HEIRS OF MANUEL UY EK LIONG VS. CASTILLO GR 176425, JUNE 5, 2013 FACTS: Respondents in this case were petitioners in a civil case to annul the title of PMPCI over over respo responde ndents nts’’ land. land. Respond espondent ents s enter entered ed into into an AGREEMENT whereb in e!chan"e for the le"al services of Att. #epeda and the $nancial assistance of MA%&'( &) '* (I+%,- in the event of a favorable decision in the civil case- Att #epeda and Manuel would be entitled to /0 of the realties and1or 2onetar bene$ts which 2a be ad3udicated in favor of the respondents. Respond espondent entss- on the sa2e da enter entered ed into into a Ka!"#!a"- a"reein" to sell the re2ainin re2ainin" " 4/0 share in the land in favor favor of Manuel for the su2 of 56/7. 56/7. Manuel Manuel would pa a 5* down pa2ent upon e!ecution of the *asunduan. The a"reed that an part violatin" the Kasunduan would pa the a""rieved part a penalt $!ed in the su2 of P8/*- to"ether with the attorne’s fees and liti"ation e!penses incurred incurred should a case be subse9uentl $led in court. The respondents won in the CII( CAS'. The land was divided in accordance with the A$%&&'&"( but the respondent respondents s refused refused to co2pl co2pl with the KASUN)UAN, despite Manuel’s o;er to pa the re2ainin" 5a2a"es a"ainst respondents. ISS&': w1n the *asunduan should be "iven e;ect ?'(>: The *asunduan is valid. The prohibition applies onl durin" the pendenc of the suit and "enera "enerall ll does not cover cover contra contract cts s for contin contin"en "entt fees fees where where the transfer ta7es ta7es e;ect onl after the $nalit of a favorable 3ud"2ent. 3ud"2ent. The A"ree2ent A"ree2ent and the Kasunduan are not independent contracts- with parties- ob3ects and causes di;erent fro2 fro2 that of the other. other. +bli"ations arisin" fro2 fro2 contracts have the force force of law between the contractin" parties. @hen the ter2s of the contract are clear and leave no doubt as to the intention of the parties- the literal 2eanin" of its stipulation should "overn.
The Kasunduan contained a penal clause which provides that a part who violates an of its provisions shall be liable to pa the a""rieved part a penalt $!ed at P8/*- to"ether with the attorne’s fees and liti"ation e!penses incurred b the latter latter should should 3udicial 3udicial resoluti resolution on of the 2atter 2atter beco2es beco2es necessar necessar.. The obli"or would then be bound to pa the stipulated inde2nit without the necessit of proof of the e!istence and the 2easure of da2a"es caused b the breach. T*& +&"a(a!& $&"&%a- !/((!(& (*& "#&'"(- % #a'a$& a"# (*& +a-'&"(
"(&%&( " a& ""'+a"&. T*& %!& &(( (*a( a +&"a a!& "( '( ( a(!a a"# '+&"a(%- #a'a$&. The RTC’s award of attorne’s fees in the su2 of P8/-///.// is- however- proper. Aside fro2 the fact that the penal clause included a liabilit for said award in the event of liti"ation over a breach of the Kasunduan- petitioners were able to prove that the incurred said su2 in en"a"in" the services of their lawer to pursue their ri"hts and protect their interests.
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