Hero's Journey

May 26, 2018 | Author: Kyle Bollinger | Category: N/A
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Short Description

My Life as it parallels Joseph Campbell's 11 steps...


able o Contents Intro


An Ordinary World


Call to Adventure


Acceptance/Reusal Accep tance/Reusal o the Call


Meeting a Mentor


Crossing the Treshold


Road o rials


Supreme Ordeal


Ultimate Boon


Acceptance/Reusal Accep tance/Reusal o the Return


Crossing the Return Treshold


Master o wo Worlds

We Live In An Ordinary World.

“Follow your bliss.” “A Hero is someone who has given his or her lie to something bigger than onesel.” -Joseph Campbell

Campbell’s Monomyth; why every hero starts out ordinary.





Brings Home To Communi Community  ty 

A Hero must start ordinary to be extraordinary. A Hero must bring the spoils o his Journey home.

As a high school reshman, I had no idea what the world may have remotely have had in store or me. I never elt out my surroundings, I was a jellysh with no way to propel mysel in the direction I wanted to go. I had no need or muscles or a skeleton because I was ed and content.

I have been using computers since I was younger on a Windows 95 desktop. Te idea o technology has always intrigued me. When I saw the beautiully designed Mac Pro machines in my high school’s Advertising Art Classroom, I knew I had to be in that t hat class. In my Sophomore year, I was along with a new passion or the arts. I was in my elementary school’s Art Club, and I knew I was creative. Graphic Design was a oreign term to me, but now I heard it just about everyday. Te call was strong aer I won the Arizona SkillsUSA Advertising Design Competition. Te seniors in my  class were angry and I was conused, I thought there was a pecking order. I there was a pecking order, I jumped straight to the ront and got to represent our state in the skill Olympics.

I now have a plan. A plan that will get me where I want to be.



Me Life Unforseen Events

Diana Cure was one o the best educators I have ever met. Well prepared, wise and a veteran to design thinking. She was the wind to my small smoke re that got me burning away and made me think. Tinking takes a certain responsibility. eaching someone to think is one o the best b est traits you could pass down to the next generation.


I now am growing one o my avorite skills, Graphic Design and Design Tought. In the sae and highly enriched environment o Arizona State University. Te pot o Arcadia High School was much too small.

Developing For  Future Use

 Visiblee Talents  Visibl Talents

Closed Environment



“I have learned that any ool can write a bad ad, but it takes real genius to keep his hands o a good one.” -Burnett


Losing  is  Tough


and it gave me my doubts. I was reassured that the allknowing God Designer was dead in me the two consecutive years aer my state victory were bitter losses. I now realize that I have some work to do. My lie was not the perect advertisemen advertisement, t, I could not just continue to automaticly create brilliant works and not run into bad luck. Te thing about luck is, it can be over taken by  skill.



It Only  Gets  Worse.


Now in a tsunami o questioning mysel I now had the  job o working though my aults and strengthening my  abilities, not only in design, but in all respects. I have this massive thing called the internet blocking much o  my productivity and in my opinion is the most interesting thing on and o the planet and I have to worry  about this little looming milestone.


mile·stone [mahyl-stohn] Within the ramework o project management, a milestone is the end o a stage that marks the completion o a work package or phase, typically marked by a high level event such as completion, endorsement or signing o a deliverable, deliverab le, document or a high level review meeting.


Design is great as an occupation and a way to look at things around me, but what I aspire to is that greater calling. Greater than any career can ulll, and that is starting a amily with a mate who believes in me and can be believed in by me. A perect partnership. partnership. Tis challenge is much more difcult than a milestone in any respects and is by ar more rewarding. As I grow into my place in the world I think more and more about this person. I think about what they might do for a liv ing. ing. What is their calling? What are their wants? How can I achieve those goals with them? What are their wants and goals?


Perect Love, being in complete sync with another person’s wants. Not even a mother can claim that with her children. So why do we tease ourselves? We are only observers, onlookers to Perect Love and complete in sync-ness. Tese are not words o discouragement, they are simply  what we are up against. Right on the wall o glass that keeps us out. We understand what it looks like, in movies or books that portray Perect Love. However, we don’t see the process, because the process has yet to exist. A lie goal I have taken on is the exploration o Love. oday it comes with a lot o negitive connotations relating to lust or superiority over someone. A main trait I believe Love brings out is the need to know every want o the other, to be in sync.


A method is needed to organize our lie goals, this is one I explore explore.. I nd a key thing in a relationship is knowing the other person’s wants. Te Method can be used to identiy more wants. When you ask someone a question that has the ability to lie (everyone), than how do you ever know they are telling the truth or lying? Faith? Hope? Love is what we Long or, but Hope is what we Have. An action is physical, and in this starved society things t hings like sex are loaded with personal motives rather than personal expression. Knowing a person you will generally know the answer to some questions because you have asked or witnessed their actions, however to people who are completely in-sync never ask the other to do something that requires a “no”. Tus, getting closer to the Perect Love we humans deserve. Reer to “Te Method” a process of yes or urther understandin understanding. g.



I used to believe I wouldn’t be tame. I would be a designer with a mission, and that mission wasn’t to settle down. Others might try both But they choose their career over a amily. Tat is why I choose a amily over a career now, I can invest my resources wisely and not have to choose. I pledge to literally accept my return to my amily everyday aer my rst love, design.


When I return home to my wie and kids rom design my work is still not done. I understand this, I am sitting in my easy chair, relaxing my kids will have their aults their problems, my wie may no longer except me as a ull man and emasculate me and tell me how misbehaved our children are. She may even take them and leave me. However I will stay steadast, because I know that with each return home I can lay down my knowledge into my household. I can tell them my Journey and how they are the biggest and most important part. Tey  will know, because I constantly am seeking the goals o  protecting their well being and developing them beside me. Perect Love will be understood by them because I will demonstrate it to the best o my ability.






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