HFM Smartview AdHoc Analysis

April 21, 2018 | Author: Amit Sharma | Category: Microsoft Excel, Technology, Computing, Software, Application Software
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HFM Smartview AdHoc Analysis...


Getting Started with Oracle Hyperion Smartview Ad Hoc Analysis

Presented By :Amit Sharma


Lesson 5: Ad Hoc Analysis Duration: 30 minutes Topics Ad Hoc Analysis Smart View Overview Smart View Architecture Installing Smart View Smart View and Hyperion Retrieve Smart View Ecel Inter!ace "onnection #ypes "onnecting to $ata Sources


Ad Hoc Analysis In ad hoc analysis% analysis% you use Smart View !unctionality !unctionality with Ecel spreadsheets to retrieve and analy&e data 'y selecting mem'ers% using !unctions% and per!orming a variety o! operations% including !ormatting% to design your reports( To start ad hoc analysis: ) *rom Recently +sed% Shared "onnections% or ,rivate "onnections on the Smart View ,anel% select one o! the !ollowing! ollowingSmart Slice *orm "u'e or plan type


Ad Hoc Analysis To start ad hoc analysis:

. *rom the Action ,anel% select Ad hoc analysis( Alternatively% right/clic the o'1ect in the Smart View ,anel and select Ad hoc analysis( #he data provider ri''on is displayed( 3 +se the ri''on 'uttons to per!orm ad hoc analysis on the current worsheet(


,reserving Ecel *ormulas in Ad Hoc Grids 2y de!ault% !ormulas !ormulas are preserved when you per!orm ad hoc operations% ecept !or ,ivot( #o achieve !aster eecution o! ueries% you can disa'le the preservation o! !ormulas and comments( However% i! you select this option% !ormulas are overwritten when you per!orm ad hoc operations(


,reserving Ecel *ormulas in Ad Hoc Grids To specify preservation of formulas in ad hoc grids: ) *rom the Smart View ri''on% clic Options% and then 4em'er Options in the le!t panel( . $o one o! the !ollowing#o preserve !ormulas in ad hoc grids% select ,reserve *ormulas and "omments in ad hoc operations 5ecept pivot6( #o disa'le preservation o! !ormulas% clear ,reserve *ormulas and "omments in ad hoc operations 5ecept pivot6( $o this only i! you do not need to preserve !ormulas and you want !aster eecution o! ueries( 3 "lic O7(


+sing Smart View *ormatting Smart View !ormatting consists o! !ormatting selections made in the "ell Styles and *ormatting pages o! the Options dialog 'o( #o set Smart View !ormatting options) *rom the Smart View ri''on% clic Options( . *rom Options% to set cell styles% select "ell Styles in the le!t pane( 3 #o set other Smart View !ormatting options% select *ormatting !rom the le!t pane 5+se Ecel *ormatting on this page is not a Smart View !ormatting option6( 8 "lic O7(


Zooming In and Out 9ou can &oom in on mem'ers in the grid to display data !or their children and descendents( 4em'ers

o! the same level% same generation% or si'ling level as the selected

mem'er 4em'ers that are de!ined 'y the !ormula o! the selected mem'er


Setting a $e!ault :oom ;evel #o set a :oom In de!ault level) *rom the Smart View ri''on% select Options% and then select 4em'er Options in the le!t panel( . *rom the :oom In ;evel drop/down menu( 3 "lic O7(


Selecting 4em'ers to $isplay when :ooming 9ou can set options to speci!y which mem'ers are retained and displayed as you &oom in and out( To set member display options for zooming: ) *rom the Smart View ri''on% select Options% and then select 4em'er Options in the le!t panel((


Selecting 4em'ers to $isplay when :ooming Include Selection to display 'oth the selected mem'er and the mem'ers retrieved as a result o! &ooming( *or eample% &ooming in on the selected mem'er
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