HiCap Settings for Ericsson LTE Rev D

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HiCap settings for Ericsson LTE Pre VoLTE

A! Performance "tandards & #est Practices

© 2012 AT&T Intellectual Property. Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T

Guiding Principles for HiCap Settings 

educe Idle and $onnected %ode %oility o

'eep (T) capale *)s on the (T) net+ork , further consideration ne-t slide


(imit Interat elease +ith edirect/ from (T)


(imit $ell eselection from (T)


"trongly favor $ell eselection from *%T" to (T)


(everage reactive (oad #alancing algorithms as fallack

$onserve esources o



Prioritie Accessiility over Throughput and etainaility educe signaling due to %oility and ropped calls and $"# recovery irect tra3c through Idle %ode procedures %ulti eA$!/

Further consideration for keeping UEs on LTE Maximie UEs on LTE! 

Pro o

)-pectation of (T) *) eing on (T) is satis4ed.

$on o

Possiility of etter e-perience on *%T" is not availale.

"istri#ute across technologies! 

Pro o

Potential for etter e-perience


Potential for improved 'PIs across technologies

$on o

Implementation not currently availale

Properties of HiCap Settings HiCap Settings ha$e the follo%ing properties& 

$ommunicated via the 5old "tandard o


6i$ap parameters are distinguished through the use of the 76i$ap8 su3$an e used +ith or +ithout a A"

9ptimied for use in :enue "ites o




6i$ap settings are optimied for use during large events "peci4c values are optimied for speci4c events e.g. concert vs. aseall game !ot meant for non;venue sites rule suspended for no+/ 6i$ap is preemptive as opposed to 9verload management separate initiative/

Trial Timelines 

("* ootall game , "ystem $onstants o



Implement )ricsson "ystem $onstant changes =rd !ov. "ee %A$ and ($ layer changes +ith 7)ricsson8 pre4- is suse>uent slides

"use>uent trial phase 1/

 Trial "ummary


Phase I activities are denoted +ith a


$onsult +ith :&) to target event locations and times o

 "9! elated


1 A$6

"ummary of trials o

? $ell "election@eselection o


= 6andover


? "cheduler


= %A$ (ayer


2 Admission @ $ongestion $ontrol = esign @ $ore 1 (icense

Speci'c HiCap (nitiati$es 

$ell "election & eselection o

(o+er >-(ev%in to keep (T) capale *)s on (T) 



aise >-(ev%in to allo+ for a higher e6yst"f%ediumG .teselection*tra"f6ighG .teselection*tra"f%edium.

"et s!onIntra"earch intra(T)/ to 0 to keep (T) capale *)s on (T) 


educe )*tran$ellC>-(ev%in from ;122 5"/ to ;10.

)*tran$ellCsystemInformation#lock=.s!onIntra"earch from ? 5"/ to 0. Assumes single )A$! environment

(imit cell radius through " attenuation and@or antenna

Speci'c HiCap (nitiati$es 

6andover o


educe fre>uency of )vents A- and #- to reduce signaling & e! processor load 

Increase eport$on4g)*tra#ad$ovPrimCtimeToTriggerA2Prim from ?0 5"/ to 12H0 ms.

Increase eport$on4g)*tra#est$ellCtimeToTriggerA= from ?0 5"/ to 12H0 ms.

Interre>uncy (oad #alancing ne+ in (12#/ 

Implement A 121 =00J in venues +ith multi )A$! support.

Activate feature Interre>uency(oad#alancingCfeature"tateInterre>uency(oad#alancing E 1

  o

 Turn on capaility )*tran$ellelationCload#alancing E 1 $onsider appropriate values for cell"uscription$apacityG

)ricsson ; (oad $ontrol Trigger 

AdKust the ma-imum numer of initial accesses and incoming handovers that are allo+ed during a time +indo+ +ithout triggering the load control mechanism.

"ystem $onstant FF?.

)ricsson is +orking on 4nal recommendation +ith P*.

Speci'c HiCap (nitiati$es 

"cheduler 1 of 2/ o

Increase numer of users per TTI 



 This needs to e discussed more +ith )ricsson. $ould e soft+are support dependant or could e "ystem $onstants.

avor users +ith etter $LI in order to increase the utiliation of less roust more e3cient/ %$" values. 

$hange LciPro4lePrede4ned.schedulingAlgorithm from  P9P9TI9!A(BAIB(9D/ to F %AMI%*%B$B9:)BI/ in order to ma-imie cell throughput. $onsider "9! for this.

%ove poorest >uality users to *%T".

(ook at $LI distriution as an indication of ho+ ad it +ould e for poor $@I users.

AdKust "I $LI/ to favor throughput over roustness 

 This is possile in A(*G not sure aout )ricsson. !eed to discuss further.

Speci'c HiCap (nitiati$es 

"cheduler 2 of 2/ o



Increase numer of concurrent $ $onnected users. 

*pgrade e! from (12A up to N00 users/ to (12# up to 1F00 connected users/. %ake sure )*tran$ellCno9fPucch"r*sers has een increased to FJ0 5"/ and )*tran$ellCno9fPucch$>i*sers to =20 5"/.

!et+ork deployment of (12A egan 2J 9ct. +ith early deployment to :enue sites.

)ricsson ; $hange "ystem $onstant common"rPeriodicity from 10 to 20 ms.  This parameter determines ho+ often the "cheduler allo+s the *) to make a "chedule e>uest on the P*$$6.

)ricsson ; educe tInactivityTimer. 

educe tInactivityTimer from 10 seconds to  seconds.

Dill allo+ releasing resources >uickly and allo+ for handling of more tra3c.

educing value re>uires implementation through "pecial Purpose Package and needs to e discussed as potential improvement in (12#.

Increase inactivity timer to reduce $ $onnection attempts 

Increase csCtInactivityTimer from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.

#e careful to avoid e-ceeding the supported ma-imum of concurrent $ $onnected users.

Speci'c HiCap (nitiati$es 

6AL etransmissions %A$ layer/ o



)ricsson ; )-tend poll time 

)-tend the time for ne+ poll if no status report is received from H0 ms to 1?0 ms for oth "ignaling adio #earer and ata adio #earer.

Dill reduce ")@TTI usage for retransmissionsG allo+ing more ")@TTI to serve tra3c.

"ystem $onstants tPolletransmit*l and tPolletransmitl.

)ricsson ; educe ma- ($ etransmissions 

educe the numer of ($ retransmissions for "ignaling adio #earer and ata adio #earer to H.

Dill reduce ")@TTI usage for retransmissions allo+ing more ")@TTI to serve tra3c.

%ight cause etainaility degradation.

"ystem $onstants dl%a-et-Threshold and ul%a-et-Threshold

)ricsson ; educe P$$6 link adaption algorithm from 10d to ? d. 

"ystem constant 220 to e changed to ?0.

%ore detail needed from )ricsson.

Speci'c HiCap (nitiati$es 

 Timers ($ layer/ o

)ricsson ; )-tend poll time 

$hange "ystem $onstant Timer t=02 from F to 1? seconds.

e4nes the amount of time the *) needs to +ait to access the site +hen $ $onnection eKect is received.

Dill e-tend the time until *)s can perform a reattempt.

Dill inuence only *)s that are compliant +ith this timer.

Speci'c HiCap (nitiati$es 

"9! related o



AdKust Interat $ell eselection parameters on oth net+orks to alance load 

A "9! algorithm that +ould monitor consumale utiliation on the *%T" and (T) net+orks and +ould adKust 7"8 and 768 parameters to alance load and reduce locking on oth net+orks.

isale $ell eselection from *%T" to (T) +hen (T) is in overload.

$"# target prioritiation ased on *%T" load 

A "9! algorithm that actively adKusts the priority of the *A$! used in the elease +ith edirect message associated +ith $"# *tranre>elationCcsallackPrio/ to actively alance the load among the *%T" *A$!s serving +ithin the (T) )A$!.

$onsider 5"% as an option as +ell.

$onsideration for pathloss di
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