to keep up with my quick pace. "You know I like English" I smiled. "I don't, Miss Kim scares me" "Well then you shouldn't be such a horny pervert should you?"

He rolled his eyes and huffed, his posture lowering as he placed his hands in his pockets. This was the ultimate sulking pose, how childish. I really don't know why I put up with him. We arrived soon after and took our seats. I noticed Nichkhun was still upset about what I said so I grabbed his head and connected our lips. I smiled into the kiss when I heard gasps, yes I know...we're a hot couple. When I pulled away and opened my eyes, I couldn't help but be startled as Taeyeon's face was right there behind Nichkhun.

"This is not acceptable in class guys. Do it somewhere other than here next time please" she said before walking back to her desk.

Oops, sorry ma'am.

"Today we are doing partner work. Since there's an odd number of people in this class, one of you will be with me. So get yourself into two's please." Miss Kim said. "Come on babe" Nichkhun grabbed my arm but I shook it away. "Go with Siwon or something" I huffed. He looked at me like I was an alien, we always did partner work together.

Soon everybody had a partner except for me, just the way I wanted it. I had to reject a few more horny boys but it was all good. I smirked when Taeyeon realised it was me she would be with.

"Okay Tiffany I assume it's you I'm stuck with" she teased making me pout. "Come up here please?"

I grabbed my bag and made my way over to the desk, I couldn't hold her eye contact though, I found it was too intense so I just looked at the ground. I then flopped down beside her and saw that Nichkhun was pitying me. Shutup asshole. Taeyeon got up and gave us all a worksheet that had the title 'interviews'.

"So what we are going to do is interview each other. Have you ever wanted to be famous?" She asked the class.

Everyone nodded.

"Well, one of you will be the interviewer and the other will be the celebrity. You'll ask questions about the other to get to know them better. But you do it in English. If I hear even a word of Korean, you'll be in trouble." She smirked.

Yes, this is just what I wanted.

"Go" everybody started to read their worksheets first, including me. It gave a list of sample questions to use.

Again, this work was for preschoolers, I sighed which didn't go amiss by Miss Kim. She sat down next to me and then turned her seat so she was facing me, I did the same.

"Hello Miss Hwang, I have to say it's a surprise to see you here" she said in perfect English. "What do you mean?" I replied. "Well, I thought you'd jump at the chance of working with your boyfriend or a girlfriend and instead you're here with me" she smiled.

"Well my boyfriend is being a dick and my friends aren't in this class. Everyone else thinks I'm a God or something so I don't need them drooling over me" I stated, loving the way her face changed to surprise. "They think you're a God...wow" she chuckled. "Cocky and proud huh?" "I'm not cocky....just confident" I kept my eyes locked onto hers, challenging her. "Mhm. Whatever you say Miss Hwang. Let's start this exercise shall we?"

Okay when she said exercise all I could think about was her in bed....what the actual fuck

"What's your favourite colour?" She asked "Wait, did you just decide you're the interviewer? That's hardly fair" "My life is boring, I'd much rather hear about the self proclaimed queen bee." Again that smirk. "I doubt that, but alright. Pink" "Okay, favourite food?" "Anything American. Or....eels, they're good." "Favourite song?" "'Say Something'. I'm sorry Miss Kim but this is...."

"Beneath you" she smiled "Yeah, you can see that I'm fluent and you're fluent so I don't see the challenge here" "Well, call your middle aged bald guy then" she teased. Nuh uh, I want you. "Okay I've decided...." "What?" "I'll take you" "Oh really?" She raised her eyebrow playfully. Yes really. "Mhm" "Alright, well you have English with me at the end of the day 3 days a week... So would you be happy to stay for an hour after school on those days?" Yes, yes I would. "Huh....more school? Damn" I joked. "Sure that's fine" "Perfect, well let your parents know and we can start tomorrow if they give you the okay, alright?" "Deal" I eyesmiled. It seemed I hadn't showed her my trademark smile yet and she was thrown off a little bit. "Is everything okay?" I changed to a smirk. "Of course" she kept her eyes on mine and then looked away finally. Wow, that felt weird.

I groaned when the bell went signalling the end of the lesson, I looked over to Miss Kim and she was pleasantly surprised

"Bummed to leave my lesson Tiffany?" "No, I just don't like math. That's what I have next" okay she was right, I don't want to leave weirdly "Ah I see, well hopefully that's more of a challenge" she winked rendering me speechless. She then got up and went to collect the worksheets.

What is wrong with me?

Counsellor Okay so these last few days...I've been questioning my sexuality. I'm hoping I'm just having a girl crush, you know like an admiration for her beauty or whatever. I haven't thought of anything sexual I don't think....yet. But instead of putting my usual smart-casual clothes on each morning, I found myself dressing more sexily, like I wanna look good in front of her. I made sure to smell good by using my favourite strawberry shower-gel, a lot of it actually like half the bottle just to make sure she'd smell it. Then I made my makeup look less slutty and more pretty, I inched my black mini skirt up higher and paired it with a revealing white blouse that maybe showed off a little of my black bra underneath. Oh and my tits were out. Didn't I say I was crazy? I'm doing all this for a girl. A girl! A girl that I'm not even sure I like in that way.

I strutted through the hallway in my six inch heels loving all the stares I was getting and I had gotten from the students all day today. I dreaded to see Khun's reaction though, I think he would just tackle me there and then. I entered Miss Kim's classroom, the last class of the day and saw she was writing on the whiteboard. I kept my eye on her and due to all the whispering and gasps that ensued, she turned around and focused her attention on me. I immediately looked away and swayed my hips subtly to my seat before sitting down and looking up. Ha, she was still looking but didn't have a particular emotion on her face....just a blank one. Hmmm. After a few seconds she looked away and I saw her shake her head before resuming what she was writing on the board.

She didn't say much that lesson and she also seemed to avoid my line of sight which was strange... it actually hurt a little too. I had put all this effort in today and she barely glanced in my direction. It kind of ruined my good mood and made me irritable. Good luck to her having to deal with me after class.

"Class dismissed, thanks guys, remember to do your homework" she said before turning around to wipe the board clean.

I got up and started to pack away my things when a hard smack on my ass made me squeal. It was fucking Nichkhun and he had caught Miss Kim's attention.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, pushing his shoulder while rubbing my butt. He's never spanked me hard like that before let alone in class. "Nichkhun get out of this classroom right now before I report you for sexual harassment" Miss Kim snarled as she came up beside me. "Well she is my girlfriend" he shrugged. What an asshole. "I don't care, I've warned you about doing this sort of stuff in class and did she ask for you to do that?" "I think from her outfit she was asking for it" he smirked "That's it, come with me" She was mad. She was scary too.

He followed her to what I assumed to be Miss Lee's room. I frowned at the nerve of the guy and finished packing up my things. Just when I exited the room Miss Kim came back and blocked my way.

"Are you okay?" She asked, I could see she felt sorry for me. "I'm fine, thanks for that. I'm uh...I should go" I was embarrassed that she had to see that. "Oh, did your parents say no to tutoring?" "No, they said yes....I'm just..." I think she could see I was embarrassed so gave a reassuring smile and placed her hand softly on my back leading me back into her classroom. Every freaking touch was the same, jolts everywhere. "There's no need to be embarrassed in front of me Tiffany. Unless you want to go home because you're not feeling too good?"

Did I want to leave? Sure I felt embarrassed but I had been looking forward to this all day. Alone time with her, something to sort out my feelings and my suspicions.

"I'm fine, let's just get started" I smiled but winced when my butt hit the edge of one of the desks.

"Are you sure you're okay? I could get you an ice pack or something?" I could tell she was dying to laugh. I raised my eyebrow playfully and folded my arms which made her chuckle. "Yah. I don't need an ice pack for my butt thanks" I tutted, she kept chuckling and I just had to laugh along. "I'm sorry" she said, trying to get a hold of herself. "It's fine" I smiled "Okay let's go"

I sat down carefully opposite her desk and then she proceeded to teach me what people of my calibre would be learning. I had to say, she was good. I couldn't say I was listening that much though, I was too busy watching her, the way her hair swished around her shoulders when she turned her head, the way she licked her lips before speaking after a period of time. The way she...

"Tiffany?" "Y-yes?" Shit was I caught? "Are you sure you're okay? You look dazed, maybe we should continue this another day" she said as she sat down opposite me. "I'm sorry, I guess I'm still mad" great excuse Tiffany. "I bet, I would be fuming."

"He's a real dick sometimes.... Oh shit sorry I shouldn't swear"

She chuckled at that

"Im not going to get offended if you say shit Tiffany" she grinned. Okay so hearing her curse was sorta sexy, I unconsciously licked my lips and saw her eyes flicker down before meeting my eyes again. "Okay, then he's a fucking asshole" I smirked, she did too. "So why are you with him then? Sorry I don't mean to take a leap into your personal life but it seems like you wanna talk about it....am I right?" "Yeah I guess I do. I don't really know if I'm honest, I barely meet up with him and when I am around him he just annoys me" I sighed "Do you think you like just being in the security of a relationship?"

I looked up to her and smiled.

"Why am I thinking you used to be a counsellor?" "Am I that obvious?" She laughed. "Well lucky you eh? You get an English teacher, an English tutor and a counsellor all in one!" She gave a playful wink and I just had to smile.

"Lucky me" I agreed. I think I got lost in her eyes for a moment because she cleared her throat and looked away, damn way to make it obvious Tiff. "Did I do this right?" I asked, motioning towards my work hoping to lose the slight awkwardness.

She smiled and picked up my book, grazing her fingers against mine for a split second. A shiver went throughout my whole spine, so what...now it's fire, electric, jolts and shivers? God this is crazy.

"Perfect, is this beneath you too?" She joked. "Nah, this is good" I nodded and leaned back in my chair. "Well it seems like time is up" she said, patting her hands on her thighs as she began to get up.

No don't go I want to talk more.

"Um" "Did you want to ask me anything else?" "I thought....we could uh...finish talking about Khun?" I gave a shy smile which made her sit back down "Okay, counsellor head is now on" She's so cute.

"What did you mean about the security thing?" "Well..... Since you proclaimed yourself to be popular with the boys in the school, do you think that having a boyfriend protects you from unwanted attention?" She saw me give a confused look so dumbed it down. "If you were single, would the boys asking you out constantly piss you off?" That's my sorta language.

I thought about it and nodded. She then leaned closer, her arms folded on the desk.

"Well then there's your answer. You're with him because you don't want to be hounded by guys all the time while at school, that's what I think anyway." "So what do I do?" I asked, why was she so good at all her jobs? "That's for you to decide. Is there really a point being with him?" She frowned, I think she was frustrated by my stupidness. "Urm..." Images filled my head with him fucking me. Yes he is good at sex but it doesn't mean I want it constantly. And I think she read my thoughts cause she immediately leaned back into her seat with a disgusted look on her face. "Yeah, I don't really want to hear about that" she chuckled. I nodded to respond but couldn't help sensing her mood drop a little.

Was it something I said?

"Alright I should get going, good work today Tiffany and I'm glad you are working to your best ability now. I can set you some work tomorrow different from the rest of the students."

I smiled and grabbed my bag, she started to walk behind me so I exited the classroom and stopped by my locker which was just outside. I opened it and stuffed some of my stupidly over heavy books in and then slammed it shut only to scream when I saw Miss Kim behind the locker door.

"Oh shit! Sorry, you scared me" I was holding my hand over my heart while she was trying not to laugh. "Yah, stop laughing at my misery" I pouted "Sorry, it's tough" It seemed she was teasing me yet again...hm I'll get you back. "Anyway, you left this" she gave me a textbook and I put it into my bag. "Thanks teach" I winked, was that considered teasing? I don't know but it was fun. "Teach? I thought I told you my name" She leaned against the lockers, like one of those guys you see in the movies about to ask the girl out. "I can't say your name, it feels weird to me" I chuckled. "Try" that smile....urgh stop, please. "Taeye...argh It just is I'm sorry. It's a nice name and everything but you're my teacher"

"Fine, see you around Miss Hwang" she waved before walking away "Tiffany!" Miss Hwang made me sound old.

She then turned around and walked backwards. "Taeyeon" she pointed to herself just like I had done when she had told me her name. That little sneak. She laughed at my facial expression before turning around again and dissapearing out the entrance.

Jessica "Jess, there she is" I whispered to my best friend. "Where?"

I tell Jess everything, I tell her that Nichkhun's a twat and that I've been feeling weird things for this new teacher. She's not judgemental, she's cool. She's told me about her girl crushes too.

"Golden blonde hair, black skirt, red blouse. Do you see?" "I don't kno....oh wow." I smiled, she's seen her. "She's a looker isn't she?" "Yeah, she's really nice as well...oh wait she's looking over here, stop staring!" "Why?" Jessica asked, she was still looking Miss Kim up and down and the latter was staring right at her. After a while, Jessica turned back around and turned back to me. "Why would you do that? She's gonna bring it up now!" God my friend is so aggravating. "Oh shush, I did you a favour. You'll have something else to talk about, you have her next right?" "Yes..." I couldn't help but let out a groan, this was going to be embarrassing. "Have fun, and don't stare" she said as she got up and left the table.

Huh, yeah right. Easier said than done.

"Afternoon guys"

Everyone greeted back, I did too but my head was on the desk, my hair splayed across my face. I didn't want to face her so I just closed my eyes and prayed that I was invisible or something. All of a sudden, that fucking spark flowed throughout my body and I jumped up to see Miss Kim retracting her hand with a concerned look on her face.

"Are you okay Tiffany? Do I need to send you to the nurse?" "Uh no, I'm good. Sorry"

Miss Kim smiled and then went to the front of her desk, she was about to sit down but her pen dropped to the ground. And oh my lord the moment she bent over to pick it back up, showing off her ass I swear I felt something....inside my panties - I was wet.

Okay, so I'm bi. That's fine, right? But what confuses me is that when I kissed Jessica all those times in clubs, I felt nothing. It was purely show for the hot guys there....Man I'm muddled

"Tiffany, if you'd like to come up here, I'll explain what work you have to do." She called. Oh lord, I have to sit close to her again, It's okay though, as long as we don't touch... I got up and grabbed my bag before plopping myself in the seat next to her. Our legs were close so I picked up the chair and scooted away a little and it seemed she noticed. She gave me a worried look but then rested her gaze back onto my work.

"Alright so I have with me a paper that was used in the last English exam for fluent speakers. If you'd like to work through it, that'd be great." She smiled at me, okay now that I suspected I was bi, I've started to get these jolts that head straight for my lady bits whenever she does something like smile or wink.... Was this my body's way of telling me I was right? This is just not happening. "Are you cold? You keep shivering" she asked. "I'm fine, just....cold." Oh my god, she just said that you absolute twit! At least I made her giggle though. "I'll up the heating" "Thanks"

While I was working on that exam paper, I couldn't help but notice Taeyeon slump down into her chair and open her legs just slightly, resting her hand on one of her thighs. They looked so smooth, so unlike those ranky hairy legs Nichkhun has. Wait, every boy has hairy legs....god am I gay?

"Okay class, there's ten minutes left but I'll let you go early, so pack up. Class dismissed" "Someone's feeling generous" I whispered "Yeah well I can't handle the depression on their faces, they hate this class" Taeyeon laughed, her little dimple on her chin coming out. I saw that everybody had now left so I could talk more openly, but it's not like I had anything to hide though...right? "Aw, that really bothers you?" "Nah, but I'd like to think I'm not the worst teacher in this place" she shrugged. "Oh believe me, you're not. You're actually one of the best in my opinion" Wow you're a complete suck up "Oh really?" She turned to me and raised her eyebrows. "And there you were glaring at me on my first day" I smiled while she tutted. "I wasn't glaring, I was just....ah never mind" "Nuh uh, you can't say something like that and not finish it. Come on Miss Hwang." "Miss Hwang makes me sound like an office worker....call me Tiffany" "Well, then Miss Kim makes me sound like an office worker. Call me Taeyeon"

Sneaky bitch. Alright, you wanna play that game?

"However, I am a student and I should not address you by your first name. As a teacher, it's your duty to call me by my first name." Ha! Take that. "However, I have given you permission to use my first name as tutors and counsellors allow it. Right now I'm your tutor so..." She winked, damn. "Fine, you win Taeyeon. Happy?" I kinda liked the way her name rolled off my tongue actually, it was a pretty name too. "Yup I'm happy Tiffany"

I groaned and she just laughed at me, as always.

"Now come on missy, finish your sentence" I saw a glint in her eye and saw she was excited to hear what I had to say "What sentence?" Yep, I'm gonna play that way. "Oh wow, really? 'I wasn't glaring, I was just....'" She really wanted me to say it "Um, I wasn't glaring I was just...ah I feel bad saying this!" "It's fine, I'm a big girl, I won't be offended" she gave me a reassuring smile, I hope she was right.

"I wasn't glaring...I was just amused that you were this new teacher and I knew all the boys were gonna hound you...I was thinking that you wouldn't be able to stick up for yourself but I was surprised that you held your own.." "Oh really? And why would that offend me in any way?" She giggled "I don't know...that I thought you were weak?" I frowned and then decided this topic was awkward. "Alright so can you see if I'm doing okay on this exam?"

Oh my god why did I say that, she fricking leaned over me to grab a pen, her scent invading my nostrils effectively dazing me. She smelt like vanilla, it was so...captivating and her face was so close to mine, if she looked at me right now...our noses would probably touch, Jesus. I leaned back a little and she seemed to notice.

"Sorry" "It's fine...." No it's not, it's really not fine you're a fucking woman, and a teacher! "Alright let's see here."

She concentrated fully on marking my work so didn't notice me study her for the millionth time. Her nose was really cute, her skin was unbelievably clear and porcelain-like. And her jaw....okay so I kinda have a fetish for jawlines and had never seen one so perfect...ever. Why did she have to be a teacher? Like for fucks sake, why?

"Is there something on my face?" She asked without even looking up. Fuck. "Uhhh yeah"

She turned to me with an amused look. "Well are you going to get it off or am I going to walk around with it on me for the rest of the day looking like a fool?"

Oh god, I've got to touch her face, shit what do I do? I held my breath while my hand reached up, my fingers outstretched to wipe nothing off of her face. I looked for a spot to do it and decided to pretend it was an eyelash...So my thumb grazed across the top of her cheek, it was so smooth and perfect. I was so uncomfortable though because she just kept staring at me the whole time, I noticed her eyes flickered down now and again too which didn't help my nerves. I cleared my throat and then brought my thumb back before blowing on it pretending to blow the eyelash away. She stayed looking at me though, it's like our eyes were lost in each others. It stopped when she smiled and then looked away. Jesus I'm sure I was blushing profusely, how embarrassing. She finished marking my work and I noticed she was reluctant to make eye contact with me again.

"Good, you'd probably get an A- for that. There were some grammar mistakes and slight overuse of comma's but other than that...pretty perfect" she smiled but didn't meet my gaze.

"Great, thanks" I didn't like how she wasn't looking at me...I didn't do anything wrong did I? "Alright, I'm gonna have to go now. I have reservations so I guess I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Finally she looked at me but it was just a glance as she got up. "Sure" No not sure, we still have half an hour left.

She bid me goodbye and then left me there still sitting at her desk....my heart hurt and it was then that I realised that I had maybe fallen for this woman.

Studied It was fair to say that I wasn't that excited to see her today in class. One, because I didn't have a tutor session to look forward to and two, I didn't want her to dissapoint me like she had done yesterday. I had small hope that she might act normally but I didn't hold my breath, I walked in and sat beside Nichkhun who gave me an apologetic smile and I gave the smallest smile ever back, barely anything. If he wanted me, he was going to have to grovel. I placed my head on the desk and waited for my heartache to begin.

"Good morning"

My head shot up and I saw a gross, fat guy walking in. What the fuck? Where was Taeyeon? I leaned forward to look out the classroom door where he just entered from and couldn't see anybody else. My heart was beating like crazy, why wasn't she here?

"I'll be taking over for Miss Kim today, so get your textbooks out and turn to page 130. I have worksheets here for all of you except Tiffany, Tiffany where are you?"

I held my hand up pathetically and he walked over to give me another exam paper. I mumbled my thanks and got on with my work, this day fucking sucked.


"Hey Jess" I sighed as I sat down next to her at lunch, she turned to me and rolled her eyes "Lighten up you big lump. So your babe isn't here...big whoop." "She's not my babe" "Well I was talking about Khun but it seems you have teach on your mind huh?" Oh that fucking smirk, it was so different from Taeyeon's, so less sexy. "God shutup" I sighed "Did something happen yesterday?" She asked, I could see she was worried for me a little, I'm hardly ever depressed and this concerned her. "We talked like we always do and then I took an eyelash off her face which is when it got awkward. She cut the tutoring half hour short and then left." I sighed "Tiffany, come on you can't go touching teachers like that. What the hell is wrong with you?" "She asked me to do it!" I retorted. "Huh, well then that is weird." Jess frowned, I joined in on her with that. Confusion was an understatement.

"Tell me about it. God Jess everything is turning to shit, why am I turning gay" I whined and hit my head over and over on the table. "Yah, stop being a baby. Maybe you just wanna be her friend?" "Uh no. Didn't I tell you? One time she bent over and her ass made me wet. If that's not gay I don't know what is." "Oh shit....well I've always wanted a gay best friend" she joked, not funny. "Whatever" I folded my arms on top of the table and then rested my head on them, life sucks. "Maybe I should sit in on one of your classes?" She suggested "Uh..." "I can say that I want to check out her teaching ability compared to Mr Choi." Jess shrugged, I guess it was a good idea. I could get a second opinion on...I don't even know what on, her behaviour with me? "Alright. Come to my class tomorrow" "Deal, I'll bring my gaydar" she winked and I burst out laughing.

Nichkhun walked over and sat beside me before leaning in to kiss me, I turned my head so all he got was my cheek, he's still not forgiven. I heard him huff next to me and couldn't help smiling, Jess did too. Awkward silence ensued until I got a text message from Jess. I scooted away from Khun for a second and opened the text.

-You could even use him in the class-What do you mean?- I replied, I looked up at her with a frown, she simply rolled her eyes and began to text back. -I can watch to see if she gets jealous, DUH-Jess she doesn't like me like that- I sighed -You don't know that. From what you told me about her reaction, there may be something there-

I looked up at her and she shrugged. Fairplay, she was a good friend, I gave her an eyesmile and nodded.

At least that gave me some excitement to deal with the rest of my classes, I'd have Jess tell me all her findings on Miss Kim's behaviour tomorrow. The day couldn't come quick enough.

The next day.....

I dressed up like Jess had told me to (sexy) and quickly drove to school. I was nervous, beyond nervous actually. Jessica could be.....unpredictable with what came out of her mouth and with her actions. If she said anything about my feelings, I'd probably have to move schools, not even joking.

So I walked into English class, it was in the morning which meant I didn't get a tutoring session which may be a good thing or it may not be, I haven't decided yet. Jessica wasn't here so I guessed she'd come in later, oh god give me strength.

"Morning guys"

Miss Kim walked in, I couldn't control my smile on seeing her again and when her eyes flickered to me, it actually grew bigger. My eyesmile was at it's finest and I saw her itching to smile back but she controlled the urge. Hardly anybody could resist my eyesmile. She looked away and went to the board to write down what work the other students needed to do but then.... there was a knock on the door and Jess walked in.

"Hi, how can I help you?" Miss Kim asked Jessica, who was trying not to look at me. "I uh, I have a free period and I was wondering if I could sit in on your class? I understand you're a tutor and I was thinking about getting one."

Smooth Jess, real smooth.

"I don't see why not, come in. I guess you can sit anywhe...."

"I'll sit by Tiffany, thanks" Jess grabbed a seat and dragged it to sit down next to me. "Nichkhun's on his way" she whispered. "I want you to flirt as soon as he walks in okay?"

I frowned but nodded, alright....let's see your plan Jung.

"Okay guys, I have some worksheets here, boring I know but what can you do?" Miss Kim chuckled as she gave them out. "She's so cool" Jessica gasped, I guess Mr Choi was boring and strict as shit by the way Jessica pouted and folded her arms. "Tiffany" she looked at me and I could feel Jessica staring right at her however Taeyeon's face was straight and showed no emotion. "I'm sorry but here's another exam paper" "That's okay" "Hi, what's your name again?" She asked Jessica "I'm Jessica" "Jessica, are you American too?" She smiled "My name gave it away huh?" "Yeah" she giggled. Okay, why was she talking to Jess like that and not me? That's hardly fair. "I'll give you the same work as Tiffany then, you don't have to do it just

look through it I guess. When she finishes you can come up with us and we'll mark it together okay?" "Perfect sounds good" Jessica said as she smiled. Miss Kim smiled back and then went back to her desk to mark the register. "I'm not seeing anything here Tiffany....just friendliness. Well, towards me, she's barely looked at you" Jess whispered. Oh fuck off. "She did before you came in actually" I huffed, stupid Jessica.

Miss Kim proceeded do the register and stopped when she came to Nichkhun.

"Tiffany? Do you know where he is?" She asked me. "He should be here any second" I smiled, she nodded and looked back to her desk. "I'm getting nothing Tiff" Jess whispered. Shutup or I'll slap you

Just like I predicted, Nichkhun came in a few seconds later and made his way to his seat beside me. Jessica nudged me so I smiled at him and began my act.

"Hey Khunie, I missed you" I cooed as I leaned in and kissed him "Ahem" there it is. "I have told you two many times before about this haven't I?" She said sternly

"Sorry" I bowed my head and then looked back to Khun, he had lipstick on his lips so I smiled and rubbed it off for him. He tried to lean in again so I giggled and pushed his face away teasingly. I then looked back to Miss Kim and saw her turn around.

Jess was frowning beside me. "What?" What what what? "That was... interesting" "Why?" "She..." "No talking!" Miss Kim snapped, I had never heard that tone of voice from her before.

We both bowed our heads and I heard Jess snigger. God I was so curious to what she had to say it was almost unbearable. In the meantime though I got on with my exam paper. Once we had ten minutes left to go, Miss Kim called both of us up to her desk and when we sat down, she began to grade my paper explaining to Jessica why she corrected something or what I could've done differently. Jess put her arm around me and teased me for spelling something wrong under Miss Kim's gaze and then proceeded to ruffle my hair before looking back to the teacher.

I saw Jessica smirk at her from my peripheral and I knew she now had something else to say to me when we left. When Miss Kim was busy, Jess leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Go along with whatever I do okay?" "Alright...."

When the bell went, Miss Kim smiled at us both and gave me another A grade. Jessica thanked her for letting her watch and then we both got up to pack our bags. Once I got back to my desk I felt someone hug me from behind and judging from the tits pressing in my back, I knew it was Jess.

"Yah" I smiled "Get off you imbecile"

Jess turned our bodies around so we were both facing Miss Kim and she then brought her face next to my ear, her lips only a few inches away.

"Act like you like it" she whispered

I looked to Taeyeon and saw she had stopped in the middle of putting on her coat, seemingly frozen in place with a look of....I don't even know on her face. Confusion maybe? She was looking right at us, Jessica in particular. I struggled a little but Jess wouldn't let me go and right at that moment she brought her hand up

to cup the side of my face, turning it to face her. I saw her look at my lips and then look to Miss Kim, a massive smile came up on Jess's face until Nichkhun broke us up and put his arm around me protectively. I looked over to Taeyeon's desk again to find she had left.

What was that about?

Attitude I wasn't in a good mood for two reasons today. One, my car decided not to start so I had to take the fricking bus and two, Jessica was being a complete bitch and didn't tell me anything about what information she had gathered from that class which frustrated me to no end. I was determined to get it out of her today, especially since I had a tutoring session after school. I sped through all my classwork and by lunch time, I had sat down where we usually sat and waited impatiently for Jessica's arrival. As soon as she sat down, the interrogation began.

"Yah, you've been avoiding me" "Not really, I've just been busy" she shrugged. Funny, very funny. "Spill"

Jess opened her mouth to talk and then I saw her eyes glance to something behind me. As soon as I started to turn to see what it was, she grabbed my head and kissed me. What the actual fuck?! I struggled to pull my head back and I heard all the "ooooo's" and the "damn this is hot" comments in the background. I opened my eyes and saw her still looking behind me before letting me go.

"What the hell Jessica?!"

"Sorry, I needed to do that" again she glanced behind me, what was so fucking interesting? I turned around and then I saw....

Miss Kim, in the teacher's lunch line, looking straight at my table, no emotion on her face.

"Shit, that was your big plan?" "Mhm." Jessica smirked and licked her lips, making sure Taeyeon saw it. "She hides her facial expressions well." "Huh? Are you going to tell me what you know or not?" I was starting to become frustrated, I had Miss Kim next and I needed to know. "I think I'm just gonna let you figure it out" Jess said before leaving me at the table alone. Fuck you.

After lunch I walked into Miss Kim's classroom and sat down amongst my classmates who I could hear were still talking about my kiss with Jessica. Urgh just shutup, pervs.

Miss Kim walked in or more like stormed in, a scowl on her face I noticed and slammed her textbooks onto her table. Someone was in a bad mood....

"Afternoon. I need you to read from pages 140 to 210 in your textbooks. It sucks but it's necessary" I couldn't even describe her voice...it wasn't the usual soft and velvety one I was used to. Maybe she's on her period.

Because of her obvious mood, everyone became silent and got straight to work. I didn't know whether I had different work or not, so to find out, I tentatively raised my hand and was shot a glare by none other than Miss Kim.

"What is it?" "I uh..um" Nice one Tiff. "You do what the others are doing" she said before looking away and sitting in her chair, flopping down like I would instead of placing herself nicely like I was used to seeing her do.

I opened my textbook and glanced to make sure she wasn't looking before getting my phone out and hiding it in the book. I made sure it was on silent before texting Jessica.

-Jess she is in a foul mood. I'm not even joking she's terrifying-

I glanced up to see her huff in her seat whilst looking at a textbook....and then she looked at me. She was like Medusa, I was turned to stone and couldn't look away.

"Read Miss Hwang" Oh so we are back to Miss Hwang are we?

I rolled my eyes and then looked at my phone - 1 new message- I opened it up expecting to find an explanation on why Miss Kim was acting this way but all I read was....


Lol? That's it? That's fucking it? What a complete dickhead, I don't know why I call her my friend I ask her to help me, she makes me think that she will and then tells me to figure it out on my own!

-Yah, tell me what you know!- I texted, I didn't think I could get through our tutoring session with her acting like a demon and without knowing what Jessica had to say. -Wow Tiff, just wow- Was the reply. Urgh you know what? Fuck you Jessica, fuck you.

I put my hand up and waited for Miss Kim to notice me.

"Can I go to the toilet?" I asked. I needed to get out of here, the air was suffocating me. "Hurry" she replied.

Knowing Jessica had another free period, I rang her and made her agree to come to the toilet right away as I needed to talk to her. She came a while after and I didn't hesitate to pin her up against the wall, ignoring her shouts and hits aimed at me.

"Yah! Get the hell off me!" "Tell me" I heard my voice turn to a growl, wow that's new. "Oh my God Tiff, it's so....."

The door suddenly slammed open and standing right there was....

"Tiffany what's taking you so...." Yep, she saw us. I was gonna die.

I saw her look from me, to Jessica, to my hand on Jessica's shoulder to Jessica's hand in my hair. Jessica grunted and I frowned only to realise my knee was in a very awkward place, I glanced back to Miss Kim and saw her looking at that too. I

immediately removed my knee from in between Jess's legs but the rest of my limbs were frozen in place. Yep, she's Medusa all right. I braced myself for being told off but I only saw her look at me briefly with a frown before turning away and closing the door behind her, leaving us. My jaw dropped open and I faced Jessica who mirrored my expression.

"I suggest you get back to class Tiff, like now" she said as she left the toilet.

I sighed and did as she said, hesitating slightly to push the handle down. I took a deep breath and stuck my eyes to the floor as I entered and sat back in my seat. Call me delusional but I felt her eyes piercing into me like a laser for the rest of that class, I didn't dare to look up. As soon as the bell went, I stayed at my desk and soon we were alone together.

"Up here please Miss Hwang"

I obeyed and shuffled my feet before placing myself gently in the chair beside her. I realised I was sitting on the edge of it, making the distance between us greater. Jesus this was awkward.

"How did your friend find my class?" She asked, her tone a little lighter but not much.

"She said it was great, she prefers you to Mr Choi" I said without moving my gaze from the very interesting spot on the floor. "Hm, that's nice." "Yup"

Awkward silence...

"I actually haven't prepared anything for you today."she admitted "Oh, do you want me to go then?" I asked, slightly relieved and slightly disappointed. "That's up to you" I saw Taeyeon shrug from my peripherals and sighed. "How come you weren't in the other day?" I asked, I really was curious. "Why, did you miss me?" I looked up to see her finally smiling at me, an amused expression on her face. "Nah, I was just wondering, I actually preferred the substitute" I loved joking with her, she always took it so well and I was glad that she sort of seemed to be normal again. "Hey! Cheeky" that smile, I've missed it, but it was soon gone. "I uh, had a funeral to attend to" "Oh, I'm sorry...."

"It's okay" she gave a reassuring smile. "I'm sorry too" "Huh? What for?" "Walking in on your little rendezvous with Jessica" she started to chuckle and I laughed along "Uh, no. That wasn't what it looked like, really. Besides I'm taken" I smiled and I swear I saw something flicker across her face but before I could read it, she spoke. "How is that going?" "Nichkhun?" She nodded to answer my question. "He's uh....better. We're going on a date tonight for the first time in a long time." I gave a smile. That was a lie but y'know.... "Aw, well that's good. Maybe he's finally getting his act together." "Hopefully" "I hope so too. Everybody deserves to be happy" she smiled, she then placed her hand on mine and I gritted my teeth as I tried to stop the sparks and the shivers from affecting my body on the outside. "Well what about you?" Oh my god, why did I just ask her that. "What about me?" She removed her hand and then rested it on her lap. "Are you happy?" I saw in her eyes she wasn't. She even looked down which was further proof.

"Um...I don't know how to answer that question" she smiled shyly, shit I took it too far. I made her uncomfortable. "Sorry, that was stupid " I sighed and shook my head of it's stupidness only for her to laugh at me. "It's okay."

I began to pack up my bag since we weren't doing anything else so I got up and walked over to my desk, bent over to get it and then proceeded to stuff my textbooks and my pencil case inside. I then slung it over my shoulder and sat on top of my table, in front of Miss Kim who was looking right back at me.

"You've been different today" I said, I didn't know where my sudden confidence had come from but there it was. "How so?" She got up, walked around and sat on the edge of her desk, mimicking me. "You were strict and I thought you were gonna kill us all"

She burst out laughing, I really couldn't get over that laugh it was so unique, I loved it.

"I was? Well I apologise. Maybe I had something on my mind" she didn't look away from my eyes as she said that.

"I see. Wanna talk about it?" I saw her smile warmly before answering "I'm the counsellor here not you missy. Get your degree and then maybe we'll talk about it" and then she winked, what a tease "Fine, maybe I will" Shit was I flirting? How is it coming so effortlessly with her? With Khun I have to try so hard... "Hmm. I'll look forward to it." Another grin and another appearance from her chin dimple, cute. "Right, I guess we should get going" as soon as she grabbed her keys from her bag I remembered I didn't have my car. "Fuck" I hissed under my breath "What? Are you okay?" Seemed she heard that. "Yeah I'm fine" stupid buses

I said goodbye and then walked out making my way to the bus stop. Nobody was there, just me. I felt like an absolute loser waiting for a big lump of metal to come pick me up rather than my lovely Mercedes. I was broken out of my thoughts when a car honked at me. Without looking I stuck my middle finger up until I heard that voice.

"Yah! You're lucky school is over or I'd give you detention for that!" Oh my fucking god.

"Oh Jesus I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you" I said as I rushed up to Taeyeon's car, she was chuckling though so I didn't offend her much. "Do you need a ride?" "Um..." "It's either that or waiting two hours for that bus" Two hours? Like hell. "Thanks, I appreciate it"

Oh my god I was in her car, like her it smelt like vanilla. I tentatively pulled my seatbelt on and faced her.

"No problem. Where do you live?" "I'll give you directions" I smiled as she drove off.

Car Ride "Don't you drive?" She asked me as I was busying myself looking out the window, anything to stop me from looking at what I really wanted to view. "I do, but my car wouldn't start this morning" I rolled my eyes and got comfortable in her seat, she also had a Mercedes but it had red leather seats compared to mine that had black. "I like your car" "Thanks, it's my baby" Your baby huh? I never knew I could get jealous over a car before.... "How long have you had it?" I didn't really wanna continue this conversation about a car but there wasn't much else I could say. "Two years" "Aww" Why the hell did I say aw? "Aw? You're a strange one Tiffany" she chuckled "Yah! I'm thinking you're more of a bully than a teacher y'know. You laugh at my butt, then you laugh at scaring me and now you say I'm strange!" I huffed but she totally knew I wasn't being serious. "Well maybe you should stop being so funny" she winked which made my heart stop for a second. She said I'm funny! "I'm actually not funny at all. Here I'll prove it. Knock knock" "Who's th..."


She looked at me like I was a complete freak. "I told you" I smirked.

But then she burst out laughing, she was actually laughing so hard she started to cry. I couldn't help but laugh along, the noises coming out of her were just hysterical. I thanked God we had stopped at a red light or she might have just crashed the car.

"Oh my God Tiffany" she chuckled, calming down a little after her laughing fit. "Wow, well that's the best reaction I've had from a joke" I snorted "Ahhh Lord. Sorry." She was giggling now like a little girl, cute. "Don't apologise, it's nice to see you lighten up after today" Did I really just say that to my teacher? "Now you know what to do to cheer me up" I saw her grin and god her smile was infectious. "What....tell a lame joke? Turn right here" "Yep, but please not in the middle of class or I'll die of embarrassment" "Maybe it'd be great payback for what you did to me on your first day" Yes, I was going there

"Oooo, sneaky. Please don't." She gave me a pleading smile which kinda melted my heart. "We'll see. I have this great one about a chicken" That set her off again. "Jeez you kid, if you take the next left here, my house is at the end of the road" I loved how I could talk to her like I talk to Jessica, it really was like I gained a new good friend, except I liked this friend more than a friend.

She pulled up by my house and looked out her window. "Wow this is a nice place" she had her mouth open wide taking in the pretty scenery around my home. "Thanks. And thanks for the ride, I really appreciate it. I guess I would still be at the bus stop right now if it wasn't for your....generosity" I couldn't help but wink which she smirked at. Our banter was just, something else "No problem...." I caught her eyes and I couldn't look away. They were so....inviting. It's like they were pulling me in but I did all I could to resist. I flickered my eyes down to her lips, god they were so full, so shiny so irresistible. I looked back up to her eyes to see her smile turn into a grimace. "What? What's wrong?" I started to panic, shit did she see me? "Um, do you like bugs?" "Ew! No why would you ask me that?" I shivered at the thought of those gross things. "Okay, then I suggest you stay still...." She said as she slowly reached out towards me.

I had forgotton all about what she had just said and focused on the sight of her coming closer and closer to me as if she was going to kiss me. My heart was racing as I stared at her lips...But all of a sudden I felt something crawling around on my head and I lost it.

"ARRGHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK?!?! GET IT OFF!!" "Tiffany calm down just stay still!" she was holding my shoulders down trying to get whatever it was off my head but with me jumping around like a lunatic it wasn't going well. "TIFFANY!"

I stopped. She shouted at me, I couldn't believe it. I stared at her, my mouth wide open in disbelief. That hurt.... Suddenly she grabbed a piece of my hair and pulled it out, I yelped only to turn it into a scream when I saw what dropped onto me. This huge fucking spider. I lost it once again and started jumping around in her car, somehow I managed to open the car door and I fell out backwards with a thump as I hit the ground. Luckily I was wearing jeans or Taeyeon would have seen right up my skirt. I quickly got up and started jumping around outside, I had no idea if that beast had gotten off me so I continued to jump until I saw it crawling around on the floor. I lifted my foot up and screamed "DIE!" and then stomped on it. "YEAH THAT'S WHAT YOU GET!" Hideous creature.

I looked back to the car to see Miss Kim doubled over with laughter, I had done all

that in front of her. Ground just swallow me whole right now please, that'd be great!

"Oh my god I can't breathe" she whimpered, her face was bright red. Wouldn't it be great if she passed out and I had to perform CPR? Aish what am I even thinking... "Are you done?" I asked, one eyebrow raised and my hand on my hip. "I should've got that on video, you could have been a Youtube star" she chuckled. "Ha ha" I said sarcastically "Thanks again for the ride. I'm just going to go die from embarrassment now so I'll see you in my next life maybe" "Over dramatic" Taeyeon rolled her eyes. "See you tomorrow Tiffany." I closed my door for her and she drove off. I waved at the disappearing car before going inside.

My Heart "Oh my god Tiff you're such a loser" "Shutup Jess, you're such an asshole. I don't get why you don't just tell me" "It's cause you're really thick and I love messing with you"

Fuck off. Stupid girl. Jessica and I were currently waiting outside the school building along with all the other students. I was in math when the fire alarm went off so due to school protocol, we've all got to wait out here while it's checked out. I kept looking around to see where Miss Kim was, I didn't see her class so they must still be inside....oh there they are. A smile popped up on my face almost immediately after seeing her and I saw her shoot a smile my way too. Jessica was just watching us both with a grin on her face, no idea why.

"Let me try something" Jess said before she cupped my butt with her hand. "Yah! What the...." "Shhhh, she turned me around so my back was to the rest of the students and teachers and held her arm around my waist while her other was still squeezing my butt. "Jess everyone's looking, don't you care?"

"Not everyone. Stay there" who was she looking at? I tried to turn around but she was strong, she kept me in place. "Ahhh, bingo."

Jess crept her hand that was resting on my waist slowly up before grabbing a handful of my hair. Inch by inch, she then left my butt and began to move her hand around to my front. I'm sure from the back it looked like she was....yeah.

"Someone's not happy" Jess sniggered before kissing my cheek and letting me go. I turned around and saw Nichkhun storming up to us before pushing Jessica away from me. "Stop it Nic" I frowned " He was always so jealous of everybody, it was getting to be a bit of a problem "We're just messing around." "You stop, I don't need rumours saying you two are lesbians together floating round and making me look like a fool" he snarled, what a douche. "Fuck off Khunnie boy, this is a private conversation." Jessica warned, her trademark icy exterior taking hold of her. "Baby we can meet up after school okay? You can come over" I said and of course that would settle him down, he smiled and kissed me before going back to his own friends."You did that to make him mad?" I asked Jessica confused "He wasn't the one I was talking about" Jess smiled at me before directing her gaze somewhere else and then losing her grin. "Shit..." "What?"

I looked to where Jessica was looking and saw Miss Kim with our PE teacher. He was whispering in her ear and she was laughing and slapping his arm flirtatiously. He then said something and she leaned in and kissed his cheek, they were close and looked like a fucking couple. I didn't know my heart could drop so far out of my chest until I saw that. Then he held her hand...

"Tiff...." I'm sure Jess felt guilty about maybe getting my hopes up. Thank god she hadn't told me anything about what she thought she witnessed in the classroom because if she was wrong and told me the opposite of what was actually real....I'm sure my heart would have shattered. "I'm fine" but I wasn't. My voice breaking made Jessica sure of that, I kept staring like a demented person as Taeyeon rested her hand onto his chest while he puffed out his pecs, trying to impress her again no doubt. I've seen her smile at me but....not like that. I wiped a tear from my eye and turned around, I didn't need to see any more. "She's a flirt Tiff, I bet she has this huge ego that she needs to fill so flirts with people to feed it. She's a snake." Jess said trying to make me feel better, I nod my head and then the fire alarm stopped. Class upon class started to go back into the building, Jess had to return to her class so I bowed my head to say goodbye and went over to Khun. He saw I was upset so put his arm around me and took me to our next class.....



"Afternoon guys." She even sounded different. "Today we have a documentary to watch, and I've also given you some worksheets. Watch the documentary where the answers to the questions on your sheets will be. Tiffany do you want to do that too?" She sounded friendly, not flirty, It was all in my fucking head. I nodded, my eyes still on the ground, I hadn't looked at her once since I had seen her with that guy.

She came round and started to give the worksheets out, I prayed she wouldn't stop at my table but she did. And then she touched me, her hand resting on my back. I didn't want that so I turned my body awkwardly trying to shake her hand off, luckily she got the hint and dropped it.

"Are you okay sweetie?" She asked. Don't call me sweetie, I bet you call him sweetie. I nod my head but then she decided to crouch down making me look at her for a split second before I shifted my gaze elsewhere. I could see her frown fom the corner of my eye and finally she got up and left.

I lifted my eyes to look at the interactive whiteboard where she would show us the DVD on and I wondered why she made us watch Romeo and Juliet on the TV when she had that. Maybe it was because the movie was on a VHS and not a DVD, I don't know, I'm not good with technology.

Since the board was right above her desk, I saw her figure to the side of it, I was sure she was looking at me...but then again, I have been delusional all this time. I hazard a glance to her and I was right, she was. Probably wondering whether to ask again if I'm okay.... No I'm not fucking okay and I'm not staying for tutoring either. When I finished my worksheet and the documentary ended, she started to collect them all in and like I expected, she stopped to ask if I was okay again. I said 'yes' in the coldest tone I could and again she got the hint and left. Soon it was time to leave so I immediately glued myself to Nichkhun and he put his arm around me, at least he was good for something now. He picked up my bag for me and we both walked out, we were halfway down the hall when I heard her shouting my name. Nichkhun looked down at me and he probably saw I wasn't in the mood so we kept walking. He had said that he couldn't give me a lift home (my car still wasn't fixed) as he had to pick up his little brother from school but he'd come to my house later like I had asked him to. I made my way to the bus stop and found there weren't many people there, none that got on my bus anyway and as soon as their bus approached, they got on and I was left alone. Oh and if my day couldn't get any better, it started to rain and there was me without a jacket, just a blouse and some skinny jeans. Fucking perfect.

I wallowed in my self pity for close to ten minutes until I saw a car pull up in front of me, the rain bouncing off it's roof. I knew that car, and I was not getting into it.

Depression "Tiffany, get in!" She shouted when she had lowered the window. I didn't answer, and just turned to the direction the bus would be coming from. I quickly glanced at the bus timetable - 30 minutes isn't too bad. I took a step back from her car and totally ignored it. "Tiffany! You're gonna catch your death, get in!" She tried again, I folded my arms and refused to look. Call me childish, but I wasn't getting hurt even more. No way.

All of a sudden I heard a car door open and glanced quickly to see her getting out and putting an umbrella up before slamming her door shut. All I wanted to do was walk away, so I did. There was another bus stop further up the road anyway. I heard her calling me but once again I ignored her, you broke my fucking heart. Then all I felt were tingles when I felt her hand on my arm, she spinned me around to face her and I could see she was getting wet too.

"Tiffany listen to me! Get in the car!" "No"

Thunder rumbled through the sky and although I was scared I tried not to show it. I attempted to yank my arm away but she was holding it too tightly for me to get away from her.

"For fucks sake!" She shouted and then proceeded to drag me back to her car, I hadn't walked that far from it anyway but I tried to resist. I couldn't be in that small of a space with her right now. She opened the passenger side door once we got there and told me to get in. Again I refused so she pushed me in by force ignoring my protests and then locked the door until she got in her side. As soon as she sat in the driver seat I tried to get out again but it just wasn't happening.

"Open the door!" I ordered. "No" "This is kidnapping" "No this is called being responsible, you could catch pneumonia Tiffany. Look at you you're soaking." "Let me go" "No"

I leaned over to her side, brushing against her and making myself dizzy, I really liked this woman and she was making it so hard for me to get over her. I tried to open her door but that too was locked.

I wasn't going anywhere it seemed so I gave up and tried to calm down by watching the rain pour down the window, it was coming down hard as it was bouncing a few feet off the floor each time it hit. I felt Taeyeon move, reaching into the backseat for something. I wasn't going to look to see what it was.

"Here, take this." She said as she held out an oversized jumper. I looked at it and shook my head before turning back to look out the window again. "What's wrong with you?" She asked, I pictured her face being confused at me treating her this way but oh well.

I saw she turned the heating in the car up which I was silently grateful for and then her hand that was holding the jumper flopped down to her lap, tired at being held up for so long. She then sighed and started the car.

"If I've done something, or said something to anger you or upset you, I'm sorry" she said as she drove through the rain. I didn't answer but I felt the tears threatening to spill out from my eyes after hearing the hurt in her voice. "Or maybe it's something that happened between you and Nichkhun or with Jessica....you know you can talk to me about anything right?"

Yeah, I've fallen for you hard and then you broke my heart. Will it make you feel better to hear that? I flinched when she rested her hand on my leg reassuringly and I immediately shook it off not liking how the sparks were still electrocuting me

from the inside-out. I saw her hand hover above me before reluctantly going back to the steering wheel.

"So it is me...what can I do to make you comfortable Tiffany?" She sighed "Let me out" I responded finally, that's all I wanted from her right now. "But we are almost there" she reasoned. "Let me out" I repeated "Fine" she finally gave up and pulled over. "But only if you wear this and take the umbrella okay?" I nodded. "Do you know where we are?" I nodded again. "Okay." She sounded defeated.

She handed me the umbrella and made sure I put on her jumper before unlocking the car. All I could smell was her body scent on this jumper and it was killing me but I got out, put the umbrella up and closed the door behind me. I didn't dare look back because she hadn't left yet, she was watching me. It was only about an eight minute walk to my house so it wasn't that bad and it was the weekend tomorrow so thank the lord for that. Once I got in, I immediately took off her jumper, threw it in the washing machine by itself and turned it on. I then placed the umbrella by the door ready for Monday and headed upstairs to take a hot shower. Maybe I'm stupid, but I really felt something special with her. But I guess I'm just a delusional, love obsessed kid though at least now I can say I've experienced

heartbreak. Plus even if she had felt the same way, it would never work. She's a teacher, she would get arrested if people found out. I told myself this was for the best.

Nichkhun came over later that night and proceeded to do what we always did. Have sex which was me lying down and him doing all the work. I kept my eyes on him, never closing them because I knew that if I did, I would see her instead. After cleaning himself up, he gave me a peck on the lips and left. That's how it always went, I was probably being used for sex which strangely didn't bother me, I just wanted to feel good just for a few seconds, which I had, eighteen seconds to be precise...I counted. Jessica called me over and over but I didn't answer, I didn't want to go out, I didn't want to talk about it, I just wanted to sit at home, in my bed and sleep the days away.

Making Up It was Monday and English was my first class. I was in a foul mood and I think my clothing reflected that, I was wearing a baggy hoodie and baggy sweatpants with some converse. This was usually my depression outfit, I also had no makeup on...what's the point? It's not as if I'm trying to impress anyone am I... I walked in and sat down on my desk, I lowered my head and just tried to hold myself together. Nichkhun knew something was wrong and he was actually being sweet, he had moved his desk and chair closer to mine and he held my hand under the table. Of course it was pointless because I gained zero comfort from his action but it was still refreshing to see him act like a real person and not just a real life dildo I could use whenever I wanted. I soon heard the clicking of heels outside the classroom but again, I ignored them and kept my head down. I then heard the door open and there they were, the minute I saw those heels I looked back down and squeezed Nichkhun's hand tighter, he responded by rubbing circles on the top of my hand with his thumb.

"Good Morning" Taeyeon, I mean Miss Kim said, she sounded terrible, like she had gotten a cold...my fault I presume. "Today I'll let you watch a movie, does anyone have netflix?"

Most of the class put their hands up.

"Okay, discuss amongst yourselves which movie, bearing in mind no pornography is allowed and then load it up on my computer. Make sure it's in English" she said as she sat at her desk and sighed. I could feel eyes on me and guessed it was her, I shifted in my seat and then rested my head down sideways on the desk to face Nichkhun. He smiled at me, moved a piece of my hair that had fallen over my eye and then tapped my nose. I crinkled it up and he chuckled at my cuteness.

All of a sudden, I jumped when the movie started and my heart beat erratically, the student had turned it up too loud which scared everyone. Since I was facing the front now I saw her staring at me, her chin resting on top of her hands. She gave a small smile but I didn't return it, I rested my head back down and dozed off. ......

"Tiff? Tiff, babe wake up." "Let me handle this Nichkhun, go to your next class please"

Shit, no I need to go out with him, I don't want to be left with her. I jumped out of my seat startling her no doubt and began to pack my bag, aggressively shoving my books into it.

"Tiffany stop" that voice, so soft and broken "Tiffany, please" don't say that, please don't plead with me. "Can we talk?"

I looked up at her and for a second thought I saw tears in her eyes but the minute she blinked they had gone. I stared into those deep, dark brown eyes and got lost once again. Stupid Tiffany. I felt her hands on my shoulders, pushing me down to sit until my legs finally complied and collapsed from under me, the shivers from her touch too great.

"I-I brought your stuff back..." I croaked. "I left the umbrella by the door and I have your jumper in my bag" "Thank you, but all I want to do now is work out what has happened okay?" "I have a class" Perfect, my voice just had to break didn't it. "Damn. Can you come to my classroom at lunch then?" Her eyes were pleading with my dark and emotionless ones. "Please?"

I sighed and nodded my head which made her smile a little. The urge to smile back was almost unbearable but I resisted. I then got up, took out her jumper laying it neatly folded up on top of my desk and started to walk out. "I washed it" I said as I left.


True to my word, I knocked on her door at lunch time and she answered, ushering me inside before closing it behind me. I didn't want to be there, but seeing her hurting was even more painful than my crushed heart. I sat at my desk and she moved a chair so she could sit in front of me.

"Okay, thank you for coming here. I got some snacks if you are hungry since it's lunch" she shoved her hand in her bag and got out sandwiches and lots of candy, I wasn't hungry though. "I'm good" I heard her sigh."Can I ask you something?" No I'd rather you didn't but my head didn't feel the same way, it nodded to answer her question. "Has something happened at home to cause you to act this way?"

I shook my head

"Has something happened in school to make you act this way?"

I hesitated slightly before shaking my head again.

"So that was a yes." I looked up and saw a sympathetic smile on her face. "I don't want to talk about it"

"Can I ask you one more thing? Please?"

I made a face and she saw.

"Please, it's important"

I sighed and nodded my head again before placing it in my hand.

"Why did the turkey cross the road?"

Huh? I lifted my head to see her holding in her laughter. I shook my head, she was making jokes?

"Because the chicken wasn't available"

Okay so I've never seen someone laugh so hard at their own joke. And remember

how I said her laughter was contagious? Well it still was, I couldn't help but chuckle at her dying in front of me.

"Yes! I made you smile! Score!" She grinned dorkily and okay...that perked up my mood just a tad. "Can I tell you another joke? Just between me and you?" She asked in a loud whisper. Oh my god she was holding my hand, jeez the sparks it was giving me...

I nodded my head and she leaned in a little.

"You know your PE teacher?" Fuck, I wasn't expecting that. My mood took a Uturn and fell further downhill. I sighed and nodded my head but tried to pull my hand away. She didn't let me. "He asked me out" she giggled like a fucking excited schoolgirl over their crush. "Really?" I tried to give a smile but it was hard. "Yup. He was flirting with me all day Friday as well."

Is she trying to make me cry?

"I felt bad but the way he was trying to shove his muscles in my face as if they would make me say yes to him was too funny" Wait, what? I raised my head to meet her eyes. "I let him down gently but he vowed to take me on a date at some point. He'll be waiting a loooooong time"

Am I hearing this right?

"But....Jessica said that you were flirting with him and you were dating?" Shit Tiff, why are you being so obvious? Oh and sorry Jess... "Is Jessica a stalker? If so she's a pretty bad one" Taeyeon chuckled. "I wasn't flirting, I was awkwardly pushing him away and letting him down gently like I said, however he was still giving it all he's got. Men huh?" She rolled her eyes and I couldn't help but break out into a smile.

She was single, still available and she didn't like him.

"I wanted to apologise today...." I said, now that the misunderstanding is out of the way, I remembered I had been a complete bitch to her on Friday. "For what?" She asked "For the way I acted on Friday. You were just trying to be nice but I....wasn't in the mood for any kindness at that point." Any false hope... "Oh shush, it's totally fine. May I ask why?" "It's...uh. It's personal actually" "Oh, okay no worries. I'm glad you're feeling better now though."

"Thanks, Nichkhun has been taking care of me well" I smiled and studied her face to find something, anything that hinted towards jealousy and I think finally I got it, she let go of my hand.... "That's....nice" she said through clenched teeth. Wasn't that a clear indication? "Anyway, we have a tutoring class tomorrow, and I was wondering if you'd like to do it elsewhere? I feel bad you having to stay in school for longer so if you wanted to...." "Yes." I said almost too eagerly but I didn't care. This was as close to a date as I could possibly get. "I'd like that" Her smile lit up the room and lifted the rest of my mood sky high, my heart slowly piecing back together again. "Where would you like us to go?" "Where do you suggest we go?" "Well, I don't think a public place would be wise because I'm not really supposed to..." "Come to my place"

My Place I was expecting her to be suprised, but I think I suggested exactly what she was thinking. I told her it was perfect as my dad was gone for a week starting tonight so the house would be free. She was shocked to find out I'd be alone that whole time but I assured her that I would be fine. So I had counted down the hours until she would arrive, half an hour to go as I had left school early to prepare. I started to panic, Miss Kim, Taeyeon was coming to my house, what the actual fuck? I looked around and saw I had some drinks, some wine - wait not wine Jesus Christ. Um, how do I look? I was wearing really tight skinny jeans that showed off my ass and a tight tshirt. Hopefully I didn't look too much like a kid, I wanted to look mature for her. What would we do after tutoring? Would she take a tour around? Would she look at my room? Omo! I rushed upstairs and quickly tidied my room and by the time I had finished, I heard the doorbell go. Oh my fucking god give me strength I beg you. I walked down the stairs and took a deep breath as I was approaching the door. I then pulled on the handle and opened it. Wow. She was wearing skinny jeans too and a baggy jumper, not the one I had worn before though.

"Miss Kim" I smiled but her grin dropped the moment I said that.

"Nuh uh" she said as she waved her finger in my face and pulled the door shut again. I knew what she wanted, she knocked the door and I opened it once more. "Taeyeon, come in" I smiled, her grin grew as she stepped inside. "Wow, it looks even nicer on the inside" she said as I closed the door behind her "Thanks, my dad is an interior designer" I smiled "the reason he's away is somebody in the US has asked him to design their house so he's gone there for a week" "Ahh I see" she nodded while looking around the place "What about your mother?"

My smile faded and my breath caught in my throat, I didn't like to talk about it and from her expression she guessed it.

"I'm sorry" she gave a reassuring smile and then did the zip her mouth up action. "It's okay. We can start here" I said, patting the table in my kitchen. "Great, I'll set up" "Would you like a drink? Soda?" "That'd be great thank you"

Oh man. She was in my house and sitting at my table, this was too surreal.

"Don't you have any pets?" I shook my head to answer until I swallowed my drink "No" I gave her a can of soda and sat down opposite her "I really want a puppy but I guess I'm too busy to look after it properly." "That's admirable" she smiled as she took a sip. "I have a dog but like you I don't have enough time for him so he goes to a doggy day care service I came across on the internet" she chuckled. "He loves it there though" "Aw, that's cute" "Here, I'll show you" she held up her phone and I saw it's wallpaper was a photo of a black poodle "His name is Ginger" I think she saw my face turn to confusion because she laughed. "He's a he and he's black but you called him Ginger?" I mocked "Yah, his face looked like a Ginger, don't ask me why." "Wow, and you call me strange" I winked, I was surprised by how comfortable it felt even though I knew I was winking at my teacher, my female teacher and was also surprised that I could bounce back from depression this fast. "Ha! I'm not even gonna go there" that smirk came up on her face again, god it was sexy. "Right Missy, let's get some work done shall we since you left my class early" Taeyeon tutted. "Hey I told you why, the house was a mess and I didn't want you thinking I was a slob"

"I'm kidding, it's cool. So I have a different kinda exam here. It's an exam like what we did when I made you watch the documentary where you listen to the dialogue and then write down the answers." "Ah okay" I nodded "So you take this" she gave me a worksheet "and I'll press play on the recording when you're ready" "Okay, I'm ready" I smiled

She clicked play and I started my work, it was hard because I felt her eyes on me but it was easy since it was meant for Korean's with limited English language skills.

"Yah, I'm trying to concentrate" I said when her gaze became too much to bear. "Sorry, I'm looking at what you're writing" she said before getting up and leaning over the back of my chair, her face now very close to mine. Fuck. Her gorgeous vanilla scented body wash assaulted my nostrils and made me shiver. My jaw clenched when she turned to look at me, her lips inches from my cheek but as soon as she had come, she had gone and slid into the seat next to me. I tried to make my breathing a normal pace again before I answered.

"Oh and you think moving closer is helping?" I asked as I wrote another answer down trying to control my shaking hands

"I couldn't see well from over there" Mmm, sure

I finished the test in about 45 minutes since each time a question was asked, they would repeat it before going onto the next one. By the end of it, the woman's voice on the recording was killing me, so annoying.

"Well done" Taeyeon said after marking it. "Perfect score" "Of course, what else do you expect?" I rolled my eyes and saw her chuckle in response. "Cocky Hwang yet again huh?" "Yupp. Are you hungry?" Oops, that was too forward. "Um....not really. Why, are you?" "Mm" I said as I got up and looked in the fridge. "I didn't eat at lunch" "Why's that?" I heard her getting up, shit she was coming up behind me. "I....uh...I was busy" "Huh, well I don't mind you taking a few minutes out of tutoring to cook something for yourself" Taeyeon smiled, her voice right next to my ear.

I felt her breath on my ear next and I shuddered at the feeling, I closed my eyes and grabbed the side of the fridge afraid the shivers were going to make my legs

unstable. I opened my eyes and out of the corner of them I saw her face right there. If I had turned I would have been kissing her cheek, she was looking in the fridge. My breath shuddered and I heard her chuckle, she knew what she was doing to me. I bit my lip and she moved a few inches back. I remembered that she had been talking to me and I probably looked like a freak just now. When I got myself together, I answered.

"I....don't know how." I admitted shamefully. "You don't know how to cook? Seriously?" She was mocking me. "Well it's actually a case of I can't cook. I burn pretty much everything I touch, even toast"

Of course she would laugh. She laughs at a lame knock knock joke and now she's laughing at my lack of cooking skills considering my age.

"Maybe I should get you the number of a cooking tutor" she chuckled. "Yah, I don't need to cook, I can just order takeout." It really was no big of a deal I thought. "That's not healthy to be eating that junk every day for a week sweetie." Again with the sweetie? I couldn't help my smile popping up.

"Well....I guess Jess and I can go to a restaurant sometime, I can go with Nichkhun too. Don't worry, I'm fine" I reassured her, it was nice to be worried about by her though. "Hm. Okay but promise me you'll eat well?" Why did she care so much? "I promise" I chuckled "Alright I guess I should go and leave you to it, I'll see you tomorrow okay?" She smiled before going back to the table and packing her work into her bag. She slung it over her shoulder and grabbed her can from the table. "Thanks for your hospitality Tiffany" she said as she raised her soda. "No...problem" I sighed. She looked back to me and gave a final wave before opening the door and shutting it behind her.

I didn't know what to feel at this moment.

Rumours I was about to go upstairs to my room but there was a knock on the door. Thinking it was Taeyeon who forgot something, I opened it up and I was right. There she was, standing on my doorstop except she wasn't smiling. She stepped inside and the look on her face made me start to back away. She smirked and closed the door behind her before following me further inside.

"T-Taeyeon? What are you doing?" I stuttered, the look in her eyes....I couldn't describe it. They were almost black, her pupils fully dilated. Didn't that mean... I gasped when my back hit against the wall, I was trapped and she was still coming closer but the second she gave me a reassuring smile....she captivated me. Further and further she walked until we were face to face. My breath hitched when her face came closer to mine, her eyes flickering from my eyes to my Iips over and over again. I gulped and she chuckled, it was husky and unlike the ones I had heard from her previously.

"Taeyeon what're you..." "Shhhh." She smiled and held her finger to my lips. "We can't tell anybody Tiffany"

I opened my mouth to speak but my voice got lost in my throat when she took her finger off my lips and then ran it over her own. My jaw dropped open as I watched

her lick her lips and then catch her bottom one in between her teeth, keeping it there for a while until she let it flick back. Her tongue ran over her lips once again before disappearing back in her mouth. I looked into those dark eyes and found myself leaning closer, the magnetism between us too great to resist any longer. I heard her chuckle before I closed my eyes and we.....

The alarm on my phone rang on my bedside table, indicating it was time to get up. I sat up and it was fair to say I was furious.

It was a fucking dream. I screamed and held my pillow over my face, maybe if I suffocate myself I can be with her in my unconscious state. A second alarm designed to wake me up if the first fails started to go off, I have never had such hatred for a phone before.

I scowled and dragged myself up and got dressed. I had a shower last night after Taeyeon had left so I was fine until later. I put on my makeup and decided to wear a nice little black dress today. Once I looked in the mirror fifty billion times to check that I looked hot, I grabbed my bag and left the house.

As soon as I arrived, classes started and it was the usual shitty day which would only get better when I saw Taeyeon. My heart stopped when I didn't see her at lunch making me panic that she may not be here. Jessica tutted at my uneasiness and then I saw Nichkhun walking past our table.

I thought it was strange, he always sat with me but instead he shot me a dirty glare. What the fuck have I done? Jess saw it too but she shrugged and continued to eat her food. I frowned in concentration trying to think if I had said anything rude or behaved nasty towards him but came up with nothing. I reminded myself to talk to him in Taeyeon's class before she came in.


"Yah, what's wrong with you? Why didn't you come and sit with me at lunch?" I confronted him. He was sitting in his seat and staring straight ahead, an arrogant look on his face. "Yah I'm talking to you! At least have the decency to look at me!" I was starting to get angry, he was usually a suck up and he never acted this way towards me before. "Fuck off" he snarled "What the fuck have I done Nichkhun? Come on tell me!"

Taeyeon walked in and immediately saw the tension between me and my boyfriend, "Hey what's going on here?" She asked looking from me to him. "Ask her" he said as he slammed his hands on his desk before slowly rising up from his seat glaring right at me. "Tiffany?" Is she seriously thinking I have something to do with this? "I have no fucking clue what you're talking about! You just decided to get on my back for something today!" "Language Tiffany" Oh shutup Taeyeon I've heard you swear.

Nichkhun chuckled darkly and started to walk around, it was a sign that he was mad and trying to control his anger.

"What's been going on Tiffany?"He asked walking straight for me, I stayed put. He wouldn't hurt me. "I don't know what you want me to say Nichkhun. Do I have to say I'm sorry for something? Fine, I'm sorry. I have no idea what for but there you go!" "Ha! Are you sure you don't know? Does Jessica fucking Jung ring a bell?" He growled. What the hell did Jessica have to do with this?

I looked to him with a confused expression "Jess? What?"

"You fucking dyke" "Excuse me?!" I screeched. I saw Taeyeon frown at me from my peripheral vision. Fucking perfect, this was all I needed. "You heard me, you and Jessica. You've been fucking behind my back haven't you?" "No!" "Alright guys break it up, sit down and..." Taeyeon tried to calm the situation but Khun being the bastard he is... "Shut the fuck up this has nothing to do with you" "Dont speak to her that way!" I'm sorry but no one speaks about Taeyeon like that "Why? Is she on your fuck list too? I've been crossed off long ago right? You slut" "Nichkhun that's enough!" Taeyeon shouted only to be met with a smirk from him.

Okay I was getting sick of this now. Where on earth was he getting me and Jessica fucking from? What a loser, the only reason I was arguing with him right now was to make him take back what he said about me.

"You and her...behind my back all this time..." He snarled as he walked closer to me, Taeyeon's hand on his chest pushing him back did nothing. "When I was fucking you, you were fucking her too"

"I wasn't fucking her Khun we're just friends!"

I was getting worried, if he kept up this lesbian act then Taeyeon may start to be uncomfortable with me and that I can't have. So I did the only thing I could think of, I kissed him. I kissed him and imagined he was Taeyeon, all my feelings poured out into that kiss and if he didn't feel the love there then there must be something really wrong with him. I pulled away and looked into his eyes, his anger had died down, It had worked. I exhaled in relief and pulled him into me, resting my head on his chest and I could hear his heart racing.

"I love you" I cried. "I'm sorry Tiff. The boys were teasing me about it and I got jealous." He sighed and tightened his arms around me.

I opened my eyes and could see Taeyeon sitting on the edge of her desk, a hand tugging on the fabric of her shirt that lay over her heart. There was a deep frown on her face and when she saw I was looking at her, she glanced at me and then ran out the room. I closed my eyes again, relishing the feeling of hugging Taeyeon, or hugging who I wished to be her.

Once Nichkhun had cooled down and was laughing and joking with his friends like

nothing happened, I went to go see where Taeyeon was, she still had a class with us and I was worried. Since the toilet was only down the hall from here, I went there first. As soon as I opened the door, I heard her voice.

"I can't do this anymore, God it's so fucking hard" "Miss Kim...?" I tentatively pushed the door open more and then closed it behind me, I walked to the cubicles and didn't see her in any of them. The only place left were the sinks behind the wall. I stepped carefully, my heels clicking against the floor and then I saw her. "Taeyeon?" "Please, go." she said weakly. She was leaning over the sink, as if she felt sick. "Taeyeon, what's..." "Please, I'll be out in a second, just go" I heard her voice wavering, she was trying hard not to cry. "Okay..."

I turned around and let her have her space. I didn't know what was wrong but I hoped she would tell me in the tutoring session, if there was still one. Suddenly I got an idea. I turned back and approached her again.

"I have something important to tell you" "Tiffany please..."

"Why did the chewing gum cross the road?" I hoped this would work "What?" She asked confused, she finally turned around and I saw she had in fact been crying. Unknowingly, a tear slid down from my eye too. "Why did the chewing gum cross the road?" I repeated. "I-I..." "Because it was stuck to the chicken"

There it was. That smile I loved, that laugh I loved. She was right, shitty jokes really did cheer her up. I smiled and laughed with her, god she was beautiful. And then....one of my dreams came true.

She wiped her eyes and then approached me before grabbing me and pulling me into a hug. I gasped when I felt her body pressed up against mine, she was so warm but I didn't know where to put my hands.

"Thank you" she cried. That gave me the courage to wrap my arms around her, god

she was so....perfect. Her body fit perfectly in my embrace, her perfume was making me dizzy, the smell of her....making me light headed. The amount of shivers I got just from hugging her was incredible. I felt her hands scrunch up my shirt, holding me there. I rubbed my hands up and down her back, comforting her but I was loving the feel of her, I could feel the slight protrusion of her spine, her shoulder blades....We stayed like that for about five minutes until she pulled away. I would have stayed there happily for the rest of my life.

We were now facing each other, neither of us wanting to look away. This might be mean to say, but she was such a pretty cryer. There's some girls who breathe heavily with snot running down their face, their faces scrunched up - that's an ugly cryer. Taeyeon however, looked as if little diamonds were falling from her eyes, it was mesmerising. We were so close....all I'd have to do is pull her forward slightly and that would be it, her lips would be on mine. But I couldn't do it, I couldn't take advantage of her while she was upset and vulnerable. I may have fallen for her but I have respect for her. If something was really there....It would happen eventually.

"I think we need to get back to class Taeyeon" I knew me using her name would make her smile. "Come on, let's go."

Phone Number We didn't end up having a tutoring session, she was still upset about something so I cancelled it and told her to go home. I just hope she turns up today or I don't know what I'll do. I also have to stay on Nichkhun's good side...don't ask why, I just feel I need him. My car wouldn't fucking start again though, time to take it to the garage again. But I'd have to do so after school. I called Jessica to give me a lift and thankfully she hadn't left yet so told me she'd come pick me up right away.

"Why was she crying?" She asked as she stopped at a red light. "I don't know, I really have no idea. At one point she was trying to stop the fight, then she ran out crying." "Hm" Jess thought for a moment "She's an odd one, very hard to work out" "I know." I didn't know whether to tell her this but "Jess....I've been dreaming about her and I think if something doesn't happen soon I'm gonna go crazy" I admitted, it was true. Every night I had been waking up sweating after dreaming of me and her being....intimate. "God Tiff, you're in deep" Jess sighed. Yes, yes I know.

The rest of the ride was quiet. When we got out, we said our goodbyes and I started

classes. I had Taeyeon at the end of the day with a tutoring session afterwards so that's all I looked forward to.

Each class droned on and on and I could hardly keep my eyes open. All that was keeping me awake was the thought of being with her and talking to her about what was wrong yesterday. Lunch time approached, I sat down beside Jessica and looked around for my favourite teacher. I soon saw her and she glanced at my table. Before I could stop myself, I waved. Stupid Tiffany, stupid. But she only went and waved back. Fuck yes! I turned to Jessica to celebrate but she wasn't paying attention. I looked back to Taeyeon to see her turn back around and then Nichkhun sat down. He gave me a peck on the lips and ruined my view of Taeyeon with his face.

"Are you busy tonight Tiff?" "Yeah, I need to clean the house ready for my dad to come home soon" I sighed. "Ah okay, no worries" he smiled. Okay who was he and what had he done with Nichkhun? "I gotta go, I love you Tiffany" he smiled and kissed me before getting up.

I smiled and looked randomly to my right to see Taeyeon standing in front of the cutlery station near our table, but she wasn't moving. As soon as Khun left the table to go sit with his guy friends she frowned, bit her lip and dumped her tray full of uneaten food in the trash before leaving in a hurry. Yeah I needed to find out what was wrong with her ASAP so I got up, said bye to Jess, bought a couple of sandwiches and some gummy sweets and followed her out the door. I guessed she was going to her classroom so I approached the closed door and peeked through the glass window. I saw her in her chair, head resting on her desk. I took a deep breath and knocked before entering.

"Hi" I smiled and she brought her head up. "Hi, what are you doing here?" She asked surprised. "Jess was being a stalker again and said she saw you leave looking sad so I figured I'd come see if you were okay" sorry Jess but I can't have her know my feelings, not yet. "I'm fine Tiffany" she gave me a really fake smile which would reassure nobody.

I rolled my eyes and sat down opposite her desk. I then opened my bag and handed her a sandwich, she gave me a weird look.

"She said you threw away your food" I shrugged, hoping I wasn't being obvious. "Should I be concerned about Jessica?" Taeyeon chuckled but opened the sandwich anyway and took a bite. "Umm...maybe yeah. She has psychotic issues...."

I noticed Taeyeon stopped eating and her eyes had grown wide. I burst out laughing and she rolled her eyes in response.

"Very funny" "I thought it was" I said as I poked my tongue in my cheek, teasing her. She smiled "Thanks for this" she said holding up her sandwich. "Not a problem." Just when I was about to ask why she was upset she asked me a question. "How's your relationship? That fight was pretty intense"

She wanted to talk about Khun? I want to talk about you!

"Uh, we're okay. He scared me a little, he can be quite violent when he's angry."

"I think he scared most the class. God if he had hurt y...." She immediately stopped what she was saying, looked up at me and bit her lip. "If he had hurt...anyone then he would've been suspended or even expelled, I hope he knows that" "I'm sure he does. He gets so jealous over everything, I mean you heard him....Jess is my best friend and he thinks we're having some lesbian love affair like...come on" I scoffed "Yeah...." She said rather awkwardly.

Okay...wasn't expecting that reaction, awkward silence much...

"Hey um, if you ever need to talk or rant to someone...I hope you know you can come to me right?" She asked, a shy smile on her face. "Aw really? Thanks I'd appreciate it. I'm actually having a lot of problems right now" I said with a laugh which died down when I saw her grab a piece of paper and start writing on it. When she was done she handed it to me. "Whose number is this?" "It's mine. If you need to talk about your problems out of school, don't hesitate to call or text me."

Okay, am I dreaming? Do I really have Kim Taeyeon's number in my hand?

"Wow, thank you. It means a lot" I gave an eyesmile and she smiled right back.

"I'll ring you now so you'll have mine too. You know, just in case I text and you think it's some creeper." She laughed at that. "Like Jessica" she sniggered, man she was cute. "Like Jessica" I agreed. I took out my phone and saved the number under Taeyeon and I was so tempted to put a heart next to her name but that was suicidal. I phoned her and she took her vibrating phone out and saved my number too. We had fucking swapped numbers.

"Alright. I think it's best you finish your lunch Tiffany before class starts. Thank you for coming to keep me company" Taeyeon said before winking, hell yes. "No problem, see you soon" I winked right back. That's right, I'm flirting with you.

Texting That day.....wow it was still surreal to me. Right now I was lying in bed staring at her number on my phone. I really wanted to text her but what the hell would I say? It was frustrating to be so near yet so far. I knew she felt something but whether it was just platonic friendship or what I wanted (romantic feelings), I guess I'd never know. Yesterday's tutoring went okay, I think she was reluctant to talk to me properly after I saw her put her guard down, maybe it embarrassed her... I don't know. But I hoped that she would open up to me at some point.

Hi, are you okay now?- I can't send that can i? You're so sexy- ha nice one

Hmmm, what can I text her? As if by magic I got a text, and it was her. I swear my heart skipped a beat and my jaw would become unhinged if it dropped any lower. My thumb hesitated to press the 'open' button but I took a deep breath and pushed it.

-Hi Tiffany, it's Taeyeon. Just wondering if everything is okay now and the homework I gave you isn't causing too much trouble?-

Oh my fucking god if I were to die now from a heart attack I'd die happy. She text

me, pinch me I must be dreaming! Ow, nope not dreaming. What do I write back? I didn't want to be too eager yet I didn't want to be too careful either...

-Hey, how are you? I'm okay, no more fights as of yet ^^ Yeah the homework is fine, I've done it already -

I pressed send and watched it until I saw the tick next to it indicating it had been sent. If this phone was a person, it probably would have died because I was squeezing the life out of it in anticipation. -1 new message-

-I'm fine thanks. Aw damn, I was hoping for some drama! Wow you nerd ;)-

I think I just died. She gave me a winky face oh my god!

-Yah! I was right, you are a bully >.
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