in financial accounting is a technique that summarizes a group of companies' financial statements into one. This offers the benefit of ie!ing the !hole group's financial information together to see ho! all companies are doing combined. "ncreasingl#$ global organizations need to integrate data from multiple transactional s#stems$ transition to ne! international financial reporting standards$ and improe their transparenc# and regulator# compliance procedures. Companies use a ariet# of tools %spreadsheets$ emails$ piots and queries& to identif# and summarize all business unit actiit# that interacting !ith other business units. This can often mean thousands of transactions$ all of !hich must be identified$ reconciled and eliminated
elimination refers to the process for remoal of transactions bet!een companies included in a group in the preparation of consolidated accounts. "ntercompan# transactions %sales$ serices$ transfers& must be eliminated in the parent financial statements other!ise a compan# could be )double*counting+ actiit#. Ho!eer$ the process inoles a lot of reporting and paper!or, for intercompan# relationships can be quite complicated. -ata
must be reie!ed$ reconciled and approed before process is complete.
Hitachi Consulting |
Wat is H!perion Financial Mana"ement # /racle H#perion Financial Management %HFM& is a comprehensie$ Web*
based application that deliers global financial consolidation$ reporting and anal#sis in a single$ highl# scalable soft!are solution. HFM utilizes toda#'s most adanced technolog#$ #et is built to be o!ned
and maintained b# the enterprise's finance team. HFM has financial controls$ !or,flo! and best*practices built into the
platform to support0 1. 8. ;. =. . @.
23 4556 and "F73 7eporting 3arbanes /9le# %3/:& Compliance 5udit Trails and 5ctiit# 7< Capabilities "ntercompan# (liminations Foreign (9change Translations
Hitachi Consulting |
HFM is a finance*o!ned$ "T*supported s#stem that allo!s #our
organization to quic,l# ma,e changes as conditions !arrant but trac,s those changes to proide transparenc# and isibilit# for auditabilit#. While HFM is a !eb soft!are application$ it also has an add*in !ith
Microsoft /ffice %called 3martie!& !hich allo!s users to forecast or budget in Microsoft (9cel$ an enironment comfortable to most finance users.
Hitachi Consulting |
Cant $e do te same in e%cel # /f course A..
We can do same in e9cel but maintaining huge data is difficult. Wh# do !e use HFM for consolidation !hen there are other tools ? 2ser
friendl# Web based application for each tas, there is separate module. (9ample 0* Bournals (limination
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