HEIRS OF Policronio URETA v HEIRS OF Alfonso URETA September 14, 2011| Mendoza, J. | Documentary Evidence; Paroe Evidence Di!e"ter# $nna Mic%aea &in!at SUMMARY: $'on"o (reta e)ecuted 4 Deed" o' Sae to *i" + c*idren incudin! Poicronio- and *i" commona/ /i'e to reduce t*e in*eritance ta)e". $'on"o continued to o/n, po" "e"", and enoy t*e and" and t*eir produce. *en $'on"o died, *i" *eir" e)ecuted a Deed o' E)traJudicia Partition. onrado, Poicronio3" ede"t "on, "i!ned t*e Deed in be*a' o' *i" co*eir". eievin! t*at t*e "i) parce" o' and beon!ed to t*eir ate 'at*er, and a" "uc*, e)cuded 'rom t*e Deed o' E)traJudicia Partition, t*e 5eir" o' Poicronio "ou!*t to amicaby "ette t*e matter /it* t*e 5eir" o' $'on"o. Earne"t e6ort" provin! 'utie, t*e 5eir" o' Poicronio 7ed a ompaint 'or Decaration o' 8/ner"*ip, 9ecovery o' Po""e""ion, $nnument o' Document", Partition, and Dama!e" a!ain"t t*e 5eir" o' $'on"o be'ore t*e 9:.
9: decared t*e Deed o' Sae nu and void 'or bein! ab"outey "imuated. 8n t*e ot*er *and, t*e Deed o' E)traJudicia Partition /a" decared vaid a" a t*e *eir" /ere repre"ented. $ a6irmed t*e 9: ruin! a" to t*e Deed o' Sae. t con"idered t*e te"timony o' $mparo a"tio one o' t*e !randc*idren-. 8n M9, t*e 5eir" o' Poicronio ar!ue t*at 9: vioated t*e be"t evidence rue in !ivin! credence to t*e te"timony o' $mparo a"tio /it* re!ard to t*e "im uation o' t*e Deed o' Sae. $ *ed t*at t*e ri!*t to obect /a" /aived. S a6irmed t*e ruin! o' t*e $. :*e 5eir" o' Poicronio 'aied to timey obect to t*e te"timony o' $mparo a"tio and t*ey are, t*u", deemed to *ave /aived t*e bene7t o' t*e paro evidence rue. $""umin! ar!uendo t*at t*ey *ave timey obected, t*e ar!ument" /i "ti 'ai. :*e appicabiity o' t*e paro evidence rue re
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