April 8, 2017 | Author: Lodar Dagoy Escobillo | Category: N/A
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Download Herbal...
- the use of natural herbs and plants for the treatment or prevention of diseases, disorders and for the promotion of good health
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*1(% %#1%+23141% # # %*(.35(6
ͻ If possible, buy herbs that are grown organically - without pesticides. ͻ Medicinal parts of plants are best harvested on sunny mornings. ͻ Leaves, fruits, flowers or nuts must be mature before harvesting.
*1(% %#1%+23141% # # %*(.35(6
ͻ if drying is required, dry the plant parts either in the oven or air-dried on screens above ground and never on concrete floors. ͻ Store plant parts in sealed plastic bags or brown bottles in a cool dry place without sunlight preferably with a moisture absorbent material like charcoal.
*1(%53 5 *1%751%* 83 735 #23141%3(6
se one cup for measuring leaves and water se only half the dosage prescribed for fresh parts like leaves when using dried parts. se only the part of the plant being advocated se only one kind of herbal plant for each type of symptoms or sickness
*1(%53 5 *1%751%* 83 735 #23141%3(6
@o not use stainless steel utensils when boiling decoctions; Only use earthen, enameled, glass or alike utensils. As a rule of thumb, when boiling leaves and other plant parts, do not cover the pot, and boil in low flame.
*1(%53 5 *1%751%* 83 735 #23141%3(6 @ecoctions loose potency after some time. @ispose of decoctions after one day. To keep fresh during the day, keep lukewarm in a flask or thermos.
Always consult with a doctor if symptoms persist after 2-3 doses of medication or if any sign of allergic reaction develops
8 -#8 ð
2 2 wgrows about one to two meters tall. wIt has thick branches and the leaves are embraced with 8 to 20 leaflets that are oblongelliptical in shape. wThe flowers of the Akapulko have oblong sepals wand its fruits are tetragonal, which are also winged and glabrous.
2 2 wcontains 450( %14 41, a fungicide used to treat fungal infections, like ringworms, scabies, and eczema. w also contains ( %1%, a laxative that is useful in expelling intestinal parasites.
2 2 wThe primary part used for herbal purposes are the #3 93( wThe extracts from the Akapulko plant is commonly used as an ingredient for lotions, soaps, and shampoos.
2 2 Oenefits & Treatment of Akapulko: 3:*35% #-(36
Treatment of skin diseases: Tinea infections insect bites Ringworms Eczema Scabies and itchiness. Mouthwash in stomatitis
2 2 Oenefits & Treatment of Akapulko: 1%*35% #-(3
Expectorant for bronchitis and dyspnea Alleviation of asthma symptoms sed as diuretic and purgative For cough & fever As a laxative to expel intestinal parasites and other stomach problems.
2 2 0reparation & se: FOR EXTERNAL SE:
pound the leaves of the Akapulko plant squeeze the juice and apply on affected areas 0repared as an ointment
2 2 0reparation & se: As the EX0ECTORANT for Oronchitis and @yspnea:
drink decoction (soak and boil for 10 to 15 minutes) of Akapulko leaves. may be used as a mouthwash, stringent, and wash for eczema. (same preparation)
2 2 0reparation & se: AS LAXATIVE
cut the plant parts (roots, flowers, and the leaves) into a manageable size then prepare a decoction Note: @ispose leftovers after one day.
most known as a treatment of 1 3*3( (@iabetes Mellitus), for the non-insulin dependent patients
a climbing vine and the tendrils of which grow up to 20 centimeters long Ampalaya leaves are heart-shaped, which are 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter. The fruits of the ampalaya vine are fleshy green with pointed ends at length
most known as a treatment of 1 3*3( (@iabetes Mellitus), for the non-insulin dependent patients
its ribbed and wrinkled surface had always been its distinct physical structure the bitter taste of the fruit had also been the distinguishing factor from the rest of the fruits with medicinal value ( ;V V )
most known as a treatment of 1 3*3( (@iabetes Mellitus), for the non-insulin dependent patients
contains a mixture of 7# 9 %1( % #8 #1( that make the 0ancreas produce more insulin that controls the blood sugar in diabetics it is a good source of Vitamins A, O and C, Iron, Folic acid, 0hosphorous and Calcium.
most known as a treatment of 1 3*3( (@iabetes Mellitus), for the non-insulin dependent patients
In the 0hilippines, the @epartment of Health has
endorsed Ampalaya as an alternative medicine to help alleviate various ailments including @IAOETES, LIVER 0ROOLEMS and even HIV. Others: - Helps treat skin diseases and cough. - Its herbal value extends to increasing the Sterility of women, as 0arasiticide, Antipyretic, and has 0urgative functions, as well.
Herbal Oenefits of Ampalaya
ͻAids in lowering blood sugar levels rood for rheumatism and gout ͻ @iseases of the Spleen and Liver ͻ Helps in lowering blood pressure ͻ Relieves headaches ͻ @isinfects & heals wounds & burns ͻ As a cough & fever remedy
Herbal Oenefits of Ampalaya
Treatment of intestinal worms, diarrhea ͻ Helps prevent some types of cancer (antioxidant) ͻ Enhances immune system to fight infection ͻ For treatment of hemorrhoids ͻ A parasiticide ͻ Antibacterial and antipyretic
V ##35+0>1%(34*1*3>34D32 %@-%
2 *351 #(6
Kalachuchi branch Candle Knife Measuring Cup Chopping Ooard Vegetable/coconut oil Clay pot
22R R 75(4 13(> ##35+0>1%(34*1*3>34D32 %@-%
543-536 1. üash the Kalachuchi branch/stem 3-5 times and scrape the brown covering of the bark to expose the green part 2. Scrape about 1 cup of the green bark and place inside the clay pot
22R R 75(4 13(> ##35+0>1%(34*1*3>34D32 %@-%
543-536 3. Add 1cup of oil in the clay pot and let it boil for 5 minutes 4. Strain using a netbag or clean cloth 5. Mix ½cup of melted candle into the 1 cup of strained extract of Kalachuchi and oil
22R R 75(4 13(> ##35+0>1%(34*1*3>34D32 %@-%
543-536 6. Leave it to cool until it hardened 7. Transfer the ointment into the intended container 8. Seal, label and place in a cool place Note: FOR EXTERNAL SE ONLY
22 2 222 754-+>4#( %73935
2 *351 #(6
ringer (2 thumb size) Kalamansi (3-5pcs) Measuring cup Chopping board Clay pot Amber bottles Strainer Oarbecue stick üater
22 2 222 754-+>4#( %73935
543-536 1. üash Sampalok leaves. Separate the leaves from the stem. 0lace 1cup of sampalok leaves inside the clay pot 2. üash the ginger. Slice the ginger thinly and place inside the clay pot atop the leaves
22 2 222 754-+>4#( %73935
543-536 3. Add 1cup of water. Measure the using the barbeque stick. Mark the stick. 4. Add another 1cup of water and bring to boil until water level ; on the stick. (@O NOT COVER 0OT)
22 2 222 754-+>4#( %73935
543-536 5. Strain and measure 1cup of the decoction then add 1cup of sugar 6
6. Oring to boil until it becomes sticky 7. Set aside to cool then add Kalamansi extract 8. 0our syrup into the , cover and seal with candle
22 2 222 754-+>4#( %73935
( +36 13yo-Adult 7-12 yo 2-6 yo
1-2tsp QI@ 1tsp TI@ ½ tsp TI@
O O22 2 75 5*51*1(>%3-5 #+1 >5-1(3( %2-(4#3 1%
2 *351 #(6
1cup garlic 1cup ginger 1cup chili pepper (labuyo) Knife Clay pot
O O22 2 75 5*51*1(>%3-5 #+1(>5-1(3( %2-(4#3 1%
543-536 1. Measure 1 cup of ringer, rarlic and Sili (black pepper can be replaced for sili) 2. Slice the ringer and rarlic and ground the Sili 3. Ooil 3cups of oil and place the prepared ginger, garlic and sili 4. Simmer for 5-10minutes in low heat 5. @rain and place in designated container 6. Let it cool before use @irection: Apply to affected area. FOR EXTERNAL SE ONLY
2O 2!R2O22O2 2 ð 751 553
2 *351 #(6 3 leaves of AOK knife Clay pot water
2O 2!R2O22O2 2 ð 751 553
543-536 1. üash and cut/chop the leaves into smaller pieces 2. 0repare 1cup of each 3 chopped leaves and place in the clay pot. Add 6cups of water 3. Oring to boil until the remaining water can be measured up to 3cups only. Strain the decoction 4. Transfer the decoction into a clean amber bottles, cover and seal
2O 2!R2O22O2 2 ð 751 553
( +36 Take ½ cup of AOK decoction after an episode of diarrhea. Aside from the decoction, take a homemade ORS *** @iscard decoction after 24 hours
22O2ð 75(53*5 *>4-+% -(3 >035 411*0 %+ ( 1%
2 *351 #(6
ringer Orown Sugar Strainer Measuring Cup rrinder
22O2ð 75(53*5 *>4-+% -(3 >035 411*0 %+ ( 1%
543-536 1. üash and grind the ginger 2. Extract the juice. 3. Mix 1cup of extract and 1cup of brown sugar (ratio:1:1) in a clay pot 4. Oring to boil in low heat. Stir until it becomes syrup 5. Set aside to cool down 6. 0lace in a clean plastic/glass bottle @OSArE: place 1 tablespoon in one glass of hot water
O222 "# 751 553
2 *351 #(6 rreen Oanana (latundan) Knife 0lastic bag
O222 "# 751 553
543-536 1. 0eel the banana and slice thinly 2. @ry it under the sun 3. rround it to powder and store the banana powder in a sealed plastic bag
O222 "# 751 553
1%(*5-4*1%6 Can be V= in a Congee or soup 2 tbsp of banana powder in 1 cup of congee or soup Add 1tsp of sugar (optional)
OR2ð ! 4 1. 2. 3.
V 6 Finished product (quantity, labeling, leaflet/flyer) Exhibit ʹ for products Jingle
451*351 6 ; V *@ !;
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