Here Are the Precious Gems From Babaji During the Entire Shivir and is Given in Direct Speech

January 11, 2017 | Author: balbir7 | Category: N/A
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Download Here Are the Precious Gems From Babaji During the Entire Shivir and is Given in Direct Speech...


Here are the precious gems from Babaji during the entire shivir and is given in direct speech (When you read it, you can know that Baba is speaking to you). 1. I will tell you about the 10 doors. When the soul is about to leave the body, then it starts rushing towards the every door and whichever door is open, the soul leave the body through that door and enters that dimension to which that door opens to. 2. If there has not been spiritual growth then the 1st door is your mooladhara (perineum chakra) which is at the base of the spine from where the sushumna nadi begins. This door is alway open. This gate is also known as the gate of life and death. If the soul leaves through the excretory organs, then it is adhogati (moving down to lower states) and goes into the lower dimension which is lower than the earth dimension and gets into bhog yoni or preth-pishaak (lower astral beings) yoni. 3. Leaving life from here can be due to even unfulfilled desires and vasanas (tendencies), like longing for praise but getting but







having being condemned or insulted. The tendency where one remains hungry and thirsty and is unsatisfied with food leaves through this door and searches for a form that can fulfill this desire/craving even if it is taking the form of an insects or birds of prey. Those with anger, revenge and resentment leaves from this first door and gets into either the bhog yoni or goes even below into the dimensions of lower astral beings (bhu loka). Never given anyone intense pain nor carry intense pain within oneself. One family was badly effected by lower astral beings and the whole house was in mess. The girl was given in marriage and when the bride and the items of gifts reached the boy's house, there were lot of fault-finding in the things received and the girl's father was called and insulted badly. This trauma remained in the girl's father and was filled with anger and resentment. When he died with the emotion of revenge, he entered the lower dimension and took the form of a lower astral being and started troubling the entire family. To avoid such pitrudosha, only one prayer I make - do not cause pain to anyone's mind. Take care of old people in the very same way as small children are taken care of. They also must be throwing tantrums like small kids. Look after them. If they have the emotions of peace and happiness, then there is blessings on the family. So try to keep elderly very happy. Do surely give elders this wisdom of PratiPrasav. If nothing else can be done then atleast let them do this. Meditate on light in the agya chakra and 21 times chant OM. Those who are in threat of negative radiations they also can do this papanashani kriya by doing similarly focusing on either the agya chakra (between eyebrows) or naabhi (navel). Another remedy is the Gomutra arka (distilled extract of cow urine) available in the market. This is done by boiling the cow urine and the vapor that turns to fluid is collected and is called arka. This can be taken 30 ml in the morning and night, which acts as the antidote for negative radiations and very beneficial. There are many institutions that prepare this extract, find out, buy and use. Gomutra and gobhar (cow dung) is very powerful. This can be experimented. In a place where there could an atomic blast or atomic radiations, make a hut that is plastered well with cow dung and cow urine. The radiations will be everywhere but not within the hut. Even now in villages during the solar eclipse, villages apply it's own dung to the belly of a pregnant cow to protect it from the

harmful eclipse radiations that could deform the fetus in the womb. 10. The 2nd door is swadisthan (4 fingers below the navel). All subtle nerves meet here. Those who hold on to tendencies and attachment to the family can leave through this door into bhurvaloka. Here there is also pitruloka. One who reaches here, always watches the family and becomes happy when family is happy and sad when family is sad. I wish that all ShivYog sadhaks do sadhana and with your tapobal (spiritual power) your pitrus should ascend into higher dimensions and would get a lot of blessings and grace. 11. The 3rd door is the naabhi or manipura chakra (navel). If this door is open during death then the soul goes into swargaloka. These are those souls that have done a lot of punyas while living but along with punyas wanted name, praise and fame. This is the point of ego. The raw ego or the spiritual ego is ego itself. So, after going into the swargaloka, they reaps the gifts of punya but when all the punyas are spent, they have to come back to the earth plane into a good family and have to do karma to liberate themselves. In the 84 lakh yonis, one karma is burnt, which means through all 84 lakh yonis, only 84 lakh karmas are burnt. The final yoni that a soul takes before taking human birth is the cow. 12. The 4th door is the anahata chakra (heart) from where the soul enters into meharloka, where all divine beings, rishis and the place of Bramha. Here the soul remains for a very long time in peace and bliss but has to come back into human form because the cycle of birth and death is not over yet. In this dimension only the vaayu tatva (air element) is dominant and is a very subtle form. 13. The 5th door is the vishuddhi chakra (throat) from where on enters the janaloka. The dominant form here is the akaash tatva (sky element). The soul take very divine and pure forms here and experiences bliss and sat-chit-anand for a very long period but when all punyas are done with, then the soul comes back to earth plane and is born to a very noble, pious and respectable parents and under the guidance of their parents, doing sadhana move towards the path of liberation. 14. The 6th door is the aagya chakra (center of eyebrow) from where the soul enters into the Siddhaloka, where the soul is not linked with any karma and decides whether to come back to earth to help others or may prefer not to go back. If it goes back to earth then it is no more bound by karmas but it would be leela (play) as there is no motive behind those acts but it is for

the welfare of others. When the soul leaves the body now, it has to go to the Siddhaloka or higher lokas and is out of the birth and death cycle. 15. The 7th door is the bindu chakra (opposite to the agya chakra on the back on the head) from where the soul enters the Bramhaloka/Siddhaloka and is above all the five elements. 16. The 8th door is the forehead chakra (a little above the agya chakra) from where the soul enters the Bramhaloka and is out of the birth and death cycle. 17. The 9th door is the sahastrar chakra (top of the head) from where the soul enters into Shivaloka/Vaikuntaloka/Bramhaloka and becomes light (Ahambramhasami). 18. The 10th door is above the sahastrar chakra and in the form of star and this is the dasham dwar (10th door). When this opens, you see your own self. (Aapko aaphi ke darshan hothe hai). Akaala purush. I am God. I am Shiva. Shivohum shivohum shiva swaroopam. 19. Some people told me that it is difficult to relax during stress. In fact, deep relaxation and going into deep meditation is very easy. I will teach you how to go into deep samadhi state. When you are in samadhi state, you are very close to God. At this time, your inner mind that has all knowledge of past, present and future, and knows which error of your yours if rectified can give you relief from your suffering. In such state, ask your inner mind for the solution of your present problem. Your inner mind is connected with your guru and you will hear the voice of your guru. I speak the truth that if you follow the solution given at that time, then at that moment itself you shall get liberated from that problem. 20. You have never come on earth alone. Every soul has their spiritual guides. These guides speak to you and this is the voice of your inner mind. As you grow, these evolved souls evolve more and as they evolve and move away, higher evolved souls come and guide you. 21. Your guru also is guiding you every moment, stops you if your are going on a wrong path and guides you on the wrong path through your inner mind voice. If you everyday practice to go into that samadhi state, then you will easily get the guidance of your guides and guru. 22. Command your body and mind to go into deeper relaxations. Your body and mind are ready to listen to your command. Now, as ShivYog sadhaks give command to your body to become healthy. When you repeatedly give these commands to your body then your body automatically starts healing. If you

command your mind to function and think in such a manner that liberates your from sufferings, then it will start resolving those unresolved issues. 23. A ShivYog sadhak who masters the self, will have iccha mruthyu (death with will). When he feels it is time to go, he will go into samadhi and sit in sadhana; he will not lie down! Sitting in sadhana he will withdraw his prana and draw it up to the dasham dwar (10th door) and exit his body through there. But for that you have to do sadhana everyday and practice opening the 10 doors everyday, and everyday be in the awareness that you are not this body but the Parabramha, you are the creator and not the helpless, unfortunate or the one that gives pain to others and the awareness that there is no difference between you and others and thus as you seek happiness for yourself you will seek happiness for others also. 24. As the past impressions so the present karma and even when one goes to the guru, the thoughts go along. As I always say never judge a person, but the power of being nonjudgemental will come at that time when the negative psychic impressions are released, until then one will keep judging others, criticize others, find faults in others and continue sharing their karmas too and add on more karmas. 25. Many times i fear and tell my sadhaks, enough now, stop finding faults and criticizing others because this is a moh-maya (attachment/illusion) and it comes into some sadhaks because they feel they are doing seva and develop ego. The moment ego comes the first change that comes within is to start criticizing others and finding faults. They stop tolerating others and then start fights. What was given to them, they drop it there and the wisdom that they received, they now disintegrate it and start speaking something else out of it and call themselves mahagyani (great learned person). Mahagyani because he is eating with forks and spoon or using western toilets. He is doing the same mistakes now also but now with these mistakes comes Namah Shivaya. Namah Shivaya is said out of love but it is used in anger statements also like putting down a phone saying "okay.. namah shivaya.. namah shivaya.. I don't want to talk to you.. namah shivaya!" It is important to understand this that you think the change has come. Even while chanting with the beads "Ram Ram..." there are talks of anger and irritation in between. So, the impurity is still within but now has worn a new outfit and held beads in the hand and continuation with finding faults.

26. You should become like a child. All the five sheaths (kosha) of a child are merged together and every action of the child creates happiness and excitement. Watch the child in your house. 27. A small child came into our ashram and there were many kittens. Someone picked up a kitten and the child very jovially said, "Hold it carefully, don't break it." The child meant do not hurt it but I was watching the face of that child and it still held happiness and excitement even while saying that. This happiness and excitement when you start bringing into your life, then realize that you have progressed spiritually and whatever wisdom and higher deekshas I am wanting to give you, you have become ready to receive it for further sadhana. 28. But when you are talking ill about others, it is like in place of the child you say, "Do you know that the one whom you care about is such a bad person? He intends to hurt you." You have a frowns over your forehead. There is negative energy created now in the bhaava. This means that you have separated from the Anandamaya kosha. 29. The Anandamaya kosha, which is your 5th sheath is attached to the atman (self/soul), which always remains in sat-chit-anand. Next is the gyanamaya kosha, which will have true knowledge or false knowledge. False knowledge is called agyan (ignorance). You think you are a sadhak but if you are a sadhak then where is the anand in your mind. 30. If looking at someone if you have become angry or fearful, then where are you a sadhak? Some look at others and feel insecure, some look at their own family members and feel insecure and becomes angry, where are you a sadhak? You make me understand that it is about knowledge - you are talking of ignorance (smiles). If you have gained knowledge, then you are happy and whomever you talk about there will be love emanating from you. If the other person has 1000 faults and done only 5 good deeds, you will only talk about those five good deeds. If there is ignorance then even if he has done 100 good things and committed two faults, then you will see those two faults itself and try to make it 100. 31. Ask yourself truly if speaking ill of someone creates happiness or negative energy within. It causes irritation, sadness and lowers the energy. 32. So, if gyanmaya kosha is merged with anandmaya kosha, there is only happiness. If manomaya kosha is merged with gyanmaya kosha, then all the thoughts coming in your mind will be happy. Looking at the kitten, the child is becoming happy and when someone picked it, then also the child is happy but with very

delicate bhaava says "Do not break..." If you look at his prana, there is happiness, if you look at his body, his face, there also there is happiness and happiness. This is what all Siddhas have said, "Har haal mein khushi". Do not leave the rope of that khushi (happiness). 33. If entire life one has seen bad and thought bad, then all his five sheaths (koshas) are misaligned and body must be with ailments, his life also must be shattered, people must have left him and ran away far from him, and at that time when he looks at his life and reviews it, at that time, he is filled with anger making someone else responsible for his own sufferings when the truth is that he himself created it. His gyanamaya kosha is filled with agyaan and he cannot think right. At that time he does not think what he himself did but he will see only what others did to him. At that time he will never think what all God had given him but will think what all he did not get in life and inability to get those things, and suffers. 34. It is seen that during negative reactions, the chakras close. The dasham dwaar is closed. At that time he does not want to die but nature does it's work. There is a struggle then as nature tries to pull out the prana and he does not want to leave it. He shouts to the doctor to sedate him due to the pain. Whole life he was unconscious and now at the last moment also he wants to become unconscious. Whole life he lived in darkness and in the last moments also wants to remain in darkness. When the prana pulls itself and the ten doors are closed, then it exits through the perineum chakra and he excretes/urinates at that time and the poor soul enters into the bhog yoni because only the soul has left the body; the mind is not dead but alive and it carries all those negative emotions. The prana has withdrawn the mind with it and whenever the mind sees a body, it is ready to throw the prana in it. 35. Mind is attached to gyan (kosha) and in that gyana kosha is filled with agyan - all the negative emotions and karmas of innumerable births. All those emotions now become thousandfold. 36. Now, if there was a body then he would have got another person to make him calm or make him understand or try to help him or make him happy and thus avert from causing any negative action but now there is no body, noone to stop or help. With body one could have wanted to break a television in anger, but may break a small glass and release that negative energy but without a body? Uncontrollably, he shouts in turmoil.

37. The lower astral beings cannot be heard because they are of high frequencies, but a saintly person moving from that place will be able to detect it. So, if the jeeva (soul) gains this wisdom, why will it want to create such miseries for itself? That is why in all religions it is said that committing suicide is the biggest crime. One thinks that one can have peace after putting an end to the body but in fact it only multiples thousandfold. So this whole act is an an of a very big sin. With this tremendous suffering he creates the preth shareer and goes down the realms. 38. In Garud Puran it is mentioned that he is taken to hell beaten and tortured by the devil. In reality, no one beats or hurts anyone. It is his own creation of inflictions and creates for himself his own hell because now there is no one to help him out and the more he suffers the more the intensity of suffering. This is called hell. At this time all those images come in front of him where he caused trouble during human life and those take the form of scary appearances. There are no forms but his own mind's projections that takes form and now scares him itself. 39. The energies that surround such person during death will be all negative energies. I have experienced this many times with those people who have always lived for themselves, ready to anything for their gains, and when they fall sick and get bedridden, at that time the energies that are around them are of lower astral world waiting to for him to leave his body as they feel he is one amongst them. 40. But those who do sadhana and become pure, who now do not have any insecurity, greed, who lived happily all his life (har haal mein khushi) who are contended and happy and are contended during death knowing that he has experienced all that he wanted to experience and is contended, at that time, the powers that surround him all around will be divine powers. 41. So, heaven and hell are lived on earth itself. Some think that they have suffered all their life and after death can go to heaven and have peace. Your life is a reflection of which dimension you are going to enter after death. 42. If you are very happy, if you are spiritual, if you are blissful, if you are helping, if you trust and believe on God that only good will happen to you, then at the time of death the powers that surround you will be divine powers. 43. Create a belief that "God will always do only good to me and whatever is going to come into my life, I welcome it. I have infinite blessings of God." Why create bhaava of insecurity - "I don't know, there is something wrong somewhere." It will then

happen, certainly happen! Because everything is your bhaava and your imagination converts into reality. 44. FORGIVENESS: One who truly forgives is liberated. People say "I forgive" with still resentment inside. Where is the forgiveness. Forgiveness means "you are not the cause of my sorrow but my ignorance is the cause of my sorrows. If I knowingly or unknowingly have asked that bad happen to you, then I ask for forgiveness. I pray to God that everything happens only good with you. I forgive you and at the same time I pray for your well-being." This is forgiveness. This is when you get liberated from those karmic attachments. 45. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE: Remember, whoever has come into your life were there with you in your last life and previous lives also. Why have you come back together again? Because in previous lives you could not resolve those issues. You thought they they had been the cause of your suffering or thought that you had been the cause of their suffering. Whoever comes into your life comes either to give you something or take away something from you. So your very purpose should be to give unconditional love to all you meet. 46. GRATITUDE: Unresolved issue also is nashukrana, meaning one who is thankless. He got everything, got moments of happiness but could not express gratitude. Many people come to me and say "I am very sad and now want to give divorce to my husband as he is so ungrateful." I ask, are you grateful? "What has he ever done to be grateful for?" Tell me truly, in your five years of marriage of 10 years of marriage had he not even given you 5 minutes of happiness? "Why 5 minutes, he had given happiness for many days.." So, have you offered gratitude to that person for those moments or have you forgotten? When you give gratitude you clear the debts (rhinn-mukti). Offer gratitude to all your family members and don't say "He is supposed to do this!" All those who have come into your life are a part of the soul group. 47. Suddenly Babaji exclaimed with a smile on his face... If you don't want to get into preth/pishaas/bhog yoni and not want to become ants, insects, etc, then learn what I am teaching you or it is your wish. (laughter). Do you want to learn? Then, listen smilingly to what I am saying and don't think "I don't know what all Babaji is talking about." Then in the same line Babaji said... In fact, close to 500 sadhaks here feel I am talking only about them and am revealing their secrets. (laughter) In fact, it is nothing of the sort. Yeh ghar ghar ki kahani hai (laughter) (this is the story of every family) So don't think

so. A few even fight with me after the satsang. But I have to give examples. In those examples, what is my bhaava? Kya tumne meri bhais maari hai jo mai chidh aaoo tumse? (laughter) (proverbial - have you hit my buffalo that I should get angry with you?) By the way, I don't keep buffaloes, I keep cows. I am giving these examples so that everyone understands, especially those who are still stuck. Now also some are thinking that Baba does not know how bad so and so in our family is, and if Baba would know he would not give such long talks. (laughter) 48. No one is bad. We see our own reflection in everyone. Depending on our own tendencies we search for praise or insult in others. So it is very important that you resolve the issues with your family members. 49. NONJUDGMENTAL: With judging and criticizing others you not only take that one negative deed from others, but his karma and your karma mixed together now gives birth to thousand other karmas? Do you want all that? So, this is the easiest way to earn bad karmas for yourself - work less, accomplish more! Without much effort, pass a small judgement about others and take on their karmas and add it up to your karmas. Every person has their own soul agenda, their own thoughts, and does according to his sanskaar. Similarly you also are functioning on your own and it is not necessary that what you think, that person also has to think that way. If the other person is not doing the way you do it, it does not mean that he is bad. Think about your own karmas, not theirs. 50. Jesus Christ said that it does not matter what goes into your mouth but what matters is what comes out of your mouth (speak). What you speak about others makes a difference to all your shareers (sheaths) your sanskaras, your sanchit karmas and in all dimensions. So be very careful. It will come through your mouth only after it comes to your mind. In the mind first a picture is created and a negative imagination is created and only after that it comes to your mouth. 51. If only good and sweet words are coming out of your mouth all the time then that means that your mind also has become purified. 52. These steps of forgiveness, unconditional love and gratitude, I have used in the Nachiketa Agni Dhyan meditation; play this CD at home for meditation or even casually and just listening to it while doing your chores will bring impact. 53. After you have followed these steps of forgiveness, unconditional love, gratitude and nonjudgmental with shudh bhavana, then you become a ShivYog sadhak. Then

what has a ShivYog sadhak to do is - sadhana, nishkaam seva and sankirtan. 54. If you get an opportunity to do seva, thank God for it and do not become egoistic. Do not say, "See how much seva we do and what did we get in return." Just doing that seva itself has released you of so many sins and received so much grace. And, when you say "what have I got" and even if you get a medal for it, then all the benefits of seva are destroyed. Thank the Almighty for making you the medium of seva. 55. Many times I have made people experience this to people who come for healing. I asked them to just do seva and just by doing it they have put an end to all their pains. 56. A woman who said she could not even bend and every joint of her body ached came for healing. I told her that healing would be done later, first go and arrange the footwear of people. What difference does it make to me how the footwear were outside but I was looking at the ego within her of superiority complex and this was the reason of her pain and aches. The feeling of rigidity makes one stiff. 57. One sadhak who had learnt various forms of yoga from various yoga schools had a stiff neck. He said he did not know why his neck was stiff. I told him it was because he was rigid in your thoughts. He immediately defended denying it. Consciously you may not be aware but subconsciously the rigidity is there. Acceptance of every situation is needed. As the emotions so the similar type of illness. 58. All confidence is over and no desire to do anything - knees give away with a need for knee replacement. 59. Fear at all times, fear of the unknown - disease of the lungs. If you have ashtma and do pratiprasav rightly and release rightly with the incidence of fear, then when you come back there will be no such thing called asthma. Fear also affects the stomach, will not be able to digest well. 60. Heart blockages are associated with anger. 61. Cancer is due to nonforgiveness and deep resentment. 62. Kidneys are damaged due to the feeling of victim-hood, feeling of being targeted and tricked. 63. So, dear ShivYog sadhaks, you must do sadhana but never bring in ego. Do Seva and be thankful for it. You already sing beautifully, do sankirtan. 64. When you leave your body, you go in front of the guru mandala and ascended masters. This state is beyond the dual states that you had on earth and nothing of human life will matter here as to who is talking bad about you or what is it with a your child or

without your child. You are asked what life do you wish to experience next and you decide looking at what you have not done in your past life. "I had experienced wealth all my lives but having it I never shared it with anyone, so now I wish to experience poverty. Or, I wish to learn that lesson and experience how it feels when I become helpless and am not helped. Or, in past lives, I snatched things from others and in this life I wish to experience how it feels when everyone takes away things from me. Or, in my last life I was healthy and did everything for myself. I never paid attention to my sick family members. Now, I wish to experience it now by myself becoming sick." 65. So, you have yourself chosen these life incidents because you wanted to learn a lesson, but after coming here, you got entangled in maya (illusion) and forgot your purpose. Then, you blame others for all incidents and instead of learning lessons, you create more unresolved issues. 66. You say "I am not bearing a child!' whereas you only had decided that you wanted to learn a lesson. You had ego that you cannot have craving and now when you have it, you have to outgrow it. 67. A woman gave birth to an autistic child and came to me and asked why is God is so cruel and what has my child done? I asked her to go in samadhi and take out that index card within your memory, take it out and read it. When she did it, she saw that she was an ordinary girl in a village. There was a temple of the deity of that village. When the prince of that area came to the temple, he saw this girl and fell in love with her and got married to her. The prince was a spiritual person and after staying with his wife for a period of time, said he was now leaving for sadhana after giving the throne and the kingdom to her. He said that he sought his wife's permission to leave without which he cannot leave for his tapas. She gave him permission and looked after the kingdom. Now, the queen developed ego and began boasting that she loved her husband so much and yet her sacrifice was so big that she gave permission to her husband. The prince grew spiritually and when he saw that his wife had developed so much of ego decided that he would be born to her as a sick child and see how much she loves her. If she truly loved him, then she would love him in any condition. Now, he was born to this woman and she used to always cry. She and her husband always fought because autistic children are very hyper. I told her not to keep feeling sad over

this as he had come to ask love from her. Now you show how much you love him and how much you can sacrifice. 68. So do not shout, cry and grumble. You must learn a lesson from every incident of your life. If you learn the lesson then you can rewrite your destiny. 69. If you have offered your weakness/karma at your guru's feet and do not take them back, then you have learnt important lessons and now you are ready to rewrite your destiny. But only the supatra (deserving/worthy) will get it and supatra is he whose bhavana is shudh (intention is pure). Anybody with other hidden agenda is hidden and lost in that darkness. Anyone with total purity receive the grace of the ascended masters. 70. The process that is done by nature at the time of death, if a sadhak practices daily during sadhana, then he will go beyond death while living itself. 71. The sadhak should regularly practice the sadhana of bringing the prana to the 9th door and touching the 10th door and coming back down and along with this bring to awareness that he has forgotten himself as a human or gives description of his body or some talk about the family tree. In reality, when you are infinite and existing everywhere, you cannot have any family tree because you were never born and are not going to die, you never came from anywhere and will never go anywhere. 72. From your consciousness, you create your own mind and this mind starts then functioning on it's own and becomes the doer and the sufferer (mann hi kartha mann hi bhogtha) and at that time you start describing yourself as happy and sad. 73. Different siddhas have done various researches on various tantras. For all ShivYog sadhaks I ask for blessing of only one thing - what to experiment for little-little siddhis, why don't you become infinite itself? When you become infinite, when you yourself become the creator of all mantras and tantras, then why need the siddhis of those mantras and tantras? 74. Since eight years of age, I had started my sadhana and mind used to wander in different things and attracted towards different siddhis but in reality when due to my guru's grace, when I got the wisdom that I myself am the infinite, then all the hard work I had done, I felt was useless. Now, only one hardwork you all have to do is the sadhana of the infinite, the sadhana of Parabramha. 75. Now the question is about the two mantras "Aham Brahmasmi" and "Om Tatvamasi" Now, when I meditated on Aham Brahmasmi that I am Parabramha (God) I started developing ego, so I thought then that meditating on the other mantra "Om

Tatvamasi" also means the same but it means "I am That I am". Meditate on this mantra in the caves of your heart a thumb-sized flame that flickers in the heart at all times. When times comes to leave, then the prana starts withdrawing from all parts of the body and merges in this flame. Now, the flame of prana searches for the open door to exit. 76. A ball when thrown up, rises to a certain point, stops, and then is pulled by gravity. That point of stop is when it is not affected by the force of the throw nor the pull of gravity. A ShivYog sadhak should be like that stop point; you should not give attention to siddhis (upward rise) nor give focus on hurting others (falling down). 77. You have to meditate on that nirguna-nirakaar (attribute-less & formless) and when you do this sadhana and wash all your karmas, then all the riches of the world will be at your feet. 78. So it is up to you that you run behind riches and riches keeps running further or merge with the infinite and let all the riches fall at your feet and wait for your command to immediately give you what you speak/ask of. 79. So a ShivYog sadhak does not do sadhana on ida or pingala, but meditates on the sushumna, the sadhana that is near-extinct. The symbolism can be see as Ganga (ida) and Yamuna (pingala) and prominent but Saraswati is extinct/hidden and she moves from this place itself. The confluence of these three rivers is at Allahabad, called Sangam. It is said that those who take a dip in the Sangam are liberated. It means when the flow of cool (ida) and warm (pingala) meet at this point, it becomes neutral (at confluence point) and there is no speed in it now, it is emptiness. Even if you go to the Sangam and see, there is one force of one Ganga river from one side and another force of Yamuna river from another side and where it meets it is neutral. This is that sushumna nadi. 80. If you practice everyday to make your journey through this hidden nadi, then all the granthis (knots) are pierced - the knots are formed by bunches of sanskaras ignorance, ego, resentment, raag-dvesh (attraction-repulsion). These accumulate as three knots - Brahma granthi, Vishnu granthi, Rudra granthi (along the course of sushumna from below to top). The one who has done punya surely meets some saintly person (guru) in his life, who can pierce the Bramha granthi and opens up the channel for the sadhak (to begin his journey). He is blessed by the guru and who remains in the shelter of the guru, will be helped to open up the third granthi, Rudra granthi, after which the sadhak is liberated from the cycle of birth and death. (The second granthi

has to be pierced by the sadhak with the efforts and fruits of his own sadhana). 81. These five mantras are the five mahamantras that emerged from the jyotirling swaroop of Lord Shiva: 1. Om. The omkaar. When there was nothing before and when everything was shunya, there was the sound of Om, which is aahat naad (sound produced from a source like drug, vocal, etc). But as you go deep into your heart chakra and when it opens then sadhaks hear this naad, which is the anahat naad (the unstruck sound). The first spandan (vibration) formed the Sri Chakra and when that energy pattern of Sri Chakra started rotating, the Universe was formed. So were you formed with this OM. When you breath do not feel the OM as separate from you but bring the bhaava during inhalation and exhalation that "This OM is me, myself . I am the anahat naad." 2. Om Tatvamasi. 3. Gayatri Mantra - Aum Bhoor Bhuwah Swaha, Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasaya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat. People only recite this mantra but ShivYog says not this way, but bring a bhaava within you. Bring the bhaava that all your five sheaths (kosha) are reciting the Gayatri Mantra because you yourself are the Gayatri Mantra. Now, don't sit and search where are your sheaths. This happens when your awareness is outside, take your awareness within and feel it. 4. Aham Brahmhasami. 5. Om Namah Shivaya. 82. Become a sadhak. Do not carry knowledge already and try to take knowledge. If there is something (own knowledge) then what I am giving you will not be able to receive. So you cannot do sadhana being a buddhi-jeevi (the intelligent), you have to do sadhana being a sadhak. 83. When a soul comes into human birth, it carries the karmas of it's past. It also takes in the father's and mother's karma and it becomes it's karmas, what in English we call as hereditary. The child takes on the father's and mother's sanskaras and thoughts. 84. A woman met me here at the door and her child was very strangely irritated. She asked, "Babaji what happens to my child?" I looked at her and noticed that more than the irritation the child had on it's face, she carried thousand more times more irritation on her face. She asked me, "What does he have?" I replied, "He has you!" So, if you want to see your child peaceful, first you learn to become calm. When you say that the child

suddenly becomes troubled, do you remain troubled all 24 hours? Then, the child also becomes troubled sometimes. If you want to see your child healthy, it is important you first become peaceful. 85. Also, I have mentioned that whenever I give deeksha to anyone, then the grace that I have from Lord Mahamruthunjaya, that is, the Sanjeevani Shakti, I connect you all with that power. Your hands are emitting that Sanjeevani Shakti. When the child is sleeping, keep both your hands under the feet of the child and give Sanjeevani by reciting the mantra and bring the bhaava that the child is becoming well. Now, why does the child not become healthy, it is because parents project their bhaava of helplessness and that whether this illness can be cured. The child who has an open aura accepts what you are projecting. 86. There was once a nest of Hawk (a bird of prey) up on a tree and it had laid eggs in the nest. One day one egg fell from the nest and fell through the leaves and thus did not break as it fell on the ground. It tumbled into the eggs of a hen and the hen sat on the eggs to hatch it. After few days, the eggs hatched and the odd hawk also hatched. The little hawk used to also run behind the mother hen as the other chickens ran behind her. It also pecked grains. The little hawk completely forgot about itself that it is an hawk and can fly at great heights in the sky because it never knew it from birth and grew up in this way. Once, the hawk's mother was flying high and suddenly spotted this little hawk and identified it as it's own. It observed that it's little one was moving around in strange manner, pecking worms and grains and doing strange behavior. The hawk came down and told the little hawk, "Child, I am your mother." The hens and it's chickens saw the hawk and ran away and so ran the little hawk. The mother hawk kept saying to the little one, "You are my child. You place is not here on the ground but to fly high." But it kept running and the mother was running behind it. The farmer in whose place the birds lived had a gun and came out and fired a shot at the hawk. It missed the mother hawk and it flew away. But due to the explosive sound of the gun, the little hawk jerked and instinctively flew up in the sky and flew up high. As it flew, it looked down and saw the chickens moving on the ground. Similar situation is also of a human being. We have infinite powers within us that can create anything. We have the power to heal anything but coming into this world and living in different hen barns and keep doing those things that the society does. The same superstitions, ignorance, etc. Growing up, he comes walking in eating an ice-cream and mother asks who gave him

that. He replies that aunty has given it. Mother slaps the child and scold him for eating from that aunty and stating that she is a bad person and could have mixed something in that ice-cream and given. Now, the child is relishing the ice-cream and does not even know that such thing can even happen. He cries and one programing is done to the mind that the aunty can do something bad to him. In reality, that aunty had bought ice-creams for her children also and had bought for him also. One programing is done. Next, the child is playing with his friends and father comes and slaps him hard and shouts at him for playing with the children of servants and that he should play with big people. A new programing has been done that he is superior and others are inferior. Then, he goes to school and brings good marks and shares it with his mother. Mother asks what rank and he says 95 and she insists what rank have you come in the class. He replies second and gets a slap from his mother who asks why not first? Now a programing of jealousy has been created against the person who has come 1st rank. For him not it is that if this person comes 1st, he will get a slap and he feels bad against the one who is coming first. This is the first time he is learning what is jealously. Thus we keep teaching the child the worldly ignorance and make him a chicken, whereas he has the power to fly high. If he has anything mother asks to hide it any keep or someone will take it. He is not taught to hide things from others, when the truth is that there is abundance for everyone in this Universe. 87. If you create so much of divinity within yourself then any soul that comes in your presence will become loving. (Babaji then narrated the story of Angulimal, the story of the saint who asked the wild bear to move aside and it obeys, and also about the cat that gave birth on his lap and about monkeys who share his eatables calmly.) You may find it interesting to read a similar article published on this blog Siddhas and Animals.) 88. Who can snatch anything from you? No one can snatch your good deeds from you but it is your good deeds that protect you. 89. This name of mine that I take is not mine. My robes and how I speak is not my recognition. I am that I am. When I am asked where am I from, I tell them from everywhere. Where are your parents from? I tell them that they too are from everywhere (looking up). When were you born? I tell them I was never born. Where is your ashram? I tell wherever I take ashreya (shelter) that is my ashram. Right now my ashram is in Kurukshetra because I have taken shelter here.

90. In fact, if a whichever place a siddha sits for about a month, all around a new world itself will be created. Because the jyoti (flame) of the divine and Sri Chakra are rotating all th e time and even if I go to a jungle, at least a small village will form. Your introduction also is the same - I am that I am. 91. But, the fact is that you keep saying "I am of high caste." "I belong to so and so." "We are of higher status." "My so and so was a big officer." All this is illusion and attachment to the body. 92. Once I got to to meet a diety of lower realms. In families people create siddhis and this has to be put around someone's neck (passed on to) and thus is given to the children itself. In south India, some great grandfather had done a siddhi and that was coming down through generations. They had made siddh a deity of lower realm. With this, they could tell with the eyes close who is behind the wall also. People were very impressed and would go to them for checking what is there in their house. He used to point out to small things lying in their houses stating it to be the reason for their miseries and to get it removed. When they used to check coming back home they would be happy to find it true. Once during Pratiprasav sadhana, his friend who was a doctor brought him also to the shivir. During Pratiprasav sadhana if anything is stuck anywhere, it comes out because it gets disturbed as it is a very pure energy. When divine energies are generated, the lower realm beings feel they are doing to die. In reality, it is not death that would happen but even they get transformed/liberated. He started wriggling and when I came out people pointed to me to see what was happening. I went and sat there. That moment he said, "So you have finally come!" I saw that it was not him now but someone else. He continued, "So you think you are very powerful?" I said, "Who is not powerful?" He said, "Okay, you want me to show you? You don't know who I am!" I said, "Why should I know that?" He said, "So you won't understand! I'll show you who I am." He continued threatening me. I meditated on my guru and Bhole Baba. I prayed that I do not know since how many years and generations he is showing juggler's tricks. Please liberate him. He shouted, "What are you doing to me?! You do not know who I am!" I said, "I know who you are but the pity is that you yourself don't know who you are! If you know who you will immediately drop all these petty tricks because you are much much bigger than all this.. Now do not disturbed me. I am praying so that you get liberated." I started my meditation with mantra, from the energies of which he could be released from the karmic ties. He became silent. After a while I asked him is it enough. He shouted, "No, don't stop, don't stop.

I pray.. don't stop." There was a sudden transformation and he started weeping loudly, "I do not know for how many generations I was tied up with this mantra. I was stuck in my ego, the fruits of which is this that I received. It was due to ego in my sadhana that I became the god of lower realm. I am very grateful that you are getting me liberated." After a while he said, "I am very very thankful. I am being liberated. Now I can rise to the light." He ascended to light but the doctor's friend's siddhi vanished that day. 93. I am mentioning all this to you because - do not identify yourself so low and cheap. You identity is just one - You are parabrahma, you are light, you are the creator, you were one with that flame which created this universe and after you were created you forgot your identity. Just like the little hawk, who fell among hens. One gun blast did it all. Similarly, in everyone's life some or the other saint (guru) comes and does one blast and from then you start flying in the higher skies. 94. Upanishads says again and again "mann hi kartha mann hi bhogtha". Mind is the creator and mind is the one who experiences." You were creating till now, but that was in ignorance. Now create consciously. 95. Like someone said that his illness in medical science has no cure. His mind has caught that belief. He gets cured with Sanjeevani but then again his mind creates "how can you be well?" The disease reoccurs. Then he does sadhana and gives sanjeevani and gets healed. Then his mind says "this is incurable." You believe only in the Self, that is infinite. 96. Remember, the disease has not come from space into your body. You only had created it, but unknowingly in ignorance... had created karmic debts. Everyone has to pay karmic debts but find out the fasted way of repaying the debts. That fastest way is sadhana - seva - sankirtan. This is the only fastest way. 97. Now leave all this magic and tricks and one who does them. If you look at their face, you will see there is no peace. The one whom you go to for help, just look into his eyes, face and lips. Is there peace in his eyes, face and lips? Because face is the mirror of what is within. When he is not at peace what solution can he give you? Believe in the Self. 98. Sound creates. OM is divine energy and it will create divinity. When you speak ill, it creates asuras (demons). Since so many births, so many demons have been created by speaking bad. Now you have reverse the whole process with the sound of OM that comes from Shiva. This is the mantra that burns your karmas.

99. Other mantras give you benefits but do not take off karmas; the mishap or problem is only postponed. It is just like a bankrupt person takes loan from the bank and feels he has become wealthy. He is not wealthy but he has to repay the loan and on it, the interest also is mounting. These small mantras are just that. You are to burn your karmas. 100. It takes hard work to do sadhana. It had also taken hard work to create karmas, do do bad things, now do some hard work in doing good :) or are you going to ask for quick methods? Wealth in 5 minutes, health in 5 minutes, happy married life in 5 minutes, happy studies in 5 minutes? It cannot happen that way, right? You have to do tapas. 1. There are three types of Yoni (life form): 1. Deva Yoni - in which the soul takes the form of gods and goddesses and experience happiness but they do not have mind. There will remain in the same yoni. If Indra wishes to become Bramha, he cannot become. To get liberated into the infinite he needs mind. 2. Maanav yoni (human form). There are three again in this: 1. Pavitra yoni 2. Bhog vilas yoni 3. Dukh bhog yoni 3. Bhog yoni (form of only paying off karmic fruits. Eg: Animal form) In this yoni also there is no mind. One cannot think and discriminate. This is why if a tiger is hungry it kills and preys on a cow and does not accumulate karma. Cat kills hundreds of rats but does not accumulate karma. Their tendencies will remain the same as their form. Because there is no mind so there is no punya (merits) and paap (sin). 2. Only if there is mind there one can accumulate karma through good/bad deeds. Only if there is mind one can reach and merge with the infinite. At the same time can reach the lowest realms. It is dependent on what the mind is creating - the kriyaman, which then becomes prarabdh. 3. You have taken birth to know this kriyaman and rise above it. 4. The ego of "I" is the negative karma. What kind of food is served to "me"? The food is not wrong, your bhaava is wrong. Have the feeling that food is Annapoorneshwari. 5. Never react intensely negative to any situation. That irritation from your external mind moves into the inner mind and it is important to remove it out or it becomes your prarabdh bhog be careful of this.

6. If a mosquito bites and if you ignore it is okay but if "Oh.. a mosquito" is the reaction, this bhaava has created a sanskaar (impression) and this impression goes within for the cause and effect. 7. Where have so many karmas comes from; they are even from such small karmas. 8. Narada had the ego that lust cannot touch him, but he was actually working in the area where the possibility of generation of lust was minimal. With this ego, his ishta - Lord Shiva had to take the form of Lord Rama and Mahalaxmi had to take the form of Sita, and the whole Ramayana had to be enacted because of Narada's curse on Shiva. Just this small ego gave birth to such a big Ramayana. 9. I look at all sadhaks. I am seeing there are two cars and one of the sadhak sat in one car and the other sadhak is not liking it and wants to sit in the same car and another sadhak is angry as to why sit in one car when there is another. One pushes in and the other stomps the foot and gets out. In all this episode what is the most dangerous thing is that reaction of anger and banging the foot. I wish that you save yourself from all this. These are very small things but they create karma and bring prarabdh bhog - save yourself from it! 10. Every moment should be with a moment of gratitude. 'Oh Lord, thank you so much. I am grateful to you.' When you start getting this feeling, you will see that your life becomes more comfortable. 11. This is the important message I wish to give you - No negative emotions and no negative reactions! Keep yourself always pure. Don't let any dirt fall. 12. This is why all siddhas are shown to be sitting on the lotus because the lotus grows in the dirt but not a single drop of dirt can dirty the lotus. The dirt is the world of maya and the drops of dirt are all the negative things and vices. Do not let these drops of dirt fall on you. If you become the lotus you can cross the bhavasagar (ocean of cycle of life and death). 13. Do not fall unconscious before every thought, action and reaction. If you get angry it means you have fallen unconscious. Do every karma consciously. Unconscious karma become the cause of your misery. 14. Love the ones who are with you. They are there today and may not be there tomorrow. What will you do then? Fallen in the traps of photos and idols? That is illusion. Learn to love the living ones. Every day of yours is precious.

15. Never compete with others but compete with yourself. What you were yesterday, you must rise above that today. Then there will be growth in life. The level of consciousness that you are in today must be higher that the level you were in yesterday. Growth should be a continuous process. If you look externally and complete with others then you will only get sufferings. 16. One is who gets everything and amongst all that he finds a reason to cry and cries and cries and convinces his entire family how much suffering is there and narrates his story to everyone he meets and bitterly cries. And if he has become a ShivYogi, then the incident will remain the same but he will search for happiness in that and HAR HAAL MEIN VOH HASEGA AUR KHUSH HOGA (he will laugh and be happy in all situations) and give only happiness and laughter. 17. What you do in this life will decide if you are crossing the ocean of miseries or will decide if you are going to get similar such life. You decide what you want.. TUM CHAHTHE KYA HO. You have got this human birth after going through 84 lakh bhog yonis. Babaji sings... Ik din bandiya hai udjaana palat ke aana nahi... 18. Every moment with every karma you are throwing a thread and whole life you are knitting your own robe (cloth) that you are going to wear in next life. The three kind of robes in your boutique: 1. Deva yoni robe: The one who does all his life good karmas and for the welfare of others but at the same time also desires for his name. In ShivYog it is said that the right hand should not know what the left hand has done. But one wants the entire world's hands to know that you are doing punya, then there still exists a desire for praise, name and fame. Yagya are happening and it is proclaimed that so-and-so is doing the yagyas. Such souls get the Deva yoni because they want to experience praise and happiness out of even the punyas that one does. In Deva yoni, he then experiences all this in Swargaloka. When all his punya karmas are over then he has to come back into the human form because till now he has not got liberated. There was a pure kind of ego but the ego was still alive. 2. Bhog yoni robe: One who is always burning in the fire of jealousy, lust, anger, who gives pain to others, who cannot withstand others, he suffering all the miseries of life gets into the animal form. Like if he has the feeling of taking revenge, he becomes a scorpion or other forms that bite others. Ones who are stuck in taking interest (money) get

into a mosquito or forms that suck blood so that one is able to suck free blood wherever available. One who lives on other's food gets a dog form. During the period of Lord Rama, an injured dog comes with a complain. Everyone surprised as to a dog's grievance bring him to Rama. The dog says that it wanted justice as it was sleeping quietly in the corner of a street and a beggar came and hit him and injured him without any reason. The beggar was summoned and asked why he did so. The beggar said that whole day he was begging and when he did not get anything and was returning back, this dog was sleeping in my path. The beggar asked him to move but the dog wouldn't move and in anger the dog was beaten up. Lord Rama asked the dog what justice it wanted and it said that there is a big mutt (religious institution) and the head of the mutt has left his body and that the beggar be given that position. All were surprised and the beggar was happy and this wish was carried out. Beggar was bathed, robed royally, rode on the elephant and placed on the highest position. When this was done with, Rama as the dog as to why it had chosen this inspite of the beggar injuring him. The dog replied. "In my previous birth, I was doing seva with my heart and soul to the head of the same mutt and after his death I was made the head of that mutt. I was very religious and took care that dharma is followed. I was carefully handling all the property and wealth of the institution but when people came and fell at my feet I used to love it. Eventually, people started praising me and I could not resist it and accepted it all. Then, from the mutt wealth, I brought for myself different type of thrones and golden plates and silk clothes. I lived like a king on the money that came in the form of contributions for a noble cause. Slowly I degraded myself and during my last days I was still stuck with pleasures of praise and comfort. I had eaten all that which I had not earned and this life I came into this dog yoni. This beggar is full of greed, anger, ready to cause harm to others. Now, when he has become the head, he has full independence to make so many ill karmas. I will complete my bhog in this animal life and go into a sadhu yoni because of my punyas also but I do not know in how many lakhs of yonis this beggar will get stuck into. 3. Manushya yoni robe:

 The one who gets entangled in lust, anger, attachment, infatuation, ego and gives only sufferings to others, choses by himself the bhog yoni.  Another is who does good but does it only for oneself and the family and does not care for others but only his people, such one goes into pitruloka, the realm that is lower to the swargaloka and a realm higher to the pritviloka. Here his happiness and sorrow here depends on how much punya and paap his family members back on earth do as he is now etherically attached to his family and relatives. When the karmas are done with in the pitruloka, then he returns and is born back into the same family/generation.  The one who does punya, welfare, follows yama/niyama, speaks the truth, who follows ashtheya, who daily practices dhyana, such a person after leaving the body gets liberated if his journey is over.  If journey is incomplete, then he will be born to the best of parents and cult and he in the grace and vicinity of auspicious people and situations, gets liberated.  The ones in whose life some paap (sins) were committed but punya (merits) are more, then such while enjoying the happiness of life are struck by some mishap at a turning point of life and at that times longs for a guru and this one finds the shelter of the guru and moves in the journey of nar se narayan (finite to infinite) and gets liberated.  Now, do self-analysis as to which robe have you knitted for yourself and which robe you prefer to put on next.  During final moments, all the images of every karma and every incident comes in front. If while being alive you have been able to resolve all issues then you will not be affected at the final moments. But if it is not resolved, you will experience the same pain during those final moments and bring on the emotions of fear, revenge, anger, and if you have not been able to rise above the four ashrams (bramhacharya, grihastha, vanaprastha, sanyas) and even in old age if lust troubles you and still if taste buds are active with food delicacies, then even at the time of death all these activate.

If you raise your level of consciousness in your bramhacharya ashram (celibacy) you will be able to move successfully into grihasta ashram (householder) and partners will know how to accept each other, love each other, sacrifice for each other and outgrow cunningness. As you continue raising your consciousness higher, then when you get into vanaprastha ashram (forest dweller) at this time partners will not be attracted towards each other physically but soulfully. Love will have increased. Why do people easily today get divorced and say 'I am done with it' is because the level of consciousness has not raised. The soul connection is absent.  Every day you must grow in the area of wisdom, in the area of spirituality, in the area of purity and in the area of detachment by increasing your unconditional love.  When your feelings say that others are very bad and throw dirt on him but your pure bhaava will ask you 'Have you become fully purified?" When you speak with your tongue on other's doshas, you acquire doshas yourself. Are you willing to take more doshas on yourself when you already have so many?  Babaji made a reference of Saint Kabir here "Bura Jo Dekhan Main Chala, Bura Naa Milya Koye, Jo Munn Khoja Apnaa, To Mujhse Bura Naa Koye" (meaning - When I tried to search for bad people, I found none, but when I explored myself, there were none worse than me. It literally means that before finding faults in others, you must look at your own faults.) What right do I have to criticize other, to blame others, to complain about others?  Why not I weave such a robe that is immeasurable, that has no beginning and no end and become infinite?  When you enter into your body in meditation and become silent you start experiences every part of your body, bones, organs, joints. Go more deeper you start experiencing every tissues and every cell. Further you go and you will experience atoms and further when you enter into the shunyatha (nothingness/empty space) you enter in the nirguna state. Likewise, when you get into the state of nirguna, you enter into that empty space/nothingness. At this moment, you get everything. The 10 doors opens and you see/witness your own self.  When I saw atoms rotating I saw the shunya state. But at the same time I saw crowd also. I'll explain about the crowd. Quantum physics says that this entire body is an empty space because all the atoms moving in this body creating cells and organs and the entire body, if are put together in one box, then the size of the body will 0.0001% which is equivalent to 

null. If I break the atoms further into electrons, protons and neutrons, there are no solid particles but energy. So, your body is made up of energy. But the shunya that I see is not empty but multidimensional movies are moving in it, which is actually crowded. So you are not seeing yourself but seeing scary creatures in there.  How sankaars are developed? A small child is sitting in a room. His aunt who is childless comes into the room and saw noone around and gives a tight slap to the child. The child who is yet unable to speak was initially happy that her aunt is coming in but when he gets the slap he is surprised as to why did he get that. As a grown up when this child came for Pratiprasav sadhana, he used to have terrible pain on the right side of his face and that pain used to not get healed. The reason was that question mark was still remaining as to why his aunt had hit him. It remained within as a psychic trauma. Now, this traumatic incident is also one of the movies that is moving in his shunya.  A child cries and say that his parents do not love him and that has become a problem with his stomach. It is a psychic impression that is rotating in his shunya.  When someone wants to destroy someone, this emotion becomes a psychic impressions and is moving in the form of a holographic movie in his shunya.  To see, one can see the physical body - legs, hands, etc.. but so many incidents of so many lifetimes are moving within this physical body. More data is in even more minute form in the prana shareer.  When one with unresolved issues is going the leave the body, he sees scary forms and appearances in the form of ghost and spirits. Some come to cut him, to kill him and he gets scared but in reality those forms are not true but the projections of his mind. This is why siddhas say "Nirmal Mann."  A sadhak's message came that Rs.5000/- was stolen from his wife's purse because he is all the time in the thoughts and doubts of trouble. Those thoughts create. I am not saying this to hurt anyone but saying this to show you the truth. We ourselves create mishaps, we create robbery for ourselves, we create accidents, we create disease. And, in the end of life those frightening forms come and scare and attack. But if by doing ShivYog sadhana and/or Pratiprasav sadhana one by one all issues are resolved, those lakhs and crores of multidimentional movies start releasing from your empty space and what is left in the end is YOU - the light.

Aham Bramhasami (I am That/God) but instead of this we have created for ourselves:


Aham ahankar (ego) Aham krodh (anger) Aham peeda (agony) Aham dukh (sadness) Aham bechara (self-pity) Aham durbhagyashali (unfortunate) Aham saadesathi ka maara hua (periods of back luck) Aham kaal sarpa dosh (wrong planetary position in horoscope) o Aham manglik (wrong planetary position in horoscope) So all these negative beliefs are born out of a negative experience/incident. We are not able to release this and we fall trap to wrong practices of mantras/rituals/totems and program more of such absurd things within us. Buddists read Bardo to the dead stating, "Many frightening forms will come to scare you and so do not be afraid. They are all the reflections of your own mind. The reflections of those thoughts that you continuously thought about all your life. Now after leaving your body they have taken various frightening forms and attacking you." People sometimes tell me that others take advantage of them. I tell them that they are very fortunate. Others do not have anything to give and you have something to give and so they take from you :) They then tell me that they do not give back anything when they are in need of something from them. I tell them God-willingly let there be not such a situation where you will have to need something from them :) What you need ask from your Guru, ask from you Shiva because they have infinite to give you. So, don't give others so that you can ask but give because you can give. And, when you give thank Almighty that he has given you the capacity to give. Also thank the one you are giving as he is giving you an opportunity to do punya. Then forget the person whom you have given with no expectations. It is said that the soul is taken to Chitragupt who has all the accounts of the souls karmas. Chitra means reflection and gupt means secret/hidden. These are hidden reflections in your hidden mind that cannot be seen by your conscious mind. While one leaves the body all those hidden reflections comes in front. This is what I mean by "God may forgive you of all your sins but your central nervous system may not." This central nervous system is the Chitragupt, which is watching all that I am doing. o o o o o o o o





I used to meditate on my guru's words - shudh bhavana and always reflect after every karma (deed) on whether my bhavana was shudh or not. In the start I used to get feedbacks that it was half pure and half impure with contamination. Then I used to get the feedback that it was pure but even in that pure intention there was a hidden impure intention. 7. Yudhishthira was a truthful person. It is said that he was so truthful that his feet and his chariot's wheels never touched the ground. Bhima killed an elephant named Ashwathama, and loudly proclaimed that Ashwathama was dead. Drona, knowing that only Yudhisthira, with his firm adherence to the truth, could tell him for sure if his son had died, approached Yudhisthira for confirmation. Yudhisthira told him: "Ashwathama has died". Yudhisthira, who could not make himself tell a lie, then added: "Praha kunjara ha", which means he is not sure whether elephant or man had died. The moment he did this the charriot wheels struck the ground. What Yudhisthira told was the truth but his hidden intention was impure. 8. Give more importance to the bhaava behind every motive of yours. 9. All these reflections stay within us and we in ignorance keep questioning during troubles of life as to "I do not know who is giving troubles." But it is these secret/hidden reflections that we have programmed within me that are causing trouble. These have to be released by tapas. 10. When you enter the gyanamaya kosha, there will be seen mountains of sanchit karma there. Once a siddha gave deeksha to his disciple and asked him to do ShivYog sadhana. As the disciple did sadhana and got more purified, his third eye opened and now he saw mountains of sanchit karmas. He became disappointed and thought to himself "I wonder how many lives will this take to get released from these sanchit karmas?" At that moment his guru came and laughed. He asked the disciple to gather garbage. This was done and there were soon huges mountains (heaps) of garbage. Now, he asked the disciple to clean it. It took the disciple a whole day just to clean a little portion of one of the heap. He was tired. Now, his guru asked him to take the matches and light the garbage. After lighting fire, within few moments all the impossible-looking mountains of garbage burnt down and turned to ashes. The guru said, "This is Shiva-agni, Guru-agni. When you do pratiprasav sadhana with total surrender at that time do not bring any kind of doubt or thoughts and do with total surrender and this is how those heaps will burn down. 6.

When you do sadhana, the visualizations that you see are not like what you see with external eyes but are internal visualizations and sounds with inner vision and inner hearing. In the start it may erupt as a bubble of thought. You have to catch that bubble and proceed. Do not discard it just as a thought and do not discard it just an an imagination. Imagination is not as cheap as you think, everything is imagination. So, catch that thought and enter into it, experience it and release it. As I guide you and take you to different levels, do not doubt and let it happen. After sadhana you will feel very light and that is because karmas are heavy and when they are released you start feeling light. 12. Sharing an incident of a sadhak in Spain when I had been there. I saw one thing that everyone there are very healthy, especially in Europe. They told me that the people there cross over 100 years and even continue living beyond that. When I told them this is good they denied and said that it was a big problem for the Government as they have to provide pensions. I told them that there has to be research done on this. 13. Then they told me that in the month of August they all go for vacations and they do not work and just relax. They mentioned to me about a lady who worked for them. They asked this lady not to go on vacations and that she would be paid not one but two month's salary in one month. She refused. When further told that 3 month's salary would be given, she said that she works the whole year so that one month she can live in total detachment and at that time she had to her experience her mind, body and soul. They may not be knowing all this in detail but unknowingly they heal their body, mind, and soul and that is why they stay healthy. 14. I would like to mention to Indians that we are bound with so much of attachments that we feel we are going to live with those attachments for lakhs of years. "There is no servant in the house and so I have to leave the vacations and go home because I take care of my house. What will happen to my cow? What will happen to my dog? What will happen to the cleaning of my house?" For even 10 days one is not able to detach oneself. It feels like one is going to live forever and so the house. With so much of attachment the soul remains attached to these things. 15. If there is happiness in the house, one is happy and if there is some unrest or quarrels one gets disturbed. This should not happen. You have come into this world, do what you have come here to do. When your people had not come into this world then also the world was functioning, when you are in the world 11.

also the world is functioning, when you go away from this world also the world will function. The world does not function due to your presence and the world will not stop with your absence. 16. Raja Bhoja was young when his father died. Before death, his father had made his own brother the heir to the throne stating that when Bhoja grows up he should be given the throne. The brother became greedy and was insecure of his nephew and planned to kill him. He asked his minister to take his nephew to the forest and kill him. He was taken to the forest and before killing was asked for his last wish. The child said that he wanted to give a letter to his uncle. He drew out his sword and wrote in blood on a leaf "Lord Rama came on this earth and when his time came to leave, he went alone. Lord Krishna also came on this earth and while leaving did not take the entire world with him but left alone. My dear uncle, I believe that when you go, you have the courage to take along with you this entire kingdom and earth." This was a very big message. When this message reached the king, he deeply contemplated on this message and he asked the minister if the boy was killed. The minister said that he was waiting for the king's reply and had hidden the child. The king asked him to be brought and with lot of love his was brought up and he went on to become King Bhoja. 17. So the message is that you have come alone and will leave alone. Do not create unnecessary stress in your life. It is also true that the higher dimensions are more illuminated and blissful and many times more beautiful and splendid. Why remain stuck here. 18. Here every moment whatever you get, experience it. We say we have got stuck in bhog but it is not that but we have got stuck in collecting the things of bhog. One has not experienced it yet. When one has good digestion power, one has not eaten the food because one was busy gathering food. Now when food is in front, one does not have the power to digest. That time also you could not eat and now also you have gathered everything you cannot eat because now the next fear is that if you eat you will die (disease). So experience all that you have got or you will remain unsatisfied and you will have to come again. 19. I learnt something in Spain and that was "Tranquilo" (chill out) and I like this word and this is a big mahamantra meaning "remaining blissful" Live your life 200%. This is possible when you live in the moment. Experience the world with this body and at the same time remain always connected to the divine so that cosmic energy/intelligence is always generated in you.

Experience and enjoy every morsel of food. We have become so scientific that we check out in every piece of food how much calories, if anything in it is harmful, etc... everything negative, negative, negative. I am saying the truth that your body has all the power to get accustomed. Eskimos also live in minus temperatures because they have accustomed their bodies and they do not feel cold. There are people who live in very hot climates as they have also accustomed themselves. It is right that you must eat good, pure foods but whatever you eat at that moment do not bring doubt. Enjoy that food and your body will get accustomed/acclimatized and digest every food. If you doubt and eat anything at that moment your body will take in same message what you think and create trouble. 21. I completely agree and respect what science has told, but there is a science beyond that science and even beyond that there is a science. Your mind, body and prana mechanism is much far ahead than science. God or the invisible forces are the science that is far ahead of modern science. That science says that whatever you want, if you so desire with full faith and total belief it shall happen. So I again and again ask you do decide Tum Chahthe kya ho? 22. Many people come here in satsang leaving their business and they have full faith that they have spent enough time in their business and now it is time for some spirituality and Baba will take care of their business and the reality is that when they went back they have seen that their business during these days were much better than the days they had their own presence there. 23. When they say this, why don't you also say that Baba will get your house cleaned, take care of your cow and dog? Believe at least in this :) He is there everything and is omnipresent and He is ready to take care of all your needs; you just have to have faith, belief and purity in your mind. Do this and all the powers of Shiva and Siddhas will always be with you. 24. People say "I am a bhogi" and I say only if.... only if... you were a bhogi. He is not a bhogi but gathering the materials of bhog. He has not entered the house that he is building, not slept on the wonderful bed that he made for himself, not had bath in that elegant bathroom, not eaten the food that he has gathered, not shared two sweet words with the huge family he has created. It is useless. How can he be a bhogi? 25. ShivYog is a path of bhog and moksha. Only the one who has had bhog will be able to understand later that there is nothing in that bhog he has experienced when compared to the 20.

fruits of sadhana and spiritual growth. Only he can rise. If the one who has not experienced go to whichever heights in spirituality, his mind will be on the wordly things he has not experienced. 26. Do not think your work as a burden. Enjoy your work. If you grumble over work as a burden then slowly that job will go away from you. Feel your work as sadhana. Students should take their studies as sadhana. 27. When daughter-in-law comes into your home maintain "har haal mein khushi" Don't say "I am sweeping and she is not." Don't get stressed out and if you are sweeping it is good, you will remain healthy. Before this also you were sweeping; what's new in that? You must have grown daughters. So, this is another daughter who has come. Change the positioning of your mind. This is why blood sugars increase, blood pressures increase, you fall sick. Don't do all this. If children are happy, be happy looking at them. "I make round fulkas (puffed wheat bread) and she makes crooked ones" Be happy eating the crooked ones :) One or the other day she will make it. The end result of the round fulka and crooked fulka is the same :) (laughs) Har haal mein khushi! Her soul agenda is hers and your soul agenda is yours. Decide what is your soul agenda happiness or irritation? 28. If you practice being happy or findings ways to be happy in all situations your happiness goes cell-deep and you cannot have sufferings in your life. Learn to smile and learn to laugh. 29. Sadhaks comes to do seva in our ashram and one sadhak came and told "Another sadhak is stressed out. I told her to come at 10 a.m. and not at 6 a.m. but she still continues to come that early and do all the work and get stressed out." I told, "Do you know that everyone wants to come at 6 a.m. because they do not want to come to get stressed out but to relax. The 6 a.m. time is the time for dhyaan (meditation). Who can come and do dhyaan at 9 a.m.? 6 to 8 is the time for dhyaan. Then meeting everyone else. Then there is breakfast and then after that starts the seva. Do not think of sadhana and breakfast as stress..... and never ever think of seva as stress. 30. Whoever does seva taking it as a grace gets bestowed with a lot of grace. So, whatever you do, do it in happiness. Do not say, "He does great seva, so give him some extra facilities. Baba makes ashram for you. You go there everyday; Baba doesn't go there for long long periods of time because that ashram is made for you for your spiritual progress. In the world, you do it for others because others do if for you but in ashram never weaken

anyone's seva by saying "He does a great seva" What Baba has to give he will give but nothing separately or extra. The extra may be in the world but when you ever go to the guru go with the request of him clearing your ego, weaknesses, stress, grief and fill in the light within and help experience the Self. 31. Unconditional love - there should be no conditions to the entire world. I was in one place and one person offered to take me in the car. Other retaliated saying that it was unfair as all the seva was done by them and this person is never seen and today he has come with his car when Baba has come. Here, you are judging. Never, never judge anyone.... and Guru atleast never judge. In whose vehicle does he sit, whose he does not sit, or he prefers to walk. He is totally detached but he loves you only unconditionally and when you put a condition, that unconditional love is stopped from reaching you. Same approach should be towards the world and in your family... never, never, never, never judge anyone. Let you only emit unconditional love. 32. If I take seva from you, I take it for the only reason that more punyas get credited to your account. Like parents, who feed the weakest child more food. Same way, Baba takes more seva from those whom he feels are weaker. He takes from those whom he (Baba) needs to give more. But Indra maharaj will play his game for sure and the thought some or the other time will come into the mind that "I do so much of seva and where is my tail?" Do not wish for the tail but grace. 33. If you have to ask Baba do not ask Baba the world but ask to redeem your karmas because if karmas are redeemed then all the miseries that came with it will also go away and what you wanted to ask you will receive that and much more too. 34. My guru used to say "I have come to give so much, but people ask the same 2-3 things - wealth, child, marriage.. and nothing else." If you have to ever ask, then ask that all your negative karmas and weakness are destroyed. 35. Now, do not waste your time in kaam (lust), krodh (anger), lobh (greed), moh (attachment), ahankar (ego). Let every moment of your life become precious to earth. Wherever you go let there be only one voice "We have become blessed." Become such ShivYogis. 36. Understand and realize your real self. Do not seek anything out. Everything is within you. Activate it and instead of searching outside, distribute it outside as much as you can. 37. Let your presence itself become the reason for other's happiness, become the reason of erasing other's suffering. This

blessing I give you all. I pray to Lord Shiva for the same. Namah Shivaya.


This blog and it's content is offered with love and gratitude at the feet of Bhagwan Nityanand Baba and Sh

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Awareness Posted by Jacob at 1:17 AM comments (3) Something that struck me today and there was no intention to write anything, but started with this thought and something flowed. Hope it helps.. Again, i am trying to share with the only intent that it might help someone. Reader's discretion advised :)

As the coming time of ascension comes, few dynamic words - like awareness is going to be the need of the hour. It is no more the philosophical or just another simple word from the guru :) As many paths, so many ways, so many methods, techniques, talks, debates, religions, forms, knowledge, and so so many ways that manifest unto us through infinite means and mediums. With the approach of the ascension period and spread of light, spirituality takes a new outlook altogether, something which had been predicted or anticipated hundreds and thousands of years ago by sages. The only difference that is seen around now with the new wave of spirituality is that the same words are spoken in much adaptation to the much advanced world, the same words that our sages once simply casually mentioned about. That is what i notice even today that the language of the sages have not differed. The language that Babaji speaks is still the same language that he communicates through so many ways apart from the normal medium of speech. i still find Babaji's teachings so much impressive and presented in such beautiful ways but again all of his modes of teaching, singing, sharing, loving, healing - all point towards just one thing - to bring awareness among souls for selfpurification. i must mention today that i have been very fortunate to write the blogs here and i was just mentioning it to a friend in a recent trip how it has helped me immensely in many ways. The blog has helped because while i am at this job, i am knowingly or unknowingly using my physical, emotional, mental and intellectual bodies. i would like to share this here with the hopes that it may help someone. All these bodies have automatically got involved in in the teachings and representations of the guru. When i listen to Babaji's discourses on the TV or am in a shivir, i have got into the habit of noting down, inspite of knowing that i somehow know it. Babaji speaks the same thing in so many ways that till date i have found so many ways to express the same teachings that he renders. All this done by him just to make everyone grasp in whatever way they best do. i have been noting down things because of the blessing of being able to share this here and since this place is a my creative outlet i keep noting things always. Now, whenever i am looking or listening to Baba and noting points down, i am using my /audiovisual connections with Babaji as he speaks, my ears are attuned to what he says because somehow i am all the time alert because i somewhere deep down know that i cannot make mistakes in what he says or misinterpret him in any way as many read here. i take this also as a blessing in disguise because it is

only because of that alertness or awareness that i have learnt so much from Baba. So first time my mind and intellect registers it by seeing/listening. Second time it is registered as awareness is there on what is being written also. After few days when the book is picked up to be written into the blog, a third time (now freshly) goes through the same teaching and fourth time when i type it on to the blog. If at any case it has to be checked for errors then the fifth time it is gone over. So the intellect, mind, energy and body is involved in this process and all this while the impression gets stronger. A sixth time would be a boon if i have to refer back to one of these notes randomly to put up a quote of Babaji on Facebook just as a beautiful thought for the day. Initially, it was a mechanical kind of process but very soon i realized how it sort of starts getting into the consciousness. So i thought i must share this so that it can help someone practice this whole thing is whatever best way they prefer to or can.

What i essentially wanted to convey here is that it is not just the repeated task we do that matters, it is with what intensity and awareness we are doing it with. i am sure the above process would not have helped me must if it was a mechanical job, but it helped only because of the awareness into the process, even though that awareness must have just come trying to be alert not to make mistakes. So i am amazed at how just being responsible can trigger so much of things. This is where another teaching of Babaji comes into picture - accepting responsibility for everything that you are and you do and another teaching is about enjoying whatever you do. i am sure that these two teachings do surely help quoting just the above experiences. So being responsible for every action would again mean being aware of every action, because with this responsibility and it's

resultant awareness, the focus becomes stronger and wherever you focus energy goes there! That is why Babaji reminds that our energies are so powerful if concentrated in one direction. Due to our attention into so many things and aspects of life, this powerful energy and blessings of Sanjeevani is scattered in all directions. Just pulling one's awareness into one particular aspect makes the energy stronger and thus faster the healing or any manifestation. Babaji talks often about how in school his teachers demonstrated using a lens in sun how a paper could burn when all the sunlight in focussed on one spot. Same with awareness; it is nothing but withdrawing all the unnecessarily scattered energies. This is what is the power of "Tum chahthe kya ho?" The more your awareness on "tum chahthe kya ho" or in other words what you want in life, the more the possibility of manifesting it into your physical world. In this article what i would like to convey is beautifully all teachings can erupt from one word or one expression. So, this entire writing is just about all the things that erupt from that one golden word - AWARENESS. i have realized that it is awareness that Babaji talks about in so many different ways. He says "be aware" or "consciously create" or "sajag rehna". Through this awareness comes everything, yes, literally everything. It can be observed how important this word is when it is used with so much from every a small discourse to a shivir to Pratiprasav shivir. Even in Pratiprasav in Kurukshetra the greatest teaching was to be aware when one leaves the body. So Babaji says if this awareness is practiced during the living days, one will be totally aware during the death process too and thus not wander off or fall prey to the situations that are created depending on how one has lived his life. This can come with only enough practice while being in the body. Practicing the awareness and mastering it in this process during living days would definitely be nothing less than a great blessing!

Now i get it clear why Babaji says be totally conscious in every aspect of life, be it eating, drinking, working, talking, just sitting and even sleeping in awareness. i know that there is a stage that comes when one is even aware of one sleeping, even being aware of dreams - the state which Easterners have called as lucid dreaming , where you are aware that you are dreaming and one can even "dream the way one wants" :) meaning one has control of even the dreams and it's contents Again, it is all because of only the practice of awareness. But at the same time i have heard many say that one 'forgets' to be aware. This forgetfulness is not really forgetfulness but distraction because the attention is on so many things in the external world because of our deep involvement into maya (illusion) and the work of our own sanskaras. Usually one may become aware when something has already happened, like one might not be aware when one is reacting in anger to a situation but later may become aware that one had lost control. But i believe that even if one becomes aware after the happening, it should be looked upon as a blessing because slowly it can be extended with consistent practice of just being aware. It sure should be a good sign because if the period of awareness is extended and brought forth all the time, it surely has to begin cropping up more often.

Even just being aware of the prarabdh which we normally call as troubles or obstacles in life - if one tries to bring in the state of awareness then the effect of that prarabdh would be minimal or to even no effect depending on how aware one is. Babaji says this is one of his greatest teaching - witness everything (drista bhaav), which would come only if one is aware of that situation. When i mention of the 'witness everything' teaching, two things always come in my mind which are so closely knitted - 'har haal mein khushi" and "jo shiv agya"

i have to remember the other two when one of these come up to my mind. i have seen so much of close connection in them. It would be such a great blessing to the guru to just grant for awareness! With a greater or fuller sense of awareness developed by practice and consistency, if one can be just aware, one can be aware all the time that he/she is not the doer (I am not this body) and when this happens one starts witness everything and when this happens nothing will effect, thus one will stay happy at all times (har haal mein khushi) and with such a blessed state of being, nothing will matter and one will develop an automatic surrender to anything and everything (jo shiv aagya) and one already knows the magic that happens when one has total surrender which means one is totally merged with the universal consciousness (I am Shiva) and what ill can happen at such state because by this time one has also become the perfect creator of one's own destiny, where one thought and it there and then manifests itself because the self now represents the universe and is in everything and the entire cosmos is in that self. It is when one is in the same state of awareness that one cannot become judgemental and one will just accept everyone and everything and as it is. That is why we find ourselves judging at one moment and in another blissful moment or moments when we are connected, this does not happen. Another very important thing that one can achieve through this is detachment being a part of everything yet not being in it. The idea here is to keep expanding those moments of awareness into all moments of life so that it spread throughout the waking and non-waking hours eventually, to bring it to a state that awareness is there at every single moment.

To be in awareness one again has to live in the present which is another important aspect Babaji often points out - To bring all awareness scattered in the past and future to the present moment. Or in other words if our attention is brought totally to the present - awareness happens :) At such stage what can harm one (jidhe ang sang rab hai, uno fir kisda dar hai) because by now everything is one and how can the self harm the self? Moreover, with such increased sense of awareness one cannot or will not react and thus not create any further karmas and one cannot judge because with this oneness the unconditional love flows - everything is seen as a part of the self, so how can one love one and hate another? This is what could be called the 'leela' situations of different saints and great beings who walked on earth. They never got entangled in anything that they could

create thus remaining untouched by karma. i don't know what i am writing but hope it makes some sense. Sure, i have not reached all these situations but i can crystal clear see to how all these teachings are so so closely knitted as just looking at one teaching deeply opens the door to all other teachings . It is like the maze game that ends up bumping into similar paths, blocks, intersections before leading out of this whole game (play of consciousness). Babaji said, "Feel your koshas, feel the chakras, feel the nadis...." This is again to bring in, that state of present awareness. He also mentions that it is not necessary to know where the koshas are or how the chakras look and all, but just to bring that bhaav (intention) and just be present at that moment to feel it. All this with just awareness? Yes, but it begins with the conscious practice of doing something being aware, like i mentioned here how most of these teachings went into my head and into my consciousness just because of the number of times they had to be gone through. Just like what Babaji and Ishan bhaiya convey about creating neuropathways. Oh, i can see almost every teaching boiling down to this one thing.... now, if you have understood every bit of what is written here, you were in total awareness at the moment of reading. Believe it if you may, it is only this and just this awareness of the just being in the master's presence that will do most of what has to be done to your consciousness in shivirs even if you do not understand what Babaji is saying due to language differences or whatever other reasons. Even in any holy place you go, it is pure magic - being just aware... just being there... is all that is needed. i totally remain very, very grateful to you the reader, because in my attempt to maintain maximum alertness not to cause errors, i was only being more conscious and this alertness in one way was creating that same awareness :) As i realize this, heartfelt gratitude to you :) and heartfelt gratitude to the One who blessed me with this opportunity my Baba! Namah Shivaya!

Labels: babaji , gratitude , new saadhaks , obstacles , teachings

Enhancing Spiritual Practices Posted by Jacob at 8:26 AM comments (10)

All the below observations and suggestions are not mine. These are important lessons that i eventually learn from Babaji and share it here if it may help you.

Gratitude at Babaji's feet for this opportunity. • •

Results should not be anticipated quickly. The more the karmic debts, the more the time it takes to clear. Sadhana becomes more effective when the basic 6 foundation teachings of Babaji are followed simultaneously. (Click here to read about them) Keep a check on how you react because your reaction creates further karma. The more you cry, fret and fume, the more suffering at that moment and more the creation of sankaras thus amounting to more karmas. Moreover, during such low and negative moments the connection with the guru/divine gets more difficult. So be aware the moment you start getting low. Practice "har haal mein khushi" even if it looks impossible. Sincere repeated attempts are what makes you eligible for Guru kripa or the grace from the divine. Attempt should be made to see all things (positive and negative) as neutral without judging any situation. All are valid for spiritual growth. This becomes easier when one takes total responsibility for the same.

Try to live as freely as possible rather than carry these things always in the mind about your karma and situations and struggle, what to do and what not to do, what is right and what is wrong, etc. Be aware of everything that happens at all times without judging anything. To be in the mode of "drushta bhaav". Without practicing what the guru has given to do, there is no point in taking multiple advices from every sadhak, internet, books, friends, experts, seniors, the experienced, forums. Rather spend time focussing and contemplating on every word of the guru and what is exactly does the Guru wants you to do in order to ascend. Meditate on His words. There can be no other words than the guru's words, suggestions, advices and orders that will liberate you. "Guru vaakyam IS param vaakyam." It is important to note that if one cannot follow what the Guru himself speaks, there is hardly any chance that one can follow anything from what His disciples speak. Not all sadhaks in weeks or months get liberated, yet there is impatience and hurry. Rather than focussing on how difficult the journey may be, concentrate on how wonderful the destination would be. The joys of spiritual life lies not in the destination but in the journey itself. Stop comparing yourself with other's experiences and life changes. Every soul is completely different from each other. It is absolutely not necessary that the sequence of experiences in one sadhak's life has be match with others too. Most of the time ithe focus is always on the expectations of experiences, which is why there are no experiences. To experience one has to just be totally in the present by being just aware and allowing the grace to do whatever it has to do. It is not necessary that only if you experience something all the time that the grace is working on you. You can be undergoing a massive change within without even you knowing an ounce of it. Time will eventually give you enough hints to know your progress. The journey can be rocky depending on so many situations. One day it can be a wonderful day where you can feel on 7th heaven and the next day you may be feeling crawling on earth. The key is try to maintain neutrality in times of feeling in heaven or anywhere else, feeling neutral in all situations. One day the sadhana might be extremely mesmerising and one day it might with be just the opposite. There is no point trying to hunt what went wrong where and how, neither in getting irritated during the sadhana. When water flows through the gutters, sometimes it flows smooth and sometimes there are blockages. Soon water

starts accumulating there and the more it accumulates the more the force on the block and it is eventually flushed out. Water is grace and blockage is karma. If things are not happening. pray to the Guru and Divine to help you. When you get up from sadhana, thank for the opportunity of getting to do the sadhana irrespective of whether anything is experienced or not. It is a privilege to get an opportunity to do sadhana which many many do not get in the first case, because sadhana is the passport to liberation. It is normal to see obstacles and problems of all kind around and within when one begins any spiritual practice. As Babaji says with any thing you start doing, the tamogun first rises first and it becomes evident. The negative impressions stored in the chitta for so many lifetimes surface. It is important to know that they surface not to give you trouble but to be released. So, they should not be suppressed or bypassed. Karma cannot disappear but it has to be transmuted from negative to positive through sadhana and before transmutation they surface out physically, mentally and emotionally. Again, watch and observe anything and everything that surfaces without getting involved. Baba says whatever is happening let it happen and finish once and for all; the earlier the better. Do not fall too much into techniques for techniques are given as a framework to any sadhana, it is the skeleton of the sadhana. Any methods taught in shivirs are for discipline and focus and they do not end there. Methods and techniques should not be treated the physical exercise where one is moving the body even if mind is elsewhere, but should be treated like gymnastics and acrobatics where the totally focus of the performer is on the whole performance - mind, body and soul. Sadhana should always be effortless. The more the effort the lesser the connectivity and experience because the one that makes effort is the mind. For this, one should always be in the awareness that one is not using the kartha bhaav (I am the doer). When one becomes the doer, why will the divine intervene? Two riders cannot ride the same bike at one time, it is only of them. Same way, it is either you or the divine grace. It is simple thus to note that if you want connection with the divine, allow the Divine to ride you. Surrender! It is usually the ego mind that always tries to take on and thus fails. Never get desperate, whatever is one's state of living. Desperateness will create fickle-mindedness and the mind will try to do all tricks and shortcuts to get success. When the ego takes over, it is a bloated feeling to feel that "I am doing

everything rightly". With ego nothing much happens but more frustrations come up. Rather, best is to take responsibility for whatever situation one is in and have complete faith in the practice of unwinding the difficult situation into a positive one with total love and surrender to the sadhana and Guru kripa. Do not search for short-cuts or the easy way out. Even if they look wonderful sooner or later one will find out the truth. It is not difficult to get misled on the spiritual path. Babaji says that the more the obstacles and troubles means more the karmic factors and thus more should be the sadhana. "More" does not mean the quantity of time but "quality" sadhana. 1 hour of quality sadhana could be so much more than 5 hours of "empty" sadhana. One might say that one is unable to sit for sadhana or there is no "mood" or concentration. This is when one should know that it is nothing but the play of sanchit karmas that does not allow one to change or think positively. At such times, accepting this fact itself will open up half the door and the rest half will be opened by sincere prayer and surrender. The highest form of prayer than asking for petty things on and often to the guru/divine is to ask for blessings to be able to do quality sadhana for this is what will slowly give one everything. So one quality repetitive prayer with focus is better than multiple prayers everyday on different aspects wtih scattered energies and focus. Keep making attempts to understand in depth the teaching of the guru at all times. What one learns should be co-related in one's life. Even whenever one hears Babaji speaking something, more than the superficial relish of His words, it should be immediately co-related to one's life. What the ears hear from Babaji, should start churning within simultaneously. The ultimatum and the highest intention should be focused on self-purification. i have learnt that Babaji's every word and teaching and examples all aim and focus only on one thing self-purification. So if one's intention itself is this, then there is quicker progress because the intent itself becomes so pure and divine. Chanting the Guru mantra helps very much and this is the instruction of Babaji to chant the Guru mantra at all times in the mind and carry it's awareness at all times (ajapa-japa) Practicing being in the moment helps tremendously because everything happens in the NOW. Most of the experiences are missed out because those experiences are happening in the NOW and the mind is in the past or future.

Practice talking to the Guru at all times in the mind. Constant communication increases connectivity to the Guru and and is better than the connection one seeks only during sadhana or in distress because in moments of being low, it is difficult to connect. Thus, practice of constant communication comes handy. Share as much as you can the teachings of the Guru but without the attitude of teaching but sharing. Baba reminds not to become the guru and impart wisdom but remain a sadhak and share wisdom. This not only helps build good deeds but also in the process one squeezes the teachings and understanding of it into one's own life. The more one does it for others, the more it gets it in oneself. The act of humility is very powerful because it is only with humbleness that one receives. This is not only a good tool for receiving more grace but also a great tool for handling the ego. Never believe that the Guru loves some more because that person experiences more or because the person is seen in the physical presence of the guru. Babaji says the physical presence or meeting is the least important thing. He also once told a story of a fisherman boy who would always be in Bade Baba's physical presence. The boy sells vegetables today and is in his own state. So, spiritual upliftment requires subtle contact than physical contact. One should not hold guilt for anything wrong that happens during the practice (when the intention was not that). There are times when dirty nasty things surface during sadhana - again it should not be judged as good or bad but allowed to surface and release by being neutral towards it. The Divine understands that one is sincerely trying to come up and evolve. If one was pure enough why would one be trying to do holistic things? But guilt creates karma and it is better not to hold any. If one keeps all senses open, there will be many experiences and guidance coming at all times provided one trusts what is happening and allow it to happen even though one may think it is not right for the moment. Spiritual experiences happen but are ignored most of the time by the logic mind because it seeks physical proof. Sometimes, they are discarded as co-incidences or ignored fearing one may look foolish or even fear one is going crazy. The best way to have the Guru's presence is to invoke him with love and faith and merge with Him. Feel He is all within you and there is no difference between you and Him - as though you are Him and He is you. At such times, there is an enormous power

that will engulf you though you may not see it or know it physically or consciously. Come what may do not give up. Testing times and trials are part of the path and one will be tested at all times - tested on the surrender, tested on the choices one makes, tested on how much one has learnt, tested on one's patience, tested on the five vices - anger, attachment, infatuation, greed, lust and the most testing test will be the trust in the Guru.

These are all the things that i can think of now. If you would like to add something do share it for the benefit of others in the comments below. Similar articles: Doubts on the path Ways to raise vibrations Questioning mind Quality of sadhana

Labels: experiences , need help , new saadhaks , obstacles , teachings

Revising ShivYog Posted by Jacob at 10:18 PM comments (4) Namah Shivaya, No, this is not the same article and same old stuff :) An attempt has been made here to look at the same things in a little different way and it could possibly give a click somewhere if just read once.

These are again the very simplified teachings of Babaji in a language that we can understand. Babaji has decoded so many of the highlcoded and flowery language of the scriptures and also the very secrets of holy siddhas into plain simple language that we can understand and follow. Yet sometimes due to various reasons we may tend to overlook these simple teachings. It is known that everyone understands and interprets any language or wisdom at the individual level of consciousness and reads it at that level of understanding. That is one simple reason why we need a guru, why we need Babaji to share what He interprets and understands at His high level of consciousness at which level most of the secrets are embedded in the ancient wisdom of scriptures and siddhas. Babaji then, being connected and present at all level of consciousness, easily pours it out to us in the language that we understand. If things are not clear at this level there are again so many reasons for it, which i would not to discuss it here. Sometimes, in the journey with the guru, we tend to forget or fade out on certain things that are the most basic foundation teachings of the guru. Constant reminders still keeps coming untiringly from the guru in the form of shivirs, TV programs, and other mediums, which helps keep the guru's words of instruction, suggestion and advice to sadhaks. On the common number of emails and inquiries that i receive from sadhak family, i try to offer what i understand in the most simplified form and place this at the feet of babaji since these are his teachings that i just express in my own form and understanding with the intention that it might help someone.

Most the time, emphasis is laid fully on the techniques, methods, types, timings, quantity of sadhana, materials used in sadhana, place, ritual, etc, which are none-the-less important but if one looks deep, there are simple foundation teachings that has to be importantly applied in daily life. But, still there is something more to the what we see or do - the soulful part of it. Here are some pointers that one may want to read and maybe revise something. The basics of Babaji's teachings that need to be followed/applied in our daily life. The four most important things to be practiced in daily life is gratitude , forgiveness, UCL, acceptance. These are the points that need to be in our constant awareness throughout the day for faster spiritual growth.

Gratitude to anything and everything including offering heartfelt thanks to, yes, even the waiter, vehicle, food, and everything and everyone who come in contact with us during the day. With this act of gratitude, Babaji says we give out signals to the Universe that we deserve all these things in life to which nature will continue gracing with. It can begin with saying simple 'thank you' internally in the mind and feeling the act every time you do it along with an internal smile. (External smile need not be stopped if it comes out) :D... So also, one needs to be kind enough to thank one's own self also for everything one does.

Acceptance of situations, people. When one starts accepting the situation as it is or the person as they are, there will automatically be non-expectation and with no expectation the outcome from the person/situation will never be bothersome. One needs to practice selfacceptance also at the same time and accept oneself the way one is without judging it or wishing it was not what it is now. The attitude of acceptance if practiced rightly towards the self and others, leads to two main teachings of Babaji again - "Har haal mein khushi" and "Jis vidhi raakhe, us vidhi rahiye" and "Jo Shiv aagya" It is surprising to note how all the teachings of Babaji co-relate somewhere or the other. If even one of these teachings are mastered the other higher teachings are automatically connected to and grasped.

Forgiveness will not have to be struggled with if the above point (acceptance) is understood and practiced. Forgiveness automatically comes. With forgiveness one releases unwanted garbage held towards the self or towards others. The impressions held within is absolutely of no use to the self rather more demolishing. When resentment is held within it does more harm to the self than to the person or incident it is being burnt within. Precious positive energy that is acquired by spiritual practices is dissolved with the attitude of non-forgiveness. One needs to practice forgiveness to one's own self too because we do not forgive ourselves also many times for some errors that we do that this accounts to guilt!

Unconditional love might be little difficult if tried to directly apply suddenly in our life but become easier with the proper following and understanding and practice of the above two (acceptance & forgiveness). When these two are mastered unconditional love starts flowing automatically and effortlessly. So, what i can understand from here is that only if acceptance is mastered, forgiveness and unconditional love will automatically happen. Plus it brings you to the state where you can live with three other major teachings of babaji "Har haal mein khushi" and "Jis vidhi raakhe, us vidhi rahiye" and "Jo Shiv aagya" Paul Ferrini said, "You demonstrate love by giving it unconditionally to yourself. And, as you do, you attract others into y9ur life who are able to love you without conditions."

So, one may try to start with the practice of acceptance and gratitude in daily life and easily end up winning over forgiveness and unconditional love. Having re-looked at the above in our awareness the whole day now the main part of our practice are the three S. Sadhana, Seva, Sankirtan.

Sadhana is our regular practice with Sanjeevani - morning the Mritsanjeevani sadhana (Shiv sadhana) and evening the Sri Vidya sadhana (Shakti sadhana). Thus, with both sadhana being done, one is doing the complete Shiv-Shakti sadhana, which otherwise Babaji says is incomplete. This Babaji often mentions from his own experience where he did Shakti sadhana for many, many years and still could not be complete until he found out that He needed the Shiv sadhana also to complete this practice, only after which He was able to reach completeness. Babaji often reminds that He is making things easy for us because we do not have to go through what he went and He is simplifying things for us. Sadhana need not be just the 1 hour of morning and evening practice but can be applied into daily life by seeing everything one does as an act of sadhana.

Emphasis is laid on sadhana but along with sadhana, what Babaji again and again reiterates are seva and sankirtan, which most of the time escapes our practice. Seva, Babaji

stresses is not right until we add nishkaam (selflessness) to the seva. This is very challenging because even if we try to do the nishkaam seva the strong ego will want to give it importance and take credit.

For example, if one donates money one may suddenly remember Babaji saying what the left hand does the right hand should not know and thus control the urge to take credit for it, but the ego will tempt in all ways, sometimes even in ways one might not be aware of. Like, not wanting to take credit one would want the name not disclosed but still fall a victim to pride to the praise received by the person he is donating to or the ego gains satisfaction by wanting to mention to someone about what one did, maybe even in the name of sharing, but it is the ego again that plays games to get attention for the seva. A true seva is when one never even acknowledges it as seva since it is again the ego that is calling it a seva. Same way for all other sevas, the ego and pride tries to play superior. Even if these things happen, the practice of doing things and moving ahead without even wanting to turn back and look or think about it, will slowly start bringing one into the mode of "nishkaam". Babaji says that one doing seva must not broaden the chest and do it but bow to the level of the one receiving the seva and do it with total humility. Again, doing seva just to gain the satisfaction that one is doing seva also does not make it nishkaam anymore. Love, compassion and devotion should be practiced during the act. Any service missing this attitude is just another piece of job and not nishkaam seva. Seva need not be only with money or other contributions but can be made a part of daily life by seeing everything that one does as an offering to the Divine or Guru. This automatically also ensures that one does not do any negative thing since there is always this intention in mind of offering it to the Divine.

Sankirtan is the next that is practiced the least. Most of the time it is because one feels one is inadequate in melody or voice. Here what Babaji says is not to be bothered about the voice from the vocal chords but the voice from the heart. When melody and tunes flow from the mouth they become a song but when they flow the heart they become sankirtan. The practice of singing from within erupts bhakti or devotion. With bhakti one automatically connects easily without any effort or external practice. One gets connected to the rhythm of life and free flow of life and merges with the dance of Nataraja and thus one participates in the cosmic dance of the divine, thus enhancing healing and being in the present.

Same does chanting of any mantra or verse or poetry from the heart rather than from just the mouth. Sankirtan also can be practiced every moment in life rather than only during sadhana chanting or bhajans. Babaji teaches "swasa di mala nal simran main tera naam" meaning taking the name of God in every breath. Let the breath replace the rosary or beads and then the automatic simran happens thus keeping one engaged in sankirtan even while going about doing one's job. It is a common query to the mind why only sadhana is not enough and why other things like nishkaam seva, sankirtan, forgivenness, love, acceptance and gratitude needs to be done. The point that Babaji wants to side-by-side follow these things are because they enhance one's sadhana. It is a simple fact that every other action/act mentioned here apart from sadhana creates a positive karma (punya) which dissolves negative karma (paap) stored in the chitta as sanchit

karma. This automatically gives a boost to sadhana and it works the other way round also - when one does sadhana, one transmutes negative karma and raises one's vibrations and consciousness that helps one with other acts of seva, sankirtan, forgiveness, etc. So each is inter-related and the process of bringing all these into our daily lives can give a tremendous boost in spirituality.

Do not worry much about the troubles and obstacles during these practices. There will always be obstacles. Persevere, be consistent, discipline and have faith :) Since this article could become long thus distracting from the main points here, it has been split into another page that provide some insight on - Simple practical tips on enhancing our spiritual practices. Click here to read.

Similar Essence of ShivYog


Labels: guidelines , need help , new saadhaks , obstacles , questions , sadhana , shivyog , teachings

Doubts on the path Posted by Jacob at 8:54 AM comments (3) I have been getting this current topic in my mind for about a month now but for some reason I kept postponing. Finally as the signals got louder and stronger I finally I poured it out here.

All the things I mention here, as always, insist are my views and its interpretation could vary from person to person. However, the only intent behind these articles is that it provide light to darker patches of those sadhaks who confront the obstacle of DOUBT. If it does not seem appropriate please move on and if it does and if it helps, thank Babaji because everything comes from Baba, who knows everything and keeps providing it to us timely. There have been many queries about obstacles in the path. I will write soon about the many obstacles that are common on the path but right now I would put down something about the biggest obstacle on the path - DOUBT!

We all go through different phases of the path and it certainly is not easy to be on the path. Doubt is the negative energy that every single seeker faces some or the other time during the practice. Usually it is during the starting stages and eventually as the grace catches on and one's level of consciousness rises, it is wiped out and everything becomes clear and apt. This article goes well for starters on the path and for ones who have been on the path but something comes up suddenly and doubts suddenly emerge out of nowhere. Usually in shivirs we all notice that the energy is very high, vibrations are very high enough to keep one in bliss and shivirs are thus the few days in heaven. But the real challenge begins when one returns back home and begins with the sadhana. With Babaji it is easier because of his divine presence but when one is back, what is going to help then onwards is one's faith, sincerity and following of Babaji's teachings. That is why Babaji says by the end of every shivir that one has to

continue keeping the same vibrations when one returns back to worldly duties by staying positive, choosing what is only good for you and rejecting anything and everything that is not good for your highest good! What normally happens is that one gets back home in high spirits and continues being in that spirit for the following days but what usually happens is that the awareness of the thoughts and situations start going down and one becomes less careful to what is coming in from all sources. This is not at all difficult during the shivir days because all you have there is only holistic thoughts and actions.

Moreover happiness and well being becomes very conducive in shivirs since all around there are people of similar vibrations and interests thus giving one very, very, very less oppositions or frictions to one's well being. Even more, one is doing only sadhana for most of the hours and most wonderful is that one is always in the vicinity of a siddha guru's divine radiance of divine grace and bliss. Even if one happens to get a bit negative during breaks or when one returns back to the hotel room or gets into something with the outside world, these impressions are immediately blown the moment Babaji walks in, during the very few minutes of next morning of the shivir. Thus, there is nothing that you need to worry about in shivirs. But essentially what Babaji teaches is not just to be blissful in the 9-11 days of shivir but he sort of trains one how to perform the same kind of actions of bliss even when you are back in the material world. Babaji has many times given example of how he had a glimpse of the divine during one of his travel and experienced ecstatic heavenly bliss and remained immersed in it for sometime. He then had a thought hoping that he stay in that state only without having to come back. The moment he thought of this, he was back to his physical reality and Babaji tried to get back to that state but could not. Being taken aback and a little disappointed on this, he questioned as to why this had to happen and that was when his guru mentioned it to him that this state that he experienced out of his physical body could be experienced in the physical body also and that he should learn to experience this state being in the physical body. This is what Babaji tries to embed that he wants sadhaks to learn to be in that state and experience it in the physical body. Similarly, the bliss that one experiences during the shivirs can be compared to what Babaji experienced out of his body. Shivirs are truly an out-of-reality experience for many because one experiences what one usually never experiences in worldly life. By the time the shivir is over, one hopes, like in Babaji's experience, that this experience remains for ever but by the time one gets back and mingles in the

world that is full of all kinds of vice and virtues, one realizes that the connection is gone! Like Babaji's experience one again tries to long for the same kind of state of mind, body and soul, but fails at times. So, just like Babaji's guru, our guru also gives us the same message that in the same way his guru wanted him to experience the bliss being in his physical reality, we also must learn how to experience the same shivir experience of bliss even when we are amidst the world of dualities, when we are living our mundane lives.

Usually, it is observed that many seekers go to shivirs with lot of doubts. This is because of the questions asked to Babaji or other sadhaks. Many doubt themselves the most than anything else. They are unable to trust their inner self itself that has already brought within them an inner awakening and put them on the path of spirituality. Not that such initial doubts are a sin, but it does creates lot of barriers for one to experience the bliss and keeps one away from the privilege that is their birth-right, that is their true self. There are doubts even when they see clear visual experiences of others. Leave aside other's experiences, sometimes, even after experiencing such experiences themselves, there is an inability to believe and trust what is happening to them. This is nothing but the play of maya - the strong play of illusions. Maya is easily accepted by the logic mind. It is so strongly and deeply embedded in the logic as impressions of society, education, upbringing or rituals and traditions, that the mind always longs for proof with the five senses - sight, taste, hearing, touch, smell. Why all this, we use all these five senses at all times to check with proof of every truth. If someone says the dish is too spicy or too salty and not fit for eating, one will never trust and leave the dish alone, but a little will be tasted for sure. If someone tells the advertisement on the TV is obscene and not worth watching, one will still want to atleast have a one-second glimpse of it to conclude whether it is really obscene or not, however holy he/she is. If you tell someone that there are 170099 trillion stars in the sky he /she may believe you but if you tell that the bench or door is just painted and is wet, he/she will touch to ensure it. Hilarious right? Same happens when one tests a guru. All tests are done only with the five senses

which in itself has its limitations. It's limitations are only limited to the gross level and one should never expect to catch a guru or any divine being or form of the divine at the gross level because they exist at a subtle level. It is certainly not a sin if one has doubts or questions before coming to a guru, but once one accepts one as the guru then there should be nothing apart from surrender if one really wants to progress. Before meeting Babaji and sometimes even afterwards I admit that I have tested things the same way as the examples given with the dish, advertisement and painted door. But once one experiences that infinite power and state, that the logic mind would not very easily agree, then one should surrender to those experiences. That is why Babaji says that healing takes place and then sometimes recurs because one is not able to acknowledge the healing. Even if the healing takes place one still would want to go check the scientific results or even want to call it a co-incidence and doubt the whole process and happening. Thus doubts arise. If attempts are not made to combat doubts, then doubts start arising in everything - the sadhana, the way of living, the guru, the divine, and anything that cannot be tested by the five senses. Thus one succumbs easily back. One then starts wandering off or slowing one's speed of progress on the path. Babaji once said, "Don't keep fluctuating in positivity and negativity. It is like taking 2 steps forward and taking 3 steps backward and instead of gradually moving ahead (upwards) you move backward (downwards). Then it is still better not to walk at all."

I receive many emails and queries on a daily basis, most of which are pertaining to the sadhana and one is eager to know if one is following everything systematically because sometimes results do not show up. Almost all the time I have seen is that it is due to either lack of patience or lack of faith. Both of these cause doubt. When there is doubt in mind, how can one do sadhana? Babaji reminds what Krishna said in Bhagwad Gita to Arjun "Karm kar, phal ki chintha math kar" which means "Perform the right action and worry not about the fruit of the action." But most of the time, the mind is fixed on to the fruits of the action when sadhana is done and one even constantly keeps a check on the progress of the results of the sadhana. This further delays the fruits because when mind is on the fruits, it becomes a selfish action. It becomes an action for which one is seeking a reward. For one to detach from the fruits of the action, one must develop utter faith in these golden words. When faith develops, patience develops and when faith and patience develop, doubts just vanish! Otherwise, when results do not come, one begins doubting the self, the practice, the guru, the people, God and everything and then comes up frustrations, confusions and disappointments. So, it is none external to blame, it is always the self. It is impossible to

connect to the divine when one doubts the presentations of divinity itself or when one doubts the process of sadhana itself. Not to mention that it is impossible to carry on if one has doubts in the guru itself. As Babaji says, there cannot be anything dual in higher levels of consciousness. It is always one. You can choose only one at one time not it's opposite. I have interacted with people who have doubts about the guru and at the same time also wish that their sadhana works out well for them. How can it work? If a stranger suddenly meets you and gives you a chocolate, is it possible that you can relish the chocolate if you do not trust that person? These are dual thoughts and they will never work. It is difficult to proceed unless one has faith and patience. I am admitting that I have not been an exception to such experiences, but I have had to learn things the hard way because all the time my logic created problems for me, which if I had acknowledged rightly, would not have caused obstacles for me. These real examples are mentioned here because even if one has these doubts, the fear of offending the guru or someone will prevent it from being discussed. Again, as Babaji says, people go to God commonly out of two things greed and/or fear. Greed, because one needs a lot of things in life and fear because one is scared that God may punish if one does not go to him. Babaji says God and guru cannot be angry or punish because if they do, they have to first vibrate lower, which they will not and if they get angry or punish then they cannot be God/guru. So, after knowing that many are facing similar obstacles, I chose to put it here and share it with others so that they may avoid such obstacles coming in the path of self-purification. If at all there still arises anything in your mind, talk to your guru/God during your sadhana and you will see that there will be enough answers in the way you seek the answers, even through your five senses if your intent is that strong enough. People with doubt have asked me if I believe that the guru really comes when called. I need not state further than the fact that this simple doubt itself is enough to make one feel that calling a guru and communicating with him is hallucination. (Read communication with masters) "Kaun kehta hai bhagwan aathe nahi, mai toh kehtha hoon tum toh bulathe nahin" Here 'bulana' is not the verbal calling but the calling with trust and faith with the total absence of doubt.

Guru bhakti is the attitude of humility, love and loyality held by a student in any field of study. In the spiritual realm, the devotee strives to see the guru as his higher Self. By attuning himself to the satguru's inner nature and wisdom, the disciple slowly transforms his own nature to ultimately attain the same peace and enlightenment his guru

has achieved. Guru bhakti is expressed through serving the guru, meditating on his form, working closely with his mind and obeying his instructions. For guru bhakti one does not need to meet him personally, nor offer him garland or gifts and if at all this needs to be done, let it be done within for even if one showers the guru with gifts, praises and flowers but have even a fraction of doubt, everything is useless. Surrender to the guru is important because he can see things from a point from where we cannot see. Once the guru has given an initiation and has taught a way of life, the focus should be totally and totally only on the teachings and how best can one use these tools to purify the soul. For assistance one has to connect to the guru tatva and not to the physical guru himself. It becomes very easy to judge a physical being because we have certain set of notions in our mind. Many disciples of many gurus have faced this problem. They fix on a certain set of definitions to what and how a guru should be. This definitions are based on what traditions have taught or what samkaras one has cultivated throughout lifetimes. Then, when the guru does not meet their standards of how a guru should be, they are disappointed or start judging. This is dangerous. It does not matter in any way for a divine guru to explain or defend themselves because they know what they are doing but it certainly does cause major obstacles in the seekers. All great ones on the path of this siddha marg have mentioned that surrender to a guru must be 100%. Even another yogi whom I often meet explained to me the importance of surrender to a guru to the extent of even jumping off a cliff if he asks to and even surrendering if he has 100 wives. (To read it click here). It is very simple to note that what one perceives about an enlightened being is not easy to interpret because of the different level of consciousness the teacher and the student are at. There is a wide distance in the level of consciousness of the guru and disciple. Interestingly, if the disciple would have been at the same level, he/she would not have been a disciple itself. Would not the disciple remain unaffected by all situations and karmic influences and worries and disease and what not and go beyond it all like his guru? The very meaning of one being affected in any way by karmic influences means that he/she needs a guru who can guide him/her on the path. Once one then chooses what is right for him/her, then there should be given no room for any doubt.

Even without the path, all religions have always emphasized on total surrender to the divinity to get going well in life. This has worked wonders in religions even when one has not seen God or tested the divine with the five senses. There is no way out but to first believe and trust in the process of the divine and cultivate it further with faith and patience. I just remember Sai Baba, whose only two eternal golden words are - Shraddha and Saburi (faith and patience). Without faith, the progress is very glimpse. What one does not trust in will not bring in results. It is now clear and known that if the patient does not believe that he can be cured, he will not recover. Even the best of medicine and modern equipments cannot save him. Similarly even the sadhana will not bring results if there is doubt of any kind due to lack of faith and patience. That is why Babaji even said, "Even if nothing happens do it mechanically atleast consistently and soon things will fall in place." There are many many times that Babaji uses the words "Believe me" "Trust me" "I am saying nothing but the truth." "I am not mincing words." "Yeh akshar akshar sathya hai" (every word is truth) This is because it is very difficult for the logic mind to let go of the dominance of being the only tool for testing the truth. Someone recently told me that he has blind faith in Babaji and then spoke next about how things are not falling in place and also questioned certain things about the guru. It was amusing to reply that this is not blind faith. It is only a blind myth that one has faith and surrender. Where there are doubts there CANNOT be surrender or faith. It is highly contradictory. It is just like one cannot say one has faith and trust in one's spouse when one keeps a watch on the other, even if one tries to convince oneself or even communicate to the spouse of one's undying trust, the underlying reality is still totally different.

Everyone has a free will and no guru will ever want to stop anyone who wants to think or conclude anything about them, the practice or others because they know the guru has nothing to lose. That is why all gurus have never forced anyone to become disciples nor do they try to stop or explain to anyone who wishes to leave. They are happy with whatever decisions one makes and they are happy that they had the opportunity of blessing them at a certain point in their life. Any guru who tries to stop anyone or convince in any manner cannot be a guru. Babaji often reiterates that if they already have a guru before coming for the shivir, they need to go back and pay gratitude to their guru and continue with their practice their guru had taught them, only thing is that with Sanjeevani their practice would become more enhanced. He even says it is the sadhak's wish to take his guru mantra as their guru mantra and that if someone already has taken a guru mantra before they can certainly practice that.There is a lot to come if one develops this undying faith in one's guru or God. To summarize, doubts vanish when faith and patience comes in. What to do if doubts arise? • •

Nip it in the bud before it becomes a huge tree that is later difficult to uproot. Re-live your positive experiences of your sadhana.

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Think of all the experiences that changed your life and is changing you. Stop participating in wise intelligent discussions involving anything else other than your sadhana. Stop feeling guilty even if you have doubted. It is natural but it must be overcome. Get back on track. Stop blaming external circumstances, situations and people for not being able to do sadhana. It is more got to do with something internal. Accept 100% responsibility. Stop comparing yourself with other sadhaks. All karmic levels are different. All levels of purity are different. Do not stop doing sadhana because that is the only thing that will in the first place help in clearing your doubts, fear and guilt. Keep doing it. Do not measure every sadhana with having experiences of others or even compare your experiences with previous experience during sadhana. They can vary and depend on many factors. Move away immediately from negative people or people who criticize or judge others or paths in any manner, be it your own guru or other gurus. Do not fall into the sensationalism of negative news on any guru, whatever the truth might be. When we analyze with our intelligent minds, we unknowingly judge and share other's karmas. Do not try to measure the infinite with the finite five senses, you will fail badly. Believe in all the positive experiences that you have and hold on to it. Whenever doubt arises say to yourself that it is your negative impressions (karma) raising it's hood to release itself; allow it to release without judging or analyzing such thoughts. By all means, ask or share with others whom you feel might help, but do not pour out your final analysis of what your mind has produced, assuming and expecting it to be the final verdict for all others. Very, very importantly bring into practice each and every bit that the guru teaches, not just picking what is delightful for oneself and discarding the rest assuming it not to be worth for oneself. If it was not worthwhile, it would never had been taught in the first place. Have the faith that whatever has been taught by the guru has to be practiced first, not analyzed first, experimented and then practiced.

Let go of being too technical, methodical; learn just the basics of the sadhana steps and follow it with your heart. The corrections and changes, if any, will automatically start taking place eventually. Don't get too much into calculations of contributions or with how much you have contributed; none of these bring any positive effects into your life. This comes in when one thinks of it as a deal that one needs returns after investing something. Again, calculations come when one has decided how their guru should be according to their specifications and expectations. Allow the guru to do their job in whichever way he pleases and not the way one pleases him to do. Gurus know their jobs, disciples must know theirs. Withdraw from what others are doing and being political about the way things are seen to the physical eyes. As Babaji says that what others do is their soul agenda and their karma, why does one want to share their karmas when one already have so much of their own? Let the focus and aim be only and only self-purification. When the need and goal is just this, nothing can stay an obstacle for longer than you decide it should be an obstacle. Anything or any discussion that talks about other sadhaks or talks more than the teachings of the guru on the guru is a major eater of the good deeds that you have already earned. Refrain totally from this. Check the quality of thoughts at all times by being aware of what is coming in and what is going out. Refuse to accept what you think is conflicting and reject it there itself. Be disciplined in your practices because laziness and excuses give plenty of room for doubts to plant their seeds and do their job successfully. Do not expect miraculous results with just a verbal prayer without much conviction in that prayer to the guru or God and then doubt why things don't seem to happen. In any case during moments where doubts have overtaken, drop down immediately all the fight between the right and wrong and immediately make a sincere prayer to the guru/divine to help you out in this situation. The prayer is possible because even if one doubts, somewhere deep down one also carries guilt for it, which certainly means that your doubt is wrong. :) Accept that the path can put you into all kind of trials and tests. Affirm strongly to be victorious.

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Never share such doubts with others because you might end up actually ruining someone else's successful practice and I need not mention the karma that one takes for this. While on the path, one can get easily distracted that can affect the quality of one's sadhana. Try to keep all areas absolutely clean of any doubt, guilt or fear. When obstacles like these come, one should know that it is one's prarabdh that is playing the game and thus not feed it more, so as to attract further karma. Know that there is no shortcut at all in any path of spirituality. You first have to undo (release negative karma) what you have done before knowingly or unknowingly. Keeping this is mind will help keep silly doubts at bay. Know that doubts are not reality but the projection of your mind. The disturbing factors that you see or doubt externally are nothing but the disturbing factors within that is trying to gain your attention by showing up externally. Acknowledge it and let go of it. Divert your mind to something more pure and clean when doubts arise from within or arises in a person who wants to spill it on to you. Don't withdraw yourself completely with a sense of isolation and injustice. The more you think and brood in it, the more negative factors will creep out and in such state of mind even the most silly doubt will sound too good to be true. Know for sure that this also is a temporary dark phase, which also shall pass. The best of seekers have been through it. Take some time off if required. Give yourself good rest and pamper yourself with a small vacation. Take, read, ask, see, understand only what you are able to digest. Taking anything more will result in something called as spiritual indigestion. You may google this word to see how common this is among spiritual people. Doubts also come with ego or even worse - the spiritual ego. Keep a careful check on this. Doubts also come when the eyes are on other's plates than one's own plate. Watch your plate and enjoy what is served in it too. Be true, honest and sincere to yourself. If this is not there, then it is not a surprise to see oneself questioning the truthfulness, honesty and integrity of the world. Be aware of low energy. The moment you find yourself drifting into it, take measures immediately. (Here are some ways to raise your vibrations.)

Tune in to your inner guru, which is the one who lead you to your outer guru. Connecting with the internal guru connects you back to your external guru. Just thinking of the law of attraction of how you attract what you think and create your own destiny, will put an alert to ward off doubts or negative thoughts about your practice. Lastly, do not do the practice or do sadhana just because somebody asked you to do. You will have to first experience and believe it. Shivirs are the best place to do so.

Disclaimer Posted by Jacob at 5:42 PM comments (2) Namah Shivaya family! The link that was previous given on the blog for guest articles has been taken off since spammers are smartly making their way to spam and so has email ID been taken off because of spammers. If anyone interested to help the sadhak family in any way, you may please write to me at my personal email ID, which you can get through the contacts here.

DISCLAIMER It's not a pleasant thing to put energy into writing this disclaimer on a spiritual blog than writing a meaningful post, but it increasingly has become a need. i appreciate and reciprocate your love but i would like to convey that i do not have any information about the people in the foundation nor have any contacts with Babaji (physically), so please, please avoid writing to me about anything in this regard for any work. There are many ways to connect with Babaji and you would find some meaningful articles on it here. Sadhana is the best way to connect or learn to connect. Let me reiterate the purpose of this blog: 1. This blog was created with only and only one intention - as a seva to sadhak family, especially new sadhaks or yet-to-become sadhaks. 2. This blog does not teach nor proclaim to teach anyone anything. All contributions by the writers are solely the presentation of Babaji's teachings and teachings of

other divine beings who relate with ShivYog teachings or the personal experiences on the path. The sharing is done here with the only intention that it may help, inspire and/or boost another soul who is on the same journey. 3. Writing a blog does not make me or anyone more experienced, more genuine, more answerable, more spiritual or more intelligent in any manner :) We all are on the same journey and our purpose is one - to ascend while helping others also to ascend, if it is in our capacity to do so. However, the truth is that it is never in anyone's ability to do anything on their own; it IS the Guru who does everything. 4. Please do not ask for any techniques, methods, mantras or sadhana if you are not initiated. Even if you are, there are limitations in helping you with these. i have had experiences where people get offended if this is not revealed to them or some feel it is their right to demand things here because someone is trying to help. Right - it is "trying" to help, there is no claim to anything more than this. Remember, the sacred sadhana and anything relevant to it, is the authority of the GURU and only He is eligible to do this; we are just spreading his light in our own capacity and limitations. 5. Please avoid asking for any audio links that are the property of the foundation; this blog cannot help in any way. However, there are attempts made here to present audios and videos that are created by this blog to add some extra nudges and melody to our journey on the path. Videos from the foundation are available on ShivyogLive channel on youtube and also on the official site. 6. The chatbox available at the bottom of this blog is for any instant queries/help that one may ask or share for other sadhaks to answer. Answers will have their own limitations. Spammers and unwanted posts are deleted and on repetition are banned. 7. You are free to distribute or use the articles of this blog but it is mandatory to put the blog link in the articles. Kindly do not edit or use incomplete information from here for it can cause different meanings when read only in part. If using in part, kindly redirect readers to this blog for a complete read since these are responsible works and not casual writings. 8. There might appear some advertisements on this page that are automated by google and displays advertisements depending on the text content of the page. It is beyond our control to know the ads. The money generated (if any) through the advts is used for holistic purpose. 9. Every video/image created by this blog carries the blog name so as to promote it to more and more people who see it and yes, that is the only intention behind it :) 10. Babaji says to have unconditional love but be firm and disciplined at the same time and to maintain astheya; and that is something i am trying to express in this page. Please note that whatever the efforts we make here or the help or assistance we love to give, it is ultimately the sadhana and Guru Kripa that will help you, rest all act as support systems. Efforts are made here only to help you boost towards these two aspects. There are plenty of articles here which keep pointing to this fact again and again.

All visitors here have been kind enough with their support to help more and more people and my sincere gratitude to all who cherish this place and all who cherish in the service of others. Your love and warmth is surely felt in your interactions and views here. May Babaji's and his family's love and grace continue to prevail with every being of existence and help us all ascend back to where we came from.... In gratitude to you and Babaji, namah shivaya.

Labels: about this blog , disclaimer , guidelines , new saadhaks , questions

Revising ShivYog Posted by Jacob at 10:18 PM comments (4) Namah Shivaya, No, this is not the same article and same old stuff :) An attempt has been made here to look at the same things in a little different way and it could possibly give a click somewhere if just read once. These are again the very simplified teachings of Babaji in a language that we can understand. Babaji has decoded so many of the highlcoded and flowery language of the scriptures and also the very secrets of holy siddhas into plain simple language that we can understand and follow. Yet sometimes due to various reasons we may tend to overlook these simple teachings. It is known that everyone understands and interprets any language or wisdom at the individual level of consciousness and reads it at that level of understanding. That is one simple reason why we need a guru, why we need Babaji to share what He interprets and understands at His high level of consciousness at which level most of the secrets are embedded in the ancient wisdom of scriptures and siddhas. Babaji then, being connected and present at all level of consciousness, easily pours it out to us in the language that we understand. If things are not clear at this level there are again so many reasons for it, which i would not to discuss it here. Sometimes, in the journey with the guru, we tend to forget or fade out on certain

things that are the most basic foundation teachings of the guru. Constant reminders still keeps coming untiringly from the guru in the form of shivirs, TV programs, and other mediums, which helps keep the guru's words of instruction, suggestion and advice to sadhaks. On the common number of emails and inquiries that i receive from sadhak family, i try to offer what i understand in the most simplified form and place this at the feet of babaji since these are his teachings that i just express in my own form and understanding with the intention that it might help someone.

Most the time, emphasis is laid fully on the techniques, methods, types, timings, quantity of sadhana, materials used in sadhana, place, ritual, etc, which are none-the-less important but if one looks deep, there are simple foundation teachings that has to be importantly applied in daily life. But, still there is something more to the what we see or do - the soulful part of it. Here are some pointers that one may want to read and maybe revise something.

The basics of Babaji's teachings that need to be followed/applied in our daily life. The four most important things to be practiced in daily life is gratitude , forgiveness, UCL, acceptance. These are the points that need to be in our constant awareness throughout the day for faster spiritual growth.

Gratitude to anything and everything including offering heartfelt thanks to, yes, even the waiter, vehicle, food, and everything and everyone who come in contact with us during the day. With this act of gratitude, Babaji says we give out signals to the Universe that we deserve all these things in life to which nature will continue gracing with. It can begin with saying simple 'thank you' internally in the mind and feeling the act every time you do it along with an internal smile. (External smile need not be stopped if it comes out) :D... So also, one needs to be kind enough to thank one's own self also for everything one does.

Acceptance of situations, people. When one starts accepting the situation as it is or the person as they are, there will automatically be non-expectation and with no expectation the outcome from the person/situation will never be bothersome. One needs to practice selfacceptance also at the same time and accept oneself the way one is without judging it or wishing it was not what it is now. The attitude of acceptance if practiced rightly towards the self and others, leads to two main teachings of Babaji again - "Har haal mein khushi" and "Jis vidhi raakhe, us vidhi rahiye" and "Jo Shiv aagya" It is surprising to note how all the teachings of Babaji co-relate somewhere or the other.

If even one of these teachings are mastered the other higher teachings are automatically connected to and grasped.

Forgiveness will not have to be struggled with if the above point (acceptance) is understood and practiced. Forgiveness automatically comes. With forgiveness one releases unwanted garbage held towards the self or towards others. The impressions held within is absolutely of no use to the self rather more demolishing. When resentment is held within it does more harm to the self than to the person or incident it is being burnt within. Precious positive energy that is acquired by spiritual practices is dissolved with the attitude of non-forgiveness. One needs to practice forgiveness to one's own self too because we do not forgive ourselves also many times for some errors that we do that this accounts to guilt!

Unconditional love might be little difficult if tried to directly apply suddenly in our life but become easier with the proper following and understanding and practice of the above two (acceptance & forgiveness). When these two are mastered unconditional love starts flowing automatically and effortlessly. So, what i can understand from here is that only if acceptance is mastered, forgiveness and unconditional love will automatically happen. Plus it brings you to the state where you can live with three other major teachings of babaji "Har haal mein khushi" and "Jis vidhi raakhe, us vidhi rahiye" and "Jo

Shiv aagya" Paul Ferrini said, "You demonstrate love by giving it unconditionally to yourself. And, as you do, you attract others into y9ur life who are able to love you without conditions." So, one may try to start with the practice of acceptance and gratitude in daily life and easily end up winning over forgiveness and unconditional love. Having re-looked at the above in our awareness the whole day now the main part of our practice are the three S. Sadhana, Seva, Sankirtan.

Sadhana is our regular practice with Sanjeevani - morning the Mritsanjeevani sadhana (Shiv sadhana) and evening the Sri Vidya sadhana (Shakti sadhana). Thus, with both sadhana being done, one is doing the complete Shiv-Shakti sadhana, which otherwise Babaji says is incomplete. This Babaji often mentions from his own experience where he did Shakti sadhana for many, many years and still could not be complete until he found out that He needed the Shiv sadhana also to complete this practice, only after which He was able to reach completeness. Babaji often reminds that He is making things easy for us because we do not have to go through what he went and He is simplifying things for us. Sadhana need not be just the 1 hour of morning and evening practice but can be applied into daily life by seeing everything one does as an act of sadhana.

Emphasis is laid on sadhana but along with sadhana, what Babaji again and again reiterates are seva and sankirtan, which most of the time escapes our practice. Seva, Babaji stresses is not right until we add nishkaam (selflessness) to the seva. This is very challenging because even if we try to do the nishkaam seva the strong ego will want to give it importance and take credit.

For example, if one donates money one may suddenly remember Babaji saying what the left hand does the right hand should not know and thus control the urge to take credit for it, but the ego will tempt in all ways, sometimes even in ways one might not be aware of. Like, not wanting to take credit one would want the name not disclosed but still fall a victim to pride to the praise received by the person he is donating to or the ego gains satisfaction by wanting to mention to someone about what one did, maybe even in the name of sharing, but it is the ego again that plays games to get attention for the seva. A true seva is when one never even acknowledges it as seva since it is again the ego that is calling it a seva. Same way for all other sevas, the ego and pride tries to play superior. Even if these things happen, the practice of doing things and moving ahead without even wanting to turn back and look or think about it, will slowly start bringing one into the mode of "nishkaam". Babaji says that one doing seva must not broaden the chest and do it but bow to the level of the one receiving the seva and do it with total humility. Again, doing seva just to gain the satisfaction that one is doing seva also does not make it nishkaam anymore. Love, compassion and devotion should be practiced during the act. Any service missing this attitude is just another piece of job and not nishkaam seva. Seva need not be only with money or other

contributions but can be made a part of daily life by seeing everything that one does as an offering to the Divine or Guru. This automatically also ensures that one does not do any negative thing since there is always this intention in mind of offering it to the Divine.

Sankirtan is the next that is practiced the least. Most of the time it is because one feels one is inadequate in melody or voice. Here what Babaji says is not to be bothered about the voice from the vocal chords but the voice from the heart. When melody and tunes flow from the mouth they become a song but when they flow the heart they become sankirtan. The practice of singing from within erupts bhakti or devotion. With bhakti one automatically connects easily without any effort or external practice. One gets connected to the rhythm of life and free flow of life and merges with the dance of Nataraja and thus one participates in the cosmic dance of the divine, thus enhancing healing and being in the present.

Same does chanting of any mantra or verse or poetry from the heart rather than from just the mouth. Sankirtan also can be practiced every moment in life rather than only during sadhana chanting or bhajans. Babaji teaches "swasa di mala nal simran main tera naam" meaning taking the name of God in every breath. Let the breath replace the rosary or beads and then the automatic simran happens thus keeping one engaged in sankirtan even while going about doing one's job. It is a common query to the mind why only sadhana is not enough and why other things like nishkaam seva, sankirtan, forgivenness, love,

acceptance and gratitude needs to be done. The point that Babaji wants to side-by-side follow these things are because they enhance one's sadhana. It is a simple fact that every other action/act mentioned here apart from sadhana creates a positive karma (punya) which dissolves negative karma (paap) stored in the chitta as sanchit karma. This automatically gives a boost to sadhana and it works the other way round also - when one does sadhana, one transmutes negative karma and raises one's vibrations and consciousness that helps one with other acts of seva, sankirtan, forgiveness, etc. So each is inter-related and the process of bringing all these into our daily lives can give a tremendous boost in spirituality.

Do not worry much about the troubles and obstacles during these practices. There will always be obstacles. Persevere, be consistent, discipline and have faith :) Since this article could become long thus distracting from the main points here, it has been split into another page that provide some insight on - Simple practical tips on enhancing our spiritual practices. Click here to read.

Similar Essence of ShivYog


Labels: guidelines , need help , new saadhaks , obstacles , questions , sadhana , shivyog , teachings

Healing the Healing Process Posted by Jacob at 2:36 AM comments (7)

Important: These are just my views and guidelines that I use in my practice that I am sharing. Babaji says that it is your intention that makes everything possible. These points have been put up here only in case one is getting demotivated to heal or if one feels healing is not happening. Those who are already doing healing please continue to do so without allowing your logic to work too much on the points here. Remember, Babaji says there are no techniques and methods to ShivYog healing. It is just your pure intent and Sanjeevani just flows there on what you focus on.

With the grace and kindness of our Babaji, the blessings Shiv-Shiva bestows on all sadhaks who are initiated by our Guru. Our hearty gratitude to Him for his unconditional love and unconditional service for the upliftment of humanity. Some things just came to my mind here today about the healing process. Why some are instantaneously healed and why some take time? Why some are instantaneously able to heal and some take time? The process of healing itself is a very blessed process and to enhance the healing there are some things that both the healer and healee should be aware of. Of whatever little knowledge I have about healing with the grace of Babaji, I would like to share some points that come to my mind that could enhance the process of healing. • •

Healing is a divine process and must be respected and performed with utmost love and respect. Healing is pure and holy and requires the mind to be so to help connect with Babaji and the Divine for doing the needful.

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Healing process involves lot of divine souls that also join hands in healing and acknowledging their presence with love and gratitude helps. Feel every word in the invocation prayer taught by Babaji . Merging with Babaji and becoming one and then sending Sanjeevani will enhance the healing. As Babaji reminds, use the words "I will pray for you" instead of "I will heal you" for this takes off the egocentric mind taking the claim of "I" doing the healing. As Babaji says, "Do not use techniques, just pray and request after the invocation" and Maa Sanjeevani will do the rest. One should not try to force healing. Babaji says, "I am going to heal at any cost" will not be much effective than letting the process be not controlled and surrendered to the Divine to do the needful. A sadhak is just the medium and not the healer. The process is like the mirror that reflects light from a torch and falls on the wall. Here the torch is the Divine and wall is the healee and the mirror is the sadhak. Chanting the beej mantra in the mind is important during the process. The more powerful the feeling of unconditional love the more powerful the flow of Sanjeevani. The more powerful the connectivity of the sadhak with the Divine and the healee the more powerful the results. Purer the intention more purer the healing. The better one connects and merges with the beej mantra and Sanjeevani flow, the better the healing. Following intuition helps as to when to start, how long to send healing, which areas to focus on, when to stop, etc. The more healing one does the more one's healing power is enhanced and more healing takes place in the self. Make a request to Maa Bhagwathi to go wherever your attention/awareness goes. With regular practice, one improvises the healing process, thus eventually making it easy, gentle, simple and yet powerful.

Healing processes can be initiated in many ways. For one-toone healing of physical ailments one could send Sanjeevani with request to Maa to heal by: • • •

Visualizing the person between hands. Visualizing the body part between hands. Visualizing the person sitting in front of you.

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Looking at the photo of the person needing healing. Visualize the request of the person in writing, mail, etc. For group/bulk requests pray to Maa to heal all those needing healing and visualize the email/letters and visualize them being flooded with Sanjeevani golden light. If location and name is known, pray and send healing to the name/ location. If no much details are available just make a humble intention for the healing to go to where it is intended to go. The more details and information about the healee, the more better one can focus the healing, the better the process.

To heal Mother earth, along with the request to Maa sending healing by: • •

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Visualizing the earth in between hands. Visualizing the light spreading out from your body and covering your home, your locality, your city, your state, your country, your continent, the world, the entire earth, all planets, all galaxies, the Universe. Visualizing the mountains, forests, oceans, rivers, farms, valleys, animals, plants, minerals, etc. Visualize yourself merging into creation of nature and emitting out Sanjeevani into everything around.

To heal everything and anything from catastrophes to riots to situations just visualize strongly and pray to Maa radiating intensely the Golden light from your hands, agya chakra and anahata chakra. Finally, gratitude should be offered genuinely. Gratitude to: •

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Babaji for having blessed us and been the carrier of grace from Lord Mahamruthunjaya. Thank Babaji for the blessings and initiation with the greatest gift of life - to heal self and others. All Siddha gurus and masters who worked dedicated for generation of Sanjeevani shakti and who passed it so humbly to us for the only reason of helping mankind out of all sufferings. Bhagwan Surya Narayan (if doing Mritsanjeevani) for the divine help and amplified healings. All divine beings who were present with you for the healing. All your spiritual guides and angels who helped you in spiritual progress.

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Maa Sanjeevani for the privilege and honor or making you the medium to flow through to heal. Lord Shiva/Lord Mahamruthunjaya for blessing you be the carrier of light and for all the healings and thus for the help in doing nishkaam seva. Expressing gratitude wholeheartedly makes one eligible acknowledge one is receiving the grace and ability and thus entitles one for more blessings and power to carry the light.

After the healing: • • •

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Never try to think any further about whether healing has happened or not or how it has happened. Healing does not mean one has to see or feel something physically. Healing happens at more subtler levels. When a positive feedback comes in, completely disassociate yourself with the results so as to not let the ego boost itself and destroy the nishkaam seva you have done. Ego also blocks the power the heal since the healing is all about unconditional love and selfless service. When praises come in, humbly offer gratitude openly to the Guru and Divine to not let things get into the head. As per Babaji one should never fall into the prey of letting people touch feet for if they surrender to "your healing" and touch your feet, they drop all their negative karmas at your feet. (Note: Touching feet of elders is completely different since this is offering respect). Never lose hope or faith just because instant results did not show up or the person did not feel or see anything results with the five senses.

There are lot of factors that facilitate healings: • •

Your sincerity in doing the healings. Your purification. The more pure one is, the more stronger the healing is. So, healing self and purifying self first helps a great deal to help heal others. Both (self-healing and healing others can be practiced simultaneously). Your pure intention to heal people towards whom there may be held up grudges or resentment deep within (especially in the family, relatives, friends) that subconsciously does not truly want to heal the other person. Best is to heal the self by first accepting, forgiving and unconditionally loving by releasing held up emotions.

The strong negative karma of the person requesting healing. This would require more persistent healings and patience from both ends. The willingness of the higher self of the person requesting healing to be healed. Many a times they do not wish to be healed deep within (karmic factors).

Note that healings in some or the other way are always taking place. It may not be immediately seen but there are lot of things happening. Sometimes certain things might be interpreted as worsening wherein actually they are healing. Example: Nausea, diarrhea, fever, aches, etc happening after healing given is nothing but the body releasing negative stuff. So one should not immediately jump to conclusions that the healing is not working. It is always our interpretation that healing should work in the way we want to see it happen. Not necessary; the cosmic intelligence works its way up to the highest good of that person. For example, if healing is given for a person's good career, the person may suddenly notice increased problems with the current job to the extent that the person may resigning or be asked to leave. Here it is our interpretation of our mind that the healing has caused more "problems" instead, only to later see one getting a higher salary and a better job sometime later. Blessings in disguise work this way :) So it is very, very important to stay positive, happen what may. Reminds me of Babaji's words "Jis vidhi raakhe us vidhi rahiye" or "har haal mein khushi" or "Jo Shiv aagya". As Babaji says, "Take 100% responsibility for yourself" it is always better to take responsibility with any obstacles occurring during the process. This will help rectify/improvise oneself without just feeling bad or blaming something else. Namah Shivaya..

For non-ShivYog sadhaks, you need to first take initiation (deeksha) from Babaji so that he makes you ready to

become an instrument of healing and cleans you so that you can hold the high healing energies in your body. You will need to take the mantra deeksha after which Babaji installs the seed (beej) mantra in you to chant for any healing process (self or others). To be able to do all the above and be a healer and carrier of light to spread light, love and healing to the world, do attend a shivir. Change your life and change other's lives. "Jyot se jyot jagao sadguru jyot se jyot jagao, mera anter timir mitao, sadguru jyot se jyot jagao."

Healers and those needing healing please click here.

Labels: guidelines , new saadhaks , obstacles , seva

Ways to raise vibrations Posted by Jacob at 2:03 AM comments (17) We all are aware that to connect with the Divine, for healing, for feeling good, for being happy, for being peaceful, for being blissful, our vibrations need to be high. The higher the vibrations the better you feel and the better connections with higher dimensions. The lower the vibrations the more ill-feeling and the more sufferings and miseries. What happens more while we raise or lower our vibrations is that we get connected to similar vibrations around us. We attract towards us everything that vibrates at similar level. So vibrating higher one attracts and connects to positive people, divine beings, angels, guides and the more the level of vibrations one even attract and connect with ascended masters and eventually to God (the highest consciousness). These vibrations bring us everything positive that we desire in life. Similarly, the lower the vibrations one ends up attracting and connecting to negative people around, negative entities and all those things vibrating from lower realms. How does one raise or lower vibrations. Most of the time it is unconsciously that we raise or lower our vibrations. Fear, hatred, jealously, selfishness, anger, lust, resentment, sulking, guilt, grief, sorrow, despair, frustration, irritation, doubt, criticism, blame, dejection, etc pull down one's vibrations. The more of these emotions and reactions the more lower one vibrates. When one vibrates low one

immediately attracts or gets attracted to everything vibrating lower. Here I have tried to list all possible negative abstracts and this is the only paragraph where this negative list will be mentioned for awareness as to how we lose our energy and get easily into lower vibrations. Love, trust, compassion, goodwill, selflessness, laughter, forgiveness, letting go, cheerfulness, acceptance, etc raises one's vibrations. These are simple things that one can do to keep the vibration high. But of course when one has spent most of the life in most of the points mentioned in the negative ones, it becomes difficult to change gears suddenly. Like everyone knows that one has to stay cheerful, but the question is how? This article is written to add in more of things one can do or practice in daily life to raise vibrations. It is important to note that raising vibrations is not just enough, maintaining it is more important. This will come with regular practice of the things that can raise vibrations. Many a times there has been questions raised by new sadhaks as to how to connect with divine beings? How to connect with Babaji? Babaji often says that one should not try to connect with him physically but connect with his soul. I have written earlier on this in the post Communication with Saints/Masters. But the very simple fact here is again one can only connect with higher vibrations and never with lower vibrations. Simply because Babaji is vibrating at very high vibrations. The more he vibrates the more he connects with higher dimensions and gets a share of those radiant energies that he shares with us. That is why saints and ascended masters are not visible with the physical eye because they are vibrating at a very high frequency. To see them means either one has to raise their vibrations or the masters have to lower their vibrations. Masters also do lower vibrations to make themselves visible in certain cases as Babaji mentions so many stories of the divine beings and saints showing up to people. But Babaji always teaches one to raise vibrations. All the sadhana that one does is to raise vibrations itself. As vibrations keep rising and more light is infused into the body and koshas everything that is of lower vibrations (disease, sorrows, hurt, etc) are transmuted to the positive energy. Many times Babaji asks sadhaks not to feel that he might be angry for any reason with them. He says, "If I am angry then I cannot be Babaji, and if I am Babaji I cannot be angry!" Most of the time it is taken as a simple statement of assurance to sadhaks, but it is simply that why would Babaji for any reason want to lower his vibrations? :) That is the last thing any divine being or divine master will want to do.

They are always in the state of bliss, unaffected by these lower emotions. Saints have always been this way and even if they had to use any emotions such as anger or sternness for genuine reasons, they simply do it externally and never let it penetrate deep within. I am strongly motivated to write this article by Babaji's energies and am doing so. All here are all that he teaches but am putting this up in my own expression. Babaji reiterates so often about being positive, raising one's vibrations, not thinking about what one does not want in life,doing regular sadhana, healing others, forgiving all, accepting all as they are, doing selfless service, singing or chanting, meditation, being happy at all times (har haal mein khushi), and above all the most important unconditional love. Unconditional love is the most powerful tool to raise vibrations. Now, in moments where one is in lower vibrations due to whatever reasons, I do understand it is little difficult to immediately turn positive. But again as mentioned earlier with regular practices of certain initiatives that one should take, this becomes more and more easier simply because even if one falls into lower vibrations one will not stay there for longer periods. A regularly practicing sadhak will constantly make attempts in his/her own ways to not keep oneself in those lower vibrations for long. There are some things that can boost one in such times and here are 50 ways to raise your vibrations. As you read, please visualize and try to feel what I have mentioned below and you will already know how these things work wonderfully: Most of these things I have tried out and it works a great deal, so put here with conviction :)

1. Listen to any of Babaji's music or any relaxing music of your choice. 2. Close your eyes and think about Babaji's smiling face. 3. Close your eyes and smilingly whisper your feeling to the Divine. 4. Close your eyes and visualize Golden light all around you and feel it. 5. Hug a tree. 6. Exercise, walk, run, jump, hop, stretch or yoga. 7. Write something good. A blog or a book or a diary. 8. Do something nice for a person, animal or a plant. 9. Get a massage. 10. Take a quick nap or power nap. 11. Read a good book or something inspirational. 12. Have a break, bite or chew on something (eatable, of course). 13. Spend time with a pet. 14. Go out in nature. 15. Just open that window and feel the fresh air. 16. Go for a drive or a ride in an open place or on roads with less traffic. 17. Watch a nice song with good lyrics (See bottom of this page) 18. Go for shopping. 19. Think about all the beautiful moments in your life. 20. Simply pray with simple words. 21. Use affirmations. 22. Visualize a calm beach or river or forest or nature with cool breeze. 23. Do deep breathing or the pranic exercises Babaji teaches. 24. Do some cleaning work. Tidy up. 25. Take a shower. 26. Spend some time in the morning or evening sun. 27. Play with kids. Become a child. Relive your childhood. 28. Sketch, write, paint, stitch, craft-work, do that old hobby. 29. Visit a temple, church, mosque or any divine place. 30. Talk or meet a positive person (who lives the talk). 31. Water plants or plant a seed in earth. 32. Just stop all thinking - just for the fun of it. 33. Give someone a compliment. 34. Wear bright clothes that are light too, especially cotton and stroll. 35. Put on all the possible lights in your room/home. 36. Light up candles or incense sticks in your room. 37. Surround yourself with anything and everything that you love.

38. Give yourself a treat outside - a movie, snack or your favorite dish. 39. Shut the door, turn on the music and dance! 40. Sing out loudly. 41. Pick up your fave - guitar, keyboards, drums, harmonica, flute. 42. Spend time in water; at least immerse your foot in cold water. 43. Become consciously aware of everything you do. 44. Watch the stars or clouds or wind movement in trees. 45. Remember the wonderful scene from the movie you love so much. 46. View the world and things around through the eyes of a child. 47. Organize yourself. Make a time-table, plan your days. 48. Start treating your body as a temple and see God installed within. 49. Very powerful - Pick up your Golden Book. 50. Last but not the least - Just call up another ShivYog sadhak :) Don't just read it. Do it - the next time you feel you need to increase your vibrations and thus expand your consciousness. Song (lyrics) for you fellow-traveler on the path of ShivYog

To listen, watch and download creations from this blog click here.

Labels: guidelines , new saadhaks , sadhana

Questioning Mind Posted by Jacob at 1:06 PM comments (4)

The mind is a great tool to achieve what we decide to achieve but the same mind sometimes becomes the greatest obstacle. Obstacle because of the logic conditioning, conditioning due to psychic impressions that one keeps creating with every thoughts, words and actions, and even engraving it further strongly by repeated thoughts, words and actions. The mind becomes the slave or these repeated deeds by what we commonly know as habit. Habit is nothing but a strong imprint on the mind by an action that is done repeatedly in a similar fashion and done very consciously until a stage comes where there is no conscious effort needed; the same action starts working on its own without any conscious effort and that is what we call as habit. Today, you drove your car, you rode your bike. Can you tell how many times you applied the gears, brakes, accelerator before you finally reached the destination? Nope? Obvious, because one doesn't need to keep an account of all that. But don't you think it is risky to drive without being cautious? Yes. Then how come you never gave attention to these driving techniques? How many times have you left home to your destination in some deep thought and found yourself reach your destination without your mind even having to think a bit about which road you are going to take and how neatly you navigate through the crowd and traffic? Your mind is busy in that something but still your hands and legs and eyes do the needful. You don't have to plan and operate the vehicle every moment. You were somewhere else, then is it that was driving skillfully and safely? Your subconscious mind! The subconscious consists of all those impressions that you created repeatedly over a period of time, consciously. Means, you did not overnight master that skill. You eventually learned to drive. While learning you were attentive every single moment on what you are doing on your vehicle. You did things consciously and intensionally. You did it repeatedly so many times that at one point you did not have to do it actively, your subconscious took over. Now a very important question. If someone asks you to forget driving, can you? Same way is attempting to get rid of negative thoughts overnight. Those negative thoughts never came in overnight also. They were repeated so many times again and again that they caught strong roots in the subconscious by now. The thoughts and actions that you do everyday and every moment is being absorbed by your everactive subconscious mind. So the more negative things you do again and again the more stronger they become holding on to you creating your samskaras (psychic impressions). The sum total of these impressions is what you are right now, your attitude, your personality,

your character, your interests, your habits, your mentality, your temperament, your lifestyle, your reactions, your happiness, your sufferings, and in one word - YOU. So you are nothing but every bit of what you think. Blessings from numerous gurus come in the form of awakening to this understanding that we create thus our own problems and successes. Babaji is one that painstakingly explains these unintentionally unconscious acts due to which we end up getting entangled in our own web of self-woven challenges. Gratitude in all form to Babaji who teaches this in very simple terms so that one may easily understand how simple it is to get out of this web. He always stresses that if you have created one thing which you dislike it you can also create it's exact opposite. Creating the opposite is done by doing exactly the opposite of what you wish to get rid of. Thinking the opposite. Feeling the opposite. Believing the opposite. Being the opposite. This is all well known by now to the entire world that we need to train our minds and be the master of the minds rather than being slaves and thus holding the reins of our lives in all aspects of our life. But then one tries and tries. Tries to think good, do good, etc, but keeps getting disappointed in the struggle. This article is intended to support the ones who are trying and failing. Reasons can be many like not getting enough time, not feeling like doing it, not getting support, bad circumstances, poor health, lack of motivation and enthusiasm, being easily overcome by negativity, not able to concentrate, etc, etc. There could be hundreds of such reasons why though one understanding that thinking positive and good can recreate one's ill conditions. In today's times, things are more challenging and obstacles to doing anything positive or staying positive is a real task. This is the time when it should dawn to one that only trying with our vigor and might is not really enough. This is the time one needs to know that one needs help. Help that has ever been waiting since so many lives but one never really thought of it or did not realize it. This is the time to know and notice the selfless beings suddenly popping up in this era of Kalyug. Emerging with the source of light and truth with unconditional love in their bosoms with total humbleness. Emerging as Gurus. They were always there since you ever existed but now they are being seen and noticed. Noticed clearly in the 3D realm, in the gross form, the form which appeases our minds as a proof of their presence. Yet, the cloud of doubts and fear arise. But then, now you know where they arise from? The same old logic mind. The same old psychic impressions. The same old stock where we

carved and engraved the negative emotions to an extent where all we see are these hard emotions of fear and doubt.

One will easily know that along with other increasing challenges one faces in life, this challenge of fear and doubt of our transformation also becomes major obstacles. It is a pitiful state indeed where to even erase one's own negative impressions one still has to doubt and fear one's own self. This is where things become more worse. Even when the guru is found, there are doubts. Even in every practice for a beginner there are doubts, there is fear. Doubt of whether one will succeed and fear of the processes one much go through. The bitter fact is that there is no easy way out for one must face oneself and be victorious of overpowering one's challenges by self-effort. Now, the best part is that you are not alone! You don't have to do it alone! You don't have to keep finding new ways! You don't have to experiment for long periods of time with risks of success or failure! You don't have to take baby steps anymore! You don't have to lose heart or fear of a lonely struggle! You now have divine guidance - in the form of your guru. All that is now needed is your surrender and selfeffort to follow the guidelines of your master. Not anything else - not even a bit of that logic mind - that questioning mind. Babaji's guidance and blessings, if taken in a total act of surrender, will erase

all the questions of the mind. Many would still say that there are many questions to be cleared and they are full of it. How, when, what, where, who, how, etc. Though most of these questions are genuine and they are asked in total genuineness, what needs to be understood is that one needs to place self-effort before these questions. Questions erupt in the minds most of the time due to nonsurrender, lack of faith, and the logic doubt and fear. Thus if one trusts the process of the Divine support one will practice patience. With patience and trust one applies self-effort. With self-effort one puts in practice. With practice comes direct experience. With direct experience all questions vanish. So just with the trust in the guru and patience with his instructions (sadhana) everything will unwind and all questions will be answered by the Self. Babaji keeps mentioning, "There will be lot of questions when the mind is bahemukhi (outward). Go antarmukhi (inward) and you shall find everything there." All shall happen only with practice. So, before practice one needs to first erase doubts in the practice.

The best part with Babaji is that he assists you, he does most of the job for you. You do not have to literally sit worrying about how many lifetimes you are going to be around clearing up the karmic mess you created out of ignorance? Babaji's does most of the cleansing in the shivirs thus making it very easy for one to start practicing the methods of self-purification and liberation. Liberation even while being in the physical body, from all unhappiness and liberation after leaving the body, not to return back into the physical body again, to get out of the birth-death cycle. If you have not yet witnessed it, do witness it by attending his shivirs rather than sitting back and doubting the process and doubting your own worth in this challenging process of freedom from miseries of the mind. With Babaji's deeksha comes a subtle connection that strengthens into a bond in the form of unconditional love, healing, guidance, support and protection at all times. Babaji's blessings and grace is very powerful and does not only motivate one to move towards the final destination but also making the journey also pleasant, energetic and worthwhile.

Labels: guidelines , need help , new saadhaks , obstacles , questions , sadhana , shivyog

Essence of ShivYog Posted by Jacob at 10:09 PM comments (3) Beloved Babaji's profound teachings does leave one with an impact. There are so many gems that flow out from him whenever he utters anything. Many of these precious gems are

recorded on this blog in words.

Note: Babaji's words have been classified here into groups and is written with the gracious feel and enthusiasm of Babaji's teachings just for readers to serve as reminders to what Babaji toils for.

THE ESSENCE OF SHIVYOG Babaji's teaching revolve around 6 major points, which not only can bring that change in life that one seeks, not only help manifest everything one wants to experience in this lifetime

but also provides a clear patch to liberate one from the cycle of birth and death (moksha). These six points are the points that Babaji instructs everyone to follow and which is a must for a ShivYog Sadhak. The basic fundamental behind these points are that as one goes on adding these characteristics into one's life, slowly the negative karmas are burnt and also one can prevent further creation of negative karmas. One is able to overcome all the vices in oneself that creates negative karma. Thus a stage comes where all the karmas are destroyed and then sufferings and turmoils just vanish from one's life. This provides a clear path to moksha. These six points have been classified here into two major points that is to be practiced regularly in two forms: 1. PHYSICAL: To be done physically. 2. ABSTRACT: To be done on the subtler levels using mind, intellect, emotions, etc. PHYSICAL:





Is the meditation and other spiritual practices taught by Babaji like self-healing the body, 7 chakras, 5 koshas, 7 tatvas, healing situations, relationships, home, dhyaan, pitra ascension, Siddha healing, Shambavi sadhana and Sri Vidya sadhana. It also includes the various kriyas and asanas Babaji teaches. There are many types of sadhanas babaji asks one to do; the most basic being the Shambhavi sadhana in the morning and Sri Vidya sadhana in the late evening.

Seva: Nishkaam (selfless) service to all living beings including plants and animals, nature, environment, Mother earth in the form of physical service or in the form of healing.

Charity also is a form of seva. Any physical assistance given to the needy or to the guru or guru's mission is also seva. Basically, it is just giving selfless service at any opportunity with total humbleness and desire to help. Nishkaam seva means service without any motive or gain and is to be done without the "I"ness (no kartha bhaav) keeping in mind that the healer is HE and not me. Babaji says the real nishkaam seva is when one stays away from the credit for his/her seva or when done hidingly (without anyone's knowledge of who did it).


Chanting the various mantras for various purposes is also an essential part. The beej mantra and other mantras are very beneficial for burning one's negative karmas. Here also more than the count, bhaav must be given importance to. Singing bhajans or devotional songs also contribute to a large extent. This is to be done with full involvement using all emotions. Read more.


Accept: One has to accept one's own self first the way one is

and then one will be able to accept other's as they are. Babaji emphasizes that all incarnate as humans with their own soul agendas to learn from incidents and experiences that they create for themselves and hence one should not interfere in their karma. For one, accepting all as they are is important without attempting to change them in any way. This comes with self-acceptance first. The main reason for the inability to accept others as they as is because one is unable to accept one's own self as he/she is.

Forgive: One has to forgive one's own self for all the hurt one has caused to oneself or to others knowingly or unknowingly. When one is truly able to do this by releasing the guilt feeling then one is able to forgive oneself. When this is done, it becomes easier to forgive others for all the hurts they have caused to oneself knowingly or unknowingly. If the law of karma is understood this becomes easier to practice. When forgiveness is practiced, healing starts and becomes the solution the various overwhelming problems in life.

Love: Not just love but Babaji stresses many many times it is unconditional love which means no conditions attached like "I love you because you are....." or "I will love you only if you...." but unconditional love is "I love you however you are irrespective of whatever you do to me." Now, this point is not easy. It is much difficult if one tries to just love ignoring the above two points. It is my personal observation that if the first two points are practiced, this third point starts becoming a possibility. Again, Babaji repeats that one will be able to love others unconditionally only when one loves oneself unconditionally.

Babaji lets us know that these three simple yet difficult things will take us beyond the realms of suffering and pain. I love Babaji's teachings because he is teaching Jesus Christ taught and practically demonstrated in his life. Christ also was a siddha and all siddhas have the very same approach to teaching. Christ had this undying love for all irrespective of well wishers, enemies, sinners which showed he practically lived accepting people as they are. It also showed his unconditional love. While he was being inflicted by the Roman soldiers he looked above and whispered "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing." which demonstrates his power of forgiveness for even people who caused him suffering in ignorance.

These qualities can be observed in all siddhas and saints who walked on this earth irrespective of whichever religion formed under them or whichever religion they were considered to be in. We are extremely lucky to have such a siddha walking amidst us and even luckier to be blessed by his love and compassion. Love and gratitude to you Babaji for that. Finally, this para is an addition to this article which came as a reminder from another ShivYog sadhak, Ashish as a kind reminder of another important message from Babaji - to always practice


for everything in life. We should be grateful to each and everything. We also as ShivYog sadhaks become rhini (indebted) to our guru and gratitude is the only way by which we can repay back. Similarly, we have to be grateful to anybody and anything that gives us something in any form. To end it, this article may just be a reminder from somewhere that we need to stay focussed on these six simple teachings of Babaji. For a brushup, before you exit just scroll up and look intensely Here are the precious gems from Babaji during the entire shivir and is given in direct speech (When you read it, you can know that Baba is speaking to you). 1. There was once a man who lived in a very small house. He once went to a sadhu and said that his house is very small and it is difficult for him to live in and to please make his house bigger. Sadhu asked him if he had animals and he said replied he had hens. The sadhu then adviced to keep all hens in the house and not to let them out and asked him to meet him the next week. Next week the man complained that it is now more problematic since the house was full of hens. The sadhu asked what other animals he had and he replied he had goats. The sadhu asked him to take all his goats in and come the next week. Now his house was full of hens and goats. Next week he was very upset and narrated his condition. The sadhu asked if he had any other animals and when the man said he had cows, he asked to fit them in and come back later. The man was upset but scared not to obey the sadhu and thus went back and took the cows also in. After a week, miserable the man went to the sadhu and said now all animals are in and nothing is left out. The sadhu asked him to now let all the animals out and come back next week. Next week






when the man went the sadhu asked how he was and he replied "I have a spacious house. There is so much of happiness and comfort!" Babaji narrated this story to compare with the sudden situation in the shivir that arose with 8000 plus people attending. He said "You all also must have come from open spacious houses into this small place. Even in times before when people used to go to any ashram, which were without AC and geyser. So you also think that you have also gone to Baba in some jungle." You have not come alone this time. Your many many ancestors also have come to the land of Kurukshetra and they have come to take the wisdom of Pratiprasav and they have come to get liberated from the different yonis they have gone into, so the wisdom that you are going to get, your ancestors will also get and lakhs of pirtus are going to get liberted here in the holy land of Kurkshetra. Whichever place you go, bow and offer gratitude to the ishta of that place. Many have come from Mumbai and let me tell you that the Adhistatri devi is Mumba devi and do go there sometime and say thank you. Similarly the one who governs the land of Kurukshetra is the Sthaneshwar Mahadev. (click here for pictures.) People are not comfortable with the name of Pratiprasav sadhana and 'Art of Dying' atleast people do not want to talk about it. But, how birth is true and how life is true, so is also true death. In reality, there is nothing called death. Even Krishna showed his Virat swaroop to Arjuna and asked him to see his Bramharoopa. We think that the bramhaswaroop was only of Krishna's but in reality you all are that virat swaroop but we remain ignorant. Thus we get stuck with pain and sufferings. When you are body conscious, there is lot of sufferings and you say that so and so has given you lot of troubles, my husband was good/bad, parents were good/bad, married life was good/bad and all sorts of miseries with all sorts of worldly connections. This is all body consciousness. But when you are soul conscious, then one cannot be in these troubles or become ill or be troubled or die. Krishna gave Arjuna the same message, "Become soul conscious. Neither were you born nor are you going to die. No weapon can hurt you, no water can melt you, no fire can burn you.. you are immortal. So, whatever Lord Krishna told you in this land of Kurukshetra, I am telling you the same, that you are immortal.

7. People ask me whether to celebrate my birthday. I ask them which birthday? They say YOUR birthday. I say you can never celebrate my birthday, talk about this body. You can celebrate this body's and when the body is left behind then say we are celebrating the punya thithi (death anniversary) and that he was there, he was a good soul and has gone away. I am not going to go anywhere nor have i come from anywhere. I have been here and will be here. So, which birthday? If you want to have fun, food and music do it now, celebrate every day, every moment. 8. Leave the myth aside that somebody dies. Noone dies. After doing pratiprasav you will know that nobody dies. I will not only share this wisdom because Baba believes more in make one experience than talking. 9. What happens during death I will make you experience it, do not fear. It is nothing to fear, it is enjoyable because your consciousness that is spread around will shrink and withdraw and when it withdraws then what remains in you is sat-chitanand and nothing else. You have experience this ultimate truth and know, not by hearing. 10. There is no bigger punya (merit) than seva (service). Bhajrang bali (Hanuman) kept doing seva and he took the form of God. Seva brings you lots of merits and if you can do Bramhaseva then nothing like it. There can be lot of stress during seva but if you can maintain unconditional love during such times also, then your spiritual growth will be faster. Find opportunities always to do seva every day and you will be blessed. 11. Bhaav or your imagination is very important in the sadhana. I used to tell my guru that so and so happened to me and he used to tell me 'Everything is your bhaav' (imagination) and I used to wonder when I earned something from my sadhana, why does he call it my imagination. But I eventually realized that it is was the imagination of the parents from which I was born. It was the bhaav of my parents through which I was born. It was my bhaav that I should do sadhana and thus I progressed in it. 12. It is true that anyone can imagine butit is knowingly or unknowingly. Even without intentions we imagine. We sit and imagine that that person can cause me harm, this also is imagination. Whatever you think about future is imagination, which is not a reality. So everything is bhaav. But now you have to imagine knowingly but about only what you want in your life. 13. Babaji then asked for gurudakshina which is difficult for a sadhak to give. After taking assurance for everyone Baba said, "I will ask only what is yours because you cannot give what is not yours. If I ask you for money, that money is not yours because

sometime back it was someone's and after sometime it will become someone's. If I ask for your physical for seva in the ashram, then this body also is not yours for your parents have given it to you. I am asking for gurudakshina because I am giving you what I have earned so I will ask you only what is yours. I ask of you your biggest weakness, which you have created and have become a slave of that weakness. This is the first thing I ask as gurudakshina. Now, you cannot say I get angry or lazy because that is your weakness and you have now given it to me. Baba asked everyone to imagine ganga water in their open palms and offer it at the guru's feet at least one weakness and if one was a greater donor to leave more weaknesses. The pledge was "I _____ swearing in the name of Lord Krishna in the land of Kurukshetra give my _____ weakness in the form of my gurudakshina at the guru's feet." Second time, Babaji asked everyone to leave their karmas there and not to take it back the karmas but to take back grace from here. Then Babaji said that it is incorrect to take back what you have given because once you give, it then is not yours. 14. What you are thinking is yours, you hold on to it tightly and never want to give it, and what is not yours, you come to give. Thus, holding on to it, the being moves from one life to the other thinking it is his/her priced possession. This is what I want. If you give it whole-heartedly you will start getting liberated. 15. Modern furnitures and sofa are made in odd positions in the name of giving comfort, but this is not comfort. Comfort to the spine is when the spine is straight because when consciousness rises the spine should be erect. 16. This is bramha-gyan which until you do not accept you will not gain. 17. When I entered into the school of ShivYog, the first lesson I was taught was shudh bhavana (pure intentions). 18. Whatever wisdom I give you on Pratiprasav, you will have to go back and do sadhana on it. 19. Everything is created with imagination. Once a woman got her son married and then started imagining on the common saying that the daughter-in-law comes and does tricks and the daughter-in-law started imagining that the mother-in-law will do tricks on her. I asked the mother-in-law how can she think this way and she said that when she wakes up in the morning, she feels lifeless. I told her you have arthritis and show the doctor, what can the daughter-in-law do in this? She continued that when she makes pakodas, they get spoilt and I told her to go to cooking class for that. She was imagining things

all the time so much that he husband also started imagining the same that they were being tricked and there the daughter-in-law also was imagining and the whole house was full of tricks. Daughter-in-law left the house and everybody imagined the mother-in-law has done something. Things went to divorce and they got divorced and mother-in-laws imaginations continued. Then, husband started imagining why does he have to become separate and that he would only leave the house. A wonderful happy home and family and all living together - one imagination began and everything broke down. Now they are imagining that they are separate and happy and mother is imagining it was tricks and they got separated through tricks. I mention this story because unknowingly we imagine a lot of things but what we really want we do not imagine. When asked to the lady what she wants, she says the happiness of her son and daughter-in-law but her imagination is creating something else. 20. We create, we live through it. Many imagine in advance before doing. Many imagine that a place is unsafe before going there. Why are you imagining that there will be mishap with you and why can't you imagine that all will be good with you. 21. If I go deep into your imagination, then it is illusion and even deeper it is a dream and you are living your dream - the dream that you created, reality is something else. All incidents around you are illusions. The more you imagine the more stronger it becomes and it starts showing as a physical reality. 22. Whatever is your belief system, becomes reality. Someone sneezes and one's work is unsuccessful. It is not the sneeze but your belief system that is the culprit and it is your imagination that has created something negative. 23. One woman was keeping fast for Lord Shiva mentioned as "chaliya" meaning 40 rounds of fast. In the meantime, a beautiful cake came in and everybody including her ate the cake. At this time a person laughingly mentioned that the cake had egg content and the first thing that the woman exclaimed was "Oh my chaliya!" Imagination - that if egg is eaten chicken wouldn't come out but chaliya would :) 24. I first of all want to clear your myths and superstitions because ShivYog is knowingness. Finish all such imaginations. 25. Human being is known as 'maanav' meaning one who is made of 'mann' (mind) and you all are maanav. Those who have learnt the secrets of the mind will cross the occean (bhavsagar). 26. There are parents and 4-5 kids. I am mentioning to you about "ghar ghar ki kahani" (a famous daily soap) Whatever you imagine how it becomes karmas. During pratiprasav if you long

to see the past, there also you will see the same - 'ghar ghar ki kahani'. Whatever sufferings you had created in the imaginations and those which you could not release you carry it to your next life, and then suffers all those experiences, holds on again to the sufferings and says "I am miserable, unlucky." "The world troubles me" "My life is injustified" and thinking all these leaves the body and then goes into another body with all this. 27. All are imagining. A mother who has got her daughter married may be imagining and worrying about her daughter's life there, someone may be imagining her brother troubling her, some may be imagining and blame that there was injustice done, some may be saying that she has ruined her life with her husband.... all these are YOUR IMAGINATIONS. This reality is the fruit of your imagination. 28. All the time mind is in past and future and imagining. Parents must have raised children equally and given equally to their best of ability but if there are five children, all five are imagining differently that someone has got less, which is an illusion. The seed of this injustice was first sowed in the past with imagination. 29. If the same attitude of injustice is carried with imagination all the time, after parents, then will come other persons - like wife or husband who will be imagined as doing injustice and it will be created. Cause and effect. It carries on with the child that "My child is doing injustice to me". 30. At the end of life, when consciousness is inward, that time the inner voice asks "Have you done what you had come to do in this life?" and one will say "I kept imagining all the time about other people's injustice to me and I forgot what I had come to do." 31. My dear ShivYog sadhaks, I am reminding you that you are infinite and the purpose of your taking birth here is to do divine work here and not to suffer. You came here to do something important but you forget with your imaginations and ignorance and create unwanted reality and keep moving in the cycle of birth and death. 32. Babaji here reminded of Sri Shankaracharya's precious words ""Bhaja Govindam Bhaja GovindamGovindam bhaja moodhamathe..." For convenience and understanding i am putting the full reference and its meaning. "Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam, Govindam bhaja moodhamathe, Samprapte Sannihithe kaale, Nahin Nahin rakshati Dukrunkarane" meaning Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda. Oh fool ! Rules of Grammar will not save you at the time of your death.

33. Adi Shankaracharya also told the same thing. If you keep looking the world again and again, if you keep judging the world again and again, if you keep searching the faults in the world again and again, then Punarapi jananam punarapi maranam meaning being born again and dying again in the cycle of birth and death. So, link your imaginations to Shiva - Shiva meaning love, forgiveness. 34. You need bhaava not idols because in the name of idols people start begin fighting, killing. Shiva will be found in bhaava. He sits in bhaava. Whatever prayer/puja is done with bhaav, it meets that Shiva. So do not get into showoffs but bhaava. The bhaava of unconditional love, forgiveness, nonjudgement. Bring this bhaava and all the time remain connected in this bhaava. 35. But we do the opposite, my parents have not given me this; my parents have hurt me, hit me; my child has not done seva to me; my wife is bad, she talks rude, she does not take care of me; my husband is bad, he spends time more with his family..... all these are your imaginations and all your repeated imaginations manifest into reality. 36. All incidents happening in your life, any incident, is happening due to your bhaava. 37. The imaginations of your present is held by the imaginations of your past life, which entered at that time into your inner mind (subconscious mind). You have always experienced your outer mind (conscious mind). Your conscious mind functions always in the awake state, sleep state and dream state. All these three states are in the outer mind and only turiya state is in the inner mind. 38. What you experience and imagine all the time with your conscious mind, you forget it but that enters into your subconscious mind. Now, you are not consciously thinking but the thoughts are automatically coming out from your subconscious. 39. Just like when you learn to ride a bicycle, your conscious mind controls how to hold the handle and the peddle and balance. With practice it goes into the subconscious mind, which is very powerful. Eventually, the bicycle now is ridden on it's own without conscious effort even if you are talking. 40. A woman was sad all the time because her mother did not get a good husband. She thought about it so much that when she got married she also did not get a good husband. Then, when she had a child she worried if her child would get a good spouse. In this imagination she created what she feared. I am the creator of my own destiny!

41. Dear ShivYog sadhaks, you have to come out of all these, you have to come out of all these ignorances. Create only one imagination within you - SAT CHIT ANAND. Feel it in your entire body, consciousness, every muscle, cell, head... Don't just say this.. feel it.. the same way you feel totally and say "That person ruined my life!" Same way feel the SAT CHIT ANAND.. Feel in your head, eyes, ears, neck, shoulders, all over your body. 42. In Sanatan there are many granths in which there are many secrets of life hidden. While I was in Karnataka (South India) in ancient temples there are ancient manuscripts kept there and westerners have provided some scanners to the people there to scan and send it to them. They are trying to recreate the partially destroyed scripts. The information is going to the west. You may be surprised to know that Space Science is also there in the scripts and so is medical science, quantum physics, sound (mantra shakti) and all the wisdom in it. 43. The secrets of the Universe is there in the ancient scriptures. We read it only religiously but do not go deeper into it. It is my wish to make you experience the wisdom of Upanishads, Gita, and other scriptures. 44. According to our belief system, it is possible that there could have been a vested interest in creating superstitions due to which we could not go deeper. I feel this is our shortfall because if the saints would have given this to the world, then today the world would not have been diseased, unsuccessful and helpless. So, I am trying to make an effort to give you all this wisdom for you to absorb in your lives and make your lives bright. 45. Your hold on life should be such that however you want your life, you should be able to create it in that way. 46. When people are on deathbed, there is usually chaos around pandit is called, Garud puran is read, wisdom of Gita is read out and also it is said that a granth is "touch-me-not" stating it is wrong. I have even heard people saying not to keep Garud Puran in the home since it is inauspicious. All these are superstitions. 47. How can the wisdom that is being given to a man at the time of death be bad? It is the ultimate truth. The Purans have been somewhat adulterated and it could have been done with some vested selfish gain. But if you ignore the adulteration and read and meditate on the Puran then you can get a lot of wisdom. 48. I wish that you have the wisdom of Garud Puran. Garud who is the avatar of Narayan and vehicle of God, was instructed by the Lord on the ultimate truth.

49. Death is a state in which the past and future merges into the present and this is the same state where God says, "Hey maanav, you are the Sat-Chit-Anand soul, you are the one who was never born and you cannot die." But one goes far away from the ultimate truth when one takes the form of body and becomes body conscious all the imaginations of the past and imaginations of the doubts of the future. 50. It is the law of nature that whoever has come has to go but you have to let it go otherwise how can it go? it is very important to let go of every incident which comes in your life. 51. Your awareness should shift from body consciousness to soul consciousness. When man forgets this and becomes body conscious, then only there will be suffering. All these are the states of mind. 52. There are people in all religions and in all religions one thing is true that when a person is about to die, he/she either sees pitrus (dead relatives) or they start seeing their God. If a Vaishnav, he will see Krishna, if Shiva bhakt then will see Shiva, if a worshiper of Shakti, will see Devi Bhagwathi. If a Christian, will see Jesus Christ. If a muslim will see peer/paigambar (prophets) and if Buddhist will see Buddha. So are all these different? 53. It is an inward journey till one gets born. After birth it is said not to disturb the newborn child because he is connected with God and with his past life, so even a name is not given till then. Then slowly one starts teaching it 'Twinkle twinkle little star' and introduced to mother, father, uncle, aunty - the outward connections. 54. The three aspects of soul - Janm (birth), jeevan (life) and mruthyu (death). Every moment these three aspects are happening in your life. Death is not what you fearful idea that you have but it is going back to the inward journey, inner consciousness. Whatever you had spread in the outer consciousness, bring it to the inner consciousness. This is a state which is called the state of sadhana - samadhi. 55. The art of shrinking and withdrawing the consciousness from external world to the internal word and bringing it to onepointedness within where the Lord dwells, is the process of sadhana. And if you able to stay in this state for a long time then that is the state of samadhi. 56. Man keeps living all the life with external consciousness, projecting his imaginations externally and being stuck with it. This is my relative, this is my wealth, this is my belonging, this is my business, this is my name, this is my status... stuck in external consciousness. If he does not come within, then during

the time of death a moment comes when nature does this work of withdrawing the consciousness from external to internal. 57. Whatever the man has seen and believed with his external (conscious) mind has now gone into his subconscious mind. So, now in his imagination there are only relatives and relatives, then pitrus get transfered within. 58. There are women who do so much of seva that sometimes I feel that they should ask from me something but when they ask they ask about pitrus, relatives... requesting to make their so-and-so alright, they fail to see what is their soul agenda and what is their karmas. How can I give? What not can I give you? But they are stuck asking for others; you take first. 59. This is what I wish, stop the attachments. Keep helping, keep praying but no attachments. Because if you have attachments then during the last moments whatever you have put within into your inner mind, they will start coming up. This is why man sees their own Gods and deities according to their own belief system. 60. My guru said "You do not live in the Universe but he Universe lives in you." Heaven and hell is within you, all the lokas are within you. All is within you and nothing is out. In last moments this inward journey begins. 61. A siddha merges the mind into the soul and unless this is done, mind will exist. Body is left behind but mind is alive, body is left behind but the subtle body is alive. Whatever you have stored in your mind, that is what you are going to see. So I say detach! Now do not worship the troubles of others but worship on the Divine. Worship your real self. 62. If you meditate and master the real meaning of the song "I am not this body" you will destroy your sanchit karmas within moments and get liberated. 63. The one who practices daily the Art of Dying sadhana, doubts will cease to exist in his mind. There will be no suffering within him because while living itself he will learn that there is nothing called the death, that he was alive before getting this body, alive while in the body and will be there even after leaving the body. 64. From this physical body from whichever door you leave, you will enter into that dimension. You have 10 doors in your physical body. At the moment of death 9 doors shut close and one door opens. According to your karmas, thoughts and tendencies that particular door opens and from there you leave your body. 65. This body is a vehicle, a chariot in which your soul is travelling in the journey of "nar se narayan". You are on and often given the opportunities to start your inner journey. You get unsuccessful and the chariot breaks down or becomes weak, you wander your

awareness here and there, and finally when the chariot breaks down God is so loving that you are given another chariot to continue the journey to your destination. 66. Let me remind you the purpose of you taking birth - to finish the journey in this life that you have not been able to complete since so many births. The chariot that you have got, preserve it well till your final destination what is called as the FINAL ASCENSION... achieve it. This is your ultimate goal. The other goal is to destroy all our ignorances and darkness of suffering. 67. Andhakaar timir-andasya, gyanan-jana shalakaya, chaksurunmilitam yena, tasmai sri-guruve namah... The guru who destroys the darkness within me and light the lamp of wisdom within me, hey Gurudev, I bow to you. Bless me. The moment the darkness is destroyed, the sufferings are destroyed. You will attain peace. Life will become happy and at that time every moment of life will be a celebration. Till you are on earth, you will remain in bliss and after that with your wisdom start/continue your journey and finish your journey here and merge into the param tatwa (infinite). 68. A ShivYogi everyday keeps withdrawing his senses/consciousness within and all the sadhanas that you are doing to release your karmas and purify, in reality you are doing the Art of Dying sadhana. 69. Till now you were doing everything in ignorance and unconsciousness, ShivYog is knowingness. Every step you take be aware not to place it on the path of darkness. 70. "Hey gurudev, Hey Shiva, every step I take let it be on the path of light. Even by ignorance let me not fall off the path. Hey Paramatma, if you have to bless me, bless with with this. Stop me whenever I walk towards darkness. Help me move only towards light and bless me to purify my mind every moment, every moment wash away the impurities of my mind." 71. The fives senses are the fives horses of the chariot and mind is the charioteer. If the charioteer wanders, the horses wander. 72. In scriptures it is mentioned what happens while the soul leaves the body. You have five bodies and during sadhana you must become aware of the five bodies and how to purify them. During this time, the external consciousness withdraws into the inner consciousness. 73. A person who is calm and silent pulls this consciousness within. This is why it is said that one has to do sadhana right from childhood. People say that they will do in old age because there will be lot of time then. We never ever say that we will eat food

when old age comes or have bath in old age or marry in old age since I have a busy life. Sadhana is a part of life. 74. Every morning practice in sadhana to withdraw your senses because when you go out for the day the consciousness is turned out and there are lot of things happening in the outer world according to other's soul agenda and if you do not do sadhana you will get stuck with those people or incidents. 75. When a person who is stuck so much in external things reaches his final moments, then he will enquire where is Pappu and where is Lallu. Call him at once. 76. One old person whose all organs collapsed was asked to be kept on the ventilator because after 21 days there was a marriage and let him see the marriage and go. This is when you think that everything is over when the physical body is over. In reality, with physical end nothing ends. The "I" that is left after this can create another body. The ripened fruit has detached from the tree but doctors have tied him with the chords of the ventilator. If this chord breaks the marriage will get broken. How selfish people are! What is nonvoilence? It is not to hurt anyone and it also means one who is going should not be stopped. This is the biggest violence to stop someone who is leaving because you are doing opposite to nature. It is violence to kill a living person and to not allow a dead person to go. Why can't the marriage be preponed 21 days. In the meantime, someone told the man on the ventilator that his daughter-in-law is talking to Babaji and may be to get rid of you he gets alarmed. The couples go to meet the dying man and the boy greets and the old man struggles to hug him and when the girl greeted him, he immediately moved his face away! So much of holding when the chariot is broken and not a single step can be taken, still so much of ignorance. 77. It is a pitiful state in hospitals where people are kept hanging on ventilators to see marriages, etc. If you let the person go, he can still witness the marriage in this subtle body. 78. All these things have been experienced that when one has left the body, he has seen his body lying there, sees his people crying over his body. If he is one who is attached to the worldly things, he keeps a watch to see if his body is cremated properly or not. And, if the people are being stingy in the rites, he even becomes sad and grumbles that inspite of leaving such wealth behind, people are betraying him. All that is there in his inner mind is alive. All the imaginations that he carried in life is active now. Conscious mind is dead but subconscious mind is still alive.

79. Once when I was in Mumbai, there was a chaos when one person in the society got paralysis. I requested sadhaks to go and do healing. They did and after one hour he got life in his body and he asked that he wanted to see who is Babaji. They brought him slowly walking to me. There was sadness written all over his face. I asked him why is he not happy when he is alright now? He replied how could he be happy when he had worthless sons. I asked him what did they do and he replied that he was sure that when he would die they would not do shraadh (a ritual done with respect for reverence and gratitude of the dead). So much of attachment stuck on his sons and he is alive and imagining that his death rituals will not be done!! 80. So, who are worried suffer later also. One person said that he wanted a child. I asked if he does not have children and he said that had three girls. I said then you have children, be happy. He grunted saying he does not have a son. I asked is this a hotel menu card that idli has come and now need a vada. I asked why son and he replied that after his death his son only will give life to his soul (by lighting his pyre). I said if you become lifeless here itself even Apollo hospital will not be able to give you life, forget about the son. All this is superstition and ignorance. There is nothing like this. Only you can give life to your soul; only your karmas can. Share In ShivYog, all sadhaks must have a GOLDEN BOOK. The Golden book is the book where you write your own destiny. By doing sadhana with the Golden book one materializes all that one has written in the book, in brief materializes all that one wants in life. Read ahead for more.....

Babaji says that Golden Book is not for those who are contended in life or do not wish to bring any changes into their lives but for those who want to experience life fully and experience spiritual growth.

First thing is to buy a good beautiful golden-coated book (or you may coat it with golden paper) One can decorate it or put a golden cover to it to make it feel special, because basically that is what ShivYog's first step is about and on the journey we will be looking at it all the time like a traveller looks at his map! The Golden Book has been designed by Babaji and is available at shivir's and Divine Shop. You may buy one if the need be. (Images are in the bottom of this page) Babaji asks us to write about Icha not trishna (desire that involves Lobh, moh, ahankar, kaam and krodh) Babaji gives us the method and hope it helps those who are finding it difficult to make their Golden book: Split all your desires into three groups: 1. Short-term: Anything that you want to have soon. 2. Mid-term: Anything that you want to have in the next few years. 3. Long-term: Your ultimate desire. Tips to write the Golden Book: 1. Write everything in pen and paper and avoid typing and printing. 2. Before writing do not just think and write, but think, feel and then write. This will ensure that it is truly what you want and you are able to feel it already manifested. 3. Write everything that you feel is need in rough and go over it again, make corrections, strike out which is not needed, prioritize all wishes in sequence. Write everything to the minutest level and when ready, finally write it into the Golden Book. 4. Write everything in the PRESENT TENSE. Eg: I have.... I am..... and NOT... I will... I may.. I can... I should.... I would.... I could.... etc) 5. Keep two books; one at the altar with the meru so that your sadhana will activate it's manifestation and the other book keep handy with you so that you can revise it all the time. If you do not want to keep two books it is

okay, you may keep the Golden Book at the altar from where you can read it everyday. 6. Believe it or not, but once you start actually writing your desires, you will truly know what you want in life (Tum chahthe kya ho) and this will never be know if we keep thinking of it. Writing down will clarify everything you want and will also help you prioritize things accordingly. So best is to first write down on paper, then edit it, prioritize it and then make the final entry into the Golden books. 7. Write everything to the finest detail; how your life should be, how your relationship should be, how your job should be, how your world should be, etc) everything to the most finest detail. 8. Never doubt what you write or feel. 9. At the same time, if there are things you don't want to hold with you or want to release, write it elsewhere on paper and burn it off and feel the release as it is burnt down. 10. Always write positive and write what you want, not what you DO NOT want. Eg: I don't want to be sick is WRONG, write it as " I am perfectly healthy" and so on for all the things you want. 11. You can write it in all arenas of your life - Health, wealth, relationships, home, job, and all those things you always wanted to experience in life. You may categorize everything into the 12 houses of your horoscope and re-write your own horoscope. 12. Keep the Golden book highly confidential and only to yourself. Do not share what is written nor do share the results of manifestation. 13. Keep this Golden Book at the altar with one sri yantra on top and one below. Whenever you do your sadhana at the altar, the yantras are activated and they start manifesting. 14. Write your love and gratitude for Babaji and feel it all the time for all the wonderful methods our guru has given us to become one with Shiva. This is something that is priceless and can be never repaid.Tips to write the Golden Book: Examples and ideas of Golden Book: Categorize and write for all the 12 houses of your horoscope because you are now writing your own horoscope.

Home o o o o

I am living in a beautiful independent house. I am enjoying the comfort of my house. Anyone coming to my house feels comfortable. Etc, etc.

Relationships o I am very happy and contended with my family. o I love my family unconditionally and they love me unconditionally. o I am enjoying great rapport with every person of my family. o Etc, etc. o When it comes to relationship, Babaji has also mentioned not to write a specific person's name (especially when things are not going well) or write you want to get married to only that person because that amounts to vashikaran which means "to lure" a person which is again unethical. Baba further says that even if you succeed in vashikaran, the moment the smoke of vashikaran falls off that person, he/she will get back into the mode of aversion or whatever true feelings that person actually had. o In case of divorce, Babaji says it is very important to release all those negative reactions and emotions one has gone through and accumulated otherwise the next marriage also can create similar problems because of the conditioning of the mind to previous beliefs, traumas, experiences, etc. Prati Prasav is recommended so that one release all the previous negative psychic impressions and the karmic debts and then a new relationship be manifested. Write only the qualities that you seek in your life partner and feel it as you would feel when you had the dream-mate. Babaji mentioned about the lady who wanted a perfect husband and she was able to manifest a perfect husband. Soon she found out that he was too perfect with everything including which dress to wear when, how to keep plates on dining table... everything in perfection. Now, she was disappointed with the same desire that she had manifested. So, be simple, be clear and be sure of what you want.

Wealth o I am having a bank balance of Rs.______ o I attract money easily.

o o

I am having abundance of wealth. Etc, etc.

Health o I am 100% healthy with healthy organs. o All my cells are vibrant and healthy. o I am living my life with full of energy and vitality. o Etc, etc.

And so on....................................

Some strong affirmations from Babaji's in the Bangalore shivir: (Thanks

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I am a being of light. I am an immortal being. I am the master of my own destiny. I have the power to create a perfect body, perfect health, perfect mind, perfect emotions. I have wonderful good luck!I heal easily. I release all belief systems which is not good for my ultimate good. I release all negative thoughts, all negative psychic impressions, all negative incidents which is not good for my ultimate good. I am always successful. I always attain my goal successfully. I have loving relationships and a very good family. I am very happy. I attract prosperity, love and cooperation. Everybody loves me and I love everybody. I am growing spiritually everyday. My golden book is my true story. Whatever I have written in my golden book is happening everyday. I have full faith in whatever I am visualizing that things will materialize. I am successful in whatever I do!

Using the Golden Book:

The first thing that you are going to do before going to bed and immediately after waking is read though the Golden Book and feeling and experiencing all those things you have written. The book should also be read after your sadhana. Babaji insists that you must read it even if you feel you have byhearted it. This is because these new thoughts must enter your subconscious and also your superconscious mind. Every time you read the book (or even think of it!) visualize what is written and feel it as though you are already in that state what you have desired. After a period of time, after constant reading and feeling strongly about what is written, it will become a part of you. Then you can anytime bring it to your memories and be in that field whenever you have free time like breaks, travel, or any time you are idle. It is better to think and experience the Golden Book so that it's content can engrave it into your subconscious mind to manifest it for you rather than thinking and worrying about negative things and manifesting them into your life. The Golden Book is now your horoscope. You have written your own horoscope. You have written your destiny. Your belief and faith in what you have written will strengthen your manifestation. Do not ever underestimate your powers to achieve what you have written. Keep reading again and again and visualizing whenever possible. As you read the Golden Book every time, make a mental video of your experiences. Next time you read it, replay the video again in your mind. Eventually you will see that you have a fullfledged video of your new life! Play this video now as you read your Golden Book. Play it as often you can and more importantly enjoy and feel it. The mental video is a bonus to materialization. It is important not to think negative during the waking hours. It will not be effective if you read your Golden Book religiously many times and keep thinking the opposite of it during the day. You have to believe you have it. For example: You write and feel that you have earning a very handsome salary of Rs.____. You read and feel it rightly, but then during the day you keep cursing your current job or keep feeling that "Employers just suck the blood of employees." or "Employers are poor payers" then know that whichever you are feeling strongly will manifest. More than reading the Golden Book, your emotions and feelings may be stronger while thinking these negative thoughts.

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You may keep a Sri Yantra below and above the Golden Book but again do what you feel comfortable with and love doing. You should not be doing anything in a ritualistic manner. Do not write or feel or read the Golden Book due to fear that if you don't read it something will go wrong or something more stupid than this. Love what you have written, believe what you have written, follow what you have written. That is all that is important. Over a period of time, your Golden Book may need your attention to re-write. Like, over a period of time, you may find that certain things are achieved or as your continue raising your consciousness with sadhana, you may feel that certain things are now not important for you. You may then re-write it and continue re-creating! The language you write in is not important but the truth in feeling and emotions matters. Babaji says one should be a great architect of their life and not to not waste your life by just living with animal instincts and spending an entire life not doing anything or by putting the excuse on destiny and fate. He says write down your destiny, plan it the way you want it to be and achieve it for the very reason you have come to planet earth is because you wanted to experience all the things you desire that you could not experience in your previous life. Make the Golden Book special. These are only guidelines here. You may follow what your heart says about it and treat it as special as possible. Babaji says you can start with very very simple and small things since they manifest more faster and when they manifest, try manifesting a little more average ones and when they start manifesting you will start getting the confidence to manifest more complex things. Write on the first page "With Best Wishes and lots of love from Babaji" (Babaji had mentioned this in one shivir). Of course, this is a great gift from Him.

Babaji also says that then a time will come when you will need the Golden book no more, because by then you will have reached the "desireless state" You will have no desires by then. A time will come when one is so contented that any mundane desires will seem of no value when one experiences the divine and the peace, happiness and contentment that comes from it. The truth is that this is what Babaji wants all to experience and achieve but he knows it very well that unless one's desires are

deep rooted one cannot directly achieve this supreme bliss of Anandohum. So, first he says get over with all that you want and then one will step further up to experience the state of bliss and ecstasy that our beloved Babaji experiences today.

This blog and it's content is offered with love and gratitude at the feet of Bhagwan Nityanand Baba and Sh

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Here are the precious gems from Babaji during the entire shivir and is given in direct speech (When you read it, you can know that Baba is speaking to you). 1. During final moments all tendencies settled within gets activated and at that time you are asked "what do you want?" Some may








ask to call loved ones to have a last glimpse, some might want someone in the family to get married. What have you to do with marriage. Go blessing them saying 'My journey is over, I bless you that your marriage is well." But this does not happen due to tendencies of attachment to the family. Some with taste buds would want to have sweets as one could not eat them due to diabetes, so would have 6-7 gulab jamuns. So, remove tubes and put in gulab jamuns. This is all foolishness. The body that God has given, is destroyed with your ignorance doing what not. Some might ask for beautiful cloth and have a touch of it, some call for jewelery. Only if, one would have said, "Let me hear the sound of OM. Let my consciousness merge with God and my life will be successful, this is my last wish." But due to this not being the last wish, after leaving the body the soul begins suffering. Heaven and hell are not outside, all these are within your mind. As you had been thinking and creating your belief system while alive, you keep experiencing experiences in similar tastes. So, first and foremost it is very important to start practicing to withdraw your consciousness. Create the belief first on yourself. Do not think of yourself as you body but the soul. If you understand this in few moments all your illness and sufferings will burn down. My guru said "Shudh bhavana" (pure intentions). When your bhavana becomes shudh, you will understand that you are satchit-anand, you are God. Some asked my guru "They call you Bhagavan (god). Are you God? He replied, 'You are also God but the only difference is that I have realized that I am God but you have not yet realized that you are God." The spandan (vibration) that happens from that Universal soul creates this entire Universe. Aham Brahmasami. My guru used to make me do this sadhana itself. I have done many sadhana on siddhis and gained them also, but later realized all is dust... all is dust.. What is the truth then? Aham Bramhasami... And when he started making me do sadhana on this all my doubts vanished. I can give you also a lot. Earlier I was stingy when I had siddhis, did not want to give at all and keep it with myself. I had the boundaries.. I was finite. I used to think that this one does extra seva so let me give him something extra, that one does not obey, so better not to give him, but when the boundaries ended, when my guru activated within me, there were no boundaries. After that there was only one desire that these are all me and I am all these. So whatever I have achieved, you also must receive. You also have the same right over the father Shiva as

much as I have. So you must get all this wisdom. Take it.. take it.. do not doubt. 9. Create a belief that you are worthy to take it, you are worthy to go into deep meditation, create the belief that you have to experience. Just create the belief because all things are your bhaava. The moment you say you are not experiencing, you will stop yourself there. The moment you start imagining that you are not experiencing but others are experiencing you will put a stop to yourself. 10. Bring the imagination to yourself that Shiva loves you a lot because he is not separate from you. He is not outside you. He is not far from you. Believe this. You are that Sanjeevani Shakti. You can heal yourself. 11. First you see and feel the world wherever your attention goes, house, relatives, etc and then start withdrawing. Slowly slowly start withdrawing and create the belief that you CAN withdraw. Now, slowly pull your consciousness from your home, city, relatives, pets. (This was the starting part of the sadhana Baba made us do.) 12. To make your sadhana successful you have to first make your body ready for it by doing at least 10 minutes of yogic kriyas, then prana kriyas. Awareness of the prana is important since the prana at the time of death starts withdrawing. So, if you cleanse the prana then life becomes easier. 13. You have a short life. In it, love and spread happiness. Why do you fight? Why do you find time to be sad? Each and every moment of yours is valuable. Why don't you relish every moment? Why don't you experience happiness in every moment. 14. Remember, all the experiences of suffering, all the anger and attachment you experience, makes you stuck in the form of karma and gives you suffering during life as well as during the final moments. 15. Sabka bhala ho, mera bhi bhala ho (Let all prosper and let me also prosper). 16. Why do you live in the fear of what is going to happen? Live every moment of your present in happiness. Every moment is flying and is not going to come back. Childhood is passing away, youth is passing away and not going to come back, enjoy it. Why fight? 17. Old age also will pass. By the time you reach old age, you must be full of wisdom. You become the banyan tree by now under which all may rest. Don't become broken branches that you only may need support.

18. All of you have come on earth to do some or the other divine work. You took up this body to do something special and have got stuck in infatuation and attachment. Sometimes making enemies, sometimes in resentment, sometimes becoming victims, sometimes helpless. Become the opposite of all these. 19. Happiness is a state of mind. Imagine that happiness. Create that happiness. 20. Tell yourself that you will experience only what you want to experience. 21. Know your'self'; recognize your'self'. 22. To realize and experience that one happiness, you need one not many. Why in ignorance do you seek happiness from others? Close your eyes and sit and there is no other who is happier than you. Create that happiness from within. 23. Where do you have the time to be unhappy and to fear? At least keep faith in Him. 24. Present is truth. What you are experience right now is true. What has happened is dead and false. What is feared to come that is not born and thus is also false. What you have right now is truth. What do you have right now with you? Your self, your mind, your body, your emotions, your imaginations. Now, do you have time to imagine dirty things or bring negative emotions? 25. What is going to happen will be seen. The one who has given the beak will give the grains too. Which bird goes for a job? Which snake is recruited in territorial army? They all roam freely. Everything is there for everyone. It is humans who have created ignorance out of wisdom and created a prison from himself. Break free the prisons. 26. How funny is it when I keep saying do sadhana, merge with the infinite, do some good karmas, do seva and burn negative karmas, but instead fights begin in the morning and fight for hours and then sit in the corners and sulk. 24 hours spent in fighting and sulking, instead 1 hour of sadhana, an hour of seva, an hour of taking His name, your life would have just been successful. 27. Do you have time to flare and puff smoke like a bull? Do you have time to growl like a doggie? These are all the tendencies of your past pashu (animal) yoni that is coming up. But why do you forget that before that yoni you were a part of that divine? So, do not fight. 28. Har haal mein khushi. Jis vidhi raakhe us vidhi rahiye. Karmas are getting destroyed. Don't try to create a vidhi for yourself but be with total surrender.

29. This time Ishan bhaiya explained beautifully the Garud Puran in a way the modern generation understands and Babaji also simplified the vedic language into simple terms. 30. There was humor in many sessions. In one session Ishan bhaiya said, "I have always seen on thing with Babaji. Whenever he moves, he does not move alone. It is like Shiva's marriage ceremony. When Babaji's vehicle door opens, dogs come out from somewhere, cats come out somewhere, we come out from somewhere. Babaji accepts everything." 31. Ishan Bhaiya continued, "Babaji is very modern, very technosavvy. Just a few days back he came to me and asked which laptop am I using? My MAC PC has some problem. I exclaimed MAC PC?! I myself am years back using Windows 95. Then Babaji said if not MAC tell me something about my iPad. I said I dont have an iPhone and you are mentioning about iPad? Babaji then said, if nothing, tell me how to synchronize iPad and MAC PC. Looking at all this it feels that he accepts everything. Babaji interrupted and said, "What does an illiterate know what is windows and what is MAC. What was given to me first I understood that and learnt from there. My guru has told me that until you you do not experience yourself first, do not talk about it." 32. Babaji continued on the same line, "So, if I tell you to use modern equipments, then it is important to connect with ancient wisdom. So, someone can tell me that ancient wisdom from you is okay but can ask me what I know about modern equipments. So let me also experience it myself and see it. But one thing is sure, if you open my laptop then both it's side are stuck with Sri Yantra and my iPad has four stickers on it because it is important to neutralize the negative radiations. I liked that instead of taking huge books of granths, you can scan and take it in a small file and is convenient. I am not opposing modernization, but I am neither ready to leave my roots because shakti and nourishment I get from my sadhana and from the wisdom rishis have gathered. With these my life is very happy and I wish that you also follow it. What I have gained that you all also should gain." 33. Ishan Bhaiya continued, "Babaji's words have to be listened in depth and only then it's real meaning will be understood. If you listened closely to what he said, then he has accepted everything. He accepted the laptop, the iPad and all the technologies given to him but he is using what is important for him. This is what I wish to convey that there is a thing which is

given to us and gets binded with us and the other is only using that thing." 34. We react to different situations in different ways and stored them into our consciousness. Reaction can be of lust, anger, infatuation, attachment, jealously, etc. One true incident about a person who had a factory near the highway and had everything. Due to his past life good deeds life was very pleasant and he was experiencing the fruits of that life. Every evening drinking alcohol and eating. It is mentioned in the Garud Puran that even the taste buds takes us to some direction. All intoxications of life take us somewhere during life and even after life. So, this man did not have any pity towards anyone and lived his own life. Doing for one's own self is pashu bhaava (animal tendency) and doing for everyone is manushya bhaava (human tendency), deva bhaava (God tendency). He was only concerned with his own taste and own enjoyments. While going in a vehicle, there happened an accident and the vehicle was smashed. He stood out and was looking at his vehicle being destroyed. Looking at himself he felt happy that he was safe and not a scratch on him. Suddenly he noticed his body lying in blood and he was surprised as to how this can happen when he is fine. He wondered if it was a dream. Suddenly, there was some light from above and he rose up. There he saw that many souls were living in their own created hell according to the tendencies they had accumulated. Suddenly a voice was heard "No, his time is not yet up and so send him back into his body." Immediately, he was in the injured body and he immediately experienced pain and shouted. People took him to the hospital and was saved. But after this incident he completely changed. He never took to the bottle and whatever he was earning he started giving a percentage of it to the needy. Now he never hurt anyone and became pure. 35. While living one who has resentment carried it during his death too. The bhava that is held on to during the life and made strong, will increase thousandfold during death. If one has food craving then after death that craving increases thousandfold. But then, to fulfill all cravings you need a body. Now, there is no body. Now, thousandfold increase in the cravings for thirst, hunger, sex, anger, jealousy, etc. Now, to fulfill those cravings, the preth (unsatisfied soul) runs and wanders for a body of any type. Now, if the soul spots a bird or animal fulfilling the sexual craving, then it tries to get into that egg. At that time, it is not aware that it was in the human body and should go to a higher evolved body/dimension. But if it is hungry and sees grains, then it will immediately desire for that bird body to fulfill its desire. If

the tendency is anger and to kill and destroy then it will crave to get into a scorpion's body. Who is not a ShivYogi will have a lot of attachments with their body and even if the body melts or burns, he will still wander around that body. 36. In Buddhism, this intermediate state (between death and next life) is called as Bardo. After death, buddhist monk guides and reminds the soul that it has to go into a human form and not to be hurried. Like in Hinduism it is said that there is heaven and hell similarly they say that there will be many scary forms that will come to scare you. This is nothing to be scared of. These are the projections of your mind itself. In the living state itself people get phobias, depression, auditory and visual hallucinations (hearing voices or seeing things). People say it is evil possession, but I say it is your creation. 37. A yogi had told that whenever you commit a sin, God and Guru is eager to forgive you but your central nervous system (conscience) does not forgive you. How much ever we try and manipulate, our inner self is seeing everything and the message of manipulation and sin will get stuck in the inner self. In moments of death everything is remembered. Why do we say to meditate - because when you meditate at that time also you remember these and at that time what you remember you are able to release it with ShivYog sadhana. Those who do not do sadhana, at the final moments, those memories surface up and it is late by then because the soul was not able to release them. The soul cries and regrets on all the sins committed and after leaving the body those tendencies increase manifold. This is why it is said that one must do sadhana and while alive itself dissolve all these impressions. Your mind will become pure. My guru first taught me "shudh bhavana" and after that second lesson was "nirmal mann". 38. Let all impurities of the mind be washed. Those impurities are filled in our mind when I have given pain to someone or when someone has pained me. Whether others have pained me or not is an imagination and attached with maya (illusion). These are all impurities. With shudh bhavana when you do sadhana, do make your mind nirmal to ensure there is no impurity because these impurities will otherwise show up at death and increase manifold. 39. There is no death, only transformation. Like after a garment is torn, a new one is worn. Similarly after leaving the body the soul will go to a shop with similar sankaras where it can get a good body or a bad body. Death is for the ignorant but the only who

has gained the wisdom that death is transformation is totally transformed. 40. One who experiences while living in the physical body that he himself is Param Brahma and all his issues are resolved and there is no pain within him, no resentment, no attachment, gets the brahmagyan and becomes a siddha. We have seen siddhas who playfully have left along with their body itself. In Tamilnadu, there is a jeeva samadhi which had great energy there. It was told that there once lived a siddha there who loved children and was playing hide-and-seek with them. He hid himself under a huge hen basket and when they lifted it up, he was gone. That also is a transition. 41. One transition is lying in the hospital lying with ventilator and lot of banging going on and the man who is in semi-conscious state during death has his third-eye opened and then he sees many souls in the ICU who are stuck there; some sitting in the corner of the hospital. This is one and the other is the one who knows that there is nothing called death. 42. I am mentioning these incidents to you so that you believe that the consciousness in this body is you and you are not this body and even when this body falls off, still you exist. 43. All siddhas love children and they love to be with them and play and dance with them because that is the reality. The more you become stiff and stuck in the illusion of wealth, attachment, name, the more you move away from divinity. Those who are simple as a child, they are truly closer to God. 44. According to the karmas itself the soul enters into particular dimensions. So while in the body one has to get rid of the negative sanskaras. 45. All siddhas and saints have come and told us something or the other, gave wisdom. Guru Nanakji mentioned that the that earning is true, the percentage of which you put into welfare of others. "Wand Khao they khand khao" meaning that whatever you share that is yours, it becomes very sweet. 46. Another incident is about a person who was crossing the road and saw a truck speeding towards him. He ran at full speed to the other end and exclaimed happily on missing the truck hitting him and thus being safe. He kept running even after crossing the road and then after some distance being relieved of being saved turned back and saw that the truck was stationary and he was lying under the truck. The truck had hit him and he had died instantly. Now he was confused if he was dead. This person's time was not yet right and he realized that he is full of pain and that he has come back into his body. He then recovered.

47. Those who do not have this knowledge and at death when the light comes at that time one does not understand the light and remains stuck there itself. One who is attached a lot with the family, when the light appears instead of rising to the light, one will feel that he is okay and why does he have to go anywhere. The door remains opened till it has to remain open and finally it closes and that soul gets stuck there itself with that family and starts drawing the life force energy of family members who start becoming ill and weak. The families then undergo hardships also. 48. Another incident of the West where a person was at a place where there was bombing. An airplane dropped a bomb that fell close to here is where he was sitting. He was thrown up and as he was thrown up he was aware that that he flying up but then he saw that he was was continuing to fly even above the buildings around. He wondered how could he fly so high and when he looked down his body was fallen down injured. He looked and wondered "There is so much of blood. Hope I don't die." This he wondered even when he had died. Suddenly, he came back into the body, attachment to the body and there was pain and he survived. 49. Another incident when a woman was having some heart problem. At this moment a nurse shouted looking at the cardiac monitor that she is dead as there is no heat beat. The woman saw that she is besides the bed and many people came in and were trying to resuscitate and revive her. After a moment a power came and pushed her into her body. She narrated to everyone every incident that she had seen happening in the room and all were surprised. 50. I would like to share an incident of my life. We had a very huge haveli (mansion) and everyone had left it and I used to live alone there. I would do my sadhana there and once in sadhana I experienced that I am sitting in sadhana. I wondered which place is this and then I saw it was the same room in which I was meditating. Looking clearly I saw that I am wearing the same clothes I wore while I sat there. It was a confusing state that I am sitting and I am standing in front of me and I am looking at myself sitting. Slowly I moved away from my body and moved to all corners of the room and from every corner I looked at myself that I am sitting calmly. Then I realized that who is sitting is not me but my body and I am out of my body. Then I realized that on wish I could move out of the room also and I am moving through the wall. I was going wherever my thoughts went. I am telling you this because when you die, you exit your body.

51. You have five bodies. First, this physical body. Second, prana body. Third mann body. Fourth gyan body. Fifth anand body. I am not all these five. All these five bodies have tamo guna, rajo guna, sato guna. I am beyond the five bodies and three gunas. I am nirguna and formless. 52. Preth yonis and dev yonis have form and the form is similar to the physical body. But, the moment I become nirguna and niraakar, I do not have any form. Gunas come with attachment. 53. With nirguna you become like the sun. There is flow of unconditional love but no expectations in return. Till the time all these three gunas remain, then the soul remains imprisoned in bodies. That is why such soul is called jeevatma or jeeva. 54. The mind is a wall between the soul and the consciousness. The moment the mind dissolves into the soul and soul merges into the consciousness. This is called aatma-sakshathkar (selfrealization). 55. In Garud Puran, God explains to the garud that at the time of death all the tenancies open up one by one. All the debit and credit of karmic balance sheet comes up. If one has given trouble to someone, at that moment, he does not manipulate. If someone has hurt him and he is constantly thinking of it, if the dying person has not done sadhana or got a guru who could give him the wisdom, then it is possible that at that moment he gets very angry on everyone who gave him trouble. If he leaves his body with this anger, then this anger multiplies. That is why it is said to forgive everyone while you are alive. Whatever is happening in your life are the fruits of your own karmas. 56. Remember, apart from one's prarabdh karma, one cannot gain anything extra. You receive what you are destined for. That does not mean that you sit without doing anything stating that everything will happen according to your destiny. In ShivYog, it is taught that you are the creator of your own destiny. If you are not happy with what you already have, then do more positive karmas, give more unconditional love to all, do not hurt others, purify yourself and then change what is written in your destiny. Expand what you are destined to get and receive more and more grace. This is upon you. Changing your destiny to higher evolution also means you are resolving issues. So never blame others for your condition. 57. Everything comes in front while dying, incidents from childhood, etc. One person used to get terrible pain in the neck. After healing it used to get alright but again recur. In pratiprasav he realized that he had been hung to death in some life and during

death the emotion of suffering that he carried, he brought it to the next life and that used to bother him. 58. Siddhas will show past life to only those who are ready to see their past and have resolved all issues of life. This is because if one has not been able to resolve current life issues and then sees issues from the past, that will add up to his misery. 59. One who has been doing sadhana and has purified will be able to see. Those who are in the transition of purity will experience in the form of vibrations or may witness shooting pain in the troublesome organ and get released but this all depends. 60. We (siddhas) have only one intention that you prosper and our (siddhas) purpose is not to show you scenes of past life. You become ready, you resolve all your current life issues, you come to the understanding and knowledge that everything is illusion and then you will see everything. But if you still feel everything around is reality and with this reality if you wish to see, then you will not see anything. The purpose is that all your tendencies burn out and all the 10 doors that are closed due to your ignorance opens up by which all the paths of life and moksha open up. 61. So, if you ask me why that person saw and why not me, then I will say, resolve all your issues of this life and accelerate your spiritual progress and you will be able to see past lives. It will take me only a moment to show you all that but I do not wish that you get entangled in those incidents. 62. Even leaving the body is a state of sadhana. There should be total peace during this time. A dying person starts withdrawing his consciousness and it is sad to see that we do not allow him to do that by shouting, crying and yelling. Now a day, more gruesome is when a person has to leave in peace, he is left in the ICU with all kinds of equipments. We feel that we are saving his life but I think we are prolonging their suffering and nothing else. So it is important that the environment is calm and peaceful and the sound of OM or whichever mantra of the ishta the person is acquainted to, should be played. 63. Slowly all his five bodies start leaving his body just the way it happens while sleep. When one reaches the dream state, even at that point his subtle body leaves the physical body and travels into those dimensions where his memories and connections lie in his inner mind. That is why it is said that one should have sweet dreams. That is why it is said that at night a Sri Vidya sadhak should certainly do Sri Vidya sadhana so that so much of divine energy is produced that during dream state he enters only into higher dimensions and stays in those dimensions and wakes up

with those divine energies. But if one sleeps being sad, then he visits all the darker places which is embedded in this inner mind. He remains in darker places and brings back similar energies while waking up and makes his day more miserable. 64. What is the difference between dream and death? Similarity is that the subtle body leaves the physical body during both death and dream but a small difference is that during dream a thin etheric silver cord is connected from the navel. During dream the subtle body visits dimensions and this cord keeps it attached to the physical body but during death the silver cord gets disconnected. A beautiful video of high-energy sankirtan and a message in the end from Baba to you. Here are the precious gems from Babaji during the entire shivir and is given in direct speech (When you read it, you can know that Baba is speaking to you). 1. The ones who do not know the ultimate truth are attached to the body and as the prana starts withdrawing, the person tries to hold it from withdrawing and there begins a struggle. You must have seen people banging their hands and legs, which means that he is not allowing the prana to be pulled out by nature. In this struggle there will be turmoil and negative energies generated due to the agony. 2. This is what is shown in scriptures as Yama who pulls the soul out with a rope. When the prana completely leaves the body, it becomes the astral body and the astral body thinks it is alive but if it already has the wisdom that it has to move up in the light. If this is not aware of the astral body stays there and suffers. 3. How many will be ready if they are asked to go to Yama while being alive? Leave this, even at the time of death also no- one wants to go to Yama. In scriptures it is written that the one who is ready to go to Yama while being in the body is the biggest Yogi and Yama also cannot do anything to such a person. Yama is not the God of Death, he is the son of the Sun, he is Tej. One who comes out of myths and ignorace will be out the birth-death cycle. 4. There are two stories mentioned in scriptures, one about SatiSatyavan and the other about Nachiketa. Both of them had gone to Yama. Sati was a maharishi's daughter and Satyavan lived in an ashram who were to get married. Before marriage Sati was warned that after a month Satyavan had to die and to rethink over the marriage. Sati said that he had the tapa-shakti to





create her own destiny. They got married and lived in the jungle. Satyavan after cutting wood complained of headache and Sati immediately knew that it was one month. She asked him to keep his head on her lap and sleep. She went into samadhi. She saw Yama approaching and she said that he cannot take him away as he is her husband. But Yama said his time has come and put his rope around him and took him, but Sati followed Yama and kept pleading to release her husband and Yama denied. After reaching a spot, Yama warned Sati to go back and if she cross this place she cannot go back. Sati said that if she had to go back she would go back with him. This is an incident of a woman who holds the sadhana shakti of changing the destiny of her husband. He was not walking there with her legs but with the power of her sadhana shakti. At last, Yama gave up and asked her to ask for a boon and go back. Sati agreed. She asked that she be given the boon of being able to become the mother of 100 children of Satyavan. Now, it was with Sati how many years gap she would want to keep between the birth of those 100 children and that would be the life of Satyavan. Yama was baffled but he had to fulfill promise and let go of Satyavan. There have been many siddhas who have gone to hell and roamed about in naraklok, swarglok, brahmalok, siddhalok and come back - this should be the shakti within. You also have this power within you that can be activated but to activate it, you need to pull back awareness from external miseries. In ShivYog it is always said not to predict the future as one can get very bad karma for it. The biggest fool is one who predicts future in ShivYog. This is because future can be changed. How can you predict about something that can be changed? I repeat future is changeable! Vidhi ka vidhan badla jaa saktha hai kyon ki tum hi vidhi ho aur tumhi ne voh vidhaan paida kiya tha.. In these 9 days of shivir, I will take you in front of siddhas where you had written your destiny and you will have to tell them, "I have learnt everything and learn the secrets and now I dont want to learn with sufferings. I have learnt through my sadhana. Now, I am ready to change my destiny. Now, I want to experience the life the way I want. We also during marriage match horoscopes and see profit and loss where as marriage is a bond of minds, bond of purity, not to match profit accounts. Then it is said that the girl was good but there was some problem in the horoscope. Such comparison of profit-loss like business will have profits and loss like business.

9. It is said till here that one who has the wisdom of Art of Dying, during the end of his life can do it's sadhana and get liberated by leaving his soul through the brahmarandhra (the highest door through which if a soul leaves, it gets liberated, located at the top of skull - at location of sahastrar chakra) The exit for here in the end and liberation and after this there is no need to come back into any form. 10. There was a rishi whose son Nachiketa also was very wise. The father said he had given everything in charity and the son angered his father when he asked whom had he given his son to, as his son also came under that 'everything'. He said he had done the yagna dishonestly. Most of the yagnas are dishonest because it is filled with rajoguna; to receive the worldly fruits. When repeatedly Nachiketa asked his father whom has he given his son in charity to, the father got angry and said, "Here then, I have given you in charity to Yama!" These stories of Upanishads are symbolic and coded; you need to decode them. While living the one who meditates and goes to the mrithyuloka can never die ever. If while living you reach Yama, then he cannot do anything to you but if he reaches you while you are living then it becomes a problem. So, better is before he comes we expand our consciousness till there. But we have heavily invested our consciousness in fear, doubt, resentment, anger, etc. Nachiketa went there to Yama and for three days he fasted and Yama gave him a blessing. Even Gautam Buddha had fasted for 40 days. Jain teertankars have fasted. All siddhas have fasted before they got wisdom. Because now there is no fear of dying. 11. Out of the 24 hours spend some time in sadhana, some time in selfless service and some time in taking the name of the Lord. 12. The Lord resides in that house where sankirtan and sadhana takes place. 13. It is true that every moment we become rhini (indebted) and that is why I say to keep doing seva to clear those debts. 14. According to Garud Puran, there are three types of debts 1. Debts to parents. It is important to clear this. 2. Debts to Gods - Debts that we incur due to whatever we achieve in daily life due to Divine energies/powers. 3. Debts to the rishis - Debts that we incur as we gain wisdom from them. 15. If one lives in union with nature then he will move towards liberation and if not there will be difficulties. 16. You cannot clear these debts by running away from the world but by remaining in grihastha (householder).

17. A householder is very fortunate because he can do sadhana and whatever he earns he can do charity and contribute to the welfare of the earth and he also feeds his family with his hardwork. 18. The best method of giving contentment to pitrus is to look after your family lovingly and feed them lovingly. 19. Every family seeks that there be a pious/fortunate child in the family. Many families, where children will ailments or autism were born, have asked me what have these children done and why is God so merciless. Now, the cycle is such that the forthcoming child in your family come to liberate you by purifying you. So, if you have created so much of negative karma, then the child that comes into your family takes the entire family karma on them and become diseased. You tell me first that when the child was in the womb, you husband and wife used to fight or not? Wasn't there disharmony in the family or not? All were blowing their own bugles and all were trying to kill each and other emotionally, which is in scriptures known as Bramha-hatya. Every soul in the family has a consciousness (Bramha) and trying to kill that Bramha, trying to finish off their individuality, trying to cause injury and depress others every moment, using destructive words, is all Bramha-hatya. (equivalent to killing a Brahmin) This sin that we do, the future child born in the family takes upon themselves to liberate us. 20. Even in Garud Puran it is told that one has to love and respect elders in the family because they have raised the family. If old parents are loved and taken care of, pitrus will be contented. 21. If the newly wedded girl coming into the house is treated as Laxmi with love and without using harmful words and soul not troubled and accepted just as their own member, such families will always have great grace of God. 22. If these things are not taken care of and if people who are weak in the family are given trouble that family gets pitru dosha. 23. The souls who go to Pitru loka are good souls who have done good deeds but the attachment with the family is very strong and are not able to see anything else but their family. So, if there is happiness in the family, pitrus are happy and contented and if there is sorrow in the family, the pitrus suffer there and keep going to the lower lokas and the family gets pitru dosha. 24. Once a young gentleman had come to me who did not have a leg. His mother had some heart problem and he brought his mother to a Pratiprasav shivir in Mumbai. While I was making sadhaks do sadhana, I told sadhaks to give her healing. During the healing, some strange things started happening. Sadhaks

came running to me and said they felt there was something in her. When I went there, there were pitrus in her body. I asked calmly who it was. Once voice came that she was her daughterin-law and she had killed her by burning her and she wants to finish the entire family. As I mentioned before, whatever feelings with which a soul leaves that feelings grows thousandfold. Soon, there was another voice who must have been her grandmother who said to the other voice that the fire was burnt by her own self. These are conversations between the pitrus that I am mentioning. Soon, I found out that there were 22 pitrus who had gone to lower realms. One voice said that he had created that accident in the family due to which the boy was handicapped. Soon there was a fight between the pitrus among themselves, in total ignorance. I told the girl and the grandmother that I will help liberate them. They said there are 22, and to liberate every one of them. We have brought everyone with us. I started praying to the Divine that these souils were ignorants and they never got anyone who could give them this wisdom and tell them that they are all a part of you. Now they are all suffering as they have not left their anger and revenge and are yet with the desire to finish each other, please liberate them and open the doorway to light and ascend them and liberate them by which they can see the light. One by one, every soul ascending thanking and stating that they were at peace. 25. You all are born together in one family are part of the soul group. It is possible that you may have fought and battled each other in previous lives, but now nature puts you all together with the intention that you all live together and resolve all the unresolved issues by loving each other which had not been possible before and thus liberate your forthcoming generations and past generations. 26. That is why I on and often say if there is one ShivYogi in a family then his pitrus of 7 generations get liberated and forthcoming 7 generations get liberated, because a ShivYogi is an embodiment of unconditional love, who can never pain another soul, who will not try to gain what is not his (astheya) and will be positive. 27. So this is a message, that if you want to liberate your family keep a close bond between each other and love each other. It is a horrible feeling to get into arguments, fights and resentments. 28. What will you do when people in the home get angry or do not listen to you? A wise man will say to make them understand and if still does not understand to hit, but I say just one thing - JUST GIVE LOVE. If someone says, the other person has become very disobedient or wicked, then in such a case what you have to do

is - JUST GIVE LOVE (laughs). If someone says that the other person has come under the influence of someone and not has started acting weird, then for that what you will have to do I will tell you, that is - JUST GIVE LOVE. (laughs) 29. Do not try to get tit-for-tat because this is the cycle of cause and effect, which will never end unless one of you break this cycle by just giving love. 30. But with this I don't mean the elders of the house should not growl. Growling (being strict) is also important. It's like the story of the snake who lived where Buddha lived. It heard always of non-violence and the snake became non-violent. One day Buddha saw the snake lying injured and asked what happened. The snake replied that I stopped biting and scaring people and look how people have stoned me. Buddha said that he had asked him not to bite but never said it should not hiss! So just give love and at the same time you do "grrr....... " 31. The beginning of spirituality begins with clearing the debts to parents. Along with that running the family rightly clears debts to pitrus. A household with his earnings can do shraadh or feed the hungry also. 32. Keep doing the act of feeding the hungry every year remembering your ancestors as an act of gratitude for being the tool for you to come on earth. Do not fall into too much of formalities, just feed the hungry in their name. 33. When you do puja, mantra chanting, yagna, the Gods are contended. Your good deeds are the food of divine beings. Your bad deeds are the food of darker beings. 34. The house is which there is a meditation room, lamps and incense sticks, morning and night meditation, sankirtan, and people get together and share love in such houses the divine beings shower their blessings and you get liberated from the debts to Gods (Deva-rhinn) 35. Do not waste your early morning time sleeping. The sleep which feels very pleasant is the time for Deva karma due to which your life is going to shine much brighter, ensure that you are not wasting it with sleep. 36. Day time you do sakaam karma (occupation) and nishkaam seva (selfless service) and at night do shanti karma (time with family). Why are you earning and saving, so that your family is happy. For that you are the biggest factor. When you return home get everyone together and feel the happiness of togetherness and love. Your family will always be blessed by Shiv-Shiva.

37. Happiness is a state of mind and even one who has everything can still find ways to be unhappy. Har haal mein khushi. Create happiness within in all situations and make this your sankalp (affirmation). Imagine that whatever is happy is to make you happy. 38. Whatever karma you do in life. Karma means any task - meeting someone, talking to someone, doing a task. If you don't want any bad karma to be resulted in these daily karmas, then behind every karma your bhavana (intention) should always be pure. Very important this is. 39. Secondly, nirmal mann (pure mind). Don't let the mind become impure by allowing it to gossip about other's faults, judge another. Accept everyone the way they are because all have their own soul agenda. 40. As you keep doing sadhana your mind gets purified but now consciously keep a check whether behind every action the mind and intention is pure or not. 41. In Garud Mahapuran it is mentioned that whichever Ishta we worship, we reach that form itself in the end of the physical journey. Whatever intention we live our life with, same intention we reach at the end of life. 42. It does not mean that if one is doing the sadhana of Lord Shiva you will reach Lord Shiva but it is equally important with what intention one does it. If sadhana is done to cause harm to someone then nature will reach one in the similar form. 43. So do sadhana with the intention that you also benefit and others also benefit everything. Never do any such sadhana in which there is harm to others. 44. I have seen people at high levels doing sadhana to destroy enemies. Leave this and do sadhana destroy one's sanchit karmas. 45. Which sadhana is better? The one in which you run behind petty gains or the sadhana in which you gain so much power that you can create anything and everything from within you? 46. The ones who practice tantrik, maili vidya (dirty practices like black magic) and practice with darker forces, at the last moments of life fall prey to these forces. So be careful not to get into all these. 47. Many sadhaks who are doing good sadhana and rising up, they destroy their business and get into all these acts and display of powers. 48. Without doing all these show-offs one should only become a sadhak - a humble sadhak. Humility is very, very important.

49. ShivYog says that just the way you keep your wealth locked in the lockers and safes, keep your tapasya (fruits of sadhana) hidden and use it with total humbleness for the benefit of others. 50. I have taught you healing. One is healing with vinamrata (simplicity) and one is healing becoming an avataar (Babaji raised his right hand to show the blessing gesture) The avataar person destroys himself and Vinamra person gets punya (merits) and receives Guru kripa and he prospers spiritually. 51. So, do not get into any other sadhana other than the sadhana of Parabramha, as mentioned by siddhas and saints, and you will receive everything. It will take hard work but you will receive everything. 52. Whenever you feel low, angry or sad, sit down quietly and sing "Bhajlo ji hanuman......." and close your eyes and imagine he and he will be there. 53. What has to happen will happy, why do you imagine so much. Even if a good person comes to you and you say "He will harm" then the moment he comes into your aura will cause you harm. 54. When you are calm, you breath is very deep, when you are angry it is different and so it is when one is sad, fearful, lustful, infatuation, greed, ego. The breath is different in all emotions. So every emotions enters into the subconscious through the conscious and become sanchit karmas. When we do rightful breathing and with Sanjeevani shakti, those emotions and karmas come out. As they start coming out, the problems start reducing. 55. What you are experiencing today is due to your past psychic impressions, either of this life or past, which are controlling your thinking and reactions. So it is important to release these negative psychic impressions. 56. We have indriyas (sense organs) - eyes (sight), ears (hearing), nose (smell), tongue (taste), skin (touch). These are external. You are looking at me now, hearing me - it is external. Now, if after two days I ask you to remember today's incident, then also you will see me and hear me but at that time it will not be external sight and voice like what you see and hear now, but that time it will be internal sight and internal sound. The food that you ate three days back you had seen and smelled and tasted with external organs. Now, if I ask you to see, smell, touch and taste the food of that day, you will do it, but it will now be with internal senses. 57. You must have died thousands of time but you do not remember it but the experiences of death are stored in your consciousness. You must have lived thousands of lives, sometimes being happy

and sometimes sufferings. Those experiences of suffering are stored in your consciousness. The only thing is that your inner senses are not powerful anymore. You will learn how to feel all these with your inner senses. You have been doing it though, but unknowingly by imagining ignorantly with your inner senses. ShivYog is knowingly. Now, consciousness you start practicing seeing, hearing, feeling and imagining only what you want. During sadhana, we will bring out all those impressions which are not good for us. While doing sadhana we will learn our lessons. 58. In all human beings, there comes a turning point. If one's sanchit karmas are good, then the turning point comes in happiness and joy and if one's sanchit karmas are mixed with good and bad, then some suffering comes and then comes the turning point. For example, there is a young person whose father made everything and he is enjoying all pleasures of life and an aspiring sportsman. But with these he is also moving far from the Truth. Nature and your spiritual guides want that you move towards the path of truth. Then the young person says that he was going to become a National level player, but now has bad luck as he now met with an accident and injured his spine and unable to play. For him, it is a misery. But during the one year he could not play, where he would not have turned at all to spirituality, in this one year he turned towards spirituality and made attempts to learn the truths of life which he would have otherwise never known. Now in his life there has come a balance of spirituality and wordly life. 59. Every incident in your life comes into your life to teach you a lesson. If you accept it you have learned your lesson and if you keep getting sad for it, then you have yet to learn another lesson. 60. I was in the West and there in a Law firm, there was a chief lawyer who had met with an accident. He was following some other religion but he was told that ShivYog accepts all religions and to go there. He came to the shivir and he experienced many things. He got healed but at the same time he received the wisdom of the truth. He met me once and said that the accident was very bad for him but now I know that it was a blessing indeed because he was such a workaholic that he was not taking care of his family, let alone spirituality. He said that he used to work late nights in office, come home and sleep for a few hours and then again get back to work and lived a machine life. But now, I give lot of time to my family and the bliss I get in sadhana I would have never got. Now, I know that my life has

become complete and living my both internal and external life fully. 61. Do not get stuck in petty things of life. Daughters-in-law spend their entire life being negative towards their mothers-in-law. Mothers-in-law waste their entire life not just making the lives of the daughters-in-law bad but their own lives and the lives of their family members. You have not got married to the girl, your son has; why are you demanding? Let them both demand with each other. The girl has not married the mother-in-law, so why is all her energy wasted in fighting? Understand the fact that this is all action-reply of what you have done in your past life. It is being replayed so that you can outgrow from that nonsense in which you are stuck. This is some karma that has surfaced up. You must learn the lesson and let go. Do you want to bring happiness in the family or miseries? You become the glue that sticks everyone together and not the hard stone that breaks everyone. 62. Atma-chintan (self-analysis) is very important. Every thought that comes up within you, is it going towards light or darkness? 63. Truth is what you find in sadhana, everything else is your imagination. All that is happening around is your imagination, your creation. If you do not want to continue creating this, change it, recreate, do sadhana. Do sadhana so much that the sanchit karmas are burst. Release all negative feelings and bring only the feeling of unconditional love within you. 64. You might say that others are troubling you but again, happiness is the state of mind. Even if good people are around, the one who wants to be sad will be sad and if externally how much ever there is disharmony and chaos one who wants to be in bliss will remain in bliss only. 65. Even in adverse situations imagine within that you are happy. When you start creating divinity and happiness within, you will start radiating divinity and happiness to others outside. But if you have storm within you, then you will bring storm to all who comes around you. Change yourself within. We all are aware that to connect with the Divine, for healing, for feeling good, for being happy, for being peaceful, for being blissful, our vibrations need to be high. The higher the vibrations the better you feel and the better connections with higher dimensions. The lower the vibrations the more ill-feeling and the more sufferings and miseries. What happens more while we raise or lower our vibrations is that we get connected to similar vibrations around us. We attract towards us everything that vibrates at similar level. So vibrating higher one

attracts and connects to positive people, divine beings, angels, guides and the more the level of vibrations one even attract and connect with ascended masters and eventually to God (the highest consciousness). These vibrations bring us everything positive that we desire in life. Similarly, the lower the vibrations one ends up attracting and connecting to negative people around, negative entities and all those things vibrating from lower realms. How does one raise or lower vibrations. Most of the time it is unconsciously that we raise or lower our vibrations. Fear, hatred, jealously, selfishness, anger, lust, resentment, sulking, guilt, grief, sorrow, despair, frustration, irritation, doubt, criticism, blame, dejection, etc pull down one's vibrations. The more of these emotions and reactions the more lower one vibrates. When one vibrates low one immediately attracts or gets attracted to everything vibrating lower. Here I have tried to list all possible negative abstracts and this is the only paragraph where this negative list will be mentioned for awareness as to how we lose our energy and get easily into lower vibrations. Love, trust, compassion, goodwill, selflessness, laughter, forgiveness, letting go, cheerfulness, acceptance, etc raises one's vibrations. These are simple things that one can do to keep the vibration high. But of course when one has spent most of the life in most of the points mentioned in the negative ones, it becomes difficult to change gears suddenly. Like everyone knows that one has to stay cheerful, but the question is how? This article is written to add in more of things one can do or practice in daily life to raise vibrations. It is important to note that raising vibrations is not just enough, maintaining it is more important. This will come with regular practice of the things that can raise vibrations. Many a times there has been questions raised by new sadhaks as to how to connect with divine beings? How to connect with Babaji? Babaji often says that one should not try to connect with him physically but connect with his soul. I have written earlier on this in the post Communication with Saints/Masters. But the very simple fact here is again one can only connect with higher vibrations and never with lower vibrations. Simply because Babaji is vibrating at very high vibrations. The more he vibrates the more he connects with higher dimensions and gets a share of those radiant energies that he shares with us. That is why saints and ascended masters are not visible with the physical eye because they are vibrating at a very high frequency. To see them means either one has to raise their vibrations or the

masters have to lower their vibrations. Masters also do lower vibrations to make themselves visible in certain cases as Babaji mentions so many stories of the divine beings and saints showing up to people. But Babaji always teaches one to raise vibrations. All the sadhana that one does is to raise vibrations itself. As vibrations keep rising and more light is infused into the body and koshas everything that is of lower vibrations (disease, sorrows, hurt, etc) are transmuted to the positive energy. Many times Babaji asks sadhaks not to feel that he might be angry for any reason with them. He says, "If I am angry then I cannot be Babaji, and if I am Babaji I cannot be angry!" Most of the time it is taken as a simple statement of assurance to sadhaks, but it is simply that why would Babaji for any reason want to lower his vibrations? :) That is the last thing any divine being or divine master will want to do. They are always in the state of bliss, unaffected by these lower emotions. Saints have always been this way and even if they had to use any emotions such as anger or sternness for genuine reasons, they simply do it externally and never let it penetrate deep within. I am strongly motivated to write this article by Babaji's energies and am doing so. All here are all that he teaches but am putting this up in my own expression. Babaji reiterates so often about being positive, raising one's vibrations, not thinking about what one does not want in life,doing regular sadhana, healing others, forgiving all, accepting all as they are, doing selfless service, singing or chanting, meditation, being happy at all times (har haal mein khushi), and above all the most important unconditional love. Unconditional love is the most powerful tool to raise vibrations. Now, in moments where one is in lower vibrations due to whatever reasons, I do understand it is little difficult to immediately turn positive. But again as mentioned earlier with regular practices of certain initiatives that one should take, this becomes more and more easier simply because even if one falls into lower vibrations one will not stay there for longer periods. A regularly practicing sadhak will constantly make attempts in his/her own ways to not keep oneself in those lower vibrations for long. There are some things that can boost one in such times and here are 50 ways to raise your vibrations. As you read, please visualize and try to feel what I have mentioned below and you will already know how these things work wonderfully:

Most of these things I have tried out and it works a great deal, so put here with conviction :)

1. Listen to any of Babaji's music or any relaxing music of your choice. 2. Close your eyes and think about Babaji's smiling face. 3. Close your eyes and smilingly whisper your feeling to the Divine. 4. Close your eyes and visualize Golden light all around you and feel it. 5. Hug a tree. 6. Exercise, walk, run, jump, hop, stretch or yoga. 7. Write something good. A blog or a book or a diary. 8. Do something nice for a person, animal or a plant. 9. Get a massage. 10. Take a quick nap or power nap. 11. Read a good book or something inspirational. 12. Have a break, bite or chew on something (eatable, of course). 13. Spend time with a pet. 14. Go out in nature. 15. Just open that window and feel the fresh air. 16. Go for a drive or a ride in an open place or on roads with less traffic. 17. Watch a nice song with good lyrics (See bottom of this page) 18. Go for shopping. 19. Think about all the beautiful moments in your life. 20. Simply pray with simple words. 21. Use affirmations. 22. Visualize a calm beach or river or forest or nature with cool breeze. 23. Do deep breathing or the pranic exercises Babaji teaches. 24. Do some cleaning work. Tidy up. 25. Take a shower. 26. Spend some time in the morning or evening sun.

27. Play with kids. Become a child. Relive your childhood. 28. Sketch, write, paint, stitch, craft-work, do that old hobby. 29. Visit a temple, church, mosque or any divine place. 30. Talk or meet a positive person (who lives the talk). 31. Water plants or plant a seed in earth. 32. Just stop all thinking - just for the fun of it. 33. Give someone a compliment. 34. Wear bright clothes that are light too, especially cotton and stroll. 35. Put on all the possible lights in your room/home. 36. Light up candles or incense sticks in your room. 37. Surround yourself with anything and everything that you love. 38. Give yourself a treat outside - a movie, snack or your favorite dish. 39. Shut the door, turn on the music and dance! 40. Sing out loudly. 41. Pick up your fave - guitar, keyboards, drums, harmonica, flute. 42. Spend time in water; at least immerse your foot in cold water. 43. Become consciously aware of everything you do. 44. Watch the stars or clouds or wind movement in trees. 45. Remember the wonderful scene from the movie you love so much. 46. View the world and things around through the eyes of a child. 47. Organize yourself. Make a time-table, plan your days. 48. Start treating your body as a temple and see God installed within. 49. Very powerful - Pick up your Golden Book. 50. Last but not the least - Just call up another ShivYog sadhak :) Don't just read it. Do it - the next time you feel you need to increase your vibrations and thus expand your consciousness. 1. There are three types of Yoni (life form): 1. Deva Yoni - in which the soul takes the form of gods and goddesses and experience happiness but they do not have mind. There will remain in the same yoni. If Indra wishes to become Bramha, he cannot become. To get liberated into the infinite he needs mind. 2. Maanav yoni (human form). There are three again in this:


3. 4.



7. 8.


1. Pavitra yoni 2. Bhog vilas yoni 3. Dukh bhog yoni 3. Bhog yoni (form of only paying off karmic fruits. Eg: Animal form) In this yoni also there is no mind. One cannot think and discriminate. This is why if a tiger is hungry it kills and preys on a cow and does not accumulate karma. Cat kills hundreds of rats but does not accumulate karma. Their tendencies will remain the same as their form. Because there is no mind so there is no punya (merits) and paap (sin). Only if there is mind there one can accumulate karma through good/bad deeds. Only if there is mind one can reach and merge with the infinite. At the same time can reach the lowest realms. It is dependent on what the mind is creating - the kriyaman, which then becomes prarabdh. You have taken birth to know this kriyaman and rise above it. The ego of "I" is the negative karma. What kind of food is served to "me"? The food is not wrong, your bhaava is wrong. Have the feeling that food is Annapoorneshwari. Never react intensely negative to any situation. That irritation from your external mind moves into the inner mind and it is important to remove it out or it becomes your prarabdh bhog be careful of this. If a mosquito bites and if you ignore it is okay but if "Oh.. a mosquito" is the reaction, this bhaava has created a sanskaar (impression) and this impression goes within for the cause and effect. Where have so many karmas comes from; they are even from such small karmas. Narada had the ego that lust cannot touch him, but he was actually working in the area where the possibility of generation of lust was minimal. With this ego, his ishta - Lord Shiva had to take the form of Lord Rama and Mahalaxmi had to take the form of Sita, and the whole Ramayana had to be enacted because of Narada's curse on Shiva. Just this small ego gave birth to such a big Ramayana. I look at all sadhaks. I am seeing there are two cars and one of the sadhak sat in one car and the other sadhak is not liking it and wants to sit in the same car and another sadhak is angry as to why sit in one car when there is another. One pushes in and the other stomps the foot and gets out. In all this episode what is the most dangerous thing is that reaction of anger and banging the foot. I wish that you save yourself from all this.

These are very small things but they create karma and bring prarabdh bhog - save yourself from it! 10. Every moment should be with a moment of gratitude. 'Oh Lord, thank you so much. I am grateful to you.' When you start getting this feeling, you will see that your life becomes more comfortable. 11. This is the important message I wish to give you - No negative emotions and no negative reactions! Keep yourself always pure. Don't let any dirt fall. 12. This is why all siddhas are shown to be sitting on the lotus because the lotus grows in the dirt but not a single drop of dirt can dirty the lotus. The dirt is the world of maya and the drops of dirt are all the negative things and vices. Do not let these drops of dirt fall on you. If you become the lotus you can cross the bhavasagar (ocean of cycle of life and death). 13. Do not fall unconscious before every thought, action and reaction. If you get angry it means you have fallen unconscious. Do every karma consciously. Unconscious karma become the cause of your misery. 14. Love the ones who are with you. They are there today and may not be there tomorrow. What will you do then? Fallen in the traps of photos and idols? That is illusion. Learn to love the living ones. Every day of yours is precious. 15. Never compete with others but compete with yourself. What you were yesterday, you must rise above that today. Then there will be growth in life. The level of consciousness that you are in today must be higher that the level you were in yesterday. Growth should be a continuous process. If you look externally and complete with others then you will only get sufferings. 16. One is who gets everything and amongst all that he finds a reason to cry and cries and cries and convinces his entire family how much suffering is there and narrates his story to everyone he meets and bitterly cries. And if he has become a ShivYogi, then the incident will remain the same but he will search for happiness in that and HAR HAAL MEIN VOH HASEGA AUR KHUSH HOGA (he will laugh and be happy in all situations) and give only happiness and laughter. 17. What you do in this life will decide if you are crossing the ocean of miseries or will decide if you are going to get similar such life. You decide what you want.. TUM CHAHTHE KYA HO. You have got this human birth after going through 84 lakh bhog yonis. Babaji sings... Ik din bandiya hai udjaana palat ke aana nahi...

18. Every moment with every karma you are throwing a thread and whole life you are knitting your own robe (cloth) that you are going to wear in next life. The three kind of robes in your boutique: 1. Deva yoni robe: The one who does all his life good karmas and for the welfare of others but at the same time also desires for his name. In ShivYog it is said that the right hand should not know what the left hand has done. But one wants the entire world's hands to know that you are doing punya, then there still exists a desire for praise, name and fame. Yagya are happening and it is proclaimed that so-and-so is doing the yagyas. Such souls get the Deva yoni because they want to experience praise and happiness out of even the punyas that one does. In Deva yoni, he then experiences all this in Swargaloka. When all his punya karmas are over then he has to come back into the human form because till now he has not got liberated. There was a pure kind of ego but the ego was still alive. 2. Bhog yoni robe: One who is always burning in the fire of jealousy, lust, anger, who gives pain to others, who cannot withstand others, he suffering all the miseries of life gets into the animal form. Like if he has the feeling of taking revenge, he becomes a scorpion or other forms that bite others. Ones who are stuck in taking interest (money) get into a mosquito or forms that suck blood so that one is able to suck free blood wherever available. One who lives on other's food gets a dog form. During the period of Lord Rama, an injured dog comes with a complain. Everyone surprised as to a dog's grievance bring him to Rama. The dog says that it wanted justice as it was sleeping quietly in the corner of a street and a beggar came and hit him and injured him without any reason. The beggar was summoned and asked why he did so. The beggar said that whole day he was begging and when he did not get anything and was returning back, this dog was sleeping in my path. The beggar asked him to move but the dog wouldn't move and in anger the dog was beaten up. Lord Rama asked the dog what justice it wanted and it said that there is a big mutt (religious institution) and the head of the mutt has left his body and that the beggar be given that position. All were surprised and the beggar was happy and this wish was carried out. Beggar was bathed, robed royally, rode on the elephant and placed on the highest position. When this was done with, Rama as the dog as to

why it had chosen this inspite of the beggar injuring him. The dog replied. "In my previous birth, I was doing seva with my heart and soul to the head of the same mutt and after his death I was made the head of that mutt. I was very religious and took care that dharma is followed. I was carefully handling all the property and wealth of the institution but when people came and fell at my feet I used to love it. Eventually, people started praising me and I could not resist it and accepted it all. Then, from the mutt wealth, I brought for myself different type of thrones and golden plates and silk clothes. I lived like a king on the money that came in the form of contributions for a noble cause. Slowly I degraded myself and during my last days I was still stuck with pleasures of praise and comfort. I had eaten all that which I had not earned and this life I came into this dog yoni. This beggar is full of greed, anger, ready to cause harm to others. Now, when he has become the head, he has full independence to make so many ill karmas. I will complete my bhog in this animal life and go into a sadhu yoni because of my punyas also but I do not know in how many lakhs of yonis this beggar will get stuck into. 3. Manushya yoni robe:  The one who gets entangled in lust, anger, attachment, infatuation, ego and gives only sufferings to others, choses by himself the bhog yoni.  Another is who does good but does it only for oneself and the family and does not care for others but only his people, such one goes into pitruloka, the realm that is lower to the swargaloka and a realm higher to the pritviloka. Here his happiness and sorrow here depends on how much punya and paap his family members back on earth do as he is now etherically attached to his family and relatives. When the karmas are done with in the pitruloka, then he returns and is born back into the same family/generation.  The one who does punya, welfare, follows yama/niyama, speaks the truth, who follows ashtheya, who daily practices dhyana, such a person after leaving the body gets liberated if his journey is over.

 If journey is incomplete, then he will be born to the best of parents and cult and he in the grace and vicinity of auspicious people and situations, gets liberated.  The ones in whose life some paap (sins) were committed but punya (merits) are more, then such while enjoying the happiness of life are struck by some mishap at a turning point of life and at that times longs for a guru and this one finds the shelter of the guru and moves in the journey of nar se narayan (finite to infinite) and gets liberated.  Now, do self-analysis as to which robe have you knitted for yourself and which robe you prefer to put on next.  During final moments, all the images of every karma and every incident comes in front. If while being alive you have been able to resolve all issues then you will not be affected at the final moments. But if it is not resolved, you will experience the same pain during those final moments and bring on the emotions of fear, revenge, anger, and if you have not been able to rise above the four ashrams (bramhacharya, grihastha, vanaprastha, sanyas) and even in old age if lust troubles you and still if taste buds are active with food delicacies, then even at the time of death all these activate.  If you raise your level of consciousness in your bramhacharya ashram (celibacy) you will be able to move successfully into grihasta ashram (householder) and partners will know how to accept each other, love each other, sacrifice for each other and outgrow cunningness. As you continue raising your consciousness higher, then when you get into vanaprastha ashram (forest dweller) at this time partners will not be attracted towards each other physically but soulfully. Love will have increased. Why do people easily today get divorced and say 'I am done with it' is because the level of consciousness has not raised. The soul connection is absent.  Every day you must grow in the area of wisdom, in the area of spirituality, in the area of purity and in the area of detachment by increasing your unconditional love.  When your feelings say that others are very bad and throw dirt on him but your pure bhaava will ask you 'Have you become fully purified?" When you speak with your tongue on other's doshas, you acquire doshas yourself. Are you willing to take more doshas on yourself when you already have so many?  Babaji made a reference of Saint Kabir here "Bura Jo Dekhan Main Chala, Bura Naa Milya Koye, Jo Munn Khoja Apnaa, To Mujhse Bura Naa

Koye" (meaning - When I tried to search for bad people, I found none, but when I explored myself, there were none worse than me. It literally means that before finding faults in others, you must look at your own faults.) What right do I have to criticize other, to blame others, to complain about others?  Why not I weave such a robe that is immeasurable, that has no beginning and no end and become infinite?  When you enter into your body in meditation and become silent you start experiences every part of your body, bones, organs, joints. Go more deeper you start experiencing every tissues and every cell. Further you go and you will experience atoms and further when you enter into the shunyatha (nothingness/empty space) you enter in the nirguna state. Likewise, when you get into the state of nirguna, you enter into that empty space/nothingness. At this moment, you get everything. The 10 doors opens and you see/witness your own self.  When I saw atoms rotating I saw the shunya state. But at the same time I saw crowd also. I'll explain about the crowd. Quantum physics says that this entire body is an empty space because all the atoms moving in this body creating cells and organs and the entire body, if are put together in one box, then the size of the body will 0.0001% which is equivalent to null. If I break the atoms further into electrons, protons and neutrons, there are no solid particles but energy. So, your body is made up of energy. But the shunya that I see is not empty but multidimensional movies are moving in it, which is actually crowded. So you are not seeing yourself but seeing scary creatures in there.  How sankaars are developed? A small child is sitting in a room. His aunt who is childless comes into the room and saw noone around and gives a tight slap to the child. The child who is yet unable to speak was initially happy that her aunt is coming in but when he gets the slap he is surprised as to why did he get that. As a grown up when this child came for Pratiprasav sadhana, he used to have terrible pain on the right side of his face and that pain used to not get healed. The reason was that question mark was still remaining as to why his aunt had hit him. It remained within as a psychic trauma. Now, this traumatic incident is also one of the movies that is moving in his shunya.  A child cries and say that his parents do not love him and that has become a problem with his stomach. It is a psychic impression that is rotating in his shunya.

When someone wants to destroy someone, this emotion becomes a psychic impressions and is moving in the form of a holographic movie in his shunya.  To see, one can see the physical body - legs, hands, etc.. but so many incidents of so many lifetimes are moving within this physical body. More data is in even more minute form in the prana shareer.  When one with unresolved issues is going the leave the body, he sees scary forms and appearances in the form of ghost and spirits. Some come to cut him, to kill him and he gets scared but in reality those forms are not true but the projections of his mind. This is why siddhas say "Nirmal Mann."  A sadhak's message came that Rs.5000/- was stolen from his wife's purse because he is all the time in the thoughts and doubts of trouble. Those thoughts create. I am not saying this to hurt anyone but saying this to show you the truth. We ourselves create mishaps, we create robbery for ourselves, we create accidents, we create disease. And, in the end of life those frightening forms come and scare and attack. But if by doing ShivYog sadhana and/or Pratiprasav sadhana one by one all issues are resolved, those lakhs and crores of multidimentional movies start releasing from your empty space and what is left in the end is YOU - the light.  Aham Bramhasami (I am That/God) but instead of this we have created for ourselves: 

Aham ahankar (ego) Aham krodh (anger) Aham peeda (agony) Aham dukh (sadness) Aham bechara (self-pity) Aham durbhagyashali (unfortunate) Aham saadesathi ka maara hua (periods of back luck) Aham kaal sarpa dosh (wrong planetary position in horoscope) o Aham manglik (wrong planetary position in horoscope) 2. So all these negative beliefs are born out of a negative experience/incident. We are not able to release this and we fall trap to wrong practices of mantras/rituals/totems and program more of such absurd things within us. 3. Buddists read Bardo to the dead stating, "Many frightening forms will come to scare you and so do not be afraid. They are all the reflections of your own mind. The reflections of those thoughts that you continuously thought about all your life. Now after o o o o o o o o






leaving your body they have taken various frightening forms and attacking you." People sometimes tell me that others take advantage of them. I tell them that they are very fortunate. Others do not have anything to give and you have something to give and so they take from you :) They then tell me that they do not give back anything when they are in need of something from them. I tell them God-willingly let there be not such a situation where you will have to need something from them :) What you need ask from your Guru, ask from you Shiva because they have infinite to give you. So, don't give others so that you can ask but give because you can give. And, when you give thank Almighty that he has given you the capacity to give. Also thank the one you are giving as he is giving you an opportunity to do punya. Then forget the person whom you have given with no expectations. It is said that the soul is taken to Chitragupt who has all the accounts of the souls karmas. Chitra means reflection and gupt means secret/hidden. These are hidden reflections in your hidden mind that cannot be seen by your conscious mind. While one leaves the body all those hidden reflections comes in front. This is what I mean by "God may forgive you of all your sins but your central nervous system may not." This central nervous system is the Chitragupt, which is watching all that I am doing. I used to meditate on my guru's words - shudh bhavana and always reflect after every karma (deed) on whether my bhavana was shudh or not. In the start I used to get feedbacks that it was half pure and half impure with contamination. Then I used to get the feedback that it was pure but even in that pure intention there was a hidden impure intention. Yudhishthira was a truthful person. It is said that he was so truthful that his feet and his chariot's wheels never touched the ground. Bhima killed an elephant named Ashwathama, and loudly proclaimed that Ashwathama was dead. Drona, knowing that only Yudhisthira, with his firm adherence to the truth, could tell him for sure if his son had died, approached Yudhisthira for confirmation. Yudhisthira told him: "Ashwathama has died". Yudhisthira, who could not make himself tell a lie, then added: "Praha kunjara ha", which means he is not sure whether elephant or man had died. The moment he did this the charriot wheels struck the ground. What Yudhisthira told was the truth but his hidden intention was impure. Give more importance to the bhaava behind every motive of yours.

All these reflections stay within us and we in ignorance keep questioning during troubles of life as to "I do not know who is giving troubles." But it is these secret/hidden reflections that we have programmed within me that are causing trouble. These have to be released by tapas. 10. When you enter the gyanamaya kosha, there will be seen mountains of sanchit karma there. Once a siddha gave deeksha to his disciple and asked him to do ShivYog sadhana. As the disciple did sadhana and got more purified, his third eye opened and now he saw mountains of sanchit karmas. He became disappointed and thought to himself "I wonder how many lives will this take to get released from these sanchit karmas?" At that moment his guru came and laughed. He asked the disciple to gather garbage. This was done and there were soon huges mountains (heaps) of garbage. Now, he asked the disciple to clean it. It took the disciple a whole day just to clean a little portion of one of the heap. He was tired. Now, his guru asked him to take the matches and light the garbage. After lighting fire, within few moments all the impossible-looking mountains of garbage burnt down and turned to ashes. The guru said, "This is Shiva-agni, Guru-agni. When you do pratiprasav sadhana with total surrender at that time do not bring any kind of doubt or thoughts and do with total surrender and this is how those heaps will burn down. 11. When you do sadhana, the visualizations that you see are not like what you see with external eyes but are internal visualizations and sounds with inner vision and inner hearing. In the start it may erupt as a bubble of thought. You have to catch that bubble and proceed. Do not discard it just as a thought and do not discard it just an an imagination. Imagination is not as cheap as you think, everything is imagination. So, catch that thought and enter into it, experience it and release it. As I guide you and take you to different levels, do not doubt and let it happen. After sadhana you will feel very light and that is because karmas are heavy and when they are released you start feeling light. 12. Sharing an incident of a sadhak in Spain when I had been there. I saw one thing that everyone there are very healthy, especially in Europe. They told me that the people there cross over 100 years and even continue living beyond that. When I told them this is good they denied and said that it was a big problem for the Government as they have to provide pensions. I told them that there has to be research done on this. 9.

Then they told me that in the month of August they all go for vacations and they do not work and just relax. They mentioned to me about a lady who worked for them. They asked this lady not to go on vacations and that she would be paid not one but two month's salary in one month. She refused. When further told that 3 month's salary would be given, she said that she works the whole year so that one month she can live in total detachment and at that time she had to her experience her mind, body and soul. They may not be knowing all this in detail but unknowingly they heal their body, mind, and soul and that is why they stay healthy. 14. I would like to mention to Indians that we are bound with so much of attachments that we feel we are going to live with those attachments for lakhs of years. "There is no servant in the house and so I have to leave the vacations and go home because I take care of my house. What will happen to my cow? What will happen to my dog? What will happen to the cleaning of my house?" For even 10 days one is not able to detach oneself. It feels like one is going to live forever and so the house. With so much of attachment the soul remains attached to these things. 15. If there is happiness in the house, one is happy and if there is some unrest or quarrels one gets disturbed. This should not happen. You have come into this world, do what you have come here to do. When your people had not come into this world then also the world was functioning, when you are in the world also the world is functioning, when you go away from this world also the world will function. The world does not function due to your presence and the world will not stop with your absence. 16. Raja Bhoja was young when his father died. Before death, his father had made his own brother the heir to the throne stating that when Bhoja grows up he should be given the throne. The brother became greedy and was insecure of his nephew and planned to kill him. He asked his minister to take his nephew to the forest and kill him. He was taken to the forest and before killing was asked for his last wish. The child said that he wanted to give a letter to his uncle. He drew out his sword and wrote in blood on a leaf "Lord Rama came on this earth and when his time came to leave, he went alone. Lord Krishna also came on this earth and while leaving did not take the entire world with him but left alone. My dear uncle, I believe that when you go, you have the courage to take along with you this entire kingdom and earth." This was a very big message. When this message reached the king, he deeply contemplated on this message and he asked the minister if the boy was killed. The minister said 13.

that he was waiting for the king's reply and had hidden the child. The king asked him to be brought and with lot of love his was brought up and he went on to become King Bhoja. 17. So the message is that you have come alone and will leave alone. Do not create unnecessary stress in your life. It is also true that the higher dimensions are more illuminated and blissful and many times more beautiful and splendid. Why remain stuck here. 18. Here every moment whatever you get, experience it. We say we have got stuck in bhog but it is not that but we have got stuck in collecting the things of bhog. One has not experienced it yet. When one has good digestion power, one has not eaten the food because one was busy gathering food. Now when food is in front, one does not have the power to digest. That time also you could not eat and now also you have gathered everything you cannot eat because now the next fear is that if you eat you will die (disease). So experience all that you have got or you will remain unsatisfied and you will have to come again. 19. I learnt something in Spain and that was "Tranquilo" (chill out) and I like this word and this is a big mahamantra meaning "remaining blissful" Live your life 200%. This is possible when you live in the moment. Experience the world with this body and at the same time remain always connected to the divine so that cosmic energy/intelligence is always generated in you. 20. Experience and enjoy every morsel of food. We have become so scientific that we check out in every piece of food how much calories, if anything in it is harmful, etc... everything negative, negative, negative. I am saying the truth that your body has all the power to get accustomed. Eskimos also live in minus temperatures because they have accustomed their bodies and they do not feel cold. There are people who live in very hot climates as they have also accustomed themselves. It is right that you must eat good, pure foods but whatever you eat at that moment do not bring doubt. Enjoy that food and your body will get accustomed/acclimatized and digest every food. If you doubt and eat anything at that moment your body will take in same message what you think and create trouble. 21. I completely agree and respect what science has told, but there is a science beyond that science and even beyond that there is a science. Your mind, body and prana mechanism is much far ahead than science. God or the invisible forces are the science that is far ahead of modern science. That science says that whatever you want, if you so desire with full faith and total

belief it shall happen. So I again and again ask you do decide Tum Chahthe kya ho? 22. Many people come here in satsang leaving their business and they have full faith that they have spent enough time in their business and now it is time for some spirituality and Baba will take care of their business and the reality is that when they went back they have seen that their business during these days were much better than the days they had their own presence there. 23. When they say this, why don't you also say that Baba will get your house cleaned, take care of your cow and dog? Believe at least in this :) He is there everything and is omnipresent and He is ready to take care of all your needs; you just have to have faith, belief and purity in your mind. Do this and all the powers of Shiva and Siddhas will always be with you. 24. People say "I am a bhogi" and I say only if.... only if... you were a bhogi. He is not a bhogi but gathering the materials of bhog. He has not entered the house that he is building, not slept on the wonderful bed that he made for himself, not had bath in that elegant bathroom, not eaten the food that he has gathered, not shared two sweet words with the huge family he has created. It is useless. How can he be a bhogi? 25. ShivYog is a path of bhog and moksha. Only the one who has had bhog will be able to understand later that there is nothing in that bhog he has experienced when compared to the fruits of sadhana and spiritual growth. Only he can rise. If the one who has not experienced go to whichever heights in spirituality, his mind will be on the wordly things he has not experienced. 26. Do not think your work as a burden. Enjoy your work. If you grumble over work as a burden then slowly that job will go away from you. Feel your work as sadhana. Students should take their studies as sadhana. 27. When daughter-in-law comes into your home maintain "har haal mein khushi" Don't say "I am sweeping and she is not." Don't get stressed out and if you are sweeping it is good, you will remain healthy. Before this also you were sweeping; what's new in that? You must have grown daughters. So, this is another daughter who has come. Change the positioning of your mind. This is why blood sugars increase, blood pressures increase, you fall sick. Don't do all this. If children are happy, be happy looking at them. "I make round fulkas (puffed wheat bread) and she makes crooked ones" Be happy eating the crooked ones :) One or the other day she will make it. The end

result of the round fulka and crooked fulka is the same :) (laughs) Har haal mein khushi! Her soul agenda is hers and your soul agenda is yours. Decide what is your soul agenda happiness or irritation? 28. If you practice being happy or findings ways to be happy in all situations your happiness goes cell-deep and you cannot have sufferings in your life. Learn to smile and learn to laugh. 29. Sadhaks comes to do seva in our ashram and one sadhak came and told "Another sadhak is stressed out. I told her to come at 10 a.m. and not at 6 a.m. but she still continues to come that early and do all the work and get stressed out." I told, "Do you know that everyone wants to come at 6 a.m. because they do not want to come to get stressed out but to relax. The 6 a.m. time is the time for dhyaan (meditation). Who can come and do dhyaan at 9 a.m.? 6 to 8 is the time for dhyaan. Then meeting everyone else. Then there is breakfast and then after that starts the seva. Do not think of sadhana and breakfast as stress..... and never ever think of seva as stress. 30. Whoever does seva taking it as a grace gets bestowed with a lot of grace. So, whatever you do, do it in happiness. Do not say, "He does great seva, so give him some extra facilities. Baba makes ashram for you. You go there everyday; Baba doesn't go there for long long periods of time because that ashram is made for you for your spiritual progress. In the world, you do it for others because others do if for you but in ashram never weaken anyone's seva by saying "He does a great seva" What Baba has to give he will give but nothing separately or extra. The extra may be in the world but when you ever go to the guru go with the request of him clearing your ego, weaknesses, stress, grief and fill in the light within and help experience the Self. 31. Unconditional love - there should be no conditions to the entire world. I was in one place and one person offered to take me in the car. Other retaliated saying that it was unfair as all the seva was done by them and this person is never seen and today he has come with his car when Baba has come. Here, you are judging. Never, never judge anyone.... and Guru atleast never judge. In whose vehicle does he sit, whose he does not sit, or he prefers to walk. He is totally detached but he loves you only unconditionally and when you put a condition, that unconditional love is stopped from reaching you. Same approach should be towards the world and in your family... never, never, never, never judge anyone. Let you only emit unconditional love. 32. If I take seva from you, I take it for the only reason that more punyas get credited to your account. Like parents, who

feed the weakest child more food. Same way, Baba takes more seva from those whom he feels are weaker. He takes from those whom he (Baba) needs to give more. But Indra maharaj will play his game for sure and the thought some or the other time will come into the mind that "I do so much of seva and where is my tail?" Do not wish for the tail but grace. 33. If you have to ask Baba do not ask Baba the world but ask to redeem your karmas because if karmas are redeemed then all the miseries that came with it will also go away and what you wanted to ask you will receive that and much more too. 34. My guru used to say "I have come to give so much, but people ask the same 2-3 things - wealth, child, marriage.. and nothing else." If you have to ever ask, then ask that all your negative karmas and weakness are destroyed. 35. Now, do not waste your time in kaam (lust), krodh (anger), lobh (greed), moh (attachment), ahankar (ego). Let every moment of your life become precious to earth. Wherever you go let there be only one voice "We have become blessed." Become such ShivYogis. 36. Understand and realize your real self. Do not seek anything out. Everything is within you. Activate it and instead of searching outside, distribute it outside as much as you can. 37. Let your presence itself become the reason for other's happiness, become the reason of erasing other's suffering. This blessing I give you all. I pray to Lord Shiva for the same. Namah Shivaya. you read it, you can know that Baba is speaking to you). 1. I will tell you about the 10 doors. When the soul is about to leave the body, then it starts rushing towards the every door and whichever door is open, the soul leave the body through that door and enters that dimension to which that door opens to. 2. If there has not been spiritual growth then the 1st door is your mooladhara (perineum chakra) which is at the base of the spine from where the sushumna nadi begins. This door is alway open. This gate is also known as the gate of life and death. If the soul leaves through the excretory organs, then it is adhogati (moving down to lower states) and goes into the lower dimension which is lower than the earth dimension and gets into bhog yoni or preth-pishaak (lower astral beings) yoni. 3. Leaving life from here can be due to even unfulfilled desires and vasanas (tendencies), like longing for praise but getting but having being condemned or insulted. The tendency where one







remains hungry and thirsty and is unsatisfied with food leaves through this door and searches for a form that can fulfill this desire/craving even if it is taking the form of an insects or birds of prey. Those with anger, revenge and resentment leaves from this first door and gets into either the bhog yoni or goes even below into the dimensions of lower astral beings (bhu loka). Never given anyone intense pain nor carry intense pain within oneself. One family was badly effected by lower astral beings and the whole house was in mess. The girl was given in marriage and when the bride and the items of gifts reached the boy's house, there were lot of fault-finding in the things received and the girl's father was called and insulted badly. This trauma remained in the girl's father and was filled with anger and resentment. When he died with the emotion of revenge, he entered the lower dimension and took the form of a lower astral being and started troubling the entire family. To avoid such pitrudosha, only one prayer I make - do not cause pain to anyone's mind. Take care of old people in the very same way as small children are taken care of. They also must be throwing tantrums like small kids. Look after them. If they have the emotions of peace and happiness, then there is blessings on the family. So try to keep elderly very happy. Do surely give elders this wisdom of PratiPrasav. If nothing else can be done then atleast let them do this. Meditate on light in the agya chakra and 21 times chant OM. Those who are in threat of negative radiations they also can do this papanashani kriya by doing similarly focusing on either the agya chakra (between eyebrows) or naabhi (navel). Another remedy is the Gomutra arka (distilled extract of cow urine) available in the market. This is done by boiling the cow urine and the vapor that turns to fluid is collected and is called arka. This can be taken 30 ml in the morning and night, which acts as the antidote for negative radiations and very beneficial. There are many institutions that prepare this extract, find out, buy and use. Gomutra and gobhar (cow dung) is very powerful. This can be experimented. In a place where there could an atomic blast or atomic radiations, make a hut that is plastered well with cow dung and cow urine. The radiations will be everywhere but not within the hut. Even now in villages during the solar eclipse, villages apply it's own dung to the belly of a pregnant cow to protect it from the harmful eclipse radiations that could deform the fetus in the womb.

10. The 2nd door is swadisthan (4 fingers below the navel). All subtle nerves meet here. Those who hold on to tendencies and attachment to the family can leave through this door into bhurvaloka. Here there is also pitruloka. One who reaches here, always watches the family and becomes happy when family is happy and sad when family is sad. I wish that all ShivYog sadhaks do sadhana and with your tapobal (spiritual power) your pitrus should ascend into higher dimensions and would get a lot of blessings and grace. 11. The 3rd door is the naabhi or manipura chakra (navel). If this door is open during death then the soul goes into swargaloka. These are those souls that have done a lot of punyas while living but along with punyas wanted name, praise and fame. This is the point of ego. The raw ego or the spiritual ego is ego itself. So, after going into the swargaloka, they reaps the gifts of punya but when all the punyas are spent, they have to come back to the earth plane into a good family and have to do karma to liberate themselves. In the 84 lakh yonis, one karma is burnt, which means through all 84 lakh yonis, only 84 lakh karmas are burnt. The final yoni that a soul takes before taking human birth is the cow. 12. The 4th door is the anahata chakra (heart) from where the soul enters into meharloka, where all divine beings, rishis and the place of Bramha. Here the soul remains for a very long time in peace and bliss but has to come back into human form because the cycle of birth and death is not over yet. In this dimension only the vaayu tatva (air element) is dominant and is a very subtle form. 13. The 5th door is the vishuddhi chakra (throat) from where on enters the janaloka. The dominant form here is the akaash tatva (sky element). The soul take very divine and pure forms here and experiences bliss and sat-chit-anand for a very long period but when all punyas are done with, then the soul comes back to earth plane and is born to a very noble, pious and respectable parents and under the guidance of their parents, doing sadhana move towards the path of liberation. 14. The 6th door is the aagya chakra (center of eyebrow) from where the soul enters into the Siddhaloka, where the soul is not linked with any karma and decides whether to come back to earth to help others or may prefer not to go back. If it goes back to earth then it is no more bound by karmas but it would be leela (play) as there is no motive behind those acts but it is for the welfare of others. When the soul leaves the body now, it has

to go to the Siddhaloka or higher lokas and is out of the birth and death cycle. 15. The 7th door is the bindu chakra (opposite to the agya chakra on the back on the head) from where the soul enters the Bramhaloka/Siddhaloka and is above all the five elements. 16. The 8th door is the forehead chakra (a little above the agya chakra) from where the soul enters the Bramhaloka and is out of the birth and death cycle. 17. The 9th door is the sahastrar chakra (top of the head) from where the soul enters into Shivaloka/Vaikuntaloka/Bramhaloka and becomes light (Ahambramhasami). 18. The 10th door is above the sahastrar chakra and in the form of star and this is the dasham dwar (10th door). When this opens, you see your own self. (Aapko aaphi ke darshan hothe hai). Akaala purush. I am God. I am Shiva. Shivohum shivohum shiva swaroopam. 19. Some people told me that it is difficult to relax during stress. In fact, deep relaxation and going into deep meditation is very easy. I will teach you how to go into deep samadhi state. When you are in samadhi state, you are very close to God. At this time, your inner mind that has all knowledge of past, present and future, and knows which error of your yours if rectified can give you relief from your suffering. In such state, ask your inner mind for the solution of your present problem. Your inner mind is connected with your guru and you will hear the voice of your guru. I speak the truth that if you follow the solution given at that time, then at that moment itself you shall get liberated from that problem. 20. You have never come on earth alone. Every soul has their spiritual guides. These guides speak to you and this is the voice of your inner mind. As you grow, these evolved souls evolve more and as they evolve and move away, higher evolved souls come and guide you. 21. Your guru also is guiding you every moment, stops you if your are going on a wrong path and guides you on the wrong path through your inner mind voice. If you everyday practice to go into that samadhi state, then you will easily get the guidance of your guides and guru. 22. Command your body and mind to go into deeper relaxations. Your body and mind are ready to listen to your command. Now, as ShivYog sadhaks give command to your body to become healthy. When you repeatedly give these commands to your body then your body automatically starts healing. If you command your mind to function and think in such a manner that

liberates your from sufferings, then it will start resolving those unresolved issues. 23. A ShivYog sadhak who masters the self, will have iccha mruthyu (death with will). When he feels it is time to go, he will go into samadhi and sit in sadhana; he will not lie down! Sitting in sadhana he will withdraw his prana and draw it up to the dasham dwar (10th door) and exit his body through there. But for that you have to do sadhana everyday and practice opening the 10 doors everyday, and everyday be in the awareness that you are not this body but the Parabramha, you are the creator and not the helpless, unfortunate or the one that gives pain to others and the awareness that there is no difference between you and others and thus as you seek happiness for yourself you will seek happiness for others also. 24. As the past impressions so the present karma and even when one goes to the guru, the thoughts go along. As I always say never judge a person, but the power of being nonjudgemental will come at that time when the negative psychic impressions are released, until then one will keep judging others, criticize others, find faults in others and continue sharing their karmas too and add on more karmas. 25. Many times i fear and tell my sadhaks, enough now, stop finding faults and criticizing others because this is a moh-maya (attachment/illusion) and it comes into some sadhaks because they feel they are doing seva and develop ego. The moment ego comes the first change that comes within is to start criticizing others and finding faults. They stop tolerating others and then start fights. What was given to them, they drop it there and the wisdom that they received, they now disintegrate it and start speaking something else out of it and call themselves mahagyani (great learned person). Mahagyani because he is eating with forks and spoon or using western toilets. He is doing the same mistakes now also but now with these mistakes comes Namah Shivaya. Namah Shivaya is said out of love but it is used in anger statements also like putting down a phone saying "okay.. namah shivaya.. namah shivaya.. I don't want to talk to you.. namah shivaya!" It is important to understand this that you think the change has come. Even while chanting with the beads "Ram Ram..." there are talks of anger and irritation in between. So, the impurity is still within but now has worn a new outfit and held beads in the hand and continuation with finding faults. 26. You should become like a child. All the five sheaths (kosha) of a child are merged together and every action of the child creates happiness and excitement. Watch the child in your house.

27. A small child came into our ashram and there were many kittens. Someone picked up a kitten and the child very jovially said, "Hold it carefully, don't break it." The child meant do not hurt it but I was watching the face of that child and it still held happiness and excitement even while saying that. This happiness and excitement when you start bringing into your life, then realize that you have progressed spiritually and whatever wisdom and higher deekshas I am wanting to give you, you have become ready to receive it for further sadhana. 28. But when you are talking ill about others, it is like in place of the child you say, "Do you know that the one whom you care about is such a bad person? He intends to hurt you." You have a frowns over your forehead. There is negative energy created now in the bhaava. This means that you have separated from the Anandamaya kosha. 29. The Anandamaya kosha, which is your 5th sheath is attached to the atman (self/soul), which always remains in sat-chit-anand. Next is the gyanamaya kosha, which will have true knowledge or false knowledge. False knowledge is called agyan (ignorance). You think you are a sadhak but if you are a sadhak then where is the anand in your mind. 30. If looking at someone if you have become angry or fearful, then where are you a sadhak? Some look at others and feel insecure, some look at their own family members and feel insecure and becomes angry, where are you a sadhak? You make me understand that it is about knowledge - you are talking of ignorance (smiles). If you have gained knowledge, then you are happy and whomever you talk about there will be love emanating from you. If the other person has 1000 faults and done only 5 good deeds, you will only talk about those five good deeds. If there is ignorance then even if he has done 100 good things and committed two faults, then you will see those two faults itself and try to make it 100. 31. Ask yourself truly if speaking ill of someone creates happiness or negative energy within. It causes irritation, sadness and lowers the energy. 32. So, if gyanmaya kosha is merged with anandmaya kosha, there is only happiness. If manomaya kosha is merged with gyanmaya kosha, then all the thoughts coming in your mind will be happy. Looking at the kitten, the child is becoming happy and when someone picked it, then also the child is happy but with very delicate bhaava says "Do not break..." If you look at his prana, there is happiness, if you look at his body, his face, there also there is happiness and happiness. This is what all Siddhas have

said, "Har haal mein khushi". Do not leave the rope of that khushi (happiness). 33. If entire life one has seen bad and thought bad, then all his five sheaths (koshas) are misaligned and body must be with ailments, his life also must be shattered, people must have left him and ran away far from him, and at that time when he looks at his life and reviews it, at that time, he is filled with anger making someone else responsible for his own sufferings when the truth is that he himself created it. His gyanamaya kosha is filled with agyaan and he cannot think right. At that time he does not think what he himself did but he will see only what others did to him. At that time he will never think what all God had given him but will think what all he did not get in life and inability to get those things, and suffers. 34. It is seen that during negative reactions, the chakras close. The dasham dwaar is closed. At that time he does not want to die but nature does it's work. There is a struggle then as nature tries to pull out the prana and he does not want to leave it. He shouts to the doctor to sedate him due to the pain. Whole life he was unconscious and now at the last moment also he wants to become unconscious. Whole life he lived in darkness and in the last moments also wants to remain in darkness. When the prana pulls itself and the ten doors are closed, then it exits through the perineum chakra and he excretes/urinates at that time and the poor soul enters into the bhog yoni because only the soul has left the body; the mind is not dead but alive and it carries all those negative emotions. The prana has withdrawn the mind with it and whenever the mind sees a body, it is ready to throw the prana in it. 35. Mind is attached to gyan (kosha) and in that gyana kosha is filled with agyan - all the negative emotions and karmas of innumerable births. All those emotions now become thousandfold. 36. Now, if there was a body then he would have got another person to make him calm or make him understand or try to help him or make him happy and thus avert from causing any negative action but now there is no body, noone to stop or help. With body one could have wanted to break a television in anger, but may break a small glass and release that negative energy but without a body? Uncontrollably, he shouts in turmoil. 37. The lower astral beings cannot be heard because they are of high frequencies, but a saintly person moving from that place will be able to detect it. So, if the jeeva (soul) gains this wisdom, why will it want to create such miseries for itself? That is why in

all religions it is said that committing suicide is the biggest crime. One thinks that one can have peace after putting an end to the body but in fact it only multiples thousandfold. So this whole act is an an of a very big sin. With this tremendous suffering he creates the preth shareer and goes down the realms. 38. In Garud Puran it is mentioned that he is taken to hell beaten and tortured by the devil. In reality, no one beats or hurts anyone. It is his own creation of inflictions and creates for himself his own hell because now there is no one to help him out and the more he suffers the more the intensity of suffering. This is called hell. At this time all those images come in front of him where he caused trouble during human life and those take the form of scary appearances. There are no forms but his own mind's projections that takes form and now scares him itself. 39. The energies that surround such person during death will be all negative energies. I have experienced this many times with those people who have always lived for themselves, ready to anything for their gains, and when they fall sick and get bedridden, at that time the energies that are around them are of lower astral world waiting to for him to leave his body as they feel he is one amongst them. 40. But those who do sadhana and become pure, who now do not have any insecurity, greed, who lived happily all his life (har haal mein khushi) who are contended and happy and are contended during death knowing that he has experienced all that he wanted to experience and is contended, at that time, the powers that surround him all around will be divine powers. 41. So, heaven and hell are lived on earth itself. Some think that they have suffered all their life and after death can go to heaven and have peace. Your life is a reflection of which dimension you are going to enter after death. 42. If you are very happy, if you are spiritual, if you are blissful, if you are helping, if you trust and believe on God that only good will happen to you, then at the time of death the powers that surround you will be divine powers. 43. Create a belief that "God will always do only good to me and whatever is going to come into my life, I welcome it. I have infinite blessings of God." Why create bhaava of insecurity - "I don't know, there is something wrong somewhere." It will then happen, certainly happen! Because everything is your bhaava and your imagination converts into reality. 44. FORGIVENESS: One who truly forgives is liberated. People say "I forgive" with still resentment inside. Where is the forgiveness.

Forgiveness means "you are not the cause of my sorrow but my ignorance is the cause of my sorrows. If I knowingly or unknowingly have asked that bad happen to you, then I ask for forgiveness. I pray to God that everything happens only good with you. I forgive you and at the same time I pray for your well-being." This is forgiveness. This is when you get liberated from those karmic attachments. 45. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE: Remember, whoever has come into your life were there with you in your last life and previous lives also. Why have you come back together again? Because in previous lives you could not resolve those issues. You thought they they had been the cause of your suffering or thought that you had been the cause of their suffering. Whoever comes into your life comes either to give you something or take away something from you. So your very purpose should be to give unconditional love to all you meet. 46. GRATITUDE: Unresolved issue also is nashukrana, meaning one who is thankless. He got everything, got moments of happiness but could not express gratitude. Many people come to me and say "I am very sad and now want to give divorce to my husband as he is so ungrateful." I ask, are you grateful? "What has he ever done to be grateful for?" Tell me truly, in your five years of marriage of 10 years of marriage had he not even given you 5 minutes of happiness? "Why 5 minutes, he had given happiness for many days.." So, have you offered gratitude to that person for those moments or have you forgotten? When you give gratitude you clear the debts (rhinn-mukti). Offer gratitude to all your family members and don't say "He is supposed to do this!" All those who have come into your life are a part of the soul group. 47. Suddenly Babaji exclaimed with a smile on his face... If you don't want to get into preth/pishaas/bhog yoni and not want to become ants, insects, etc, then learn what I am teaching you or it is your wish. (laughter). Do you want to learn? Then, listen smilingly to what I am saying and don't think "I don't know what all Babaji is talking about." Then in the same line Babaji said... In fact, close to 500 sadhaks here feel I am talking only about them and am revealing their secrets. (laughter) In fact, it is nothing of the sort. Yeh ghar ghar ki kahani hai (laughter) (this is the story of every family) So don't think so. A few even fight with me after the satsang. But I have to give examples. In those examples, what is my bhaava? Kya tumne meri bhais maari hai jo mai chidh aaoo tumse? (laughter) (proverbial - have you hit my buffalo that I should get angry

with you?) By the way, I don't keep buffaloes, I keep cows. I am giving these examples so that everyone understands, especially those who are still stuck. Now also some are thinking that Baba does not know how bad so and so in our family is, and if Baba would know he would not give such long talks. (laughter) 48. No one is bad. We see our own reflection in everyone. Depending on our own tendencies we search for praise or insult in others. So it is very important that you resolve the issues with your family members. 49. NONJUDGMENTAL: With judging and criticizing others you not only take that one negative deed from others, but his karma and your karma mixed together now gives birth to thousand other karmas? Do you want all that? So, this is the easiest way to earn bad karmas for yourself - work less, accomplish more! Without much effort, pass a small judgement about others and take on their karmas and add it up to your karmas. Every person has their own soul agenda, their own thoughts, and does according to his sanskaar. Similarly you also are functioning on your own and it is not necessary that what you think, that person also has to think that way. If the other person is not doing the way you do it, it does not mean that he is bad. Think about your own karmas, not theirs. 50. Jesus Christ said that it does not matter what goes into your mouth but what matters is what comes out of your mouth (speak). What you speak about others makes a difference to all your shareers (sheaths) your sanskaras, your sanchit karmas and in all dimensions. So be very careful. It will come through your mouth only after it comes to your mind. In the mind first a picture is created and a negative imagination is created and only after that it comes to your mouth. 51. If only good and sweet words are coming out of your mouth all the time then that means that your mind also has become purified. 52. These steps of forgiveness, unconditional love and gratitude, I have used in the Nachiketa Agni Dhyan meditation; play this CD at home for meditation or even casually and just listening to it while doing your chores will bring impact. 53. After you have followed these steps of forgiveness, unconditional love, gratitude and nonjudgmental with shudh bhavana, then you become a ShivYog sadhak. Then what has a ShivYog sadhak to do is - sadhana, nishkaam seva and sankirtan. 54. If you get an opportunity to do seva, thank God for it and do not become egoistic. Do not say, "See how much seva we do and

what did we get in return." Just doing that seva itself has released you of so many sins and received so much grace. And, when you say "what have I got" and even if you get a medal for it, then all the benefits of seva are destroyed. Thank the Almighty for making you the medium of seva. 55. Many times I have made people experience this to people who come for healing. I asked them to just do seva and just by doing it they have put an end to all their pains. 56. A woman who said she could not even bend and every joint of her body ached came for healing. I told her that healing would be done later, first go and arrange the footwear of people. What difference does it make to me how the footwear were outside but I was looking at the ego within her of superiority complex and this was the reason of her pain and aches. The feeling of rigidity makes one stiff. 57. One sadhak who had learnt various forms of yoga from various yoga schools had a stiff neck. He said he did not know why his neck was stiff. I told him it was because he was rigid in your thoughts. He immediately defended denying it. Consciously you may not be aware but subconsciously the rigidity is there. Acceptance of every situation is needed. As the emotions so the similar type of illness. 58. All confidence is over and no desire to do anything - knees give away with a need for knee replacement. 59. Fear at all times, fear of the unknown - disease of the lungs. If you have ashtma and do pratiprasav rightly and release rightly with the incidence of fear, then when you come back there will be no such thing called asthma. Fear also affects the stomach, will not be able to digest well. 60. Heart blockages are associated with anger. 61. Cancer is due to nonforgiveness and deep resentment. 62. Kidneys are damaged due to the feeling of victim-hood, feeling of being targeted and tricked. 63. So, dear ShivYog sadhaks, you must do sadhana but never bring in ego. Do Seva and be thankful for it. You already sing beautifully, do sankirtan. 64. When you leave your body, you go in front of the guru mandala and ascended masters. This state is beyond the dual states that you had on earth and nothing of human life will matter here as to who is talking bad about you or what is it with a your child or without your child. You are asked what life do you wish to experience next and you decide looking at what you have not done in your past life. "I had experienced wealth all my lives but having it I never shared it with anyone, so now I wish to

experience poverty. Or, I wish to learn that lesson and experience how it feels when I become helpless and am not helped. Or, in past lives, I snatched things from others and in this life I wish to experience how it feels when everyone takes away things from me. Or, in my last life I was healthy and did everything for myself. I never paid attention to my sick family members. Now, I wish to experience it now by myself becoming sick." 65. So, you have yourself chosen these life incidents because you wanted to learn a lesson, but after coming here, you got entangled in maya (illusion) and forgot your purpose. Then, you blame others for all incidents and instead of learning lessons, you create more unresolved issues. 66. You say "I am not bearing a child!' whereas you only had decided that you wanted to learn a lesson. You had ego that you cannot have craving and now when you have it, you have to outgrow it. 67. A woman gave birth to an autistic child and came to me and asked why is God is so cruel and what has my child done? I asked her to go in samadhi and take out that index card within your memory, take it out and read it. When she did it, she saw that she was an ordinary girl in a village. There was a temple of the deity of that village. When the prince of that area came to the temple, he saw this girl and fell in love with her and got married to her. The prince was a spiritual person and after staying with his wife for a period of time, said he was now leaving for sadhana after giving the throne and the kingdom to her. He said that he sought his wife's permission to leave without which he cannot leave for his tapas. She gave him permission and looked after the kingdom. Now, the queen developed ego and began boasting that she loved her husband so much and yet her sacrifice was so big that she gave permission to her husband. The prince grew spiritually and when he saw that his wife had developed so much of ego decided that he would be born to her as a sick child and see how much she loves her. If she truly loved him, then she would love him in any condition. Now, he was born to this woman and she used to always cry. She and her husband always fought because autistic children are very hyper. I told her not to keep feeling sad over this as he had come to ask love from her. Now you show how much you love him and how much you can sacrifice. 68. So do not shout, cry and grumble. You must learn a lesson from every incident of your life. If you learn the lesson then you can rewrite your destiny.

69. If you have offered your weakness/karma at your guru's feet and do not take them back, then you have learnt important lessons and now you are ready to rewrite your destiny. But only the supatra (deserving/worthy) will get it and supatra is he whose bhavana is shudh (intention is pure). Anybody with other hidden agenda is hidden and lost in that darkness. Anyone with total purity receive the grace of the ascended masters. 70. The process that is done by nature at the time of death, if a sadhak practices daily during sadhana, then he will go beyond death while living itself. 71. The sadhak should regularly practice the sadhana of bringing the prana to the 9th door and touching the 10th door and coming back down and along with this bring to awareness that he has forgotten himself as a human or gives description of his body or some talk about the family tree. In reality, when you are infinite and existing everywhere, you cannot have any family tree because you were never born and are not going to die, you never came from anywhere and will never go anywhere. 72. From your consciousness, you create your own mind and this mind starts then functioning on it's own and becomes the doer and the sufferer (mann hi kartha mann hi bhogtha) and at that time you start describing yourself as happy and sad. 73. Different siddhas have done various researches on various tantras. For all ShivYog sadhaks I ask for blessing of only one thing - what to experiment for little-little siddhis, why don't you become infinite itself? When you become infinite, when you yourself become the creator of all mantras and tantras, then why need the siddhis of those mantras and tantras? 74. Since eight years of age, I had started my sadhana and mind used to wander in different things and attracted towards different siddhis but in reality when due to my guru's grace, when I got the wisdom that I myself am the infinite, then all the hard work I had done, I felt was useless. Now, only one hardwork you all have to do is the sadhana of the infinite, the sadhana of Parabramha. 75. Now the question is about the two mantras "Aham Brahmasmi" and "Om Tatvamasi" Now, when I meditated on Aham Brahmasmi that I am Parabramha (God) I started developing ego, so I thought then that meditating on the other mantra "Om Tatvamasi" also means the same but it means "I am That I am". Meditate on this mantra in the caves of your heart a thumb-sized flame that flickers in the heart at all times. When times comes to leave, then the prana starts withdrawing from all parts of the

body and merges in this flame. Now, the flame of prana searches for the open door to exit. 76. A ball when thrown up, rises to a certain point, stops, and then is pulled by gravity. That point of stop is when it is not affected by the force of the throw nor the pull of gravity. A ShivYog sadhak should be like that stop point; you should not give attention to siddhis (upward rise) nor give focus on hurting others (falling down). 77. You have to meditate on that nirguna-nirakaar (attribute-less & formless) and when you do this sadhana and wash all your karmas, then all the riches of the world will be at your feet. 78. So it is up to you that you run behind riches and riches keeps running further or merge with the infinite and let all the riches fall at your feet and wait for your command to immediately give you what you speak/ask of. 79. So a ShivYog sadhak does not do sadhana on ida or pingala, but meditates on the sushumna, the sadhana that is near-extinct. The symbolism can be see as Ganga (ida) and Yamuna (pingala) and prominent but Saraswati is extinct/hidden and she moves from this place itself. The confluence of these three rivers is at Allahabad, called Sangam. It is said that those who take a dip in the Sangam are liberated. It means when the flow of cool (ida) and warm (pingala) meet at this point, it becomes neutral (at confluence point) and there is no speed in it now, it is emptiness. Even if you go to the Sangam and see, there is one force of one Ganga river from one side and another force of Yamuna river from another side and where it meets it is neutral. This is that sushumna nadi. 80. If you practice everyday to make your journey through this hidden nadi, then all the granthis (knots) are pierced - the knots are formed by bunches of sanskaras ignorance, ego, resentment, raag-dvesh (attraction-repulsion). These accumulate as three knots - Brahma granthi, Vishnu granthi, Rudra granthi (along the course of sushumna from below to top). The one who has done punya surely meets some saintly person (guru) in his life, who can pierce the Bramha granthi and opens up the channel for the sadhak (to begin his journey). He is blessed by the guru and who remains in the shelter of the guru, will be helped to open up the third granthi, Rudra granthi, after which the sadhak is liberated from the cycle of birth and death. (The second granthi has to be pierced by the sadhak with the efforts and fruits of his own sadhana). 81. These five mantras are the five mahamantras that emerged from the jyotirling swaroop of Lord Shiva:

1. Om. The omkaar. When there was nothing before and when everything was shunya, there was the sound of Om, which is aahat naad (sound produced from a source like drug, vocal, etc). But as you go deep into your heart chakra and when it opens then sadhaks hear this naad, which is the anahat naad (the unstruck sound). The first spandan (vibration) formed the Sri Chakra and when that energy pattern of Sri Chakra started rotating, the Universe was formed. So were you formed with this OM. When you breath do not feel the OM as separate from you but bring the bhaava during inhalation and exhalation that "This OM is me, myself . I am the anahat naad." 2. Om Tatvamasi. 3. Gayatri Mantra - Aum Bhoor Bhuwah Swaha, Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasaya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat. People only recite this mantra but ShivYog says not this way, but bring a bhaava within you. Bring the bhaava that all your five sheaths (kosha) are reciting the Gayatri Mantra because you yourself are the Gayatri Mantra. Now, don't sit and search where are your sheaths. This happens when your awareness is outside, take your awareness within and feel it. 4. Aham Brahmhasami. 5. Om Namah Shivaya. 82. Become a sadhak. Do not carry knowledge already and try to take knowledge. If there is something (own knowledge) then what I am giving you will not be able to receive. So you cannot do sadhana being a buddhi-jeevi (the intelligent), you have to do sadhana being a sadhak. 83. When a soul comes into human birth, it carries the karmas of it's past. It also takes in the father's and mother's karma and it becomes it's karmas, what in English we call as hereditary. The child takes on the father's and mother's sanskaras and thoughts. 84. A woman met me here at the door and her child was very strangely irritated. She asked, "Babaji what happens to my child?" I looked at her and noticed that more than the irritation the child had on it's face, she carried thousand more times more irritation on her face. She asked me, "What does he have?" I replied, "He has you!" So, if you want to see your child peaceful, first you learn to become calm. When you say that the child suddenly becomes troubled, do you remain troubled all 24 hours? Then, the child also becomes troubled sometimes. If you want to see your child healthy, it is important you first become peaceful.

85. Also, I have mentioned that whenever I give deeksha to anyone, then the grace that I have from Lord Mahamruthunjaya, that is, the Sanjeevani Shakti, I connect you all with that power. Your hands are emitting that Sanjeevani Shakti. When the child is sleeping, keep both your hands under the feet of the child and give Sanjeevani by reciting the mantra and bring the bhaava that the child is becoming well. Now, why does the child not become healthy, it is because parents project their bhaava of helplessness and that whether this illness can be cured. The child who has an open aura accepts what you are projecting. 86. There was once a nest of Hawk (a bird of prey) up on a tree and it had laid eggs in the nest. One day one egg fell from the nest and fell through the leaves and thus did not break as it fell on the ground. It tumbled into the eggs of a hen and the hen sat on the eggs to hatch it. After few days, the eggs hatched and the odd hawk also hatched. The little hawk used to also run behind the mother hen as the other chickens ran behind her. It also pecked grains. The little hawk completely forgot about itself that it is an hawk and can fly at great heights in the sky because it never knew it from birth and grew up in this way. Once, the hawk's mother was flying high and suddenly spotted this little hawk and identified it as it's own. It observed that it's little one was moving around in strange manner, pecking worms and grains and doing strange behavior. The hawk came down and told the little hawk, "Child, I am your mother." The hens and it's chickens saw the hawk and ran away and so ran the little hawk. The mother hawk kept saying to the little one, "You are my child. You place is not here on the ground but to fly high." But it kept running and the mother was running behind it. The farmer in whose place the birds lived had a gun and came out and fired a shot at the hawk. It missed the mother hawk and it flew away. But due to the explosive sound of the gun, the little hawk jerked and instinctively flew up in the sky and flew up high. As it flew, it looked down and saw the chickens moving on the ground. Similar situation is also of a human being. We have infinite powers within us that can create anything. We have the power to heal anything but coming into this world and living in different hen barns and keep doing those things that the society does. The same superstitions, ignorance, etc. Growing up, he comes walking in eating an ice-cream and mother asks who gave him that. He replies that aunty has given it. Mother slaps the child and scold him for eating from that aunty and stating that she is a bad person and could have mixed something in that ice-cream and given. Now, the child is relishing the ice-cream and does not

even know that such thing can even happen. He cries and one programing is done to the mind that the aunty can do something bad to him. In reality, that aunty had bought ice-creams for her children also and had bought for him also. One programing is done. Next, the child is playing with his friends and father comes and slaps him hard and shouts at him for playing with the children of servants and that he should play with big people. A new programing has been done that he is superior and others are inferior. Then, he goes to school and brings good marks and shares it with his mother. Mother asks what rank and he says 95 and she insists what rank have you come in the class. He replies second and gets a slap from his mother who asks why not first? Now a programing of jealousy has been created against the person who has come 1st rank. For him not it is that if this person comes 1st, he will get a slap and he feels bad against the one who is coming first. This is the first time he is learning what is jealously. Thus we keep teaching the child the worldly ignorance and make him a chicken, whereas he has the power to fly high. If he has anything mother asks to hide it any keep or someone will take it. He is not taught to hide things from others, when the truth is that there is abundance for everyone in this Universe. 87. If you create so much of divinity within yourself then any soul that comes in your presence will become loving. (Babaji then narrated the story of Angulimal, the story of the saint who asked the wild bear to move aside and it obeys, and also about the cat that gave birth on his lap and about monkeys who share his eatables calmly.) You may find it interesting to read a similar article published on this blog Siddhas and Animals.) 88. Who can snatch anything from you? No one can snatch your good deeds from you but it is your good deeds that protect you. 89. This name of mine that I take is not mine. My robes and how I speak is not my recognition. I am that I am. When I am asked where am I from, I tell them from everywhere. Where are your parents from? I tell them that they too are from everywhere (looking up). When were you born? I tell them I was never born. Where is your ashram? I tell wherever I take ashreya (shelter) that is my ashram. Right now my ashram is in Kurukshetra because I have taken shelter here. 90. In fact, if a whichever place a siddha sits for about a month, all around a new world itself will be created. Because the jyoti (flame) of the divine and Sri Chakra are rotating all th e time

and even if I go to a jungle, at least a small village will form. Your introduction also is the same - I am that I am. 91. But, the fact is that you keep saying "I am of high caste." "I belong to so and so." "We are of higher status." "My so and so was a big officer." All this is illusion and attachment to the body. 92. Once I got to to meet a diety of lower realms. In families people create siddhis and this has to be put around someone's neck (passed on to) and thus is given to the children itself. In south India, some great grandfather had done a siddhi and that was coming down through generations. They had made siddh a deity of lower realm. With this, they could tell with the eyes close who is behind the wall also. People were very impressed and would go to them for checking what is there in their house. He used to point out to small things lying in their houses stating it to be the reason for their miseries and to get it removed. When they used to check coming back home they would be happy to find it true. Once during Pratiprasav sadhana, his friend who was a doctor brought him also to the shivir. During Pratiprasav sadhana if anything is stuck anywhere, it comes out because it gets disturbed as it is a very pure energy. When divine energies are generated, the lower realm beings feel they are doing to die. In reality, it is not death that would happen but even they get transformed/liberated. He started wriggling and when I came out people pointed to me to see what was happening. I went and sat there. That moment he said, "So you have finally come!" I saw that it was not him now but someone else. He continued, "So you think you are very powerful?" I said, "Who is not powerful?" He said, "Okay, you want me to show you? You don't know who I am!" I said, "Why should I know that?" He said, "So you won't understand! I'll show you who I am." He continued threatening me. I meditated on my guru and Bhole Baba. I prayed that I do not know since how many years and generations he is showing juggler's tricks. Please liberate him. He shouted, "What are you doing to me?! You do not know who I am!" I said, "I know who you are but the pity is that you yourself don't know who you are! If you know who you will immediately drop all these petty tricks because you are much much bigger than all this.. Now do not disturbed me. I am praying so that you get liberated." I started my meditation with mantra, from the energies of which he could be released from the karmic ties. He became silent. After a while I asked him is it enough. He shouted, "No, don't stop, don't stop. I pray.. don't stop." There was a sudden transformation and he started weeping loudly, "I do not know for how many generations I was tied up with this mantra. I was stuck in my

ego, the fruits of which is this that I received. It was due to ego in my sadhana that I became the god of lower realm. I am very grateful that you are getting me liberated." After a while he said, "I am very very thankful. I am being liberated. Now I can rise to the light." He ascended to light but the doctor's friend's siddhi vanished that day. 93. I am mentioning all this to you because - do not identify yourself so low and cheap. You identity is just one - You are parabrahma, you are light, you are the creator, you were one with that flame which created this universe and after you were created you forgot your identity. Just like the little hawk, who fell among hens. One gun blast did it all. Similarly, in everyone's life some or the other saint (guru) comes and does one blast and from then you start flying in the higher skies. 94. Upanishads says again and again "mann hi kartha mann hi bhogtha". Mind is the creator and mind is the one who experiences." You were creating till now, but that was in ignorance. Now create consciously. 95. Like someone said that his illness in medical science has no cure. His mind has caught that belief. He gets cured with Sanjeevani but then again his mind creates "how can you be well?" The disease reoccurs. Then he does sadhana and gives sanjeevani and gets healed. Then his mind says "this is incurable." You believe only in the Self, that is infinite. 96. Remember, the disease has not come from space into your body. You only had created it, but unknowingly in ignorance... had created karmic debts. Everyone has to pay karmic debts but find out the fasted way of repaying the debts. That fastest way is sadhana - seva - sankirtan. This is the only fastest way. 97. Now leave all this magic and tricks and one who does them. If you look at their face, you will see there is no peace. The one whom you go to for help, just look into his eyes, face and lips. Is there peace in his eyes, face and lips? Because face is the mirror of what is within. When he is not at peace what solution can he give you? Believe in the Self. 98. Sound creates. OM is divine energy and it will create divinity. When you speak ill, it creates asuras (demons). Since so many births, so many demons have been created by speaking bad. Now you have reverse the whole process with the sound of OM that comes from Shiva. This is the mantra that burns your karmas. 99. Other mantras give you benefits but do not take off karmas; the mishap or problem is only postponed. It is just like a bankrupt person takes loan from the bank and feels he has become

wealthy. He is not wealthy but he has to repay the loan and on it, the interest also is mounting. These small mantras are just that. You are to burn your karmas. 100. It takes hard work to do sadhana. It had also taken hard work to create karmas, do do bad things, now do some hard work in doing good :) or are you going to ask for quick methods? Wealth in 5 minutes, health in 5 minutes, happy married life in 5 minutes, happy studies in 5 minutes? It cannot happen that way, right? You have to do tapas.

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