Heluo Workbooks

January 18, 2017 | Author: Angel Celestial | Category: N/A
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Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui (玄空飛星派風水)


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Nine Star Ki astrology (九星命理) Four Pillars of Destiny fate calculation (子平八字算命 ) 9 Star Divination - Personal and Global Events (九宮占卜) FREE LESSONS & ARTICLES

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Heluo Qi Explorations / Heluo Qi Xue 賀洛氣學. Tel.: +31 (0)23-5333375 / Office: [email protected] / Website: www.heluo.nl

Table of Contents workbooks 4-day master classes & specialization seminar 9 Star Divination All life classes and workbooks at advanced level, manuals authentic, illustrated and with a wealth of key terminology in Chinese characters and Pinyin. Added also - Table of Contents to our 4-day seminar “9 Star Divination - Personal and Global Events” [now also as private distant learning course] Live master classes with certificate. Master classes in the Netherlands and abroad on your invitation. We offer cumulative compensation to our organizers.


Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui 700 pages of authentic and advanced teaching See for distant support course if you cannot reach live class

ANCIENT COSMOLOGY AND BASIC LUOSHU DYNAMICS Directions Heaven Qi Man Qi Earth Qi Why is South on top Grammar Your journey through the Luoshu Origin of the Luoshu He Tu dynamics The sun pattern Yi Xian Tian - the Former Heaven Trigrams Hou Tian – the Later Heaven Trigrams Yin and Yang dynamics in the Luoshu Cycles of creation in the Luoshu Cosmograph Planets The creation of Infinite Universe Mirror Image South and North Luoshu Palace Japanese Luoshu Why is Star 5 so special The Dragon Jupiter Individual squares Ancient cosmology Xiantian Gua Houtian Gua Heaven Qi Earth Qi Male approaching female Dao Wu Xing – Five Transformations Calendar Dao - 7 Principles of One Infinite Universe De - 12 Laws of Cyclic Change of one Infinite Universe Tai Ji Planets Trigram attributes About seasons Big Dipper and Trigram attributes Magic Square Why South is so important The center Myth and Luoshu Five Transformations Yin and Yang attributes

13 15 15 15 16 17 18 19 21 25 27 29 29 31 32 34 35 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 44 45 46 46 49 49 49 52 54 57 58 58 59 60 61 61 62 63 64 64 67 69 73

Yin and Yang classifications The Five Elements analogy FIVE TRANSFORMATIONS

74 75

Months and organs Personal magnetism Wandering Wuxing

79 81 82

Shēng and Kè Chinese compass and Luoshu Body and Application Earth orbit One Qi Supporting cycle Destructive cycle Controlling cycle Damaging cycle Sibling cycle Earth orbit Wood phase Earth orbit Fire phase Earth orbit Metal phase Earth orbit Water phase Earth Earth tilted axis Explanation and analogy Heliocentric versus geocentric Human magnetism Twelve Stages of Life Twelve Stages of Life around the Luopan Character and temperament 24 Solar Terms Zhong Qi and earth orbit Five Phases and their properties around the globe Wood type person Fire type person Earth type person Metal type person Water type person Juggle the elements Strengthening measures to Wood Strengthening measures to Fire Strengthening measures to Earth Strengthening measures to Metal Strengthening measures to Water Weather patterns and temperament Choice of food

85 86 87 88 90 91 91 92 92 93 94 95 95 96 97 98 100 101 102 103 104 105 108 112 113 115 118 122 125 127 131 133 133 134 135 135 136 137

HISTORY AND APPLICATION Kān Yú Tǐ and Yòng Host-Guest Jianxi Ancestral Temple method Xuán Kōng Liù Pài Feng Shui Paradigm

139 139 140 142 142 143 145

LANDSCAPE AND SURROUNDINGS Dragons lair The three properties of a Feng Shui site Interaction between Mountain, Water and Stars The ultimate adjustment Feng Shui logic Holy I Holy 0 Modern Mountain and Water Earth Qi Heaven Qi Yin Zhai and Yang Zhai Yin Zhai setting Yang Zhai setting Huángshān

149 153 153 153 155 155 155 156 156 157 159 162 163 170



BASIC PRINCIPLES Qi rides with the wind What has to be opened, we need to open Qi heals Qi, objects move each other Give Mountain to Good Mountain Dragons Give Water to Good Water Dragons If you cannot find the Mountain Dragon

184 187 187 190 190 191

193 194 194 195 195

LUO PAN Magnetic Needle Magnetic North Three distinct Needles Luo Pan Needles Earth Plate Correct Needle Heaven Plate Seam Needle Man Plate Central Needle Conclusion and application Map North Early Luo Pan

197 198 198 200 201 201 202 203 204 205

HOW TO BUILD YOUR FLYING STAR CHART The Chinese Compass Construction Period Properties of the 9 Stars 24 Mountain ring Summary Earth Map Big Dipper Heaven Map Defining built structure Facing and Sitting Star From Qi influence to Qi effect Cure or adjustment Influence and effect

221 223 224 224 226 227

FORM AND SHAPE IN FENG SHUI Wood shape Fire shape Earth shape Metal shape Water shape Forms and Stars 1 Water Star and forms 2 Earth Star and forms 3 Wood Star and forms 4 Wood Star and forms 5 Earth Star and forms 6 Metal Star and forms 7 Metal Star and forms 8 Earth Star and forms 9 Fire Star and forms

230 230 230 230 230 231 232 232 233 233 234 234 235 235 235

HEAVEN’S HEART The Thousand Petal Lotus Same-same Same-different Different-different

240 243 243 243

CONSTRUCTION DATE OR MOVE IN DATE Construction date theory Move in date theory Human Qi and Use Application Stars

246 246 248 251


BASIC TOOLS Earth Plate Heaven Plate Water Dragon chart Mountain Dragon chart Man Plate

Reference point for Qi What’s next What’s in Heaven’s Heart? Period Star descending Tai Ji But why is there no Star in the center

210 211 212 213 214 215 215 216 216 217 219 219 220

Stem Pairings and tranformations Stem Clashes Branch Clashes Branch Frames Tài Suì Suì Pò Sān Shà Further reflections

256 256 257 257 258 259 260 262

FLYING STARS AND TIMELINESS Shēng Wàng Shuāi Sǐ Shā 1 White Water Star 2 Black Earth Star 3 Green Wood Star 4 Dark Green Wood Star 5 Yellow Earth Star 6 White Metal Star 7 Red Metal Star 8 White Earth Star 9 Purple Fire Star Mountain Star emotions Water Star events

264 264 264 264 2 64 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 273 274

STARS INSIDE YUN AND OUTSIDE YUN 1 Water 2 Earth 3 Wood 4 Wood

276 276 277 277

5 Earth 6 Metal 7 Metal 8 Earth 9 Fire Stars when in the Si - death - phase 2 Earth 3 Wood 4 Wood 5 Earth 6 Metal 7 Metal 8 Earth 9 Fire Sān Bān Guà Using Stars in Period 7 Using Stars in Period 8

278 278 278 278 278 279 279 279 280 280 280 280 280 280 286 288 289

8 Earth 9 Fire

362 362

BA ZHAI Personal Gua House Trigram Fu Wei North Power of the smallest or the odd one out Trigram attributes Inner Trigrams Changing lines East Life Group and West Life Group Changing Fu Wei Dui house Monk Yīxíng Emperor Xuanzong

369 369 370 373 374 374 375 380 382 386 388 390

81 STAR COMBINATIONS CHART TYPES Stars are portents only Stars are people Small Tai Ji Water Dragons Mountain Dragons Annual Stars Relating annual Star to Palace Relating annual Star to Time Star Relating annual Star to Water Dragon Relating annual Star to Mountain Dragon Star 1 Portents Period 7 Star 2 Portents Period 7 Star 3 Portents Period 7 Star 4 Portents Period 7 Star 5 Portents Period 7 Star 6 Portents Period 7 Star 7 Portents Period 7 Star 8 Portents Period 7 Star 9 Portents Period 7 Reading the Stars Location and direction Tilted doors

296 299 300 301 301 302 302 303 303 304 306 308 310 312 314 316 317 318 319 320 322 330

9 STAR DIVINATION Annual chart General attributes 1 Water House portents 2 Earth House portents 3 Wood House portents 4 Wood House portents 5 Earth House portents 6 Metal House portents 7 Metal House portents 8 Earth House portents 9 Fire House portents 9 year cycle Stars Using Annual and Monthly Stars

340 341 342 342 342 342 343 343 343 344 344 345 346

NINE STAR KI AND GUA NUMBERS The Big Dipper Big Dipper and Trigrams Trigram attributes Finding your first Number Finding your second Number Finding your third Number Calculating annual Stars and Stars for men and women 1 Water 2 Soil 3 Tree 4 Tree 5 Soil 6 Metal 7 Metal

350 350 352 356 357 358 359 361 361 361 361 362 362 362

Form and Qi Use Host-Guest Observation and personal skill Adding up to Ten Pearl String Sān Bān Guà Fu Yin and Fan Yin Imprisoned Star

393 394 395 395 396 399 400 402 405

REPLACEMENT STARS Void Lines Replacement Star disc Flying Stars Ancient Principles Dào

411 413 419 421

FLYING STAR FENG SHUI FOR CITIES Arena Time chart and Earth chart Downtown Mokum Who said ‘no land’? National Airport Feng Shui improvements Period 8 Gedogen

462 466 475 476 478 480 483 484

SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE AND UNIVERSAL QI Heliocentric versus Geocentric Magnetic North Wobble The three compass Needles The analogy Twelve Earthly Branches Ten Heavenly Stems Gānzhī Timing years and months Li Chun Waxing and waning Qi Wood Fire Metal Water Earth tilted axis Explanation and analogy Equinox and Solstice Twelve Zhong Qi Summary The Wu Xing ‘One Qi’ circuit Adjusting the Ba Gua Further arguments Defining a year

486 487 487 489 490 497 499 499 500 501 503 504 505 506 506 507 509 510 511 514 515 521 522 526

Tropical Zodiac Sidereal Zodiac Astrology for Southern Hemisphere Precession cycle and Earth’s orbit around the sun Big Dipper through a year Star Vega Seasons Conclusion

526 526 528 529 532 533 535 546

QUALITIES OF A FENG SHUI XIANSHENG How to become a diviner Lǐ - Principle Diving deep Physical awareness Channeling

552 553 553 553 553



HUMAN QI AND DESTINY CHANGE Is destiny predetermined Take two steps back Brain and Spine Recurring patterns Wú Wéi Reason When to refrain from helping others When to help others 1. Food 2. External treatment 3. Physical exercise 4. Breathing and meditation 5. Self-reflection

565 566 567 568 572 574 578 578 579 579 580 581 582

BODY FENG SHUI Universal territory 9 Stars on our face Organs and Sheng Cycle Qi assimilation cycle Constitution Condition Body functions Ancestors Organs

587 588 589 590 592 592 593 594 595

STANDARD FLYING STAR CHARTS Period 1 - Standard Flying Star charts Period 2 - Standard Flying Star charts Period 3 - Standard Flying Star charts Period 4 - Standard Flying Star charts Period 5 - Standard Flying Star charts Period 6 - Standard Flying Star charts Period 7 - Standard Flying Star charts Period 8 - Standard Flying Star charts Period 9 - Standard Flying Star charts

601 603 605 607 609 611 613 615 617

REPLACEMENT STAR CHARTS Replacement Star charts – Period Replacement Star charts – Period Replacement Star charts – Period Replacement Star charts – Period Replacement Star charts – Period Replacement Star charts – Period Replacement Star charts – Period Replacement Star charts – Period Replacement Star charts – Period CASE STUDIES

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

621 623 625 627 629 631 633 635 637

Case Study I Case Study II Case Study III Case Study IV Solution Case Study I Solution Case Study II Solution Case Study III Solution Case Study IV

640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647


Nine Star Ki astrology and divination 407 pages of authentic and advanced teaching See for distant support course if you cannot reach live class



BASIC LUOSHU Directions Your personal journey through the Luo Shu Origin of the Luo Shu He Tu dynamics The Sun pattern Yi The Former Heaven sequence The Later Heaven sequence Yin and yang dynamics in the Luo Shu Cycles of creation in Luo Shu Cosmograph Planets The creation of Infinite Universe Mirror image South and North Palace Japanese Luo Shu Why is Number 5 so special Individual squares What comes first Nine Star Ki basic generalization into types The role of Earth Further classification Cosmology Practical application 9 Stars and Big Dipper

10 12 14 16 21 23 25 25 27 28 30 31 32 32 33 34 35 39 40 42 43 45 46 55 59

THE BIG DIPPER The Big Dipper The Big Dipper and Trigrams Trigram attributes Ba Gua Destiny Wheel Solar or Moon calendar Earthly Branches Heavenly Stems

59 60 61 64 69 72 74 75

BODY AND MIND ONE ORGANISM Qi assimilation Cycle of Transmutation Magic Square Why South is so important The center Myth and the Luo Shu

79 80 81 82 83 85

FINDING YOUR THREE PERSONAL STARS Finding your first Star Finding your second Star Finding your third Star Calculating year Stars and Stars for men and women

88 89 90 91

NINE LUOSHU Host and Guest in the year 2003 Luo Shu for a month Luo Shu for a day

95 96 96

OPPOSITE LUOSHU PALACES Opposite Palaces in the Luo Shu



Wu Xing Supportive cycle Controlling cycle Weakening or Destructive cycle Damaging cycle Sibling cycle Exploring magic squares

98 102 102 103 103 103 104

FIVE PHASES AND THEIR PROPERTIES Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Juggle the elements Strengthening measures Weather patterns and temperament Using the year 2001 as an example

107 110 115 118 120 124 125 126 127

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS ‘1’, ‘2’ and ‘3’ relations Diagnosing your personal Qi

128 134

BASIC CHARACTER AND EMOTIONS Plus and minus emotions linked to organs Influence of your three Stars First Star Second Star Third Star Function of first, second and third Star Nine Star Ki applied professionally

138 141 141 142 144 147 151

COSMOLOGY Binary Model of Creation Wu Xing Trigrams The Nineteen Principles of the Infinite Universe Tai Ji Yin and Yang attributes Yin and yang classifications Star 5 Yellow Trigram attributes

153 154 155 156 157 158 159 163 164

CHANGING TRIGRAMS Changing lines Male and female Qi Male and female cycles Chinese Ming Gua Personal portents House portents West - or Dui - house East Life Group and West Life Group

165 169 170 172 174 174 176 178

CALENDAR 24 Solar Terms 24 Solar Terms table Time cycles Ten Heavenly Stems Twelve Earthly Branches Stems and Branches coupled Cycle of Stems and Branches Double hours

183 184 185 188 188 189 189 189

Seasons Calculating month Stem Twelve Zhong Qi Cycle of sixty Stems and Branches Grand Duke Qi Sha

190 192 194 195 197 198

House of 1 Water House of 2 Earth House of 3 Wood House of 4 Wood Your personal do’s and don’t for 1997-2001

274 275 276 276 277

TWINS ARROW IN LUOSHU BASIC FACE READING Relevance of Northeast-Southwest axis in Luoshu


EXTENDED 9 STAR PROPERTIES JOINED NINE STAR KI AND CHINESE ZODIAC CYCLES 1 Water 2 Earth 3 Wood 4 Wood 5 Earth 6 Metal 7 Metal 8 Earth 9 Fire

209 211 213 215 217 219 221 223 225

COUNTING MONTH STARS ON YOUR FINGERS Everything is in your hand Using your fingers as Luoshu Using your fingers in Four Pillars of Destiny Using your fingers in Xuan Kong Feng Shui Significance of month table used in Nine Star Ki Nine Star Ki months over the Luo Pan

229 232 233 233 234 236

NINE STAR KI DAY KI CALCULATIONS Nine Star Ki days Jia Zi cycle of sixty Stems and Branches Time of Solstice The calculation Rule of Ten and He Tu More calculation Six periods between Solstices Stars run backward December Solstice day Stars June Solstice day Stars Example of a Luni-Solar Calendar 2002 Example of a Nine Star Ki day calendar

237 240 241 242 243 244 246 247 248 249 250 251

ASTRONOMICAL DIVINATION Precession cycle Big Dipper throughout a year Draco constellation Precession cycle Celestial Sphere Human magnetism Nine Star Ki and New Age Galaxy Twelve Zhong Qi

331 332 332 333 334 336 339 342 344

KANAGI GURUMA 81 Palaces Shenming Shu Shenming Pan Adding up to 15 Adding up to 369 Stars in the subsquare He Tu relevance Length of a year More significance The role of 5 Yellow How to understand Shenming Shu Flow of Qi Odd and Even Numbers Shenming Pan Time and Direction Positioning Star 5 Odd and Even Numbers

346 346 347 347 348 348 349 351 353 354 355 357 358 359 360 361 363

DESTINY CHANGE 9 STAR DIVINATION - PERSONAL AND GLOBAL EVENTS Foreseeing events with Nine Star Ki Fire Trigram for the year 2000 Fire attributes 2000 in general Fire Works Factory Direction and location How To Interpret Nine Star Ki Basic prediction techniques Before you start your prediction How to follow news Specific divination Attributes of Houses and directions Some basic considerations Role of Houses and Numbers Synchronicity Fine tuning predictions 2000 Basic Luo Shu attributes

252 252 253 253 255 257 258 258 259 259 260 263 266 267 268 268 269

YOUR PERSONAL 9 YEAR CYCLE THROUGH LUOSHU Your personal birth square House of 5 Earth House of 6 Metal House of 7 Metal House of 8 Earth House of 9 Fire

270 271 271 272 272 273

Approach from Reason Yin approach Yang approach Reasons to stay away from people’s destiny When to help Food External treatment Physical exercise Breathing and meditation Self-reflection

373 373 374 376 376 377 378 378 379 381

YOUR PERSONAL QI DIARY Your Personal Qi Diary What are off days How to become a diviner Modern learning

382 390 391 394


Four Pillars of Destiny fate calculation 560 pages of authentic and advanced teaching See for distant support course if you cannot reach live class

In addition to its vast contents and to the back of the Bazi workbook, you will find our self produced Chinese Luni-Solar calendar (in both Chinese characters and Western code for your convenience) running from 1900-2047. Class will learn 22 Chinese characters to the Heavenly Stems and the Earthly Branches, ensuring your full autonomy over the curriculum. This class will also teach you formula to build a complete Four Pillars of Destiny chart without at all referring to a Solar calendar. DISCLAIMER ON SEASONS








Practical application and positioning Formula Exploring the basics Follow the stone Assessing destiny Personal Qi resonance Magnetic trinity

20 21 21 23 23 24 25

Destiny Wheel


Body and mind: one organism Qi assimilation Cycle of Transmutation

31 34 35

GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH FOUR PILLARS Your first Four Pillars explorations Chinese zodiac Twelve Earthly Branches Ten Heavenly Stems Gānzhī Pillars structure The cycle of sixty Stems and Branches Five types of Rat Void Branches Building the Four Pillars Timing years and months Li Chun Waxing and waning Qi Month Stems Daymaster Family and environment

40 40 41 43 43 44 47 48 49 50 50 52 53 54 55 56

Earth orbit Metal phase Earth orbit Water phase Earth Earth tilted axis Explanation and analogy Heliocentric versus geocentric Wood Fire Metal Water Human magnetism Twelve Stages of Life Twelve Stages around the Luo Pan Character and temperament 24 Solar Terms Twelve Zhong Qi Zhong Qi and earth orbit Five Phases and their properties around the globe

84 85 86 87 89 90 90 90 90 90 91 92 93 94 97 100 101 102


108 110 114 118 122 126

Juggle the elements Strengthening measures Choice of food

130 131 135

ANCIENT ASTROLOGY Astrology or physiology Bā Zì Lǐ Xū Zhōng Wàn Yù Wú Today’s positioning Cyclical timing

140 141 141 142 143 143


CHARTING THE EIGHT PILLARS The foundation Stems contained in Branches The environment Proficiency Five Transformations Stars and planets Months and organs Personal magnetism Wandering Wu Xing Shēng and Kè Earth orbit One Qi Wu Xing cycles Supporting cycle Destructive cycle Controlling cycle Damaging cycle Sibling cycle

59 60 62 64 68 70 72 73 75 76 77 79 80 80 80 81 81 82

Astronomical origin of Wu Xing Earth orbit Wood phase Earth orbit Fire phase

83 83 84

Sexeganary cycle Void Branches Formula to find Void Branches

148 149 151

TIMING Stems contained in Branches Double hours Eight Pillars of Luck Defining a year Perihelion and Aphelion Equinox and Solstice Timing in the Four Pillars of Destiny Solar calendar or Lunar calendar

158 160 161 162 164 167 170 172

CALCULATING THE FOUR PILLARS Plotting the Four Pillars Year formula Month formula Day formula Hour formula

178 180 181 182 184

ESTABLISHING FIRST LUCK PILLAR Calculating age of first Luck Pillar


Character and temperament Daymaster and character Type of chart and character Useful God and character

272 276 279 280

STEM AND BRANCH DYNAMICS CHART TYPES Earthly Branches dynamics Triangular combination Directional formation Branch clash Branch combinations Six Harms

194 195 200 205 2 06 206

HEAVENLY STEM DYNAMICS Stem Pairings Stem Clashes

208 209

TIMING AND STRENGTH Strength Function True Local Solar Time Equation of Time

214 214 217 220



The Ten Gods Friendly Parallel Unfriendly Parallel Proper Resource Unbecoming Resource Gracious Output Drastic Output Proper Wealth Unbecoming Wealth Proper Power Unbecoming Power Administration of a country

227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 228

FUNCTION OF DEITIES Friendly Parallel Friendly Parallel Proper Resource Unbecoming Resource Gracious Output Drastic Output Proper Wealth Unbecoming Wealth Proper Power Unbecoming Power Further classification

234 234 235 235 236 236 237 237 238 238 239

Defining Chart Style Prosperity and Sword Vibrant type Overly Vibrant type Proper Resource Type Unbecoming Resource Type Gracious Output Type Drastic Output Type Proper Wealth Type Unbecoming Wealth Type Proper Power Type Unbecoming Power Type

284 286 287 288 289 289 290 290 291 291 292 292

TRANSFORMATION STYLE Transformation Style Follow Transformation type Expert or diviner

296 299 302



Strong and Weak charts Strong type Weak type

309 309 310

Extremely Strong charts Wood Trend Fire Trend Earth Trend Metal Trend Water Trend Follow Intensity Follow Strength

311 311 312 312 312 312 313 313

Extremely Weak charts Follow the Leader Follow Power Follow Son Follow Wealth

314 314 315 316 317

LOCATING PEOPLE Family members and others


QI FLOW BETWEEN PILLARS Qi flow between Pillars


TWINS AND ASTROLOGY Identical charts, different destiny



Element or Divine Deity Archetypes Assessing Useful God The right behavior Prevalent Qi

244 246 247 249 251

NINE STAR ASTROLOGY The 9 Stars and Big Dipper The Big Dipper Trigram attributes

344 345 347

Timeliness and location of Useful God Qi heals Qi Summary Useful God Personal timing and strategy

252 257 259 260

Finding your three Nine Star Ki Stars


Nine Star Ki basic character and emotions




The Ten Gods and career choice Career choice

269 271

Luo Shu 9 Stars personal divination Annual chart General attributes 1 Water House portents

362 363 364 365 366

2 Earth House portents 3 Wood House portents 4 Wood House portents 5 Earth House portents 6 Metal House portents 7 Metal House portents 8 Earth House portents 9 Fire House portents 9 year cycle Stars 9 Stars house divination

366 366 366 367 367 367 368 368 369 370

HUMAN QI AND DESTINY CHANGE Introduction Brain and Spine Recurring patterns Approach from Reason Approach from Yang Approach from Yin 1. Food 2. External treatment 3. Physical exercise 4. Breathing and meditation 5. Self-reflection

376 379 380 387 388 388 391 392 392 393 395

HUMAN BODY Human Body Universal territory 9 Stars on our face Organs and Sheng Cycle Qi assimilation cycle

400 402 403 404 405

Face diagnosis Constitution Condition Body functions Ancestors Organs

407 407 407 408 409 410

418 420 427 428



The Wu Xing ‘One Qi’ circuit Arguments on both sides Adjusting the Ba Gua Further arguments Defining a year Astrology for Southern Hemisphere Precession cycle and Earth’s orbit around the sun Big Dipper through a year Seasons The human body argument Do’s and do nots for the Southern Hemisphere

481 483 487 488 492 495 496 499 501 503 505

China and Southern Hemisphere Conclusion

507 512

LEARNING CHINESE CHARACTERS The basis Western codes Method Twelve Earthly Branches Ten Heavenly Stems

518 521 523 524 527


ADDITIONAL CHARTING IN FOUR PILLARS Reading deep into fate Symbols Conventional method Advantages of the new proposed format

Southern Hemisphere challenge

435 439

SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE AND UNIVERSAL QI We measure Earth Magnetic Field Magnetic North The three compass Needles The analogy Hidden origin of Five Transformations Twelve Earthly Branches Ten Heavenly Stems Timing years and months Waxing and waning Qi

452 453 455 456 458 463 465 466 469

Four quarters and pushing hands Wood Fire Metal Water Earth tilted axis Explanation and analogy Equinox and Solstice Twelve Zhong Qi

470 470 471 472 472 473 475 476 477

Chinese nomenclature


TABLES Jiǎ-Zǐ Hidden Elements Month Stem Day formula Hour Stem Gods and Devils

537 538 539 540 541 543

APPENDIXES Chinese luni-solar calendar 1900-2047

554 575


9 Star Divination - Personal and Global Events 150 pages master piece in unsurpassed style See for distant support course if you cannot reach live class

INTRODUCTION Luoshu and 9 Star principles Cosmology Tài Jí Hé Tú Binary Model of Creation Sun and Moon path The Nineteen Principles of One Infinite Universe DAO - 7 Principles Of One Infinite Universe DE - 12 Laws of Cyclic Change of One Infinite Universe Pre Heaven (Xiāntiān) and Later Heaven (Hòutiān)

10 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15

TRANSLATE STARS INTO EVENTS, EVENTS INTO STARS How to find your Nine Star Ki Stars Finding your first Star - year of birth Finding your second Star - month of birth Finding your third Star Luoshu Yin or Yang temperament of Stars Alignment: a full set of lenses Big Dipper Exploring the 9 Magic Squares Annual, month and day squares How to locate the third Star Significance of opposite Stars Luoshu Palaces – positive or negative Parroting How to relate your personal Stars to Luoshu First health, then resulting temperament Changing your personal magnetism 1. Food 2. External treatment 3. Physical exercise 4. Breathing 5. Self-reflection and appreciation

17 17 17 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 26 27 28 29 29 29 29 29 29

NINE STAR KI BASIC EMOTIONS AND TEMPERAMENT Plus and minus emotions 1 Water 2 Earth 3 Wood 4 Wood 5 Earth 6 Metal 7 Metal 8 Earth 9 Fire Five Transformation dynamics

31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 33 34

9 STAR DIVINATION Revealing past, present and future Foreseeing tendencies requires our logic approach The working process The basics Blast in fireworks factory Directions and location How to interpret Nine Star Ki events How to follow news Specific prediction techniques Five Transformations General attributes for Palaces and Stars Your personal recurring 9 year Luoshu path Star attributes for divination

38 38 39 40 42 44 44 45 46 46 48 48 49

1 Water 2 Earth

49 49

3 Wood 4 Wood 5 Earth 6 Metal 7 Metal 8 Earth 9 Fire

50 50 51 52 52 53 53

More basic considerations for divination Role of Palaces and Stars Role of 5 Yellow Star 5 properties Noble and despotic 9 Stars and buildings Star 1 visiting the 5 Earth Palace Star 2 visiting the 5 Earth Palace Star 3 visiting the 5 Earth Palace Star 4 visiting the 5 Earth Palace Star 5 visiting the 5 Earth Palace Star 6 visiting the 5 Earth Palace Star 7 visiting the 5 Earth Palace Star 8 visiting the 5 Earth Palace Star 9 visiting the 5 Earth Palace Weird events

54 55 56 56 56 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 59

EXAMPLE PERSONAL FATE READING Sharing all available rules for divination Synchronicity Annual forecasting 5 Yellow Palace

61 67 69 69

PERSONAL JOURNEY THROUGH THE LUOSHU PALACES Your Star in the 5 Earth Palace Your Star in the 6 Metal Palace Your Star in the 7 Metal Palace Your Star in the 8 Earth Palace Your Star in the 9 Fire Palace Your Star in the 1 Water Palace Your Star in the 2 Earth Palace Your Star in the 3 Wood Palace Your Star in the 4 Wood Palace How to approach divinations done for this section Reading personal Star and annual Luoshu Reading annual Luoshu and birth chart Reading deeper into Luoshu Adventure into subscript

73 74 75 76 77 78 81 82 83 84 84 84 85 86

DIVINATION PERSONAL AND GLOBAL EVENTS 2006 Who is Star 3 Wood and how to forecast Sample reading Month by month global forecasting for 2006 Personal forecasting 2006 Your position for the year 1 Water 2 Earth 3 Wood 4 Wood 5 Earth 6 Metal 7 Metal 8 Earth 9 Fire Your position through the months of 2006 February and November 2006 March 2006 and December 2006

90 93 96 104 104 104 104 104 104 105 105 105 105 105 106 106 110



Who is Star 2 Earth and how to forecast Star combinations and Gua Try to examine Fu wall hits the body Month by month global forecasting for 2007 Personal forecasting 2007 Your position for the year 1 Water 2 Earth 3 Wood 4 Wood 5 Earth 6 Metal 7 Metal 8 Earth 9 Fire

116 117 118 124 130 130 130 130 130 131 131 131 131 131 132

Start of Solar months All annual and monthly Luoshu 1 Water 2 Earth 3 Wood 4 Wood 5 Earth 6 Metal 7 Metal 8 Earth 9 Fire

187 189 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199

Your position through the months of 2007 March and December 2007 April 2007 and January 2008

134 134 138

APPENDIXES Copy sheet Luoshu Monthly news and events sheet Links About Heluo Day Star calendar

200 201 202 203 205

DIVINATION PERSONAL AND GLOBAL EVENTS 2008 Who is Star 1 Water and how to forecast Month by month global forecasting for 2008 Personal forecasting 2008 Your position for the year 1 Water 2 Earth 3 Wood 4 Wood 5 Earth 6 Metal 7 Metal 8 Earth 9 Fire

146 148 156 156 156 156 156 157 157 157 157 157 158

Your position through the months of 2008 February and November 2008 March 2008 and December 2008

160 160 164

DIRECTIONOLOGY General principles Star 5 Your own Star Other 9 Star directionology Earthly Branches Branch Clashes Tài Suì Things to note concerning Tai Sui Tai Sui guidelines Suì Pò Things to note concerning Sui Po Sui Po guidelines Sān Shà Branch Frames

170 171 171 171 171 173 174 174 174 175 175 175 176 176

RANDOM THOUGHTS Wait 9 days Contacting people Over 72 years of age Reading weird news People in powerful positions Off day Concentration Take two steps back Classified Ming Gua Check your friends Planning Keep records Be your own news agency A choice of past events

177 177 177 177 177 177 177 178 178 178 178 179 179 179 181


Due to ongoing request and in favor of those who would wish to - but can for a variety of reasons not - travel to reach live classes, we have just only recently decided to offer our workbooks away from actual class participation. TOPICS OF STUDY

9 Star Divination - personal and global events

九宮占卜 Four Pillars of Destiny fate calculation

子平八字算命 Nine Star Ki astrology

九星命理 Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui

玄空飛星派風水 While nothing still beats formal transmission through live class, you can now be eligible to obtain printed manual and enjoy personal Distant Learning Support. Besides receiving the books being printed to fit in a binder, you will be going through a one-to-one personal support process with Heluo of 6 months.

9 Star Divination

Exchange will be through a personalized and illustrated Word file that we may gradually see progress into a manual of its own as this file will then go back and forth between us all the time. Our contribution to your studies will be tailor made, offering authentic and exclusive teaching, catered to meet your questions and feedback, while reaching considerably beyond content of the manual for wisdom and skill. This exciting path will be an adventure of its own also as we advance on dynamic deliberations into metaphysical thinking, the teaching through Word file a great means to yet build additional materials to be added to your base manual. If you are interested to learn more, please email our office with your personal details. All in our personal support learning will be truly and strictly classified, for which reason this option has been greatly valued by professionals who have a name to lose in their field of practice. Distant learning support path involves intake process and non-disclosure agreement.

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