Herb Dewey - Mindblowing Psychic Readings OCRd
February 19, 2017 | Author: André Hgz | Category: N/A
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Download Herb Dewey - Mindblowing Psychic Readings OCRd...
Complete scripts for specific and generic: • • • •
Personality types • Age groups • Males • Ethnic groups • Single • Married • Sexual orientation • Attractive • Hispanic • Overweight •Teenagers • Black •
Females Children Asian Adults
The resource bible of readings for almost every type of person. Use it for one-on-one readings, phone readings, written readings, and more. BONUS: Answers to common questions asked by your client.
by Herb Dewey Edited by Marc Sky
Contents Preface Fourword Child - preteen Teenager — female Teenager—male College - female College - male 20's female - single 20's female - married 20's male — single 20's male - married 30's female - single 30's female - married 30's male - single 30's male - married 40's female - single 40's female - married 40's male - single 40's male - married 50's female - single 50's female - married 50's male — single 50's male - married 60's female - single 60's female — married 60's male - single 60's male — married Overweight - male or female Handicapped — male or female Asian — female Hispanic - female Physically attractive female Gay or lesbian Black — Female Answers to common questions
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her twenties. You can mix parts of two readings, the overweight reading, and the married female in her twenties reading! For a black attractive female who's married in her 20's you have three types of readings you can combine to your heart's content. The possiblities are endless. Now I'll be ready when I meet a teenage overweight Asian handicapped lesbian! I'd like to thank Herb for allowing me to put this work together with him. Also thanks to Travis Nelson and his wife Sherry for their efforts in transcribing the tapes. Happy Readings! — Marc Sky, Woodbridge, New Jersey
Preface I've been doing psychic readings for a number of years. It is said we all share the same hopes, fears, dreams and sorrows. But we are also unique. Years ago I read what I consider one of the best book on readings, a book called 'Passages' by Gail Sheehy, a book which is not about psychic readings, but rather common psychological patterns we fall into at specific decades in our lives. While doing a reading for a very attractive woman (indeed, she had won a few beauty pageants) I told her things about herself that were strictly based on her beauty. In other words, it would not have been accurate if she was an overweight woman in her forties. In talking to Herb, he too had a specific type of reading he would offer to that same type of person. Not that it was a canned, memorized reading, mind you, but certain things about that person that would probably be about eighty percent accurate. All while tuning into her and genuinely sensing other things about her at the same time. That's where the germ of this book was hatched. I said to Herb, "You know, it would be interesting if a reading could be generated for many personality types. I mean, a female college students reading based on her life experiences would be different from a married man in his thirties or an Hispanic woman. Their life experiences are simply different. That's not to say one is better than another, simply that their backgrounds, the ways they were brought up, makes their attitudes, their expectations, their personalities quite separate from each other. Herb Dewey has been doing readings for decades. He estimates he has done over a hundred thousand readings. A hundred thousand readings! And his readings are rated between eighty and ninety percent accurate by his clients. Anyone who's done that many readings has to know what he's doing. I gave Herb a list of typical personality and age types. Based on that simple criteria, he sat down over the course of six months and put together a fifteen minute taped reading of each type. These readings are not meant to replace your own intuitive skills, but rather to compliment them. Use pieces of them to fill in the gaps of your own readings. When your brain begins to shut down after a full day of doing readings, use the enclosed material to get back on track. Another important point. You don't have to use the entire material in each reading. And one more imaginative way you can use these words is to combine them. In other words, suppose you're doing a reading for an overweight married female in
Fourword One-word I've known of Herb Dewey's reputation for years, having read his monthly columns in Body, Mind, and Spirit magazine. I've also known of his involvement in the 900 number telephone psychic lines, and through fellow psychic collegues. Herb's reputation is that of a psychic's psychic, a giving and sharing individual. I had the unique pleasure of having the material in this book available to me for almost a year before publication. Which means I had the chance to try it out in the real world and see how it held up. And did it hold up. In fact, it bailed me out many times. You see, I'm a veteran of the psychic 900 number line wars. Any of you reading this who work the 900 number lines will know what I'm talking about. Putting in four, six, eight hours a day, day in and day out is a grind. Pure and simple, it takes a toll on all of us who work the line. Many fellow psychics have burned out working the lines. You have to be 'on' all the time. Your readings are expected to be accurate every time. The only good customer is a satisfied customer. And you're expected to satisfy them all. Those of us in the psychic reading trenches, when you give readings hour after hour, eventually your brain begins to fry. You try to come up with an impression, a vibration, and it just isn't happening. During those times I used the readings. In particular the 'Answers to common questions' chapter at the end of this book bailed me out time after time. My clients were thrilled at how accurate the readings and answers were. And it gave me time to recover my energies, so that when I did tune into them, it was the icing on the cake. There's good stuff in these pages. — Travis Nelson, Duluth, Minnesota 1
Herb is one of the first inspirations I had in the field of psychic phenomena. He has brought new perspectives to the client and reader relationship, and opened new doors to presenting information in an organized fashion allowing the client to easily understand what the intuitive is saying. Communication is key in any interaction between two people. Anyone who can effectively communicate their thoughts or ideas to another person will have a path to peace of mind and a living. It never fails to amaze me how few people are able to effectively communicate between one another, yet feel that they have no problem. Herb gives clarity, order and process which allows one to do this effectively. In fact, the ineffective ability to communicate is the very downfall and reason so many business' and relationships fail. Understanding others is the key to being able to communicate with them. The more you understand them, the better you can communicate with them. Herb is one of the few people in our field that is really in touch with the how, what, where, when and why of a psychic reading. Many 'intuitive counselors' believe that simply giving predictions is what it's all about or maybe discussing ones karma is justification for a fee. This is not so. I have received readings from many other intuitive counselors over the years and found most of them to be inaccurate, unhelpful, and a waste of time and money. In many cases the information they suggested was harmful, had I actually been willing to follow it. I'm sure they meant well. But there are many well meaning people who can do more harm than good. I could say the same about many of the writers in the 'New Age' field as well. I have thrown away more books on tarot, numerology, psychic development because they are simply full of... filler. They contain no original discoveries or ideas, unlike Herb's writings. I wouldn't go to a doctor that was capable of diagnosing my illness if he or she didn't also at least suggest a manner or method to treat it. There are many doctors that treat illness with medicines that are outdated. One needs to constantly update their knowledge in order to keep current. Herb definitely helps in this area. A psychic reading is a true art. Whether one is creating the reading for themselves, or for another person, it is no less an art than painting or singing. You must understand your client and their needs. This is vital to a successful reading. Herb's writings help the psychic reader to do exactly that. — Ty Kralin, Piscataway, New Jersey
I first met Herb Dewey in 1984 at the first Meeting of the Minds convention I attended. During one of the evening programs he gave a highly accurate and meaningful psychometry reading to everyone present. It was a real tour-de-force and everyone talked about it for hours afterwards. More than a decade later, I still recall it vividly. Since then I have seen Herb perform many times. He never comes across like a 'performer', which is as it should be. He is a psychic, and one of the best. His rapid-fire delivery means you have to listen intently to every word. I am constantly amazed at how he can keep on giving insights into people's characters in such a quick fashion, with scarcely a pause for breath. I have heard cassettes of different psychics giving readings, and often they are filled with lengthy pauses and irrelevant information. If you received a cassette from Herb it would be completely full of valuable, pertinent information that had a strong bearing on what was going in your life. Herb is a complete professional. He first started giving readings as a young man, and has honed his craft steadily ever since. He is now at the height of his powers, and I am amazed and delighted that he found time in his busy schedule to write this book. Enjoy - and learn - from one of the world's best and busiest psychic readers. — Richard Webster, Auckland, New Zealand
Four(d]-word I first met Herb Dewey in 1982 at a convention of Psychics in New Jersey. He came preceded by his reputation. The advance notices were fantastic, but his lecture more than lived up to anticipation. Over the years, I have come to admire and respect him even more. His lectures and especially the books and columns he has written have been extremely helpful to me and many other psychics that I am in communication with regularly. He is a true rarity in the field. It is no wonder that the psychic community has eagerly awaited this current release. I have little doubt, that you will find this volume educational and informative. Whether you are new to the psychic field or an old hand with years and years of experience, you will find much of interest in this volume. Read, enjoy and most of all learn from one of the very best there is. — Ford Kross, Director of Haunt Hunters , Irvington, New Jersey 2
because it could open the doors to a lot of misinterpretations and after the fact, the parents could say you have taken the child's money and you have coerced them and swindled them and thus and so. And it can lead to sexual matters or relationship matters, and it's really always better to have a parent present. I would say again to the person, planting positive seeds. I would see you as becoming a professional person, probably with a future either in the field of education or in the field of health care. And even in health care, it may not be traditional health care. So, in that way you are not saying the person is going to be a doctor or a brain surgeon, the person could be an EMT, the person could be a mentor, teacher, tutor, advisor, counselor. You open up really a lot of doors just by using those two particular careers. Medicine and nontraditional medicine and the field of education. Because when you think about it, when you educate a person, you could be a camp counselor, you know, if it was summer camp. In a sense, you are still an educator. You could be teaching archery and you could still be a teacher. It is not so much in the sense of just being a 'teacher'. Nobody wants to hear that they are going to be a laborer, nobody wants to hear that they are going to earn their living through their own sweat. ]]]]]
Child — Preteen
[[[[[ Many times a client will bring a child to me, or in some occasions several siblings. And of course, the parents want the child... now I'll classify child. Probably as being 12 years old or younger, male or female. It is not so much as an accurate psychic reading as much as it is planting part of the seeds, because obviously, the parents want you to guide the person, or guide the child. Normally what I would do in a child's reading, is I would probably do a little bit of involvement, like color cards, a pendulum, or something to get the child's attention. Let's assume I am doing a reading for a female, 12 years old or younger anywhere down to about 7, and of course the reading itself has to be done using dialog on their level. So if you are doing an 8 year old or a 9 year old, which I do a goodly. amount of... I do a goodly amount of teenagers. As a matter of fact, as I speak, I have a gig that is coming this coming Saturday or the following Saturday, for fifty teenagers for somebody's Bar Mitzvah. I guess that's Jewish 12 or 13 years old. And, of course, I am dreading it, because of how different can each reading be when you are dealing with 40 or 50, 13 year old Jewish preteens. How actually different can each reading be. So, thankfully the readings are not being tape recorded, because I think that there will probably be a lot of repetition. The child has to identify with the reading. I would usually, instead of just looking at the person, I would usually do some palmisYou may work at baby-sitting, and you may work try because that involves their palms, and involves at McDonalds, and you may work at some jobs them in the reading. I would fill the reading with which obviously you are going to be overqualified positive seeds. ]]]]] for, but I think in the final analysis is that you are going to earn your living with your mind as a professional person and money should not be a major I can see by your lifeline in your palm that it's a issue for you, because I think that you will be able very long life line. And that indicates to me that to earn your own money. you will live a very long life. Probably into your 80s or maybe into your 90s, because your lifeline I know you don't want to be dependent on your own family. And I know, also, in looking at your also indicates that you will be non-drug addicted, head line in your palm, it sort of brings to mind a non-alcoholic, and that you will be only married story by Samuel Clemens, Mark Twain, who said, once. "When I was 12 years old, I didn't think my father knew anything about anything. [[[[[ These statements are probably not logical and He just seemed to be a regular guy, but not terriprobably, for the most part, not true and not accu- bly educated, and that was when I was 12. By the rate, but most of the times the parents or one of time I reached 20 years old, it is amazing how the parents will be in with the reading. And as a much information my father learned in 8 years. matter of fact, if any of your readers are reading Because at 20, he has got a brilliant mind." So it children or preteens, there really should be a parall depends on the childs perspective. ent present anyway. And obviously your parents would like you to be A psychic reader should show reasonable caution an extension of them. So I could say to you, that in reading for teenagers unaccompanied by an you will not be a drinker, you will not be a smokadult because of the chance of being misquoted, er, and you will not use drugs, and you will not 3
bring disrespect to your family. That you will be self supportive, because you are not lazy. And it appears that you don't get enough credit from your parents. That actually you are much more intelligent at what you do than they are aware of. And even in your school work, the subjects that you do best at are the subjects you like. And you don't understand if you want to be an actress, if you want to be a dancer, or you want to be a magician, why is it necessary to study physics? Why is it necessary to study calculus or science? Because these aren't going to help you in your career, but these are courses given to us by the Board of Education, that we must learn in order to progress within our lives. I also feel that you will gain a knowledge of nutrition, and that you will have a tendency of eating foods as you grow older that you may not like now. I don't think you eat properly, I don't think that you eat the proper foods. I think that you are very picky, and that you like the fast foods, the hamburgers, the cheeseburgers, rather than a regular dinner, which certainly frustrates your mother and your father, or one or the other trying to get fruits and vegetables inside of you. I believe that you are noticing the opposite sex. My feeling is that you will be more prone to longterm relationships than short-term. And it would be the same thing with your work habits. I don't see you changing jobs a lot of times. That you will find that you will dream a lot. You will find that you will discover some artistic talents. That you may not be as competitive in sports as you would like to be. That you have a tendency of being over-critical of yourself. It may be because of skin blemishes, it may be because of a lack of self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, but in my mind I can see all of this changing. You appear to have your mother's eyes, your father's nose. You appear to have brains, and so I would suspect that things are going to turn around for you in your future... because I would sense there will be a lot of travel. In my mind, looking at the lines in your palm (which I don't usually even identify the lines in the palm, but I would just point to a line and say...) the lines in your palm are indicative that you will travel and you will travel outside the continental limits of the U.S. That you will be in your own business or be selfsupportive, and I would sense that there would be some desires by your family to be involved in a family business, either with close relatives or at least relations.
It doesn't appear you are going to be on food stamps, it doesn't appear you are going to be without money. And I know that at this point and time, you want to party, you want to socialize, you want the latest in fashion, you are never happy with the way that your hair looks — it is either too short or too long. And I would almost sense that relative to the summer time I can see you spending two weeks at a beach. I don't know if that will be Fort Lauderdale or Miami. But I would see this coming summer, that you have the desire to spend two weeks at the beach. I would feel also that at around 15 or 16 years old that you will have an opportunity of spending two weeks in Europe. That may be France or Italy. You will have the opportunity of learning a second language in school, either French or Spanish. I think Spanish is much more fun than French, actually. Spanish today is probably going to be the most widely accepted second language other than English. Spanish is a derivative of Latin, so if you know a little bit of Spanish, it would give you a little bit of Portuguese, a little bit of Italian, a little bit of different languages. So I would advise you, that if you're going to learn a second language I would say attempt to learn Spanish. I would feel that you are going through this period of time within your life now where you are not quite an adult, you're not quite a child. Sort of like your a pre-teenager and you want to do things that older people do. The frustrations that you go through... you can't drive a car, you can't drink, you can't vote, you can't enlist in the service, yet you are not a baby. So it's a very frustrating period of time. But I would sense by your aura that you are growing into a fine young man (or woman). You have some exciting times ahead of you. I feel that you will have a couple of children. I would sense that you would be involved in one marriage, and you seem to be more of a spiritual individual than actually a religious individual. I believe that you watch too much television. I believe that you don't eat the proper foods. I believe that you probably spend too much time on the telephone. I believe that you are a charmer, or a con-artist. I think that you can get whatever you want from your mother or your father. And if you don't get it from one, then you probably would get it from the other. In that sense I would see you as a survivor. That you seem to have a great deal of energy where you don't sit still or stand still or lie still — you are always on the go. There are always two or three things on your mind that you are concentrat4
ing on, and of course you will be in the process, as you grow older, of being more independent and more self-sufficient. Your parents think that you have a mouth, that you have a tendency of not actually being disrespectful, but sometimes a little bit sarcastic. You'll want to watch that. I think you are going through a period of time now, that I sense you want your own money, you want your own things, you want to be able to buy for yourself, and you don't like being dictated to relative to what you have to do, what you can do and what you can't do. These are frustrating years, being a preteen. In my mind, I see you with brains, you are going to do very well in school. I believe that you'll go onto college and be successful. And I don't feel that you're going to have any bad health issues. I think that you'll be at your proper weight, so your weight is going to be proportionate to your height. I think that you are going to become physically stronger, emotionally stronger, and I would see you a little bit of a philosopher, a little bit of a person who knows a lot about life. And you can't wait until you are a teenager so you can go to the parties and the dances, and maybe do some things that your older brothers or sisters or friends do. I believe that all that will happen. All in all, you have a bright future ahead of you and always remember, don't compromise, don't settle for second best, and allow no person to use you, manipulate you, or intimidate you. I think you'll live a happy life. I wish you good luck, and God bless.
am getting my impressions from the lines in your palm. I'm getting my impressions from how you speak or your voice modulations. I am getting my impressions from your photograph or your handwriting. It is very important to have some identifiable source where you are getting this information from, because then it is very disarming. I think it is also very important for the reader to identify, to have empathy, with the teenage female. Be she be a female reader or a male reader. Again, I would try to empathize with the female being very much like my own daughter. I would begin something like this... ]]]]] The lines in your palm (or your voice, or whatever) lead me to believe that you are going to live a very long life. It also indicates that by combining your life line with your heart line with your head line, or the way that you structure your words, or the way that you form your words in handwriting, that not only are you going to live a long life, but you are going to live a happy life. Unfortunately, you have obstacles to overcome. Your parents preach to you as if you were ten years old, they seem to not want to cut the umbilical cord. That they want to keep you as young and innocent for as long as they can. But that is not really realistic. You are going through a period of time now where most adults will not appreciate who you are. You're not fully an adult, yet you think like an adult, and you have a tendency of wanting to chum around with older kids that are two-three years older than you, because it is very exciting for a freshman to go out with a senior. I don't think that you're truly understood. I think that you are having all this independence put on you. It is almost like you are given a job title, but that you are not really given the support. You may want to work as a waitress and one of your parents may think that that's demeaning; that you'll never have any future, you are never going to be able to amount to anything, and of course your parents want you to be a doctor or a lawyer, and they don't want you to be a bar maid, they don't want you to be a waitress, yet they want you to be self-sufficient. They may offer to buy you a vehicle if you make the payments on the vehicle, or in fact they may ask you to buy a vehicle, they'll buy a vehicle for you if you pay the insurance. So you are entering into a time in your life with your parents where the relationship is changing. It is going to be more now you wash my hand, I'll wash your hand. It is going to be more bartering. I'll do fifty percent of this if you do 50% of that.
[[[[[ Again, as I say to you, 99% of the time a parent will be present. Obviously, indirectly, you have to complement the parent. You can't say, "oh yes, you're parents are dysfunctional and you look like you've been abused, and you may be gay, and you may grow up to be a lazy person, unemployed, on food stamps, and you're going to be over 275 pounds with a lisp." I mean, obviously the parents are paying you money to plant positive seeds, so for the most part, you can forget about being psychic. ]]]]]
Teenager — Female [[[[[ This reading may be done over the telephone. It may be done in person, it may be done through tape cassette, or at a birthday party or BarMitzvah, or whatever. It is very important to get a sense, to identify, how you are getting and what you are getting. To say I 5
And you have college in the not to distant future ahead of you, and obviously your parents would not want you to take a liberal arts course, they want you to do something more specific relative to your career. They are mostly concerned with the company that you keep. So they don't want you to have girlfriends that normally go out and do shoplifting, because many teenage girls do shoplifting. It's not so much the value of the material things that they get, but rather it's the risk that they take. It's the danger that they involve themselves in, so there is much shoplifting. Amongst your friends, there is probably a certain amount of experimentation with alcohol or drugs. Obviously the most concern from your parents and from your peers is the proper relationship. The most important issue in your life, even as important as education, is your exposure to the opposite sex. I sense that you're attractive. I sense that you are very pretty and probably don't know it. As a matter of fact, I sense... you remind me a great deal of my own daughter. My daughter has the same facial lines that you have, she sounds like you, she has reasonably the same body structure as you, so I feel like I am giving advice to my own daughter. I would say nothing to intimidate you, and nothing to make you feel bad or embarrass you by any means. But if I was reading my daughter, I would most assuredly give her the same advice that I am giving you. Many times in your life, in your young life, you are going to have to make a choice. It may be the choice to go out on a date, it may be the choice to have sex, it may be the choice to have a drink, or to smoke pot, whatever, to do something. I think that the most important bit of information that I can give you, is that you make the choice. Do not allow yourself to make a choice simply for the satisfaction of somebody else. If you want to do something, and you feel comfortable doing it, well by all means do it. But don't do it because somebody else wants you to do something. I know you are going through a stage where you are very judgmental of yourself, very critical of yourself, where you may not feel that you're pretty enough or tall enough or thin enough, because what is the ideal weight for your height? You may not be as popular as you want to be. And again, it is all to do with relationships, and to not be in competition with yourself. As a teenager you feel that well you shouldn't be responsible for household duties. You've done that — you've babysat your siblings, you've washed the dishes and you've cleaned the house...
and, that is the way for you to generate some cash flow. You'd be concerned with curfews. It used to 9:00. Now that you're in your teens, and of course there is a vast difference between your early teens and your late teens, that the older you get you want your priorities to change as well. So, you want your curfews to change as well. So in your early teens it may be 9:00, maybe 9:30 curfew. As you get into your older teens, that may be midnight or 1:00 in the morning. And on special occasions, such as proms, it may be 3:00 in the morning. You will have girlfriends that say they are staying over night at a girlfriend's house, when in fact they are getting together with their boyfriend. You want to try not to get into that. I think one of the main concerns of your parents is that you hold down a career position that is not commonplace, so they would not want you working retail sales, or working in a department store, or working in a factory, or working on the assembly line. They want you to do something with your life. Now, you are an extension of your mother, and your mother wants you to accomplish things in your life that she did not accomplish. She would probably want you to hold off marriage until you're in your late twenties, or maybe even early thirties, and that's because she didn't. She probably feels that this is the correct choice for you. Not to involve yourself at too early a time in having children and raising a family because once you start in that direction, there is no turning back. I know that you have a love for children and you probably decided that you would have two children. And wouldn't twins be wonderful? I think that in many ways, you will not become the typical housewife as far as doing dishes and diapers and vacuuming and doing drapes. I would sense by your energy level that you would want to do something more significant, more of an enabling capacity. More of a care-taking capacity. More of a service capacity of the people, and I think that it's necessary for you to remain outgoing and positive and optimistic and that you do this by your associations or your communications with people.
Teenager — Male I would think that you feel a little bit intimidated about what is going on around you. I know that your parents have great hopes of you and they want you to aspire in this lifetime. They want you to get a high school education, they want you to get a college education and probably beyond that, 6
and they would probably like you to be a doctor, a lawyer or a rocket scientist. Very intimidating. They expect you to get great marks in school, straight A's. They judge you by the company you keep, so they would be continually looking at the people you chum around with, both boy friends and girl friends. The key word for a teenage male is intimidation. I know that you will not be disrespectful to those around you. I know that you are not going to become a drug addict, an alcoholic, you're not going to go to prison, but nobody else knows that. Your main concerns now are probably automobiles and girls. Not necessarily in that order. In your mind, you would like to go to college away from home, because going to college nearby home or commuting to a community college is probably not ideal for you. You will be concerned about your SAT scores, as far as what college that you'll be available to. Perhaps you would wish that you would be more competitive sports wise, or perhaps there could be a scholarship that you would want. With girls, with vehicles, with working a parttime job for five or six dollars an hour, with your parents looking over your shoulder all the time, expecting marvelous things from you, this whole situation is very intimidating. Be the best that you can be. What you don't want to do is be in competition with yourself, because there is always going to be somebody smarter or somebody that has a high degree of intelligence. There is always going to be somebody more handsome, there is always going to be somebody without acne, there is always going to be someone who is a better dancer, a better driver, and with more money. You don't want to fall into that bottomless pit of self-criticism or self-judgment. Many kids your age going to school have a tendency to taking up a liberal arts course, which means they really don't have to determine what they want to be in life, and I think that you would find it very aggravating when somebody says, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Because as a teenager, pretty much, you're grown up. You can enlist in the service at 17 years old, and the service will then pay for a college education. When I visualize you in my mind, I see you in some sort of uniform. I don't know if it's a military uniform, or a police uniform, or a fireman, or a postman, or a doctor, but in my mind I would see you in some sort of uniform. And I think that over the next three or four years I think that there would be some sub-
stantial progress in your life as far as what you want to do. I would think that statistically that you probably would stay and work and live and raise a family in the geographic area that you are now, yet in your mind, you want to be the adventurer, you want to be the traveler, that you want to set a new course in your life that has not been set in the past, or go to new places, or different places. And as far as work is concerned, or a career is concerned, I believe that probably the second most important decision in your life is what you will do with your career. The first important decision is, of course, who you marry, and who you are in a long-term relationship with. That's most important, because that relationship can make you or break you. That can make you famous, or that can make you poor. It can make you famous, or infamous. And of course the second issue is to figure out what career goals you have. And I'm sure, to your parents, the bottom line is, if you were a barber, or a cobbler, they probably would be happy if you are happy. Seventy percent of the population of the United States said in a recent poll that they like their job. They like the type of work that they are doing. And with you, as long as you are challenged, as long as you are stimulated, I believe that you will be happy with your job. If you are bored and you are not challenged and not stimulated, you are probably failing your job. But my sense of your energy is that you will have perhaps one or two different jobs. I don't think you are going to have 12 or 13 different jobs. Your personality indicates that you are not going to be fired or laid off. You will make substantial money in your life, but all of your work-related progress really should be towards owning your own business at some point in time. And it doesn't really matter if you're going to be a sports journalist, if you are going to involve yourself in communications, but you want to lean towards doing something that others can't do. So, if you're a factory worker or a truck driver and you can't go to work that day, I think probably the supervisor can simply pick up a telephone and call somebody to replace you on the spot, for the day, for the week, for the month, or whatever the case may be. You want to learn something where you can learn a trade. And really, when you stop and think about it, it's not terribly important what the trade is, as long as it is something that you can learn, you see. 7
cation with the people around you, but what is needed is a matrix or a plan for the future, and you're at an age now where if you cast your bread upon the waters you can achieve whatever you want to achieve. And because it just doesn't fit in with what you want to do, that doesn't mean that it's wrong. Now, in Europe and Asia, most young boys will take up the profession that their fathers did, and their fathers, and their fathers. That is not normally the case in the U.S. So that if your father was a cook, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to become a cook, although you'll have expert instruction, and I think that's the reason many young boys become active in the profession their father was, simply because the father again is the teacher, the mentor, the advisor, the counselor, and can advise you and teach you how to do properly what they've done. It's sort of like having free instruction or perhaps even on-the-job training. It's a question at your age that you may not know what you want to do in your life. You may not know what girl you want to spend the rest of your life with. What you really have to be aware of is patience. Having the patience in not allowing the universe to make a decision for you, but for you to make a decision on your own. You seem to have the looks, the brains, the personality, you seem to have a way about you that people genuinely like you. You don't take advantage of others. My advice would be to be reasonably patient, and I think that when you find the job position, or you find the girl that you are going to be happy with, you won't have to think about it, but rather you will probably know it instantly. And I would think, again, that the next three or four years will be very vital in the sense of you doing what you want to do, being the person that you want to be, and simply remember the words of Shakespeare, "To thine own self be true." If you believe in yourself half as much as I believe in you, or half as much as your parents believe in you, that you'll be very successful as you go through life. I am sensing from your energy that you are going to live a long life, a happy life, and you're going to experience good health, and probably be financially solvent. It wouldn't surprise me if you became a millionaire and had your own company. It's just a question of knowing what you want to do and you're going to get all sorts of unsolicited advise from friends and relatives and family, but the bottom line is do what you feel comfortable in doing and I don't think that you will fail.
And in Europe, of course, you have an apprenticeship for maybe ten years. If you want to be a plumber, or an electrician, or a carpenter, or an actor, or a stage performer, you have to study your particular craft for maybe ten or twelve years before you'd receive some sort of paper or certification, meaning that you are basically good at what you do. And my sense is that you are directed towards a one long-term relationship rather than a short-term relationship. My sense is that it would be a long-term marriage, rather than a short-term marriage. It's just a question of overlooking the intimidation that you feel now, and try and set a course in front of you as far as who you want to be and what you want to be. And just because it may be different, doesn't mean that it's bad. Of course, when I was a child, young men wanted to be animal trainers, or they wanted to be escape artists like Houdini, or they wanted to be magicians. And maybe at that time it wasn't entirely logical, but some of these young boys grew up to be magicians and animal trainers or escape artists. If you persevere at what you want to be, you can be that person. And I feel that the bottom line, is that as long as it makes you happy, and satisfies your intellectual needs, because you have the ability of a caretaker or an enabler. I would suspect that your mission in life is to be of service to mankind. And that could include going into the service, it could include going in the peace corps, it could include any type of counseling, because I think that basically you are a helper. It's not easy being a teen-aged boy. There is not enough money to go around, and you seem to be always subsidized by your parents, and if you don't get it from your father, you'll get it from your mother, but one way or the other, you'll get some financial stability. And I would feel... I'm not sensing in your future that you're going to be poor. And I don't sense that you're going to be particularly happy in shirt and tie, but maybe in jeans and a jersey you'll be just as comfortable as if you were dressed up. People around you may not like your hairstyle, or a tattoo, or have an earring in the ear, because you're different - when you look around you at your peers, they will be much like you, but when you look around you at your superiors, they will be much more laid back, much more old fashioned, and you probably think they are a stick in the mud. You probably will always march to the beat of a different drummer. You see things in an unusual way. Many times there will be a lack of communi8
want you to be independent. In their mind they want to see you always as a young, innocent virgin. They don't want to know about intimacies, they don't want to know about guys, they don't want to know about who you're dating, who you're sleeping with in a deep sense. They want to know that you're safe. They want to know you are not being used or manipulated. And I believe that as a college student this is probably a primitive time it well may not be your first relationship, but many significant relationships happen in college because there is more of a balance, there is more of a harmony between you and the person that you will be involved in a relationship with, because most times you are going to be involved with a boy, a lot like yourself. I don't know at your age what they call them, guys or boys or men, but you are going to be involved with some that may take the same courses that you take, may well have the same future in mind that you have. You're expected somehow to... it appears that you did not get all the scholarships that you thought you would get, so I feel that there is a disappointment there because I sense that there was some student loan money necessary for you to attend this college. And my sense is that you would attend a college not terribly close to you. You sent out all those postcards and all those letters with your SAT scores, searching for colleges to go to, the ones that seemed to be the most exotic were probably in Hawaii or in California at UCLA, and you were damned and determined that you didn't want to go to a college near your home. And of course many times for the first two years you will have to go to a community college and you will have to take liberal arts courses because your SAT scores are not high enough, or your English and math is not high enough to get you into some of these Ivy League colleges. But my sense is that you are not going to bring disrespect to yourself or not bring disrespect to any other person. Going to college, obviously, if you are a freshman, everything is new, you know, everything is much different than high school simply because... like in a high school or grammar school or grade school, if you are absent from a class well then the teacher notifies your parents or sends a note home or calls you up on the telephone and says where were you, or bring a note in. In college, if you miss a class you simply miss the class and you also miss the credits because there are no automatic promotions. So once again, you have this independence forced upon you, and that
Again, life is a journey. It's not a guided tour, it's a journey, taking one step at a time. I wish you good luck and God Bless.
College — Female Based on the energy level, or your aura, be aware that the statements I make, or the impressions I give, the observations or insights that I share with you, are based on an energy level, that comes from you. Many times a psychic is able to determine information, or signals if you will, through your voice, through your voice modulations, through your handwriting, through your palm, through the simple touch of a hand, and over the telephone it's basically what they pick up in the energy of your voice. And that, combined with a certain amount of psychic insight, intuition, instinct, and their sixth sense, indicates to me really what you are all about. So as a college student, you are expected to know in which direction you want to go in your life. And maybe you don't know at this point in time. What I sense about you is that your parents would want you to be an extension of him or her. So if they wanted to achieve something in their life and they didn't achieve something, they would want you to achieve it, you see. If they wanted to get a college education, or get a Masters degree or get a doctorate, perhaps if they did they would want you to duplicate that and do it yourself. If they didn't, all the more so they would want you to do it because they never did. In many ways you are acting out the wishes of your parents. The questions you would ask yourself is well, if I would like to become a massage therapist for a professional ball team, why would I have to take chemistry? Why would I have to take physics? There would be a lot of courses that you would be forced into taking that are mandatory that you would probably not understand and won't like, and probably, for the sake of argument, won't use. I don't know how important, if you want to be a CPA, I don't know how important ancient history is, or civil war history. But I feel that you.... based on what I sense about you, you would be capable of achieving whatever you want to achieve. You'll do well in courses that you like. And you won't do well in courses that you don't like. I think that it's rather intimidating because your parents want you to get straight A's, be successful in whatever you do, and by the same token they 9
you are surrounded by other girls, some who you may feel are beautiful and much more beautiful than you, probably much more intelligent than you, and probably with a better personality than yours. If you believe all of those things you do yourself a grave injustice. You don't want to be in competition with yourself relative to being in school. This would be a stepping stone for you. You will probably work out some sort of a deal with your parents where they buy you a car and they make the payments and you pay the insurance, or you pay the insurance and they buy the car, or you may even in fact pay for the insurance and buy the car yourself. And that you may want to have a red Mitsubishi Eclipse and that may not be possible, and so you may have to settle for something that is used or slightly used, but this is all a new beginning. You are going to meet new friends. You'll have the opportunity of experimentation in relationships or drugs or alcohol, so that you really have to remember the words of Shakespeare, to thine own self be true. You have to be responsible to yourself, you have to be selective in a relationship, because in your first relationship back in grade school or grammar school or high school or junior high school, you may well have thought then that it would last forever, and that you would marry this boy, and have his children and live happily ever after, and at that time you could not be talked out of that, because that was sort of etched in stone that you and he were going to be together for a long period of time, and that may be still going on now and it may not be. The odds are that it would not be. But I think that this boy would always have a significant affect on your life, as far as what you want to do with your life. It is obvious that if you are in college, that you will probably have to do some sort of a part time job, either on campus or as a waitress or busing tables, doing some sort of part time job that you think is probably beneath you and that you are over qualified for. Nonetheless it is probably a necessity unless your parents are filthy rich, and I would sense, again from your energy level, that they are not filthy rich and that you are expected to be independent. You are expected somehow on some level to pay your own bills. As I sense your energy, or your aura, I get the feeling of the color purple, and I think purple, or orchid, or violet is going to be a very significant color in your life. I believe that college is going to be a lot more regimented than high school has been. You are going to find yourself a little bit fussier, or more fickle,
or more selective as far as boys are concerned, and you probably have the propensity for being attracted to older men. So if you are a freshman or sophomore, you probably are attracted to juniors or seniors. You probably find yourself attracted or in the company of people of different ethnic cultures or race, so it is all new. It is all an experience, and some way in your mind you want to make this time spent as being somewhat meaningful. If you find yourself in an unusual relationship with a person of a different ethnic or race or religious background, that is probably normal, simply because you are trying to leave your own signature on the universe. You are trying to do things that are different and not do things that are common place. And of course you see yourself far more adventuresome perhaps than your mother. Much more of a daredevil than your mother and much more outspoken than your mother. And I am sure that your mother thinks that you could be very soft and sweet and demure and shy and reluctant, but on the other hand she thinks you are probably capable of doing a lot of things that she has not done. In college you will have the opportunity of traveling to Europe, traveling overseas, so that is going to bring some excitement into your life. In my mind I see a triangle or a pyramid, a three pointed pyramid. You at one point, and I would see two other entities, two other guys at the other two points. One whom you've known and one who is new. One is known and one is unknown. The old one is a person from the past, and the new one is a person perhaps you've just met, or you've not met yet, but I would see you being pulled in two different directions as far as making a choice relative to males. You find yourself doing things now in college, like spending a weekend with a guy, that you didn't do in high school. You'll find yourself less reluctant, and this is where there is a difference, is anytime you have a free weekend or a holiday weekend, that your parents would want you to come home, or they would want to visit you if it's within four hours driving distance. Or maybe even six hours driving distance. And because you are now in college you are going to be reluctant to want to return home, simply because you are still treated at home as a teenager, or you're still treated as a twelve year old because your parents don't realize that you've grown emotionally, physically, mentally, philosophically. Your views may be somewhat different than theirs, and that you've become a little bit more independent, a little bit more out spoken, and they 10
see you as becoming a little bit more quiet and a little bit more deeper and more complex. Sometimes they feel that you don't say everything that could be said, or give them information that could be given them. Simply because you're a young, female adult and yet they see you as sort of their virginal precious innocent daughter, and they probably have a difficult time cutting the umbilical cord to allow you to get on with your life. A lot of the college students live off campus together. They don't want you to enter into a promiscuous lifestyle, so it is really a culture shock and they will continually remind you when they went to college it was this way and that way. And now that you're in college, and they've sacrificed to put you in college, that somehow they want you to be, I guess, grateful or gracious, I guess grateful to them and appreciative of them that they were capable of getting you into the college. And it may not well have been your first choice college, more likely it was your second, third, or fourth choice college. It's just a question of you're supposed to determine what you want to be when you get out of college. When you're a little girl, it's what do you want to be when you grow up? Now it's what do you want to be when you get out of college? And hopefully be a professional person, and I would think, again, based on your energy level, anything in health care, either directly or indirectly, such as doctor, nurse, emergency technician, lab technician, anything to do with health care or nontraditional health care, I think that you'd be very successful with. And the second category is somehow in the field of education. As a mentor, teacher, a therapist, a guidance counselor, a helper, and enabler I would suppose. So in health care or education I feel that would be two very strong subjects for you to pursue in college, and with both of these you can have a liberal amount of psychology sprinkled in as well. But in any event, you are going to be very successful. You've got the brains, the personality, you've got the talent. Don't underestimate yourself. I wish you good luck.
I am not entirely sure if that is a team color or a team that you will play, but somehow the colors blue and gold will be significant in your athletic career relative to college. As a male college student I feel that you can achieve many things that you have not achieved in the past. Of course I believe that your father would want you to be like him and maybe even travel in his footsteps. Whereas if he was a lawyer, he would probably want you to be a lawyer, if he was a doctor, he would probably want you to be a doctor. Certainly he would not want to see you with long hair and dreadlocks, certainly not with an earring in your ear or a tattoo on your arm, or walking with a guitar over your shoulder. He would rather see you as the professional person. You have gone through a period of time where you have tried to divorce yourself from how he is and be more of your own self. Because you were born into your father's image, and he would be delighted with that, but I think somehow you are trying to be different, you are trying to achieve different things. On a part time basis you could probably tend bar, bus tables, work in some sort of a secondary job where you are able to put some money into your pocket. And of course, your parents want to know about relationships. With today's kids your age, with your friends, there is intimacy, and it's called hanging out. When you hang out with a person, as you all realize when you hang out with a person, it means the same thing as going steady with the person. I think that you may be comfortable in jeans with holes in the knees. You may be comfortable in not wearing a shirt and tie. You're image is just the opposite of your father's image. You may not be the letter writer, and they would want you to write letters once a week. If they had it their way, you would write letters once a day, which is not logical and not going to happen. You probably have a girlfriend that you left behind, that is still pining away for you, that is still preoccupied with you and I sense that she would want to reconcile with you. You are going to be surrounded by girls, and it would be amazing that you can pretty much have your choice, because you seem to have the personality, the brains, you seem to have the where with all whatever is necessary for a relationship. And of course I would suspect that we are living in the age of electronics, we are living in the age of computers, so I would feel that at least what I sense about your aura or your energy level, that
College — Male I would feel that you could be competitive in athletics. I would sense that you are fast on your feet. I believe that you are physically strong, and perhaps more talented than you give yourself credit for being. Several impressions come to me. One is I see the colors blue and gold. 11
right now I see you as somewhat of a puzzle, somewhat of an enigma. You are non-predictable, non-traditional, setting out in life, and you may well even within your first year or two years in college may change your major simply because initially you were helped in choosing a major by your parents, and of course they would guide you or advise you in ways and directions that they would feel that would have been good for them. If it was good for them, well then certainly in their mind it would be good for you. You may find whatever your elected major is, once you enter college, that it doesn't hold the pizzazz, it doesn't hold the drama, it doesn't hold the excitement that you once needed. I would sense a background in computers and a background in psychology, psychology of people, understanding people. There's an energy level I'm picking up from you. In this lifetime I think that you will be well traveled. I sense that you will be wealthy. I don't feel that you're going to be on food stamps, that you're going to be bankrupt. You will be very successful financially in this life. And I would sense the number 7 meaning that you will either write seven books or write seven plays, or produce seven things, but somehow the number seven will be your lucky number and It would prove lucky to you by bringing good luck to you. I don't feel that you are an introvert. But I do sense that you are somewhat introspective, so that you do not need to be surrounded by people patting you on the back or complimenting you. I don't think that you need to be surrounded by guys and gals being the center of attention. I would see you a little bit of a loner, keeping to yourself, and there has been a lot of pressure put upon you and I would suspect too much pressure as far as you being successful in life. Within a seven year period of time, I can see you receiving awards or trophies, so even after college is over, and you would be the professional person, and I don't know if that would be professional sports wise as a athlete, or professional simply as an individual. But I feel that you are going to be very successful in this life, probably own your own business, and I would think that you like what you do. The importance of taking a course in psychology is that you will be able to relate and have empathy and compassion with people around you. I am sure that in your high school yearbook, you don't like the picture that was taken. You probably are more photogenic than that. You would be the one most likely to succeed. Be-
you are an excellent communicator, and I would think that you would do well in computers. You would do well relative to communications, because regardless of what business you're in you would need some sort of computer background to be reasonably computer literate. You will have the opportunity of being in some sort of work with your father, working for your father, and I would think the odds probably would be working with your father in some business that he would be in, you know, like father like son. It's just a question of what you want to make you happy within your life. I feel that you are probably going to live well into your 80's, so that you're not going to die young, you are not going to be handicapped, and getting back to sports for just a moment, I would think that you would do well in a sport that is not an American sport. Either lacrosse or rugby or soccer, but something that is not typically American. I think that you could probably excel further than you would in an American sport. When playing sports pay attention to your knees, take good care of your knees because obviously in athletics the knees are the first things to go. So if you are really able to be protective of yourself, you would be very successful in paying attention to your own health. I see no reason to smoke, no reason to use drugs, even though you have an experimental way about you. And that it seems that you have been on this lifelong search for the real you. The search of self, so that you may find if everybody else likes one particular religion in your family, you may like another religion. If somebody likes one particular thing, you may like something else. You are going to find that you are diverging angles relative to what you're friends and your family like, and relative to what you like. I feel that you are quite unique. You are not abusive of those around you. And I would see you as a very sharp dresser, relative to when you do dress up, how you dress up. And I think the girls are probably chasing you around. There will always be some potential relationship as far as a female is concerned, and for the most part you will date girls your age and younger, but there will be one exception to the rule, where this girl is going to be anywhere from 4 to 7 years older than you. There would probably be a relationship there, that she'll be much more experienced than you in life, but I think that there will be a deep relationship there. You will commit to her for a period of time. So 12
cause of your popularity, and you may well have been the president of the school class, or been involved in different things in school, so by your nature, you're not a loser, you're assertive, you're a go-getter, you're tenacious, but you will do it at your own pace. I don't think that by giving you a lot of advice is going to have any effect on you. Within this lifetime you will father three children. I don't know if that would be with the same woman or even in the same marriage. But in my mind I feel that you will father three children. You will not like a girl that has an abundance of makeup on, particularly a girl that drinks. I don't think you would like that type of individual. I would see you with a girl that is wearing glasses, or wearing glasses part of the time. She would wear contacts part of the time, and . glasses part of the time. And I would see this girl as to be somewhat slimish, not overweight. You would have a good relationship simply because the two of you could sort of tutor each other or guide each other, and this is something else that you could do. You would probably have another sibling so that you could probably do well as a counselor, as far a tutoring children. You would do particularly well even when you're off college in the summer time, as a camp counselor. With your personality you're likable. People have a tendency of being drawn to you. You don't lack self esteem, you don't lack self confidence. You are in control of your own destiny. It's an exciting period of time for you. And of course you will have the opportunity because again in my mind I would sense that at some point in time I can see you in uniform. I don't know if that would be police, military, emergency technician, doctor, fireman, or even in the service, but I think that you would be a prime candidate for officer's candidate school. You would do very well, and I think that you would move up the ranks very quickly. So it is simply just a question of believing in yourself. Anybody can fail, and you want to remember the words winners never quit and quitters never win.
20's Female — Single You are somewhat of a non-conformist, somewhat unpredictable in your ways. Things that normally would please other women, don't please you. You have a tendency of attracting guys to you, perhaps for the wrong reasons. 13
They are not attracted to your soul, they are not attracted to your mind. Many times they are simply attracted to the physical aspects, or what the}' see, the aesthetics of you. Which sometimes becomes very disheartening because your nature is that you would be the perfectionist. You would search for your soulmate, you would be competitive in the work place, at least I sense by your energy, that you will be a very competitive person and very self-expressive as well. You are able to make your point. You are not afraid, and I don't think that you are scampering around like a chicken with your head cut off, so you seem pretty well directed as far as your chosen pathway in life. You are a non-compromising individual, and that you could be competitive with men, which would lead me to believe that at some point in time you may hold the career position normally held by a male. I don't see you as weak and you are not the type of individual that gives in or that settles. There seems to be a confidence factor that you have that others do not have. That is not to say that you are aggressive or forceful, but that you would take a calculated risk or take a chance at a job, and would be very successful. My feeling is at your age that you are not terribly domesticated, and that you would probably fall more into the category of the entrepreneurial woman of the 90's. And that you would be able to do things beyond the household. The point I am trying to make is, based on who you are, if you simply want to do housework, be a housewife, and have babies, that may be down the road a bit, because I think you have other things to accomplish within your life now. There seems to be a very strong constitution within you where it is necessary to achieve. I see you as an achiever. You seem to have the charm, charming without being sly, or without being cunning, but just a very sharp individual. You have a great imagination and more than anything I feel that you have the courage to be able to accomplish whatever you want to accomplish without somebody else. The analogy is you could be married to a millionaire and wouldn't have to work and wouldn't have to do anything but sit around if you so desired, but that does not seem to be your nature. Within you there is the achiever. I can see you with a business suit, I can see you with an attache case in your hand, which would lead me to believe that you would not be working for McDonalds. You have a business-like manner. As you grow
older your clothing will be custom made. You will have an extensive wardrobe and I think the major pieces will be tailor-made for you. That would indicate that you're going to be successful. You will be comfortable in any management or supervisory position. You strive to be successful, but not at the expense of others. You are always giving to other people, rather than taking. People see you as very friendly, very outgoing, very gregarious, and that they sense that you seek harmony and balance within your life. You will be successful. You may have a tendency of being a little bit stubborn, a little bit resultsconscious, and your biggest frustrations are going to be in dealing with males. Because, again, through no fault of your own, you may attract losers to you. I think through no fault of your own you are looked upon as being highly selective and perhaps searching for the perfect' man. I would sense about you that you don't settle for what other women would settle for. I believe that you will experience a relationship either in the near past or near future where you will have a platonic love for a man but not the deep love you desire. It will be a safe relationship, a for now relationship but you will advance in this relationship into the ideal relationship. It's sort of paradoxical in the sense that you will have a male that will care for you very much, or perhaps be in love with you, perhaps as a secret admirer might be, and yet you will not be able to return that love. But the person that you would be in love with, at this time as we speak, probably would be with another person. It is paradoxical in the sense... it's an enigma where the person that you finally search for and search out at that time may be with another person. But because of your competitive skills, you can certainly win out in any competition over another woman. You would have a tendency of maybe putting yourself down a little bit. You have been successful, as far as who you are and where you are going, but perhaps not as successful as you want to be relative to relationships. And of course the family says that you are going to be an old maid, and that you should get married, and you are in your 20's and that most women in their 20's, especially from 25 years old on, perhaps should get married. And you're looked upon as some sort of .... you know you have a curse upon you or some stigmata because you are not married. But you are sensible, you are going to achieve whatever you want to achieve in life, and you are happy. I sense you have a curious mind, you have an in14
vestigative mind, and I don't think that you are smug, vain, overly satisfied, If you are Catholic I would feel that St. Jude would be a good saint for you, because St. Jude usually is for those who have difficult causes, helpless causes. You've got a very strong, animated personality. You can talk for hours on the telephone if necessary. That you need quality time with those around you, which is indicative that if you are going to do something you'll do it 100%, or perhaps not do it at all. I think that you can wear red. There's a lot of women that cannot wear red because they seem too powerful, too aggressive, or it's too loud or too flamboyant, but I would sense the color red for you would be a good color because when you're capable of wearing a red suit or red dress it means that you have left an impression behind you. Once you wear red it means that you are emerging or that you are being reborn in a sense, or you are transforming in a sense, so that it almost seems that when you wear red you are being inspired to accomplish other things. I can see you dealing with executive types. I don't feel that you are going to be comfortable sitting around a club or a lounge or a bar. That doesn't seem to be your type. And that you will have a tendency now in your private life, as well as the work place in attracting older males to you. And my sense is probably around your 29th birthday that you would have a ring on your finger or a firm commitment in hand. You're entrepreneurial so that you will be the professional in the work place. You are very good with communication skills and very good relative to dealing with people. Any type of representative, any type of service that you would perform with people, you would be very successful in that. You want to be cautious that you are not put into a position that might be introspective or introverted or that you'd be put in a corner somewhere. You need to be able to communicate with those around you. You have clear vision into the future. You can see things subjectively as well as objectively. I believe that you are a strong individual so that you don't fit into one particular category. I don't believe that you are easy to read. I don't believe that you are a piece of cake for a psychic reading. Simply because you seem to be more intuitive or more perceptive than others around you. You certainly are diplomatic. You have a variety of different skills. Certainly a very strong intuition. You have a very strong, intuitive mind, or perceptive mind, so that you could experience flying dreams
and you may well even dream of your soulmate before you find your soulmate. And I feel that you are off again, on again in the relationship now that doesn't seem to be going anywhere, but yet it is a comfortable relationship where you'd see this person from time to time. Males you would be compatible with, I would feel some spiritual or biblical significance in the names, or perhaps one of the names of the Twelve Apostles, or I don't know, the Peter's and Paul's and John's and James' and Joseph's, and I can't even recall all of the names, but somehow I feel that ultimately the man that you will be with will have a name of one of the Twelve Apostles. You analyze every person that you would be with. And my sense is to give you some numbers if you have three dates with the same person, I think that it will be considered the beginning of a relationship, simply put, because if you are not impressed initially, you probably won't be impressed after the third date. Based on your energy, any male that is jealous will lose you, any male that is lacking in confidence will lose you, and any male that tries to tell you what to do, or own you, or control you will lose you. In that regard, you will find your life mate that will be much like yourself, you would have much in common. And I would say to you to look, to search for the person with eyes of china blue. Search for the person that has hair that is sort of like Chinese silk. Very smooth, clean, well-groomed hair. Search for the person that is in the area of 6 feet tall, with a nice smile and a tiny chip off of one of the front teeth, or the corner of what we call the cuspids or the canines. But a tiny chip. Sparkling eyes that are very much alive, and once you initially meet this person, it will be a very strong chemistry or synchronicity there, and that your life will never be the same. Relative to what I sense about your energy level, you are going to be involved in a long term relationship. I feel that there has been a long term relationship, a duration of three or four years already behind you, and that person may always have some sort of effect on your life, or be a friend, but in a romantic setting I don't think that it will be going anywhere. This time frame now that we speak of is a new beginning for you, and you will accomplish more now in your life than you have accomplished in the past. I certainly sense that there is some sense of power that you have, some telepathic communication, whereas I think that you are able to connect with a person before you meet the person.
And I would further sense that it would be a meeting that would take place where there is music being played, I would guess a wedding or a party of some sort.
20's Female — Married You would be the one-man woman. You have not needed a multiple of potential relationships. Once you have set your mind on a person, sort of like love at first sight, that's probably all that you need. In retrospect, you've taken a great deal of responsibility on your shoulders, and of course, your family would see you as a young child yourself. I sense that you would have a fear of pregnancy more then a desire for pregnancy. You will have two healthy children, and my sense is that you would conceive pregnancy in the morning rather than in the evening, and I would think that you would probably conceive pregnancy on the 13th day of ovulation and my sense is that it will be a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday morning. You will have a full-term pregnancy, healthy offspring. You get as much credit as you deserve for what you accomplish. You would either be working on a full-time basis, or that you are working on at least a part-time basis, simply because you become bored staying at home. As far as the future is concerned it might be wise for you to investigate the idea of some sort of work that you might do out of your home. You would do particularly well in child care, as far as being a babysitter, being a nanny, being a tutor, or being a person who would have empathy with children. You could be a good child psychologist, and you could do well in creating children's greeting cards or children's books and storybooks. Your mate or your husband is perhaps not as into the marriage or into the relationship as you. Perhaps he would not be as deep or serious or committed as you. There have been some subtle changes in your thinking process and you probably wonder if you should have waited a little bit longer. It appears, at least what I sense about you, that money is an issue. That there never seems to be quite enough money to go around. It's adequate, and you always seem to be able to just about make the bills, but there never seems to be a great deal left over. That probably will change. The most significant years of your marriage, usually, and if we are going by statistics, it is between the 6th and 7th year, statistically, not so much psychically, but generally speaking if your marriage exists beyond the 7th year, it will 15
be in good shape and it will be able to be a strong shy, because you were blushing, because you were a choir girl type person, because you were marriage. very pure, and because you didn't use bad lanAnd if there is going to be any falling apart, or guage, and that you kept to yourself, and you any down side to this relationship I think that it cursed modestly, and that you were somewhat laid would occur around, at least before the 7th year if back and quiet... if your husband was attracted to that were going to happen. Things seem to change all of these different tributes to you, and you're now. Before you were married you would have a still the same person, I think that he'll always be lot of girlfriends that were single. Now it seems in love with you. you are going to have a lot of girl friends that are But all of a sudden if you start talking like a truck either getting married, that are married, or have driver, if you've been outspoken and loud and been married for a period of time. nagging, and aggressive and complaining, you You're social life has a tendency of changing. would have just been the antithesis of the person You will find that you do not have enough time you were before. for a social life as you had in the past. You are thinking more of a nurturing way, a maternal way, Then there would be problems. And conversely a mothering way than you had in the past. You the same way, if he was attracted to your aggresfind it increasingly difficult to keep the figure that siveness and your independence and all of a sudyou had as a younger girl, because simply put, den you are becoming reluctant and laid back and you find it difficult to find the proper time to exer- - quiet, you can't change horses mid-stream. cise. Whatever your husband was attracted to, as long And it seems that you're trying... you've got to be as you were the same person you would do very the chief cook, maid, bottle washer, lover, and well. You would be compatible with the color wife, and friend, and companion, and colleague, blue. I think that you would be compatible with so you are required to wear many different hats. blue eyes, have a blue aura, because I feel that As much as you love your husband, he is still you are still old-fashioned. probably messy, often times what you say to him You are somewhat of a person with a magnetic goes in one ear and out the other ear. personality. People are drawn to you. You have You cannot confuse him with common sense. He boundless, endless energy, you don't sit still, has a stubborn streak about him that you may not stand still, or lie still. You are communicationhave seen before, and he just doesn't seem to be oriented as far as the spoken word. as sensitive to detail as much as you. It seems like You are articulate, verbal, and you would have a he's in the door and out the door because of smattering of a beginning of yet another language, work... and everything seems to be money- so I think that you would be able to speak more oriented at this point in time. than one language. I see you as very firm. Once You have a lot of responsibility put upon your you make a decision, once you make a commitshoulder, and I really don't sense, at least what I ment, you are very firm in that commitment. am picking up from your energy, two things. One You don't need a lot of make up, you don't need a is when do you relax or when do you rest, and the lot of jewelry in order to look attractive. You other is that is doesn't seem that your social life is could accomplish... I feel that whatever secret deas strong as it once was. sire that you would have, you are going to be able I believe that men still pay attention to you. Men to accomplish that desire. You are very observant still find you attractive. And that again and again of people. you will question the normal questions for a womYou keep active and any health issues probably an your age that is in a marriage is does my huswould end up female issues, especially as far as a band love me as much now as he did before? lack of energy, because in my mind I sense that you do too much, that you don't get as much Is this marriage going to last forever and ever and ever? My answer to that is probably philosophic praise, or you don't get as much stroking or pats on the back as you should get. You are familyas well as psychic, but your husband was attracted oriented, family rooted and I would suspect that to you for what he saw in you at that time; your your mother married at a young age as well. mood, your personality, your manifestations, your idiosyncrasies, those things about you is what You have no problem in accepting responsibility. your husband was attracted to. You are very protective of your family unit, and I As long as you can remain that person, the mar- would sense that you give 100% in making this riage will exist. By that I mean, if initially your relationship work. There are no curses put upon husband was attracted to you because you were you, there is no voodoo put upon you, there is no 16
dark clouds over your head, and probably next year this time you would be in a better financial position than you are now. You are planning for the future and if there is a strong physical love, a strong sexual attraction and lust and romance in this marriage, it would go long term. You are able to make up your mind easily relative to a commitment in a relationship so you really have no problem with monogamy or fidelity. But even now you will find that you will have a secret admirer and I would sense that it would be somebody that either works with your husband or a friend of your husband or a brother of your husband, but in my mind I sense that there is another male that finds you very attractive, but I think hides his emotions very well. You carry burdens upon your shoulders and you always seem to be carrying a burden of another person, so that you want to make sure that if you want to stay youthful, you want to stay young, you want to look young, you have got to delegate some responsibilities to somebody else. Because all of a sudden... you come from a young woman, a late teen or early twenties, and all of a sudden you're the wife, you've got to do the cooking and the cleaning, and you've got to hold some sort of a job, career position. You've got to keep yourself neat, clean, wellgroomed, and you're always supposed to have a smile on your face and get everything done. I mean this is quite a transition from the way that it used to be. So that you don't have somebody waiting on you hand and foot, there is always something that needs your attention. You'll do okay. It is a question of don't be critical or judgemental of yourself, and I often say that young women that are married in their twenties get all sorts of unsolicited advice from relatives and friends of what to do and what not to do. The only time you worry about somebody giving you advice is if they happen to be paying your bills. If they are paying your bills, you will listen to their advice, otherwise not. You have a great imagination, you have a good sense of humor, you're an excellent hostess. You are a good entertainer. You have the potential of having the best of everything. You could accomplish whatever you want to accomplish within your life. I would like your philosophies, the way that you look at life. You are a gentle being, and again, I think that you are a nurturer and people will always see you as a nurturer, relative to... you always seem to be picking up the pieces for everyone around you.
And all of your girl friends, I'm sure, would lay their burdens upon your shoulders, tell you their problems, and expect you to have the answers, because after all, now you're the married, successful, woman type to a lot of women around you. It takes two to make a relationship work. I am not aware of any relationships that were made in heaven. It takes two to make it work. If you bring the same energy to the table that your husband does, the relationship will work, but it's got to be a 50-50 deal, and if there is one giver and one taker, obviously it will fail. But I sense you're in a good marriage, you are in a good relationship that will be your last relationship, your last marriage. I wish you good luck.
20's Male — Single I would sense by your aura, and if I use the word aura that means like an energy level, because we all have an energy level or sometimes referred to as an aura. I would see you, probably not taking life perhaps as serious as you should. I think that you have the ability to achieve whatever you want to achieve in life. I suspect that ultimately you would own your own business, because you're not going to become rich working for somebody else. I feel you would excel in marketing or in sales. Because if you're good in sales or marketing, they are one in the same, and you have a likable way about you, you are people oriented, you don't need a college education, you don't need a masters degree, you don't need a Ph.D., you simply have a way about you as far as getting along with people. And I sense this energy about you that you are well-liked, that you are well-received, and that you probably could sell someone the Brooklyn Bridge and they would probably buy it. I don't feel money is going to be a major issue in your life. Of course now it is because you want the vehicle and you want the nice vehicle, you want a reasonably decent wardrobe, you want to travel, and you want all of the things that takes money. It is often said that money cannot buy poverty, so that if you want to have the things in your life, the materialistic things, it's going to come through you, and you will have the ability of being innovative in order to make money. So whatever craft you are in now, whatever occupation or career goal that you are in now, if you like it, you'll do very well in it, and if you stay in it long enough, you would make a great deal of money. 17
And if you don't like it, obviously you are not going to stay in that particular field. But, be aware and give some concentration to the fact that you're future is a reflection of your past, so we continually go on a predictable way. Time flies. The weeks, the months, the years go by rather quickly, at least in retrospect the time will seem to pass rather quickly. You are at a stage in your life now where it is important to have some direction. And I mentioned sales and marketing simply because you seem to have the where-with-all to be the charmer. What I am sensing about you, is you have this way about you of being attracted to women, older woman, younger woman, you have a tendency of being well-liked and well-respected by women. You are getting an attitude, a little bit vain or perhaps a little bit cocky, because you seem to have the ability of achieving things that those around you cannot achieve with women. You are destined for greatness in this lifetime. You will leave your mark on humanity. You will leave your mark either nationally or internationally on people you come in contact with, because within my mind I would see you winning an award or winning some sort of recognition and along with that would come monies. As you grow older, probably by your 34th year, you would have a home for the cold weather and a home for the warm weather. You will like your business, whatever business you decide on owning, as long as it's different and unusual and as long as it is not some common thing. Of course in this country it is different than in Europe, because in Europe, of course, you have to decide upon a craft that you want to do probably by the time you are, nine or ten years old. Then you may put 20 years in training in that particular craft. In the U.S. it is a little bit different, but all in the same you are going to be much happier working for yourself so that nobody can tell you what to do, nobody can push your buttons or pull your strings. One of the significant areas of your life is relationships and for whatever reason you are not easily impressed by girls. Younger women pursue you more than women your own age. I don't see you as the playboy type, but I do feel that you've been with different women. You are selective as far as the woman that you are attracted to. There will be an assertive woman attracted to you that will have a tattoo on her left shoulder. There will be a woman, I am sensing some sort of an earring, I don't know if it's through the ear, through something, but I feel that this girl with the tattoo will also have.... let me put
it this way, she will probably be into a little bit of body piercing. If it is not the navel it would be the ear, not the ear perhaps, but the nose lobe, but somewhat different. You attract to you a lot of different types of girls. I would sense that money won't be an issue. I don't think that health is going to be an issue. You're going to be around for a long period of time. You will not bring problems to your family. You will make people proud of you. But of course you have your obstinate ways, your stubborn ways, and your moody ways, and that probably won't change. That it is probably the way that it is going to be. In my mind I can see you driving a four wheel drive vehicle, like a Cherokee or an Explorer. That I see very clearly, doing some traveling, and owning your own business. This will take place within the next several years. You are making your mark now as far as what you want to do and where you want to go. You will marry the girl who's favorite symbol will be the butterfly. I feel that you have been around in many past lifetimes, and I would sense during the time of the Egyptians, during the time of Pharohs, which would indicate that you would be very perceptive of other people. You are on a different mental level than those around you so that you may never be totally understood, that you have a lot on your plate, sometimes you make commitments and yet you forget that you make them. At times you have two or three different things to do and you don't get them done. Your schedule is very busy. I don't feel that you are the domesticated male.There always seems to be some sort of plans for you or things that you have to do. You seem to have decent looks, a decent body, certainly a good personality, a well-liked individual so you are not an introvert, and I don't think that you are terribly introspective. You have a good sense of humor. You don't take people or life terribly seriously. You are going to do your own thing at your own pace, in your own time. In many ways everybody around you wants you to be successful within your life. You ultimately will father three children. And somehow, I sense, that money won't be an issue, health won't be an issue, and business won't be an issue. You have the capacity, even now, over many other guys that would go through four years of college, probably want to get out and be like you, act like you, talk like you. You seem to have an excellent grasp of the English language, that you articulate properly. You 18
have taken care of yourself health wise, which would indicate to me that you will probably be around into your late 70's or late 80's. So that you're not going to die young, and I feel that you probably at some point in time would think that you would not live beyond your 37th year. The only sense of any negativity I sense about you at all, is I would be very cautious in riding motorcycles. That's what comes to my mind, to be somewhat cautious or be careful in having motorcycles, or riding motorcycles, because if there were going to be any type of traffic accident, I think that it would take place involving a motorcycle. I see you more casual, more laid back than a straight, traditional business-man type individual. That you go along with the program. You have everything in hand so that you are in control of your own destiny, and you will make a future for yourself, you are going to travel widely in the U.S. and you'll do some traveling abroad. You would learn a second language, and probably it would be French or Spanish. Money will come to you. You have the ability of turning a dollar, you have the ability of being somewhat entrepreneurial, and so in that regard you would be service-minded. You would begin, maybe even in your late teens, you would've begun by being a late bloomer in the sense that you'll do a hundred things now, but within ten years you'll probably just specialize in one thing, relative to career. But now I think that you would be a jack of all trades, getting your feet wet in a lot of different areas, but probably within a decade you'll focus within one particular area, and that's where you'll have a successful business. And obviously you would have the potential business of a family business or a partnership within a family business. You will marry a girl who doesn't wear a lot of make up, probably will be wearing glasses, will have an excellent figure, will not be promiscuous, and perhaps thought that upon initially meeting you that you would be too cocky, too outspoken, or too much of an attitude or you're vain, or you are always fixing your hair, you know with a brush or a comb. It would take this girl a while, I believe, to discover you, or a while to like you. You will beat out the statistical odds... you will probably stay in one marriage, rather than have two or three marriages. I feel that you have an interest in some sort of defense mechanism. And interest in Tai Kwan Do or Karate or Judo. I believe that you are fast on your feet. You do not
instigate problems or start fights, or that sort of thing, but by the same token, I don't feel that you back down. You have some sort of exercise program to keep you in shape, and so I think that you are multi-talented relative to different sports. All in all, I don't think there is a major issue that you have to contend with. You are organized relative to yourself. Very practical, very logical, and certainly responsible. I just feel that you don't take life terribly seriously as other people do and that's why you will probably not get high blood pressure, will not get ulcers, because you do things at your own pace. You are in harmony with the universe. You are very inventive, you have an investigative mind, and even now you may not be totally appreciated, by people around you. But I think you are an inventor, a conceiver of ideas, and probably very original. That's why whatever business you do choose to begin, it's going to be original in the sense that it is not going to be common place and it will grow from some inventive ideas that you have. Your personality is quite unique. And based on the fact that you are going to live many years, I don't sense there is going to be problems within your life, and I would say to you to just know what you want to do and you can accomplish anything you want to accomplish in your life. Good luck.
20's Male — Married I would get a feeling that lately there seems to be a great deal more responsibility on your shoulders than there has been in the past. Money seems to be very important to you now, at this point in time of your life. Everybody is going to say to you, you're too young to be married, you're just a child yourself, you've not developed to your fullest potential, why did you have to marry so young, and thus and so. But I believe that you deserve a pat on the back for being able to undertake a great deal of responsibility and a wife, and the potential of a family. A lot of other men your age would not be capable of doing that. You should feel good about that. I sense that you probably would want to or have to work a second job, and that you will go through periods of time where you really won't have quality time left for yourself, because you are always going from work to home, work to home, or perhaps school to home. I sense you're an educated person, and that you would want to continue with your education and most of the jobs, either fulltime or part-time, you would involve yourself in 19
now would more than likely be jobs where you would be overqualifled for the job. So it's a difficult time, and I would suspect that the next four years may be difficult years for you, but each year becoming less and less difficult from the year before. As you put each year behind you, you'll become stronger and stronger. As a long-term plan, 4 years would be significant with you in your life. You may want to carry a rabbits foot around with you that is going to be a good luck charm or good luck talisman for you. You are entrepreneurial, you are not lazy, what's going to happen is you're going to become somewhat melancholy and somewhat sentimental in thinking of the past, and what has happened to your youth. And you're looking ahead of you now for another 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 years with the same person. You had to be in love to marry this woman. It's probably unlikely that you would be coerced or pressured into this relationship. You seem to be a man of honor, a man of responsibility, and you have a mind of a man that is much older than your years. Your financial situation will improve, you've got to keep your eyes open. You've got to always look for opportunities. I feel an element of change where your geographic situation might change. But what I sense is money is not going to be the issue. It will probably come from different areas, but money will come to you from some expected source such as a job, or such as the family. Money will come to you through some winnings from a lottery, or winnings from lucky numbers. And money will come to you through some sort of legacy, or will, or court document. I can see somebody giving you money. I don't know if that would be family, or friends, but in the long run beyond your 39th year money is not going to be a major issue for you as far as you being able to survive. Other women are still attracted to you, certainly because you are married doesn't necessarily mean that you don't notice other women, because you would be a person to appreciate aesthetic things. You are drawn to beautiful women. You appreciate beautiful things. You still have some collection of something that you've had as a younger boy, either baseball cards or comic books or something that you have saved from your youth. And many times you're going to find that you're making decisions now for yourself that in earlier times your parents have made for you. I am not
sensing any negativity relative to your health. Things are going to work out well for you. You'll be compatible with the sign of Sagittarius or the sign of Gemini. You will probably live into your late 80's, that you have an investigative mind, you will always ask many questions. You research and analyze everything, and there seems to be a strength about you that is not overt or aggressive, but you seem to possess an inner strength being able to overcome obstacles, to be able to overcome problems within your life. I would see you as a very strong person, the type of person that, you see somebody on the highway and they get a flat tire, you're going to pull over and help them fix the flat tire. In that sense as a helper. You will father healthy children, and I would sense probably three children. Money won't be an issue, health won't be an issue. You are a person that attracts people to you that become dependent upon you. I don't feel that you are simply a meal ticket, you are a responsible individual and you seem to have a great deal of wisdom that is somewhat unusual for a younger man to have. And you will find that as you go through life, you will always be advising somebody on something. You are a persuasive individual, people listen to you, like you, admire you because you seem to have the ability of being very even-minded, so when someone asks your advice, you give them the proper advice. You will be good with numbers, perhaps not so now, but as you become older you would be good in numbers, you would do well in banking, accounting, real estate, CPA, anything to do with numbers. You probably received reasonably good marks in school. I do feel a lot of numbers and I see a lot of dollar signs, which indicates to me that you will have your own house, that perhaps for a period of time you will live in an apartment or a condo, but eventually you will have your own house. It will be in the suburbs, not the city, and I would sense it would be either one or two blocks from a church. You're able to accomplish whatever you want to accomplish in life, that you're not going to be poor, you're not going to be sick. You are efficient and you shall be prosperous. Of all the friends around you I would venture a guess to say that money shall come to you. That in the first part of your life you will earn your money through your hands, through your labor, through your physical strength, through your tenacity, but later on in life you will earn your living through your mind. 20
You will have some reason to return to school or some reason to return to learning so that you are able to achieve as much as you want to achieve. You're emotional in the sense that you are very caring for family, very caring for friends and acquaintances, and that it's you're friendly... the friendly way about you that will get you through life because you are not going to take things terribly seriously. Things are going to be easier for you than in the past. You shall raise your children as you've been raised. I don't feel that you were dysfunctional, I don't feel that you were needy or dependent on those around you. You've had instilled within you a great deal of independence. As the future unfolds for you, it is because of this sense of humor, it's because of this way about you of seeing things that is going to make you accomplish whatever you want to accomplish. But you must be patient with yourself, you must be patient with people who are less together than you, or be patient with yourself with people who are less organized than you. In many ways you'll have a tendency of being somewhat the workaholic, and if there is nothing to do, you would probably find something to do. My sense of you now is that you're running helter skelter in several different directions at the same time in order to put food on the table. It's a knack of something that you will do well... of course your father will mention to you that when he was your age, that probably he was making $2 an hour. I see you with a full-time job and a part-time job. You are able to apply yourself and get the job done. You are well thought of, you'd be comfortable in any management supervisory capacity. You will have many career opportunities in front of you, and you'll go through a period of time when the pressure is very strong, looking back, and maybe if you had the decision to do it over again, perhaps you would have delayed the marriage a little bit longer. I see you as an adventurer, as a person to accomplish whatever you set your mind to, and you're going to experience an abundant life style. You will be a person to be able to help others and give advice to others in making money. You really should lean towards the world of finance as I have indicated, banking, insurance, or CPA, or real estate, where one is able to use numbers because then you can accomplish a living over the telephone without back breaking work. You should get away from laborious jobs, as far as where you have to use your physical strength. It's just a question of looking ahead and determin-
ing what pathway you want to follow, and if it's to do with numbers, because that's what I see in my mind, numbers and dollar signs coming to you, I don't feel you're going to be bankrupt, I don't feel that you're going to be on food stamps, or going to be needy of money. You will be able to make your own money, and give advice to those around you on how they can make money as well. Such as financial planning or investments or the stock market. You'll live beyond your 86th or 87th year, so you have much time to accomplish whatever you want to accomplish. In your lifetime, you will be a millionaire. Never compromise your ideals.
30's Female — Single I feel that you have been concentrating a lot more on work lately than personal relationships or socializing. And it seems to me that you are devoting a great deal of time to work in a sense that it's a comfortable scenario, it's a comfortable situation because the more that you involve yourself in work, the less you become aware of your purpose in life. You have the brains, the personality, certainly you are well groomed. You are able to not wear the same outfit twice in one week, you've become particular as far as relationships, that you probably have the potential or at least a secret admirer and somebody that you work with. You've become more independent and more competitive. You have an idealistic spirit, you don't give up, you don't give in, you don't surrender to the universe. You're probably a bit hard on yourself more so than you should be as far as looks and figure. Your life is going to change within the next three year period of time. The most important issue relative to work is that you are compensated for the energy and the effort that you give out. You are a professional person. You would be very comfortable making management decisions or executive decisions. You have a good business mind. In the past you socialized maybe three or four nights a week. Now I think you're socializing maybe once or twice a week. It almost seems to me that you are thinking about a relationship that perhaps is unfinished business, and it's commonly referred to as an unrequited relationship. From time to time daydreaming, looking into the past and asking yourself what might have been. In relationships you become aware of the philosophy that you can love a person and not like a person, so you can be in love with somebody and probably not respect the person. 21
You take everything with a grain of salt, you don't believe everything you hear, and it seems that the smoother the man is, the more reluctant you are to believe the man. But be aware that if you were not usual, if you were not typical, if you were not the normal girl next door, well that would indicate that any job situation you have, you'd do better with an unusual job or some job that is different. Any relationship that you have has got to be different. Because your lifestyle is somewhat different. You have gone through your life the way you have and everything has happened for a reason. I don't believe in coincidences. There is always some synchronicity. I believe that you will ultimately live in a State that ends in the letter 'A.' You will ultimately marry the man who's first name ends in the letter 'Y,' or a nickname ending in the letter 'Y.' You would be compatible with somebody with his first name and middle name are interchangeable and still sound all right. I feel that the person is going to be about six foot tall, and you probably will work part time after you are married. I don't think it's going to be necessary for you to work full time. You are attentive, you are able to dedicate yourself to people and to life. You've always had the fantasy of having twins. People see you, you appear to be very efficient, very in control, an excellent communicator, you seem to be honest and ambitious. In many ways you will succeed in spite of yourself. You have a tendency perhaps of being overly critical of yourself. You're very conscious now of health care, of exercise, of keeping yourself in shape. So in that regard you will always look younger than your years. I don't think that you will ever really look your age or act your age. I sense that you have unfulfilled dreams, unfulfilled expectations, at this point in time. But whatever you secretly desire, whatever you secretly wish for, will be yours, will be given to you. Now is the time where you're just in limbo. Now is the time when your energies have been neutralized over this past three years, but you are becoming alive now, you are transforming now. I sense that you do not get eight hours sleep, more likely six or seven, and you are very good and efficient at planning your schedule for the week or for the month. You would have five girlfriends around you and I think one of them would be jealous of you. You'll have the opportunity of going where the orange trees grow, you'll vacation where the orange trees grow which would be California or Florida. I would be aware of a jealous Leo female.
You will attract two men to you, they are going to be like night and day, black and white. One is going to be aggressive, assertive, in control, and for lack of a better word, the bad guy that will attempt to use you, abuse you, manipulate you relative to your feelings. And it will be a lesson that you will have learned. Through no fault of your own, you have attracted the wrong type of individual to you. This will be the past male. As far as the future male... and I see the past male as somewhat dark and somewhat sinister in the sense that he would not take relationships as seriously as you, would not take his life as seriously as you, and because you are a committed person, because you are a monogamous person, and you've probably always had your feelings that he would not be loyal to you. On the other hand, I would see a person coming into your life that will be one on one, that will not be running around with strangers, that will uphold his vows of singular intimacy just with you, a monogamous relationship with you. He would not be abusive to you physically, mentally or emotionally, and this is the person that you are going to end up with. It's just a question now of being very particular. I know that you do not want to waste your time, and we have a tendency of living by routines, of living by patterns in our lives, and sometimes you allow a person back into your life that shouldn't be in your life. In that regard I think that you are a person that doesn't want to be the bad guy, that you don't want to step on toes, you don't want to take advantage of anybody. But you need somebody that is a counterpart to you, somebody that is equal in stature as you relate to life. There's got to be a balance relative to a twin flame, a relationship, a soulmate in your life. There is somebody for everyone. You will not go through life alone. There is a sock for every shoe. I feel that relative to your job you probably will get a promotion. You probably will be able to make a lateral move and then you will accelerate from there and elevate from there. You will not go through life alone, you will be married. In the past I would suspect that you have had a relationship or maybe even a proposal of marriage that somehow did not work out. As a matter of fact I think that you have had two serious proposals of marriage from the same man, and I think each of them would have somehow not happened or not come true. You have your guard up, you have your defenses up, relative to men. 22
You want to be cautious as far as people you work with, you want to be cautious relative to relationships. Whatever vehicle you drive somehow resonates with your personality, with your character. You can take a long, hard look at your vehicle and that's how people see you to be. They would look at your car or your truck or whatever, and that's how they would perceive you to be. That would be your character. So if you're driving a red Porche convertible, that says something about your personality. If you're driving a car that's fifteen years old and needs a new muffler, that says something about your personality. That's how people judge you to be. I would see you very caring, I don't think you talk behind people's backs. I believe your mother always wanted you to marry the professional, marry the Jewish lawyer, marry the Irish doctor, but your mother always had plans for you, as far as the future is concerned. Currently you're somewhat bored. You need a trip, you need a change, you need to change the patterns. You need to alter things within your life as far as the direction you are going. You've got to become more assertive, and less laid back, not introverted, but maybe a little bit introspective, but you've got to somehow change that. Change the future. That's really the secret and that's the secret for the universe. If you can continually change things, you will be successful in your life. There is more than one way to deal with the situation. We are always given options. You're going to be in control of your own destiny, your health is going to be okay. Your money situation is going to be okay. You're independent and that you want to pay off your bills and pay off your plastic, and that will happen. Whomever you spend the next new years' eve with, is going to be a long term relationship with you. I would see you in a warmer climate or at least a climate that does not have a great deal of snow or ice. Plan to keep away from the northeast or the northwest, even the midwest in the higher elevations, because I see you finally settling down into an area where again, you are going to be in a temperate climate. You're not going to have to worry about the cold and ice and snow. The next 36 months for you are going to be wonderful months because you'll accomplish more in the next three than you have in the last six. In any event, I wish you the best, I wish you good luck and God bless. You're heading into a very good future, and look for the man with blue eyes. The blue eyed males, eyes of China blue. I think will bring love into your life.
30's Female — Married I would sense that you have always had a very deep sensitivity to the needs of other people. You have very strong enabling qualities within you. From your energy you would fall into the category of a natural born healer. You are basically a natural psychic type individual. You know we have two different types of healers and two different types of psychics. One is the learned type that takes classes and courses and reads many, many books on metaphysics. And it is sort of like the Tarot card reader who needs the deck of cards to read. And without the deck of cards she is unable to read. The second type is a natural reader, or a natural healer. I feel that you fall into the latter, so that your aura or your energy level would be green, meaning that you would do well in any form of medicine, either traditional or non-traditional. Anything homeopathic and anything holistic. You are destined on some level to be some form of healer. It wouldn't surprise me at all if your mother wanted you to be involved in nursing or to become a doctor. I feel that you are honest and traditional. You have the principles and integrity that is necessary to be successful in life. I don't believe that you are a manipulator or a game player or into head games or mind games. So obviously you are not a user, you don't take advantage of those around you, and you don't step on people's toes. In many ways you'd be considered reasonably old fashioned. If somebody is going to do you a service or a favor or give you something, it's important for you to balance the scales. It's important for you not to be in debt to any other person, but rather to pay back a favor. I would see you as very just, very fair. Your only enemy in life would be stress and tension. So if you are able to deal with stress and tension, you will be very successful within your life. You will not have to deal with alcoholism, will not have to deal with drugs, or promiscuity. I don't really think that you could be a negative individual if you tried to be. And of course, by being married I think that you have a lot of responsibilities put upon your shoulders. In my mind I would see you as a much younger girl, and I would feel that your hair would be down to the small of your back. I see you as optimistic, positive, outgoing and gregarious. I don't feel that you are materialistic, and even though you achieve material things within your life, I don't believe that it is going to have an adverse effect on your personality. 23
You have a tendency of going through life balancing the scales, but my sense is that you have a way of giving more than receiving. That you'll find that in your life, up to this stage of your life, you probably never will be totally understood by those around you. Because you will be a natural born healer, you probably also have the ability of seeing or sensing a persons mood, or seeing or sensing a person's aura. I feel that you are totally romantic. When I say totally romantic you would be drawn to wine, I think that you would be drawn to candlelight, you would like things that are handmade rather than machine made. You may like the aroma of smoke from a pipe or a cherry flavored pipe smoke, but not like the smell of cigars or cigarettes. I sense that you need to be a little bit more assertive about the direction that your life is taking, because you have fallen into' routines. For the most part you are punctual, dependable, you have a very receptive mind. You are able to read between the lines. You are able to probably speed read. You have a good memory, you're not going to have to worry about later on in life getting Alzheimer's. You have experienced feelings of deja-vu. You could sense when the phone rings who is on the end of the phone, or if somebody's going to call you or not. I further sense that because you are a natural born healer and I think relatively psychic, you could determine the sex of an unborn child. I think that you would... before you had your first child, you would be able to sense what sex that would be. The single red rose would be a symbol of love and I would pay more attention to the person who gave you one red rose than a dozen red roses. And of course, the absolute love symbol for you would be the lavender rose, which is sort of an orchid purplish color rose, very rare. That your lucky number would be seven. A lucky playing card would be the queen of hearts, so if you were to concentrate on one card out of a deck of cards, the queen of hearts would come into your mind. You plan things, you're an analytical thinker. You have more talents than you are aware of. It's important that you are popular, important that people accept you, important that people like you. You have very strong counseling skills, or you have actually the skills of a philosopher. You would be a Dear Abbey to everybody that you deal with, your girlfriends especially. And I don't think that you are that spoiled, I think that 24
you would be able to wrap your father around your little finger. Even if things were falling down around you as a child growing up, you are still able to survive. My psychic sense indicates that you probably still blush, you probably thought you had too many freckles as a child. You were your own worst enemy. And about around the age of 13 I think that you did not like your first name and you wanted to change your name. Very important for you to be loved and be admired. You are highly selective as far as relationships are concerned and you would choose your husband rather than your husband choosing you. And it would not surprise me at all, not so much that it was love at first sight, but it would not surprise me at all if you even liked your husband when you first met him, because you may have thought that he had an attitude. You possess high moral values. You are a borderline idealist, perfectionist, and probably never happy with your hair or hairdo the way it is. I don't think that you will be excited over doing domestic chores. You're a person of all seasons, drawn to the outdoors, the nature, the forest, I don't think that you would hurt an animal. Even if you're a man, I don't think that you would hurt an animal in the woods. I would feel that you have been psychic and intuitive for a very long time, and that you could sense things about people. And without getting into a lot of metaphysical mumbo jumbo about auras and energies, and chakras, it's just a question of you getting a sensing... it's sort of like a highly cultivated body language that you are able to read of other people, you have the ability of reading a person's energy. You will always be perceptive and always be intuitive. You have been going through major changes in your life, probably within this last seven year period of time, things in your life seem to happen in seven year cycles. The only way that I can explain, something major in your life, separation, divorce, marriage, birth of a child, change of job, a long trip, probably would occur in seven year cycles. Now that you are a survivor, if anyone's going to be hurt in a relationship, I don't sense that it's going to be you because you've become stronger and you have mentally grown. I don't think that you'll ever, at least from this point on in time, abuse your own body with pills or barbiturates or drugs, so consequently you'll always be in the physical framework of a younger woman, meaning that you will not look your age.
Other than hayfever or sinus congestion, healthwise I am not sensing any great deal of negativity. Your body will be a barometer of your mind. When you feel good, it is reflected to your body. If you have weight problems you are probably not as happy as you could be, because your weight is sort of like an emotional barometer. When you are at your proper weight you'll find that things will be going on in your life okay. I believe that you have the equivalent of a college education. You probably will have unfinished business with a man in uniform, or some sort of uniform. You are leader rather than a follower. You are comfortable in making decisions in any management situations or any domestic situation. If you give your word, you keep your word. You have a lot of untapped artistic talents. You are able to relate to unicorns and relate to angels and relate to the Pegasus, and it would seem to me that in a past lifetime, during the time of the ancient Greeks. You have the mind of a Sigmund Freud, very analytical. You are able to psychoanalyze people, you have the eyes of your mother, probably as a young child you thought your nose was too large, your feet were too big, simply because you still have that tendency of being overly critical of yourself. Somehow the State of California is symbolic or significant to you, or perhaps in your future. You'll be happier in southern California rather than northern. I think you could be relatively successful in business although you don't take advantage of those around you as many other people do. I don't think you're going to be a ghetto dweller, go on food stamps, go bankrupt, or be on welfare. The thing that you have to concern yourself with is that you will not be happy doing mundane things. You have a knowledge of life, you have a knowledge of people, and it comes to you intuitively rather than out of a book. You don't surrender, you don't throw in the towel, you don't give up, so that indicates to me that you have a great deal of perseverance, and you can accomplish whatever goals you want to accomplish You have the capability of accomplishing those goals. You wouldn't want to be too aggressive, but you could be a bit more assertive. You have an excellent sense of humor. At times, maybe a bit too proper. You are too demanding of yourself. And you keep a lot of emotions inside. The weak link in the chain of health would probably be the stomach, because when under stress, the stomach will bother you. You continue to be a dreamer.
You may always be preoccupied with some unfinished business because you want to have all your ducks in a row, you want to have everything okay in your life. The symbol of the pyramid, or the shape of the pyramid, indicates to me... and that's what I sense either through your voice or in your palm or in your handwriting, I see the symbol of a pyramid, which means that you will be an excellent hypnotic subject. Under hypnosis, if you were regressed to one of your past lives, it would either be Greece or Egypt. A woman with the middle name of Ann shall be significant within your life. In your dreams symbolically I feel that you need close relationships within your life. If you are going to do something you're going to do it right or you don't do it at all. As far as the future is concerned, you're going to live many healthy and happy years, and, again, many doors of opportunity you will open for yourself. But you are most assuredly a force to be reckoned with, and as long as you don't give up, and as long as you don't compromise or settle for second best, you'll be happy and you'll have more strength and more energy than a lot of people around you. That's what I am sensing from your energy level. There are no curses on you, there is no voodoo put against you, there are no dark clouds over you. You are heading in the right direction in your life now. Never look back on what might have been.
30's Male — Single My intuitive mind, or my senses, send me messages about you, so that you and I are able to experience a sort of a dual telepathy, or a cross telepathy, and what I attempt to do is to be able to put myself in your mind and then I would make certain predictions relative to that. I believe that you are becoming more and more the philosopher. In the sense that as you look around you at relationships, there is a lot of people that married in their 20's that you've been with or known or had friends or colleagues with, that are now going through a divorce. And as you look around you I suspect that you could think of at least two people that are going through a divorce, which makes you a little bit more reluctant in committing to marriage. It appears now that when you date a woman more than three times it would indicate that its's the beginning of a serious relationship because normally you put the woman under a microscope and if you're not impressed with her body, mind, and spirit, if you're not impressed with her values or 25
integrity, I really don't think that you'd hang around. Now conversely, from the woman's point of view, if you date her three or four times, then she's thinking of commitment. So the women in your age range, and I still feel that even though you'd be in your thirties, you may be attracted to women in their twenties. You are still attracted to younger women because they seem to have less problems, they are not as high maintenance as women your own age, and they seem to be more fun and less serious. I believe that you have a secret admirer that is a married woman or a woman that is going through a separation or going through a divorce. People see you, especially women see you, as charming, agreeable, that you have a very strong personality, and that you are searching for a very special woman. I see you as the entertainer, the ham, the showoff, and I think that with a microphone in hand you'd be right at home. I can see you in front of the camera instead of behind the camera. You keep yourself well dressed, well groomed. I would think that entertaining... in some form of entertaining would be very good for you. Women's first impression of you is that you are an honest individual, that you are not into head games or manipulations, that you do not lie. You seem to be very independent and efficient. You are well organized and you are not afraid of anything, you are going to enter into a materialistic world. You are going to enter into an affluent society where you are not going to have to worry about money. You will probably have more than two vehicles. You will have the money in your wallet at all times, and you are going to be well traveled in this lifetime. You've investigated a variety of philosophies or religions, and I would think in a previous existence that you would probably have been a Buddhist Monk. You have the ability of meditation, that you think sometimes like a computer where you are able to compartmentalize information, you're able to compartmentalize facts, so that you have strong communication skills. The two areas in your life that you should pursue, one would be communications and the other would be entertainment. You are able to make people laugh, you are able to make people like you, that you are very, very practical in your ways, that you have a curiosity I suppose somewhat of a question asker, you have an investigative mind. But I think that you are extremely intuitive. You have enthusiasm. You are gregarious, you are outgoing. You have above average looks and prob-
ably an above average personality. I don't think that you're terribly pragmatic. I think that you are a bit of a free spirit relative to who you are and what you're all about. You probably would still believe in unicorns. I think once you commit yourself into a relationship, then it will be a long term relationship. You're searching not so much for a passing ship in the night, but you're searching for a person to spend much time with. You would have the potential of being with a woman with brown eyes or mahogany eyes. I feel that you fantasize either about a black woman or a Hispanic or oriental woman. I think that these fantasies would be in your dreams. I believe that you enjoy phone sex. You are a very erotic male, as well as a romantic male. More than anything you enjoy freedom, you're a freedomloving individual that can't be put in the corner. You don't take ultimatums well. If somebody gives you an ultimatum, I think that person is history. In a relationship you are the one to set the guidelines. It's not so much simply a sexual partner that you are seeking, but rather a partner who understands who you are and what you are all about. Your personality has formed, that's not going to change. You are who you are. I don't feel that you are selfish, or a bad person. You have the ability of turning a dollar. You have the ability of being financially entrepreneurial, and so inwardly I don't think that you're terribly materialistic, but you will be rewarded with a great many material things within your life. You will travel to the islands, you like the sun. You like the outdoors. And the only area that you should be cautious of is the area of boredom. You are very precise relative to details, I believe that you have the ability of being able to analyze your own career and to determine where it is going because you are at a very important place within your life now. You've been able to overcome hurdles, overcome obstacles, you've been able to achieve many things in your life. You are a man of your word. You would believe in a gentlemen's agreement. Once you agree upon something, you would pretty much stand behind your beliefs. You are not introspective. You are able to show authority, and to express yourself in conversation. I think you have an empathy for those around you. You are considered to be by women a great lover, and that you'll find in your relationships that you never seem to cut the cord behind you, or burn bridges behind you. 26
You are a humanitarian, and I sense that you would like the philosophy of life. You remind me of Jason, searching for the golden fleece, and Jason fighting the Argonauts, whereas you're on some sort of quest, you're on some sort of odyssey. At times you're impractical, illogical, or sometimes irrational. Because you are always thinking about the future. In your day to day existence, you exude a practical attitude, and it's almost like you are... that you're not experiencing the super highs and you're not experiencing the super lows. I feel that lately you are into a great deal of despondency or depression. You are sort of just going along with the program, you're waiting for the universe to create changes for you. I believe that you're working out past karma now, and in several of your past lifetimes you'd probably be female, and which is sort of an androgynous Gemini trait, you are working out karma now, so that evidently in a previous lifetime you would have been just the opposite as I have described you in this life time. This time around the significant aspect of your life probably is going to be relationships. You need to be with the person that is a showpiece, you need to be with a person who is exuberant, exciting, mystical, magical, and somebody through the simple touch of a hand can bring excitement to you. You don't allow yourself to let down all your defenses where a woman is concerned. You are able to keep your defenses up, yet consequently that you don't give entirely into a relationship. You would be capable of living with the person probably for a 12 month or less period of time before you would commit to the person. If anybody is on drugs or an alcoholic or promiscuous, I don't think that person has any place to play in your life. I feel that your schooling... I think that you've learned more hands-on life experience than from any written word. You are determined to be successful in your life. You're tactful, you are diplomatic, you are clever, not in the sense of being sly of clever, but you are very innovative and inventive and my sense is that you have an uncompromising spirit. You live by your own beliefs and you have certainly a caring way about you for other people so that relative to the future you should continue to persevere, you are on the correct course within your life, and obviously if you know where you want to go, any road will get you there. The next 22 months for you are going to be much better for you than the previous four years. That
you can accomplish whatever you want to accomplish within your life. As long as you persevere. You keep things in confidence, you are able to keep a secret. Things that are told to you remain in confidence, so you don't talk behind somebody's back. I feel that you will be given a new present during the next holiday season of a gold watch. Within your life you will have a Rolex, I don't know if it will be this next holiday season, but I suspect that within your life, within this next seven years, that you would, in my mind I would see you wearing a very expensive Rolex watch — there would be initials on the back. This tells me a great deal about your personality, but you have always been in control of your own destiny. You're not meek or mild or reluctant or afraid of anything, and that's the way it will be as you go through life. And I wish you good luck and God bless.
30's Male — Married I believe that you are self expressive, that pretty much you are able to make your thoughts known to other people. You will be successful in life based on who you are and what you are all about. It's reasonable to say that at your age your personality pretty much has been formed. Your psychological idiosyncrasies, your desires, your habits, your routines pretty much have been set in place at this point in time. Based on your energy level the most significant thing I can tell you is never settle or to compromise. Do not become common place, do not be placated into staying in one place within your life. It is an interesting philosophy that if you are born and you grow up in one particular state of the union the odds are that you will stay in that state. About 70% of the people who grow up in the State of Maine probably will stay in the State of Maine the majority of their lives, and even if they move off to some other place they will always have a tendency of returning to their roots. If you want to accomplish things in your life, always look at your life as a book, a chapter at a time. If you want new and exciting things to happen in your life then look into the future. It is reasonable to say that you will live a long life. You will be a father, if you are not already a father. Your children will be an extension of you. There will be four children, I see two to the left and two to the right. Symbolically that could be two children from one marriage and two from another marriage. 27
I don't know if that will be a father or partner, but I don't sense that you are going to go through life working for other people. That you seem to be reasonably diligent, I think that you are expressive, you seem to have a cooperative nature. And you have a different view point on life. You've got the imagination. You would be strong in any communication techniques. You have a reasonably unique philosophy where you are not a manipulator, you don't want to fight, you don't want to argue, you don't want to step on other people's toes. In many ways you would be an independent thinker and this woman that you have married, it was something that was thought out, I don't feel that it was something that was just done on the spur of the moment, and this marriage will be successful based on that premise. Each of you have gone through a failed relationship or a failed marriage. This would be the right one for you. I think you are a voyeur in the sense that you like beautiful things, that you still like looking at women, and I am sure from time to time you wonder if you have made the correct decision. I believe that you are going to attain things, materialistic things in your life. The car, the home, and I could see you living in a home, not necessarily an apartment, I can see you living near the water, that would be either the ocean or a lake. People see you as comfortable to talk to. You will not bring disrespect to those around you. You seem to have good taste in people. You enjoy music, but I am not sensing so much rock or heavy metal, hard rock type, but I would feel there is a certain creativeness within you where you would probably be attracted to a different type of music. As a youngster, you may have had the desire to play the guitar, or appear in a band, or appear in some sort of a group. I don't feel that you can be pressured into making decisions, you do not like ultimatums, you can't be controlled, you can't be put in a corner to be forced to make a decision, because then you will not make the decision. I don't think you delude yourself, or that you're a sleep walker or that you are day dreaming all the time. Most of your energy is creating a cash flow and supporting your family. As you go through life, certainly you're developing your character, and your children will become an extension of you, so they will want to be like you, so it's important for you to accomplish whatever you can accomplish within your life. You are realistic, you are ethical. You're not egocentric, you're not vain, I don't think you stand all day looking in a mirror.
It could be two boys or it could be two girls. It could be two biological and two adopted children, I don't know the sequence, but when I try to enhance or I try to touch upon your energy level, I would see four children. I believe that you would be hard working, that you are not a malingerer, you are not lazy by nature, and you show all the capabilities of being involved in your own business. You don't delegate a lot of responsibility to those around you, but rather you would try to do a lot on your own. Obviously, and I would sense from you, that the major issue within your life is money. My feeling is that you will overcome all financial debt. It is so easy to charge, it is so easy to get credit cards, and so easy to go to the money machine, and so easy to put things on plastic, so that you want to be reasonably cautious of that because it is much like a Frankenstein monster — there never seems to be an end in sight. But with you I really feel that money is not going to be a major issue within your life, as long as you are stimulated in life and as long as you are challenged in life you will be successful. I would get two initials •— one would be the 'H' as in Henry, and the other would be 'S' as in Sam, or H and S, those two initials will somehow be symbolic in your life, or that person will be the one to open doors for you. I believe you have already made the most important decision in your life, and that is the woman that you married. Because the woman that you married, your counterpart, your twin flame, your soulmate, that person, in a way, - or directly I suppose - is going to be responsible for your success or lack of success. If she is supportive of you, you will accomplish whatever you want to accomplish in life, and if she's going to chip away and chip away, look for the chinks in the armor, you will not be as successful as you want to be. That is the major decision. It is important for you to have some sort of a plan or matrix whereas you have to know where you want to go, you have to know what you want to accomplish. Once you achieve one plateau, then you will try to accelerate to the next plateau to accomplish basically what you want. You are unusual in the sense that you are not routine, you are not terribly predictable, so again, the kiss of death is when you find yourself in a predictable situation, You've got to change that. I see a man with money, a man that has a business, a man that is financially solvent, that will open the doors for you. 28
I think that you have to be the leader, you have to be the person in control of your own destiny simply because you are not going to make a great deal of money working for somebody else. And based on the fact that you are very sensitive to detail, you're very responsible, a self starter, you will be exceptionally successful within this life because you seem to have the drive, you have the ambition. I don't think that you are lazy. You may find yourself working a full time job and a part time job at the same time. When I sense your energy level, it almost seems you're sort of like a left handed person in a right handed world with your philosophy or with your approach to life. You are a free spirit and again, I would suspect that the butterfly would be a good luck charm for you. You are mellow in the sense that you analyze things, that you are not running around half cocked. I don't feel that you try to be the aggressive, machismo type male that doesn't seem to fit in with your character. Relative to psychic things, you have always been reasonably psychic. You have had some sort of feelings that at some point in time that you would win a major lottery. Your current wife is probably somewhat jealous of you that perhaps you might find another woman interesting and perhaps you might have made a mistake in marrying her. The most difficult year of marriage, both statistically and psychically is between the sixth and seventh year of marriages, where most marriages that go beyond the seventh year, statistically last. And if the marriage is going to end or it is going to fail, it is going to fail before the end of the seventh year. So that you seem to be able to have an investigative approach. You are able to ask a thousand questions. Probably your 37th year will be significant in your life as far as major changes in your life are concerned. And again, any significant relationship that you would have, any woman that you would choose, has to be above average, has to have the integrity, she has to live by principles. I doubt very much if she is going to be a stay at home type person. She would have a fairly sharp business mind, and you would be attracted to her assertiveness. You always need a woman in your life that is assertive in business, assertive with her own self, has a good feeling of self, and a woman that is even sexually assertive. This would be the ideal relationship for you.
40's Female — Single I would feel that regardless of the amount of men that you have experienced in your life, I would still see you as the one man woman. Through no fault of your own you have attracted men, or magnetized men to you, that didn't deserve you in the first place. You are able at this point in your life to know, or have a knowing, if there is any potential with the person, and you will probably know that within the first couple of minutes. Somebody can show you a photograph of a male, because I believe that there has been some match making or networking done, and you have probably experienced at least one or two blind dates. And it's just not worked out. The analogy I would like to create with you, it's sort of like the lady that's trying to have a baby, trying to have a baby, trying to have a baby, and she tries forever and she can't have a baby, she decides on adopting a child and then she gets pregnant. There is a similar chemistry going on here because you will meet your soulmate when you least expect to meet him. You will meet him at a place where you would not have ordinarily gone. It will be a last minute decision in going to this place, and this male is going to be unlike the male that you would normally date. By that I mean, if you normally date lets say brown eyed Italians, normally, at least in my mind they look Italian, and maybe Hispanic, but if you normally date that type, your soulmate will end up having blue eyes and blond hair and conversely I think the opposite is true as well. I think that you have become frustrated. Everybody looks at you, especially family members, that wonder if you're going to be married. I would suspect that you have a failed marriage or a long term relationship behind you, or an engagement that was broken. You don't like being around drinkers or alcoholic types, so that you have a tendency not to want to go to the clubs and the bars, because all you meet there are losers that want to know your Zodiac sign and then is it your place or mine? You have become somewhat more selective. You've been spending a great deal more time relative to your work situation. Biologically you would be within the body of a younger woman, I would sense from your energy that you are young at heart. You keep yourself young in that way. You probably attract younger men to you as well. You have had the opportunity of dating 23 or 24 year old males. 29
But there seems to be a bit of a generation gap where they are still into partying and you've been there and you've done that, you know. It would be somewhat of a different philosophy, and for some reason lately you have been thinking about children or babies. I see you as a mother, I don't know if that would be biological or adopted, but I would see you as a mother. I further believe the next nine years for you are going to be happier than the previous nine years. What you have learned in looking back in relationships... any relationship that you've had, you have learned something about yourself. Not necessarily about the other person, but something about yourself as far as what the ground rules are, what the parameters are, what you allow, what you don't allow, and over these last nine years that you have achieved a great deal of independence. You have transformed into a much stronger person. You have become not so much judgemental, but you have been able to show excellent judgment. You have become self-reliant. You've always been intelligent, you are discriminating, and that it is interesting to me that you will attract men in your life to you, and there are going to be an assortment of different types of males. The type of male that you are best compatible with is somebody that is a nurturer, a big brother, gentle ben, teddybear type individual that will not try to press your buttons or pull your strings, rather would be a counterpart, a male counterpart of you. My first impression of you that you have a great deal of nervous energy, that you are not as relaxed as you should be, your mind is going in different places. You seem to be very expressive, that you are able to be... your self esteem and self confidence is good. I don't believe you would ever be the wild woman, you seem to be cultured, you seem to be refined, and you have the equivalent of higher education. You are certainly very feminine. In that way, you probably couldn't be the bad guy if you tried to be. Because of your nervous energy, when this nervous energy is not used up, you make impractical decisions, you then become a dreamer, and there has got to be some physical outlet for this nervous energy, either through exercise or through walking, or aerobics or dancing, something to break the pattern. And someone once said, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Somehow I feel that from the energy I get the name John. That seems to be somehow to be significant, J. in your life.
As far as your future is concerned, you seem to be community oriented, you probably will volunteer some of your time to help others. You want a mature relationship with a man that has already sown all of his oats, a man that is not going to go to the clubs, is not going to go out with the guys, and put their friendship above your friendship. I don't mean to elude to the fact that you're high maintenance in a relationship, but you need a full time relationship, not part time. My sense is you have gone that route before. You are intensely sensual, so once a man has experienced you romantically, I doubt very much if he would want to go on to another woman. But I believe that you must find balance within your life, because I think the energy that you give out is not always returned. You are always giving to another person, and you are not getting that back. I don't feel that you are obsessed with love, because you are different in many ways now than when you were a younger woman. It is nice to have love and companionship, and you're looking for the fire works, and the sparks, and the electricity, and I feel that would be a male in your life who has been a friend. Who cares for you very much, yet you cannot bring yourself to be in love with this person, because all the necessary components are not there. And I think with this male is somebody that you see frequently and perhaps on a day to day basis as far as a working situation, but he would see you as a fantasy, or he would see you as his female counter part or soulmate, and he would share with you his feeling for you. But it seems, it is almost like an Oriental paradox, where you pursue the male that is tied up with somebody else and this male pursues you, and you may even have a love or a fondness for him, but certainly this male that pursues you currently, you are not in love with. Yet, logically he could probably provide for you, the material things within your life and give you the emotional security. Probably what is lacking is any lust, sensuality, eroticism, or passion because with you being a very passionate woman, as far as past lives are concerned, I think that you have been around during the time of the Egyptians, and during the time of the Ancient Greeks. You would probably make an excellent detective, I think you have an investigative mind. I don't think that you miss much. You will enter into an area of affluence in your life, and prominence, and you will be well known in your community simply because you're community oriented. You 30
are family oriented, and you really should be in a marriage, not being single. Over this next few months, my feeling is that the person you will marry you will meet on a weekend, either a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. You will experience things with this man that you wouldn't ordinarily experience. If it would take you three months to become intimate with a man, normally in a relationship, because you put certain restrictions on the relationship, when you meet this love of yours, this future love, you could be with him three days, or three dates, and be intimate with him, because he'll be different than those around you. The most significant thing about him is going to be his eyes. He would be able to look right through you, and I think the touch of his hand is going to create a great deal of chemistry, so that he'll be different than any other person. You will feel inspired by being with this person. He is not going to be a person that is going to be attention getting, he is not going to be a loudmouth, a flamboyant male. He will be a person that has been cut loose by another woman, or he would cut loose himself from another woman, because he's been in a relationship or had a wife that cheated on him, and I sense that he found his wife in a compromising position with another man. Where this man that you are going to marry is a man of honor, he needs fidelity, he needs loyalty in the woman he would be with. He is not particularly concerned with how much you weight or what your measurements are, but rather what goes on inside of you. You have a tendency of intimidating men that come into your aura, you want to be reasonably cautious, because I say to you, that when you meet a man that is going to be a little bit shy, or a little bit blushing, or a little bit reluctant, if you cultivate this new relationship, it will end up in marriage. I don't believe it's going to be a long-term courtship. Once the two of you have experienced each other, I would think within a three month period of time, the dialogue will be living together within a time frame and then married. And I assume that if you live with a guy for six months and you haven't poisoned him with your cooking, I suspect that it could be a long term relationship. So exciting things are going to happen within your life, but know this, in your next relationship or in the relationship that you are currently in is going to turn into marriage. You will be the leader, you won't be the follower. I think you will be the teacher, not the student.
You will be in control and not controlled. So it will be somewhat different than any other relationship that you have had. As far as the person is concerned, I would see him to have a sensitivity, a mellowness about him, where he would not be aggressive and take charge. So in that regard, if this man would ask you out to dinner on a Saturday evening and you comply, he probably would assume that you would choose the place to have dinner. He will be not so much dependent on you, but rather he would want you to be the one to make decisions in the relationship. Doesn't mean he's weak, and doesn't mean he's afraid, he has always been searching for a strong woman, and you are going to be the woman for him. So this is in your future. And what you must do is cut the cord to any relationship that is based on just physical pleasures, and cut the cord to any dead end streets, and cut the cord to any losers and you have to clean up your act a little bit, because I think you are still dealing with a little excess baggage from the past. You have got to wipe the slate clean now, and then basically move on in life and prepare yourself for the future, because it's going to be a happy life and I would see you in a marriage. It's going to be to a man who's got the mind of a computer, or the mind of an engineer.
40's Female — Married I would sense from your energy level, or from your aura, that you basically are the person that is tenacious, stubborn, and you will make things happen within your life. You really don't appear to be as old as you are, so you have done something right in your life in taking care of yourself. And by your energy level I would think, if I were to project your life span, it is probably going to be in the 80's, or even in the high 80's. Within your family tree the females on your side have a tendency of living many years longer than the males. I would think that if you have a spirit guide it would be an Indian, either Cherokee, Chucktah, or Black Foot Indian. If you were age-regressed into a previous existence, I believe that you would have a tendency of being the red skin. In this past life, which would probably go back to the 1500's, I would sense that you would always be the wise person, always be the sage individual, able to give logical advise as well as spiritual advise, and I would suspect that you are probably a great deal more spiritual than religious. You are expected to be the chief cook and bottle 31
or marketing things that you believe in, but you would have a difficult time in selling yourself. You have always have had the ambition to write poetry, or to write music, or to be artistic, or perhaps even to write a book, and I would think that in writing a book that you probably would give some serious thought at some point in time to be something of an autobiographical nature. If your life was put in print, it probably would end up being a best seller. You have a great imagination, you are able to see things within your mind, you are able to fantasize or travel within your mind, to go to distant places. I believe that you have tried to raise the living standards of others around you. Right now you are bearing some burden upon your shoulders that you have not come to terms with. I believe that there are some things that you have wanted to accomplish and yet at this point in time that you have not accomplished them yet. My sense is that you are not over the hill because you think as a younger person, you think as more youthful. When somebody speaks to you over the telephone, you sound much younger than your years. There is another person in the family that would have the same first name, or your name as a middle name. As far as the future is concerned, you've been a good companion, you've been a good support system, and that you would stand behind your husband 100%. I don't feel that you receive the amount of constructive criticism or you don't receive as much appreciation as you should. I would see you as a very sensual, very erotic woman. As long as you have the physical romance within your life, you would be happy. As long as you are physically in love with the person, that you can overcome all financial obstacles, you can overcome all handicaps, any physical impediments within your life, as long as you were in love and that you were able to strive with your husband for a common goal. The significance of this reading is that there could be better communications between you and your husband. You see things sort of like in black and white. There is not a great deal of gray area so that you have faith in something or none at all. And you won't do something unless you can do it 100% correct. I feel there is a serenity or a harmony around you that this is what you are entering into now within your life. It is called a transformation. That you are becoming a little bit more mellow than you've been in the past. The people that normally have a tendency of up-
washer, you are supposed to be the chauffeur, the baby sitter, the mother, the wife, the lover, that you were supposed to wear many different hats. And obviously you don't have a great deal of time to put your own needs, or your own priorities, first. You appear to be intelligent. I would suspect you'd have the equivalency of a college education. You have learned about life and learned about philosophy by experiencing it. In many ways you will always have an empathy for people. You will always be an incurable romantic. That you have untapped potential artistically, and I'm not entirely sure what type of the arts that you would be capable of doing, but certainly there is an artistic flair to you. You certainly have determination, and certainly you have been able to accomplish things in your life others have not been able to do. You would probably go through a period of time in your family where you would be the rebel, or you would be the black sheep, or you would be the person who is never understood. You would always be on a different mental level than people around you. You are not fatalistic, you are not masochistic, you are not a person to give up or give in, you've always had common sense. You are not afraid to assume responsibility, you are not afraid to take charge, to be in some sort of a management position in your own life by pulling yourself up by your boot straps and get on with your life. You'll find that you may have problems in maintaining your proper weight. You'll find that when you become run down. I don't think that it's anything physiological, but perhaps a stress, you know, being run down, where at the end of the day you can be tired, and I suspect you personally could become more tired emotionally than physically. You're capable of doing hard work, and perhaps not getting physically tired, but when you involve yourself with the mental struggles, relative to career, relative to running a household. It always seems that you are preoccupied when you're at work, you're thinking what's got to be done around the house. I believe you are organized, because in my mind I would see you as keeping notes of things that have to be done, or writing things down on index cards that have to be done. The success of your family is probably largely directed toward you. You are protective of your brood, protective of your family. And I would sense that in life, especially in career, that you have no problem selling 32
setting you or try to control you, can never do that can never possess you or control you. And I believe that if you are surrounded by a negative person, that you may not be able to change that negativity because that person shall always be as they are now, but that you have the capability of neutralizing that negativity. I would suggest to you that you carry upon your person a piece of quartz, clear quartz, which can be purchased in any metaphysical rock shop, and you can put it on a cord or a chain and you can carry it in your pocket book, but it will act as a neutralizer to negativity. It will reflect negative feelings and it will absorb positive feelings. You have a way about you of sensing things about other people. You are able to give assistance to the opposite sex. At some point in time you will be a matchmaker. Your strongest asset is probably optimism, being positive, thinking in a positive way. You are with the person that makes very stubborn judgments, that is hard headed, and often times information will go in one ear and out the other ear. Some people see you as being a little bit aloof, a little bit standoffish, because you are always preoccupied in different things to do. I would sense that you are the planner within the family so if it comes to vacations, if it comes to planning things and doing things, that responsibility is put upon your shoulder. You do a fairly good job in balancing career as in home, or balancing career with home. You are sensitive with a great imagination, that you don't back down, that you have a very strong influence in what happens in your own life. So that if there is going to be happiness in your life, you're going to create that happiness, you're going to generate that happiness. I believe that your husband plays off of your moods, so if you were in a good mood, he's in a good mood. If you're in a bad mood, he'll be in a bad mood, and conversely, if he's in a negative mood, I think that you are able to absorb that because you are much like the nurse surrounded by patients whereas you have a tendency of absorbing the energy level of the person you're with. If you are around somebody that is upbeat and positive and optimistic and outgoing and gregarious, your energy absorbs that person's energy, in a sense it rubs off on you a little bit, and conversely, I think that if you are around somebody that is downbeat, negative, moody, pessimistic, you have a tendency of absorbing that as well, which I feel that is the way that you are. I see you as a seer, as a psychic, as an intuitive, as
a person that is very perceptive. You probably should avoid hard physical work, or hard physical labor. I believe that you have the mind of a computer, and that you want to be cautious around typewriters and computers for what is commonly referred to as carpal tunnel syndrome, and again, using your fingers and your wrists and your hands again and again, and again in repetitive ways because this could cause tendentious within the hands or within the fingers. You want to be cautious of that. As far as the future is concerned you need to be stimulated more intellectually than you have been. There is a certain air of mystery, a certain air of intrigue about you, so that it almost appears that you have some sort of alternative plan going on in your mind as far as the future is concerned. That you are secretive, that you are confidential, but I feel there is some sort of fantasy or dream or master plan within your mind that has not been executed yet. Based on that the future is going to be very exciting for you. It is not going to be boring, and I don't sense that the money or health is going to be the issue, but I do believe that you need more excitement within your life.
40's Male — Single I would think that it's reasonable to say that you probably have lived half of your life. If in fact you're going... if your lifetime is going to be projected into or around your eighties, then it is reasonable to say that you have another four decades ahead of you to accomplish what you want to accomplish. And your rate of accomplishment probably will be a reflection of your past. So in a philosophic sense, or maybe in a psychological sense, you can look ahead into the future and know that you are going to accomplish probably as much, at minimum, as you have accomplished in the past. It's often said that it is a shame that youth is wasted on the young. I see you as a stable person, I see you as assertive, and it goes without saying that you probably have had some failed relationships behind you. In that regard we should speak of relationships a little bit. I think that you have been searching for the perfect woman. And I do know that a woman that is drinking or inebriated or intoxicated in public is not the woman that's going to share your life. You would be compatible with a woman that has had a failed marriage behind her, and that has either one or two children, and the reason that this 33
It would appear to me to not take place in the U.S. I feel that you have always been sort of a wanderlust, finding it difficult to settle down, that you could... I mean the grass is always greener on the other side, of course. You would have a preference for wine, perhaps more so than hard liquor. That you are always in control of your own destiny. That you really don't appreciate unsolicited advice, and I don't feel that you've been... I don't think that you have tried to be the macho, Sylvester Stallone, Rambo-type personality. You still have many male connections or many male friends. And I don't feel that any involvement with a woman, a lover, a fiance, a wife, is going to deter you from keeping your friendships. So, now, as against 20 years ago, now that you have ground rules and you have parameters, and you have signposts along the way as far as what you put up with in a relationship. I sense that you would have a close buddy of yours that would give you advice in relationships, you have a buddy that is going through a divorce or separation within his life, and would ask you for some sort of advise or counseling. The significant areas in your life would be relationship, would be health, and would be career. You don't particularly care for Sundays or Sunday afternoons. Sunday should be the time of peace and the time of rest, but I really don't sense that you like Sunday's. You would prefer Friday nights and Saturday nights. You are balancing more than one relationship in your life now. And you have to be in love with the person. And if you simply love somebody or that you are fond of someone, or you are in lust with somebody, or in like with somebody, it may be a long term relationship but will not culminate in marriage. I think that you are spoiled. You want your cake and eat it too. That you are good looking and women are not a problem. And I feel that again, initially in the dating scene, that you are not easily impressed. You would be just drawn to a woman's body as it was in the past. You are more drawn to a woman that you can respect intellectually, that keeps herself well groomed, that does not have a lot of make up, she doesn't look like a Saturday night special or a painted lady. You are looking for somebody that could be a good mother for your child. The basic difference now is is that in the past you would be looking for somebody who had the exact measurements that you were looking for, that might have been the blond, blue-eyed bombshell
relationship would succeed is because you are the good guy, you see, and you're going to heal the wounds, you're going to not be abusive if she has been with somebody who has been abusive in her past, that you are not going to take advantage of her, and that you probably would make the commitment to her. So in that regard, women are attracted to you because they see this deep sensitivity about you. You will marry into a package deal, meaning that you will marry a woman that will already have one child, if not two children. That she would be a quality person, that will not be particularly high maintenance. By that I mean not going to be on the telephone calling you every twenty minutes, or not going to be asking you for this and asking you for that. Basically, that would let you do your thing. And be aware that this woman will not put up with a lot of nonsense that younger women would put up with. Would be attracted to you because you seem to be the ambitious person, you seem to be original, open minded, a free spirit, with a creative mind, and you would be the person that this woman has been searching for for a long period of time. Because you put your cards on the table, you tell it like it is, and what they see is what they get. It is reasonable to say, that a woman is not going to be able to change you, modify you, alter you in any way. Because who you are today is the same person you were ten years ago, and you'll be the same person ten years from now. In a philosophic sense, if you were going to become the drug addict, you already would have done so. If you were going to become the alcoholic, you already would have done so. If you have a promiscuous nature, you already would've done that. You've arrived at a point in time in your life, sort of a cross roads, sort of a balance or counter balance point, that you're at the fulcrum now of changing your life. If you were going to have a nervous breakdown, you already would have had it. If you were going to commit suicide, you already would have done it, you wouldn't be listening to my words now. So in many ways you have overcome a lot of things within your life. You will travel internationally, or you already have traveled internationally because in my mind, I would see you holding a passport in hand. I would see you buying something, it looks to me like a small box, but you are paying for this item with foreign money, and there is people around you speaking a foreign language. 34
type person, and that type of relationship never seems to project more than three months. Now I think that you are becoming more selective, and a person has to have a certain sense of pride, a certain sense of dignity, or principles in order for you to be interested in the person, and there is a very good chance, at least what I sense, that the woman that you would marry probably could be involved in the same craft as you. In my mind I would see this woman, she seems slimish rather than overweight. I don't think that you have a particular liking for women that are overweight, but this woman would seem to be about five foot six, and she is in what I would refer to as a power suit, a suit that an executive woman would wear, or corporate woman would wear, and she's carrying an attache case, and that would indicate to me that, I don't know, a real estate broker, an insurance agent or some- • body in some form of marketing, and I would probably opt for marketing or sales. That would be her background. Very neat, very well groomed, and certainly a very self assured individual. You would marry the woman that initially you would be intimidated by. I feel the majority of women that come into your life you intimidate because they see you as a free spirit, they see you as a butterfly, they see you as a person afraid of making a total commitment. You speak almost with a silkened tongue. You are able to be convincing, you are able to make your point, you have no problem in placing women in horizontal positions, I think the problem is that you grow tired very easily, you grow bored very easily, and that if you are not stimulated by the woman intellectually, mentally and emotionally, I don't think that she is going to be in your life for a very long time. Whereas, in your past, I believe that you could be involved with a women simply because of the aesthetics, simply because of her looks, her body, and not so much her brains. You can see how things have changed, and that you have changed, probably beginning with your 39th year. Things have changed for you. I don't sense that you have experienced total happiness within your life at this point in time. It almost seems in order for you to go ahead into the future, that you have to put the past behind you. You are becoming more aware now of health issues, as far as working out, as far as either doing the weights or jogging or tennis or golf or some sort of sport, you are becoming more aware of that now. And I feel that you keep yourself in reasonably good shape. 35
At this point I don't feel that you are dependent on alcohol. I know that you don't like to be alone and any relationship is probably better than no relationship. It seems to me that you have a woman around you now that is probably totally convinced that you are going to marry her. As far as the future goes you are at a point in time now where you should search for the Taurus, you know the Taurus the Bull woman. I would say search for the Taurus female, because that would give you the depth you need. Your energy level indicates to me that you are searching for the perfect woman and I remember reading somewhere at some point in time that the perfect woman is a deaf mute nymphomaniac who's father owns a liquor store. That's my attempt at a joke. I don't really feel that you are going to find the perfect woman because any relationship that exists is a compromising relationship. It's give... you know, you wash my hand, I'll wash yours. You wash my back, I'll wash your back. And the only way that a relationship works is both of you giving the same amount of energy into a relationship. Unfortunately, in the majority of the relationships there is a leader and there is a follower. You have the tendency of being the leader and I don't feel that you will be comfortable in being the follower. It's necessary to put all your cards on the table. You more than likely will live with the woman before you marry her, and that would be for a 15 month period of time or less. You will be married, I feel that you will stay in a long term marriage, and I would suspect that you would have more than one marriage in this lifetime, or at least more than one major relationship in this lifetime. You have been somewhat of a confirmed bachelor over the last two years, and I would sense that it's time for change in your life. You've got the looks, you've got the personality, you've got the brains, you have the gift to gab, you have it all. You are looking at this point in time for harmony, or tranquillity, or peace of mind, and I feel that because you're the good guy you are riding the white horse with the white hat. You're the good cowboy, the woman you marry would have had a disastrous past, a disastrous relationship, a disastrous marriage, and she would go through abandonment, and she would go through a divorce, she would go through some form of abuse, I would guarantee you that. She has been either through mental abuse, financial abuse, physical abuse, substance abuse, and you're the good guy that's going to save the day,
a dare or take a gamble, you may have some affinity for scuba diving or sky diving, or something a little bit out of the ordinary, simply because you are not a common person. And of course from time to time you will ask yourself is this my life? At my age is this my life? Somewhere on or about your 44th birthday your life would have taken changes or shall take changes in a different direction, because you've become somewhat predictable in your actions. In many ways I don't believe that you could be the bad person if you tried to be, you would not turn your back from responsibilities, you would not turn your back on monies owed, or responsibilities to the family. So, in essence you are a person that is always going to be the helpmate for your family, always be around for your family. I think currently you are bored, that you are over qualified in your job position, and unchallenged within your job, there would have to be some changes there, and it is interesting, based on your energy level. [ either from your voice or from your handwriting, or from your photograph, or from the lines in your palm. ] You are prepared for change now, and it will not be one change in your life, but rather three changes, and each change will be contingent on another, so that there will be three major changes within your life over this next 15 month period of time. You can accomplish whatever you want to accomplish. You should keep some sort of a journal or some sort of a log of what happens in your life. You may find your own psychic talents will fall into two areas. You could have pre-cognitive dreams, or you could have dreams of things that have not occurred as yet, and then they would occur. This is a pre-cognitive way about you of being able to sense things or see things that would happen in the future. Secondly, I think that you possess the ability of being a natural born healer, and that is by laying on of hands of another person, you probably could heal that individual. There are very few healers in life relative to the amount of people in the world. There are very few well-known healers, but you are certainly capable of being a healer. You can be a healer with your hands, with your voice, telepathically through long distance, so in many ways I would see you as somewhat unusual and I think that when people look at you, they see you as unusual. You have a way, sort of an intellectual analysis of people. You are very perceptive. You have always been a different individual on a different mental level than people around you. You have the curi-
and that is the ideal type of relationship for you to involve yourself in, because then of course you can be your own person and give the love that you possess. You have enough love within you that two or three other guys wouldn't have. In that regard I would simply say look around you because your future is in your present as far as relationships go. You currently have a secret admirer or a relationship that you put certain restrictions upon and if those restrictions were lifted, I think that the relationship could go full speed ahead and end up in a marriage, and again, I would think within a 15 month period of time from now.
40's Male — Married I would sense that you're at a point in your life now where perhaps you are not in as great physical shape as you were ten years ago. You have become more organized, more practical and more independent and more expressive, and probably more disciplined than you were as a younger person. I would see you perhaps falling into the category of being a workaholic. That you find that your wife thinks that you do not give her as much quality time as you should. You are more involved in work and making money and cultivating a cash flow, then you have been at any other time. You seem more dedicated now relative to work than you have been in the past. You are becoming somewhat set in your ways. You don't have as much free time as you had as a younger person. And she would see you probably from time to time as cantankerous and stubborn and adamant in your views, sort of a black and white individual where in the past she was able to charm you to get her own way, and I think all the amount of charm she has now does not get you to change your mind. You seem to be a little bit closer with money or a little bit more interested where money goes now than you've been in the past. I feel that you desire freedom in life, you desire change in life. You have a very inventive, innovative way about you, and you want to be debt free. I think that's your goal — to be debt free in life without owing anybody. Certainly, to live many years, and certainly to keep yourself in reasonably good shape. I believe that you would have a secret admirer with somebody that you work with or somebody who works for you. As far as your nature is concerned, you seem to be a person who would take a calculated risk or take 36
you would do very well. Because you are able to read people, you are able to read their moods, their personalities, you are able to have a sensing of what they're all about. I can see you doing some sort of work from the home. I think that you have good communication techniques, you probably have access to a computer. It is important for you not to become bored, and to always achieve, at least attempt to achieve. The man that said, "it is better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all," knew what he was talking about. It is better to try to achieve something, and if you fail you fail, but at least you've tried. Don't become melancholy, and don't become, you know, just placated in settling and doing nothing. You communicate with everybody else around you and the person that you may not communicate with as much as you should is your own wife. Anything that you achieve in life, as far as business is concerned will be successful, but you also are capable of achieving things on a metaphysical level. I don't think you actually like to take medicines or pills or even aspirins, so obviously you wouldn't fall into the category of being sick or being a hypochondriac type individual. I would sense two initials, and one would be 'M' as in Mary or Michael, and the other would be 'L' as in love. And I think somehow these two initials are going to be significant with you. You will be recognized in this lifetime for something that you have achieved. You're handsome and you probably may not agree with that. You may not be in the greatest physical shape in the world, but I think that you can do that again. You get bored with things more readily now than in the past. You would probably be watching what you eat, and again, you would fall into the category of anything homeopathic or holistic relative to life. You would have a particular, I am not entirely sure why, because of late, I think you have a particular interest in health care or health care coverage. I believe that you'll travel to any state of the union that ends in the letter 'A', would be in your favor. That could be California, Arizona, or Virginia. I feel that you are entering into a period of time within your life now that is going to be very productive for you financially and emotionally. And I would sense that you have been somewhat sentimental or maudlin, mentally returning to the
osity of a cat, you have progressive ideas and insights and you have been able to learn from your past experiences. As a child you had to create your own fun, create your own entertainment, and probably many times create your own finances to do what you wanted to do. You could've taken two directions in your life. You could've been a good guy or a bad guy, and you have chosen to be the good guy. You certainly have the perseverance. You would probably make an excellent photographer, because I see you taking pictures but not necessarily of people, but of maybe the sea shore, the seascape, or the forest, the woodlands, but I would see you taking pictures of lighthouses, the symbolism is the lighthouses are on the ocean or near the ocean. I think you save everything. You are a very sensual individual relative to the opposite sex, you are very experimental by nature, you've always desired great changes in your life. I would see you as... I think dignified is probably too strong a word, but I would see you as reasonably laid back. You take life one day at a time, one week at a time, one year at a time. I don't feel that you get excited easily, so that you're not spastic or running around like a chicken with your head cut off. You are more the philosopher, that you've been practical, that you've been down to earth. You trust a person until a person burns you. You have a reasonably good trust of people. You're basically an advanced person, you're not an egomaniac type individual, but you do express pride and determination, and the Zodiac sign Leo is going to play some significance within your life. You're not going to have a nervous break down, you're not going to commit suicide, you're not going to go to prison. I think if these things were going to happen, they already would have happened. You have accomplished many things in your life. You've overcome obstacles that perhaps could not be overcome by other people. Certainly you have shown your strength. I think you could charm the stripe off of a skunk. Any form of marketing or sales you would do very well in. You are not the aggressor going for the juggler vein, but that your personality is somewhat patient and laid back, knowing that good things will come to you. You have the ability of changing opinions of others. You can take a negative person and turn them into a positive person. On the psychic side of you, I believe that if you really wanted to cultivate that particular talent, 37
You are at a stage in your life now where you need the love, you need the companionship, you need the passion and the lust, you need that, because I think that is your fountain of youth. I believe the good luck charm for you is probably the four leaf clover. You are straight, traditional, old-fashioned, and you are not a game player, and I would assume you have a marriage or relationship behind you. I would assume that you'd outlive your first husband. I assume, as long as you do not compare a past love to a future love, I suspect that you'll be happy within your life. The biggest problems within a relationship is a woman comparing a past love, that maybe she suffered some unrequited love, unresolved love, and compare it to a new person in her life. And for the new man, it's like fighting a ghost. He'll never win. We do not live in a perfect world with perfect people and in any relationship there is some sort of compromise one way or the other. I don't think that you let your defenses down very easily. If there is going to be some lover boy come into your life, or some macho male come into your life and try to impress you, he'll probably be out the door before he knows what's happened, because you don't put up with a lot of foolishness from men. You are not easily impressed. You are independent. You are not boring. You don't need help in the romance department, you probably have a tendency of putting on weight much easier than in the past, so you are always struggling to keep your weight in line. I believe you have a knowledge of food stuffs, nutrition, carbohydrates, and fats, and if you were to just maintain yourself on a low-fat or no-fat diet, it would work for you. I sense that you have been in a off-again on-again relationship now, where perhaps you were not in love with the man, but it's comfortable, it's secure, and at least it's somebody to spend time with. I think it's a friendship that has evolved into a very personal relationship, a very intimate relationship, but I don't feel that you would be in love with the person, and I would sense this man would probably have feelings for you more than you would have feelings for him. I would sense that you will meet or you have met a person that you would either work with or work for. When you go out socializing to weddings or clubs or dances, through no fault of your own you have a tendency of attracting losers or men that do not appreciate you for who you are. You seem to be very sensitive, or perhaps even
past, as far as if you married the other gal, because when you married your wife, she and another woman were in competition for you at the same time. I think that your wife is feisty, outspoken, lusty, jealous, not meek, not mild, not reluctant, and you have met your match with this person. The two of you together are like two Mack trucks hitting each other head on, so that if there are to be issues in this lifetime to be argued out or negotiated, both of you are very strong minded. It is just a question of... the key is communication. You are not going to experience negative health, you're not going to be bankrupt, you're not going to be without food or shelter. You'll be successful in your own businesses and you will be successful in this marriage as long as there is strong communication. You have an exciting future ahead of you.
50's Female — Single I would sense that you will not go through life alone. It appears to me that you pretty much have come to some conclusions that you may well be alone in life, but I don't think that is what the universe has in store for you. The reason I say that is you are more attractive than you give yourself credit for. Probably more well-balanced. You are a lot wiser than you were 10, 20, 30 years ago. That you are not a manipulative lady, you are not a game player, you are not a trouble maker. you know you have a domestic side to you in the sense that I don't think that cooking and cleaning and house work and all that stuff is going to be the typical you. You look about 10 years younger than your actual age, so people around you wouldn't have any idea actually how old you would be. I know that you have a tendency when going out to clubs or dancing you feel perhaps you're the oldest one in the room, I don't think that's the case, because I don't think that your body reflects that, I don't feel that you are full of barbiturates or that your full of drugs or alcohol, so I don't really believe that there has been a lot of wear and tear on your body. Number one, I would say to you that you will attract younger men to you. I don't feel that you like being alone, and the interesting thing is, you'd rather live with a guy than live with a woman, because guys, most guys, are probably neater and pick up after themselves perhaps more so than a woman would. 38
over sensitive about your age. You have been spending a lot of time reflecting on the past, or what major events have happened in your life, you've suffered an unrequited love where you were with the proper person, but maybe the time frame was off, and then there was a separation for the wrong reasons, and a letter you mailed was never received. Once you love a person, once you commit yourself to an individual, you stay committed. This is unfinished business with the man from the past. If your phone rings once or twice in the late night or early morning, I think that you know who it is. I think that it is a male that you have been with in the past, or that you recently have separated from, and he would be, in his mind, in a lose-lose situation, but he would be calling you and letting the phone ring a few times, or perhaps even when you pick up the phone there would be silence on the other end of the line. I don't believe this is a stalker, and I don't believe that you are in any physical trouble, I simply feel that it is a male making contact with you that he is still around. I get the initials J and W, and that would be like John or James or Joseph, and William. In that regard, that you are still searching for your soulmate, you're still searching for a perfect love. You would have a very strong potential of having a relationship with a married male. And that would either be past, present or future. Certainly the potential is there. You are well-liked at work and probably over qualified, and probably a little bit under paid, and I would suspect a little bit bored. And you would ask yourself... I can't remember the title of the song... but the words along the line, 'Is that all there is?' So, is that all there is to your life? I don't think so. There is a lot of excitement, a lot of intrigue, a lot mystery, and a lot of happiness within your future. Simply because I feel that you are young at heart, I think that you've kept yourself in decent shape, I think you are still a good dancer, that you don't need three inches of make up, I don't think that there is really anything wrong with you. I would suppose that listening to your voice, or reading your handwriting, or reading your palm, or whatever this connection happens to be, that you might have plastic surgery around the eyes, just around the crows feet on the eyes, which will probably reduce another ten years from your age. The best relationship would be a younger male, maybe up to four to five years, that is totally committed and that is looking for a committed relationship, a monogamous relationship and I know
you are not looking for a one night stand. I know that you are looking for something long term, because it is difficult spending your holidays with a girlfriend. And that is not the way that it is supposed to be. I do feel that any bad luck you experience in your life probably has already happened. I don't feel there is any negativity, any dark cloud upon you, or that anybody has put a curse on you I simply feel that it is a question of things happening because they are supposed to happen. And when things happen, you may not think so, but it is called synchronicity, and things happening, time and circumstance, things happen. But you may not realize at that time why they happen. I believe that you still save letters, that you still save greeting cards. That you are looked upon as being the responsible person, and it almost seems that you network for everybody else, so if there is a Christening or a shower or something's got to be put together, it appears to me that you're the one in charge of putting it together. You will be a matchmaker for bringing two people together that will be ultimately married. And you may say to yourself, always a bridesmaid, never a bride, but I don't think that is going to be the case. You must persevere, not give up, not give in, be optimistic, and a self-discipline will work for you. You are obviously expressive, you're obviously creative, and you will attain many things in your life. I believe that you have become a little bit more philosophic now than in the past — more of a dreamer, more of a romantic, but my sense is that you are in a rut. You have become predictable, you have become routine, and in my mind it's like watching a tiger in a cage, you know, just going back and forth, and back and forth, so that you've got to break the pattern and break the routine. If there is going to be a soulmate in your future, you are the one that has to let him into your life. I really feel that within you there's anger, there's disappointment, there's some hostility, and you'd go through a period of time of giving up men entirely, you know, that's why at some point in time you may have determined you would not marry again, you wouldn't be in another relationship. It is often said that you have to kiss the ten frogs before you can kiss the prince or find the prince, and my feeling is that you've had your share of frogs. It's a question of from this point on things will be different for you. Look for the man that wears red suspenders. I would say look for the 39
man that has got a little birth mark on his right butt. You will marry again, because you attract to you. a lot of different people. Once you feel comfortable with a person, because it seems to me that you have to like a person, that you have to respect a person mentally and emotionally before anything of any physical nature is going to happen. You have paid your dues and it's time for change within your life. The changes are there, you are approaching a cross-roads within your life. Within an 11 month period of time things are going to change for you. It's a sense that knowing what's going to happen, because you've been going around and around doing the same thing, being with the same people, going to the same places. I just think you're mentally fatigued. And if you feel tired, it's a stress syndrome that you are going through. You are go-' ing to make some changes in your life, you really have to look back into the past and leave no stone unturned. If you believe there has been a potential relationship with this man or that man or a past employer or a past boyfriend or whatever, look for the relationship that ended for the wrong reason. This will be the key. You'll look into your past over the last weeks, months, years, and you'll look for a relationship that was a good relationship, but it ended for the wrong reasons, whereas perhaps the relationship was right on, but the timing may have been off. If you look back and try to resolve that, you will find everything is time and circumstance, and you have all your irons in the fire, and think that timing may be more productive for you now than it's been at any time in the past. It's just a question of moving ahead in time and not backsliding. You know, I just think you've reached a level or a plateau that you are not regressing and you're not progressing, but I think that you have to look at the past, have to analyze the past, research the past, resolve the past. Then and only then will you be capable of going on into the future. And the past may help you to understand your future.
50's Female — Married I would sense, at least I am getting impressions of questions that you would ask, yet what I will try to do is answer questions for you without you asking the questions. I would sense that you ask yourself the question, will I outlive my husband, or shall he outlive me? 40
I would think that logically and statistically that you would outlive your husband. And I don't think that you really need a psychic to tell you that, but it is reasonable to say that you would outlive your husband, and I believe also that you would remarry. You may think from time to time I wonder if my husband ever had a girlfriend? I wonder if he's got a mistress? I wonder if he's ever fooled around on me? And the way that I would answer that question is that where there is smoke there is fire. If you sense something on an intuitive level, most times I think you are accurate. You may sense or ask yourself the question, again, am I psychic? Am I intuitive? And based on what I have just indicated, I would say you are very intuitive and you are very perceptive, and if you think something is going on, something probably is going on. I don't think that children are able to lie to you. I don't think that a person is able to look you in the eye and deceive you or lie to you without you having a sense of that. You may wonder about your own health, and it's always good... you know, insurance companies, when you fill out an application and get insurance, and they say how old was your mother when she died or how old was your father when he died? And, how did they die, under what circumstances. Because insurance companies believe in genetics and genetic engineering, and they feel that if your mother lived until she was about 75 years old, perhaps you'll probably live until you are about 75 years old. And if your mother lived until she was 50, they would probably figure that you're going to live until you were about 50. There obviously are strong exceptions to the rules, but it is used as a guideline. So you should be able to look at your mother's life, if you know that information, as far as what her eating habits were, if she had a drinking problem, or if she had any substance abuse problems, and that should give you information to protect yourself. If you had a parent that died of sclerosis of the liver, for example, you want to make sure that you keep away from alcohol, because you might be prone to that. If you had a parent or sibling that was very obese, and there was a lot of female problems, you set yourself up for the same type of problems because you have the same blood. You are supposed to be able to look at your parents and learn — learn what to do and what not to do. And if your mother is reasonably healthy and still around, I suspect she'd be in her seventies maybe even in her eighties, and that's probably
the pathway that you would take. As you look around you, you find that it is necessary to keep yourself busy, necessary to do things with other people. You probably have been told that you have a green thumb and that you can grow anything. That you have a problem with keeping the weight off, and perhaps now that you are not as thin as you used to be. People see you as very charming, an excellent hostess, that you are not vain, that you are not looking at yourself in the mirror all day, that you don't try to dress like you're 20 years old, people around you have a genuine respect for you. I don't feel that doing domestic chores or housework is going to give you the rewards that you need in life. And I would suspect that now you are more interested in companionship with your husband, and maybe that you are not as lusty or feisty or romantic, nor he, than you were at one time. A good luck charm for you is probably a ladybug, a little orange bug with tiny black spots. And if one lands on your shoulder or one lands on your hand, or you find a lady bug in your home, it is a very strong sign of good luck for the following 12 month period of time. I would see you as very friendly, outgoing, and that you're not trying to be the bell of the ball any longer. You seem to be more concerned with your children than you are with yourself. It's a question of knowing where you want to go in life. So it may be unlikely that you're going to be a millionaire, yet you'll still be able to be stable, you'll still have a roof over your head. The cost of everything is going up, and in my mind I can see you always relating to the cost when you were a younger woman when bread was forty cents a loaf and now it's $1.75 a loaf. When hamburger was probably sixty cents a pound and now it's $4.00 a pound. You could go to the movies as a child for 25 cents or 50 cents, and now it's $6 or $7. And I can see you now becoming offended if somebody wants to offer you senior citizen benefits because you're not a senior citizen. In many ways, things change within your life. It's just a question of where you want to go and what you want to do in your life. I don't sense that you look your age, other men still find you attractive. You have had fantasies of a one night stand, I believe you've had fantasies of having an illicit relationship or an affair, which is not terribly uncommon. And you may be more of a romantic than your husband is, and there never seems to be enough time to spend quality time with each other.
You probably feel that your husband works too much, and that he should slow down somewhat for fear of high blood pressure, or sugar diabetes, or something, there's always something to be concerned about. And you are becoming more protective at this time in your life than perhaps when you were a younger person. You can probably be more selective as far as friends are concerned. I don't think that you'd have a problem in reading people. I happen to like you and I would feel that you probably have a lot of different acquaintances, but before you let somebody into the inner sanctum of your mind to be a close friend, I suspect that you check them out pretty good. You have a tendency of going to bed earlier now than you did as a younger person. You require less sleep now than you did as a younger person. As far as the future is concerned, you can accomplish anything you want to as long as you believe that you can accomplish it. You are entering into more of a time in your life when you're seeking the balance and seeking the harmony, and you probably need less excitement in your life. And many times relatives have a tendency of taking advantage of you or of your time. Not so much overtly, but you're supposed to always be there, you're supposed to always be available, as a baby sitter or helping somebody out. You probably do more for them than they do for you, so your past track record is that you've been generous with your time, and in a way, you've sort of created a Frankenstein monster, because all the care giving you do to your family doesn't seem to be rewarded. I don't feel that you get that many pats on the back. You are diplomatic, you are very organized, you're comfortable in making decisions. My sense is that you are not a happy hooker, Saturday Night Special type person. You are conservative, and I think the majority of men that you have seen in your life probably have not impressed you all that much. You are intellectually inclined, you have traditional goals. A questioning nature. I believe that from the beginning that you have been a perfectionist and that probably is not going to change. You're very concerned in how you look, very concerned with your body, very concerned with the image that you give off to other people, and that you probably would do much better as a professional person, than as a domesticated person. You possess the equivalent of a college education. I think that you have always been a dreamer, and that you may well find yourself reading things of romance and things of metaphysics. You would 41
have a way about you of probably having a natural healing talent within your hands and that it is said that those that dream in color are somewhat psychic. Those that have pre-cognitive dreams are somewhat psychic, or dreams of things to happen in the future. Whatever that word means - psychic -, I think that you're husband would be probably the opposite of that, because I see him sort of scientifically minded. He makes up his mind, and he doesn't change his mind. And what goes in one ear goes out the other ear, and he can't be compromised by common sense. Once he makes up his mind, that is it, then it is a done deal. And if you agree with him, that's fine, and if you don't agree with him, well that's fine, too. In that regard the future is going to be a happier one for you, but what you see is what you got. Your husband today is the same person he was when you married him — he has not changed. Females have a tendency of changing a lot easier than men. You become more aware around you. As far as what's happening within your life, be concerned about your grandchildren. I feel that your life is not over, there is much excitement within your future. Again, I don't think that you're trying to set the world on fire, you just want simple peace of mind, and the piece of mind will be there for you. You're always going to be the helper, you're always going to be the person to enable others. And sometimes you find yourself around negative people or dysfunctional people, and you can't let that wear off on you, because if you are as psychic as I think you are, it means you are somewhat spongelike, and when you're around positive people, you're going to feel great about yourself. I don't think you'd do well working in an intensive care unit in a hospital. Simply because your heart goes out to people, you have a love of people, and I don't think you could be cold or bitter or uncaring or insensitive if you tried to be. You've always been very much people-oriented and that's pretty much who you're going to be relative to the future. I sense that you probably read more magazines now than you have in the past, and probably more newspapers as well, in order to keep yourself up on current events. You have overcome a lot of obstacles, you've overcome a lot of things in your spiritual path, but you have grown and you have a mission to accomplish in this lifetime, and I would sense that your mission in this lifetime is to help others, to rehabilitate others, to fix others, where you have a
very strong therapeutic effect on other people. Whatever you're supposed to be doing, you're doing it and it's therapeutic for you. Each time you help somebody else it is therapeutic for you, because in a way you're healing yourself. I believe that you are a beautiful person both inside and outside, and you're going to live many years in good health, and you will experience prosperity in your life, and happiness within your life. I wish you good luck and God bless.
50's Male — Single I would sense that a major concern in your life would be relationships. Simply put, and probably on a logical level, if you are 50 years old and single, that would indicate that you've already been divorced, separated, or currently separated, and that you would be questioning yourself relative to relationships. You are more concerned with bringing balance into your relationships. Where earlier in your life you may have been more concerned with the aesthetics of the person, now you are probably more concerned with the balance, the harmony, the integrity of the individual, because I would see you more likely to be a one woman man. You are creative, self-expressive, and I would suspect that you are more disciplined at this age than you were at 40 or 30 years old. You are probably more in touch with yourself. And obviously you've reached the conclusion that you pretty much will determine your own destiny. I don't sense that you're rough around the edges, you see things very clearly, but yet you may not be as impressed with people or situations as you were as a younger person. By your calculations you'll probably be around another 30 years, You are at the height of your earning power now, so that if you've done well financially in your life, you'll continue to do well, or if you have reached a particular plateau, you may stay at that plateau. You are more apt to make changes now than you were as a younger man, simply because that you are more in control of yourself. That you are an individual that would not turn your back on family, not turn your back on debts, not turn your back on responsibilities. You are one of the good guys, in that you want to make sure that everybody else is happy, so you've been somewhat of a support system to those around you, and that you don't want to step on toes, you don't want to be the mean guy, so it's sort of like you're the cowboy in the white hat on the white stallion. 42
where you can be comfortable with yourself. You are becoming more aware of your own health and your own health care. You're becoming a little bit more aware of the food stuffs that you eat, so that you are probably not out and about every night of the week. And looking back in time, I suspect that even as a younger man, every weekend was a busy weekend where you did a great deal of socializing, and you probably worked twice as hard as a youngster in your 20's then you do now. I believe that you are making or trying to make some sort of plans relative to the future. Probably the ideal situation for you would be to live in Florida during the winters and live somewhere else during the summers. You are outgoing, optimistic, gregarious. Again, I think that you are a quality individual. Somewhat of a voyeur. You like natural beauty, you like aesthetics. I would see you as probably a little bit more refined, again, than you were in the past. My sense is that you will always make enough money to survive. You will always have enough financial solvency to get the bills paid. Money is very important to you. Material things are very important to you because my feeling is you were not born rich, you were not born out of the family of a millionaire, so you hold material things in high regard, and you have protected yourself so that you will not go down the tubes financially. In this lifetime you will make a fortune, you will lose a fortune, and then make another fortune. You will fail before you succeed, and you may fail at a career position, you may fail at a relationship or a marriage, and then you would succeed and elevate in a career position and then succeed and elevate in a relationship. So it's almost as if you have to fail before you can dust yourself off and pick yourself up and basically get on with your life. You are not terribly cautious. I would see you as an adventurous spirit. You like to keep busy. You have a knack for doing things for other people. You're not going to get Alzheimer's. I feel that you have a very sharp mind, that you are able to see things very clearly. Once you make up your mind you don't change your mind. I'm not sensing a great deal of vacillation or procrastination about you, you know where you want to go in this life. You are well respected. People see you as very honest, maybe a bit of a workaholic. Again, first impressions are that you are in control of your life. Nobody's going to tell you what to do or own
You want to do good to those around you before you can begin with your own existence. I would sense probably two children around you. I don't know if that would be, again, from one woman or two relationships or two marriages, but I would sense two children around you. You've gone through a period of time where you'd simply like to live in a log cabin out in the woods, or you'd like to live in some grass shack on an island somewhere where you can get away from humanity a great deal. I believe in looking at your palm, or listening to your voice or handwriting or sensing your own energy level, that you're disconcerted — take the holiday season •— that in your mind you probably feel that it is over commercialized, and everybody is looking for money. I don't feel that you trust politicians, I don't feel that you trust lawyers, and so my sense is as you become older you become somewhat cynical in your views. You still have the determination, the ambition, the dedication. You are able to make strong judgments based on your own intuition. People's first impression of you is that you are adamant, that you are persistent, that you are enthusiastic, and that you do well in things you like and you may not do well in things you don't like. You promote everything around you, but you don't promote yourself, so I would think that in many ways that you should, perhaps give yourself a little bit more space, and be perhaps a bit less judgmental of yourself. You are best when you are faced with a challenge. If you are retired with nothing to do, with money in your pocket, with no responsibilities, you would probably drive yourself crazy because you are not being stimulated or challenged as much as you would like. You are a natural born leader, you are not a follower. You desire to walk side by side with somebody, or hand in hand with somebody. You don't desire to walk in front of them or have them walk in front of you. In that regard I feel a great deal of fairness about you. You have spirit guides, probably with the Indians or an Indian Chief of some sort that would guide you or give you advice. At this point in time, there would be two women attracted to you — one older and one younger. I think you have a propensity of being drawn to younger women. You are somewhat unconventional in a sense that you are coming to terms with basically who you are. That you may not want to set the world, on fire, or you may not want to be an executive, and you may not want to be president. You are just looking for your niche in life as far as 43
You are not the complainer. As long as you are challenged, you'll be satisfied with the type of work that you do, and along with that will come the money, along with that will come the material things and the possessions, you would taste success in your life, and I think that the sun would shine on your shoulders, but never to give up on yourself or your own potential. And you know sometimes when we are walking or running we stumble and fall, but by your energy level you have the capacity of picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and then getting on with your life. So in many ways you should feel very proud of yourself, because you've gotten to where you are at this point in your life through your own ambition, and I don't think anyone has given you anything. If somebody wanted to give you something, you probably wouldn't want to accept it anyway, you don't want to owe any person. And I don't think that your personality is going to change that much. I would sense the next three or four years for you are probably going to be happier than the previous sixteen years. It's just a question of having some sort of idea and knowing where you want to go, because once you know where you want to go in life, any road will get you there.
you, or possess you, or control you. You may well have an ex-wife that would want to come back to you. Once she found out all the jerks that are out there and ail the fools that are out there, and all the men that would not commit out there, and then she has thought in retrospect about you, you may get signals or signs from an ex-wife or and ex-lover that she would want to have you back in her life. It would be because her observations or philosophies would be that the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know, or you don't want to jump from the frying pan into the fire. As you try to progress in life, you'll find that there is still some unfinished business or unresolved issues in your past. You have pride, you have principles, and you have the respect of those around you. You are, again, ambitious and you would provide for yourself. If there are going to be doors of opportunity in your life, you will open the doors. If you open a new bedroom door, you have to close an old bedroom door. When I say you are your own person, that is indicative that you do not want to be dependent on somebody else. It's probably illogical to say you're going to win a $10 million lottery. Simply put, the odds... statistically the odds are very much against this happening. But that is not to say that you cannot be happy financially. Your best investments will probably be in real estate, and your biggest investment would be a home and a business, or both combined. In my mind I can see you living in a residential dwelling that is located in a commercial area and running your business in there because you're good with people, you're good with numbers, you're a good communicator, that you are success oriented, you're ambitious and I say success oriented rather than being power oriented. Your health is not going to be bad. You act and look like you're about 40 years old. Things are going the way you want them to become. Over the last 3 years you have become a much stronger individual than you have been in all your life. You have arrived. You are at the edge now of becoming very successful, going forward in time. You will never make as much money as you want to make working for somebody else, so the obvious answer entrepreneurially is to have your own business. And then you can be responsible for yourself and no other person. I don't feel that you would have 25 different job occupations in your life. Probably three or four, because once you are in a career position you like. You stay there.
50's Male — Married I would get a sense that you have accomplished a great deal in your life, and I would also get a sense that you have done things perhaps by the seat of your pants. I don't feel that you've been predictable. I don't feel that you do things simply for the sake of doing them or because it was written on any particular page, but rather you do things because you are strong-minded. You are a good guy. You don't look your age, you don't act your age. As far as the future is concerned you are going to enter into an area or a transformation within your life, whereas your future will be somewhat predictable from this point on in time. You feel that your health is probably ok. You've got the personality, you've got the brains, you've got the charm, your personality seems to be that you are smooth, easy going, that you don't lose your temper easily, that you are able to debate different issues, that you are able to pretty much see both sides of whatever situation exists. I would believe that you spoil the people around you because you seem to be the person to be the provider. I would see you as a provider, not necessarily just in family, but to those around you. You have overcome obstacles within your life. 44
I don't think that you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, I don't think that you were born as a millionaire, yet you seem to be on the pathway now of your financial situation improving. In this day and age, of course, I doubt very much that we can support ourselves by being on social security, we support ourselves on living week-to-week. That's basically what we do. We live from paycheck to paycheck, and I would see you moving to a place whereas the... I think the weather will be temperate. I don't think it is going to be severely cold, I don't feel that it's going to be severely hot. Sort of like a middle of the line type temperature. You are becoming a little bit more sensitive as far as looking into the past. You have been somehow on a different wave length than those around you, and it's almost as if that you are doing a lot of thinking about the past rather than the future. You have been spending time not so much worrying what lies ahead of you, but rather unresolved issues of what lies behind you. If you are Catholic I sense that your Saint would be St. Joseph, the name Joseph would come to me. That would seem to be somehow significant. You don't want to owe anybody anything. If you have a bill, you pay the bill so that you don't want to become dependent. I would suspect as a child you may have had some desire to lean towards law enforcement. Because in my mind I can see you in the uniform. I don't know if that would be in a military uniform, or police, or fireman, but in my mind I would see you in a uniform. You take reasonable good care of yourself. I don't know that you have slowed down any. It seems to me that you're just as active now as you were 20 years ago. Probably your best investments will be in some form of land development. Metaphysically you are as old as you feel. George Burns sums it up saying that you are as old as the person you are with. I believe that you are going to go through a transformation where you will be associated with younger people rather than older people. You like to give advice, yet you don't like to take unsolicited advice. You do not appear to be a person who is going to hunt animals in the woodlands, so you seem sort of metaphysical, or homeopathic, or holistic. In that sense I believe you would protect the environment and be interested in ecology. You are probably doing more reading now than you did as a younger person. You may not be as
competitive athletically as you once were, but yet you still seem to have an active mind. Lately you've been concerned about monies or bills or concerned about your own demise as far as your leaving monies behind you for other family members. You would be happier in the country than you would be in the city. I would sense silver jewelry would be luckier for you than gold jewelry, and I would sense that as far as who you are and what you are all about, you can accomplish whatever you want to accomplish. You possess certain powers. You may not see yourself as having any particular power, but I believe that you possess powers of observation, the power of intuition. You probably have experienced out of body projections. You would be comfortable in reading any written works where man is going to overcome the elements, where man is going to overcome negativity, overcome the statistical odds. I feel that you will be in love with a person. You would be in love with a woman, and yet there would be two major loves in your life. One now, and one from the past. And the one from the past, perhaps has not been resolved, perhaps has not been concluded, because it seems to sort of interrupt your thinking process, or your consciousness, more often than not. Perhaps a chilhood sweatheart. The person that you would be with now, you may have begun by being in love with her, than over a nine year period of time loved her but not been in love with her, and maybe now it's all coming around to be like it was in the beginning. You don't ask the impossible. You seem to be eating more fruits and vegetables now. You seem to be somewhat more concerned about your feet. I would sense that you should follow the advise of the Piscean. You should be cautious of the Aquarian. And if there is going to be any head to head battles or intellectual stand-offs, it would be with an Aries. As a child, would have some desire to be involved with a person in uniform, such as the police or law enforcement. You have always been your own person. You could have gone good, you could've gone bad, and evidently you have made the right decisions. The most important issue in your life is the person you are married to. That is the most important issue. You are able to look at your soulmate, look at your twin flame, look at your life partner, and pretty much that person can make you or break you. That person can stand behind you, or they can self destruct the whole relationship. 45
In many ways nothing will change in your life; your relationship, your family. I see you sort of as a psychic. I feel you're somewhat sponge-like, and I feel somehow the name Paul comes to me, or St. Paul. I don't know if that is a Saint in heaven or Minneapolis, but St. Paul comes to me. You are different, you are unusual compared to those around you. I would guarantee that if you ever had written a book and it was about your own life, it probably would end up being a best seller. I think now that you are embracing the universe, you would be comfortable in dealing with nature, dealing with the outdoors. You need things that are orderly, I don't think that you want things that are all messed up. You want to be doing clear thinking and the woman that you would be most happy with will be your counter part, will basically be a reflection of you. Somebody is going to have a background in some form of human resources or public relations. It may even well be homeopathic or holistic health care, but the person that you would be most happy with would not be typical, would probably be younger, and I would suspect even up to maybe 15 or 16 years younger. You are heading into a very good period of time in your life now, but I still sense that something you have wanted to accomplish you have not accomplished yet. So I think on some level you have some secret desire that has not been accomplished. You shall accomplish, you shall get what you wish, sometimes we get what we wish for. You will be able to accomplish what you want to, and I feel it has something to do with the past rather than the future, of making things right or making amends, or resolving a past problem. You will resolve something in the past before you get on into the future. You are heading into an exciting future. Within the next 90 days will be the beginning. Anyway, I wish you good luck.
I would see you as a person making decent choices. As of late you seem to be somewhat concerned with your weight. And perhaps from time to time how long you are going to be around. You are going to be around perhaps for another three decades, minimum. You have a tendency of being a person of all seasons, so I would suspect that this next eight month period of time that you are entering into, will be in your favor. I sense that there is somebody around you with the same first name as you, or perhaps even two people around you with the same first name as you. You are able to hold your head up, you have the respect of those around you. You are not going to bring any negativity or disrespect to your family. You are very sharp. You make a very strong analysis of people in situations. You are clever without being sly. You sort of remind me... your energy reminds me of a Huckleberry/Tom Sawyer type individual, whereas if you wanted to, probably you could be very poetic. You have always had the confidence, you've never tried to be the machismo-type male, I don't think that's who you are. I see you as somewhat adventurous, certainly reliable, and probably not too proper, not too predictable in that sense. You sort of strike me as an individual that could be lost in the woodlands all alone and somehow, some way survive. That you are not aggressive, that you are assertive. I think that you are inventive. I don't think that you try to be forceful, or jealous, or cunning, sly, or vindictive. You simply need harmony, serenity, and tranquillity within your life. You give as you get. You love conditionally, and you give conditionally. As long as somebody meets you half way, I suspect that you would go to hell and back for that person. Basically, if you are in your 50's now, I would think that growing up it seems to be that you were at the nucleus of everything. You will always be happy near the ocean, be it the Atlantic or the Pacific. I don't think that you would fare too well being inland, but I think the water... and also I think probably the water signs, the Pisces, Scorpios, and Cancerians would be good for you. Your future will be as your past has been in the sense that if you project your thinking into the future, you personality is formed, your characteristics and idiosyncrasies are formed. None of these things are going to change unless you change them. Your weight will not change because your eating habits have been pretty much routine, pretty much the same.
60's Female — Single You would be capable doing things that you did not do as a younger woman, because we are always concerned with our future and your future is going to be happier than your past. I realize the biological clock is ticking and that you may have somewhat reconciled yourself that you may not remarry. You would probably outlive your first husband. You don't want to take a person into your life that is going to order you about because you have created a great deal of independence. 46
question of taking off the weight that you have been trying to take off and unfortunately as we get older we have a tendency of putting on weight. You're dealing with cellulite and fats and all that stuff and it makes it very difficult to lose the weight as it was as a younger woman. You don't seem to require as much rest or sleep now as you did as a younger woman so it gives you more time to be productive within your life. I know you are faced with the question is this all there is? Is this all there is in my life to look forward to? Too collect unemployment? Too collect social security? And sit back and knit sweaters and afghans? I don't think so. You are capable. Age is in the mind. A romantic relationship is 90% in the mind and whereas you do not look your age you will have the potential of attracting younger men to you. Even in relationships as a woman of your twenties, before you have become physically active with a man, there would have to be a ring on your finger or you would have to have an engagement or have some formal agreement that you are going to be together for the rest of your life. Now that you are in your sixties perhaps this realism has set in or logical common sense has set in whereas, many men that are in there sixties are impotent, many men in their sixties are dysfunctional, so that it's really necessary to know about the person and they say you don't know about a person until you live with the person or until at least until you have been intimate with the person. The ground rules have changed nowadays. Today, if a sixty year old woman is going to date or be brought together by a match maker or by a blind date, you're not going to date this person for five years and decide on perhaps being intimate after five years because the rules and regulations as a young woman don't apply today. So you're forced with making decisions you would rather not make and it's got nothing to do with your integrity, and it's probably been a while since you've been in a physical relationship and perhaps at least by the sound of your voice, your energy level perhaps you don't feel that you need that much of a physical relationship and you would probably sacrifice the physical relationship for companionship. You seem to be reasonably healthy, you don't like to take pills and medicines. You still are able to look good at your age. Most people wouldn't guess how old you are. You still dress nice and you still look great in the color purple. You are still able to socialize and go to weddings. I think you probably still like to dance.
You've been your own person, you've set your own hours, you do pretty much what you want to do and you certainly don't want to be dependent on your children. You don't want to be dependent or co-dependent on other people around you. You go through life and the fact of the matter is that most of the men that you meet at church or at social gatherings probably do not impress you. They are either too short or too tall or too fat or too thin, too rough or too smooth and you are comparing these men that you meet currently with a man that you have already known or perhaps have been in a relationship or been married to. There is some unfinished business within your life as far as relationships. You don't have time to go to the clubs and the bars and the lounges to meet people simply because everybody seems to be younger than you. And simply because you always feel like perhaps I'm the oldest person in the room and I may not be the young busty blond with blue eyes any longer so I'm more moderate in my life style. Your energy level really tells me that you will not go through life alone. That you have proved whatever points you were trying to prove. You've accomplished whatever you have tried to accomplish. You've not fallen down, not gone to the bottom of the barrel, not settled for second best or compromised and obviously you would rather be with a good book than some fool. You're going to meet a potential mate in the daytime rather than in the evening and seventy percent of the time it's going to be somebody you work for or work with. You would need a companion and you don't necessarily need a person to tell you what to do or order you about, but you need a lifemate, a companion, someone that is gainfully employed, has good self-esteem and self-confidence and someone who is not abusive mentally, physically or substance abusive. Somebody who would give as they get. I can see you with this type of individual. Your previous husband probably didn't understand completely where you were coining from, what you're all about, or where you are going. I think that you have become more moderate in this sense that you may use less makeup now. You have clothing and outfits and I believe in looking at you that you still have outfits in your closet that perhaps you have not worn in three or four years although they are still very capable of wearing if you can lose those few pounds that you have been trying to lose. You have the outfits waiting for you, it's just a 47
vorced, perhaps a little bit older than you is going to bring you together so that you don't really have to go on any hunting spree, you don't have to become the seductress to find a person, because the fact of the matter is I don't think that you could be the happy hooker or you could be the one night stand if you tried to be. Simply because that is not in your upbringing. Your upbringing is one-man, one-woman, total commitment, total monogamy, and then marriage. That's basically how you have been and unfortunately most of the men that you meet are sort of not necessarily players, but they don't take life as seriously as you take life. It's a constant frustration and there may well be a professional man in your future like a doctor or lawyer, because I would see you talking to a professional man and I'm not entirely sure what the dialog is about, but there is a certain gleam in his eye, a certain little boy innocence within his eye and it appears that he is attracted to you. If this has not already occurred, it probably is about to occur. September and October are very strong months during the time of Libra or Scorpio very strong months for you too have good luck relative to relationships. Once the relationship has gone thirty months, that's two and a half years, once it has gone that far without commitment it is time to change horses midstream, it's time to change relationships, it's time to change things. I say this because I think the thirtieth month, once you have reached the two and a half year period of time in any relationship it's time then to be together. You may have had feelings where as a young girl, I'll never live with somebody, but as an adult woman you may at least consider that, because a lot of times it's less problematic and it's less confusing than marrying somebody. I would guarantee you this that you will not go through life alone, absolutely, it's not going to be. It's just a question of looking ahead to the fall, to the autumn months and when the autumn leaves are falling, I think this is going to be your period of time. Simply believe in yourself and have hope, because without hope there is nothing. You'll find if you truly concentrate on the future, the universe shall provide, God shall provide as far as what is going to happen within your life. So again I wish you good luck, and God bless.
The future being a reflection of your past, indicates if you do nothing, if you open no doors in your life everything would be the same and you and I could sit and chat in a year or two years from now and your life will not have changed at all. Everything will remain the same, so it's time to resolve issues. If there are any unresolved issues and of course by being single you don't like to go everywhere alone. It gets tiresome to go out with girlfriends to the movies or shopping. I think that what you are looking for in your life is some form of excitement that you have not had for a period of time. You may find yourself becoming more sentimental or looking back in the past with relationships or that boy that liked you in your senior year in high school or that college fling. You may be looking back in time and wondering how things could have changed within your life. And it seems you like to talk, you're educated, I feel that you are articulate and that you keep yourself very busy. You handle money well, you get a dollars value out of a dollar spent. In many ways you have a lot more going for you than you think. You are not handicapped, you don't have two heads. You are pleasant to be with. You are an excellent hostess, you keep a very clean place. In many ways you have a great deal to offer and you will find in potential relationships that you probably have more to offer than a man would have to offer. You are still quite photogenic and everybody seems to like your sense of humor. It gets tiresome going to family gatherings alone. In my mind I see a man proposing marriage to you but you would' refuse, simply because it would be a good relationship, a loving relationship, it would be a relationship were you would have feelings for the person. You wouldn't be in love with the person, so not wanting to mislead him or compromise him, you would rather wait until the ideal person comes along. But what I sense further is that you're comparing a current male with a past male. I feel that in relationships if you have three dates with the same gentleman, I suspect that's serious because if your not really impressed on the first or second date it is highly unlikely that there would be a third date. You are capable of achieving anything you want to achieve. You have a secret admirer, somebody you see in the daytime either a work related situation or in a public place but I would feel that you do have a secret admirer. I would sense that a person who is widowed or di-
60's Female — Married [[[ I think we have to assume that a woman who is married in her sixty's that approaches a 900 Psychic or a reader, Tarot Card Reader, or somebody that is reading into the future, may not be as per48
petually happy or perfectly happy as you would want her to be. But I would give you some observations and some insights and some philosophies relevant to a woman who is 60 years old, or in her sixties and married. ]]] You see yourself as a person that has been transformed from a younger woman into an older woman. Again, the typical late bloomer. You are now more capable of taking chances than you would have as a child. You are more outspoken now than as a teenager, and continually would wonder is that all there is? Is that all there is in my life? It seems that you do not have the amount of romance in your life that you once had. It appears that your husband is not as much interested in you romantically as he was when you were first married. You sense that your husband is moody or despondent or distracted or preoccupied with other things. He does not spend as much quality time with you as you would like. He is not as complementary towards you as you would like him to be. It appears that over the last several years that you have found men, especially younger men, it appears to be, well at least your intuition is telling you, that these younger men are admiring you and that are drawn to you. They don't know how old you are and perhaps you look ten years younger than your age. You dress in a youthful fashion so that you are not dressed in dowdy, old-womanish clothes. And it sort of tickles your fancy where as these younger men appear, at least, to be very attracted to you in a romantic way. Of course you have always been the straight shooter, you have always been the one man woman, you have always been faithful within your relationship, yet it does wonderful things for your ego to have a person that is interested in you that way. It appears this would happen in the work place if you are working, and if you are not working, it appears that it would happen in the daytime, rather than in the evening. These men will complement you. You will find, also, that your peers, women your own age, would complement you on your grooming. Philosophically, that the next ten years of your life will be a reflection of the last ten years of your life, where there will not be any major changes unless you make the changes. You have become aware that you do not have the body now that you had as a thirty year old. As much as you try to do it, you can't recover the body you once had. It is because we are talking about cellulite, about fats, and especially the fats in the abdomen, in the stomach, do not disappear and dissipate, but rather they stay there. That's always an issue to contend with. I think
secondly, you find that any health issues seem to be somehow significant with female issues. Because you have menopause to contend with, you are continually bombarded with cancer scares, as far as the breast cancer scare and examining your own breast for potential breast cancer, so that is something always looming over one's head. I would think that you would be concerned about gall bladder, hysterectomy, relative to getting older. That you be concerned with female issues because things change. The body changes. And, again, even though you take care of yourself through exercise, walking, aerobics, that you still have a tendency of not being able to recapture that youthful figure. If you have an opportunity of going to a school reunion, a 20th or 30th or 40th school reunion, I believe that in your mind you look younger than those around you. You may find the best weight for you in a generalized way would probably be between 125 and 155 pounds. That you are less concerned with the cost of an outfit now, whereas at 20 you'd be concerned if a dress was $40; that would be expensive. At 60, if a dress is $400, and it is something you want, you would get it. You also find that by wearing certain colors when you are color coordinated, it shows off your complexion and your hair. Obviously, to maintain your proper hair color you need some sort of coloring agent to do that. And we know that nowadays, a natural blond probably does not exist except from the bottle. As a wife you have always been there for your husband. You have always been supportive of your husband, and I think at times that probably is not appreciated. That you find you are approaching senior citizenship, you are approaching collecting from social security. And if you are over 62 or over 65, of course, you're already collecting from social security. Somehow you feel that you deserve this, you don't want to be dependent on the system, or dependent on federal government, but yet you have worked many, many years for this sustenance that you get, so that you don't feel guilty about that. You are more apt to think about vacations and traveling than you were as a child. You may, from time to time, be sentimental and remember your first love. You may look back at this marriage and determine if it was bad or good. The biggest issue that you fear, at times, you are taken for granted; that you are just a meal ticket, that you're just a chief bottle washer and maid, and mother and caretaker, and chauffeur, and teacher, and mentor, so that your time seems to be 49
You will hear the same old reminisces and the taken up a great deal with family issues, rather same old stories from your husband, the same old than with your own personal issues. It appears that money is not going to be a major issue within jokes that you have heard dozens of times before over the years. And it appears that he doesn't reyour life. member that he's already told you this joke. The money will be there. I have never seen a brinks truck following a hearse, so I think that you He has already told you this funny story and from time to time you think maybe he's coming down should be doing something with your money to with Alzheimer's because he doesn't remember satisfy yourself. I know now, in what I sense what he has told you. And you find yourself with about you, that you probably could write successa great deal of time on your hands, and that you ful children's books. should be doing something else with your time. And perhaps even with your dry sense of humor, I You need intelligent adult conversation. think that you would be able to write books that You don't want to be dependent on your children, are very comical to make kids laugh, to make chilyou don't want to think about moving in with dren laugh. Because you've always been very supyour children if the situation warranted that. You portive of children around you. know in your mind that at some point in time that It is interesting to note as well, that you probably you are going to be alone. need more than a dash of romance. Because life You are taking your vitamin C's, you are keeping becomes predictable, life becomes boring. And so I think that in many ways you would like a change ' yourself as active as possible. And it appears that in your life there is going to be entertainment, that in your lifestyle. there is going to be fun, and excitement, and soYou find in your work situation, if you are still cializing. It appears to me that you're the one working, and I believe that you should be doing that's got to create these situations because they some sort of part-time work, some sort of volunwill not be created for you. teer work, some sort of work to keep you busy, You still have dresses and outfits hanging in the simply because I feel that you have become bored closet that since you've put on a little bit of if you are doing the same things, again and again. weight, that you've not been able to wear. They You need new challenges in your life, new stimuare still new, and they look new, and they are very lations in your life, you need new people in your much in style, but they are just hanging there on life to keep you active. And while you still like to the hangers. I think that you wonder if sometime dress up and go out, I think that it's great for you in the foreseeable future that you will be able to to be a person that communicates with the public. fit back into these outfits. You may have the potential of having a little bit of plastic surgery around the face; a tuck here, a My sense is that the answer is yes. My sense is tuck there. Maybe have the eyes done. that you are going to return in some ways to your youthful ways. What is needed is for you to beYou wonder if you will outlive your husband, lieve in yourself. which you probably shall. And when that happens, you will wonder from time to time if you What is needed is that you can change your destishall ever remarry. You shall wonder from time to ny, you can change your karma, you can change time if you'll ever make love with another man. fate. You can make what appears impossible possible. If you desire to do so. But I think that you Is that secret admirer that you have, is he for real are heading into a very exciting period of time, or is he just in your mind? And I would say to you where you secret wishes will be granted you and in response to that thought, that where there is whatever you have desired in the past, will be givsmoke, there is fire. So that when you find youren to you. self second guessing yourself — when you find yourself wondering if your intuition is correct, it It's just a question of knowing that... in my mind I probably is correct. I think you have a nice, youthwould see you living in a very pleasant climate ful appearance about you. with a mean temperature in the 70s or 80s. So I would not see you surviving in snow or ice, but You seem to be a little bit more quiet now than perhaps a grass shack in the islands is needed. you were as a child, you may need less sleep than you did as a younger woman, and you seem to be It appears that even now, when you walk from more independent now than at any other time in room to room, you have a tendency of bringing a your life. That you will have problems, because of pocketbook with you. And with all the stuff you menopause, or if you're on estrogen or nonhave in your pocketbook, perhaps you could use a estrogen, because that is the key right there, that larger one. will basically govern the moods that you have. 50
60's Male — Single I would think that it's fair to say you have overcome obstacles within your life. You have a way of seeing things clearly. That you have overcome health issues, that you've overcome financial issues, so in some ways its reasonable to say that you are your own person. Your personality is not likely to change. Your self-esteem, your selfconfidence, is not likely to change. You have become reasonably set in your ways. And you probably may fall into the category of, I guess, a late bloomer. That you've evidently gone through previous relationships or divorces, and it would be reasonable that you would out-live a wife. It is fairly reasonable that you would probably be around for another couple of decades. Now, it always seems that you do not have a problem in at-. tracting women to you, but the women seem to be interested in commitment. They are not interested in a short-term relationship. They are not interested in simply a physical relationship, but rather seem to be in a rush to receive commitment and in a rush to settle down. At this point in time, if you enter into a relationship that will lead to a marriage, you probably will still maintain a great deal of independence in this relationship, in the sense there may well be a prenuptual agreement suggested, either by your potential mate or by you. Because after all, you may have children in their forties or perhaps, give or take a few years. You may want to leave some of your finances, some of your financial solvency, any material wealth to your children, and that may be an issue with a new person in a relationship, because that person may want you to leave insurance policies, and legacies, and properties, and investments to them, because after all, if they are going to be your wife, they should be able to share in whatever material things that you have. In their mind it may seem completely logical and sensible. But from your perspective, you've known your children a hell of a lot longer than you've known some woman, so that could create a relationship problem which should be resolved, and basically it should be resolved in the beginning stages of serious talk. I feel that you do not want to be compared to a past husband. Either in a positive way or a negative way, because if a woman was married to a wonderful man and has outlived him, she obviously is going to compare you with the husband. And she'll compare any man with the husband. So it would not be a direct reflection on you, but rather 51
she may, in her mind, know that she cannot find a replacement, and in your position you'd be fighting a ghost. You will not be able to measure up to the previous husband. Now, conversely, if the woman was married to an absolute and utter bastard, that she would be cautious of you being the same person. So that you may find in a relationship with a woman of this type that you are paying for sins that you did not commit. She may be a suspicious person, someone who is wanting you, on a subconscious level, perhaps to make the same mistakes that her previous husband's have made. Where as if she was a battered wife, all that you would have to do is lift your hand to her, and she would probably call the police. If you are sitting down, watching television, having a can of beer, you may be accused of being an alcoholic. If you take two or three Tylenol, you may be accused of being a drug addict. If you look at a pretty woman on the street, you may be accused of being a lecherous old man. In many ways, getting a relationship when you are single in your 60's is somewhat different. And yet you don't want to go through life alone. I think you are set in your ways. Nobody is going to tell you what to do, or order you about — I don't think that's going to work. But as you become older you become a little bit secretive in your ways so that you don't have to tell a person where you're going, what time you're getting up, what time you're going to bed, what time you're going to be in, who you are seeing. You have not had to do this for a period of time, and you'd be somewhat reluctant to do it now. You may never in your own mind have enough money to support yourself forever and ever. You may be wealthy, yet you may not feel that you have enough money to be able to support you in the style that you have become accustomed to. You have also become accustomed to taking walks by yourself, drives by yourself, without laying out any sort of a blue print to the person you're with. In a potential relationship, I would think that because you are a sentimentalist that lately you may have been thinking of a childhood sweetheart; thinking of the relationship that you were involved in many years ago, that did not pan out at that point in time. Given the opportunity, I sense that you'll be able to go back to the past and look into the past, and be able to find the person that you have been with before, and then the two of you separated. You seem to have broad responsibilities. You get along
in receiving the understanding and the empathy, and for somebody to commiserate with you, somebody that's intelligent, somebody that is able to hold an adult conversation, someone that does not abuse drugs or alcohol or other people. Somebody who is self-sufficient and can take care of herself, because as a younger man, I sense that you would want a woman to be dependent on you somewhat — so that you could be the hero, you could be the big brother, you could be the cowboy in the white hat, so that you could save the day, you see. But, now I feel that you want a woman that can pretty much take care of herself. That is not dysfunctional, is not co-dependent; pretty much that can be a self-starter. Not somebody that is a dreamer, that's an incurable romantic. Not somebody who's got three inches of makeup on their face, and you most assuredly don't want a woman who's trying to look like she's twenty years old by the way that she dresses. In a sense you want the proverbial, the perfect woman, comes to mind. It reminds me of a little story. These two men are speaking and one man says, "I'm sixty years old, I'm single, and I'm searching for the perfect woman, and I've been searching for the perfect woman for ten years. I found one who's beautiful, but she doesn't have any brains. I found one that was beautiful and had brains, but she didn't have any body. I found one that was beautiful, had brains, and a good body, but really she wasn't a good communicator." And he was telling this all to his buddy. And he said, "finally I found the woman with the brains, the body, with the personality, with the education, with the looks — she had everything. She was perfect for me." And his buddy said, "did you marry her?" And the man said, "well no, because she was searching for the perfect man." So, I think that in many ways, there has to be perimeters and guidelines in the person that you search for. I think that you seem to be reasonably sensible, reasonably attractive. I really don't sense that you're going to go through life alone. You would much more prefer long-term relationships now, and it appears that women pursue you more now than when you were in your twenties. It appears that women see you as perhaps a bit more distinguished now than when you were a younger man. Women are less reluctant to sleep with you now than when you were a younger man. So it doesn't really appear that it's difficult in finding a relationship. And I think that, again, the women that you come in contact with now have
•with people, you are protective by nature, you may not be as competitive as you once were. You are a person of all seasons, you've been able to adapt, and it just becomes more difficult to do as much as you've done in the past. You certainly can out-work younger men around you. Actually, look in the mirror, you don't look your age. You actually feel that you are younger than your age, and the body may not be what it once was, and for some mysterious reason, you are not attracted to women your own age or older, but it generally seems that you are attracted to women that are 10, 20, or perhaps even 30 years younger than you are now. You don't want to be accused of dating a woman that is younger than your daughter. You don't want to be alone and single because perhaps someone's going to say that you are homosexual if you're an unmarried male in your 60s. So, it is not really easy being alone. The romantic parts of your life as a younger man in your 20s or 30s, you may well have wanted to make love with a woman and spend the entire night with the woman. In your sixties, you may want to make love to the woman, and then sleep in a single bed. Because sooner or later, all of us shall sleep in a single bed. I don't feel that you enjoy receiving unsolicited advice or council. That basically you're going to do your own thing, that you have survived this many years by following you're own instincts and intuition, and that you will survive for many more years without somebody being the person who is going to advise you to do this, and advise you to do that, because I don't think that that is going to work. In dating a younger woman, often times a younger woman may be addressed as your daughter. Somebody may think you have a lovely daughter, when in fact it's your significant other. So, it is not a piece of cake being single in the 60's, because you have become used to being independent, not worrying about somebody else. Perhaps you may have children that would be somewhat reluctant in having you being remarried. And the fact of the matter is, you may well be closer to your children than you would be to any woman in your life. I believe that in a relationship you are looking more now, than as a younger man you would be looking for a party, you would be looking for romance, you would be looking for sex. As you become an older person I think that you have a tendency of being a little bit more philosophic, where you're interested in companionship, 52
may not last forever. The government is now targeting the Social Security money for other things. When it's time, at 62 or 65 to collect Social Security, that is obviously a concern. We are concerned with, based on your palm, or based on your aura, we are concerned with impotency because there are many males that cannot be sexually active in their 60s, because of high blood pressure medication, because of the sugar diabetes medication, because of a variety of medications, seem to effect us in that sense. Your concern, off and on, would be prostate cancer, because men in their 60's obviously have a higher degree, I think it is about 2 out of 10 men in their 60's develop some sort of an enlarged prostate, or prostate cancer. I would advise you, and I'm not sensing there is anything wrong with you. but I would certainly advise you to have your yearly checkups with your urologist, and today it is a simple blood test. I think it's an PSA test relative to a blood test that tells you exactly what kind of condition the prostate is in. You may not be as romantic physically as you would like to be, but I sense that you are still romantic mentally as you would like to be. And I would think that you are probably not as good as you once were, but you are probably as good once and you once were. Seems to me that as of late you have been doing a lot of reminiscing, a lot of thinking about your childhood, how it wasn't easy, how you were not born with a silver spoon in your mouth, how you had to struggle, how you have had to go without. It appears to me that you have given your family what you did not have, so that you are by nature a provider, and that you can't understand your children's disregard for money, because money has always been important in your life, especially by being born without a great deal of money, money has always been the significant thing to have, because money cannot buy poverty. Money does buy power, and I don't feel that you've had a rash of different jobs within your life. I think that you would start out in a job and maybe using physical labors. And then ultimately you would gradually climb up the ladder to be successful. And even in your youth, you may have had to drop out of school, or postpone school, put it off in order to support the family. You are a dreamer, you are looking back over past experiences. You have looked back over past relationships, you've second-guessed yourself, wondering if you've made the right decisions within your life. It appears... what I sense about you, you become somewhat offended if you go into a store and they offer you a senior citizens discount,
perfected their cooking skills, and their sewing skills, and they manage their time much more adequately than when they were younger women, and that they probably love the weekends and doing things on the weekends. They have their own hobbies. In a way, they are much more in harmony with the universe than when they were younger women. I would suspect that over this next twelve or thirteen months period of time you will have no problem in attracting women, so finding a woman, finding a mate is not the issue. But finding a mate that fits into the matrix of who you are looking for, somebody who is not complaining, not nagging, because you have been there and done that. You don't need a nagger, and a complainer. In my mind, I feel that you will find your soulmate. You'll find the person that you will spend the rest of your life with. And I believe that your next marriage shall be your last marriage. And I think that again, it's just a question of you looking for a person that reflects upon you — a person that has the same philosophies and ideologies, a person that is much like you in many different ways. Most assuredly one that is not one dimensional. There has got to be many dimensions to this person that you will be happiest with. I feel that she will probably be the most unusual woman that you have yet been able to meet within your life.
60's Male — Married You are looking at your own future, wondering occasionally how long you will be alive. Will it be another five years, ten years or twenty years? That you may have a tendency of thinking that you are probably healthier than you actually are. You try to fight the biological aging process by acting younger, being younger, and wondering is this all that there is? You've been the married person. You know your mate probably better than any other person knows her. It's not been a totally easy marriage. It's had its ups and downs. There are no relationships born in Heaven. You understand each other, you give each other the space that you need. Money always seems to be of some concern, at least I sense about you, because when is enough enough? And of course, being born during The Depression, or before The Depression, we always have a concern do we have enough money? Are we going to be able to make it on social security with all the scandal of Medicare and Medicaid. We are being told that the Social Security 53
when you have not indicated that you are a senior citizen. And of course you have always felt that you look younger than your years, you feel younger than your years. So when somebody wants to give you a ten percent discount because you are a senior citizen, that is somewhat offensive. You might even be out with your own son or daughter and somebody says to you, "You have a lovely grandchild, or grandson or granddaughter," when in fact it is your son or daughter, not your grandson. That becomes somewhat offensive as well. So, what is going on here? Do you actually look older than your years? You seem to be spending more time reminiscing about the past, and things that might have been. You seem to have become a little bit more philosophic, that you don't have as much energy as you would normally have, although you try to act like your thirty years old. You're no longer thirty years old. And we are faced with our own demise. We are faced with how many years do we have left? Will we live to 80? Will we live to 70? Statistically, they say no, that we are not going to live much more beyond 69 years. So as of late you are paying more attention to your health, more attention to vitamins, the vitamin C, and vitamin E. You are paying more attention to these things now. I think people have a tendency of treating you with a little bit more deference. Many times in a gathering, a birthday party, a Christmas party. You'll sense all of a sudden that you're the oldest person in the room. And by being the oldest person in the room, it sort of makes you feel a little bit vulnerable. You wish that the relationship between you and your wife had been closer, and looking back over the years, the most difficult years of your marriage was the seventh year, the fourteenth year, the twenty-first year, the twentyeighth year, all sequentially the seven year cycles. Each seven years of your marriage will be significant in your life. You may have dialogue with your wife, whom is going to outlive whom. Am I going live longer than you, are you going to live longer than me? And you would think that if your wife does outlive you, she is probably younger than you. You were probably married on a weekend and the thought would cross your mind, that if, in fact, your wife outlives you, will she marry again? Will she be alone, will she stay in mourning? Will she be financially stable? Is she going to give another man your property, your material wealth. She would probably assure you that she would
never marry again. And by the same token, your wife would wonder if she dies first, would she be replaced by someone who is twenty or thirty years younger than you? Because in her mind, there is no fool like an old fool. So these are things that you would be dealing with in your life. I think that you'll find perhaps an interest in more of a philosophic or metaphysical interest in conjuring up books about reincarnation, of future lives, of past lives, and things that most assuredly, if you are going to be around again in a future life, this has a tendency of perhaps giving you some hope relative to the future, or being around again. In my mind I feel that you are getting on the scales and weighing yourself more than you normally would. Because as a child you would either walk every place or you would ride a bike. As a youngster you can remember a loaf of bread being 12 cents. A pound of hamburger being 25 cents. During the 40's waiting in line for butter. A pound of butter was rationed during the second World War. And it's just a question of waiting in line for nylons. Nylons were rationed during the 40's. And really not being able to understand as far as you were too young for the second World War, and probably too young for some different things that go on in your life. I suppose as far as thinking about the future, that you still have many shirts in your closet that you have not even worn in a year, but they are hanging on the hangers in your closet; you have not worn them. It would appear that even some of your pants, the back of the pants have become a little bit shiny and need to be replaced, but it doesn't appear that you care as much as you once did. I believe that you are clean, you're well-groomed, you're articulate, and there never seems to be enough time to do that you have not done yet. There is always something left undone. Your wife is the most difficult person to shop for, you never know what to get her because she's got about everything. She becomes offended if you try to give her money because that is so cold and uncaring. I would think the most difficult days of the year would be your wife's birthday and Christmas, or your anniversary, which you have a tendency of getting the days mixed up. You can remember the month, but you have a tendency of inverting the days. I think that as far as what I sense about you as a person, my feeling is that you are going to be around for another couple of decades. My sense is that you'll be around probably into your 80s or late 80s. I feel that you probably have the power to be able 54
It is interesting to note as well, that usually when a person is overweight, something of a traumatic nature has occurred in their life to make them overweight. So if you can think of the bear hibernating for the winter, and they eat and they eat, and they get big and plump, and then they sleep all winter. It sort of protects them against the elements that will happen in the future. By you being overweight, and I think basically you're a very attractive person, you know you've got the brains, the personality, and simply by being overweight I realize that you are the same person as you are outside. I know there's not any change there. And I know that by being overweight that you, in a sense are overtaxing your body. What happens is when you go for a medical checkup, no matter what the reason is for the medical check up, they are going to say well perhaps you could take off some weight, you're going to feel better. And that's probably rightly so, because by being at your proper weight, and I would sense that your proper weight is probably going to be a few pounds less than you weigh now, but you did not put on all of the weight at one time. • It took a pretty good time to put on the weight and you can't take off the weight all at once. But I feel in my mind that it will come off. I feel that you will be able to maintain your proper weight. And there is probably two or three things that you can do that I can share with you to help in your goal. One is, several times a day to visualize in your mind, you know, just sit in a corner somewhere and close your eyes, and just... it's not meditation and its not hypnosis, it is more or less guided imagery, but you sit down and you close your eyes and you visualize yourself standing on your scales. In your mind you look down at the scale and try to visualize your proper weight. Not necessarily how much you weigh now, but whatever your proper weight is, you try to visualize this in your mind, and these numbers become your lucky numbers. And so that by doing that you are sort of reinforcing who you want to be and what weight you want to be at. It is sort of like planting positive seeds. That is one visualization that you can keep doing. Another visualization is to look in the past at a time in your life when you really felt good about yourself, you really felt good about the way you looked, the way you felt, and how much you weighed, and it may be two years ago, or it may be twenty years ago. It really doesn't matter. But it should be a time in your life when you really felt pretty much in balance with the universe, and in harmony with the universe, and in harmony
to control your own health. Because there is different methods, different breathing exercises you can do, there is different biofeedback techniques where you can lower your blood pressure, and lower your tryglicerides, lower your blood sugars, basically to heal yourself. You find yourself from time to time studying your image in the mirror to see if you actually have aged. And then you think, well, I don't want to grow old rapidly, and I don't want to die young, but if death takes movie actors and movie actresses and politicians and holy men, and very special people, no matter how much money you have or who you are or how famous you are, ultimately one day you die. And it's going to effect everyone else, it's certainly going to effect you. My sense is the message from the universe to you is enjoy each day as it comes, enjoy each week as it comes. Resolve anything in your life that is left unresolved. If there is any distance between you and a sibling, or distance between you and a child because of a misunderstanding. I think now is the time to resolve all those issues. But I think you'll be around into your eighties. I sense when reading the newspapers you always read the obituary column.
Overweight — Male or Female I perceive you to be a decent individual and usually I can tell if somebody is an overeater. Usually I can tell if someone is really doing themselves a great deal of damage by impulsive eating or compulsive eating. I really don't sense that with you. I feel that what has happened is that your subconscious mind has sent a message to your conscious mind for you to put on some weight. And it will be sort of like insulation, if you will. It is sort of like a protective security blanket. By being overweight it may keep you safe. And the psychological reason for this is that you are probably not ready to move on to the next level of your life. So unconsciously you are keeping yourself status-quo. And the message is, well, if I am overweight I am probably not as attractive as I normally would be. And if I am not as attractive as I normally would be, perhaps the opposite sex would not take notice of me, and it will give me a chance to resolve what is left unresolved. Statistically, people that are overweight are usually not overweight because they are compulsive eaters, or addictive eaters. It is usually because of some unresolved emotional issue in their life. And it may well indicate that you have gone through some unresolved, unrequited issues, in your life. 55
logical factors involved there. I believe that you with your own body. You can make that visualizaare at a crossroads within your life where it's nection within your mind. An affirmation to go along essary for you to make a determination and make with the visualization is that I possess the power a decision. within my own mind, to make what seems impossible, possible. That is one affirmation. Because obviously if you continue in your current eating habits I think that you will always be overAnother affirmation to give yourself is if in my weight. Which has a tendency of affecting your life there have existed any reasons for me to be self esteem, which has a tendency of affecting overweight as of this moment those reasons no your ego, your psyche, the way you interact with longer exist. These are two very strong affirmapeople, your interpersonal relationships, your cations relative to weight loss. I am not a doctor, I reer. It really has a tendency of effecting a lot of cannot prescribe medications, and I can't even different aspects within your life. prescribe medical procedures, but what I can do is intuitively say to you that you hold the key to My personal feeling is that you have been in hidyour own happiness in your life relative to weight ing. It is almost like you have been a split pesonloss. ality. There is two people that I am talking to. And you have the option. The choice is yours. As By getting down to your proper weight you are I have said throughout my teachings, that your life going to pretty much add an additional 20-25 is by choice, not be chance. Nobody forces you to years onto your life. I believe you can live 20-25 years longer than you ordinarily would. I believe ' eat. I am not standing in judgment of you, and I am certainly not being critical of you, there may that you'll look healthier, I believe that you will well have been reasons in the past for you to be look younger. You will look more vital, you will overweight. look more attractive. Your clothing will fit you better, and people will There may well have been reasons for you to keep have a tendency of accepting you as an equal raththe security blanket, to keep yourself insulated. I er than you feeling stigmatized, and I think all don't want to say there's been no reasons, but things considered, I think it's the proper direction there may well have been reasons. What I am sayfor you to go. Think about eliminating eating any ing to you now is I sense at this moment, that junk foods that begin with the letter 'C those reasons no longer exist. That would include cakes, cookies, chocolate, carSo it is time for you to move on. There will be a amels, cupcakes, chips, cheeses, Cheeto's, and point in time in your future when you walk along the street there will be old friends of yours that whatever junk foods. Obviously I am not talking will probably not recognize you. about cabbage, carrots, and cauliflower. I am talking about junk foods that begin with the letter C. Friends that you have not seen for a period of It is widely believed that if you can ingest a half a time, I don't think will recognize you. Any weight gallon of water a day, for some people it might loss should, of course, be in conjunction with doceven be less. That's- going to rinse the salts tors visits and any weight loss should be really a through your system. joint venture between you and your physician. I believe there is another psychological factor that I don't want you to take what I say as Bible truth, is involved here. My sense of you as an entity, or I am simply giving you intuitive feelings. I have a my sense of you from your voice, from who you deal with the American Medical Association, I are, I would almost think in a previous existence, won't prescribe medicine and medical techniques, in a previous lifetime, I would sense that you were and they won't do psychic readings. But my sixth probably Indian, and I would think that your sense is usually very acute and very accurate. whole tribe died of starvation. I sense within you there is a person wanting to I would see you being of the opposite sex in this come out. There is a person deep within you that past lifetime, but something went wrong, in the wants to come to the surface because they are winter time, there was just not enough food for tired of being the person that they have been for you and your tribe to get through the winter. And such a long period of time. And I do say to you I sense that you died because of that. that medical studies have shown that by being at Now, if you believe in fate and if you believe in your proper weight, your heart beats normally, reincarnation and past lives and future lives, that that your blood pressure has a tendency of being would indicate that in this lifetime you may be normal, that your moods, there are no super highs overcompensating for the past lifetime when you and super lows. died of starvation, and in this lifetime you want to By being at your proper weight there is a lack of sort of insure that you will not die of starvation in depression and despondency. You simply look this lifetime. So there may well be some psycho56
healthy, feel better, and obviously you get a great many compliments from people around you. That is certainly a challenge, but based on your past track record I think that you would do well in accepting a challenge. So it's a question again, and I believe we are governed by fate and Karma and the universe, but I still feel that some of the times that we have the determination and the decisions to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and get on with our lives. And I believe you have been in a holding pattern too long. You have been in this limbo situation too long, and I believe now that it is time to move forward and I think that... my sense is, at least my psychic sense is, that you can accomplish whatever you want to accomplish by believing in yourself and knowing that you can do this, because basically you are a very attractive person. Basically, you're a nice person. You've got the brains, the personality, a likable individual. And if you were short, fat and ugly, well, and you lost a bunch of weight, you'd end up being short, thin and ugly. You see. But that's not the issue here. I think you are a very attractive individual. I think you've got a lot of charisma, a lot of magnetism about you, and I think that the timing is right, because timing is everything. And perhaps... I realize that you have thought a great deal about weight loss and I realize that you've thought a great deal about getting down to your proper weight, and there never seems to be enough time. Or you don't have the consistency to stay with it, but what I am sharing with you, these things that I am sharing with you... we are not talking diet, we are not talking diet control, we are simply talking about visualizations that will work for you. By visualizing these different scenes, how you looked in the past, how you want to look in the future... If you do these several times a day, things will kick in to make this happen. In any event, hopefully when I see you in the future or talk to you in the future or hear from you in the future, you shall be a much happier person because of the words that I have shared with you. Good luck and God bless.
It is believed by handicapped people that if you believe that you axe handicapped, you are handicapped. I personally have worked with paraplegics and quadriplegics, and to some degree helped them through meditations and through guided imagery and visualizations. It reminds me of when I was a very young child, about fifteen years old, I had an occasion to speak with this doctor, and I sat in this doctor's office for about 15 minutes, and it was a nicely decorated office, and we had this conversation. I was sitting across from him, and at the conclusion of the conversation I was informed by one of his assistants and by him also that the doctor was blind. He couldn't see, stone cold blind and he walked around with a cane, yet we sat in that office and talked for 15 minutes about a variety of subjects, and I never had a clue. I never could guess. I consider myself a reasonably intuitive person, to be able to sense these things about others, but I didn't have a clue. He explained to me later that that was one of the handicaps that he was able to overcome simply because in not acting blind. You see, it worked for him. It is also widely believed amongst handicapped people, as well as the medical fraternity, that when one of your senses goes down, the other senses come to the fore. People that have a handicap in the hearing usually have excellent eyesight, and usually the people that have a problem with one of their other senses, all the other senses seem to bond together to make them stronger at what they do. In dealing with handicaps I think there are certain ground rules or parameters to be aware of. One is, if you take ten people with the same handicap there will be degrees, there will be differences, between all the ten people. You read in the newspapers, the magazines, about people putting a paintbrush between their toes and painting murals and masterpieces, and that's just one way to overcome a handicap, using different limbs, using the feet and the legs to do what normally the hands and arms would do. If you're incapacitated with the right arm, usually your left arm becomes the tool. The utensil. In people who are normally right handed that have a problem, they use the left hand. It is the same way in life then if you have a handicap with your personality, if you have a handicap with the way you speak or the way that you interact, or the way that you see yourself, these things can be worked on to be made better. If a person has a stuttering problem or stammering problem it will usually happen when the person is under tension, what we call being under fire. I would say to you that it is necessary to have some
Handicapped — Male or Female I believe that Plato said know thyself, heal thyself. As a special person you have the ability of overcoming handicaps, overcoming obstacles, because if you stop and think that in your life you have overcome a lot of negativity, you have overcome a lot of obstacles, and it's just a question of overcoming as many obstacles as you can. 57
off and on for the better part of the year, and the doctor's had felt that it was something psychosomatic, but she consciously said she could not use the arm and it would not function for her. I placed the woman under hypnosis and the arm was working fine. I had her open her eyes when she was under hypnosis and again, once she recognized the fact that she could move the arm, and that she allowed herself to use the arm, then the arm moved. I'm not saying that a person that has problems with their legs is going to run 100-yard dash, become an Olympian. I'm not saying that, and certainly I am not taking this subject lightly. But what I am saying to you is to reexamine this handicap, and to overcome as much of it as you are able to do. And in my lifetime, I've seen some phenomenal things that people are able to accomplish with their handicaps. And of course, we're dealing with physical handicaps and we're dealing with emotional handicaps. I believe, as far as the emotional handicaps, you have a shot, you know. Each day through the age of electronics and through the age of medicine new things are being developed, new cures are being developed, and even as I speak they are working on a cure for AIDS. They are working on cures for cancer, and in our lifetime there will be a lot of people that see themselves as handicapped that will no longer see themselves as handicapped. But I think that initially I feel that it is a question of emotional handicaps that can be dealt with. They can be dealt with through counseling, through personal therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy. There is a way of overcoming handicaps. Now, it is all a mind-set. I saw a gentleman the other day that had on this T-shirt. And on the front of it, he was a black man, and on the front it said "The most difficult job in the world is being a black man.' It really made me think. I engaged this person in conversation after meeting him, and I came to find out that he really saw himself as a victim, you know, woe is me, the world is against me, I'll never accomplish anything. He had a job as a laborer and he just felt sorry for himself, he was somewhat masochistic. I spoke to him at length, and I said, "well look at all the supreme court justices, look at all the lawyers, look at all the judges, look at all the politicians, look at all the very successful men that are millionaires that are black men." He told me he was talking with a politician in California, a black man, several years ago. He said to the politician, "you should be very proud of yourself that you have been able to overcome all the
piece of mind or some harmony in your life, and by so doing, that you will be able to overcome a handicap. People who have agoraphobia, people that are handicapped by being house-bound, or keeping close to the house, and maybe not going beyond the back yard, I have been aware in my studies of people who have not left their house in 20 years. Maybe would walk to the corner mail box, but most assuredly would not get in a car to drive somewhere. And if they do, they force themselves to do this, they end up with arrhythmia and hyperventilation, and they end up with some sort of attacks because in a sense they feel handicapped. The key, of course, is if you feel handicapped, you probably are. If you feel that you will always will be handicapped, you probably always will be. There are three things that I would introduce into your thinking. One key is to believe that you can be healed. Secondly, to believe that something or someone out there that can heal you. And thirdly, to believe that you want to be healed. There are several very good books on the market relative to handicaps and relative to overcoming handicaps. One is by Deepac Chopra, and the title of the book is Quantum Healing. The second is by Berney Seigal/How to Live Between Office Visits, and the third is by Louise Hay, How to Heal Your Life. Because everyone's handicap is different. I find it interesting... I have talked to people over the telephone and really not been aware that they we're handicapped. And yet they may be without limbs or they may be quadriplegics, or they may have problems in their life... dependency problems and handicaps. Because one can be handicapped by cocaine, one can be handicapped by heroin. One can be handicapped by bad self-esteem, bad image, how they feel about themselves. A bad upbringing, a child of alcoholic parents, a child of incest, a person or victim of rape. There's many things in our lives that handicap us, in a sense if we allow them. The key word here is 'allow', and it is much like in one of my lectures I may be asked, Can you place a curse on a person? Can you use voodoo on a person? My answer is normally that yes, if a person believes that I can put a curse on them, then I can. If they believe I am not capable of putting a curse on them, well then I can't. So the key word is 'allow', and if you allow yourself to be handicapped, you can be handicapped. I can remember a young woman coming to me with her arm in a sling, and the arm had been in a sling 58
generation in this country, they were brought up to study and succeed. In school, A's were acceptable. B's, C's, & D's were not acceptable. They were expected to always be in the top ten percent of their class. Let's assume that an oriental lady, she may be Vietnamese, she may be Korean, she may be Chinese or Japanese, comes to me and she's anywhere from 20 to 40 years old. ]]]]]
handicaps in your life, because after all you're a black man and it's been difficult. How did you do this? How did you overcome these handicaps?" He looked him straight in the eye and he said, "what handicaps?" Handicaps are there. It's almost like a negative seed that has been planted in your mind. If you're told as a young person that you'll never accomplish anything. Well, perhaps you won't accomplish anything if you absorb that negativity. The word handicap has a variety of different classifications and there are many different elements relative to handicap. A person who's an alcoholic in a sense is handicapped. A person that is impotent is handicapped. A person that is manic depressive is handicapped. And you might say, a person who takes pills and medications in a way is handicapped, because they will not function properly without the medication. So again, there are many different classifications. What I am saying to you is don't be too quick to see yourself as handicapped, simply because I think there's been stories upon stories about people that have overcome all sorts of negativity and all sorts of handicap within their life. Don't be your own worst enemy, don't be judgmental of yourself, don't be critical of yourself, and concentrate on what you want to do and where you want to go. In the beginning you crawled and you walked and you ran, and perhaps you'll fly, depending on how you believe in yourself. You can change things, you can modify things, you can alter things. Don't accept everything at face value. Get different opinions of your situation. People have different opinions of this particular 'handicap.' You may find many times a handicap may be something temporary, it may be a for now situation, or in fact a for now handicap, but perhaps it won't be a forever handicap. Good Luck.
I would sense you are good with numbers. In your classes in school you always would be decent at numbers. Speaking of numbers, you would live a life being somewhat supportive of a gambling male. I would see you as having a burden that you would carry on your shoulder. It would be of a gambling male. I feel that in this world, that in this universe, you shall be treated probably better by males not of your background, not of your culture, because simply put, the males of your culture want to be the leaders, they want the females to be the followers. They want to walk ten paces ahead, and have you walk ten paces behind. They want to be able to make the decisions, they work when they want to work, and not work when they don't want to work, so in most Asian relationships, and some of them of course it's still standard practice of course, to have arranged relationships, or arranged marriages. And probably 70% of the time they fail and each participant grins and bears it. I would see you probably about 5' 3", tops 5' 4", 120-125 lbs, either with a background in computers or education, not liking to take pills and medicines, and somewhat frugal. I would see you very good at saving money. You are able to sense a sale to save money. And that you would even have money that nobody else would know where it is. You would be very respectable of your mother, probably of your mother more so than your father, because even though your mother is strict, she was less strict than your father was. Your mother probably didn't want you to marry until you were 30 years and probably have no more than one child, and hopefully that would be a boy child. I would feel that somehow, I would sense in your language your name would be the name of a bird, I don't know if that would be a hummingbird, or that would be a whippoorwill, or a nightingale, but I think that somehow your ethnic first name would be a derivative of a bird.
Asian — Female [[[[[ Asian people, when read, do not really care for strictly straight psychic readings or clairvoyant readings, meaning simply, holding their hand and talking is not their cup of tea. They would rather use rune stones, I-Ching, Tarot, palmistry, astrology, numerology, because that's the way that they have been taught. It goes without saying that any Asian female believes in reincarnation, believes in past lives, but interestingly they believe in future lives. They are more concerned with future lives than past lives. They were brought up, even if they are second 59
many acquaintances, and I think probably you would be very fussy, as far as who you would invite into your home. You still eat the ethnic foods. You would still have a liking for duck, maybe duck more than chicken. You are very neat, wellgroomed and articulate. You save everything, so I think that you would be a pack-rat. I don't think you throw away anything, because that is basically not your nature. Very clean as well. With your being frugal and with your working, because it would be typical for you to work six days a week. It would be typical for you to have more than one job. And even though you would have a good education in this country, it may not be recognized as much as you would like. I think that people, Americans, see you as very quiet, very together, very intense, very deep, and studying everything and procrastinating about things. You may even be a little bit concerned about your own pronunciation of the English language, because as perfect as it may be there are still times when you think that perhaps you have too much of an accent. I believe that the best color for you is pink, the best flower or tree would be a cherry blossom. You don't normally take alcohol or liquor but would probably like plum wine. I would feel that on social occasions that you would take the wine when you go to public gatherings or holidays you would mix basically with other females and not mixing with males. I feel that you are a 20th century person. I think that you are old fashioned, straight, and traditional relative to your family. So that you would be a new breed. And your mother, your aunts, your grandmother would see you as too assertive, too aggressive, too much Americanized, so that you would perhaps not be the person that they would want you to be. I believe that in a relationship that you give totally, unconditionally. Once you take the vows it is necessary for you to be self-employed if not working for someone else. And your basic nature is to save the world, to enable the world, to save the universe. I think that is pretty much how you were brought up. In many ways I don't see you as a combatant, but I would see you as very strong-minded. Once you make a decision you stick to your guns and you keep to your decision. You are not the complainer. If somebody does you an injustice, I really don't feel that you are crying about it or making a big scene about it. You simply resolve the issues yourself. You need your space, you need to be alone, you need to have your time to meditate. You need
You show respect, you don't wear an excess of makeup, and in my mind I think that you propagate your own language by speaking your own language in the home. It is fine to learn English, and it is fine to learn the English language, because you would be in this country, but it is also to show respect to your own heritage. It's important to be able to propagate what you have been taught as a child. I feel that you are able to figure out the paradoxes, you are able to figure out the puzzles very easily. That you are not the back slapping, gregarious politician. You are not loud, you are not boisterous, you are not flamboyant, that you keep to yourself, that you certainly are very creative and very artistic. I don't feel that you abuse food stuff, so that you would not be a compulsive overeater. That you would have the capacity of designing. I see you with the mind of a designer, and that may mean interior decorating, it could mean jewelry design, but that you are always thinking and that you are always somewhat preoccupied with many different things at the same time. I believe that you show respect. You are very creative in your own way. That you are color coordinated when you dress, and that you are softspoken when you speak. I would sense that you would be college educated, and a degree above college education, so it wouldn't surprise me if you had your Masters, it wouldn't surprise me if you had your doctorate, because you are capable of these things, you are capable, also of paying attention to commitments. You would not believe in pre-marital sex. That you make a commitment, you keep the commitment, so that I think that you have always been a monogamous person. And for many years you would be told that you should marry a person of your own race, of your own culture. Probably within the last four to five years, perhaps you would be thinking that maybe that's just the condition reflexes and maybe you should be looking for another person. Because century, upon century, upon century, the males in your heritage have been the leaders, have been the bosses, have been the decision-makers, have been the ones in charge, never the female. The female is given a certain amount of money and expected to get the bills paid, expected to keep coming home, expected to take care of the children, and I think that if you are looking for equality I would suspect that probably dating somebody of a different ethnic background than you. I feel that you dress very neatly, and I would sense a bit on the conservative side. You will have 60
need all sort of make up, or wear a bunch of make up to look attractive, because you arc basically a naturally attractive woman. Whatever you do you do well, or you won't do it. There is a philosophy that most of us in life are given a choice, and the choice is to be a little fish in a big pond or be a big fish in a little pond. What that means is if you surround yourself by the Hispanic community, if you surround yourself by Hispanics. I don't think that you would be noticed as much as if you were to surround yourself with Anglo's (Americans). You have an above-average way of presenting yourself. You seem neat, clean, well-groomed, articulate, and I would sense a lot of books around you which would indicate an education. But I also would feel, and I am not sure if I am sensing from your voice or from your touch or just the essence of you, but I feel that you are going to accomplish many things in your life that perhaps you don't think are possible. I think your Saint is going to be St. Joseph, or Jose, or Jesus, if you will, but the letter 'J', even as you look around you, is going to be very significant. The reality of your life is that you can't be coerced, you can't be forced, you can't be overcome, you can't be under anybody's thumb simply because it is not going to work. I feel that your past track record is that you love about 70% and not 100%. So that you don't give totally of yourself, for fear of vulnerability, for fear of somehow somebody taking advantage of you. The major issue in your life is that you are fearful of letting your guard down, letting your defenses down, when a person says that they love you or that they care for you, you may take that with a grain of salt. Based on your family tree you will have more than one child, and I would suspect probably three if not four children. You would always be supportive of family members around you, simply because you are a natural caretaker, doing things for others, picking up the pieces for others, maybe being treated as a mother before you would actually be a mother. I don't see you as being an only child, I feel that you are perhaps not terribly shy, but you are sort of laid back. I don't think that you are aggressive, nor would we want that. The one word that comes to me is the word natural, and in my mind I would see these three initials, and I have scribbled them on a piece of paper here, the M, the A, and the R. And the M is maybe for Miguel, the A for Anna, and the R for Roberto, MAR, and it maybe part of a word.
your time to think things out, to end up with the proper answers. But I would see you as soft, feminine, attractive... and the most significant thing about you is your eyes. You have mysterious eyes, or even psychic eyes. Your future lifetimes are going to be much happier than the past. It's just a question of knowing that things will work out for you. And we have in this country good luck charms, you know we have four leaf clovers, the Egyptian ankh, and we have a variety - rabbit's feet, good luck talisman, your good luck talisman, you would have two actually — one would be the cricket and the other would be the grasshopper. You may have some basic knowledge of martial arts, either karate or tai kwan do, or even shadow boxing or shadow dancing, tai chi, you may even have a knowledge of acupressure or acupuncture. But certainly you are metaphysical, certainly homeopathic and holistic. I know the next ten years for you are ten years of brightness and sunshine.
Hispanic — Female My sense is that you are different than your mother, your grandmother and your great-grandmother. I believe that in many ways you will not put up with what they have put up with in their lives, because I know that your father and your grandfather were probably very assertive and very outspoken and conceivably could be physical with your mother. Somehow I don't see you that way, so I feel that you are liberated. You've got the looks, you've got the personality, you have the mahogany eyes that certainly I think men are attracted to those eyes. It will be interesting as you go through life, because especially men, they won't know if you're Hispanic or if you're from Nicaragua or you're from Chili or Mexico, they'll simply know that you are different and unusual. I would sense significant names that would come to me, first of all I get the name Maria. I feel somehow that will be significant in your family, and I would get maybe three or four other names, but strong names that come through would be Miguel, Roberto and Ricardo. You'll have many obstacles to overcome in your life, but the major obstacles are your self-doubt, or your lacking of self-assurance or lacking of self-confidence, because the older you get, the more confident you will become. The older you get the more in control of your own destiny. You've got that look where you don't 61
That means two significant relationships, two men, that are equally interested in you. I don't feel, based on your personality, based on who you are and what you're all about that you have to settle for second best, or have to compromise, or have to give in or have anybody call the shots. That would probably be a mistake. Remember that you're mother wanted you to be somewhat different than her, relative to compromise, and not to settle, not to give in, like a 'don't sit at the back of the bus' type philosophy. If you see yourself as the new person moving forward, you will be successful in life. You would always have a strong desire to be close to your mother or to be like your mother and have empathy with your mother, and sometimes the males in your family are a little bit rough, a little outspoken, a little too demanding, or too moody, really different than you. I would feel that you are musically inclined, that you like to dance, that you have a knowledge of fashion, and secondly, I think that you have a very good way of handling money. I don't know if that indicates in your youth that there was not a great deal of money, perhaps, perhaps not, but I feel that you are not frugal, that you like, enjoy having material things and that you really don't have to... you save, so you are not a person wasting money, you are able and capable of saving money. I don't feel that in your future a lack of money is going to have any negative effect on your life. I am not sensing negativity relative to education, I am not sensing negativity in health, because you are healthy and that you are going to live many happy years. You have overcome a lot of other problems, a lot of negativity within your life. It would have to be relationships. And you may go through life looking for the rock, looking for the shoulder to lean on, and yet looking back over your past track record, that somehow you have men becoming dependent on you. The negative personality, the type of person, the antithesis of who you, the type of person you don't want to be with, is somebody that is controlling — somebody that is jealous, somebody that is either physically or mentally abusive. Somebody that is going to try to own you, possess you and control you, and tell you what to do. Somebody that is selfish. You need to have the person in your life that is reasonably easy going, reasonably noncontrolling, and would let you to fly like a butterfly, to let you be your own person. And I believe that it is going to happen.
I think that they are of some significance to you. I sense that you are an earthy individual, and that you have tunnel vision. You are able to concentrate on a particular obstacle if you will. You can overcome whatever obstacle that you want to. But the main issue in life is for you to maintain your independence — to retain your independence. I think that men are attracted to you because they see you as a little bit different, a little bit unusual, and that the springtime flower, the yellow, the gold's, the purples, would be very good for you. As a matter of fact, I would suggest as an antidepressant that you surround yourself with flowers. You will always be a romantic. You are certainly monogamous — a one man woman, if you will. Many people in your life that you meet will not turn your head. Your voice would indicate a sultry personality or a sensual personality. I don't think that you are going to be prematurely gray. The darkness of your hair is probably going to be with you for many years. You want to do things yourself, and again that's the independence. You don't want to be beholden to another individual, you don't want to owe anybody anything, and if somebody does you a favor it seems to be important to you that you are able to repay the favor. And so, it's always... as you go through life you're always balancing the scales. Because you were able to overcome negativity in your life, I would suspect that you could do well in business. You could do well making your own money. Where you are people oriented and you probably have strong counseling skills, perhaps even without noticing it. Obviously children like you, obviously you could probably be a prolific writer and write children's books. But there is an interesting thing, sort of a parody, it's different in my mind, because when I think of you and romance, I sense .... I can see two people, two pursuers. It's called an inverted triangle. You at one point of the triangle, and I would see two other individuals at the other points. One in my mind, has mahogany eyes as you have, dark brown eyes. And in my mind he could either be Hispanic, he could be Italian, but he would be with dark eyes. Interestingly, when I focus beyond that, I see a male with light blue eyes and a fair complected male, or an Anglo, or a, as I would refer to nonHispanics as Anglo's, and I would see that you would have the figure two is going to be significant in your life that the sign of Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, and I would suspect that you will have two people in your life at the same time that shall pursue you. 62
And my sense is that you would be with an individual that will overcome a fear of commitment on his part. He would probably be reluctant and back away somewhat, and at that point in time, you have to stand your ground. You should not compromise, you should not give in. At that point in time you basically put your cards on the table and don't short sell yourself. Stand up for yourself. You're self-esteem is getting better, your self-confidence is getting better, you don't lack in looks, you don't lack in style, and you have a knowledge of good grooming, and fashion. Things are going to be good for you in your future. But again, don't try to be like your mother, your grandmother, or your great-grandmother, be the new person and to move forward and don't settle, you know don't compromise your own ideals. If you do these things, you are going to be very happy within your life.
Through no fault of your own you have attracted losers, and again I say through no fault of your own. I don't believe that you are manipulative or a game player. I simply feel that you were bored with men because they live by patterns and routines and somehow they feel it's their mission in life to pursue you. Granted, many men would see you as a fantasy or sexual object and I may go out on a limb by saying this but I feel you're a one-man woman. It doesn't matter how many men you've experienced in your life. I still feel you are a one-man woman. I feel you search for your soulmate, you search for your twin flame or lifemate that is out there. Other women would either hate you or love you because you come across as a threat to them as they may lose their husband to you or boyfriend to you. I believe that you are mentally preoccupied with a man who is comfortable to be with, one that is non-threatening and probably one of the few men that you would not intimidate. Based on your name I feel you would be compatible with the J's, the R's, the M's or the D's. James, John's, Joseph's, Robert's, Richard's, Marc's, Michael's, David's or Donald's. Any significant relationship that you have will be different. It will either be an ethnic difference, or cultural difference, or age difference, or geographic difference. I doubt very much if it would be two peas in a pod. I don't believe that your mother raised any fools, you have above average brains and above average mind. You have above average intuition in dealing with people. Deep within you want to be desired for your personality, character, your soul, your spirit, and it gets very old and tiresome and very boring to continually have men at your fingertips. I know it's pleasant to be pursued, great for your self esteem but as we realize it won't last forever. I think you would have two significant love relationships in your life. You will attract Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, you will attract heterosexual males and even homosexual males, simply because your aura is one of romance. The energy level that you give out is one of romance. The major issues in your life, the major accomplishments, or failures will be contingent on a love relationship where you have to be in love. You are physically capable and emotionally capable of loving a man. Finding a man is not the problem. To be 'in love' is the secret. Very few times in your life you would be 'in
Physically Attractive Female You will always be on a different mental level. In dealing with men it would be very difficult for a man to work with you or have you as a co-worker without that man attempting to cross the line to make the relationship closer than perhaps what it would be. You may find as you go through life that you will have many first dates and that if you're not impressed by the first date there won't be a second date. I believe that many men bore you because they come across as being one dimensional so they're drawn to the aesthetics, they're drawn to the face, the figure, the complexion, the hair. You will always intimidate males and they will always see you as having an invisible chip on your shoulder. It's reasonable to say that no man shall own you, possess you or control you. No man is going to have you jump through hoops at the count of three. You are not the typical bombshell with no education. You are educated and certainly the major issues in your life would be men. And if nine out of ten men do not impress you the one that does would be the challenge. Obviously you are comfortable in dealing with players. A potential relationship or husband would be a professional person, doctor or lawyer or stockbroker, somebody that would own their own business. It would probably be unlikely that you would become involved with a truck driver or someone that works in a factory because they would not mentally challenge you. 63
love.' I do think you've gone through an abusive, either mentally or physically abusive relationship with a man who did not have the loyalty, did not have the respect, did not have the compassion that you need. You search for a chemistry, or a synchronicity between you and that person. There has to be that chemistry. You're able to close your eyes and just detach yourself from somebody that you would perhaps like or be fond of, but not in love with. I don't feel that you like to have your hair touched. You take great care of your hair and I don't feel that you like it to be touched or messed up. You would have a talent for aerobics or exercise or doing video exercise. You obviously are a romantic. You would never look your age, you would always look to be eight to ten years younger than your actual years. The basic problem you've run into is that if you were to get a raise, or promotion, receive an award for some service, other women around you would not give you credit for having the brains but would rather say, "well, you're the bosses pet or you're special, or because of your looks, or that you're sleeping with the boss." So it would be very difficult for you to receive actual applause or acknowledgements for what you've accomplished in your life. It's not easy being beautiful. On a scale most people would see you as ten plus. You are in control, well balanced, you are in harmony with your existence. But unfortunately because of your work venue, it's very difficult to trust a man, and I think that this may go way back to the pre-teens. There may have well been an incident in your pre-teens that because of your beauty you attracted a male to you for the wrong reasons. You're not able to let your guard down. You're not able to really have a complete trust with a male. Logically you would be attracted to older men, but because you don't look your age and you don't act your age, you will continually attract younger men to you. There will always be a wide spectrum relative to ages, there will be very few men your age. You've marched to beat of a different drummer. Although we like to believe that we're different, unusual, unique, in some ways we are. But you are strikingly different. But we still live by patterns and passages and routines. You can look around you in your work situation or you can look around you in a relationship. Let's say you have a two year relationship, or you've been in it for two years.
You can look ahead two years and logically it will be a reflection of the last two years. You've seen the best and you've seen the worst of what goes on around you. For you especially I say these words: I believe that our lives are governed by destiny, by fate, by karma, by the universe, about eighty percent of the time. But yet the remaining twenty percent is our free choice. Your future is by choice, not by chance. If you allow yourself to compromise or settle for second best or allow yourself to be subjugated to another person, intimidated by another person, you must change that. Because in a sense, and it may sound somewhat old fashioned but you are a late bloomer where the inner beauty is now rising to the surface, where the inner you is now being seen. You may be more spiritual than actually religious, but you seem to be of a spiritual nature. You have a knowledge of food and nutrition, you have a knowledge of exercise. Otherwise, of course you wouldn't look like you do. In many ways you need to have a plan for the future. Any plan is a good plan, even if it fails it's a good plan because you identify where it fails, you construct a new plan and eventually you end up with the ideal plan. You'd be happy living in any state in the country that ends in the letter 'A' such as Virginia, California, Florida. I believe you would have the potential for having two children and I would almost sense that you would have a fear of pregnancy and then a desire for pregnancy. As I indicated earlier, I feel you have unfinished business with an unrequited relationship and probably in a unique sense it would be the one man in your life that cut you free, one man that would have abandoned you, because obviously in the majority of relationships that you've experienced, if someone is going to pull the rug out from somebody else, I would assume you would be the puller, and not the pullee. With one exception in your life, and that would be the one man that would not be intimidated and probably would not spoil you. I think you are more intrigued and bewitched with this person than anyone else. Money or finances will not be a major issue in your life. Healthwise you'll live well into your eighties. You will not die of cancer or some mysterious medical malady. You're not going to become obese. It's just a question of interpersonal relationships and for someone to discover you have a mind along with everything else.
ple or take advantage of them. You simply want to be left alone. You are not introverted, but rather a bit introspective. You would have the equivalent of a college education, that you would be surrounded by books, that you would like fine foods. You have deep feelings. You would like things made out of wood or brick rather than plastic. You're somewhat old fashioned, somewhat traditional in your likes and dislikes. You would perhaps like antiques, things that have character. You don't like to fight or argue, you don't like to upset the applecart. You would probably be telepathically connected with someone who's impressed you in your life, and I don't think many people will. You will probably encounter over this next seven year period of time true happiness in your life. You seem to fit into the category of being the philosopher, the storyteller, the conversationalist. Many times in your life you will wonder if people will know what you are really all about. You march to the beat of your own drummer. You could accomplish anything that you want to accomplish in your life and you have the willpower to do it. You have survival instincts. You have a touch of class, you have integrity, you are fiercely loyal to those around you. If you make a commitment or a promise to somebody you will keep that promise. I don't feel that you are lacking knowledge in life. Your life from the very beginning has been different and there may well be unresolved issues between you and your father or mother. You have a way about you that people like, they see you as outgoing, but by the same token a little bit aloof, a little bit unreachable, a little bit untouchable, because in this lifetime you will attract people of your own sex, but you will also attract people of the opposite sex. You have the ability, and it's stronger with you than a lot of people, of being able to compartmentalize people in your life. You have different categories within your mind where you are able to put these people in different categories. You would enjoy spending time with people that have integrity, that have class, that have loyalty, that believe in ethics. You would function much better with them than the person in the street. You can be outspoken, fiercely jealous and that's why you would do best in a monogamous relationship. As far as the future is concerned you can really accomplish whatever you want to accomplish. You have a very analytical mind, you see things
Gay or Lesbian My belief is throughout your life, you've had to overcome adversity. I think you've always been sort of outside the loop, on a different mental level then people around you. Very rarely have you been understood completely as far as who you are and what you're all about. You will have faced a great many obstacles within your life, a great deal of adversity within your life. Yet you have the strength to overcome all obstacles and adversities in your life. Because you have this male-female side of you, it would indicate that you would be ultra-sensitive to the needs of others, that you would be in many ways a caretaker, where you would draw people to you and maybe try to fix people, you know, try to make them ok. I think you have an extremely strong therapeutic touch or therapeutic way about you. In several of your previous lifetimes you would be of the opposite sex. So if you are a male in this lifetime you would be a female in your past life and visa versa. It means that you have a much more profound understanding in this lifetime of the opposite sex, because you already experienced what they experienced. It's sort of an androgynous syndrome. You will go through your life never being at a hundred percent total peace, because it's always like you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. You're always looking over your shoulder. Doesn't matter if you're in the closet or out of the closet. My sense is that you would not die of Aids. Because of your ability to think and your ability to understand life and what goes on around you, your desire is to be in a monogamous relationship, a one-on-one relationship, and the significant time frames in a relationship is probably about the thirteenth week. Whereas if you were still in a relationship after the thirteenth week, that would qualify the relationship for being long term. You seem to be more compatible with the professional person, the artist, the doctor, the lawyer, the business owner and that you are not dealing with the dregs of society. I don't feel that you settle or give in or compromise in your quest. It's much like Jason's quest in greek mythology for the golden fleece. I think that you keep on searching and searching and searching until you find what you are looking for. You keep yourself reasonable trim, that you would like exercise. I don't feel that you use peo65
very clearly. The time frame of inspecting your own life would probably be early teens, you would have been at a crossroads. Perhaps a decision was made then to go along the path that you're on now. You'd be compatible in the fields of hairstyling or the field of art simply because of your enabling characteristics where you like to help people and like to work with people artistically. You are probably more knowledgeable about world events than your peers. You would have a tendency to be a prolific writer, and I would suspect you've always thought about writing your own autobiography, because if people could see what you've been through in your life and what you've had to overcome in your life, they would be very impressed. If you were going to commit suicide, or have a nervous breakdown, or be a drug addict, or go to prison, it already would have happened. My psychic sense is that the past is behind you, although it might have been somewhat of a painful past, I believe that is behind you. Your future, the sun will shine on your shoulder, because you will not go through life alone. You are more akin to longterm relationships than short term. You would probably have had two longterm or live-in type of relationships, and from this point forward, you will not be burned. You've had the proverbial rug pulled out from under you, but that is in the past. There will always be somewhat of an age difference, either older or younger than you up to ten years older or down to ten years younger, most of the significant relationships in your life are going to be different and unusual. It's not going to be even-keel. The best colors for you to wear are purples and light pinks. Light pinks actually being the color of healthy tissue and purple being the color of loyalty, so if you ever wanted to heal yourself, wear light pink shirts, undergarments because that has a tendency of interacting with your subconscious to heal your body. Based on your past I think you're a survivor, you have the ability of overcoming negativity and once you set your mind to something in business or in romance or in wealth, you can accomplish much more then you even think that your capable of. It's a question of you believing in yourself half as much as I believe in you. If you do that, that will be the solution to the puzzle.
Black Female I sense that although you would be black in this lifetime, in several past lifetimes your heritage or your family tree would indicate Cherokee or Blackfoot indian. I also sense you had a great great-great grandmother who had blue eyes. You are somewhat different than your mother or grandmother because you have a tendancy of putting up with less foolishness than they would perhaps put up with. I feel that when you are dealing with your main man it is a monogamous relationship. You'd go to hell and back for the right person. As long as there is no physical abuse or mental abuse or emotional abuse, you would do whatever is possible to keep the relationship happy. You would probably live with him before you marry him. He may not be the typical male to send roses. I don't sense that he likes to send flowers or would be a great communicator relative to the affectionate things that some people say. He would have a tendancy of calling you "baby" rather than "I love you." It's possible that you would have a child or baby by this man before you get married to him. It's possible that you would break up three different times before you would ultimately be together. You would do well with men, you would be compatible with a black man or white man or hispanic man as long as they are decent men. Your soulmate would be someone who is not into drugs. He would be drawn to you because you represent someone that is different. You represent being a good mother, being a good person. Your aura color would be shades of violet. I feel that you've always been a romantic. You'd be compatible with big men, over 5'11" or six feet, someone who is a gentleman, not someone who's going to be abusive with you. The male that you would most likely be with, initially you may not have even liked him. You may have thought, "well, he's too smooth, he's too much of a womanizer, he's too good looking, and initially upon meeting the person you may not have been turned on by him. I sense a female child. She would be an excellent dancer, and not very shy. She will have long hair, and as she grows older will do a number of fantastic things with her hair. She will have a knowledge of makeup of skin, nails and might lean towards being a beautician or owning some sort of beauty parlor. I sense the name Ashley around you.
and it's important for you to hold your head up high and to look into the eyes of anyone that you're speaking to. You're unique, you're different, you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to. I don't believe that staying home, doing domestic chores, raising children or doing dishes is going to be terribly exciting for you. You would be introduced to men in life probably at a young age, possibly thirteen years old you'd start to notice them. I think that you would have always been attracted to the wrong type of person, because I sense by your energy or aura that you are into long term relationships. Because of being a Cherokee or Blackfoot indian in your past lives, you may have an attraction to early American folklore in this particular lifetime. It's a question of having some sort of plan for the future as far as what you want to accomplish. So if I had to fault you, it's that you spoil your man, you pamper him, you probably give him the best sex he's ever had in his life, but you don't get back the energy that you're giving out. A good perfume for you would be by Estee Lauder. As you go through your life you're probably always gong to be your brothers keeper, picking up the pieces and everything. But always remember that you are the 'Dear Abby.' People will always come to you with their problems. I think you're going to be very successful in life. I sense that you are much more attractive than you give yourself credit for being. You're probably a little overly judgemental of yourself, too harsh with yourself, and you have always feared putting on weight in the butt.
The two initials that come to me would be 'C's and 'H's. C as in Charles, H as in Harold. It would somehow be significant. Through no fault of your own, you've attracted the wrong type of males to you. You could be a whistleblower in the sense that you don't put up with any discrimination in the workplace or social life. You put your cards on the table and pretty much call them like you see them. You don't have to change who you are and what you stand for. I don't believe that in the future you're going to be alone or without money or happiness. All this is there for you. You may well have found that your grandmother had more of an effect on your life than your mother did, because your mother was very busy in doing a lot of things. I don't believe you would bring your family any problems. Your mother raised you to be a polite young lady. But even with that, I sense you can put anybody in their place in a short period of time. I think your reputation is that you have a mouth, you can upset the apple cart, you can be antagonistic should you choose. I think you are physically strong, you are mentally strong, and as you go throughout life you would give more energy than not. You would probably at different times in your life be overly critical of yourself, you put on weight probably a lot easier than you would take it off. I would suspect that you would have your mother's eyes and your fathers nose. You will live into your eighties perhaps even nineties and it appears that the women in your family lived to be very elderly. You will not die of sickle cell anemia. As far as this coming six month period of time is concerned it will be better than the six months past. I feel that you save everything, you save letters. You are a self-educated person. You come across as being very intelligent and very articulate but I almost think that the majority of your education comes to you from being self-taught. You may not have a great many degrees and you may not have that level of formal education, but women that go through four or six years of college probably would want to be like you, being able to handle yourself because you come across as being together and well balanced and in harmony with the universe, you have paid your dues. It's unlikely that you're going to be unhappy. I mean, we all have unhappiness in our life. Any unhappiness that's occurred in your life, my sense is that it has already occurred. The most important issue is in a relationship. But you don't want to be dependent on a person because you've always been fiercely independent
Answers to common questions [[[[[ This segment is on commonly asked questions and answers. The first questions are not necessarily more important than last questions. I have simply written down what I feel is probably the most commonly asked questions, one has no particular importance than another. They just happen to be in this particular sequence. ]]]]]
Will I win a lottery? My sense is that the statistical odds of you winning a lottery are nil. The odds are, at most lotteries, 7 million to 1, or 12 million to 1, I would think not. I know that you fantasize and I know that you have had dreams of feelings that in some point in time you need to win the lottery. But to answer the question, I would say I can see you winning money from some source, I don't know if it's from a lottery or not, but I can see money. 67
If it's meant to be, if the plan of the universe has in store for you; if it's your fate or your destiny to win lotteries with numbers you would probably win with the numbers that I am about to give you. I will give you six lucky numbers, four lucky numbers, and three lucky numbers, because each state is different in the amount of numbers being played. Again, if it is meant to be, it shall be.
In my mind, I would say yes. I would say a long trip and a short trip. One by air and one by car. The long trip by air and the short trip by car within this next twelve month period of time. And as I try to visualize you in my mind, I feel that I see you with passport in hand, which would indicate intercontinental/international travel in the future.
Will my lover return?
Will I have children?
Will I travel?
In my mind I see three children. I see two to the left, and one to the right. I don't know if that's more than one marriage or adopted, you know biological children. But, yet, in answer to your question, yes I can see the children there, but I don't know if it's from the same husband. That's why I see two to the left and one to the right. That could be two girls and one boy, two boys and one girl, two children from one marriage, a third child from another marriage. It could mean two biological, one adopted. Yet in my mind, and the more that I concentrate on it, again I see the figure three, three children. Three youngsters around you. I think you have had dreams of having more than one child.
I would suspect that if the relationship goes beyond the seven to eight month period of time, within that period of time you planted a great many positive seeds, so I would say the answer to that question is probably yes. Now in most successful relationships, two people plan together and then for one reason or another, one person backs away, usually because of the responsibility and commitment, and then they come back together, so I would answer the question yes.
Will I get a raise? I think that you are probably over-qualified, underpaid for the work that you do. I think that you show a great deal of promise with your potential, and I think that you do not sell yourself as well as you should. I would answer the question yes, but I think that any financial doors of opportunity that are going to be opened, are going to be opened by you. Nobody is going to come and tap you on your shoulder and say, surprise, surprise, you're making more money. You have to seek out what you think that your value is. A whistling tea kettle gets the attention.
Is my husband cheating on me? I am going to be very careful in answering this question, because I don't want you to go out and purchase a gun and shoot him in the head. I would answer the question this way. I think that you're intuition in good, your perception is good, you may have a tendency of being a bit too overly suspicious. I think your husband is a flirt, so he may be just bluffing. He may be just looking at the menu without ordering from the menu. You want to make sure that your intuition and your perception is followed by hard evidence. There is a chance that you could be right, a chance you could be wrong, but I think it's question of taking time to analyze the whole situation.
Will I marry? In my mind, I see you in a marriage. Of course that statement in my mind I see you in a marriage could refer to past, present, or future. And I would suspect that you will have more than one marriage in this life time. And I suspect that your second marriage would be the one that you would stay in. Perhaps there is a third marriage, if you live beyond 60 years old.
Am 1 psychic? If you feel you are reasonably intuitive, reasonably perceptive, if you dream in color rather than in black and white, if you are able to sense or feel a person's aura, or the color of the person's aura. If you know something is going to happen before it happens, such as a strong dream or feeling. If you experience out of body projections when you're sleeping, if you feel your spirit is leaving your body. If you're able to sense when the phone rings who it is on the phone. I would sense if you are able to pick up on people's moods. You would be psychic, to some degree.
Will I be healthy? Your physical health is contingent upon your mental frame of mind. Eighty-five percent of physical ailments, agreed upon by doctors by the way, 85 percent have physical disharmony, debilitating effects, is based on your mental frame of mind. So keep mentally happy.
you that are negative and depressing, try to alter the way that they affect you. It's a question of you being in control of your own destiny. It's a question of you being in control of your mental frame of mind. I would say to you, yes, the depression can end, but you're the only one who can end it, nobody around you can end it. You're going to make some minor modifications or changes in your life. We are not trying to change your personality or make major changes in how you perceive yourself, but yet I think we can make minor changes and minor alterations. It's unlikely you can change an introvert into an extrovert, or black into white, but I think that if in your life there have existed any reasons for you to experience depression, as of this moment, those reasons no longer exist.
Why do I attract losers? The key word is allow. If there is a person in your life who has abused you, mentally, physically or emotionally on some level, you have allowed that. And always remember the words that the first time you are a victim, and the second time you are a volunteer. I have never heard of a man hitting a woman just once. I never have heard of a man cheating on a woman just once. I have never heard of a man treating a woman with disrespect just once. It is usually a continuation. I think with your looks, your brains, your personality, you should allow no person to use you, manipulate you, control you, compromise you, in any way. The key word is 'allow.'
What is the best zodiac sign for me to search for in a relationship? For an Axies, it would be Libra. For a Taurus, it would be Scorpio. For a Gemini it would be Sagittarius. For a Cancer it would be Capricorn. For a Leo it would be Aquarius. For a Virgo it would be Pisces. For a Libra it would be Aries. For a Scorpio, Taurus. For a Sagittarius, Gemini. For a Capricorn, Cancer, and for a Aquarius, Leo. For a Pisces, Virgo. Each sign of the zodiac has an opposite sign.
How long will I live? I suspect everybody thinks that they can probably live a hundred years or longer. That is not the case. Statistically you'll live beyond your 70th year. Intuitively, I think that you will live beyond your 80th year.
Will I stay with the person (or) lover (or) husband I am with now? And my sensing on that is, you've seen the best, you've seen the worst, the person is not going to change, you've experienced the person's good and bad, high points and low points, and the choice is yours. I believe that when you find yourself in a relationship that you stay in, as in most marriages, if you stay in a marriage or relationship beyond the seventh year, it would indicate that it would be long term, because most marriages and relationships end before or during the seventh year. If you can progress beyond the seventh year, I think that then you would be... it's fairly accurate to say that you would stay in the relationship.
Will this depression ever end? I think that you've got to look forward in time, look ahead in time, and acknowledge the fact that if we all had good luck and bad luck in our lives, and my sense is that you've already experienced the bad luck. There is such a thing as energy, and if we send out positive energy, we normally get positive energy back. If we send out negative energy, we get negative energy back. I have got to be careful in any dialogue that you medically question. I have a deal with the American Medical Association that I won't prescribe medication and they will not do readings. I don't feel that your depression is of a classic manic sort. I feel that your depression is environmentally produced, rather than physiologically produced. But I would sense that you control your own emotions, and I think that you've got to think more of the future and less of the past because you may not be able to change things that have happened in the past The best advice I can give you is if you are surrounded by negative people, you will absorb that energy. If you are surrounded by depressing people, you will absorb that depression. The only way you can change that is to leave the people around
Are my dreams meaningful? Well, dreams basically are symbolic. And any one dream can be interpreted a dozen different ways. If you buy a dozen different dream books, dream interpretation books, for that one dream, you probably would get ten different solutions, or a dozen different answers. Usually we dream of what we fear most. We very rarely dream of our enemy dying. It is usually a loved one dying. We will very rarely dream of something bad happening to someone we don't like, it's always somebody we do like. 69
Dreams axe symbolic. They are signals picked up by a conscious mind that are transmitted to our unconscious mind. And when dreams are symbolic, they usually have a message to do something. Dreams normally give you a tap on the shoulder to get you headed in the right direction. Again, they are symbolic.
and you've got to change the way you see yourself, change the way you want to perceive yourself relevant to the future, and then, yes, you can get down to your proper weight, and I would suspect that it is probably going to be about 134 pounds.
Will I find my soulmate? Usually what my experience has been in soulmates, is that you may meet the person, and months or years later may separate, and then you re-meet the person once again, and that person will come into your life. And he will be an exact counterpart of you. It will be much like you in your own image as far as your philosophies are concerned, as far as how you perceive yourself, as far as how you want things to go in your life relative to a relationship. You'll find you will meet your soulmate, and I suspect we all have two soulmates. My answer is yes.
Will my husband or lover change? Again, I don't really think so. If you are with a person that's a mediocre lover, he probably will always be a mediocre lover, unless you change, unless you teach him or modify him. As far as changing from black to white, I don't think so. I am reminded of the woman that said, "Well, my husband has changed over the last ten years. He is now insensitive, he is now uncaring, he has somehow desensitized himself to me. I think he has changed quite a bit." Realistically, he is probably the same person he was ten years ago. Realistically he has not changed, but perhaps you have somewhat outgrown him. Logically people don't change all that much, and normally we see what we want to see in a partner.
Am I in the ideal relationship? If in fact you feel good about yourself, you look at yourself in the mirror and like yourself, and you feel comfortable with the person, and he satisfies your needs, emotionally, physically, mentally, physiologically, philosophically, or sexually, you are in the right relationship. If none of these things feel comfortable for you, then you're in the wrong relationship. The word 'ideal' is a temporary word.
Will my career advance? I would think it's realistic to say that next year you'll make a little bit more money than this year. Next year, potentially, you could have an upgrade or transfer, but your career advancement is pretty much contingent upon you. I think that you have a tendency of being too much the nice person, too much the giver, too much the enabler, and I think that you've got to stand on your own two feet more and be a little bit more competitive relative to your career. Stand up and be counted!
Will I lose the weight? Will I get down to my proper weight? I would sense that probably your being overweight has got nothing to do with overeating, or compulsive overeating, or addicted to overeating. I think it's actually a security blanket around you, 70
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