Hermanos Karamasov Vocabulario-Personajes
September 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Hermanos Karamasov. Personajes:
Adelaila Ivanovna Miusov: Ma Madre dre de Dm Dmitr itri, i, pri prime mera ra esp espos osaa de Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov, quien huyo de su marido y murió en Petersburgo. Su gran riqueza ue usurpada por !yodor Pav"ovi#h. Alexei Fyo Alexei Fyodor dorovi ovich ch Kar Karamaz amazov ov $ % Alyosha, &"yosh' osh'a, a, &"y &"yoshe oshen'a n'a,, &"y &"yoshe oshe#h' #h'a, a, &"( &"(ei#h ei#hi#', i#', Alyosha, &"y )yosha, )yoshen'a* +he protagonist, the third son o !yodor Pav"ovi#h Karamazov, and the younger brother o Dmitri and van. Kind, gent"e, "oving, and -ise, &"yosha is the opposite o his #oarse and vu"gar ather. He possesses a natura", simp"e aith in od that trans"ates into a genuine "ove or man'ind. &round t-enty years o"d at the start o the nove", &"yosha is ai"iated -ith the monastery, -here he is a student o the e"der /osima.
Dmitri Fyodorovich Karamazov $ % Mitka, Mitka, Mitya, Miten'a, Mitri !yodorovi#h* +he o"dest son o !yodor Pav"ovi#h Karamazov. Dmitri is passionate and intemperate, easi"y s-ept a-ay by emotions and enthusiasms, as he demonstrates -hen he "oses interest in his ian#0e Katerina and a""s mad"y in "ove -ith rushen'a. 1ursed -ith a vio"ent temper, Dmitri is p"agued -ith the burden o sin and strugg"es throughout the nove" to over#ome his o-n "a-ed nature and to attain spiritua" redemption. %2anya, 2 2an'a, an'a, 2 2ane#h'a* ane#h'a* +he se#ond son o !yodor Pav"ovi#h Ivan Fyodorovich Karamazov $ %2anya, Karamazov, and the midd"e brother bet-een Dmitri and &"yosha. & bri""iant student, van has an a#ute"y "ogi#a" mind and demands a rationa" e(p"anation or everything that happens in the universe. &s a resu"t o his inabi"ity to re#on#i"e the idea o unjust suering -ith the idea o a "oving od, van is p"agued by re"igious doubt, and he os#i""ates bet-een outright atheism and be"ie in a ma"evo"ent od. His or#eu" arguments about od3s #rue"ty to-ard man'ind are #ompe""ing, but ater they "ead to the murder o his ather, they drive him into madness. 4studió en "a universidad, trabajaba adem5s de estudiar.
Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov $ +he -ea"thy patriar#h o the Karamazov dynasty, the ather o &"yosha, Dmitri, and van, and a"most #ertain"y the ather o Smerdya'ov. 1oarse, vu"gar, greedy, and "ustu", !yodor Pav"ovi#h "ives a "ie devoted e(#"usive"y to the satisa#tion o his senses, -ith no thought or those -hom he betrays or hurts. 1omp"ete"y "a#'ing in dignity despite his -ea"th, !yodor Pav"ovi#h is "oathed by a"most everyone -ho 'no-s him. He has no ae#tion or his #hi"dren, and even orgets -hi#h o them be"ongs to -hi#h mother. His on"y goa" in "ie is to have money and sedu#e young -omen su#h as eventua""y murdered by rushen'a, Smerdya'ov.-hom he "usts ater or mu#h o the nove". !yodor Pav"ovi#h is
Agrafena Alexandrovna Svetlov $ %Grushenka, rusha, rush'a* & beautiu" young -oman -ho is brought to the to-n by Samsonov ater a "over betrays her. her. Proud, iery, and headstrong, rushen rushen'a 'a is an a"most universa" obje#t o desire among the men in the to-n and is the sour#e o mu#h o the antagonism bet-een !yodor Pav"ovi#h and Dmitri. She is reputed to be se(ua""y promis#uous, but in rea"ity, she is mu#h too proud to give herse" to "overs. She devotes herse" instead to in#reasing her -ea"th by ma'ing shre-d investments, but ater she meets &"yosha, a hidden vein o gent"eness and "ove begins to emerge in her #hara#ter. Pavel Fyo Pavel Fyodor dorovic ovich h Sme Smerdya rdyakov kov $ +h +hee son o )iz )izav aveta eta and and !y !yodo odorr Pav"o Pav"ovi vi#h #h Kar Karam amaz azov ov,, Smerdya'ov is raised by rigory and his -ie Mara and is made to -or' in !yodor Pav"ovi#h3s house as aight servant. 1ursed epi"epsy, Smerdya'ov has aomean temperament, sometimes e(hibiting outright outr ma"i#e and -ith sometim sometimes es hidi hiding ng behi behind nd a"so a mas' grov grove"in e"ingg serv servitud itude. e. He is par parti#u ti#u"ar" "ar"yy interestedd in dis#ussin intereste dis#ussingg phi"osophy -ith van, -hose advo#a#y o an antire"ig antire"igious ious amora"ity paves the
-ay or Smerdya'ov to murder !yodor Pav"ovi#h.
osima $ +he -ise e"der at the monastery -ho a#ts as &"yosha3 &"yosha3ss mentor and tea#her beore his death in 6oo' 2. 4(treme"y inte""igent and i""ed -ith an ardent and sin#ere re"igious aith, /osima prea#hes a message o a#tive"y "oving man'ind man'ind,, orgiving the sins o others, and #herishing od3 od3ss #reation. +he #"arity o /osima3s aith gives him e(traordinary insight into the minds o the peop"e he meets. Katerina Kateri na Ivanov Ivanovna na !erkhovts erkhovtsev ev $ % Katya, Katya, Kat'a, Katen'a* Dmitri3s ian#0e, -hom he abandons ater a""ing in "ove -ith rushen'a. +he proud and sensitive daughter o a mi"itary #aptain, Katerina anguishes over her i"" treatment by Dmitri, -hi#h "eads her to adopt an attitude o martyrdom to-ard those around her. She insists on humi"iating herse" -ith an unai"ing "oya"ty to the peop"e -ho hurt her, and though she "oves van, she is unab"e to a#t on her "ove unti" the end o the nove".
Katerina "s#ovna Khokhlakov $ % Madame Madame Khokhlakov Khokhlakov* & -ea"thy gent"e-oman in the to-n, an a#quaintan#e o the Karamazovs and a riend o Katerina. & re"ative"y harm"ess presen#e, she is some-hat sha""o- and se"$#entered, and tends to obsess over the misbehaviors o her daughter )ise. $iza Khokhlakov $ % Lise Lise* Madame Kho'h"a'o Kho'h"a'ov3 v3ss daughter, daughter, a mis#hiev mis#hievous ous and #apri#iou #apri#iouss young gir" -ho is brie"y engaged to &"yosh &"yosha. a. &t "east as sha""o- and se"$#entered as her mother mother,, )ise has a hard time ta'ing things serious"y and ina""y "apses into a 'ind o se"$destru#tive despair, in -hi#h she patheti#a""y #rushes her ingernai" in a door in an attempt to punish herse" or -i#'edness. Mikhail "si#ovich %akitin $ & youn youngg seminary student -hom &"yo &"yosha sha #onsiders a riend, but -ho se#ret"y despises despises him. 1yni#a" and sar#asti#, sar#asti#, 7a'itin is too sophisti#at sophisti#ated ed to have rea" re"igious aith, so he satisies himse" -ith adopting various ashionab"e phi"osophi#a" theories. He quotes 8ietzs#h 8ietzs#hee and #"aims to be a so#ia"ist. Deep"y threatened by &"yosha3s apparent"y genuine mora" purity, 7a'itin se#ret"y "ongs to see &"yosha be#ome #orrupted. #orrupted. &s a resu"t, he tries very hard to introdu#e &"yos &"yosha ha to rushen'a, -hom he be"ieves -i"" sha'e &"yosha3s aith. Pyotr Alexandrovich Miusov $ & -ea"thy "ando-n "ando-ner, er, the #ousin o !yodor Pav"ovi#h Karamazov3 Karamazov3ss irst -ie, and brie"y the guardian o the young Dmitri. 1onsidering himse" a po"iti#a" inte""e#tua", Miusov utter"y despises !yodor Pav"ovi#h. Poseedor de tierras #o"indantes a "as #"eri#a"es, a "os #ua"es re#"amo dere#ho a pes#a y a tierras. Se vio invo"u#rado por "o mismo, de orma vo"untaria en "a reunión #on Dmitri, !yodor tierras de" padre juntoy asus "oshermanos Starzets. en "a b9squeda de una so"u#ión para "a heren#ia y reparto de "as
Pyotr Ilyich Perkhotin $ & riend o Dmitri3 Dmitri3s, s, a young oi#ia" -ho snoops around ater Dmitri on the night o !yodor ! yodor Pav"ovi#h3s murder. Kuzma Kuzmich Samsonov $ +he o"d mer#hant -ho bring bringss rushen'a to the to-n ater her ormer "over betrays her. Stinking $izaveta $ & young young retarde retardedd gir" -ho "ives as the vi" vi""age "age idiot. idiot. She dies givin givingg birt birthh to Smerdya'ov, "eading most peop"e to suspe#t that !yodor Pav"ovi#h Karamazov either sedu#ed or raped her. Fetyukovich $ & amous deense attorney rom Mos#o- -ho represents Dmitri at the tria". I##olit Kirrillovich $ +he prose#uting attorney at Dmitri3 Dmitri3ss tria".
Father Fera#ont $ & severe and as#eti# mon' -ho hates /osima. &ikolai Ivanov Krasotkin $ % Kolya Kolya* & bo"d, inte""igent young boy -ho beriends &"yosha ater "yusha be#omes i"". Ilyusha Snegiryov $ %"yushe#h'a, %"yushe#h'a, "yush' "yush'a* a* +he son o a mi"itary #aptain, -ho on#e sa- his ather beaten up by Dmitri. Proud and un-i""ing to be #o-ed by the "arger boys -ho pi#' on him, "yusha beriends &"yosha, but be#omes i"" and dies to-ard the end o the nove". 'rigory Kutuzov !asilievich $ !yodor Pav"ovi# Pav"ovi#hh Karamazov3 Karamazov3ss servant, -ho, a"ong -ith his -ie Mara, raises Smerdya'ov rom birth. Sof(a Ivanovna) Segunda esposa de !yodor, ; a
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