Her Little Sister

April 30, 2017 | Author: fazriyahputri | Category: N/A
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Come into a world between rich life, criminality and morality. And begin to walk on the thin line of hate and love....


Her Little Sister

Come into a world between rich life, criminality and morality. And begin to walk on the thin line of hate and love.

I don't know how I get into this mess. A year ago I was proud to be the heir of Kim Corp, taking over the company of my parents. But now I have a new sister who I happen to fell in love with, a lawyer who like to sleep with the lawyer of my parents, a cook that is dating my maid and parents who only seems to retiere to fulfil there criminal needs. And last but not least a contract that is messing with me, my new sister and parents.

New Sister

Chapter 1 New Sister

I sat in my work room in front of a lot of stacks of papers and sighed for the nth time as my eyes tried to take in the next list of numbers. Despite the clock on the wall already showed eight in the evening I had to do a lot of paperwork to calculate and check the results of import and export of Kim Corp, which I gladly and proudly took over two years ago. The mansion was quiet and almost empty. Just two or three maids were trying to clean the already clean house. The mansion I was living in was a present of my parents as I took over the company. If you would asked me a two or three-room flat would have done it, too. I wasn't the type, who lived like a maniac with pockets full of money. My family is rich, thats true, and my bank account shows a lot of numbers before the comma was in sight, but I don't believe that this automatically gives me the right to spend it for meaningless things. Besides I don't have enough time to go shopping, whether it was in a shopping mall or online. I closed my eyes to let them rest for a few seconds, but before I could count to three a knock was heard on the door. I lifted my head and saw a head look into the room. As her eyes linked with mine the girl slipped into the room and quietly closed the door.

“I'm sorry to interrupt you Taeyeon-ah, but your parents are here to see you.” The girl in front of me said. I sighed again. I wasn't prepared to step in front of my parents and way too tired to have an argumentation with them. “Thank you, Sunny. You can go to bed if you want.” I smiled at her and raised a finger as she was about to disagree. An honest 'please' slipped through my lips. Now it was her time to sigh. “Just call me if you need me, ok? You're parents are waiting in the living room.” Sunny said and left the room as quiet as she came. She was one of my few maids in this mansion and I could call her my best friend. She knew almost everything about me and my situation and of course was always there, if I needed someone to talk to. I let her and the other maids call me by my first name. It was simpler this way and it created a better atmosphere to work in. I took a deep breath and went downstairs to greet my parents. I just wore my black dress shirt loosely out of my matching suit pants. My hair was dark brown and a little bit messy. But I really didn't care at this moment. I mean, I was in my house and my parents were visiting me unexpected. I walked into the big living room and was surprised to see a girl sitting next to them. She were just sitting there quietly, looking at her hands on her lap, while my mom talked endlessly with my father. This whole situation told me that something wasn't right in the first place, but I was sure that I was about to find out what it was in a few seconds. I cleared my throat and caught the attention of my parents but also of the girl next to them. As she looked up her eyes immediately locked with mine. I felt like the whole world was the cruelest place I ever lived in. She looked young, innocent and beautiful, but her eyes displayed sadness and emptiness. It was like she reflected my feelings in every little details. But there was more than

that. There was an emotion that let a cute little cat look like the white shark himself. Fear. “Taeyeon sweetheart.” My moms voice brought me back to reality. As I was looking at her she was already walking to me. Her arms stretched out to wrap me into a motherly hug. Or you could say she tried to give me a motherly hug, because it just was a slight contact that you could consider to think about if it would be called hug and of course it was motherly, because she was my mother – at least on paper. She looked at me after she 'hugged' me. “What a sight you are, darling.” I mentally sighed again. My mother was in her early fifties and acted like a british lady with her 'darling' and 'sweetheart'. The worst of all was that she was saying random english words that she heard in her precious soups she was watching all the time. Fortunately I had to study english to become a business woman so I had the ability to understand what she was trying to say. “It's nearly nine o'clock on a monday evening, mom. Of course I'm looking like a drained girl. And we have to point out that you came uninvited.” I said uninterested and irritated at the same time. “Do you want something to drink?” I added before my mother had the chance to reply. She shook her head. “We told that your little maid earlier. We don't need something to drink. We won't stay long enough to get drunk, honey.” She giggled at her own statement, but unfortunately started to talk again before I finished rolling my eyes. “Anyway. Where is James?” I confusingly looked at her. “I didn't had a James at the first place.”

“Of course! The young man that worked here as you moved in.” My mother chirped. “He was way better than the little girl you call a maid.” “Mom.” I said calmly. “This man you're calling James was a pervert. He tried to rape me in the first few days I lived here. If this little girl I like to call my maid wouldn't have saved me with the help of my driver I would have a kid today and would be jobless.” “But your mother would be pleased to see him.” She said like a diva. “Dad!” I looked to the sofa, where my father was still sitting. “Don't you want to get a hold of your wife and help your daughter once in a while?” “Oh don't look at me like I have something to do with all this, Taeyeon.” My father said and inched closer to the girl with a perverted grin. I shivered at the sight and had the urge to protect the girl. “Who is she?” I asked out loud. “Oh! Taeyeon my beloved. We bought you a new sister.” My mother smiled widely next to me. And here it came again. This was the little 'something is wrong' I knew would come. Despite I was tired as hell, I was irritated as shit now. Of course I knew the little difference between 'bought' and 'brought'. And of course I knew that they did it again. “You bought me a human being again?” I said irritated. “Why not honey? You always look like you need company.” My mom said.

“Yeah, sure. And after I slept with them they mysteriously disappear.” I moved my hands like something is disappearing "Then you're not as good as you think, darling." My mom answered with a slight giggle after she roughly patted my cheek and walked to the girl. The girl uncomfortable shifted in her seat. "She should live with you so you can get to know each other better." My dad said still with a perverted grin on his face. I signed again. I think I could have beat the record for sighing today. I should set me a reminder to contact the Guinness Book of Records to get the official number of sighing the most in one day. "Ok now you said what you wanted so you could be so friendly and let me finish my work." I said and gestured to the door. "You throw us out of the house after all we have done to you?" My mother said and faked tears. "That's right mom. All you have done to me and not for me." My mother just scoffed and walked to the door. My father perversely wink to the girl and walked out of my mansion with my mom. I inhaled deeply before I turned around to the girl. She was still looking at her lap. I wasn't quite sure what to do and I was afraid she would be scared if I would suddenly sit next to her. "Hey." I said soft and calm to get her attention. She hesitantly looked up to me. Her eyes still showed the same emptiness and sadness of mine but the fear started to slowly fade away.

"What's your name?" I asked carefully. "Stephanie Hwang Miyoung. But they call me Tiffany." She said with a low voice, barely audible. I warmly smiled at her. I knew as she said 'they' she meant my parents. "I would like to call you Miyoung. Tiffany doesn't seem right." I said and held my hand out. "Do you want me to show you around the house?" Miyoung hesitated but slowly stood up from the couch. I was surprised that she was a few inches taller than me."How old are you?" "I'm 16 years old." She answered politely. I scratched my nape and looked up at her. "I'm 22 but I think we should call you the big sister with the height of yours." I chuckled awkwardly but my heart stopped beating as she started to giggle and took my hand. Her husky and yet soft giggle let something appear deep in me that I thought I would never feel in my whole life. The next half hour I showed her the mansion from the kitchen to the second living room, which I often uses as some kind of arcade room with sunny, because of all the video game consoles and the big TV on the wall. I also showed her the part of the house where the maids, the driver and the gardener lived. It was like a second house in the mansion with their own kitchen, living room and bedrooms for each of them. If I wouldn't have to hold meetings in my mansion too I would let the others live freely in my mansion. The only maid that had a bedroom in my section of the mansion was Sunny.

“And this is Sunny's room.” I said as we both stood in front of a door with a door plate on it, which said 'Only for Gamers'. Her room was located next to my home office and opposite of my room. Miyoung chuckled lightly next to me, her hand still in mine. “I think I understand the meaning of the door plate after we visited the second living room.” I nodded proudly with a smile on my face. But it was replaced as she suddenly frowned. “You told me that Sunny was a maid too, but why isn't she sleeping with the others?” Miyoung asked confused. I released a sigh of relieve, because I thought there was something wrong. “She became my best friends over the years and she refused to live with the others. Don't get me wrong it doesn't mean she doesn't like them but as silly as it sounds she is feeling responsible for me, so she stays close to me.” She nodded her head cutely as she understood all of it. “This is my home office and this is my room.” I pointed at the respective doors and led her to a guest room next to mine. “And this will be your room. It is just a guest room but we will alter it into your own room in the next days so you can feel comfortable.” “Thank you.” Tiffany said softly and smiled at me. My heart stopped again as I saw her eyes disappearing into two crescents and I think I was blushing at that time. I rubbed my nape shyly and felt like I was 16 myself again. But before I could sent her off to rest something caught my mind. “Do you have luggages with you?” I asked. I didn't remember to see anything stand in the living room or by the door. Miyoung looked down in embarrassment and

shook her head. I was surprised myself. It was rarely that my parents just bring the girl and not their clothes. “Ok then you can have some of spare clothes in the guest room. I think some of the clothes should fit you.” She nodded and was about to open the door as I lightly squeezed her hand to get her attention. “Rest well. We can talk about the rest tomorrow after I came back from work. If you have questions don't be shy and just asked the maids.” I said and warmly smiled at her. She reflected my smile and went into the room. I sighed again as I walked into my home office, where stacks of papers were still waiting for me. I plopped into my office chair and took a sip of the cold coffee that was still standing on the desk. I shuddered as the black cold liquid flowed down my throat. “Another round, another fun time.” I murmured and started to work again. I yawned for the tenth time as the clock showed 3 o'clock in the morning. I rubbed my eyes as the numbers in front of me started to dancing weird dances on the paper and decided to call it a day. I walked lazily into my room switching on the dimmed ceiling light and changed into my pajama. As I turned around I abruptly stopped as I saw a person lying in my bed. My hand went up to rub my eyes in hope I was just hallucinating. But the image stayed the same. I walked slowly to my bed and bend down to see the face of the person. I was prepared to see a maid sleeping there, because sometimes they had a hard time to tidy up my room and wanted to just sit down for a minute but unfortunately fell asleep on my comfy bed. I slowly lifted my hand to move her hair away from her face and my eyes immediately widened as saw who the person was, who occupied her bed. It was the young girl I was showing around the house a few hours ago. As I put her hair behind her ear her

hand reached up and touched mine. Instead of instantly pulling away I remained unnaturally calm. “I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?” I asked quietly. She just tiredly shook her head and scoot over to leave some space for me to lie on. It was easy for me to slip under the blanket because I have a queen size bed with enough place to fit two people. Her hand was still in mine as she slowly scoot back to me until her body was pressed against mine. Miyoung released my hand just to hug my waist and lay her head against my chest. Without thinking I hugged her back and gave her warmth and comfort. “I'm scared to sleep alone in this big house of yours.” She mumbled into my chest. I slowly began to stroke her back to reassure her that I was there. “It's ok. As long as you feel secure I will be by your side.” “Thank you.” She whispered and snuggled into my chest. I could feel her steady breath against my shirt but I know that she wasn't asleep yet. My hand continued to stroke her back to give her the relaxing feeling that will follow by sleeping soundly. “What time do you have to stand up?” She broke the silence. “6 a.m.” I answered quietly. “Than you should sleep. You don't even have three hours left.” She mumbled worried. “It's ok. I will sleep when you are asleep.”

She chuckled at my answer. “Then let us fall asleep together.” Miyoung said and rubbed her nose against my chest to slightly tickle me. It was an attitude of her that I found more than just cute. We both laughed softly and fell asleep a few minutes later. I didn't know what happened on that day, if it was just sisterly love or it was more than that. But I was sure that she was the one that could turn my life into something worth to life.

The Contract

It's been three years since Miyoung stepped into my life. It was like a little sunshine shone into the little thing I called the life of mine, which went into a way I couldn't complain. My company was much more successful than ever, my friends having a good time also and Miyoung was on her way to become a successful actor and model after I sent her on an acting school she wanted to go. She was also having her own room were she often slept – her own little pink paradise. But whenever it was about to thunder outside or she had nightmares she would sleep by my side. She wasn't as shy as she was in the first weeks in this mansion. She was cocky and likes to talk freely what was on her mind just to piss me off when we were not alone – like a little sister would do to her big sister. But when we were alone she would turn into some cute and shy little girl again. Miyoung always liked to cuddle with me on the couch every time we would watch a movie in my second living room or when she was too tired to go to school in the morning. And of course I would let her do all these things. I mean why should I dissociate myself from her when I liked all the cuddling and teasing and warmth she was giving me. One day she was having an argument with Sunny because I worked nonstop in my office at the company building, which means I wasn't home for more than a week. She was trying to press Sunny and my driver to get her there or get me back to the mansion. As soon as I was at home Miyoung was always by my side and tried to make physical contact by holding my arm or hand or just hugging me. This time was the first time I saw a clingy Miyoung and a really hard laughing Sunny, who wasn't stop teasing me about the overreaction of Miyoung, who wouldn't leave my bed at night the next four weeks. But I wasn't complaining because it felt nice to have her in my arms while she was sleeping. It was the first time in this three years I had the urge to kiss her milky white skin.

One night she came into my home office and started to argue with me about the fact that I didn't had time to see her first stage play because an important last minute meeting came up. It was a really bizarre fight and ended with her being pined against the wall by me and my lips dangerously close to hers. Fortunately Sunny came into the office because she heard the loud thud Miyoung made as she collide with the wall and the whole screaming thing. After this incident I thought a lot about my feelings for Miyoung and that she is maybe more than just an adoptive sister. The door of my office swung open and my lawyer stepped into the room. She closed the door and slumped into the cushioned armchair in front of my desk. “This is so exhausting, Taeng.” She huffed and run a hand through her raven black hair. “Ok, this doesn't sound good, Yul.” I said as I sat back in my executive chair. “I think 'not good' is like an understatement. This contract your parents made as they adopted Miyoung is bulletproof and I have to get really naughty to loosen it a bit. And this missy you call the lawyer of your parents isn't helping at all.” Yuri said as she huffed again. “Oh this Jung girl you like to sleep with sometimes?” I asked curiously. Of course I saw the lawyer of my parents a few times but I didn't have to speak to her. She was beautiful with her white flawless skin and with her light brown long hair. A lot of prosecutor turned their lawsuit down because of her beauty and her ability to appeal to their conscience.

“i just can't resist her when she's angry. And the things she can do in bed are just awesome.” Yuri smirked as she was slightly spacing out. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. “Back to the contract please.” She coughed and rubbed her neck. “Yeah. Sorry. The contract.....The contract is only invalid after you had sex with her.” “What?!” I almost shouted. But something wasn't right. “There is a big 'but' am I right?” “I'm confident that you won't like this 'but', but Miyoung will automatically not be your adoptive sister anymore as soon as you two did this intimate act of love, but she will be the property of your parents. That means they can do whatever they want to her and that includes their secret activities.” Yuri said as she unfolded a folder and laid it in front of me on my desk. I began to angrily read the contract. A lot of bad words leaped to my eyes like drugs and human trafficking. “We assume that your parents are part of the drug dealer and prostitution cartel.” She added. I widened my eyes. “I'm afraid I have to repeat myself but...What!?” “We don't have the prove yet but...it would explain all the girls they bought and took away after you slept with them. Most of them were sighted at some famous cathouse or something like that.”

I slumped back into my chair and sighed. “I think I need a drink.” I couldn't believe that my parents would do something like drug smuggling or being owner of a cathouse. It was like I only took over the company to satisfy their criminal needs. “I'm always impressed that you are a good kid, Taeng. I mean your parents are far away from being saints.” Yuri said as she took the folder. “I think I should drive you home. It's just 4 pm but I think you need some time let it sink. Come on.” I nodded my head and grabbed my belongings. Yuri brought me to her car and drove me home. “I will pick you up tomorrow. Until then I will have a plan to get you and Miyoung out of this mess.” I just nodded again and walked to my door. As I stepped into the mansion I was greeted by a happy smiling Miyoung who was sitting on the couch in the living room. She immediately stood up and ran to me but stopped as she saw my lifeless looking body. Her mouth opened, probably wanting to ask, if there was something wrong but I interrupted her with my body crashing against hers. I hold onto her tightly and laid my head on her shoulder. She hugged me back and slowly stroked my back like I did 3 years ago. She was silent and so was I. Miyoung knew that something was wrong but she gave me the time I needed to tell her what it was. “Could you please sleep by my side tonight?” I whispered weakly against her neck. I felt her shiver slightly because of my breath but was too shocked of the things Yuri told me that I couldn't even smirk.

Miyoung tightened her hug around me. “Of course I can.” She whispered against my ear. “Bring her into her room and let her rest for a while.” Another voice next to me said softly to Miyoung. The timbre of her voice told me that it should be Sunny but I felt too empty to care about something like that. I could feel Miyoung nodding and the next thing she did surprised me. She took me bridal style like it was nothing and took me to my room to lie me down on the bed. Before she could let go I gripped her shirt, not letting her go. “Please don't go.” “i wouldn't leave even if I have to. I just have to pull away to put the blanket above you so I can join you, ok?” She asked softly. I hesitantly nodded but took my hands away. After Miyoung put the blanket above me, she slipped under it as well. Every thought and bad feeling were drawn out of my body as her eyes locked mine. My conscience was thrown away and didn't had the strength to come back. My hand came up to cup her cheek with my thumb caressing it. “You're beautiful you know that?” I asked her softly. Her cocky self was gone instantly and her cheeks showed a natural blush. But it seems like she was taking all her courage to answer me this time. “And do you know that you are cute?” She asked with the same softness I talked to her. “Not as cute as you are.” I answered and she smiled. “What is wrong Tae?” She asked worried.

“Can't I just compliment you?” She chuckled as she laid her hand above mine. “Of course you can but today it is different.” “i'm just afraid to loose you.” I said pulled her closer. “You won't loose me. I won't leave someone as kind and gentle as you. I'm happy to have you as my sister.” Miyoung said and brushed some hair out of my face as she pulled herself closer. My heart fell as she mentioned the word sister and with that my conscience was more than just lost. I touched her nose with mine and looked deeply into her eyes. “I don't want you as my sister.“ I saw how Miyoungs eyes widened like she was afraid she had to go back to where she originally came from. “I want to be something more than just a relative.” I whispered as I leaned in and kissed her lips. To my surprise she was responding almost immediately but before I could deepen the kiss Miyoung slowly and gently pushed me away from her. She looked down and at that time I knew that she wasn't feeling the same. I chuckled silently. I mean I should have known that she wasn't into girls and of course not a six years older girl that was her adoptive sister. How could I be so stupid. My conscience was in my mind again and I stood up to climb out of the bed. She immediately followed me and stopped as I stopped in the middle of the room too. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it. I hope you can forgive me.” I said as I bowed deeply and ran out of the room. As I reached the kitchen my driver, Sunny and my cook were starting to prepare dinner. Sunny was the first to recognize my

presents. She was about to say something but her smile dropped as she saw that I was about to cry. Her feet brought her in front of me. “What's wrong?” Sunny asked in a whisper. I blinked a few times to let myself go into my cold self and called my driver. “Jongin.” The young man on the counter looked up again. “Ma'am.” “Drop the formalities. Get my bike ready.” I ordered in a cold voice. Sunny frowned next to me. She knew what this cold voice meant. But what showed her that something had happened between me and Miyoung were my cold attitude toward my worker. I didn't used it in the last three years. It was a wall I build up to not break down because of my emotions. Jongin stood up and wanted to walk into the garage. But Sunny stopped him by holding his arm. Her eyes didn't leave mine. “Get the sport car ready. You will drive with her.” Sunny said softly, now looking at Jongin with a light smile. He nodded and walked to the garage. I huffed and stomped my foot like a little kid. “I wanted to drive alone.” “No Taeyeon. You will drive with him to the training hall and get your thoughts straight. And then you come back here with an extremely sweating forehead and a lighter heart." She said with stern voice and tapped my forehead. I huffed again in defeat and went to the garage.

"Hey what about food. I'm preparing dinner." My cook shouted from behind the counter. "I will eat it later, Sooyoung." I shouted without looking at her. From afar I could hear her whines but Sunny calmed her down instantly. I just ignored them and continued to the garage. As I stepped into the big hall I saw Jongin put my training outfit into the trunk. Without saying a word I took my seat at the passenger seat. For some other people it looked like I was some arrogant little girl but Jongin and the others understood right away that I just not wanted to shout at them out of nowhere just because I was in bad mood. They don't deserve to be treated like they are just servants and nothing besides that. Most of them are friends to me an other are good advisor but after all their specifications they are humans. Jongin drove me to the training hall and parked right in front of the entrance. I opened the door and went quickly to the changing room. As I walked into the trainings hall I saw Jongin standing in the middle with two wood sticks in his hands. I smirked at his choice of weapons. He wasn't just my driver but also the one that accompanied me every time I went to the trainings hall. A few inches before I reached him I speeded up, trying to steal a wood stick from him but he swiftly moved the sticks away without changing his position. Right before I was about to stand still a wood stick patted my butt. As I turned around I saw that Jongin had did the same with a smirk in his face. “I won't give you one of those before you calm down and concentrate.” Jongin said.

“What are you, huh? Some sort of monk?” I asked him irritated. I badly wanted this wood stick. “Maybe or maybe not?” Jongin just shrugged his shoulders and looked around carelessly. “Great and now a philosopher.” I said much more irritated as I run to him. My hand stretched out to grasp one of the sticks but he just slapped my hand with the wood stick and backed away. I tried again and again out of anger and frustration. He backed away jumped or defensively put the sticks to use. It looked like he was just dancing with me. I stopped and panted as I lost count of the exact number of attempts I had. “You can tell me what's wrong, you know that?” Jongin said as he just panted slightly. “It's none of your business.” I snorted and ran toward him. But before I could get my hands on the sticks he flipped the wood stick and pulled my foot forward so I fell onto my back. Jongin was fast to climb on top of me and sat on my hips. I groaned and tried to struggled and stand up but he took my wrist and pinned them above my head. “I think it is my business when it will affect the atmosphere at the mansion.” He said calmly. My body followed his voice and calmed down too. Jongin was always fast in seeing the change in behavior of other people. I loved the fact that he could calm me down with his own methods, when Sunny or Miyoung couldn't. And he was really cute, gentle and attentive. When I would have been straight he

would have been the one. But fate just made him my driver and little brother which I gladly excepted. As he saw that I wasn't struggling anymore he let go of my wrists and sat upright on my hips. “i confessed, we kissed and she pushed me away as I wanted to deepen the kiss. Then I stood up, apologized and ran away.” I summarized. Jongin chuckled quietly. “Did she kissed back?” “Yes.” I nodded. “Did you let her talk why she pushed you away?” He asked again. “Ehm...no?” I shook my head hesitatingly. “And why not?” He asked. “Because I thought that she pushed me away because she wasn't feeling the same?.” I asked honestly and a little bit lost at the same time. “You should talk to her when we get back. I think there is a lot more behind her actions.” I rubbed my hand against my face in frustration. “That's what I'm afraid of.” “Trust me. Just talk to her.” He said and gently patted my stomach before standing up. “But at first let me see the sweat on your forehead. We don't want to disappoint Sunny, right?”

I chuckled and took his hand to pull myself up. The next few hours the room was filled with the noise of wood sticks colliding with each other. It was past ten in the evening as we arrived home. Jongin took my things and walked with them to the servant section to let the maids clean them. I just went to the kitchen were Sooyoung and Sunny were waiting for me. Sooyoung stood up and warmed up the dinner I refused earlier. “Do you feel better now?” Sunny asked as soon as I sat down on the chair next to her. “Yeah, I think I do.” I sighed and laid my head down on the desk. “But I'm always surprised anew about Jongin.” Sunny chuckled next to me. “How come?” “He doesn't only have the ability to drain all my energy out of my body, he also can give a good advice.”I said exhausted. “That's because he is young and not as old as we are.” Sooyoung said as she put the plate of food in front of me. I sat up and started to dig into the food she served. Sooyoung was brilliant when it comes to food. She could cook everything you wanted when she had the ingredients. I love her food and I really love the fact that she is like a buddy to me. She sat across of Sunny at the dinner table. As I was eating the glances of Sunny and Sooyoung didn't escaped my eyes. Sunny was shyly looking down to the table as she met Sooyoungs eyes. It was something that happened the last ten month but none of them was taking the first step. I smirked as I had an idea to fasten the progress.

“Are you too dating already?”I asked innocently as I put another fork of spaghetti in my mouth. Sunny's face began to shine red like a traffic light in a starless night. Sooyoung rubbed her neck and mumbled something that we clearly heard. “I wasn't ready to confess yet.” “Then take a leave for the weekend and go on a date.” I said like it was nothing. Sunny scoffed next to me. “I'm sorry, I would like to go on a date with this tall shikshin across of me but I think you're problems are much more important now.” “Sunny is right. There must be a solid reason why you came home lifeless and why Miyoung refuses to leave your room.” Sooyoung said. My eyes softened by the mention of Miyoung. “Did you talk to her?” I asked almost like a whisper. Sunny nodded. “You really left an impact on her, Taeyeon. Half of what she was trying to say wasn't clear to hear because she cried like a heartbroken teenager.” Guilt was flouting through my body. I shouldn't have thought that her reaction would be like this. “I don't know what you two were talking about and what happened between you and Miyoung but I think there is something you have to tell us.” Sooyoung I hesitated to tell them the truth. I knew I could trust them but which information could I tell and which information was too early to spill them out.

“I think you both know that I am in love with this tall and beautiful adoptive sister of mine.” Both of them simply nodded and waited patiently for me to continue. “And I'mz trying to get her out of this contract my parents made as they adopted her but there are some difficulties Yuri and I can't overcome yet. So I can't date her freely, what wouldn't happen because I am old and she Is straight with the few boyfriends she had. And...”

“Taeyeon...” Sunny sighed next to me. I stopped immediately, knowing that it could get uncomfortable, if I would babble more. “I really demand you to talk to her to get this straight. Or I will have to put all your dookongs in a box and leave them in the basement.“ Sunny threatened. I became to panic. “No, no, no, no. Please Sunny everything but not my peas. It's dirty and muggy in this dungeon.” I said dramatically. “Then talk to her.” She answered sternly. “But not today. I'm tired.” I mumbled and ate the last spaghetti on my plate. “She is still in your room. There will be no tomorrow if you don't talk to her today.” Sunny said and her voice told me that she was getting irritated. But I just sighed and mumbled a low 'good night'. My feet brought me up to the first floor to my home office across my room. I lazily pushed the door open and closed it silently. My body fell onto the couch in the corner. I thanked myself for putting a comfortable couch into the home office, which were big enough to sleep on it

without transforming it into a bed couch. I snuggled my nose into the soft pillow and closed my eyes. It was five minutes before midnight as I went into dreamland, which was like a battlefield of emotions and memories.


Chapter 3 I...Love...You

Most of the people on this world would scream when they are scared of something. Most of the people on this world would stay and try to argue, to solve the mess they've created.

But that wouldn't be me. I would just froze when something scares me and would try to collect my thoughts and surroundings. I would just focus on the thing that scares me until it decides to leave. And of course I would run away from the situation, when it tries to argue with me. Sometimes I blame my parents for just leaving me with my nanny, who would let me run away until the situation cooled down, just because she feared that my parents would fire her when she argued with me. But I thanked the kids in high school and collage and university that wanted to argue instead of letting me run away. Without them I wouldn't be the successful women I am today. Nonetheless was I here frozen with one of my dookongs in my hands. My head lay on the pillow and my eyes stared at the girl in front of me. I was in my bedroom, the place I was sure of I didn't fell asleep in. My back came in touch with the wall as I backed away from her as I realized where and with who I was. My breath rushed sharply out of my nose and was taking in a second after. I was not afraid of the younger girl next to me but I was terrified of the rejection or abomination she could show me. The whole room was quiet but my heartbeat tried to make me deaf. Run. Just Run away. My mind was yelling the same words over and over again but my body was glued to this wall like the wallpaper to the stone of the walls. The grip on the dookong in my hands tightened as Miyoung slightly shifted and began to open her eyes. UnconsciouslyI held my breath. It took a few seconds until she adjusted herself to

the light and her environment. Her eyes immediately searched for mine as she noticed the empty space next to her. Close your eyes. It will go away when you're not responding. My mind yelled again with the loudest voice he could offer. But my eyes looked straight back regardless, ignoring every word my mind could utter. Her clear and sleepy expression turned into a confused one as she recognized the position I was lying in. As soon as she tried to move toward me I quickly stood up and dashed across the bed to reach the door, ignoring the fact that this caused a blurry vision and dizziness. But before I could set one feet on the ground Miyoung pulled me back to the bed and hovered over me. My dookong fell negligent to the ground. I breathed heavy to reclaim fresh air in my lungs. Her eyes bored through mine and I was surprised how much seriousness they showed. She brought one hand up to my cheek and caressed it like it was some fragile porcelain vase. “Never..” Her voice cracked at the end of the word. She breathed in to start the sentence again. “Never run away from me like that again.” “I was just trying to protect myself.” I whispered silently but loud enough for her to hear. I was lost in her intense stare so I just carelessly blurted all my thoughts out. Her eyes softened. “Protect yourself from what?” Miyoung asked in a whisper. “From getting hurt.”

“But I'm not a monster. I won't hurt you.” She answered as she caressed my cheek with her warm palm. “But you will reject me.” I whispered and closed my eyes to enjoy her touch. But I shut them tighter because I feared she could turn me down. “Who said I will reject you?” I could feel her fingers move to the angle of my lips. But before I could open my eyes to question her I felt her soft lips on mine. Her teeth trapped my bottom lip gently before she released it and pulled out of the kiss. I slowly opened my eyes and saw her eye-smile that managed to warm up my heart for three years. “You don't know how much I love you.” I breathed out unconsciously. She giggled and laid her body fully on me. “I...” She began as she gently stroke some hair out of my face. “...love...” Her hand slid through my hair until it reached my cheek again. “...you...” Her thumb caressed my skin “...too” She ended her sentence with a gently peck on my lips. Nothing surprised me more than her confession. "But I thought you were straight?" I asked her confused. "I mean you had boyfriends and..." I was about to babble again but she stopped me with her lips. The kiss started gently and slow but turned into something aggressive and rough. Even in the morning after she had woken up a few minutes ago she smelled like strawberry and vanilla and she tasted even sweeter. It took us a few minutes to part from each other. Our chests touched every time we took a deep breath to fill our body’s with oxygen again.

"I was trying to figure out if I could love someone as much as I am loving you." She answered my confusing. "And did you find someone?" I asked incredibly dumb. Miyoung slightly slapped my arm and started to giggle. "Silly Tae. Of course not. You're are irreplaceable." I started to grin like an idiot the second I let it hit my consciousness. My arms placed them self around her and she welcomed my embrace. Her head found its way to my shoulder and everything felt like it was right, like I found something long lost. "This is soo cute. How could you not let me up to her room." I heard a women talk at the other side of the room. I sighed as Miyoung immediately made her way on her feet, already missing her warm body on mine. “What are you doing here, Yul?” I was slightly irritated by her sudden appearance but nonetheless very amused about the hard blushing Miyoung, standing in front of Yuri, Sunny and Sooyoung. I stood up to walk to Miyoung and placed my hand on her lower back to show her that I was by her side. She turned and immediately buried her red face into my shoulder. “Wow you're fast, Tae. Whatever. I am here to drive you to work like I said yesterday. I have found a way to loosen up the contract.” Yuri said and waved with a folder in her hand.

“I would like to take Miyoung with us.” I answered seriously what caused Miyoung to look up with questioning eyes. “She is mentioned in that contract too, so I think she should know what is happening.” Sunny frowned next to Yuri and crossed her arms. “You two aren't going to make some stupid contract for some stupid bet again?” I chuckled. “No Sunny. We aren't 20 anymore.” But I turned serious instantly. “It's the adoption contract of Miyoung.” The room turned quiet with a heavy silence that could drown you into the floor. “Sunny and I want to be part of that 'get Miyoung out of the contract and marry her' thing.” Sooyoung said dramatically, which caused Miyoung to blush and burry her head in my shoulder again. My face went along and get a slight red tinge too. Sunny slapped Sooyoungs arm. “Yah! Who said we want to be part of that? We will have a hell of work to do when the wedding takes place.” “Who said something about a wedding?” I asked, trying to sound as normal and collected as I could. “No one Tae. Just no one.” Yuri said and shook her head. “I think we should discuss this matter in your living room today.” Before I could reply Sooyoung snapped her fingers. “That's a great idea. Bunny and I will prepare breakfast.” She said happily and pulled Sunny with her. “Yah! My name isn't Bunny.” We heard Sunny yell through the floor.

“I will wait in the living room. Please don't take too long until you get ready.” Yuri said and closed the door. I sighed as the familiar click of the door could be heard. I took a deep breath to cool down my red face. Miyoung face was still buried in my shoulder but her hands began to move slowly under my t-shirt. They caressed my skin up to my waist and then to my stomach. Every inch she touched sent fire across my skin, a sweet sensation that caused my hands so slip into her panties to slid over her butt. A low moan escaped her mouth as I lightly squeezed her butt cheeks. Her fingertips were sliding softly over my skin to my bra that I forgot to take off yesterday. But before she could slide her hands under my bra or I could push my fingers further into her panties to let her make more of this delicious noises someone shouted outside of my door. “I hope you two are just moaning because you are getting too old to get your pants on instead of getting you're clothes off.” I could hear a grumpy Sunny yell behind the door. Suddenly Miyoung pulled her hands out of my shirt and break away from me. A shocked expression on her face like she couldn't believe what she have done. “I..I'm sorry. I...I had to hold b-back three y-years. I...I'm sorry.” The young girl in front of me said with a bright red face. A second after that she dashed out of the room and into her room next door. Sunny was surprised to see a TomatoMiyoung running out of my room. “What was that?” She was pointing to Miyoungs door. But I just closed the door while I was laughing my ajhumma laugh. This whole situation was just too amusing. My little Miyoung was eager to touch me in not so innocent ways. But I

had to control myself not to play along or else I would follow the content of the contract and loose her forever. Nonetheless something caught me off guard, hearing her say that she waited for three years was something I wasn't expecting. I had to be so dense to not recognize it for three years or she was just a really good actor. I prefer dense. I told mysef and chuckled.


After I wore my favorite pair of jeans and plain black t-shirt I took my phone and called my office assistant. “Hey Seohyun.” I said as she answered the phone. “Hello boss. Everything’s alright? It's rare for you to call me in the morning before you drive to the office.” Seohyun asked worried. “I'm fine, Seohyun. But thanks for asking. I'm calling because I need you to cancel my conferences for today. I'm staying home because of an important matter.”

“Ok, thanks for updating me. I will sent Yoona to take care of your clients.” She answered politely. “Don't be too hard on her. Just sent her to set up another meeting. She doesn't have to hold my presentation. I think she is not ready yet after three months of staying in our company.” I said and looked for some socks in my closet. “Ok boss. I will arrange that. Take care unnie.” She said and wanted to end the phone call. “Oh and Seohyun.” I interrupted the whole hang up the phone thing. “Yes.” “Take Yoona with you when you go to lunch. She is working almost more than I do. Be her a friend. I think she will need one when she is planning on staying the next few years.” I said and found some white gray black stripped socks to wear. “I will, unnie. Thank you for your trust.” “i have to thank you for holding the fort.” I heard her giggle at the other end of the line and a smile creeped on my face too. “Ok unnie. I have to hang up. Bye.” “We will see us tomorrow. Bye.” As soon as she both hung up I went down to join the others in the living room. A traditional Korean breakfast was laid on the coffee table freshly made by

Sooyoung and Sunny. I rushed to the table and sat myself down on the floor next to Miyoung. Her face was still a little bit red and she didn't dare to look up into my eyes. She was wearing shorts and a simple white t-shirt. Miyoung often wore just shorts and a t-shirt or a sleeveless shirt. One day I asked her why she choose to barely wearing anything when she was in the mansion even if it was snowing outside. Her answer was short and modest as she said that the mansion was always comfortable warm. Nonetheless the torture she was giving me with all her cuddling and all the skin to skin contact was making me to form the thought of touching her skin in a not sisterly manner. But today was the day I could have my little revenge on her. She was sitting on her legs like some Japanese girl who was waiting for her food. Fortunately the others were in the kitchen to get the last piece of dishes they needed to eat the food. One of my hand slid into her back pocket of her shorts which caused her to tense her body. Before she could look at the source of this act I had put my head next to hers. “Are you ok Miyoung? Your cheeks are red.” My lips brushed against the skin between her ears and neck. My voice was soft but yet seductive. She heaved out a slight sigh which could have been a moan when she wouldn't have restrain her body to make weird noises. “Could you please distance yourself from her.” Yuri growled as she walked into the living room, seeing the scene. “Why are you so rude all of a sudden?” Sooyoung said as she passed Yuri to put the chopsticks on the table after sitting down.

I took my hand out of her pocket and sat a few inches away from Miyoung. Yuri was looking at me like she wanted to kill me but she answered honestly. “First of all we have to lay low for a while with the relationship of ajhumma and the pink monster.” She said and pointed at me and Miyoung before continuing. “And the main thing is we have to walk into the devils ass to nullify the web that the contract is spinning. And I really don't want to go down there for nothing.” It was rare that Yuri was that serious outside the whole lawyer thing. I felt a little bit guilty for not being wary of the danger I would put Miyoung in and of course feeling guilty for not appreciating the work Yuri put into solving the problem enough. Out of the angle of my eyes I saw Miyoung looking at me but I choose to ignore her for now. “Let's eat and then think about a way to get us out of the contract.” I said and looked at Yuri with an apologizing glace. While we were eating Yuri tried to inform Sooyoung and Sunny about the main facts of the contract. My eyes landed on Miyoung from time to time to observe her behavior and to calm her down when the shocking news sink in. But she was just listening patiently to everything that Yuri said and nodded calmly as Yuri was looking at her to show Yuri that she was listening. Sometimes Miyoung looked at her phone and wrong a short message to someone which name I couldn't read because of the distance between us. Sooyoung and Sunny were stunned about the content of the adoption contract. “Wow, Taeng. I always knew that your parents weren't the best example for being saints but honestly...I wouldn't have thought that they were criminals the

whole time.” Sooyoung said as she shoved some rice porridge in her mouth. I was just slightly smiling at her because I thought the same too. “Which judge would certify a contract like this? And who would sign this piece of sh-” Sunny asked and Sooyoung quickly sealed her mouth with her hand. Everyone of us knew that Sunny was angry now. And an angry Sunny means a swearing Sunny. I heard a silent gulp noise next to me. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Miyoung fiddling with her fingers. An act of nervousness she couldn't overcome even if she was a professional actress now. “Taeyeon's parents have this Jung Missy as a lawyer and coincidently she is the daughter of the highest judge in this country.” Yuri said and took me back to the situation at hand. "Ok, that's cheating." Sunny said monotonous. “Oh, that's more than cheating. That makes it nearly impossible to get the contract nullified. I had to play a few dirty tricks to get a copy of it from that Jung girl.” Yuri answered. But before I could add something to this little round of complaint my gardener stormed into the living room. “Ma'am.” He said and bowed 90 degree. “I'm sorry to interrupted you.” I was about to complain to him that he should talk to me casually and not that formal like he is doing it right now but something caught my eyes. His eyebrows were pressed together into a worried expression and his body was much more

stiff then he would be when he was talking to his employer. The second thing that caught my eyes was the man behind him that was walking slowly into the room. “A man is here to see you.” My Gardener continued. I stood up and turned to my gardener. “Thank you Luhan. You may go now.” I said and signaled him that he should stick around if something happens. He bowed and went into the kitchen. I turned to the man and eyed him. His appearance was like every other bodyguard like man – puffed shoulders and a black suit. His aura told me that he was one of the puppets of my parents. “What do you want?” I said rudely. Yuri and the others stood up behind me. ”I'm here to take Tiffany to Mr. and Mrs. Kim.” He said with a dark voice. My hand curled into a fist as I heard the name 'Tiffany'. The Tiffany they own wasn't the Miyoung I have. “Someone like Tiffany isn't living in this house.” I said sternly and had to hold myself back from just punching him. My parents hadn't the right to take her away from me before the condition of the contract were fulfilled. A hand landed on my arm to calm me down. I wanted to yell at the person but instantly recognized that it was Miyoung who was holding my arm. “Calm down, Tae.” She whispered. I turned to her and looked at her with pleading eyes. “I won't let them take you away from me.”

Her eyes softened and she took a step closer. “They won't take me away. I will come back soon.” She said softly and kissed my forehead which she could easily reach because of her height. “I promise.” Her last two whispered words lingered in my head as Miyoung went away with the man willingly. Thousands of questions were running through my head. Most of them were like: Why want my parents see her? Why is Miyoung going with the man without any doubt? Why is this world not the world I knew anymore? But most importantly I asked myself: Why didn't I stop her from leaving? I turned and tried to find the answers of all my questions in the eyes of my friends but there were none. None that would make any sense. But Yuri stepped forward and patted my shoulder. “I think I know were I get your answers.” She said and walked to the door. I snapped out of my confusing thoughts. “Were are you going?” “I will pay Little Miss Missy a visit.” It was the last sentence I heard from her before the door slammed shut.

I Quit

Chapter 4 I Quit

Miyoung was going through the corridor of the big mansion of Mr. and Mrs. Kim. She knew the floors, the walls and every little detail of this house. And she could say with confidence that nothing had changed in the last three years. Miyoung was also aware where she was going without thinking twice which way the had to go. The bodyguard who had brought her here was trailing behind her, bored and irritated about the fact that he couldn't punch someone. He really would have liked the fact to punch this little midget to show her that she was just a helpless little girl with a lot of money. Miyoung stopped in front of a big door and knocked. But before someone could answer the bodyguard behind her opened the door harshly. The view was disgusting and if Miyoung wouldn't have had an important reason to be here she would have just turn around and leave. A loud grunt could be heard as Mr. Kim emptied himself inside of some slutty maid to satisfy this thing between his legs. The took his dick out of her and stroked it a few times as it was still standing proudly. The maid mumbled a 'Thank you, Mr Kim' and turned around to suck on it eagerly. A moan ran through the room and let Miyoung look at the old women on the armchair across the room. A young gardener was sucking her pussy with the same eager and want like the slutty maid was working on Mr. Kim. The whole scene reminded Miyoung of her mother who was a maid in this mansion too. Mr. Kim wasn't embarrassed of taking her mother in front of her as she was a little child. He was convinced that she, as a maid, had to take care of his needs and mostly, next to the cleaning and cooking, he needed her to take care of his sexual needs. And after Mr. Kim was satisfied he threw her to the floor and went back to business or to another maid with the help of the blue pills.

Miyoung was grateful that he wasn't his biological father and that some other man could impregnate her mother before Mr. Kim could. Her mother told Miyoung a lot about her father. All story's were stories full of happiness and love until Mr. Kim knew that Miyoung wasn't his child and simply called someone to kill her father. After sixteen years being drugged and fucked by Mr. and Mrs. Kim her mother also died. And that is why Miyoung was in this stupid contract. Just because they can't let her be a fuck doll before she attain full age. So Mrs. Kim thought that Taeyeon could help them as she unawarely helped them before. But nobody knew that Taeyeon would actually know what true love is and no one would have thought that she would fall in love with Miyoung. The bodyguard next to her walked completely into the room and placed himself next to Mr. Kim. He pulled his pants down to hold his now hard dick in front of the maid who willingly sucked on it too. The gardener was now fucking Mrs. Kim who was moaning like some old grandma with heart problems. The maid and gardener were clearly been drugged before they let themselves into this dirty play. But as long as Mr. and Mrs. Kim had their fun they wouldn't care about the life of others. Miyoung sighed and closed her eyes. “I'm in the office at the end of the floor if you want to talk.” She simply said as she turned around and went to the said office. She didn't bother to close the door nor did she bother about the loud moaning, grunts and dirty talk that was growing louder after she left it. Miyoung quietly shut the door of the office, she wanted to go, to shut all the noise. Her mind was calming down after she had the urge of puking on the floor at the scene of two old humans fucking or get fucked by young teens. She rubbed her arms as it was getting colder after she recognized that she was still in her shorts and sleeveless shirt. But her heart was filled with warmth as she remembered

Taeyeons touch and her sweet words. At first it all was just a game she should play to get her to the things Mr. and Mrs. Kim wanted. But now it was much more and much different. Miyoung began to truly fell in love with Taeyeon in these past three years. Something she wouldn't have imaging in her whole life. After all the things she saw in the mansion of Mr. and Mrs. Kim she would have killed herself before she considered of being in love with the same gender. But Taeyeon was different. Of course she was different from the rest of the world who just wanted to harm Miyoung without any reasons. Taeyeon was gentle, caring, understanding and more importantly was that Miyoung felt safe and protected when she had the older girl around her. Miyoung was asking herself a lot if her life would be any different if she had met Taeyeon as they were still kids. Taeyeon were six as she was born but Miyoung didn't see her once in this mansion not even after she became a maid too which was kind of mysterious. But before she could think about all the 'ifs' and 'whens' the door swung open and Mr. and Mrs. Kim went into the room. Fortunately they were dressed again. But to Miyoungs disgusted the bulge in Mr. Kim’s pants could have clearly been seen and some cum were traveling along Mrs. Kims leg as she semi-sat down on the desk in front of her. “Let's get straight to the business. The bodyguard can't entertain them forever.” Mrs. Kim said irritated. Of course she was. Someone interrupted her fun time. Miyoung took a deep breath Now or never. ….

A knock could be heard as knuckles touched the wood of the door in front of her. After a few seconds of silence she knocked again but this time a little bit harder. A faint irritated 'I'm coming' could be heard from the other side of the door. A smile drew itself on the face of the lady as she heard the beautiful high pitched irritated voice. But she let it disappear a second before the door opened. The woman in front of her was stunning as always and wouldn't the lady have seen her before she would have fainted right there and right then. “What do you want, Kwon?” The woman said and crossed her arms. Yuri just smiled. “Can't I visit my little friend, Jung?” She asked as she invited herself into the apartment, not forgetting to pat the woman's head. Yuri walked through the floor after she took of her shoes. She could hear the footsteps of the Jung girl behind her as Yuri reached the living room. Two amused women took a look at Yuri as she stepped into the living room with a following Jung. “As you can see I have guests now. So could you just leave, Kwon?” The woman behind Yuri said irritated. “Oh, you don't have to. Krystal and I were about to go anyway.” The tomboy said and stood up with Krystal, an arm always around her shoulders. Yuri grinned at the tomboy and let their fists hurtle. “Thanks, Ambro.” Amber just nodded and left with Krystal after they bid goodbye. “Wow, thank you, Kwon. You just scared away my sister and her girlfriend. Great job.” Jung said after the door shut tightly.

“Your welcome, Je-ssi-ca.” Yuri said with a grin. Jessica just went back to the living room and plopped on the couch without caring about Yuri. Yuri smiled as she saw irritation in Jessica's eyes. It was the sexiest sight she saw in her whole life. But what makes her smile even wider was the nervousness Jessica exude after her sister and Amber were gone. She plopped on the couch too next to Jessica. “What do you want?” Jessica said and turned to Yuri. Yuri was just glancing at her and looked away the instant she saw Jessica's eyes, afraid she could get lost in the brown of her eyes. “Can't I just visit my little friend?” She answered nervously with the same answer she gave before. “The true reason, Yuri.” Jessica turned to her and softened her eyes and voice. Yuri turned to Jessica and sighed. “I...I need your help.” She said in almost a whisper. “You want to nullify the contract of the Kims, am I right?” Yuri just nodded and looked away, afraid to see some disappointment or anger. “You know I can't to that, do you?” Jessica said softly and put her head on her palm as her arm found its way to the backrest of the sofa. She heard of the amount Yuri put into trying to nullify the contract. She admired Yuri for her hard work and she had helped her with copies and further details but now they reached a point she couldn't help anymore even if Jessica wanted to. “Why not?” Yuri pouted and laid her head down on the backrest.

Jessica turned around and with her back resting on the backrest, not wanting to see Yuri's delicious pouting lips. “You know, that I was one of the lawyers who draw up the contract and that my father is the highest judge who had certified it. The only way to put the contract to an end is to see put the contract.” Yuri sighed and slowly crawled on top of Jessica as she straddled her hips. “Maybe we could make an out-of-court settlement.” She said seductively and let her hand travel along Jessica's jawline. The shorter girl shivered and was about to give in but pushed Yuri off of her and stood up. She put a distance between them that was as large as she half of the room. Yuri looked up, confused by the sudden behavior of the other girl. She could see that Jessica not only had red cheeks but she was shivering as well. Yuri stood up and wanted to go to her to check if everything was alright but Jessica flinched. “What's wrong?” “What's wrong? That's what I should ask you!” Jessica said like a mad woman. “What do you mean?” Yuri asked calmly. “Why are you always messing with me?” Jessica yelled as her eyes started to tear up, but she was quick to whipped the tears away before they could fall down. “I...Why?” Yuri was too confused to form more than just two words. She couldn't remember anything that she did that caused a crying Jessica in front of her.

“Why are you always messing with this?” Jessica pointed to her head. “And most important why are you also messing with this?” She pointed to her chest where her heart lies. Yuri's intense stare softened. Her feet brought her to Jessica who didn't move away this time. She took the hand of the older girl and placed it on her chest where her heart also lies. “Because you are messing with mine too.” Jessica's eyes widened as she tried to breath properly. "All the times we had slept with each other weren't just sex for me. After a while it turned into something you could call love making." Yuri caressed Jessica's cheek like it was the most fragile thing she was holding. "I thought you just wanted to visit me to help you with the cases you have to win for Taeyeon and because you liked my body." Jessica whispered as her head drew nearer to Yuri's. "I have to confess that I was thinking like that at first but after we slept with each other for the first time I started to think about you as more then just an awesome fuck-buddy with a nice package." Yuri explained. "And what are you thinking now?" "I really want to have you as my beautiful girlfriend with a nice package." Yuri grinned dorky and received a hard slap on the arm from Jessica. "You've ruined the mood." Jessica said and pouted. Yuri chuckled as her lips easily found Jessica's as her free hand pulled her neck.

… “I want to quit.” Miyoung said straight forward. Mrs. Kim scoffed. “Of course you want to quit. That's what you tell us every year. But you always go back to that little midget that you should seduce instead of ruining our beautiful fuck session.” She mocked Miyoung. It was true she came here every year to tell them that she wanted to quit all that contract thing but she was allayed her suspiciousness from Mrs. Kim to stay at the mansion and get Taeyeon into having sex with her. Of course she was going back into the mansion that time because she really thought that she could be a famous actress and that she could make the most of the warmth and comfort Taeyeon was giving her. Miyoung never thought that she really could be a well known actress and model. And never ever had thought that she would drown into the love that Taeyeon gave her. “This time I mean it.” Miyoung said firmly. “Miyoung.” Mrs. Kim started and walked to her. To Miyoungs disgusted the cum on the leg of the old lady had made its way down to her knee and it didn't stop flowing down. Miyoung slightly shuddered as the women in front of her toucheed her shoulder. “You want to have a warm place to live in and a flourish career, am I right?” Mrs. Kim said with a calm voice. Miyoung just nodded.

“Then you should go out of this mansion and back to that midget, who is impatiently waiting for you to finally come back.” The old lady said dramatically like it was some kind of drama in TV. Miyoung pushed her hand away from her shoulder, irritated about the things she just heard. “How can you talk about your daughter like this? She is so proud that she overtook the company and she is gently and nice to everyone contrary to you two!” Mrs. Kim just scoffed and went back to the desk to semi-sit down on it again, which caused more cum to leak out of her pussy. It was like she was like a soap dispenser. Miyoung would have ignored it, if it wouldn't be as white as yoghurt ice cream. “Show some respect young lady!” Mr. Kim growled behind the desk as he stood up. His bulge was still visible. “We can change the contract here and now if you want to be our property earlier than initially agreed upon.” Miyoung eyes widened. “No that's not what I want.” She said, slightly panicking. Mrs. Kim chuckled amused. “Of course not, darling. But I think I know the real reason behind all this 'I want to quit' speech.” She pointed at Miyoung. “You fell for her.” Miyoung stayed quiet with no emotion in her intense gaze, which took the old lady as an approval. Mrs. Kim began to hysterical starting to laugh. If Miyoung felt some care for this witch in front of her she would have tried to stop her, because

it looked like she had problems to breath. But secretly she was only hoping she would die right there and then. “The seducer fell the love with her prey. We should make a movie out of it.” Mrs. Kim said as she slowly stopped laughing. Miyoung clenched her fists. “I'm serious here. I want to quit this whole contract. You can use some other girl to do it. I can't stand doing something cruel to Taeyeon.” “Hmm. I think you're right.” Mrs. Kim said and rubbed her chin. “Now that you are full-aged we really don't have a use of you. The opportunity to get Taeyeon into a lawsuit for sleeping with her underage adoptive sister is gone now.” Miyoung gulped as she recognized that it was a really bad idea to come here and tell them to quit this whole thing. She honestly thought that she could get them to loosen up the contract so that Yuri could do her lawyer thing to completely nullify it. But she was wrong. Oh, she was more than wrong. “But now we can take the chance to get her into a lawsuit for invade the mansion of her parents just to kill innocent people because she thought her precious sister would be held captive. Poor Chick Chick.” Mrs. Kim added. Miyoung was slowly stepping back to have the chance to escape. But before she could turn around to grab the handle of the door she bumped into something that wasn't there as she went into the room. Or maybe she should say she bumped into someone because strong hands were grabbing her arms firmly. A little bit too

strong for Miyoungs liking because it started to hurt and she could bet that she will get bruises after this hands let her go. Mrs. Kim walked to Miyoung with an evil smirk on her lips. “Final words before we will knock you out and call your lover girl?” Miyoung calmed herself down. She knew that she will get nowhere if she would panic but her heart was beating like crazy as she thought of Taeyeon's worried face and all the anger she will feel toward Miyoung when she found out the truth. “I hope you will have fun.” Miyoung said with a death glare. “Oh, don't worry about that, sweetheart. We will have our fun.” Mrs. Kim answered and patted roughly Miyoungs cheek. Miyoung could just shove her hand away before everything went black. I'm sorry, TaeTae. … Jessica was snuggling into Yuri's bare shoulder as both of them were laying on her bed after a hot session of love making. Yuri brushed her hand along Jessica's naked skin of her back. It felt different from all the last times they lay like this. Everything felt different from the last few times. Yuri had apologized most of the times when both of them fell asleep and woke up cuddling the next morning. She was swift in putting on her clothes as she received a death glare from Jessica every morning. But nonetheless this time everything went in another way. No fast dressing. No deathly death glares. Just cuddling and feeling each other. Jessica

kissed Yuri's shoulder after she sniffed her sweet scent. Yuri smiled and kissed her head and held the other girls hand that was lying on her stomach. “It's nice.” Jessica said as she interlaced her fingers with Yuri's. “Hm?” Yuri asked with a simple hum, too lazy and comfortable to speak. “It's nice to have you still lying here instead of quickly packing your things and leave.” Yuri could feel her smiling against her bare shoulder, which she reflected with a smile on her lips too. “Yeah. It's nice to have you here.” “We should repeat it more often from now on.” Jessica said and kissed her way from Yuri's shoulder, to her neck and jaw until she finally met the lips of the younger girl. It wasn't a kiss full a lust like they shared before. It was a kiss full of love and sincere. Both girls smiled as they pulled away to get some air. “I think that I will have found a new hobby.” Yuri said and switched their positions so that she could hover over Jessica. Jessica smiled playful. “Oh yeah? What hobby?” Yuri grinned dorky. “Cuddling and loving you.” Her lips landed on Jessica's lips as a short kiss. “That's so cheesy, Kwon.” Jessica chuckled.

“Only for you, Jung.” Yuri chuckled too as their lips met into a passionate kiss. But to the luck of both of them Yuri's phone began to ring with an annoying ring-ton. Yuri sighed as Jessica pulled back. “You should take it.” Yuri huffed and pouted as she reached for her phone. But her pout was quickly replaced by a frown as she saw the caller. Yuri quickly answered the phone but accidentally pushed the speaker button. “Yul, we have a problem.” A firm and stern voice sounded through the speakers of her phone. “What's wrong, Taeng?” Yuri said worried. She knew that It was rare for Taeyeon to call when she knew that Yuri was in some kind of meeting. Jessica looked to the phone to be sure that she was speaking with the Taeyeon she assumed. Her eyes wandered to Yuri who was looking at her with a deep frown. “Put on your pants and come to my place. And bring your favorite bedmate with you. I know she can hear me.” Taeyeon said. Her voice was still firm and stern but as her lawyer and friend Yuri knew that Taeyeon was slightly in panic and despair. “What's wrong?” This time it was Jessica who spoke. Her eyes wandered between Yuri's but the other girl just shrugged her shoulders because she couldn't find an answer as well. “We have to go down the devils ass and rescue Miyoung.” Taeyeon said and hung up. The loud tones of short sounds, that signaled that Taeyeon hung up already,

echoed through the room until Yuri's phone hung up automatically too. Yuri looked at her phone, motionless, until her display went black too. Jessica gently rubbed her arm to give her comfort. “We should go.” She said gently. “Yeah we should.” Yuri stood up lifeless and put on her underwear. Jessica could just watch, worry not leaving her body.

Pull Yourself Together

Chapter 5 Pull Yourself Together I was pacing back and forth in the living room. I was lucky to have a big living room so it wasn't making me too dizzy. But I couldn't stand still since my parents called. I knew something would happen ever after Miyoung left.

“Taeyeon.” Sunny breathed out my name. “Just sit down for a minute. You're making me dizzy.” She was sitting on the couch next to me with Jongin and Luhan. Sooyoung was sitting on the armchair far away from Sunny, who doesn't wanted a clingy Sooyoung by her side when I was in despair. “Why was I so stupid to let her go with this puffed idiotic guy of stupid bodyguard?” I tried not to yell. “Taeyeon, you can't blame yourself. You let her go because you trusted her and not your parents.” Sooyoung tried to calm me down. “And that's the problem. I knew that my parents were up to something and I was so stupid to let her go to them. Like I would put the mouse into the cage without laying some damn cheese into it.” My voice was growing louder and my swearing wasn't lessen either. “We will find a way. You just have to calm down so we can plan something.” Jongin tried to calm me down too but he was as fruitless as Sooyoung was. “Argh!” I made way for my anger to break free. I was more than just pissed. My parents wanted me to get my precious Miyoung or they will own her instantly and turn her into some dirty maid or even a prostitute. Of course it wasn't as easy as it sounded because I was sure they had some traps laid on the way to get her. Was it right to just step into the mansion without help, police or an agreement with my lawyer? Anger was growing in my mind because I was confused what to do next. My pacing fastened as I tried to not punch the wall.

“We should just go into this god damned mansion and rescue her. What's to tricky about this?” I asked no one in particular. “Because you shouldn't go there.” A slightly unfamiliar voice started to talk behind me. As I turned around I saw Yuri and Jessica closing the door. Jessica was the first to approach me while she continued. “We should try to talk with the highest judge to clarify this situation.” Yuri was now standing behind her. I wasn't angry at her but as I saw her hand travel to Jessica's back to show her that she wanted to take over the situation, something triggered my helplessness to attack everything around me. “You!” I pointed to Yuri. “Why wasn't you fast enough to prevent this all to happen?!” I shouted at her. Yuri's eyes widened and showed obvious guilt a second after. Jessica told me a few months after all this that Yuri was the one that was blaming herself the most. It took a while until she believed that she wasn't fault of all this but the fact that it took her almost three years until she knew about the contract and that she wasn't reacting fast were burned into her mind. I was about to launch at her, to grab her collar but Sooyoung was holding me back. It looked like she was trying to hold back a raging monkey. “Taeyeon! That's enough!” Sunny yelled at me. It was the first time she had to actually yell at me and not only scold me. But it wasn't going into my thick head to really stop all this. I turned around and went into the kitchen without neither calming down nor stopping to be most egoistic asshole you have seen.

Some footsteps could be heard behind me as someone went into the kitchen as well. I put the glass down which content I had gulped down fast. “I think you should stop being a pain in the ass.” The woman behind me said. I instantly knew that it was Jessica, not only because of her voice but also because she was much more straightforward then Sunny could ever be to me. “What do you want Jessica?” I asked her and turned around, slightly exhausted by always wandering around and not calming down. “I'm not going to tell you to calm down. I kinda knew what you are going through right now. But I think you should stop blaming everyone and start being rational. You have a plan to think through to help Miyoung getting out of there.” Jessica answered honestly. “And what are you suggest me to do?” I asked slightly surprised by her confession but still helplessly irritated. “We should consult the highest judge to discuss the attempt of the Kims to break the contracts policy.” She said calmly like the professional lawyer that she was. “Of course I should have thought of that.” I said ironical. “But I'm sorry to interrupt your summation but mind that we don't have years to kiss up to the father of yours to get Miyoung out of this hell.” “But we can't just go in, kill everyone and get her out of it without being charged with it.” Jessica said slightly disgruntled by my childish behavior. “i don't care as long as I have my Miyoung back.”

Jessica scoffed. “You won't have time with your Miyoung to spend with when they put you into jail as soon as you took her hand.” “You are lawyers...” I was about to finish my sentence but was cut by Jessica. “No, we won't! Don't even think about that!” She raised her voice. “What are you here for then?!” I turned the volume of my voice up to keep up with hers. “You asked us to be here!” Jessica yelled as pissed as I was. “Then get out of my sight! And take Yuri with you! You are useless now!” I yelled as loud as I could. I was dead certain that the others had heard it too and they confirmed it as all of them hurried into the kitchen just to see Jessica slap me across the face. It was like she shook me wide awake. “Don't talk about us like that!” She hissed at me. “Then do me a favor and stay here with the others as long as I talk with my parents.” I said in low voice and turned just to see all of them with shocked faces. But before they could say something I held up a hand and quietly bowed to them. Before one of them could react I went upstairs into one of the room that was attached to my home office. Before I could close the door Sunny slipped through. “You can't go alone.” She whispered desperately. She knew what I was about to do and everything in me told me to not do it but we were speaking about Miyoung here – the one and only true love I will ever have. Miyoung was too

young and to precious to just be treat like a stupid fuck toy. She doesn't deserve all this. I closed the door properly and began to walk to a wardrobe that looked like it stems from an old baroque movie. The whole room looked like you were in a different century. I opened the wardrobe and it showed a lot of different weapons I sometimes used to train with. The only people who knew that this room accommodates weapons were Jongin and Sunny. So Sunny weren't surprised to see me taking out a few of the short swords. “Someone has to do something. You know my parents. Patience isn't their strength.” I said as I slid open some drawers of the wardrobe. “But alone? Just wait until tomorrow. Yuri and Jessica will talk to the highest judge to maybe solve this whole mess without killing someone.” Sunny said and took my hand away from the drawers. I looked at her with soft eyes. “Maybe isn't enough for me.” She took her hands away and watched how I was preparing myself. Without shame I was changing my clothes in front of her. Completely in black, tied up hair and a deathly determination I stepped in front of Sunny. “Take care of the others.” My hand reached for her head and I kissed her forehead. I smiled at her before I went out of the room into the corridor with a shoulder bag in my hand, in which I stored the weapons.

“Taeyeon!” Sunny shouted behind me. I turned around to see Yuri, Jessica, Sooyoung, Jongin and Luhan standing behind Sunny, who was running into me, hugging. As she pulled away I saw her watery eyes that were constraining themselves to not cry endlessly. “Get your Miyoung back and come home safely.” She whispered. “I can't promise the second part.” I whispered and whipped her tears away. I stepped a few steps back and bowed deeply, pouring all my respect in it. And then I went to my Suzuki motorbike to drive to my parents. I could hear Yuri shout after me and trying to stop me with her words but I won't stop. Not now. Not when Miyoung was waiting for me in devil's ass. – It was easy to get into my parents office. Just pushing the doorbell, following the bodyguards and here I am in my parents office. Of course they expected me to come this fast. And of course they were prepared. My father sat on his office chair like some kind of endboss in a video game. I felt like the little plumber Mario, who had to rescue his princess from the big ape Donky Kong. The only difference was that I was a female business woman, Donkey Kong were two old perverted married people and I hadn't the chance to get a 1-Up mushroom. My parents were smirking like they would see their prey coming to them instead of them coming to the prey. To be honest this was exactly what I was doing.

“I hadn't expect you to be here this fast.” My mother said. I looked at her emotionless. The only spark of love and respect I had for this woman was now gone. Same goes to my father. I waited for them to continue and of course they liked to listen to their own voice. “I've heard that you already knew about the things we are doing to support our...pension.” My father said. “And to answer your unsaid question. Yes we are doing this our whole life already. Therefore we founded Kim Corp and we are very pleased that the company has this innocent image thanks to you. It makes things a lot easier.” “Then why involving Miyoung?” I asked as emotionless and cold as I could. “I don't know what this little girl told you about herself but she isn't as innocent as you think she is.” Mrs Kim said with a smirk on her lips. And again I waited for her to continue, curious of what she had to say. She chuckled as she knew that she caught my attention. “Her mother was a maid we liked to fuck to tell the story short. And after she got pregnant with some other guys baby we killed Miyoungs possible father and let her mother raise her. But unfortunately Miyoung was much more prettier as her mother so we decided to let her be your new sister, you can take away her virginity and we can make a lot of money with her.” I was disgusted with the way my parents lived their whole life and how they treat other people. But I was proud to be completely different in all ways. “That's disgusting.” I hissed.

“Of course it is disgusting for someone like you to think but it is a brilliant way to settle things in our world.” Mr. Kim said. “Yeah, right.” I murmured but asked my next question clearly for them to hear. “Where is Miyoung?” “Somewhere in this mansion.” My mother said and laughed hysterical. “More specific.” I answered in a cold voice. “I don't see the point in telling you this, when you won't be able to get down there anyway.” Mr Kim said and smirked. Down there. The basement. I smirked an evil smile as I knew my new destination now and ran out of the room. The voices of my parents were trying to hunt me but I just shrugged them off and made my way to the basement. A few bodyguards were chasing me but weren't fast enough or just weren't clever enough to avoid the interior timely. The next corridor to the right were mine as I turned. I knew this mansion like the back of my hand although I would rather say that I knew the mansion better than the back of my hand. Four bodyguards were successful in blocking my way. I looked behind me to only see a few more bodyguards to come my way. But after a two seconds I knew how to circumvent them and ran into the room next to me. It was a normal office room like the most of the rooms in the first floor of the mansion. I opened the balcony door and ran along the balcony to its end, where the fourth office room should be found. Fortunately the door was open because some of the maids were cleaning. I rushed into the room and was greeted by a

shy and surprised young maid. She looked too innocent to be working here in this hell. I quickly looked to the door and the balcony door before approaching the maid. It seemed to be safe enough to have a short conversation. “What is your name?” I asked softly. “Bang Minah, ma'am.” She bowed. “Look, Minah. After I went out of this door..” I pointed to the said door. “..you have to get out of here. The bodyguards will be after me so you can flee out of this hell. It's not worth to stay here.” She hurriedly nodded like a little girl. I warmly smiled at her and patted her head. “Good girl.” Minah chuckled shyly and sent me an eye-smile that reminded me instantly of Miyoung. “Ok have to go.” I said quickly and ran out of the door. Everything went easier then I thought. Until now I hadn't have to knock someone out or killing anyone. To every attempt to block my way I had found a suitable alternative. However my luck wasn't on my side as one of them was fast enough to pull my shoulder bag. The belt was gashing into my body as I was took by surprise. But before he could pull me complete into his arms I duck down and released myself from the belt. Nevertheless he was fast enough to let go of the bag and pushed me to the ground with his hands on my shoulders. This gave me the chance to observe him and I had to say that he looked younger than the other

bodyguards and he was definitely more handsome than the others could ever be – even when he looked like some young lad. I tried to push him off of me but he harshly pressed my shoulders back on the ground again. Thankfully my bag with weapons was laying next to me otherwise I would have had more than a few bruises. “You're not gonna get to the princess.” He said with dark eyes. Great. Now Donkey Kong has turned into some young and athletic boy.

Won' Let You Down

Chapter 6

Won't Let You Down The click clack of high heels resounded through the halls and where echoed by another pair of high heels next to them. The hallway turned cold as two women made their way to the most dangerous decision they ever made. A few people hurriedly moved to their offices or you could say that they fled from an incident no one wanted to witness. The blond was sending death glares of pure ice into everyone who tried to say something that could prevent them from moving forward. She opened a glass door and walked through the room like the owned the whole building. “Wait!” A secretary hurriedly stood up to stop the two women from walking through the big door that was on the other side of the room. But the blond rose her hand in the air without looking at her. Surprisingly the secretary stopped talking for a second but was fast to recognize that she wasn't her boss. The blond women threw open the two wing doors of what seemed to be an office and the raven black haired women behind her closed them swiftly with a last wink at the secretary. A middle aged man rose from his office chair and stepped in front of the blond. “Is everything alright, Jessica? Your sudden visit is worrying me.” Every move seemed to be rehearsed, unnatural and stiff. Even the worried expression on his face looked more of a grimace than an honest expression. “Stop that, father. You know exactly why I am here.” Jessica said.

The face of Mr. Jung turned ice cold, which contented the same coldness his daughter had in her eyes this very moment. “So you went all the way here just to hear the words you already know?” He said and walked back to his office chair to sit down. “I'm not here to let you say those word.” Jessica said. Yuri behind her started to slightly shiver because it was like the temperature of the rooms fell abruptly to minus ten Celsius. “So you are here to beg me to stop working with the Kims and arrest them already?” He asked in a mocking tone. A devilish grin appeared on his face as his eyes shifted to Yuri. “And therefore you brought your little toy with you?” Anger rose in Jessica at every word her father said. But before she could retort to him Yuri stepped in. Yuri slightly squeezed her shoulder and advanced two steps forward. “High Judge Jung we have evidence of criminal activities that are involving Mr and Mrs Kim. I would like to discuss this issue so we could prefer charges.” Yuri said politely and calm. She knew that Mr Jung is someone with much power and a strong hand against his own daughters so she tried to be professional to solve this problem. “You think that you can come here without an appointment, bark into my office like it is your own and asked for a discussion?” Mr Jung slightly raised his voice. “We have informations of a hostage-taking in the mansion of Mr and Mrs Kim.” Yuri answered.

Mr Jung chuckled darkly. “I know that you just have found your license to be a lawyer in a fortune cookie so I overlook your nativity but I will tell you this again: Informations are nothing without a proper proof.” Yuri tried hard to show no reaction to Mr Jung and answered politely. “Thank you for reminding me of things I know already Mr Jung. We have a record of Mrs Kim talking to her daughter Kim Taeyeon in which is mentioned that she is holding her own stepdaughter Kim Miyoung as a hostage to arrange an appointment with Ms Kim.” Jessica looked at Yuri in awe. She loved this part of her character – to stay calm and professional even if the job and clients are difficult to handle. Her eyes wandered to her father as she watched what would happen next.

My mouth opened and closed like a fish on dry sand as I tried to gasp for air. This stupid but handsome bodyguard pressed his hands around my neck to stop me from breathing properly. He was tall like a mountain. My back was pressed against the wall with my hands on his underarms. I tried to kick him but lost my energy with all the fighting we had. So they were just dangle in the air, inches away from the ground. The cut on my cheeks stopped bleeding because of the

lack of oxygen. The last half hour were just time wasting – useless fighting with this tall bodyguard. I had luck to get my hands on the weapon bag I had prepared. So I could cut his arm and the side of his stomach. Unfortunately they weren't that deep to handicap him. Slowly but surely my vision was starting to blur and this typical black dots were shown everywhere. This wasn't the way I planed to rescue Miyoung. This wasn't even near the plan I had made to get her out of here alive. Or at least this wouldn't be the plan if I had one in the first place. I started the useless attempt to kick him again just to become weaker and weaker. But I'm not going down without a fight. But suddenly the bodyguard let go of me and backed away. I instantly fell on the ground and sharply breathed in. I coughed a few times as oxygen floated through my dry throat like a knife through paper. Two hands grabbed my cheeks gently and brought my face to the person in front of me. “Are you ok?” My mind and vision started to clear as I heard the familiar voice. I shook my head and focused on Sunny who was crouch in front of me. Surprise but also relief was washing through my body as I saw her clearly. “Never been happier to see you.” I whispered raucous as I still tried to catch my breath. She chuckled at my ridiculous answer and helped me up. I jerked as a loud bang could be heard behind me. My body rapidly turned to the direction of the bang

which caused my vision to blur again. Sunny held me steady as I started to lose my balance. But my vision sharpened immediately as I saw what happened. Jongin stood in the middle of the hallway, taking heavy breath and the bodyguard was lying on the floor with a bleeding nose. The wall next to the bodyguard had a little vaulting which let me guess what happened. Jongin turned to me. As our eyes locked he looked like a total different person, like he was still caution and ready to turn against a whole army. But his eyes softened as he saw the deep red marks that were appearing around my neck. Jongin was fast in approaching me. He was about to touch the marks to ease the pain but decided to not do it because he knew that it would only increase the pain. “Are you ok?” He asked softly, almost a whisper. I smiled and mouthed a 'thank you' to lessen his worries. I dusted my clothes and took a deep breath. “On this floor is a maid with the name Bang Minah. It would be nice if you take her with you when you leave from here. Let her live at the mansion if she can't go anywhere. Take care of her.” I said to Sunny who just nodded. She frowned but don't utter what was on her mind. I was thankful that she wasn't scolding me in this kind of situation we were in. “And you.” I turned to Jongin and pocked his chest weakly. “Take care of her like she is your sister or maybe girlfriend.” I grinned stupidly which he reflected with a chuckle and his shaking head. “My parents will call the police or something like that soon so I hope you will take your leave before they arrive and take Sooyoung and Luhan with you, I'm certain they are here too.”

Both of them just nodded and let me go down the corridor. As I felt my strength coming back I started to run to the stairway. One of the bodyguards tried to catch me but I jumped over the railing to land safely at the ground floor. But my hands slipped on the varnished wood of the railing of the ground floor, so I rolled down a few steps. I groaned as I stood up with an aching body and cursed. “So much for taking the stairs is saver than taking the elevator.” I heard a chuckle and felt two hands helping me standing properly. “You look like a deer who was ran over by a truck.” I chuckled too as I recognized that it was Sooyoung and one of her silly jokes in a totally wrong situation. “So I look like a dead clutch of meat?” I coughed. “Nope. You look cute and abashed.” She grinned and helped me to walk a few meter. “A deer who was ran over by a truck is looking cute and abashed?” I asked totally confused. “Yeah. A deer is cute.” She answered and lead me to the stairway to the basement where Luhan was trying to hold back a few bodyguards. “But it is run over by a truck.”

“Yep I know. But it's a deer. Deers are always cute. Just like you.” She pinched my cheek. I stopped and pushed her away. Sooyoung was just laughing at her successful teasing. “Having fun girls?” Luhan said as he knocked out the last bodyguard. “Definitely.” Sooyoung said. Luhan sighed and gave Sooyoung a frying pan. He bowed down with his hands supportively on his knees to catch his breath. But before I could asked about the frying pan Sooyoung answered. She held the pan in front of her. “This little thing is the best weapon you can have.” “What?” I was totally confused that Sooyoung could bring her randomness on a new level. “You watched the movie 'Tangled'?” “The movie with Rapunzel and this guy whose nose is always drawn wrong?” “Yep. They was totally right about this wonderful little frying pan.” She answered and grinned again. I looked at her in disbelieve for a few moments. “Ok whatever. You two are going to leave here because the police will bark in in a few minutes. And no matter what happens...” I waited for them to nod. “...don't try to search for me.”

“You will leave us?” Luhan asked with his naivety. He was a strong man just like Jongin. But even if he is four years older than Jongin he sometimes acted like his little brother. “I will come back safely.” I answered. “Ok young lady. Listen up.” Sooyoung started sternly with seriousness you won't hear often out of her mouth. “I know that I can't change your mind and you know that you are acting like a little girl here. But I hope you will come back in one piece so I don't have to chase you with my frying pan, no matter if you are alive or not. We will be there if you need us and we will wait until you come back.” I hugged her instinctively to stop my eyes from tearing up. Both of them started to walked away to the backdoor, where they disappeared like they came. But before that Sooyoung didn't waste the opportunity to slap my ass and say 'go get her tiger'. I braced myself for the last final fight and tried to imagine my Donkey Kong in the basement.

“This is ridiculous.” Jessica shouted at her father. The last 30 minutes where full of insults and disrespect toward Yuri. Of course she knew that Yuri wasn't born into a wealthy family as Jessica and Krystal was. And of course she knew that Yuri went with an optimism into the job as lawyer that was crushed down the first few hours of her job. But she also knew how hard Yuri worked to be one of the top lawyer. She made it happen to become the lawyer of Kim Taeyeon – one of the famous heirs of the business world. Yuri never lost a case and never will, the same as Jessica. “The only one who is ridiculous in this room is Ms Kwon.” Mr Jung began to shout at Jessica. Yuri sighed as she could clearly see that this whole thing went against a tree. She cursed herself for thinking that this would change a thing. She should have fought on Taeyeons side and not stand here to only receive the disgust of High Judge Jung. Yuri was touched how determined Jessica defended her bu it brought both of them to nowhere. They weren't here to get the approval from Mr Jung to marry each other. They were here to rescue the little Miyoung. A clap was resounded through the room. It was like a cold shower to the whole atmosphere in the room. Yuri, Jessica and Mr Jung were fast in snapping their head in the direction the clap came from. Yuris and Jessicas eyes widened as they saw Amber standing at the now open door with a Krystal behind her who had her head hang low. She was afraid to see the angry face of her father who was more than pissed that she decided to work at the police station instead of being a lawyer like her father and sister. Krystal was part of the bureau of investigation

along with Amber and was happy with her job that didn't involve to be a complete jerk and liar. Jessica was relieved to see her sister happy with her job than see her unhappy with being a lawyer and Jessica knew that she could be sure she was safe when Amber was by her side. Amber clapped again before she spoke. “You are a really, really, really bad actor Mr Jung. And the ability to buy time wasn't on your side too.” “You!” Mr Jung said angry and stood up. “You dare to show up in front of me after you stole my youngest daughter!” “We have received a call from the Kims that their daughter is running around the mansion like crazy just to find her kidnapped adoptive sister.” Amber said and walked into the room. Krystal followed behind with her hands on the hem of Ambers shirt. As she passed Jessica Krystal let go and stood next to her sister who greeted her with a small smile. Before Mr Jung could say something Amber continued. “Mrs Kim was convinced that Kim Miyoung or should I say Hwang Miyoung wasn't in her mansion. And the funny part of it is that I think she is right.” Jessica was about to say something but Krystal touched her arm and shook her head. “Good to know. You can leave my office now.” Mr Jung said and sit back. He seemed to be slightly nervous.

“I don't think we are finished yet. Mr Jung. It is right that Miyoung was in the mansion but she were brought there voluntarily. So the term 'kidnapped' isn't quite right. But why did Mrs Kim told her daughter that she kidnapped her and that Taeyeon should come and get her? And why did they bring Miyoung to the basement after they made her pass out.” Amber asked. “I don't know about that.” Mr Jung said even if Ambers questions were just rhetorical. “Oh, I think you know about that pretty well.” Amber said and walked trough the room. … The light of the basement was dimmed even after I turned it on properly. It was kind of funny how everything in this mansion was made out of the best material and the newest technology but this part of the basement still looked like the old basements in american TV-shows. My eyes scanned the room and stopped at a person who was tied on a chair, which was really too cliché. I knew from the shape and hair that it could be Miyoung so I hurried to the middle of the room. Her head hang low so I couldn't see her face properly but I didn't care much about that because the first thing I thought of was to untie her. “Miyoung we are out of here in no time, so don't worry.” I whispered even when I exactly knew that she could't hear me in her dreams. After I freed her from the rope I gently slapped her cheek to wake her up. But it was as fruitless as my other attempts I made to wake her up.

“Ok, then I have to carry you out of this place.” I mumbled and turned around to piggyback her. But suddenly she fell from the chair and landed harshly besides it. I hurriedly made my way to her just to recognize that this wasn't Miyoung at all. I pulled the wig from her head and threw it across the room out of frustration. It was just a doll or some random drugged maid who were placed here so I could run like some weird child across the whole mansion to get someone who wasn't here in the first place. I kicked the chair and was about to shout but one man dressed in black spoke first. “Surprised that your little princess isn't were she should be?” “Where is she?!” I growled. “That's for me to know and you to never find out.” The man said and laughed like some crazy maniac. I quickly ran to the stairs where he stood and pulled him down to punch his face. I knew that this was wrong and that my parents wanted me to act like this little broken girl who was a danger for everyone. But when it means to burn this house down just to save Miyoung I would do it without thinking of the consequences. I stopped myself after I saw that the man under me was unconscious. His nose was broken and my fist was bleeding but I didn't care anymore. I stood up to go back to the ground floor. However someone took my arms and pressed me to the ground. I was struggling and ready to turn and punch whoever dared to stand in my way. My muscles relaxed immediately as I heard a familiar voice whispering in my ear.

“We take you out of here. Just play along.” I let myself be pulled up after the handcuffs clicked shut and the person behind me started to talk aloud. “We will arrest you for home invading, malicious injury and attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say will be used against you in court. You have the right to consult an attorney and to have that attorney present during questioning. If you are indigent, an attorney will be provided at no cost to represent you.” She brought me back to the ground floor, through the mansion and to the front door where my parents stand. I closed my eyes as flashes of cameras brutally hit my face. Of course they called the media to film and take pictures of the fall of Kim Taeyeon, the successful heir of Kim Corp. “Ms Kim!” “Taeyeon!” “Why did you do this?” “What were your intention?” My head spun as they pelt me with questions I had no answer to. I didn't bow my head. I looked straight into the eyes of the people who judged me before asking questions. The officer behind me signaled something to two of her co-workers. I was confused as I watched them making their way behind my parents and taking out their handcuffs.

“We will arrest you for false imprisonment, drug dealing, illegal shipments and forcing young girls into prostitution. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say will be used against you in court. You have the right to consult an attorney and to have that attorney present during questioning. If you are indigent, an attorney will be provided at no cost to represent you.” The woman behind me said. She turned to the stunned paparazzi in front of us. “Now you should asked the same questions to Mr. and Mrs. Kim too.” My mouth hang wide open as I followed what was happening right before my eyes. I never thought that someone would try or dare to investigate against them, not when they have High Judge Jung on their side. The officer behind me laid her hand on my shoulder to get my attention. “We should go now. I will tell you everything in the car.” I just nodded and went with her to the police car. She told her co workers something I wasn't paying attention to. I looked around, dazed of the situation at hand. The other police men were bringing my parents to another car and drove away. The officer next to me opened the door to let me sit on the passenger seat. She took of my handcuffs secretly and told me to hide my hand behind my back until we are far away from the flashlights. After she get into the drivers seat and started the engine, she drove to the police station. I looked out of the window and leaned my head on it but before I could close my eyes she began to talk.

“You can show your hands now. We should be far enough for them to see.” Her voice was gentle and caring. The total opposite of the officer image she was showing before. This gave me the occasion I needed to look at her. I was surprised to see a slightly different face from the voice I recognized. “Song Qian.” I breathed out. She was now blond with a hint of brown and her clothes weren't the officer clothes she expected. She just wore suit pants and a dress shirt with a matching vest. “You look different.” She shortly glanced at me before turning back to the street. “Yeah. They call me Victoria now. Amber had recruited me two years ago to be part of her team at the bureau of investigation.” I nodded. “So Amber is part of this whole thing too?” “Yeah. She is pretty clever for just being 21. As she knew about your situation she immediately formed a team to investigate against your parents.” Victoria said and turned around the corner. “How did she knew about my 'situation'?” I said and emphasized the word situation. “Her girlfriend is Krystal Jung.” “The daughter of High Judge Jung and the sister of lawyer Jessica Jung?” I asked her in disbelieve.

“Yes. High Judge Jung wasn't very pleased as she took Krystal in after she ran away from home just to prevent to be a badass lawyer like her sister had to become.” I nodded even if she couldn't see it directly. “She is at the office of High Judge Jung as we speak. She said that Yuri and Jessica should be there too. But there is no convincing him.” “Of course not. He is working with my parents. He won't do anything that could burden himself.” I scoffed. It was a silly idea from both of them to go there. “It wasn't that silly I think. They did it to help you and maybe it had worked if they had more evidence and more time.” Victoria answered as if she could read my mind. “But hey.!” She quickly and lightly slapped my leg. “Amber knows where Miyoung is.” My head snapped into her direction. She looked at me with a small smile as we had to stop at a traffic light. “We can bring her to you as soon as Amber finished her brilliant performance and we are at the police station. My heat speeded up but my expression fell. “No.” I shook my head. “I think it will be better that she will not see me in a while.” Victoria looked at me in complete confusion but looked back to the street as the lights shine green. “I think that was the purpose of rescuing her?” “Yeah I know but...” I looked out of the window to form new thoughts. “...I think we should start anew. I have to reorganize the company and sort my life out. I

really want to meet her, to hug her, to kiss her. But...” My voice faded away as Miyoung came into my mind. Her eye-smile. Her lips. Her beautiful eyes and her smooth skin. “I think I get what you mean. I will make sure that you won't see each other on the police station.” Victoria said as she parked at the backyard of the police station where no paparazzi were waiting. “Thank you, Victoria.” I said and followed her into the police station.

Krystal was walking through the room and stopped in front of a wall that seemed to be completely alright and still standing. But something was odd about this wall even if you could hardly recognize it up close. “Look at this, Liu. Now you made my daughter go completely crazy.” Mr Jung said and wanted to go to Krystal but Yuri stopped him by standing in his way. “Get out of the way new meat.” Mr Jung growled. “Nope. Don't want to. I think this will be interesting.” She grinned at Mr Jung, not afraid of him anymore since she could see a hint of nervousness in his eyes.

Krystal stroke along the wall with her hand until she could feel some irregularities. “Did you asked yourself why the room next to the office of your father isn't used or why it not even has a doorknob?” Amber asked Jessica. At that moment it went like a lightning through her head. No one really asked that questions. No one ever were interested in the room next to it. Most of them just took it as some kind of janitor room or something. Jessica widened her eyes. “It's were Miyoung is.” She whispered and went quickly to Krystal to help her opening the secret door. The room behind it was arranged like some little soundproof love room. The curtain was kinda glued on the window and one bed was standing at one corner. Krystal and Jessica went into the room to the still unconscious Miyoung who laid down on the bed. Jessica stroke her gently through the hair and looked if she had bruises. Krystal stood up and opened a few drawers of some cabinets which were standing randomly at the walls of the room. Mostly were filled with condoms or fluffy handcuffs or other things you could use to make the sex more thrilling. Krystal closed them in disgust and walked back to Amber. “I think we have the proof that you were involved in this too.” Amber said to the stunned Mr Jung. She turned to Krystal who stood emotionless next to her. “Do you want to arrest him?” Amber whispered. Krystal took her handcuffs out of the pocket and clicked them close around Mr Jungs wrists. “We will arrest you for being the partner in crime of false imprisonment, drug dealing, illegal shipments and forcible rape. You have the

right to remain silent. Everything you say will be used against you in court. You have the right to consult an attorney and to have that attorney present during questioning. If you are indigent, an attorney will be provided at no cost to represent you.” Yuri was stunned to look at the youngest daughter took her father in who is none other than the High Judge himself. She couldn't have seen that coming. Amber turned to her and patted her shoulder. “We will take him to the police station. It would be nice of you to take Miyoung there too so we could bring this charge in front of the court.” Yuri nodded. “You can count on me. We will be right behind you.” Amber smiled and went with Krystal out of the room. Yuri went into the room were Miyoung was still sleeping and looked around in disgust. Jessica looked at her, still kneeling in front of Miyoung. As Yuri kneeled down next to her too she could see that a tear slowly wandered down Jessicas cheek. She took Jessicas cheeks in her hands and kissed away the tear. “I didn't know about that.” Jessica whispered and snuffled. “You couldn't have known.” Yuri whispered and hugged Jessica before she could shed more tears. “We should take her to the police station. Amber will wait there.” Jessica nodded against her shoulder and helped Miyoung onto Yuris back.

Finally Together

Finally Together

Miyoung POV It's been almost three years since the last time I saw Taeyeon and I have to confess that I missed her more than just a lot. It started to slowly drive me crazy that everyone knew where she is but wouldn't tell me a thing. Everything went so fast after the incident that I didn't had the chance to even see on tiny hair of her. After I woke up the only two pairs of eyes that watched over me were from Jessicas and from a girl that introduced herself as her little sister Krystal. She told me that I was save now and that she was part of the bureau of investigation. They also told me that High Judge Jung was part of this whole thing, too. Jessica apologized multiple time for bringing me into this situation. If she had known it beforehand that it would turn out like this she wouldn't had set up all the contracts that involved me. But she had faith in Taeyeon to take me out of this mess. Right in this moment I recognized that Taeyeon wasn't here but neither Jessica nor Krystal wanted to let me see her. They said that she was in the middle of the questioning to charge her because of home invading, malicious injury and attempted murder. I was shocked at first but they told me that Yuri and Amber were going to handle everything so I don't have to worry. The next few days I waited to have my questioning but every time I asked about Taeyeon they just said that she is fine but I can't talk to her because she was in the middle of the charge. After a week they let me go back to the mansion were Sunny and Sooyoung were greeting me with worried expression. They told me about the rescue event and that Taeyeon would go beyond earth just to save me from the new discovered cruelty of her parents. But nonetheless even after months of bugging them to tell me when Taeyeon is coming back, no one knew any details and Yuri, who was permanently in contact with her, because of the whole charge

thing, just told me to wait until everything is straightened out. The only times I could take a glimpse of her was when the news where showing some update about the charges. Taeyeon was wearing a lot of clothes with collar or scarves but I could sometimes see the still red mark around her neck that was starting to go into purple. I had to beg Sunny to tell me why she had that big mark around her neck. After the first terrible year of loneliness – without my Taetae by my side – I started to felt more guilty than I already did. I saw a report about Kim Corp. It was kind of shocking as they told that Kim Corp would be closed shut and will never be opened again. All workers were giving the chance to immediately continue to work at the slightly smaller rival business to create a new company as large as Kim Corp, just without the criminal background. At the end of the report they showed a piece of a press conference in which Taeyeon explained why she did all that. My heart skipped a beat as I saw her again. Her hair was still dark with bangs but she appealed to be thinner than she was a year ago. Yuri was sitting next to her as her lawyer in case the reporter tried to make some unpleasant move in questioning the wrong questions. That was the last time I saw or heard from her. I wanted to ask Yuri again but she was too busy to come by and say hello. Sunny was managing everything that involved the mansion and Taeyeons belongings. And Sooyoung was about to open a café. The only one that was keeping me company in the morning and evening before I went to work on some model projects was Minah, the maid who was saved by Taeyeon. But sometimes Jongin appropriated Minah for himself. They looked cute together. Sometimes they acted like they were siblings and

sometimes they acted like they were a couple. And after I caught them making out in the washroom I definitely think that this whole thing goes into the couple direction. So I just slumped on the coach in the living room and turned on the TV. “It's been three years since I miss you.” I mumbled, bored of the eventless sunday, I switched from channel to channel until I stopped at a telecast I often watched the last two years. The news began to become my best friend because I wanted to see Taeyeon on it once again just to see if she is being alright. But nope, this time there were no news about her either. Just a few news about Kwon enterprise, the rival company who had the chance to take over Kim Corp's workers. They were doing good, probably better than Kim Corp would have done but that are just speculations. A few months ago they started to show little reportages about a new music and acting company called TK Entertainment. The meaning of the two letters TK was still a secret. But they told that a woman called Erika Kim has founded it. Surprisingly they started with a five member boy group and a female solo artist who had debuted a few weeks after the foundation of the entertainment was published. The music they produce is really amazing. They always play it when I went for a photo shooting and I really feel free to perform with this melodies in my head. I just sat on the couch lazily and did nothing other than watching the news or other stupid movies, which I rarely put attention to. I think I killed two or three hours already

“You're not at work?” Sooyoung said and sat down next to me, disconnecting me and my thoughts. I glanced at her for a few seconds and turned back to the TV. “No, finished all yesterday.” “You're free tomorrow?” She asked, already getting bored of just watching TV. “I think so. The next photo shoot will be on wednesday.” I answered monotonous. I wanted to switch the channel again but she snatched away the remote. I was about to protest but the next short news break caught my eyes. They talked about the TK Entertainment building agin. But this time they focused on the ground floor. “The café on the ground floor will be opened tomorrow. I will be the owner.” I quickly turned around with wide eyes. “You finally get it?” I asked in excitement and began to squeal as she nodded with a wide grin. I jump on her and hugged her tight, just for one second forgetting Taeyeon. “Yah! Could you please not flatten my girlfriend?” I quickly let go and saw that Sooyoung was lying on the couch, catching her breath. I looked to the door and saw Sunny standing there with her arms crossed. She walked through the room and peeled Sooyoung from the couch. “I'm sorry Sunny. I was just too happy that she finally get her own café.” I said and squealed again.

Sunny immediately ran over to me and put her hand over my mouth to silence me. I muttered a little 'sorry' through her hand and stayed still. “I have something for you.” Sunny said and gave me a big envelope. I carefully opened it and froze at the bold written word 'contract'. My eyes wandered to Sunny in a questioning look. In all my other jobs as model or actress I tried to avoid making contracts because I feared to be just a toy that they could use. “Don't worry we won't sell you like the Kim's did. It's a contract for you to work as an actress with the support of TK Entertainment.” Sunny said and sat down on the couch with Sooyoung. She patted the free seat next to her for me to sit on. I nodded and sat down and she took the contract. “Let us go through the content before you throw it away.” Sunny said and Sooyoung put her arm around her girlfriends waist and laid her chin on her shoulder to get a better look on the contract. Both of them were not only acting like older sisters to me, they also took care of me like real mothers and fathers would do – or at least I thought it would be like having parents because sadly I really don't had one in the first place and to call a drugged maid, who happen to give birth to me, my mother doesn't seem right. “Ok, honey. This contract is like a contract of employment of indefinite duration, which means that you can work as long as you want for the company but also pull out of the contract any time you want.” I nodded and she turned to another page. “You can work in any department you want with all the freedom you can get. And the best thing is that you will get 50 up to 100 percent of the money you will earn in your jobs.”

I frowned and could see that Sooyoung frowned too. But I was a little bit confused why she wouldn't say something because every time I took a job she would double check it to be sure that nothing would happen to me. “You're sure that this is not a fake?” I asked and looked for some conspicuousness. Sunny shook her head. “Nope. All this is a real contract between you and TK Entertainment, if you sign it.” “But it doesn't sound like one. I mean which company would give the person they sign on up to 100 percent they earn in a job. It is like an employee is working for you, you put money into him and not getting anything back.” “Maybe they earn enough money with the other artists.” Sunny answered and shrugged her shoulders. I frowned again. It all doesn't seemed to make sense. It was too good to be true. But something was bothering me. “Another question. Where did you get that contract, Sunny?” “Oh! It seems like I will work in this café of Sooyoung and in some departments of TK Entertainment.” She said like it would be something normal to work in a big company. I frowned again but felt a thumb between my eyebrows to smooth my frown. As I looked up I saw Sooyoung leaning forward. “You shouldn't frown that much or

you will get wrinkles easily and then you will look as old as we do.” She made a crying face. I playfully slapped her hand away from my forehead. But before I could retort Sunny already pushed Sooyoung away. “Did you just say that I am old and have wrinkles?” Sooyoung widened her eyes and rapidly shook her hands in front of her. “No, no, no Sunny Bunny. You are not old and have wrinkles. We are just 28. It is the time we start to bloom.” “Oh so I was just immature before I turned 28?” Sunny yelled. I knew that she wasn't serious about this whole age thing but she liked to test and tease Sooyoung from time to time. And it was always funny to see the tall Sooyoung running away from the short Sunny. “No, no, no. I didn't say that.” Sooyoung were trying to defend herself. “But you thought that. That's more terrible than saying it. Sooyoung I think we will have a few word to talk.” Sooyoung was immediately on her way upstairs. I quietly laughed behind Sunny because this little show was never failing to amuse me. But unfortunately she caught me and raised an eyebrow. “And you young lady.” She pointed a finger on me. “You will be ready at 10 in the morning tomorrow so we can drive to the opening of the café and the meeting with the CEO afterwards.”

I nodded my head repeatedly and smiled innocently. “Ok, and now I have something to discuss with my girlfriend upstairs. If you may excuse me.” She said and hurried up to her room. Right at this moment I knew that this discussion will held with naked skins and wet kisses. But I wasn't bothered by that. It would have been something that Taeyeon and I would have done too if this whole mess never happened. I sighed at the thought of Taeyeon and decided to sleep in Taeyeons room today who stayed the same the last three years. Every time I felt alone I would stay in her room and sleep on her bed while hugging her dookongs. I inhaled her scent to feel like she was still here but it started to fade away over the last three years. And now it had the scent of nothing in particular. Maybe it smells like me now but like people say, you can't smell your own scent. The next morning was a refreshing new morning with a puff of loneliness that lingered with every breath I took. I was too lazy to go into my room to change into my clothes so I just used Taeyeons clothes in her wardrobe. After a while I found a size of a tight fitting black jeans that I could wear which was surprising because Taeyeon was way smaller than I was. I also found a cozy warm red pullover that was big enough to fall above one shoulder. As I was looking through her underwear I found one bra and slip that were actually mine in the first place. Did I slept here that often that I unconsciously put my underwear in her wardrobe. I shrugged off my thoughts and went into the bathroom after I also grabbed a pair of socks.

An hour later I sat behind the steering wheel and hummed along the music that was played in the radio. They played SHINee again, a boy group of TK Entertainment. It was a happy song which immediately pushed my mood into the level of being satisfied with my life and the world even if this feeling would just last as long as the song was played. I looked at the rear view mirror of the car and saw Sunny and Sooyoung still half asleep on the backseat. “Your discussion seemed to be pretty long last night.” I chuckled as Sunny groaned before sitting up properly to answer. “Sooyoung couldn't stop discussing and apologizing the whole night.” “It was six in the morning as I didn't had enough breath to apologize anymore. The whole thing was just so breathtaking.” Sooyoung explained and slumped back into her seat. I chuckled and shook my head. “You know that I know exactly what you were doing yesterday, so you don't have to disguise it as a discussion.” Sooyoung shoot up in her heat. “We are not disguising it. You are still 22 years old so bad words like sex, alcohol, drugs and rock'n'roll are taboo for you.” She slumped back into the seat and held her head. “And of course practicing it.” I chuckled again and parked at the parking lot behind the big TK Entertainment building. “You're sure you can open the café when you look like two zombie who came right out of their grave?”

“Of course we are ready to rock the opening ceremony.” Sooyoung said and stepped out of the car with much enthusiasm. It took us two hours until 12 o'clock until the opening started. The café was crowded with a lot of fans who wanted to see their idols coming out of the building. Of course they didn't see any at this hours but they were satisfied with the delicious drinks and food that Sooyoung made. I helped Sunny to serve the customers and Sooyoung were baking and cooking at the back. The Entertainment was sure that the café will be never empty with the things Sooyoung created and with the fans that really wanted to see their idols to go out of the building. It was fun to listen to their fandom and to see how ecstatic they talked about them. I was surprised as some of the young boys and girls recognized me as an actress and model. I felt flattered by all the compliments they gave me and I was pleased that I was doing a great job in my profession. I was working behind the counter as it was almost 6 pm. The café was getting emptier even if it was still open until 8 pm. I started to wipe the counter clean because it was starting to get crumbly. After I was satisfied with the result I put the wiping cloth away and dried my hands. As I turned to the counter I saw a blond short woman with sunglasses standing in front of it. “Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you.” I slightly bowed and smiled embarrassed. “It's ok. I'm lucky that I can look over the counter without a stool.” She said with a voice that seemed to be familiar.

I chuckled because she was referring to her height in a dorky way. “What can I do for you? Would you like some coffee or a muffin. The chef is baking some right now.” I said with a sweet smile. She dreamily smiled for a second but went directly to a straight face again. I was confused at first but shrugged it away just like the warm feeling she was giving me. “I just want a big cup of coffee to go please.” She said. I nodded and went on to prepare the coffee. I could feel her stare at me with every move I made. But it wasn't a stare that would make me uncomfortable. It was like she would caress me with her eyes. And it made me shiver in a good way. As I turned I almost give in to the temptation to groan in frustration because she was still wearing the sunglasses. I badly wanted to see these eyes underneath. I put the cup on the counter and put the cap on the cup for her after she said that the coffee can stay black. She handed me the money and put a tip on it for serving her nicely. “I hope to see you soon.” She whispered and smiled at me. “Me too.” I unconsciously answered and was immediately greeted by her smile, which showed a dimple on the right side of her face. I slightly gasped as pictures of a smiling Taeyeon were flashing in my head. And I had the urge to run after her but Sunny patted my shoulder to get my attention. “Ready to meet the CEO of TK Entertainment?” She asked and smiled at me. I looked at the door where the women disappeared and sighed before I nodded to Sunny.

I blindly followed Sunny into the building after saying goodbye to Sooyoung. It didn't take long for us to arrive at the executive floor were the secretary were to greet us. “We have an appointment with the CEO at six. I know we are a little late but the café was just too puffed today.” Sunny said after we all bowed. “You don't have to apologize. We already knew that the café would have a great start.” The secretary said. “Thank you, Seohyun.” Seohyun. Ok this name is kind of familiar. “If you would follow me. Miss Im is already waiting for you.” Seohyun said politely and we followed her into the head office. My eyes widened as I saw the woman behind the desk looking up to us. Her eyes scanned the faces of us before they stopped and met mine. She smiled and put her pen down. “It's nice to see you again, Miyoung.” She grinned, stood up and hurriedly run to us to hug me and Sunny in a big bear hug. “Yoo-Yoona..can't...breath.” Sunny said and tried to struggle free. I giggled at her actions and saw how Sunny glared at Yoona after she let us go. “Really, if you do this to all your employees then I am not surprised that you still have just a few artists on the market.” Sunny said and took a deep breath.

“Hey!” Yoona slapped her on the arm playfully. “You know that we have a bunch of trainees and artists on the back of our hand that we have to prepare before we let them into the hard world of being a celebrity.” “Yeah, yeah. I know that. I'm sitting in the jury.” Sunny mumbled. “You're in the jury that is choosing the artists for this company?” I asked Sunny and watched how she rubbed the back of her head and chuckled nervously. It was a gesture that Taeyeon often does when she was caught doing something behind our backs or when she was shy around me. It wasn't surprising to see Sunny doing it almost exactly like Taeyeon did. When you look at the time that both of them lived together under the same roof and supporting and trusting each other it was normal that they act similar in a few situations. Even if we all don't recognize it we sometimes take over a few gestures and pattern of close friends or family member, sometimes even workmates – it all depends on how long we stay in their environment. I for example use sometimes a few sisterly gestures from Taeyeon toward Minah when she needed help with her problems. But I think that this is what makes us blend in into society but also let us being individual at the same time. “So, Miyoung.” Yoona started and took me back into reality. “Before we loose ourselves into unnecessary discussions we should discuss the matter at hand and the reason why you are here in this office right at this moment.” I always admired the people who could talk to you as a friend and being all lovely and switch back into business mode in no time. Yoona was someone who was able to do this beside Taeyeon. Maybe it was one of the reasons why Taeyeon

chose Yoona to be her assistant and legal successor at Kim Corp. It came as a surprise to see her sitting in the executive chair at the executive floor as the CEO of a music and acting entertainment. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked back to the person just to see Sunny's worried face. “Do you want me to stay or do you want to handle this alone?” I knew why she was worried. One day I saw Yoona in a meeting with a whole room full of old business men, who were probably all perverts. Taeyeon was taking me there because she wanted to see Yoona handle the most important businessmen of South Korea before she went for some lunch with me. Not even me but also Taeyeon was impressed how Yoona made them agree to a risky project in a professional manner without taking of her blouse, what, by the way, all these old men were hoping for. I became friends with her after I tried to visit Taeyeon a lot to eat some lunch with her before I would head to a photo shoot or a film shooting. Unfortunately the most of the times I bugged her secretary and Yoona because Taeyeon was in several meetings. Sunny was just worried that Yoona was going to make me sign something that I would regret later because Yoona was really good in it. “I think it is ok when you all stay here.” I said unsure. Yoona smiled and gestured us to sit down. Seohyun left the room only to come back with water and coffee. “I know that you worked with coffee all day but I hope you don't mind if I serve you coffee this time too.” Seohyun said as she put the cups on the table in front

of us. It was good that Yoona had had a small conference desk in her office too. Yoona gave us a copy of the contract and it took us more than two hours to clear everything out before I was willing to sign the contract. Yoona made clear that this was a contract that Jessica and Yuri set up together with all the freedom I could get. Of course it was kind of unfair contrary to all the other artists that are working for the entertainment but Yoona explained that they have their own freedoms and that she was sure that it was the best way to protect me from other companies who would make disgusting things with me. Sunny was watching the whole conversation intensely. Sometimes she was bringing up some things that weren't into the contract but personally too precious to leave them out. I was thankful that she was there with me like a mother would be in the first meeting with the principle of the new university. I signed the contract with a heavy heart but also with confidence that this could usher in a new stage of my life. And I was sure that I can make the best of it. And I was more confident that I would follow the blond woman the next time she would walk away – for confirmation and inner peace. After we said goodbye to Yoona and Seohyun, who I finally had recognized as Taeyeons former secretary, I walked aimlessly through the building. I told Sunny to just fetch Sooyung take my car to drive home. She was protesting at first but I told her that I was having this weird feeling that I would miss something really important when I leave this building now. She huffed and told me to take care or she would hunt me in heaven when something would happen to me.

Some of the guards and staffs were greeting me like I was part of the company already. But I was glad that I was not thrown out immediately. My feet brought me into the music department of the building were all the recording studios were. I heard music coming from a room behind me and turned just to see a young man leaving one of the recording studio with an older one trailing behind. They were too engrossed in the conversation to notice me and the still open door. I shrugged it off and was about to proceed my little tour as I heard an oddly familiar voice singing a powerful but yet wonderful cover version of Samantha Jade's 'Soldier'. My curiosity was aroused and I had the urge to look who was singing it. Silently I made my way to the door and gently pushed it open just for me to see who was in the room. A young man was siting in front of a huge table of buttons and screens. A few big loudspeaker were standing in every corner of the room. A person were standing in the recording booth and was singing emotionally. All I could see was blond hair and a petite body. And all I could do was to enjoy the song and wait until it is was over. The young man was fast in hitting a few buttons to regulate the sound of the audio. As the sound fade out the young men clapped his hands and spoke through the microphone which connected the recording booth with the studio. “Great job, Tae.” My ears perked up as I heard the name Tae and my eyes widened even more as I saw the blond woman from the café coming out of the booth. Her eyes met mine the second after the door behind her shut with a silent click. She froze at the same time as I did. I knew that her heart was beating really fast because mine was

beating in the same rhythm. Her hair was blond now with no bangs, her face was a little bit slimmer than three year ago but fuller than the last time she appeared on the TV. But even if her whole appearance changed, her eyes stayed the same. Still loving and still gentle. Tears were slowly making their ways into my eyes. “I could hit you, you know that?” I whispered and chuckled to get rid of the tears. The young man locked the screen and quietly made her way out of the room to leave us alone. But this time he closed the door. I chuckled again as she stepped closer. “All this time you were right in front of my eyes.” A teardrop were slowly sliding down my cheek as I couldn't believe how blind I was all these three years. She was here in Seoul, a half an hour drive away from me. And she was in the café a few hours ago right in front of me. The smile, the dimple, the charisma and the nervousness I felt earlier. All of that was her and only her the whole time. Her hand held my cheeks – save and secure – as her thumb wiped away the tear. But it was already too late for me to hold back. All the warmth that her hand was giving me brought back all the moments and feeling I had with her in these three years I spend with her. I was crying my eyes out as she hugged me tightly. “I was so stupid for not recognize you earlier in the café. I'm so sorry.” I said and I think that this was the only complete sentence I could utter without sobbing.

Her hug around me tightened and she snuggled into my neck. “No, I have to apologize. I was so stupid for leaving you without a word for three years. But I had to clear a lot of things before I could let you enter in my life again.” “One word would have been enough.” I mumbled against her shoulder as I calmed down. “It was too risky. I had to make sure that my parents would never ever bother us again. It took a year to close the case and get them into the jail.” She explained. I pulled away slightly and looked into her eyes. They showed nothing but love and comfort. I closed my eyes again and leaned my forehead on hers. “Are you staying or are you gonna leave again?” It was just a whisper, inaudible, but I was sure that she listened to every breath I made and I was certified as she brought her lips on top of mine. It was a sweet and gentle kiss like it was our very first which could be true if we wouldn't count the one we shared in her bed as we confessed and the one in her home office after our very first big fight. She pulled away first and watched how my eyes slowly opened. “I would never ever leave your side again.” She smiled sweetly. “Especially not then when you are working for me.” I tilted my head to the side, completely confused with her statement. “You are working for TK Entertainment now, which happened to be my company.” She grinned from ear to ear.

My eyes widened as I realized what she was talking about. “You are Erika Kim?” “Yep. Thats my english name. It was too risky to tell the world that I was about to found a company again. So I used my english name and put Yoona as CEO.” “So you will be my new boss and I have to do everything that you say?” I asked seductively and put my arms around her neck to play a little bit with the collar of her shirt. Her grip on my waist tightened and she closed the distance between our bodies. “Hmm, since your contract didn't let me take advantage of your current situation I think I should take this to a more personal area.” She said and confused me again. One hand of her left my waist and took out something out of her jeans pocket. My eyes widened again as I looked at the small round metal in between her fingers. It was not a normal silver ring. He was colored in pink so it looked like pink metal. Of course it was simple and not like the feminine silver ring with a huge pink diamond but it was a special ring from the person I love and this made it more valuable than a thousand of diamond rings. “Would you, Hwang Miyoung, be the girlfriend and future wife of me, Kim Taeyeon?” I tried so hard to not hyperventilate or laugh like a mad person but I just couldn't explain how happy I was so I just smiled the best and honest eye-smile I could show her. I nodded my head rapidly like a mad person and repeated the word 'yes' too many times. She chuckled and silenced me with a kiss. The kiss went from gentle to passionate to a little making out session. I was straddling her as

she pulled us to the couch to sit on it. As we pulled away she put the ring on my ring finger and kissed it. I smiled at the gesture but saw no ring on her finger. “You're not wearing a ring too?” Taeyeon chuckled once again and took a ring out of her other jeans pocket. I gently took it away and repeated her question. “Would you, Kim Taeyeon, be the girlfriend and future wife of me, Hwang Miyoung?” “I would love that.” She softly said and I put the ring on her finger. It was the same ring like mine but it was colored in blue. “So, what would you like to do now?” Taeyeon asked. “Hmm.” I put my finger on my chin to think. “What do you think about celebrating?” “Sounds great. How about we go back to the mansion. I really miss sleeping in my bed again.” She said. “Oh you don't have an own apartment.” I said as I stood up. “Nope. Always crashed over at Yuri's place or a hotel. Yuri's place was often empty because she was just too busy sleeping with Jessica.” Taeyeon sighed and took my hand to lead me out of the building. She smiled again as she opened the car door after we reached the parking lot and I smiled back with the same gentle and loving stare. I knew that everything was

just going way too fast but you have to know that this wasn't some stupid movie drama were I would get angry for three weeks because she left me for three years without saying a word. Of course I was angry, of course I was disappointed that she wasn't able to go through this with me by her side but all this was washed away from logical thoughts and understanding. I knew exactly that I couldn't have done anything with the small being that I am. Taeyeon was playing in a completely different league within only Yuri and Jessica could play among us all. So I just had the opportunity to wait until the storm had settled down. Even if it took three years to finally see the sky smiling again. Besides: What are three years when you have a lifetime to spend with each other? We arrived at the mansion in no time. We talked about a lot of things, trying to catch up in the short time we had to drive to the mansion. I took the key chain out of my jean pocket and started to find the right key to insert it into the lock. Taeyeons arms creeped around me waist as she back-hugged me. I giggled as she started to plant little kisses on my neck, making it complicated to concentrate on opening the door. But somehow I managed to open it in a swift move. We stumbled a little bit into the mansion but Taeyeon held me steady. She was still clinging on my body as we took off our shoes. I put my hands on her arms and giggled as we walked like penguins into the living room. She tickled me with her nose on my neck which brought me to more sweet giggling. But we were interrupted as we heard someone clearing his throat. My eyes shot up along with Taeyeons. We were greeted by Sunny, Sooyoung,

Minah, Jongin, Luhan and even Yuri, Jessica, Krystal, Amber, Yoona and Seohyun were standing next to them. Sooyoung was the first to talk after a long awkward silence. She raised one eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. “Seems like someone has finally decided to come home, huh?” I could feel Taeyeon smile as she adjust her hold around me and put her cheek next to mine. “Are you two finally dating?” She asked instead of answering Sooyoung's question. “Of course we are. I am not that slow to take three years to get my girl.” Sooyoung said and snapped her fingers three times like some black diva. An awkward silence was appearing again. But it was quickly overcome as Taeyeon and Sooyoung were bursting out laughing. Like a domino effect every person in the room was starting to laugh with them. It was refreshing to see us laughing all together again. “Come on, lets go into the kitchen and eat dinner. Before we celebrate the return of the mansions owner.” Sunny said and leaded us all into the kitchen. But before I could enter Taeyeon spun me around and pulled me back to her again so I was colliding with her front. She smiled to me and gave me a quick peck. “You look nice in my clothes.” I shyly nodded and retorted: “You look nice in your clothes too.”

Taeyeon smiled like an idiot and began to laugh like an ahjumma as she went to the kitchen with me trailing behind her with bright red cheeks. The dinner was fun. We all caught up with each others life and talk about embarrassing things that happened the last three years. It was nice to see that all of us had found their partner in the end. Sooyoung had Sunny, which was really funny because of the height distance and the fact that Sooyoung was honestly too random sometimes for anyone to handle. But Sunny seemed to handle her like she did nothing else her whole life. Krystal had Amber, which was the most stable relationship among us because they know how to exist with each other and beside each other. It was sweet to look at them because they weren't the cheesy couple. They were the typical not perverted Jung-like-relationship. And you have to know that Yuri and Jessica somehow managed to be in the perverted Jung-like-relationship. On the outside both relationships seems to be similar shallow. Amber and Yuri were the dorky part and Krystal and Jessica were the princesses-like part that had the right to slap and hurt the other two like they wanted. But when you looked closer and observed them a little bit longer you could see how sweet and gentle both couples were. Yuri and Amber were very caring and protective, mostly always an arm around their partner to give them comforting warmth so Jessica and Krystal could feel save in a crowd of people. Even if Jessica and Krystal looked like they were the dominant princesses they often take themselves back into the background so their partners could also show their ability to communicate with the others. Both of them looked like they were comfortable with the near of their partners. Jessica always had a hand on Yuri's thigh to give back the comfort.

Krystal however liked to take Ambers hand, maybe to reassure the she was still there beside her. Both couples looked like they were meant for each other even when the journey of them were a hard and long trip. Jongin and Minah were just too cute. Both of them seemed so innocent like a young high school love. Surprisingly Yoona and Seohyun were a couple already too. Yoona confessed in the most shyly and cutest way you could ever confess. But both of them liked to keep it low so the employees and artists weren't thinking that Seohyun were the office assistant just because she was dating the CEO. Or that they could manipulate Seohyun to get a better contract with the company because she is the girlfriend of the boss. Last but not least there were Taeyeon and I. I couldn't put us in some drawer which define what couple we were exactly. Taeyeon was caring, sweet, dorky and sometimes perverted. But she could also be the woman in the back to support others. And she could be vulnerable and fragile in front of me, if she wanted to. I think, compared to the others, we were the most carefree couple. Of course we had a past of lies and hurtful things behind us but we still knew that there was something that will unite us again when we get lost. We chatted for a few more hours and bid goodbye as the clock stroke midnight. It was amusing how fast the time was running when you're having fun. It was like the last three years went by in slow motion. Taeyeon brought me directly to her bedroom after Sunny and Sooyoung disappeared into a different floor. She froze as she took a step into the room.

“Hmm. I didn't remember wearing a vanilla strawberry perfume.” She said as she sniffed the air again. I chuckled and hugged her from behind. “I missed you so much that I slept in your room often just to drown in your scent. But it seems that I drown your scent with mine in the meantime.” Taeyeon chuckled with me and turned around. She took my hands and slowly walked backwards. “Maybe...we should start to create our own scent then.” I straddled her again as she sat on the bed. But this time she held me close with her hands on my butt. I put my arms around her shoulders and massaged her nape softly. “And how do we do that?” I ask innocently and slowly closed the distance between my lips and hers. “I thought about the things I would normally dream about when I sleep at night,” Taeyeon said, her breath brushed softly against my lips. I gently bit on her lower lip. “And what did you dream about?” I tried to sound as much as seductive I could get. "You don't mind if I show you what I dreamt of?" She asked teasingly and swung our two bodies around so we would lie down on the bed with her on top of me. I pulled her to me so I could nibble on her earlobe. Taeyeon sighed dreamily at the slight pleasure I was giving her. I smirked at her response and the impact I could have on her with just this small gesture.

"I would like you to show me a detailed version of your dreams." I whispered in her ear. It was the trigger she needed to bring us to could nine. We took a whole hour to just taste our bodies without starting to go too intimate. But when she showed me what she could do with her fingers and her tongue I knew exactly that she had experience. However her gentle and soft movements showed me how much she loved me and how much she treasured that she was the one who took away my virginity. Before we could fall onto the bed, exhausted by our activities, I had to try it too, to pleasure her like she did pleasured me. All of it took more than several hours until we could see the sunshine rise again. I was exhausted like she was exhausted but I was filled with happiness that she shared with me like no other person. I cuddled into her as she pulled me in her arms and covered us with her blanket. "I love you, Taeyeon." I told her. It were the most honest three word I said in my whole life and I know they will stay the most honest words for the rest of my life. I felt her smiling against my head as she pulled me even closer into her. "I love you too, Miyoung." She kissed the side of my head and I could feel my eyes closing on their own as sleep let us drift into our own dreamworld that only belonged to us. I woke up a few hours later as the sun had shifted again and shared her sun rays with us. Unfortunately she was shining right on my face so I had tried to hide again in Taeyeons arms. She groaned slightly as I pressed against her too strong so I shifted her right into the sun rays. She tried to hide into me but wasn't able to

as I was trying to hide in her. So she made a simple move and pulled the blanket above us. I blushed like made as I could see our naked bodies in the dimmed light under blanket. I could hear Taeyeons light chuckle against my head as I was burying my head into her chest. "You weren't so shy a few hours ago." I just slapped her arm and turned around, taking a lot of the blanket with me. Taeyeon was laughing as she joined me under the cover again. "It's good of you being shy. It shows me that you will just be naughty with me and not someone else." I turned around and frowned. "Even when I wasn't shy just now I would never ever do these things with someone else. The only person I thought of the last three years was you. Even after all these handsome idols and models who wanted to court me I only had my thoughts at a certain woman." Taeyeon smiled at me sweetly and kissed my lips. "I also had my eyes only on you and no one else. You know it was really hard for me not to run to you every time I saw these photos of you in all magazines and advertisements." I grinned after her little confession and I hugged her tightly. “I really love you.” “i love you too. Honestly and truly. With my heart, soul and body.” I teared up a little bit at her words as I looked into her eyes who were as serious as her words were. I put my hand on her cheek and caressed it. “Thank you for

loving me. I really thought that after my mother died it would be the end of my life. I thought that I would end as a drugged maid in your parents mansion.” Her grip tightened around me and she stroked my back up and down to comfort me. “I wish I could have known about you a lot earlier than this stupid contract thing. I would have pulled you out of the claws of my parents” She blamed herself. “It's not your fault, Taeyeon. You are here with me know. This is all that matters” I smiled at her and tried to reassure her that it was ok with me that she didn't know about me as she still lived with her parents. “I am grateful that you are with me now.” “Yeah, I am grateful too.” Taeyeon answered and kissed the side of my head. “Let us create a new future together without looking back into the past.” Her voice were soft and caring. It was nice to see her being comfortable with me around her. “And let us create a lot of little mini me's.” Taeyeon suddenly said in a dorky voice and climbed on top of me, which caused the blanket to lift up on her head. I could see her naked body sitting on mine as she slightly wiggled her lower part against mine. I let out a surprised moan and pushed a little bit upwards. The blanket fell off her head and the sun rays hit her directly. She groaned as she shut her eyes immediately. Her hands searched for the blanket and pulled it above us again, burying her head into my shoulder. “I think I turned into a vampire overnight.” Taeyeon mumbled into my shoulder.

I laughed at her remark on being timid for sun rays just now. It was a good feeling of her bare skin on mine and we stayed like this for a few more hours, trying to get some rest after the exhausting hours of love making. She told me a few things from her childhood that she didn't dare to tell me as I was younger and I told a whole lot more about the time I spend in her parents mansion. Topics that we couldn't mention the past were mentioned now in the most honest way we could be and I am lucky to have her still staying with me after I told her a lot about the reasons why I agreed to seduce her to sleep with an underaged girl. Of course I didn't throw myself on her since the day I was introduced to her but I felt slutty to even sign this kind of contract. But I was confident in the future to be great with Taeyeon and the others by my side. The End

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