Hershey Case Analysis

July 25, 2018 | Author: Monique Angela Garcia | Category: Strategic Management, Sales, Competition, Brand, Competitive Advantage
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Hershey Food Corporation’s competitive strategy was not potent that they fell behind its major competitors....


Case Analysis (Hershey’s Food Corporation)

Submitted to: Dr. Stephanie Dadivas

Submitted by: Monique Angela Garcia Grecel Calbog Michael Rey Galeno Sharmaine Parcia Rhissa oyce !madhay "S Act #

%$ Statement of the Problem &ershey 'ood Corporation(s competitive competitive strategy )as not potent that they *ell behind its ma+or competitors.

Objectives , , , , ,

-o be the leading leading and stronge strongest st con*ectio con*ectionary nary company company in and and out o* the !nited !nited States. States. -o retain its its positio position n as the leader leader in the con*ecti con*ectionary onary indus industry try in the !S !S and globally globally.. -o increa increase se its its pro*i pro*itab table le mare marett share. share. -o develop develop a strong strong and e**ective e**ective competiti competitive ve strategy strategy.. -o be able to implem implement ent the competit competitive ive advantag advantagee and to secure secure its sustaina sustainabili bility ty..

Areas of Consideration Mareting Strategy $ &ershey has stepped up its *ocus on the convenience and vending channels/ t)o channels in )hich competitor Mars has traditionally done )ell. &ershey(s must establish its o)n mareting strategy to be able to oppose )ith its competitors and retain its title as one o* the leading con*ectionary company. Di**erentiation Di**erentiation Strategy $ &ershey 'oods Corp. does not *ocus on the products that they originally manu*acture/ instead they bought other con*ectionary products *or the consumers to have an array o* choice o* their products. &ershey(s must design a product that is di**erent and )ithin the consumer(s tastes. &ershey(s should also invest their time in developing a product that can clearly position themselves as a leader in the con*ectionary industry. industry.

Alternative Courses of Action ,

Create Create a di**erenti di**erentiation ation strate strategy gy that that could mae mae their produc products ts unique unique and )ill )ill enable enable them to be a leader leader in the con*ectionary industry. industry.


Develop Develop a competitive competitive intell intelligenc igencee that can build build industry industry a)areness a)areness// support support the strategic strategic planning planning  process/ develop ne) products products and create ne) mareting mareting strategies and tactics. tactics.


-hey have have to invest invest in advertis advertisement ement// i* they have have to maintain0 maintain0incre increase ase their their maret maret share.


!se internati international onal advertisem advertisement ent to to promot promotee their their produc product. t.


!se mult multina inati tiona onall channe channell to incre increase ase the the sales sales..


&ershey &ershey should should adopt the 1Global 1Global Channel Channelss o* Distributi Distribution2 on2 to increase increase the sales sales )orld)ide )orld)ide in order order to compete )ith its competitors.

ecommendations 3e recommend that &ershey should adopt the 1Global Channels o* Distribution2 to increase their sales in order to compete )ith its competitors. &ershey needs to continue to *ocus on the global maret. &ershey currently has a limited presence in many areas o* the )orld. &ershey has to develop a strong range o* brands/ increased the quality qua lity o* their products and *ocused on innovation o* the e4isting products. -he company must also engage in product stimulation on a regular basis that enables it to stay on top o* other competing products. -hey must integrate into each country(s culture and develop a strategy to immerse their brand name into these areas. -his )ill mae &ershey(s/ )hich is already a good per*ormer in the industry/ a more competitive company in its maret.

Conclusion &ershey(s maret share is less than 56 percent/ lo)est among its competitor. So/ &ershey should come up )ith ne) strategies in *inance/ mareting/ production department and in organi7ation structure to increase the maret share and compete globally. Global competitive advantage )ill mean having the best technologies and processes *or designing/ manu*acturing/ selling and servicing products at the lo)est  possible cost. -o -o gain lasting lasting global competitive competitive advantage a company company has to leverage its capabilities capabilities around the )orld so that the company as a )hole is greater than sum o* its parts. Selling globally/ having global brands or having operations in di**erent countries )ill not be enough.  -his study used &ershey 'ood Corporation as a case to demonstrate ho) to *ormulate global product strategy to penetrate gro)ing international marets.

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