hero honda mis

October 19, 2018 | Author: chetan anand | Category: Sap Se, Online Safety & Privacy, Computer Security, Enterprise Resource Planning, Email Spam
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This is a term paper on Management information system of Hero Honda...




ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I express my profound sense of gratitude to my faculty guide Mr Sanj facult lty y memb member er,, Depa Depart rtme ment nt of  Sanjay ay Medh Medhav avii, facu Business Administration, University of Lucknow, and my teacher  of ‘Inf ‘Inform ormat atio ion n Mana Manage geme ment nt in Busi Busine ness ss’, ’, for for his his syst system emat atic ic guidance throughout this term paper. I would also like to thank him for giving such a topic for term paper which helped me to develop a practical insight of whatever I had learnt in the class. I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to my family members and my friends, who extended all kinds of cooperation to me throughout the course of this work.


CONTENTS  1.  Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------4  2.  Pre SAP Scenario-------------------------------------------------------------5 3. The IT Infrastructure---------------------------------------------------------6 

4. Enterprise Enterprise Application--Application-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7  -------7  Management------------------------9 -----9 5.  Supplier & Customer Relationship Management------------------6. eHR Implement Implementation ation---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 ---11 1 7. Informatio Information n & IT security security management management----------------------------------------------------------1 -------12 2 8.  Benefits to HHML-------------------------------------------------------------20 9.  Bottlenecks----------------------------------------------------------------------22 10. Snapshots of IT setupat HHML--------------------------------------------23 11. Summary-----------------------------------------------------------------------24  12. Bibliography------------------------------------------------------------------25



One of the biggest success stories in the Indian two wheeler segment, Hero Honda is a household name today. What’s What’s not so well known k nown is the fact that the company has  successfully used IT to help it reach the top.

What started out as a Joint Venture between Hero Group and the Honda Motor Motor Compan Company y of Japan Japan,, has today today become become the world’ world’ss singl singlee larg largest est twotwowheele wheelerr Compan Company y. Coming Coming into into existe existence nce on Januar January y 19, 1984, 1984, Hero Hero Honda Honda Motors Limited (HHML) gave India nothing less than a revolution on two-wheels, made even more famous by the ‘Fill it - Shut it - Forget it ‘campaign. Driven by the trust trust of over over 5 millio million n custom customers ers,, the Hero Honda Honda produc productt range range today today commands a market share of 48% making it a veritable giant in the industry. Add technological excellence, an expansive dealer network, and reliable after sales servic servicee to that that and we have have one of the the most most custom customerer- friendly friendly companie companies. s. Customer satisfaction, a high quality product, coupled with the strength of Honda technology and the Hero group’s group’s dynamism has helped HHML scale scale new frontiers and exceeds limits. For New Delhi–based Hero Honda, success has brought significant rewards – and some daunting challenges. The company, established in 1985 as a  joint venture between Hero Group of India and Honda of Japan, holds a 50% market share in India and has grown to become the world’s largest two-wheeler  manufacturer. In the last six years Hero Honda’s sales volume grew by 400%, and this this year year the the compan company y expect expectss to manuf manufact acture ure and sell more more than than 3 millio million n motorcycles. It’s no wonder that Hero Honda has won accolades in the New Delhi  business press. In fact, in 2001 Hero Honda’s chairman Brijmohan Lall Munjal received the “Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year” award for India, and in 2005 he was presented with the “Padma Bhushan,” a prestigious award from the Indian government. But growth has brought unique challenges, too. Hero Honda now supplies motorcycles through more than 500 dealers and 700 service points, institutions, and overseas customers. In addition, the company calls on more than 240 suppliers for its parts and subassemblies. The challenge for Hero Honda: cut time and waste out of its supply chain and add more flexibility in meeting the fastchanging dynamics of the modern market in India Hero Honda is a leader in the two wheeler segment in the country, country, and even claims to be the world’s largest two wheeler company in its advertising. To reach the heights that it has, Hero Honda has successfully leveraged the IT advantage, especially in recent times .



The company has a highly efficient and reliable network today. But till 1998 Hero Honda depended on legacy systems, which had a high failure rate. The set up was not in a position to cater to the expansion that Hero Honda went through and was not suitably updated. Because it was obsolete, the management decided to revamp the entire IT set up according to S R Balasubramanian, Balasubramanian, vice president, Information Systems, Hero Honda Motors. HHML had legacy systems working on different   platforms, which were developed in-house and tailor-made to their method of  workin working. g. Since Since the legac legacy y syste systems ms took took care care of data data proce processi ssing, ng, only only some some operational reports got generated by the system. Real MIS resided on Excel sheets along with different kinds of analysis. Information, therefore, was fragmented and the authenticity was questionable. Over a period of time, the systems underwent changes and represented a patchwork of several additions and modifications. They were were loose loosely ly integr integrate ated d across across functi functiona onall areas. areas. There There was was duplic duplicati ation on and inform informati ation on incons inconsis isten tency cy as happen happenss with with most most legac legacy y applic applicati ations ons.. It was was therefore important to migrate from this platform to something more stable and futuristic.

MOTIVATION FOR CHANGE At that point of time the management perception about IT was also changing and they they deci decide ded d IT woul would d be part part and and parc parcel el of Hero Hero Hond Honda. a. This This help helped ed in modernising the information systems at the company. company. Apart from this, competition in business and deployment of bandwidth hungry applications forced the company to migrate from a slower legacy network to the new faster and more reliable network. The management’s vision was to align IT with business. IT was to be used used as a stra strate tegi gicc busi busine ness ss tool tool rath rather er than than for for a limi limite ted d purp purpos osee of data data   proce processi ssing. ng. An inform informati ation on syste systems ms plan plan was drawn drawn up, which which beside besidess other  other  things, stated that the organisation would go for common systems across the organisation. It would also achieve integration between all systems; emphasis would be on improving business processes, processes, to adopt best practices and to cover the entire supply chain. HHML wanted to consider only state-of-the-art systems and one which had a clear road map for the future including conduct of business over  the net. Tired of in-house developed systems, they wanted a standard solution and in particular, an ERP. Their idea was to partner with a technology vendor capable of taking them forward as the business expectations increase.


The IT infrastructure of the company is connected over three major Local Area   Networks (LANs). These connect the corporate office in New Delhi with two manufacturing plants (Gurgaon and Dharuhera), and other zonal and marketing offices. 21 locations are connected through its Wide Area Area Network (W (WAN) AN) set-up. Most of these locations are connected with the corporate office through VPNs, leased lines, and at few places through VSAT connectivity. The motorbike major  has a total of seven TDM/TDMA VSATs and two PAMA VSATs. As far as the VPN set-up is concerned, it is still a closed-user group. For connectivity between its Dharuhera and Gurgaon facilities the company uses a very fast radio link. The company has installed the PAMA VSATs from Comsat Max as a backup facility. The Hero Honda network spans 750 nodes across the country. Hero Honda uses 10/100 Mbps Ethernet switched technology for data transmission and is connected with both optic fibre and Cat 5 cables. Optic fibre is used for the   bac backb kbon one, e, whic which h will will also also solv solvee the the futu future re band bandwi widt dth h requ requir irem emen ents ts of the the company. The company has three Cisco routers. The company also uses a mix of  switches from three vendors: Cisco, IBM and 3Com. For non-critical applications, the company has opted for 3Com switches. “As IBM switches are cheaper than Cisco ones, we will be going in for more and more IBM switches in the future,” says Balasubramanian. All the switches and hubs at the company are managed devices. Apart from this the company also uses an IBM RS 6000 server for  running SAP applications, and other midrange servers for running Ingres and Oracle. For Lotus Notes applications the company has opted for IBM’s Netfinity servers. As far as other networking hardware is concerned, the Gurgaon plant has two Cisco routers, which are connected to an IBM LAN Route Switch, and the storage box is connected to the RS 6000 server. The company is also using a tape library, which works as a backup device. One One of the the key key feat featur ures es of Hero Hero Hond Honda’ a’ss netw networ orks ks is that that most most site sitess enjo enjoy y excell excellent ent backu backup p facili facilitie ties. s. For insta instance nce,, Dharu Dharuher heraa is connec connected ted direc directly tly to Comsat Max’s PAMA VSAT main hub. The IT facilities at Gurgaon are connected with two electrical sources, two MCBs, and two UPSes. The company has also installed an extra server as a backup. It possesses a Network Attached Storage system, with plans to shift to a Storage Area Network. For this Hero Honda has gone in for an IBM Trivoli solution. The whole idea was that information systems should be able to cater to 99 percent of availability. Even if a LAN or a switch fails it should just take 10 minutes to switch to another LAN or switch.



A good and reliable messaging system was a long-standing need at Hero Honda. When they first introduced messaging, it took off very well. To ensure its success the management arranged training programmes at all the three major areas and also invited the regional offices to join in. The success of the messaging system was so good that people started overlooking the VSAT network. The company messaging set up evolved around Lotus Notes. They evaluated both Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Notes, and finally decided to go in for Lotus Notes. The Lotus Notes application at Hero Honda evolved around those applications that users are familiar with. This is done as a part of the information systems plan along with the business plan to integrate information systems in the organisation, inte integr grat atee all all the the depa depart rtme ment ntss. As the management knew that the implementation of ERP would take some time, they wanted to use that time to introduce an IT culture in the company. After the successful implementation of this system, the IT set-up faced some  problems during the first Diwali after the introduction of the messaging system. This This happ happen ened ed beca becaus usee of huge huge numb number er of gree greeti ting ng mess messag ages es and and card card attachments. This prompted the company to introduce a new greetings system on the lines of Bluemountain.com. They opened up a car4.809 cmd’s library system and asked the users to go to the card library and select a card and send it across. By this, no attachment would go, but only the link. After this they were able to avoid a considerable amount of traffic. And users were quite excited about having a card card appl applic icat atio ion. n. Peop People le star starte ted d enjo enjoyi ying ng the the use use of IT appl applic icat atio ions ns.. Subsequently, Subsequently, the company put up an intranet and workflow applications.

ERP IMPLEMENTATION The next move was to implement ERP in order to integrate various functions and control its operations. The company went live with SAP R3 on February 1, 2001. It uses modules like production, materials, finance, marketing, assets, quality sales and distribution. Siemens Information Systems was the implementation partner for  this rollout. The ERP implementation presented a high level of data integration. “ERP “ERP has has help helped ed the the comp compan any y imme immens nsel ely y. Today oday nobo nobody dy asks asks any any othe other  r  department for information. One can log in and see reports online,” says Mukesh Malhot Malhotra, ra, deputy deputy genera generall manage managerr, Hero Hero Honda Honda Motors Motors.. They They were were able able to implement better cost control measures. This had helped them in calculating the cost cost of cons consum umab able les, s, tool tool inve invent ntor ory y cost cost,, powe powerr and and fuel fuel cost costs, s, and and plan plantt overheads. Because of this they also became ready for future SCM and CRM implementations.



HHML evaluated BAaN and Oracle. The overwhelming presence of SAP in the automotive sector was one of the important reasons for selection. The customer  references spoke strongly about SAPs ability to address the needs. The project took off with a great start. It imparted one-day awareness training sessions to around 135 managers and key users explaining the project and roles of core team members and users. There were hiccups in between because of staff turnover at the implementation   partn partners ers’’ end becaus becausee of which which the project project had to be extend extended ed by a month. month. However, they kept various activities on schedule. They were one week behind at the last stage of Go-Live preparation but made that up in the last month. The Steering Committee played a useful role and wherever some policy issues could not be decided, the CEO intervened to resolve. End users were involved at various stages and hence they adapted to the new systems well. The first few days saw several problems but the help desk (available 24 hrs) attended to them promptly. Every day thereafter saw lesser problems and the operations got streamlined in 15 days. The yearly closing ended on the 31st March 2001, (2 months from Go Live) and was completed in 24 days. Year closing for the following year was achieved in 11 days and HHML was the second company in India to declar declaree result results. s. This This indica indicated ted the stabil stability ity of syste systems ms and the effic efficien iencie ciess achieved.

IMPLEMENTATION PARTNERS Siemens Information Systems Ltd (SISL) were the implementation partners. They imparted initial training to the users and core team members. They also helped in redefi redefinin ning g variou variouss proces processes ses based based on their their experi experienc ence. e. They They gave gave valuab valuable le sugges suggestio tions ns for improv improveme ement nt at variou variouss stages stages.. In the Steeri Steering ng Commit Committee tee meetings they clarified various issues and helped in convincing the management to make various changes.

RECORD-BREAKING IMPLEMENTATION TIME Hero Honda also profited from services delivered remotely by SAP consultants in Singapore and software developers in Walldorf, Germany. This international approach ensured that any issues were dealt with rapidly and effectively. The speed with which technical issues were resolved was impressing. In some cases, SAP’s SAP’s German developers found answers overnight. Thanks to close collaboration  between SAP and Hero Honda, the project was completed in a record three months. Implementing the latest mySAP SRM and mySAP CRM capabilities in such a tight time frame was an ambitious goal



Processing Orders Manually They They have have a larg largee supp supply ly chai chain n and and they they need needed ed accu accura racy cy and and spee speed d in the the deliveries of raw material and components. Their suppliers were given a plan for  the month but changes are often necessitated by market conditions – like changes in the mix of models and colors. And there could also be increase or decrease in demand. They wanted the ability to respond to these changes by aligning the  production plan, supply schedule of components, and other resources to handle this efficiently. Hero Honda had already been using the mySAP™ ERP solution for its core applications but until January of 2004, the company continued to enter  its customer orders manually – using a portal to communicate with suppliers. They used to receive orders from dealers in the form of spreadsheets, e-mail, and phone calls. It took a few days to bring in the customer orders and consolidate them. Then they would get our material requirements plan from the ERP [enterprise resource planning] system and post the information on their portal. This was done through periodic updates – twice a day – and hence did not consistently give the latest information to their partners. They had no visibility of materials in transit and a lot of time was wasted on follow-ups. They also had to deal with incorrect deliveries from vendors when they sent either less or more than the scheduled quan quanti tity ty.. For For exam exampl ple, e, they they migh mightt have have orde ordere red d 100 100 unit unitss but but the the supp suppli lier  er  delivered 110. This kind of error would slow down the receiving station while thei theirr peop people le woul would d seek seek appr approv oval al for for rece receiv ivin ing g the the extr extraa quan quanti tity ty.. Also Also,, mismatches like this meant that either they carried more inventory than needed or  caused production holdups if the quantity supplied was less than ordered.

Automating Supplier Transactions Transactions In February 2004, Hero Honda began a pilot test, bringing in mySAP Supplier  Rela Relati tion onsh ship ip Manag anagem emen entt (myS (mySAP AP SRM) SRM) as well well as mySA mySAP P Cust Custom omer  er  Relationship Management (mySAP CRM), both solutions in the mySAP Business Suite family of business solutions. For the rollout of its supplier portal, Hero Hond Hondaa chos chosee its its top top 125 125 supp suppli lier erss – toge togeth ther er,, they they acco accoun untt for for 95% 95% of the the company’s supplies. Most of these suppliers now perform their transactions with Hero Honda through the Web-based self-service portal, in real time. Suppliers can now see the status of their orders, shipments, and invoices, and they can see new delivery schedules as soon as they’re processed by the Hero Honda production  plan. They can also use the portal to make confirmations along the way – for 


example, to confirm that they can handle a certain variation and to confirm that they’ll meet the delivery schedule.

SAP® Consulting It took three months to complete the rollout. Helping Hero Honda speed up the  process – and helping implement some of the newest features in mySAP SRM –  was SAP® Consulting. mySAP SRM experts, from both the Asia-Pacific region and SAP headquarters in Walldorf, Germany, worked on the project and helped Hero Honda develop some of its most complicated direct materials processes. They They assis assisted ted them them during during the entire entire implem implement entati ation on proce process ss and transf transferr erred ed knowledge to them. Also, they unlocked some software features that were not known even to be existing by people at HHML. For instance, they helped them implem implement ent instan instantt messa messagin ging, g, which which was was helpf helpful ul in contac contactin ting g the suppli suppliers ers quickly in the event of a production scheduling change – say, say, one that might occur   because of an upcoming holiday. SAP Consulting and the Asia-Pacific solutions team also helped Hero Honda integrate a bar code– reading function into the system, according to Balasubramanian. The bar code feature is used by those local suppliers who make just-in-time deliveries several times each day. For them, it’s faster and easier to process their deliveries via a bar code reader on the delivery dock than it is to make constant updates to the self-service portal.

End-to-End Process Integration Hero Honda also implemented a customer portal, as a feature of mySAP CRM. With the two portals now in place, the company benefits from end-to-end process integration. “Our dealers place their orders once a month,” he says. “Typically, a dealer might order several hundred motorcycles, as well as spare parts. So every Friday we get our orders in, we consolidate them on Saturday, Saturday, and on Monday morning our suppliers are all receiving our delivery schedules, directly from our   production planning system.” Because the ordering process is now fully automated, Hero Honda saves approximately three days over the time it used to take to complete this process. That translates into an inventory savings of about 10%, which in turn translates into a substantial cost savings. The automation also increases Hero Honda’s Honda’s own ability to be responsive to its dealers. Even though dealers normally place their  orders on a monthly basis, there are many times when they want to revise an order  that’s that’s already in process. They might do this to account for a sudden change in customer demand – for instance, their customers might start asking for a new color  or a different model. “For these revisions, we can get the change in on Friday and  be pretty sure that the entire shipment will go out, as scheduled, the following


week,” says Balasubramanian. The customers appreciate this kind of  responsiveness and it’s just what they, and they, need in order to continue to take advantage of this fast growing market.” The system’s system’s end-to-end integration pays dividends in maximizing order accuracy, accuracy, as well. They’ve greatly reduced the chances of mismatched orders too. For one thing, it’s easier for suppliers to check  their orders on the portal and they know that the portal’s information information is both accurate and up to the minute. Since the advance shipping notification created by the supplier is derived from the purchase order, the chance of a delivery mismatch with the order is almost zero.”

eHR IMPLEMENT IMPLEMENTA ATION With technology touching all aspects of today’s business, there is increasing usage of IT and Internet technologies in a company’s HR department. Suddenly HR  managers are finding themselves in a whirlwind of technological changes, with adoption of IT (both as process and tool) becoming a necessity for them. The past one year has seen IT playing a key role in the Personnel/ People Development/ HR  departments of companies, which are trying to make the best use of their systems for storing, organising or disseminating information to their employees. All this has resulted in HR professionals doing away with costly, time-consuming and redundant processes and opting for IT-enabled HR systems, which according to industry experts, marks the beginning of a new era in the functioning of HR   professionals Hero Hero Hond Hondaa has has opte opted d for for a SAP SAP HR modu module le.. S K Bala Balasu subr bram aman ania iam, m, vice vice  president-information systems, Hero Honda, informs that the company is in the   process of starting an ESS system which will enable employees to assess all information about their salary, tax, leave loan, etc. For its knowledge management requirements, the company is planning to set up a portal where employees can access information, exchange ideas freely and read articles compiled by the HR  department and all employees. Later, they also plan to use the intranet for external and internal recruitment, assessment and appraisal purposes


Information and IT Security Management  Enterprise security may not be as critical in a manufacturing organisation as in the banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI) sector. Nonetheless, it is import important ant,, especi especiall allyy when when it comes comes to a manufa manufactu cturin ring g compan companyy like like Hero Hero  Honda, which is extremely dependent on its computer systems and networks for its operations. A disruption in IT infrastructure could spell disruption in business operations. Taking all this into consideration, the company has been constantly evolvi evolving ng its informa informatio tion n securi security ty set-up set-up to keep keep pace pace with with its expand expanding ing IT  infrastructure. Today enterprise security at Hero Honda has reached one of the most critical junctures as the bike major has recently created a comprehensive information security policy. policy.   Ent Enter erpr pris isee secu securi rity ty at He Hero ro Hond Honda a goes goes beyo beyond nd IT secu securi rity ty to enco encomp mpas asss complete complete informatio information n security security.. The company company identifi identified ed the need for complete complete information security with IT security as one of the aspects within this whole conc concep ept. t. IT secu securi rity ty will will take take car care of only only some some intr intrus usio ions ns.. But But for for any any organ organisa isatio tion n there there is a need need to have have a clear clear identi identific ficati ation on of author authorisa isatio tions ns thr through ough info informa rmati tion on clas classi sifi fica cati tion on.. The The need need was was to find find out out what what type type of  information was there, who should access it and who should not in order to ensure complete data integrity Along with business growth, Hero Honda has also grown on all fronts. It has set up two manufacturing facilities at Dharuhera and Gurgaon in Haryana. These facilities now churn out over 3.5 million motorbikes per year. This growth is also applicable to the company’s employees and their business needs. As is the case with any other large organization, Hero Honda has nearly 1,600 desktop users. Email is a backbone of today’s business business and justifying that the company has created approximately 2,000 email ids for its users.

Security set-up so far The year 1999 was the inflection point for the entire IT set-up at Hero Honda, including information security. The company undertook a complete revamp of its IT infrastructure with a new architecture, expansion of its network, IT assets and applicati applications. ons. The security security approach has been evolutionary evolutionary,, in line with these these growin growing g requir requireme ements nts.. Connec Connectin ting g the entire entire organ organisa isatio tion n during during 1999, 1999, the company put its mailing system into place. This, however also led to the import of  viruses into the system, thereby warranting the need for a complete anti-virus soluti solution. on. Before Before this, this, there there was was anti-v anti-viru iruss softwa software re instal installed led only only on a few 12

desktops. The company chose McAfee for its comprehensive features and good installed base. Hero Honda has now implemented the complete suite, covering the desktop, servers and mail gateway. The company first deployed the Total Virus Defence (TVD) system, which was later upgraded to the Active Virus Defence (AVD) system around two years ago. Under AVD, Hero Honda is using Group Shield for Lotus Notes mailing system,  Netshield for NT and Window 2000 servers and Virus Scan for end-user desktops. The AVD works under the ePolicy Orchestrator agent, which is an agent installed on each each and every every deskto desktop p and delivers delivers the means to contro controll the anti-v anti-viru iruss applic applicati ations ons.. Accor Accordin ding g to Balasu Balasubra braman manian ian,, it gives gives the compan company y power power to enforce its anti-virus policy, to update the policy on end-user desktops and to monitor update progress through graphical reports. ePolicy has made it easier to enforce any anti-virus policy in the company in just two hours in all the offices. As part of the AVD architecture, Hero Honda has three AVD servers at the head office in Delhi, and the Gurgaon and Dharuhera plant. The AVD server at Delhi takes care of all head office-based servers, desktops and all zonal and area office desktops. Likewise, with the Gurgaon and the Dharuhera AVD servers. All the three servers are connected to the McAfee Internet site through the Net. As a result, whenever McAfee releases any new anti-virus DAT files, all three AVD serv server erss get get sync synchr hron onis ised ed with with McAf McAfee ee serv server er and and down downlo load ad the the DAT DAT file file (incre (increme mente nted) d) immedi immediate ately ly,, which which are then then distri distribut buted ed to all the the serve servers rs and desktops. In case of a virus attack on any of the servers and desktops, the ePolicy agent updates the AVD server about this new virus.

CORE CRISIS Messaging systems form the frontline for any organization. The external mail server forwards corporate mail to the internal mail server that is deployed on our  LAN over SMTP. The internal mail server is a central mail repository from where all the employees pop their individual mails. All the employees based in New Delhi, Dharuhera and Gurgaon plant, POP their mails from the local mail server. They have ISP level security which consists of a firewall, spam filter and antivirus. However, they soon realized that ISP level security was inadequate for the task at hand. The company was facing difficulties vis-à-vis messaging and there were Internet access access and secur security ity issue issuess relate related d to spam, spam, onlin onlinee and spamspam-rel relat ated ed malwar malwaree attack attackss and choke choked d bandwi bandwidth dth.. Moreov Moreover er,, the the compan company y wante wanted d to filter filter Web access.


The company receives an average of 26,000 e-mail messages per day, which translates to almost 1 GB of storage space. Of these at least 70 percent were spam. That used to work out to around 18,500 pieces of spam per day. The ISP was able to filter out about 50 percent of this. Still, almost 9,000 messages hit our internal mail server everyday. everyday. They tried out a few standalone, software-based spam filters with little success. Apart from a vast number of employees, HHML also has a vast chain of dealers and service stations spread across the country. So mails exchanged between these office officess often often got lost in the maze of spam spam and the busine business ss suffer suffered. ed. Often   busin business ess corres correspon ponden dence ce was incorr incorrect ectly ly class classifi ified ed as spam, spam, a case case of false false  positives, and deleted while spam continued to pour in. Mailboxes were clogged with spam. Having close to 9,000 spam messages hitting the local mail server on a daily basis was something that was not acceptable as, downloading legitimate mail along with the torrent of spam that dodged the ISP’s filters from the external mail server to the local one was a painfully slow and, quite often, frustrating process. Emphas Emphasizi izing ng anothe anotherr side side of this this crisi crisis, s, Bandwi Bandwidth dth consum consumpti ption on did not just just increase, it shot through the roof and to keep adding bandwidth was not a viable solution. Once the messages reached an individual’s mailboxes, they had to be checked and deleted manually. Many a times the recipients were tempted to read the spam and the mail processing time kept increasing at the cost of productivity. Legitimate e-mail messages were often lost in the maze of spam. The management began questioning the IT department regarding the extent of  spam, spam, which which was was mostly mostly unansw unanswera erable ble,, despit despitee the IT team’ team’ss best best effor efforts ts.. Employees stationed at remote locations such as Gurgaon and Dharuhera were worst hit. For them, the mail was first downloaded to the local mail server and then had to be POPped to their remote individual mail boxes. The download time of an individual message was very high and this was particularly frustrating since at least 50 percent of the mail was spam.

Need for firewall The need for further beefing up the security set-up beyond an anti-virus solution was felt as the company further opened up its systems to external access. Around a year-and-a-half year-and-a-half ago, apart from providing Internet access through the proxy server, the company also decided to provide connectivity with dealers and vendors for  information sharing, i.e. they could directly log in to the Web server. This required the deployment of a firewall to guard the systems from possible hackers and virus attacks. This was the first time that they were really connected to their partners. Earlier they only had a mail gateway through which they exchanged mail. So, there really wasn’t a need for a firewall at that time. But now, since they are 14

allowing people to log in and with people accessing the Internet there is the need for a firewall. Firewalls deployed at Comsat Max: Hero Honda has a perimeter firewall that serves as the Internet gateway for both the plants and head office. It has chosen Checkpoint as its firewall, which runs on a Nokia box and is managed and monitored by the service provider, Comsat Max. The company’s IT security architecture divides the network into zones, based on the function of the infrastructure contained therein. The zones created are: • • • • • • •

DMZ zone Third-party zone Application servers zone Critical servers zone Security management zone  Network and system management zone LAN & WAN zone

Unauthorised Internet access Restriction of access to unauthorised sites is taken care through the proxy server, which was deployed around two years ago for Internet access to internal users. The rules for access control have been defined in the server itself. It defines factors like which PCs have access to the Internet, the sites that can be accessed, time  period during which only certain users can access the Internet, etc. The company has taken various measures to ensure data integrity during internal acce access ss as well well.. It has has depl deploy oyed ed PGP PGP soft softwa ware re on the the crit critic ical al desk deskto tops ps and and notebooks within the organisation for encrypting data. While the software was deployed around two-and-a-half years ago, it keeps on identifying and adding critical notebooks and desktops. The information on the desktops and notebooks is kept in a folder and is encrypted, which requires a user name and password to access it. Furthermore, Hero Honda has built in integrity in the application itself, which is well documented with profiles for each user. user. Depending on his/her profile, the user  gets gets the the righ rights ts for for acce access ssin ing g the the data data.. The The auth authen enti tica cati tion on is done done thro throug ugh h  passwords.

And the answer was …


The spam included a good smidgen of Phishing which slipped through the primary securi security ty layer layer at the ISP’ ISP’s end. end. Malwa Malware re enteri entering ng throug through h the messa messages ges and Internet browsing was also a major source of concern. Several messages contained a malici malicious ous payloa payload d of viruse viruses, s, spywar spywaree and Trojans rojans.. Once Once these these entere entered d the network, they promptly began consuming bandwidth and causing system crashes. Unprotected and unrestricted Internet browsing also left gaping security holes. The lack of filters on browsing left the organization wide open to attack from malware, tracking cookies, spyware and keyloggers. Digvijaysinh Chudasama, Vice President, Sales, Cyberoam said that Enterprises are repla replacin cing g best-o best-of-br f-breed eed secur security ity soluti solutions ons in their their networ networks ks with with Unifie Unified d Threat Management solutions. Cyberoam’s all-in-one security platform aids the transition without compromising the feature granularity of standalone solutions. Cybero Cyberoam’ am’ss identi identity ty-ba -based sed secur security ity empow empowers ers admini administr strato ators rs to proact proactive ively ly defend the enterprise network against both internal and external threats.” While considering the core problem and sensitivity of the issue for Hero Honda, Tarak Technologies, business partner of Cyberoam, suggested a plan to secure the company’s e-mail. Jose Kurian, COO of Tarak Technologies said after examining the proble problem m they they unders understoo tood d that that respon response se time time was crucia crucial. l. The messag messaging ing application cannot go down for a long period of time at a company such as Hero Honda. They offered them Cyberoam’s anti-spam software. Rather than going out for point-to-point solutions we suggested that the company go in for Unified Threat Management (UTM).” Kurian added that the Cyberoam UTM solution sits at the gateway level. It is an appliance through which mail gets routed, filtered and forwarded to the local mail server server.. In the absenc absencee of Web filter filtering ing and access access accoun accountab tabili ility ty,, the the little little  bandwidth that was left was consumed through unrestricted surfing. This proved detrimental to organizational productivity. Lack of Internet usage accountability led to malicious sites being surfed, which in turn infected the network with a host of spyware. As a remedy to slow browsing and other bandwidth problems, the company was forced to upgrade its initial 64 Kbps Internet connection to a 4 Mbps pipe. Yet, Yet, the complaints persisted even after this quantum leap in bandwidth availability. They   pur purch chas ased ed four four Cybe Cybero roam am appl applia ianc nces es,, thre threee 250i 250iss and and one one 100i 100i.. One One 250i 250i appliance is deployed at our corporate office in New Delhi, and one each at  production plants in Dharuhera and Gurgaon. A 100i appliance is deployed at their  upcoming facility at Haridwar. All Cyberoam appliances have been deployed in  bridge mode. The entire mail and Web traffic passes through Cyberoam.

The changed scenario 16

Post-implementation, Post-implementation, Internet access is productively focused. This is amply reflected in the bandwidth usage. Once insufficient, bandwidth availability availability is now quite satisfactory. Total bandwidth consumption fell sharply and the ISP bills also took a nose dive. A clean network, safe and responsible surfing and spam free mail  boxes have all culminated in a drastic reduction in calls to the IT helpdesk.

Information security policy While the company had some documented policies relating to various aspects, including IT security post-1999, they were not comprehensive enough to cover all areas. areas. Increasing Increasingly ly expanding expanding connecti connectivity vity warranted warranted the need for a complete complete  policy, defining the security issues both from within and outside the organisation. The company’s plans for connectivity with business partners included rolling out the second phase of its supply chain solution, allowing dealers and vendors to interactively do transactions with the company on the Net. (It already provides dealers and vendors one-way access to the Web server). Furthermore, it is also trying to allow employees access to applications like instant messaging and SAP, especially for field staff and mobile workers. In such a scenario, which required opening up its systems to partners, the need for a robust policy was imminent. A few months ago, Hero Honda started working on its new information security  policy with HCL Comnet as the consultant. The policy broadly covers around 17 domains. These domains include networking and telecommunication, back-up, softwar softwaree pur purcha chase, se, use and mainte maintenan nance, ce, incide incident nt manage managemen ment, t, e-mail e-mail,, Internet, access control, password control, anti-virus, notebooks, information disp dispos osal al,, acce accept ptab able le use, use, syst system em de deve velo lopm pmen ent, t, de desk skto top, p, info inform rmat atio ion n classificat classification, ion, training training and physical physical security security. HCL HCL Comn Comnet et carr carrie ied d out out the the vulnerability assessments and outlined the areas requiring improvement. These included recommendations for patch upgradation on various operating systems and for netwo networki rking ng device devicess as well well as physic physical al secur security ity—s —spec pecifi ifical cally ly for the server room. The consultant also recommended the removal of modems provided to users for directly accessing the Net from their PCs. Though the connections had  been removed, the modems were left behind, which, the consultants pointed out, crea create ted d vuln vulner erab abil ilit ity y as the the user userss coul could d plug plug them them in and and star startt usin using g them them.. According to Balasubramanian, based on the recommendations of the consultants, the the comp compan any y fixe fixed d up the the loop loopho hole less in its its secu securi rity ty setset-up up,, incl includ udin ing g some some recomm recommend endati ations ons regard regarding ing the firewa firewalls lls and the protec protectio tion n of serve servers. rs. The comp compan any y has has alre alread ady y carr carrie ied d out out prepre-vu vuln lner erab abil ilit ity y asse assess ssme ment nts, s, fixe fixed d the the vulnerabilities and then conducted post-vulnerability assessments. On the other side, Hero Honda also worked on the information classification part of its inform informati ation on securi security ty polic policy y, which which didn’ didn’tt exist exist earli earlier er.. This This involv involves es


  parti particip cipati ation on from from the the top manage managemen mentt with with user user repres represent entati ation on from from all the functional areas. The present exercise of classification of information is being done done depend depending ing on confid confident ential iality ity,, critic criticali ality ty and availa availabil bility ity.. Apart Apart from from information classification, the access rights to various classes of people are also  being defined in the policy. The functional heads are made responsible for their  departments and endorse the classification of information being done.

The RoI Factor Accord According ing to Avnes Avnesh h Jain, Jain, “The “The Cybero Cyberoam am UTM has maxim maximize ized d return return on investment. It exceeded our expectations before the implementation.” The antispam feature effectively stops around 9,000 bits of spam each and every day. Employees were pleasantly surprised to find spam-free inboxes. However, However, we also saved time and our legitimate e-mail was no longer buried under. under. As spam disappeared, inter-office inter-office connectivity benefited greatly. greatly. Employees at the remote site no longer have to wait indefinitely for their e-mail to be downloaded. Bandwidth used to connect remote offices was also saved. Cyberoam’s anti-spam solution not only blocked spam, but also proved effective against any type of mail  base based d threa threat. t. The solut solution ion used used Recur Recurren rentt Patte Pattern rn Detect Detection ion techno technolog logy y. It is content-agnostic and equally effective against image based spam. Pattern detection techno technolog logy y ensure ensured d a minima minimall windo window w of vulner vulnerabi abilit lity y, provid providing ing zero zero hour  hour   protection to the HHML network. The cost involved in getting Cyberoam’s Cyberoam’s UTM solution at Hero Honda was around Rs 12 lakhs. It took almost a year to deploy this solution at all locations because they went in for a pilot and gradually scaled up from there. However, the actual deployment time was very less. Cyberoam’s anti-virus solution scans SMTP, IMAP, POP3 mail traffic and HTTP and FTP activity as well, leaving no security gaps unattended. As all the Web based traffic is scanned for spyware and malware, clean and secure Web surfing has become a reality. Cyberoam’s identity-based Web filtering ensures employee accountability, which in turn leads to a reduction in unproductive surfing. The IT department has created groups and assigned Internet access rights based on their   business profile in HHML. Cyberoam’s HTTP client is used to authenticate the user. user. As the Web Web filtering rules are implemented on the user’s user ’s identity and not just on the IP address, IP spoofing has been curbed.



 Now that Hero Honda is readying itself for the second phase of its supply chain initiative of connecting with dealers and vendors, it is planning to build more components on top of its existing security set-up. While in the first phase, the company had allowed dealers and vendors only one-way access, in the second  phase it will allow them to interactively do transactions with the company on the  Net. Once the second phase starts rolling out in April next year, the company plans to deploy additional features like an intrusion detection system, user authentication and single-user sign-on. As part of the new information security policy, the company will be outsourcing the monitoring of all its external access, hacking and intrusions to third-party service providers with SLAs. “We “We will outsource primarily because the third-party service providers have the expertise and resources to monitor 24x7,” explains Balasubramanian. Also, as a policy, Hero Honda will initiate regular half-yearly audits to check compliance with the security policy and also to check whether the  policy needs a change .


BENEFITS TO HHML ERP helped in improving quality, access and usage of transactional data and suitab suitably ly elimin eliminate ated d multip multiple le entrie entries. s. Beside Besides, s, there there was was no need need for manual manual reconc reconcili iliati ation on any more more and operat operation ional al proces processes ses were were improv improved ed at vario various us stages. stages. Order Order processin processing g was Standardi Standardized zed across across all functions functions.. And real-time real-time information on product cost, profitability analysis, and dispatch and production status was made available too. One of the main reasons for the success of their SAP project was that the project was perceived as a business project, and not as an IT project. And different functional heads and module leaders were also involved in the project. Apart from this, this, the deploy deploymen mentt of relati relationa onall datab database asess like like Oracl Oraclee and Ingres Ingres helped helped in consolidating data at one place and made it accessible to all authorised users

GREATER RESPONSIVENESS, FEWER ERRORS Foll Follow owin ing g go-l go-liv ivee in June June 2004 2004,, Hero ero Hond Hondaa imme immedi diat atel ely y saw saw mark marked ed improvements. On-line On-line interaction interaction enhanced enhanced order execution execution efficiency efficiency thereby thereby improv improving ing the respon responsi siven veness ess.. Their Their old sales sales orders orders proces processs was was very very timetimeconsuming. Now dealers enter orders directly into the system. This accelerates delive deliverie riess – preven preventin ting g loss loss of busine business ss due to delays delays.. Hero Hero Honda Honda has has also also streamlined its transactions with suppliers, making for better inventory planning and reduced inventory carrying costs. Improved information exchange guarantees that that the the righ rightt good goodss are are deli delive vere red d at the the righ rightt time time.. The The comp compan any y has has also also signif signific icant antly ly reduce reduced d error error-pr -prone one,, manual manual data data entry entry.. Suppli Suppliers ers now create create advanced shipping notifications in the system, and when the shipment reaches Hero Honda, the company’s employees simply have to confirm receipt .

AMBITIOUS PLANS FOR THE FUTURE Building on the success of the project, Hero Honda is now planning a range of  new SAP initiatives. These include adding additional mySAP SRM and mySAP CRM functional functionality ity,, implement implementing ing the SAP Strategic Strategic Enterpris Enterprisee Manageme Management nt applic applicati ation on of mySA mySAP P ERP Financia Financials ls and integr integrati ating ng it with with SAP Business Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW), and rolling out SAP Enterprise Portal (SAP EP) EP) to all all user users. s. The The SAP SAP BW comp compon onen entt is prov provid ided ed in SAP SAP Busi Busine ness ss Inte Intell llig igen ence ce (SAP (SAP BI). BI). SAP SAP BI and and SAP SAP EP are are comp compon onen ents ts of the the SAP SAP  NetWeaver™ platform. “Our new SAP solutions have enhanced our competitive edge. edge. We are confid confident ent that that we’re we’re on the right right track track for contin continued ued succe success, ss,”” 20

concludes Bala. HHML is in the process of making continuous improvements and changing configuration to add more functionality to the existing systems. They have have impl implem emen ente ted d the the ‘Pla ‘Plant nt Main Mainte tena nanc nce’ e’ modu module le in Sept Sept,, 2002 2002 and and are are implem implement enting ing the ‘Human ‘Human Resour Resource ce’’ (inclu (includin ding g India India Payrol Payroll) l) module module.. The Supply Supply Chain Manage Managemen mentt projec projectt is about about to take take off off too. too. Propos Proposed ed future future applications are CRM, BW, SAP Portals and ESS. HHML has upgraded from 4.6 B to 4.6 C. They are also putting in organised archiving of data on SAP and depl deploy oyin ing g live live reor reorga gani niza zati tion on of data databa base se usin using g a ‘Que ‘Quest st’’ tool tool.. They They have have implemented the Solution Manager and are now looking for certification as a customer competence center .

Coming Next: Improved Collaboration, Analytics Analytics As valuable as Hero Honda’s supply chain automation is, in many ways the new system represents only the tip of a much larger iceberg. They have just upgraded to a later version of mySAP SRM and this will usher in added functionality. It’ll help them to do more strategic sourcing by evaluating the suppliers and forming strategic partnerships. They’ll also implement self-service procurement for indirect materials and will extend the supplier portal by implementing a vendor-managed inventory function, as well as improved analytics through the data warehousing capabilities of SAP Business Intelligence. Hero Honda expects steady growth in motorcycle demand in the future, as well as a steady increase in the complexities of manufacturing the two-wheelers. The motorcycle market in India continues to   be strong. For one thing, many people who used to ride scooters now prefer  motorcycles. For another, that the economy is strong and financing is readily available. Balasubramanian Balasubramanian points out that the spectrum of motorcycle models and colors is also growing. His company averages about three new models each year  and, with the current selection of models and colors, Hero Honda is responsible for producing about 150 variations of motorcycle – not including accessories. But now they’re well equipped to handle the growing market and product mix and at the same time, they’re more responsive than ever before to dealers and other  customers, thanks to mySAP SRM and mySAP CRM.”




Till date, the IS department has not faced any major bottlenecks. “With a proper   plan and proper implementation of those plans, we have overcome all hurdles,” comments Balasubramanian. The only major problem the IS team has faced till date was management perception of ERP. They were of the opinion that ERP implementations were mainly failures. Many felt that instead of going in for ERP they should implement an e-business solution. Balasubramanian had to tell the manage managemen mentt that that one could could not run e-bus e-busine iness ss withou withoutt a stable stable inform informati ation on systems structure within the organisation. “Today, IT has taken off very well, especially with support from management. There has also been very good user support, which helped us in experimenting with with new new tech techno nolo logi gies es,” ,” says says Bala Balasu subr bram aman ania ian. n. “Tha “Thank nkss to the the stab stable le IT infras infrastru tructu cture re the compan company’ y’ss busine business ss analys analysis is has becom becomee very very sound sound and credible,” he adds. The company is now one of the reference sites for SAP, and only one of ten companies in the Asia Pacific region selected by SAP for this honour .

IN THE IT PIPLINE In the near near future future the compan company y is planni planning ng to introd introduce uce video videocon confer ferenc encing ing fac facilit ilitie iess and bar bar codi oding systems tems at the the asse ssembl mbly secti ection on and store. ore. Balasubramanian also has plans to implement some more modules of ERP like HR  and production management. For dealers and distributors, Hero Honda has plans for Web-based standard connectivity. The company is also is planning to connect some of its vendors through a process called direct online. By this the vendors will supply directly to the stores and there will no quality check, rather it will be self-assuring.The whole idea is to make things completely automated.


Snapshot of Hero Honda’s IT set-up

• • • •

 Number of servers – Over 35 servers (All IBM) Proxy server – For providing Internet access to internal users. Web server – For providing access to dealers and vendors. Wide Area Network 

Between Gurgaon plant and Dharuhera plant – Primary link is a 2 Mbps leased line from Bharti with RF and VSAT being secondary back-up links. Between Gurgaon plant and Delhi head office – 2 Mbps leased line as a primary link. Another Another 2 Mbps link from Gurgaon plant to Comsat Max and then to the head office is a secondary link. •

Connectivity for marketing offices with plants and head offices – VPN connectivity between 20 locations through 64 Kbps leased line with ISDN as a back-up.

Internet connectivity through leased line from Comsat Max


SUMMARY Faced with growing market demand and inefficiencies in its supplier order   processes, Hero Honda – the world’s largest two-wheeler manufacturer –  chose chose the mySAP™ mySAP™ Suppli Supplier er Relati Relations onship hip Manage Managemen mentt (mySAP (mySAP SRM) SRM) solution to integrate and automate its large and complex supply chain.

Key Challenges • Supplier order processing not well synchronized with production planning • Proprietary supplier portal provided no transactions, only information

Project Objectives • Speed up and automate supplier order processing • Synchronize customer orders with supplier schedules

Solutions and Services • mySAP SRM • mySAP Customer Relationship Management (mySAP CRM) solution

Why SAP® Solution Ability to integrate the new supplier portal with the existing mySAP ERP Solution

AT A GLANCE Implementation Highlights • Three-month initial rollout covered 15 of the top 125 strategic suppliers; over 50 suppliers have since been covered • Implementation included training Hero Honda suppliers as well as buyers Key Benefits • Faster supply chain order processing – cut three days from old schedule • Improved accuracy of deliveries from 98% to 100% • Better responsiveness to customer changes • Online communication with suppliers integrated and traceable • Inventory planning improved – 10% reduction in inventory carrying cost • Transaction costs reduced because of fewer discrepancies to handle • Overall lower process and transaction costs Implementation Partner: SAP® Consulting


Existing Environment: mySAP ERP Database: Oracle Hardware: IBM Operating System: AIX


WEBSITE ADDRESS http://www.expresscomputer http://www.expresscomputeronline.com/20031 online.com/20031124/appsspecial10.shtml 124/appsspecial10.shtml http://www.networkmagazineindia.c http://www.networkmagazineindia.com/200412/coverstory04.shtml om/200412/coverstory04.shtml http://www.networkmagazineindia.c http://www.networkmagazineindia.com/200410/coverstory01.shtml om/200410/coverstory01.shtml http://www.expressitpeople.c http://www.expressitpeople.com/20020415/cover1.shtml om/20020415/cover1.shtml http://www.expresscomputer http://www.expresscomputeronline.com/20070917/management01.shtml online.com/20070917/management01.shtml http://www.tceworld.co.in/i http://www.tceworld.co.in/index_files/tmm/kma/hr/pm/HR_pm_051 ndex_files/tmm/kma/hr/pm/HR_pm_0511.htm 1.htm http://www.expresscomputer http://www.expresscomputeronline.com/20020701/ebiz2.shtml online.com/20020701/ebiz2.shtml


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