Henko Detergentsgents

August 16, 2018 | Author: amitsonik | Category: Brand, Marketing, Advertising, Business
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Short Description

gentso Detergentsgentso Detergentsgents...




The detergent market can be classified into premium (Surf, Ariel), Ariel), mid-price (Rin, Henko, Tide) and popular segments (Nirma, Wheel, r! White) White) •

The" account for #$%, &'% and &$% of the market respectiel", hich is onl" *' per

cent of the total market! Regional and small unorgani+ed pla"ers still account for a significant &'% of the total

detergent market! er capita consumption of detergent in ndia (.!/ kg) is loer than an" other countr"


Henko is a detergent from Henkel 0erman" and no henkel ndia 1td become a 2"oth" 2"oth" 1aboratories 1td!

Henko stain champion launched in #33&!

s aailable in Henko stain stain champion detergent poder, henko stain champion matic and henko stain champion bar!

1aunched in 43& in the South5 6irect competition to Surf 

Top Top end premium5 pre mium5 arket share 73%

8ocused on stain remoal (highest order need for ndian consumer)5 re-treater  poerpearls (proprietar" technolog")

High-on-9ualit", relatiel" lo-on-price proposition

:arlier campaigns5 ositioning Henko as a better option (usage of Surf as more a habit than coniction)

;elebrities< 8reebies< Regional association to strike emotional chord

=ske poer pearls kapro mein geheraee tak >a"e aur daag ko >ar se nikal?

8ocus on product performance superior as compared to rials

Technological Technological aspect5 No social@emotional angle as such

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Industry Trends        

6etergent market has good penetration  but slo groth Saturation hits urban areas Bar form of detergents are losing out! remium 9ualit" s"nthetic detergents are eCperiencing groth due to drop in unit price! ;ompact detergents meant for ashing machines are getting slo entr"! rice competition among ma>or manufacturers getting more intense! South ndia offer good potential and groth! D0 has chosen an eCpans strateg" b" loering prices! H11 tr"ing to build brand lo"alt" for Surf b" innoatie ad campaign! ndustr" Structure

World4s third largest detergent market Total detergent market5 Rs *''' crore 6etergent poder5 Rs EE'' crore .E lakh tonnes@ annum Fther forms5  Detergent bars (43%)  Liquid detergents Compacts   

arket er capita consumption5 E!. Gg ndustr" groth rate5 *-% per annum Industry Structure National Sales Distribution I Urban – 60% I Rural – 40%

Industry Structure

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Jer" high penetration

0roth o

Kp gradation from bars to poder 


ncreasing per capita consumption


ncreasing use of premium poders

1.3 !r"et#n$ %#& '( Hen"'

Pr'duct  t is a premium laundr" detergent  Remoes stains and kills germs  t comes ith a neem flaor

P)!ce  All ndia  Super markets, h"per markets, retail

Pr'%'t#'n  rint media  Teleision

Pr#ce  Henko matic stain champion #kg-

stores and also aailable through online

Rs!#3'  Henko stain champion detergent # kgRs!#.$

Business strateg"

V a !



e o

t f  rr

e o a t e oy


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Henko Repositioning

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!*'r P)!yers 

remium I Surf :Ccel I Ariel I Henko Stain ;hampion

:conom"@id riced I Tide I Rin Shakti I Henko r! White

opular  I Nirma I Wheel

C'nsu%er +e,!-#'r

Across all segments5  The main attributes that consumers look for in a detergent are5 I Jalue for mone" (ho effectie the detergent is in cleaning clothes s affordabilit") I :ase of use (must dissole fast)  this as specific to households hich do not hae ashing machines  Apart from the cleansing action, detergents should also be eas" on the skin and must hae a fragrance5 Ariel Spring ;lean (roses), Ariel 8resh ;lean (mogra)  ain factor influencing consumers4 eCpectations5 I mproed affordabilit" I Ad campaigns

#t,#n ! se$%ent/ 

Jer" little perceied difference in a particular categor" and a price point

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;onsumers are more or less indifferent among leading brands as long a s prices are

comparable This commoditi+ation nature of detergent business that is forcing pla"ers to fall in line

 

ith loer prices superior 9ualit" detergents at an affordable price Beteen to segments5 With price cuts, up gradation With slodon, don gradation


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+r!nd S!)#ence •

Stain 8ree


0erm Remoer 

H"gienic cloth

 Herbal ith neem eCtracts

 Antibacterial, antifungal

 rrfan Ghan

+r!nd Per('r%!nce •

rimar" ;haracteristics5  –

With FC"gen to remoe Stains


Secondar" ;haracteristics5


 Neem Based

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  8ragrance 0erm Remoer


Reliabilit"5  –

Fther Neem Based Henkel roducts 1ike argo And Neem Actie

+r!nd I%!$ery •


 No Harmful :ffects

White Backgrounds

Tough on stains

;lean surroundings

+r!nd ud$%ent •

Best 9ualit"5 0erm fighting capabilit" due to neem

Reliable5 Fther products like argo, Neem actie and pril focus on natural ingredients

;are for :nironment

ore benefits at comparable prices

+r!nd Fee)#n$s •

Safet" - Wellbeing

Securit" - rotection


+r!nd Res'n!nce •


Sense of ;ommunit"- Neem lantation

Brand engagement

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P's#t#'n#n$ •

Target Segment5 Women age group .$ to $' "ears! iddle class income groups, mass segment

;ompetitors frame of reference5 HK1 ith Surf,  D 0 ith Tide and Ariel are the main competitors of Henkel! ▫

roduct attributes@benefits5

Surf :Ccel concentrates more on Stain remoing! Tide positions itself as a detergent for hitening of clothes! Ariel4s F6 is fragrance! ▫

Brand romise5 

Gills 0erms #' times better 

POP  POD Hen"' •

oints Ff arit"5 ▫

Stain Remoer 


oints Ff 6ifference5 ▫

0erm L 8ighter 

C'nsu%er De)#-er!4#)#ty Cr#ter#! F'r POD/

Releance5 $ per cent of consumers felt that oing to pollution, there as a need to make clothes germ-free, hile 3$ per cent ere ar" of skin infections from clothes that had germs een after a ash! 6istinctieness5 0erm - 8ighting Belieabilit"5 adding neem , herbal properties , in the detergent makes the difference of germ fighting belieable!

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  No need of Hot ater! ▫

:nhances life of fabric  No Bad Fdour Saes time and electricit"

  Natural • •

Waste ater not harmful to enironment reents skin allergies

+r!nd 5!)ues

i l o)

t r

f t


l Brand antra5 Natural, Superior, ;onfident

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+r!nd !r"et#n$ Pr'$r!%%es •

 Name5 Henko S"mbol  Ne design and packaging ▫

ntroducing ne SGK (E' gms)

2ingle =Sabka Hai :k Hi Naara , Henko Hai Gapdo Ga Sahara?

Pr'%'t#'n!) c!%0!#$ns •

6irect marketing  demonstrations in large societies to sho effectieness of germ free  propert" 6istributing T-shirts, caps ith ne s"mbol and compan" alues ! Fn the spot complementar" gift for people at demo Adertising ▫

TJ edia


Brand Ambassador5 rrfan Ghan =Safai Ga Na+aria Badlo?

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+r!nd 0er('r%!nce %e!sure%ent •

;larit" ▫

Rate the brands --Surf :Ccel --Tide

-- Henko

-- Ariel

on the attributes mentioned belo5 --Stain free •

-- ;leanliness

-- 8ragrance

$ per cent of consumers felt that oing to pollution, there as a need to make clothes germ-free, hile 3$ per cent ere ar" of skin infections from clothes that had germs een after a ash! Neem is a knon natural disinfectant!

6istinctieness ▫


Releance ▫

--0erm Remoer

Ksing Scales used in 6S methodolog"

;onsistenc" ▫

Across communication

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Gr'6#n$ !nd sust!#n#n$ +r!nd E7u#ty •

Brand ill stand out as a Mnatural4 product

Frgani+ation4s continued focus on enironment protection  0o 0reen nitiatie

;SR actiities for customers as ell as ndustr"

Hen"e) Nee% P)!nt!t#'n Pr'$r!%%e •

1aunch of MHenkel Neem lantation rogramme4

All branches of Henkel ill hae Neem trees on campus

HN ill also hae tie-ups ith corporates

E rupees from eer" unit sold ill go toards Henkel Neem lantation programme

Cust'%er C'nnect •

;ustomers gie back to nature

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Sense of responsibilit" inculcated

Spread of aareness about global impact of deforestation


Being the H:NGF the eakest brand among the other ashing poder brands, here are some recommendations5  The" should promote and adertise their brand more like other brands are do ing ith

 brand personalit"!  There should be proper distribution channel and should follo S; techni9ues!  The" should decrease the production cost so R can be inched don!  The" must obsere the competitors of ashing poder about hat strategies do the"

use! 

The" can come up ith ne strateg" like online selling or free home de lier" of ashing poder!

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